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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0K1AN, WEDXKSOAY MOKNINU, KKMU"AttY if, HUM. gaily gtatm'trnt. JOHN T. LiaHTErt, Editor. 'alephona No. M. TKKMS OP SrUSCRIPTIOM. DAILT, 8rrt by malt, ptr er It Sent by mall par month A, Berv-d by carrier, por month WEEK.LT. tvnt by mill, per year, la Foauc frv 10 ubscrlbara, All cilmmimrVatoua Intended (or publi cation should b directed to Uia editor. Bualnma communtcationa of all kind tk! remittance) must ba addrtased te "Tha Astoriaa." Th A at on an tuant to 1U aub crlber th lanrcvt circulation of any Leanpaptr published on tha Columbia Adverllnr rxtra can b hnd on applr cation to the bulne manager. The Weekly Atnran, th second old- aat weekly In lh rtato of Oroiron, haa, nxt to tha Portland Occonin. th Wrrnst weekly circulation In tha mate. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland aevata, and ccrlc of the Astoitau can b bad every morning at their stand. l Third street. It fc noticed that sine Prwldent Pole's arrhMl th ojininTv-. of annexation re frain from asking htm any quetlona He caa jtva the facts, and they prefer ttie'.r wa mkirepreeentaUona, War without preparation wtiat soma of the noiry democrats have demanded. Tho rvpubllcurie, who bear the re-aponut-bUlly, have pnnared for war and that la tha bv reason for believing trial It will be mmeccjaau-y. The en-ineTS beaten In the great strike In England numbered &.CW men. T k,-ht-hour rule waa not the only traue In volved. Tho unnr proposed to control the twr of machinery, to reduce the em ployment of npprentloro, and rvvuMe overtime. The amount of K waa to make luibor scarce and put up the coeu of pro duction, compelling England to turn over mucA of her work to Uvrmany. Mr. Bryan's paper on Mexico la almoat as Interesting a (to advertisement or Journeys to southern springs In winter. Railroad got a good notice. The Mexican mountains are called by their uual name. Ttoe acenery gets a good notice. The advantages of being Independent enough to use ch-p ailver to Inflate prices are delayed by Bryan. But what did the democratic leadw want to double I tba price of aalverCor? Mr. Bryan persists, In th fraudulent use of The word bi- metal 11 m, but we must exoue him. He do not know any better and canoot hJp lu Tna .worklngmen of Mexico can- j not afford . time are 00 good, and 1 inerv ara no strikes, for labor doe not! organixe; but it is toe mlamon of the dno-ra:lc irty 10 Mcxicanizo us or per-1 tsh tr)-ing. $hall our good? we be MextainiXed for OUR OWN WAR LOl D. R is unfortunate that .he cau-e of Ouba . should be o largely championed with an air of the exclusive (Ke.-.on of all thej vlrtui ty men who are Irrational o f.u' ,. . , ,. mey s:na me i-.ieme itioj ",,r" favorite fo.- displays of the patriotism ne uuio no u. is their ouliur passion, suy tne btandard-L nion. Mr. Hitt, of Illinois, the chairman of tha omrmttw of for-ign affairs in the; house, made a ic!i a lew that, spoken in any other reia-esntative ; body, tx.'ept. periiap. tii UniteJ Slatt ur one of ojr l-t''.iafan-s. uuld have tuxn considered warlike. iuit.; an threat-1 enir.g as liie utterance of a member "fl the Brltuih cabinet threatening war in China. The firm character of Mr. Hltt's p--ch was comprehended by all men educated I In dealing .1fh International qmtitions. Mr. Hitt has been trained In diplomatic retatons. and thto measured worls were held to be of greater imirt than all that' the blaithirskite flllbu-sters have had to Kiy. Cut UiUi ieei.'h did not at all rat-' Isfy our war party which Is chiefly thel democratic party a.-ting ujkmi tradition, tmutlnatlon and the Insensate fatitadtlc1 aohemca of the filibuster. Th Cuban qucxtlon U one of ditriculty, and ft cannot be wlvd with a few whiff 1 of tobacco nmoke. an easily an vlo'uriei. meritorious cough remedy to do any good, that never lake place are won at Havana. Ii. Hi-ndi-rfin. i; ili.,r Imlly Artver or Key West. I lif"r- r''l1'te rt'- k. 'lo. S by (tiarlea uencrm tjiaiu vtuR a :i:ao m nraiuer ui character. He onb-nd r!io Fr-:neh army out of Mexico, and It got out. He pr- ss:l the Alatoama claims, und we got a lump - ot money out of fhem. During tho whole tlmo lhalt he was pri lnV'nt of the Cnittd States ttiere was wnr In Ctila. Sime of our sympathetic ixp-dltlonn were iap tured by the Spiinlurd. and in ono ca-! fifty-three of the prisoners, many of th m American oftlzens, were shot In one dlaiugliter pin. but there was no war. President ("ram did not permit lilmie!' to be yaJiooed Into breaklmg il.e p. ace. His generation kmw war, nnd wanted no more of It. President McKlnley t conduoting lilm self iwlth the BeriouwicM that Itelongn to responxndirty. Ho Is opposed to war tlhitt would disturb our country. That l his first care. The Sjiaiilards nad a gov. ru men In Cuba three hundn year before the United States wras a gTeat power. There in UI1 time for us to behave with dignity. There In irtrengtJi In f orttean me. Spain knows iwwll hor own desperate NlfnMlon. Tha revolutionary state of the rrty of Havana ttnrri PpunMi wntoh. fulne and occupies th regular army. It Is noncn to aiy that lUvan I at peace. ftpaln ha failed to owqtwr tib. Th preddent of tho Vnltr.1 Sta'. has protected American cttlsen and baa re lieved tha dtltMe. There are no Amer ican ftrliwiiera untried and In prln. Tfce President haa earned fpnln in a hlstcrl on! paper of our lirtereel In Cuba, our .tittle, our re.pMi.tttllli!,: and ha lia poken the ikvllve aord "Intervention hy fo-NV," umV-r condition ttmt all the world known are likely to arl.e. Mr. Hitt hnpreeMlvely srulcd -the caa a It It now undirwtood In WavhJnttton. Our fleet fitted out In th Ttiwklyn navy yard ha moved south, nnd I In .trlfcln: dlalunce of Havana-ten Iiomi f. rtw flew from Wn.l to land! ThM t the time to treat th great executUe xtfl.e 1;h re-pef, an.l tse prenident personally 'th decent conaldcr.itlon. The t'me are crt'.l It la a ivibtl - ,lut i.t ho r .v i'. . The president a . II not b niml, and he wll: do hi duly. The Wiv-km.-tn o'ten r.t; hi liru-ti On the earnc beiu-h where hi' J x'l M w.vrlc. The otll.-e nvn t.fM hi k Into a din ln,T t.-.!'!e. Nc ithiT crts the cut of doors ex-rvW-e he nel;. n.-irher t.ikes the pnp r lime for e.vls. " 1 smai: wonder that re dlAiW.lon of both jgfi out of orxler In such c.i Pr. I!erce' r;eint Pel lots come to their a:$:ancc by ai-llng na lure In t:k!nicere of the food. The Hue of nine-tenths of the s;ck resa of thv workl b coiuitipalion. FYnm th. one 0:;ie come lmliptlon; diord. era of the vtomach. liver and kidneys; bil livine.a. hcadadiw, ll.ittilenva. heartb.irn. impurity of the b!oM and the ttTlous complication that follow. To b-itln with, constipation m a little thing, and a little thing will cure It. Tfle ' ll.aaani Pellets" are tiny, sut;ar-'Oa;ed granuea Th-?y will perf.vtly cure the worst of constipation and indigestion. If the druggist Wi-ai lo sell you some other pill that pays him greater profit. Just think of what will b- st pay you. Some giris seem to think It the greatest fun to make a baaaful youth blush. HOW TO LOOK iXXr. Gooil Uxk are raily m.ire than akin d-ep. Jcnen.llng iniiivly on a he.iltny condition of all the vital orgins. If the liver be inactive, ywi have a bilious lxk If your stomach he dlsonlercl. you have j a dyspeptic look; If our kidneys ba a fee ted. you have a pl;ioh"d look. Secure I s-l health and hi will urely have gixM look. "Kleotric Ititt. rv" is a irvl alter ative and tonic. Act directly on the atom.ich. river ami kidneys. Punrte the blil. cures pimpl.-s. blotches .ind buik. and give a kxhI complexion. Kvery hot tie guaranteed. Sold at E:es--onn Drug To be ordered to a foreign clime Is to make one feel Immediately that there ! no place like home, sweet fcome. COVSl'MPTIOX 1XKITIVKLY tU RtHJ. Mr. R. B iJre-ve. nv-rvhnt, of Chd howle, 'a., certifies tha; he had oum-ump-Uon. was given up to die, soiKtit all med ical treatment that money could procure, I -If k l . .. . " u'-" ,r'"u'"' n near at. but got no relief; wa Induced to try Dr. Kin(..3 NVw Piscovery. and wa, cure.1 by us- of two bottles. For pat three years ha- b'" atten.l!ng to burt.--. ,uid aays "r; Klnf', NV Plw.ry Is the grand- ct remedy ever made, as , tnlB jone much fof hin, ,,, or oln ,n bm community. Or. King- New Discovery warantee-l for eough. c.pjls and con- sumpttion. It don't fail. Trial bottles at Kstes-Conn I'ruc Co. The plainest, meanest mun 1 im woman's eyes. is a hero In J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, 0., was for I 'hi.-ty years needlessly tortured by phy. aicians for the core of eczema. He waa q,jWkly cured by u,ln(f r-jt,., WUc6 HaiH Salve, the faroou healing salv for P"e and ln diseases, Chas. Rogert. It Is a rvlirf (, sv a woman who look s tnoutn p-ally had ,-omtl her hair Miss Allle Hughes, XorfLk. Va., waa , frightfully burtrfd on the face and neck, ; Pain was Instanty relieved by DcWItt'g n'"h Haiel Salve, which healed the re ila.a ago'Jarr wlthout leaving a scar. It I th famous pile remedy. Cha. Roger. The niwrnest thin? a newjj.aper woman can uo, accorling to -im i-ople' no tion, Is to visit th-m and t'.en writp ihem up. I TO CL'P.E A COLU IX 0X77 DAY. Take Laxative Bromo gulnjne Tablets. AH druggjeta refund the money If t fall to cure; Be. For sale by Charles Roger. At this of the year the evening gown at it lenlth. TiK A SKVEIiK fOLD AFTKIt T1U RI-, FIRK. After the big lire in Cripple Crw-k, 1 looK a v ry soyr.. ,,.) aw) ir;,., many r-mHm without h..p; ,, f)y be. eomlng rnrn metl-d. Afi-r using three HiTiail l.lw jr harnl-rhiin' Cough li-nn-ly. both M,e r.,. ull r,)in;h left tin-, and In this hitrh allit m1 It take a ltOK-rs, UniKirirft On day cl;ar, six days- ra:n,. sems to I." the. w.; k's average this winter. I'' ''-. ""')''"!. f , iy. i u,T.: M;pj. ,ir- tiiln, r-l fail. i II i.r . n j. i r , r. ...t . ttr.. beauty Ij'mI by .ir"i i-tj :.;,,. , i., ( iiir.nBA BoiP, a.J n:cw :!! .1., s;:.jv ;t Ui Tiorai, f.ureil U cni', iHTila. tin: at. rli,h cun-t. Treitment will proaute a rn. licalthy etnlp with iDiurnnt. luitruun b.r. wl,n ml -Ak l.lll. ol4 Uirmwhnnt th. w,-H. 1'oTTm Dro AD CllSM. Cine., Hto Prop... H.ntoi. r"Ha ut prwlue.," mtiUil frM. SKINS ON nRE&siKiiijrr4 mmnm roftira i T!l U the wy It n bound lo lock hen grtndlittbcr bad his "plctet lock. Thtie mil the h.o c( bt loie The coming ot Conjurer Psuette And hit art; like a girl In a pinntoie Some day to bloom to a g"di1c lair. M.'U crttainly weir not Mack, nr Vuow At they puluied thriu, jo )ri a to. Ayer'5 5airaparii!a bt::in to mivlco new 111011, Just tho cow pictures of i.: a Ivvthq to bo m ulo. Thous.i:u'.3 "f pooplo frouto.1 tho oat ii 7 wi-h bkina inailo cKnn from t!o:oh vnd blorn'.sh, booituso tlioy had pundoxl liio biucd Ayor's S.xrs. pr.ri'.Ia. It 1 3 A3 powerful now then. Its record provoa it. Others iruitste the remedy ; thay oau't imitate tho record : CO Years of Cures. MARINE NEWS. Tide title fof January. 1898 i H in ii warKH I.0W WATKH a. x. i'. v. l'ATK A. M. V. W. Ii.mirt.'ft. h. ill1 ft. i iii .to ; l:t .17 j it i: i . 1 1 : 4 .. i: 14 ; i 7 i U I 4 n i.i sol . .'I h.m It J I J S.iiurilavM sl'NPAY. '.' 1 1 7 4 nu. .r .mil I t". I) 1. . . -.' o I ; nil. 0'.' j II I: 4 I 7 I 1 II '. 7 I; ii I : 1 1 0 i Mondnv.... a oT 7 .' II 10 . ; Tutilrt v ... t lo tr.' 7 1 It v f o WeiliiVv. i 10 ' 7 ... Tliiirs.lay. 0 s II II ' ! rrldav ..... 7 I II 4 7 1 10 i Katurdav.. S I II 70 l.M: 0 sCNUAV. v 2 T 7 I I Mon. lav ...10 j .C! 7 T ui i s i oil Tuesday ..11 .UM 7 . H 7 7 II. I o 1 rtln.l v .i :ti 1 , .1 .V 7 I 1 hursitiiy.ll i 1.' 1 i a i. lo i in in 1 1 Friday II ivi . it : n i' i ii 'm ii in h i;. i a n 'u -' Sntun,.av..U A u( 4 M' SPAY. I i I l: : . q ki (.1 v. a . I I a I.Mday....l7 7 . I ""O-1 1 uduv. h hi s .' li J .i 4 I i e, I I s iv 1 III .I I J IT ll I Wednd y IK v.ti llVni ThurHlayw In . . '.. . F riday 21 u J 7 0 "II . i Sntiirilav " I Itt 7 .41 I' I . 4 7 M .1 K 7 3 ' s I . I II .7 Is i 1.1 I T' I IK o I n a .i ."7 u 1 9 i ii 10 I Hl NPAY ;i l 7l 1 -I'T .Mulldav... .'I '' CVSJI Tuedav .. i :ti '.'' Sin 7; wedns.1 x.y. z il a a :i J 7 .' Tliurday7 l:oi 4 llw I r rniav I .St 7 i a li a '.' 1 1 u 17 j)'i'r - I I Satunlnv. .S.ti7l -I li M 17 M'li.V..W 6 Ju7 Ij s.i'ia Monday ...HI 7 II 7 ;'l i n f' t : '" "1 ASTORIA'S OR UN FLEET UR, i i V ln-at Veel and Flag t'tla Vuiui liu-hiilbuni. ltr li ileiH-lvKii, Hr h -i ''!.' i IH..7-4 v;,n 7n,vrt i ... ... 70-1'1 In ,. : Il'u"! frahtenie, Hr h . 'nw n of "StitUnd, i ioitiva, Hr sh li: lliw.l. Hrh . iHiulirittuu. Hr -Ii . 1 i;jii in ai.px li.'.N'.'l 'iiinbrlun. HrbK inihrtHViie. Hr ll l. 41 Muh ilmrii. Hr h r, i, Marii-luil Surhet. Iir ti ll'.'.' U1 aknite. llr li Anilreta, Hr nil rraeau. Hr bk .. . Hr li 4-1.1 1 ! -.1 ; ; ;'." i 1 ':. in 1 X. II' ' r-T.'.i; Kill Mac l.eilall. ltr !! i'i ilia; 1.1.UO iirn-.lnle llr li Initliu'it fe. Hr li Ii'lli' Itir-llle', .... ranml. NrMr II... Hlaaalli.i. S -li IdiAinnu H Ijiw, fir l.k. ... Kkitthek. rli i ''i'.'.'.'I 1 .7-i h'i'V'I 1 '-'.Nil imwuilaie. Hr h V iilkoiniii. ii. i.i r ii ,,, , ; HalewiHMl, I'.rnh ! Ijuly ml win th. hr -ii Mitlii rhiniUlure, llr li j l-.ileiiliHiiyiniire, Hr .h. . I'hlloini ii", I'.r li I lUiii'lan.-ini. llr bk ! iueeii Maruaret br n j Am lf. li . .. Iiiuit re, lir h I Hen A x on llr bk i Viruin. Hr bk j Hr bk Klhiiriiiin-, Hr lik 1 Kl Sur tr ! Hmtf lure. I'.r tr Miihnnii, ltr li .. illiam Tilil. I.r b , Hail. I' .n 11.11. Brbi 1 J. I' I'rltiifiiriiernli I it. it. .'i.jiui .a'.l'i 1 .1 li.'Oi I. i.'.i.l. I...... 1 !'.':.! II .1 1 1 j . .4.717 U.''.l i..; I. ill IT. I 1. J.7ol fi.lli. Aiiaiiiba, Hr lik Peru, I rer bk I 'Hrradale. Itrbk KlKlnnliiri-. Hr h. I nuiuirtvlilre. llr ill . I'nni iiuiliit. lir bk Fall ul Clyde, Hr nil Iiuiiiiefu'lui, Fr bk lieariill Hi M'K, Hr Hllip . . . . .-llrkhlre, br bk City of ivrth, Hr Mr . Hrue.H, llr bk Iielitertyre, llr bk Waitalc, Hr nil iiplii'Ha. Nr bk Hurilowie. ltr li .... lirumeraig, Hr bk . S. Hymn, Hr ur Ktlrlekilale, Hr lr linilMinl, Hr utr I'niviiu', Hr nil Ombu, br utr ileiilee. hr ill .. .. Verlieim, br h ej. .. .. 7i. ' " 7n.', 7.J.7 - u-..ii 1 : v."' .7 in "1.174 I t7,'i'i ; ir,lii 1 ll'.IJl '.',l."i I t,i.;rKi .'im 7-.7n Hi.'" "I i.'.nc: H'.Mi: n.'.i .'i7, ) .com v,,oi l.7'Ji M..7j l'i,l.'. T'i. ! l.'.'.'.'.'K I -. ;.7t 1 .il. Illl -..."'1 lit ..'17 i,.i-; iV.'.i 1 lii.ii.ri ll.'.L-i l.l.C"! M S'X 1SI.1CI 1.1'J.'. Barrel of flow. MARI.VB NOTES. Tho tug FwirleKi, Captain P.atiilull, ar rlvel In from the Hound yesteplay A thre"-maiti.--l iio-niT waa r'-p-rt'I on tho liar yn.-tei'lay evening. The. German urtilp HI hoff, In tow cf Uh Tyee, from ttie rt'ijml, enteral Hit harbor l-atu last niglit. Tow bouts are on tho way down th': river from Portland and wiil take Hi" Jacques, Nithwlalo anil St' t-n up tn' river today, Tho Allian.-n wan launched from tno Smith' point ways at .1 o'clwk this morn ing and will proceed to Portland lo fit om for li r llrsi voyage lo Alaska. The Alaska miamer Blder arrived from Kkagway and way ports yinterday morn InK and unloaded rvX) tons of coal at the O. K. & N. oJil bvnkora. (ii- will pro ceed to Portland today. Notice is given that the Gray's Harbor outer buoy, aiblock and white perpendicu larly sltrlixj. flrst-cloa can, ha Iwen ro placed on lta station on tho outer edge Of the Gray's Harbor bar, also tho Umatilla Reof (Flattery rocta) wlilatlimg buoy, red, lettered "UmaUllu. Uccf" In White, has been replaced on ilri station off Uina.illa Reef (Pla M ery rock). Fifty Yearn Aco. vnasKU hound to astoria. Tha following veawl as bound to the tviumhl lllvixr, with nam of master, ratbuiallty, rig, Umiiair. whsra from and d4 of reported satlkwi Pm-enby Hall, Whlckham, Ur ah, tuna Liverpool Hen Volrlli, Ahler, IW lT font, Hanta Itosalta. Otago, Kk, wd I. W ton, Ham. burg. lvway IVntie, Jones, llr sh, 1W1 tone, Valparaiso, Vanduara, inavan, Pr bk, lm tuna, AIrma Pay. tr.enpark, Irish, I'r all, P.9 tons, Wo Janeiro, August .", ilUnNuik. Ui-Mr, tr bk, li" ton, j Ca'cutt. : tlinevu. Touge, Kr bk, : ton. Hal. ; phong, October IL J Henry Vlllard, latlett, Am h,- 147 ! to", New York. October li j ohron. Oiilly, Ur bk, lt ton. I .Newcastle, Australia, tv totter a. Jacijui, Iternadn, I'r bk, in) tons, Ma-! Jnnda. I'lielmstord, TIioiiihoii, Pr bk, 11'.'" tuis, I , O.ire INiwn, OVtaber j i I'lty of York, Jotut. Hr sh. Hit; tons, J Ikimti, Pivlhrring. llr bk, Kl tona, Preeiliantl. i Ciaii KoUrtson, Plil, Pr sh, 1(40 tone, Stnta K. wills. 1 i I'ritth ileneril, Thoinas, tr sh, 110 tons, N.'wcnaile, Australia. i Ml.lus, Mewiiiior. Ur Ik. lC una,! : Nuganakt. Yalorl, Prowii. I ir n, ll.l tons, Near.! castle. Australia. J.m.Io n Hill, Walker. Hr bk. f!7 tona, Melt iunN KlnliH k. IVrrelle, Ur str, rci t.tna, 1 Yokohama. Amars knt ttr sir l.'iia Iami ll.tii. Kent, Pr sir. INS ton. Hong. Alexander Plack. Punn. Pr bk, ISI ton?. Antwerp. Watjen, Frits. (er sh, !C7 Ions, llliM. Lord Shaflsbury, Cunningham. Br sh, 2?71 tons, Sydney. Bristol, Mclntyr. Br tr. in tona. I tan Francisco Kmllle, Oil ma in. Oer sh. 17 ton. To tohama. Anne Thoma Thorns. Pr h. 179 tcsis, Port Plrl Alnaira, Thiimon, Br bk, tona, Xewcajtle. Ausru'la. TKer nickmocr. Weslermeyer. (7er sh, j T Ions. Hongkonw. Aurk'and, Jm s. Hr sh. !3t5 torn Ade. laid. Olenlut, Tay! Pr sh. 114 ton. Royal . It.uuls. Ornnt . Pnn, Br 1"3 t'tns, f'lpiey, Pr bk. Iir tor. Ale. 1 Iwlrush. aiker. 'laid. M.iinl ilrtnyl Put. tl r ! :i!...!ia Alio. KuMmnnn. ,h. H' tor., .-Ian'1 'r h. SJ ton. Pr h. !7 trm. i'i ITpsali. i Roman iff. Morgan, ; Vewcnsti. Auatralla. 1 Forthbank, retrrson Pr bk ITS ton !,''! - rith.ntf. I I OwynedX Pavr, Pr bk. KM tona.' H.wiolulu. Puritan. , Pr tr, yzs tana. K1fN II Pltchoff, SohwarMng, Ger htp, ITT) ! tona. Melbourne, Nov. 5, due February. Audaman, t Inter, Pr bark. KB tone, Algoa Bay, , . ; Lownsilale, Joner Pr bark 14rfl tone. r-l. t. . I "I 1UII1T, . ram',rln Trlnre, , Pr ship. ICT ton. M-hiirn, . C"y of A,hrn- Lundlrr. Br shrp, I7W ton", Antwerp, . m.h-uI. Wrlchi. Pr tr. VT4 ii . I l ,rf.. J. Hueh Pr eh ll"'; S''ine v. i 1 V nmi. Cnb"l!ero. Chll h. I "71 '.on. ; 1 Tal.-iihiiano. j nr.-alli. S'.i.iri, Mr nh. 17iih ',in. An I 1 I-ranelco. i 1. .I.y. !r rh. .'1I i.r,.. S , lie. ! Januiirv 1. I '''"'k. T.i.l-en. ;. r l.k. j;r. t.trr. j IP-go. j I'-"!1'""' Itoblinon. lir bk. t-ni. I'-rt I'irle. Xovmb-r."? I.PMPKR n.ZKT. V-i- on the Way and In Columbia lilrr to Ixiad Lumber. 'r..i..liin. tin, 21 t.n, M,.. I Kr.ho, , hgtn, VA Knappton. Tenklo Ma-u Kaneko, Jap bk, 1141! tons, Yokohama. 'IWialix, ., bktn. Ci; tons, Sagaankl. IamiI. , whr. HJO, Call.10. Xorihwe,.-t, , ik i n. 4:0 ton, Han Marlon. , bktn, HIS ton. Sydney. Tarn OHhatiter, Patterson, bktn, 'Ja tor., Han Kra nc aco. Vldelte, , bk, Ions. San I'edro W. V. .f.weit. , hr, 4'.2 t-nn. Han Kran. -li:o bur. He.ii..ia. -- .-, s. hr, IS, tons. Sua Knin ' lr o bay. Ami tJit. elir, Kin t'raiirleuo bay, 'riibli'. . selir. San Kniiwls. o. P. H. Th.inipin, t,k. flan Kr in..i. o bay. Don't be too harih, In your thought 01 fie young man who eat a do-n hl'eult at an nrternoon tea-he may have lad no lunflh &or no hope 0 dinner. H'dng In so- clety In a gt at dr.-.ln on lltnllfni Inc -me, you kwiw. Mrs. Mary Plrd, IMnrisburg, Pa,, my, "My child Is worth millions 10 me; yet I would have lust her ny croup nnd I not Invsteil twenty. nve cents In a bottlo Of One Mlnulo f.oih Cure." ft cure cnuuhs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Chas. Rogers. Glided silverware nlway give one the Impn-aslon of "dyed" gool. It In eaay to catch a mid and just as en.y to get rid cf It If you commence enrly to ivki One Milium Cough Cure, It cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and til throat and lung trouble. It I pleas ant to take, to use, and sure to cure. Clin. Roger. To be a good liar one- muni nlno possess a good memory. CASTOR I A For Infant .nd Children. rt, f.-e-linll. ' Hot nr; wrfp: 1SJ If JM)l ( II Pure, Peerless PLUC TOBACCO'S? LARGER. THAN EVCR-v j hf vV j h L? j j I ' i I A. FAST A I KN i IIOl'SK. HUIIH.K AM l Wl IIOl'SK : R. MANHOOD ' X . h-r w. .V1 Tile . r--rn .:-k ..f .:i; ; ,'),, one fi-l ...p. .ribly .liunfi a: time,. Mr. F71!ha Perry, of th plac say h ' never hd anything to do Mm o muca good and give uch quick relief froia rheuniatl.wii Chkmb.Taln' Pain Palm. lie mum bithTe.) greatly with shooting pi 1 im fr.tu bio to knee until hn mil tftfcs i Ions, Tlenwln,' ln,mi"t "r,il.3h afford prompt relief.-J jit. F. Haker, druggist, HI. pan. Ohio. Kur aula by pinrera. iliunKlai. It is until H l-i our 1. .uli 1 1 I... .iil-(.iHi. ,11 o'a 11 i'l-tii ttiai n'tii-s. Head Ay.0'1 Aim i:in , wlib-h v-ur .riu'. I gIM will gladly hand you. and not the wrm.l'-rfiil ciir-n of rhuriiatlni. catarrh, '.rif.ila, ilyip' .ia. e. mm, .d-lniiiv. i humor and sore by lh uw of Ayer' 1 Sarsaparllla. the only ar;Mirlll 1 ad- i mltt.d at the world far. A womni who l.ln. Iri inn, iiewspiiM-r In for., gi.iiii'lug ovr the rt.ige and dealha m r-narlnl by he ln iih dHllnetly liter. iry. 11 1 a mar r sli- Ttiern In snm-t'tilrg rare y ugg. nice ot the knowledge -f perfeo hoiiaewlferc In the, sight of a .we-gownpd nil'ldle iigeii womun aupervkilng the c-iiveyanie of her market basket from stall to citri uie. Ppop-rlty come quickest to th,, ,nan whose liver I In good condition, DeWltfi M'tlo Karly Risers are famous little pill for constipation, blllounieis, Indigestion and all tomai;h and liver trouble. Chia, Rogers. Iion't worry. Don't r in In .1. bt lion't tr:flo w I tih your health. Oon'i try i-jt-p.rlment with medlcln". Don't wast limn nnd money on worlhliws i-oinpouiids. Iinn't bo pi-rsiindiil to take a ulittu'e for Ayer's Rarsaparllla. It is th of fil noil purldnrs. t'0it It In no Avli.rir( of llHtlnfilon nfw i.Mlayn to lutvo wllvt-r trlll.-.i for y.nir l-u-rfuu or (.ffc. I nc i tin -;iiul' ';poriO' 'o rjiKAffi or Cfra,;a I i ir. r,.- I-.r I ii if in .- e .. r iiii iiir.-innfll,,.. rilSC IM AQ ttii;e I V fir 1ho,.?',08 V,it'i V. TlIU J ll turn. ...a t riM ily lt l,.,i,rrl, Hfn.rmii,ri h i, Inn, ii n n a t a r i, I "III. II" ., or lilf llillaii. .... 'am, irrlliui.,1, r u, , , .,. tl'ill i,f m ll -,, a .. ... I riir.CvAMfiGHiMinai Pi), brum.. n,,h triiui ,i ' r! d 7 ''rant! .. .-,,. , iiiMiit.wnij. .. r. Iir.-pii'i., l.if nil. a, ..' , m f g la I to 6djii.l i'-MJB out m airxiyrt, 7jrr?MW "lUfloft, I 1 1, it. I - (ieneral Contractor IAUI' Mtll.OKH MOVINt) TK)I.H WICNIKI) OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, .Oration A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHtRS ltMMlr itfttt l'iine nl tlure year .-oliir year whnilr prtib inni. Traluiiif ..'.iu.-ii n iiiur aiaile, aiih .11 elilHreii h.ilrui'tiiifl n l train it lu iirnina.l e. Mwedl.h r lent', and V.N hn pul.lir v li.. 1 lie! 'I:.ini. I, re ifnlii-d bf l u M A 11 I ir K I IKIU'll Ml. .., 1, .jilt rineu. Iil'iiii tta4, (mmI'1 tld tlwlKlhii Bp. .r.. imirlr . : Vi m ir ii ilui.-lll Ur.llti lllelll.,!'.. Ill 1 ;irr ?er .- t.lf ,r ,.li . i. rP.(, J fruiii high -hi-iilv i. . .! . h-. rr.iilv ivnt mi n..l. .I1..I1. Ad I ret K L. I'AUI'HKI.U l'ret lriil, ur U . A. W A X , Heerelary Kuultf RESTORED "'""'-'' f-" OcBe,.ii '., f ui.liU,uilug,JcuU, lbi,JM4 VauiUiUau . rg,ll.uJ. 01. PMTIiSi'iiNN IiUI'O Ci Ag.-iiiii. A!nrl. aaVaaJXB freeS (to all) VmenV MAGICAL!! EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK KEN OF ALL AGES HO .'noM V It AOVAH4 K. Won. eVrtnl appllaure end aclenillle rem tain arui oil trial lo any reliable man. A wornl-r' :.. rrputaliuli baeg of thuoffet. Kterr ntalarlo In biiy marrtil Ur removed. .ull ,irenth, develiipmenl ml Pin given literary portion of th body, lalluP'lir.pieeiil.lft: i;e IHt barrlor. No 0, i, 1 1. rhMUii. ERIEHED!CAlCO..f.f.TA0uA0!,AN.T: Mod's Nerverine Pills TL grrj' rcnirdv I. nervous pro I ration and all itiM. jkSC-h f y "'J diKanriol llif raiCti.ii','-'' VBTi grnrrative or I.UOU. A.M. l UK I H.NU. jjj,,, 0 cj((l) x, such 11 Nrrvoui Protlrallon, Filling m Imt Manhood, Impotcucy, Nipl ii 'inii aims Youthful Krron, Mnl.I Von, 111 :tiiv uj ol Tobacco or Opium, which lead lo Consumption and Iiuanlly. $1.03 7r box by maili 6 boxri for $5.00. Wins CHEMICAL CO., Pro:., Cletoland, llliia. ft.w IWref Nmeilr Altlnlrlr l'nhnw l.t III. rriil.,.l'iti. lfrwMii..iil t'urr in III iw lr.. w IKtllliil in.iny If 11. ilu lint Y'rti Oku Im IrMlNU honai fur I hnMiitu prl. ttNwl tvllli Itoim Htm Mill minis.'! lo rum tnit tlin winn a-MMmsv inrrtr to hiiihi lirtu w liont ir pay it tmm of rmnln. .... .himo I Bf Ibilln, ami B Hl 4'lnr, If f HsMfT 1 n 11 r n If wit rail to xtwM 7 mi )aT Uk'-ll Mii-P. Illl hf aVllM atliij III mnui ti, Morn 1 lirt, 14 NmIs, t Ifi-rm.iinfir .rrhmw ftilllttf ul, WHdarytir i t-rtlnry Mpmisw turn 1 n Wn mry, liMlliintxttliabarMl !"lim, Muooua I'atfhM llmpli'A,('oip4r-ritlr titiriiitlr"lir,llalrir it In t Ml I'r-lmarr, ItliHtfl I'nlMtn tlit w -f. licit tho muni btltv ihn wfirlit fW araM rhallcrifi the aLlllor th nnajt IK InmlMuHt pliyatrlnaft. t-rmuj rt, wnliavn MMmibln a Uny of tnUiiir tin. ittMMt with our i ll!ll,K.SK iu! wf liftva .'00.000 cftn I tr-ln rid otir UMi'tinilulftnal m Iiam alwayii hafln ruaraiiu)), wrlUtun for lOO.nMaf h'mk ami bMiliiia mrwmtk. Ad'trrM 4 OOU IIKVIFIIV ,.. JViO Mitannlf 'ImiIw, 'hlrniro, llllnnHk i r. .1 r. ip William's Kidney Pills V IIuH tut o'Miul In tllhCuM' of llin ' K'iilncys Lriiiiiry Oi'irmiH, llnvc V ,V'iu in'jfli'uU'ii your KUiiiiiyn? Jlnvui yiiu oviTwiirlii'il yiiiit' nitrvoim Kj'-f iciii mill caiiHcil ti'uiililu with your Ki'liii'VH mill lllaililrr' llnvc votiv iiuitirtln tin) Ininii. kIiIii. Illicit. irroifihiA Aniiil liladilci'? Iluvo von u HuMiy ni)- V pi'iiniiicti of tlio fiicu, CKtulully w r iiiulcr tliu cycuV Tiki frooiicntili!-) . -t....o tinm i.. r.-t.i V .'.un iiiir. iii iiio r nullum n iviiuiey I'illM Will lllipill't IH(Wlif0 to tllO (llv can-d oi'frunM, tone up Iho Hystotn nml muldi a new mun ot you. jty mail fid (iiinta piir box. WibUAMH Mm. Co., Props-. Clovelnnd, O, r r r HrW 10 WttM GO EAST . ..VIA . . Library Car Route AMKUICA'H Hfl'lNIi' LINK. un .. mil Ruck Mallssl No 1'iiiiHU I at atTUriM' Th all-rail rout lo Kootenai mlalaa district, via Heatll ami Hpukaii Shortest and Quickest Line aav'Kt St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. Chicago AN II Al.t IHMNTH ICAHT Through Palace and Tourist Hlenpera, tuning and lJlnry iittaos-y. lion I'ara Dully Trnlim ...FiiHt Thuo MKKVlt'lt AMI M ISHIV I NKAIJI rUU tor tli'ksis and full Information raUl on aonl It. It. A N. IV or aVtraa A. ii. r. ii:nnimti)N, ('. P. A T. A , Portland. Of. It. C. HTKV l.'NH, tl W. V A.. Heattl. Through Tickets to -mm HAST AM) SOUTH l!AST VIA PULLMAN PA LACK HLRKPER, TOL'HIHT Bl.KKI'IBH and rilKR ItrX'LINIMJ CHAIR CAM IMly to Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and oUmt Kaaurn ClUa via aUkar aaatsV I'a-lfle or 0. IL A N. Ca. Only Line From Portland Offering I'aaMigara tba etiutca ot T Tuuiist Car Una (hrouah ta Ckloagv. Specially Conducted t:cur.sions Via Hltaata (tout Ui Chi. ago avary Tu day. luggti chevkod ihruugH to Aaa tlnalion. Wagiiin.wnl owiry, ualoa) ilKta ft tlin, lunai rata I'lntfeh light in ) rum. For rat nJ other In form Hon, aalj un ur addr It W. Agmit. ! Third cor. Ald.r, PartlaM. 3ll,lllll!.!lll!5f mm Not for millionaires only. H. niii in., B...IH tu ti.inij t10 iiurllnj. inn' si. I'.iuU'iii,,,, i.itint.,1 for mil. Ilotialiv i,i. Thin' a inlMlnke. Tha l.liniii-il u llm IIiiifii tn, ,, ,.rtti but It dm Kil l . . K iM-nt ii T t0 ri, ( t liliau on an uiln r 11 I'aulalil. nuo train. I. iiv. ,m. I'aiil ur, , Arrlv. t'hl ihiko ii z n in i'.iiiui ii im. nt m.,1 Htarnt- lira i.. n I.. iinrfiM ui.,ki , iir ininii rnr. Clmlr nir i'iuii-Ii,- Clnlrlc I ill lit. Wliln vi-.tib.-iiv- - Hi. -iiiii Tt,.lel at iifhit-ti irf riiiiiH.. nfcr l1f A. CSllKUxiN, (IciHTiil Ap-iii, 1'oriliiinl, i )nir,m Astoria Public Library READINO ItOOM mKB TO ALU evwy day from 3 a'clavk lo I M and 1:10 to 1:10 p. m. 8ulacrlpUon ral M i,r wuium. B. W, Cor. ICInvanlh and Duana Btrsota, B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 0T Tbadi ManKa ''Nttl CopvmMTis"o. AiiTim iiniIIiiii .kelih nnd f!nrrlillnn my niileklr miwiiiiii inir ii.iiii..ii fmu wlmllier n I. tint mil nlilo. I'..niiiinlili.. Iliinaiilrliillyri.iilliliiiiiinl, 1 1 nr 1. 1 1 .h .ill I'lilenli mint mm. nui-nrr tor .I'l'iirlnif iwleiu., I'nli.iil. Inki.ii ilin.uuli Miiim To. rneiilv (rriiil nu(lr, wit limit clinrua, In tint Scientific fltitcricati. A hinlnmiily lllnalrtlnd veeklr. I.nrie.t elr. i iiIkIIiiii of miy .'i..i.liiln tnnnnil. Turin., t:l .r.,.!'.".'r""i",,' nii '" nwneiom. &Co. 36lflro.dw.,,NpWnrt 8 Urani h I iniii), m V W., Wiuhlnnluil, D C,