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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1898)
: I - i ; ; : r -.. it :i r f I . . I I r v, , in r. t f I,. ' 1 '4 ' THE DAILY ASTORIA Il the THE AST0R1AN has the l-rfcst circulation of lav uer on the Columbia Rlvr blfieit inJ best piper on the Columbli River VUUV ASSOCIATED PKICSS REPORT. VOL XI.VIII. ASTORIA, OKKOON, WKDNKSDAV MORNING, FKBKUABY 2, J8!8. NO. 28. t OPEN Havliif Hiiuilit the ('lutanpCo tiwrllv ('u.'aatiH-k of GROCBRIBB, HARDWARE, ETC, A I low nil oti Hit ilolliir, we will now ttflsr II lo lh. rtiiiauniera ...At Less Than Wholesale Cost... awehate TwPlltv iijntiHMit iwciuy ll will he lo your advantag to tail early end ancur IIAU'lAIM. W. warrant everything In Ural claaa condition, ur w ill rerund tour money. Kr"'"" 68 I Commercial mft J. Z. WILSON & CO., IHP- Diaries and Calendars For 1898... GRIFFIN Klondike Miner' CuitipcrM' UtciiHilH W. F. SCHEIBE, A Ik II Km i Cim. T abaci. M Aaaakara' Ailkles. 4T4 Camm.rclal Ml. J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. IIAVK OI'F.NKD TIIKIK IKIAIUMM) AM) HAY HCIKlOL For rates, stc, addreea th. Superioress RECEIVED IN THE HKIMAKY. OKAMMAH AND . ACADEMIC OKADE4 Mams. Bacon cuicin ; BRAND A " , Th. Boat, Tur. Ry. For Savl. at ; mil "'' The Occident Hotel Bar, Th. Offloe Saloon, AnA all h leadUif tni In AJtoria. Sun l'ranclKco um' 1'ortlnnd AGAIN. I1tv III which UidaMia uaya iiMiieiiiirei-k, Blank Books and Office Supplies & REED Supplies Outfit unci RtovIhIomh Foard & Stokes Company M.nHl,iur.r and !! r In FINE CIGARS! INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC PAINTINU AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North l'noillo Urewery, of wbiob Mr. John Kopp ii proprietor, makes for ilotmwtic uj f ipurt triiile. HoIHihI W r for fnroily no, or keg bcr iiiilit'J at any tinit iliOivory Id the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY and ALL KINI'H iltmrtiiilifil Tht' llivl lu til. Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. fourth and CHsiia Streets I'artland. Orcinn. "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey SHERWOOD Si SHERWOOD PACinO COAST AQBNT8. CATCH ELECTED BY -ACCLAMATION. Midc I'reMdcit of (be Orcgoo Ke putilicai Lcayuc. AN intfkkstim; convkntion C. V. r.lln. kt-ricdfil -liaiiliu Dfilaraiiona for Ike (uU Sludird. plit II Mull." ill. r.iilmi.l, Or, K-li. l.Th. Itiilillcn !-utfiiv ot Ui'i'in iih-( iliy. mi'l a'loo i'l rrwiliiiluiia lnl..rlni( th" fV.uni'lut (Uiik III ;'i !.! im Hi mul pi.iiII. n plulfonn. ..r,n.-, rr.all"(il Mi Kllili'y'a pHl l Nr Vurk Iimi nr.'ik. uml ml in in iMr ii inl r.rtiv)iM'ii.l'Tl iIim ruiiraH i.r Hi'--r. t.iry if i'im Trmaury tiitf on t n- i'll 'u-t."ii. mi'l aa (.r. of llir rinni i liui'l M j4i'-ti, uf Hul.-in. .niftiftin. t mull. A tlonal IlK'il :t ) counly lirukg oul on tvral ixx nal .n, biiJ iimi. II Kirnli ni-.l i.i iNrii. (hi- onvin II. .n. Iil lr pmiiwl prevail.. I mul ihv illlH'-iilly aaa .IJnif. tttu rt il ho.ira of iMnl, Thn rr.'0'lillla Hlllmll'. fi r a l"IU 'ru.l. rtimlly ffni Ji.t .Jflc. KNla ..r rtidll"! ! a.ti". ! ir Iti'w lliir fri.M li)tiioin'ih ri.rnv Kraihl lm.1 ivi'l.'iillv turn piin-ll, .) tmt i vti f in.l ImpMMIiln In mDia-l r.r llilUrr III nny nitnv may than Ly if I v I f t aa:a la nil An urn. n tiii'it !.i r.r r.iriuiiiil.m -a .nl wlii'-h la ruVuliiml lo pri-vm ihr .ii-k)fi of Hi" tfiv.' wlih Irani (1 1 1. trill"- Ttif aiti'tnlni'Tit pr.vltt a l!:l no rlnlt -tmW Im itilMHI lo MTwilntU'i thnt n Ix-rn r.-niiii vl f Mir r.n;i:h pilor io 1.. nwlnir of Ihr l-ir'ii-. It Ian provlilm lliai clulx nvuai fllf llh thr mi rfiury rf ih" Umi lli rf thi !r .l. lru.i'ra iSitrty ! 1fore Hip mi-rtlti uf I coiivriiiion. Tilt 1'urilah.l, .T. t'ib. l.-T'i lirpuolnan I-miio uf urnron niwi in niuu- coiivi iii.jii nl i" u'i'l n'k lila inurtiiiitf at Ajm .iy dan llu I'midriil i'lLrry hi Uiv cluiir. A.u-r aKliiniciit uf MalU-r I.. Tovu aii.t J. ii. uni lu Burciary vi.. Ilia iiairinail ipjini.d at; Iji.j.ii ruiiiiiult. oil crxKlilUli.. ,. J. Ji.iioi.uii, liiiii; tl. t. HU'i'un. VN rfi-ll.lilo, U, It. iuui, ttttcv, . t . Jllal.o.'Wa. MulUlutiiao. Can)' Ji'liv.r.j an Urn.a to ilia, tuiivt it.wn mi. r wii.1 oai Joitrnni.'iit wim tak.-u uiiiil 1 u'ciurk. kMuii. llio cuiuiailiuii It-uaMtnukHl UK- cr.-tu i.tiMia i'oiuiiiittr iaiui iioi ivaoy Ij r. pori ana llinu nana rlllr.t i.i ntui mtxio Dy in. i-ujomi ijuurtrt. W rilliuv .M. l anuimiit, ul iMaiiiioituili, ullrml the lulliMiiif rraululiuo IIU'li alinunl aimniiiiuui.,y aiK'p'.rii. W IM IIIIB. Ul IHirullKHHIl MlT tlli l nnw tit-rorv th Aiix riiin p.'opif, Ulviautas llio pulXli-nl pitrllM dikI ingruivuia! tlir Ktii'iillun uf all pairloin- .ItHivia u nic Dnaiiciul im-uon; 1t'trfor, lie ll rwlv1, thai thr I-rat(Ue of ltrilillcaii Oluba corlllly up prov :i. rrurtlr in., nx brtlnl In tlx rtunnriiil plank llie lni rvpulilUitn ua tlonal v'onvrntluii, oinl. be II funlier Iti-aolxnl, thai t nii.l approve of Wi Kpi-ift PrcMent MeKlnley at. Now York on t:ie 77 1 It of January, l!t. art a . omvt eiiKioltKm of tlutt plunk unit th inouetury polley or tJia rvpuliluan imrty. Tlcawlvtrt, that w. are In Inwrty ac- rorrt isith rtp and it. wa' ami eltloleni a.mrtary of tho trftmy, I.ynuiii J. 1an., In their efforta lo tvtkn iwr ninno-mt!illlam anil to plva aiMI- tlonnl tatiutilltty an, mrenKNi to our r- ent MnaiK-lal ytem. AUK'annnuni Hiin offivil a motion to ilm-lmiv. Nio commute on creJentliu ii N.I irtatltut "(wo MHcn.-ll men ana two Hntl-.Mlr.-h.-ll men o aet na a com- mlttiv on orv1tjtlnl." Tho rhalnrnin rulnl tho motion out ot tlcr. After a number of tnotlona and Rrmnd- mi-ntH en rJm same mrtijoel liaj bion votisl ik.ivn Iho i-onventl.m .k a rfows until i lila evi-niinr. Mi tho rt'-ftn-a-mlilliijf of the oonventlcvn Mm creilontlnts eoinmlrtiH- annoiiiH-etl Unt It wnri reaily to roHii-. Joihiuion, of Linn, rem! the rjirt which ahnwml thin SU.M Metrute wero nntltlexi 'In Knilii. Tht. report ns prefaeed nlKi th fol lowing: In view of tho Ioohb provlalona of the leiuruo ooiiatltuilon In nynrtl to ascer talnlnit tho quallfli-ntlon of delegate or the niiititHT of 'members actually upon I lie rolla of the rluh upon whleh repre- aentiillonw aro i-lnlmeil wo ar coinpedled lo ropont that the following delontea haw ii prima facie rljrht to et In this con- ventlivn. Ywtr commltteo feela tihnt It mini call tho attention of the convention to the npinrenl turtlng of the nils or elulw and lihe oritniililnir of new chrtw for the eolo piirpnae of r.-rireaentrttlon, es- peolally In Multnomah county, by which Iho county has a representation about dontaMt. that formerly cf aimed, and deems I't l unjust to chilis of oulxlde coutvtlia to come here with a genuine representn- nn.l linvn It off-sot by paper ehtlv nnl fl.-tlllcns nionvliemhlp In Multnomah (ounty, Tl therefore rec.immenrts fhnt such rmeniien'ls of tlu leniftte constitu tion be adopted a shall confine the reii-reHi-ntntlon In leaeue conventlona to cJuhs rewularly onrnnluM to do repulillcnn worK whoso memerstilp rolls sihnll have been filed with 'tho secretary of the Icnmift. Hie deleirntes iere dlvld.M as follows: T'lpst dlwtHet, 1S3 cltrhs, 7T.ft deteente-. Scvond district, l'J6 oluha, 12C2 dolegaten doletratra from Multnomah county, SOT. Johnson moved ttie adoption of the re- (Continued en Third raga) RUSSIA KNOCKS THE CHIP OFF. Defies Greit Britain Uotb ii thin id It lariii. NO FRKE F0KT5 AKK WANTED lalrii Ragtaad Aciiisc(l U KaSiit'a roliijr. Vir I Uiiitilile. nd (.mt Britaii Mi Tinkle Ci.ajk. M.n V.irk, Kij. 1. A ll'iald dpitci from Iuiuluii auvi: 'ili.-ru W aiurtilUK ill-patch In Uic lully T-lroi4i Uiday from ft. 1". I ti l.iirx paia-r- cjrrivp'inli ni thr lua ha l liili-nV. wl:h ItujoMan ad iiilt'ttl, if coluf of a ciu-ulroit. ktwl wli!i mi i-iikii in illpl inaitrt. Their .Lxiarj I. una tli.-ri-fur-, If true, biivc o r.l oDka'l w. lk'.ft. I'nictlLully iho ilt larjiloiia It (uiitaini kmujiil lu a tnooaou un ttie P-irt uf ItKMlit Kmarl Kiiillund. iid uniea. Kntlktnd cIkiums tu a. tu llu- p ! ley IhHik ijnaul by Hurala lu Uu- lr ..i.-.;, Hur i Im-vlUbh-. If tlila uiriidttli w hul u 'Ukr. Kuwna.. liaa tnrvn ilMr, Uiu - ujiiUcU Tim diiiu-ti x: ' Jii. i'lt- rnburK, H tiuru)'."l iv hiu a coiivir.itl u wiih a l(au almirul iw Uiul tail, ttpuoliitiil lo t' i 'jat ul iliiif :t a, "imiinni cnc-'iiiiit tnai a lu .iiion In t.: lr ea-il. Tlila oltlcer, in tin. of lua r- iiiurka. mU. 'N. urly Ihe ..olu ul in nurw I iva uX ilurau I i Ji.Mj.'.Kvl iu lllu far I r I. k n.vnusir) lx l.uaa.a im pi.t. n.ia' .t in a pii..i.vii u. i.i airn'fc'h 1.1 Ui-uv3 ...ill iiuai tu u uiual .l.Al '.. ti.i. ..'. ."I...-. t' i . .I .. . .i...ur ur a. I..IU ...t.i. i aiirt.i a.'u.i . li.ui w.r many u til vay niv mtuia iti.i Ki.u iv tiia lu nlttj Oiu aui4 kuai b ul ... k. u.u a. .i . a. ...o turn. uo.a.u, t ...i u.r.i.any .. iulati..u .'..1 lu 4-a- ij 4 k.. uku llj.. ana.ia.l 1 1. ir .our wi'Al ...v t'l'' U. - ..i..-..o. -jvii. Uut .vf UnJ i .ilAl ...ll u. in. ,ij.f ,.t .tUv.Uil a. 11 w -vair ii. v rt-ut ui-.r . u. Coffin d.ic.i. lw.i. uli. u.lll.v l.U tier IKK.a.' ' ALU CaJ.11 Uluti it CMi-urut'tl ltuUt, iiitiji.a.ll thou k.Uu. ' cui-olii ill tt d.v I-j-i v. lvW.iMI wliaAi i-lialuliU .ua oiuua tu llio (-uvr.iui.ui I u.iviu-d pniK'.p.iliy mail.. .a Inur.-ata uf ovl Kraifen, aiid lur itiia rta a hi our lawiiuawauur al l'.kjig 'Alii, lu- fci lli.r iUi ilia Krcnch coU',u., c,rj; k' tu C.uiia iroiu a.pu. K luc ii uvi-norra. It, the upen-nii o Tamil Wan aa a free pur., toe ttUja 01 iVri Amour it. a tiavaj aia.lou wuuld b- ulmitilHlml. In d.h r,n onu lirilalo .! ikj lunger ooxujy turaclf lta Ihe I'liiu. . ijuiKin ami will ceruunly noi Uku the ufTonaivw, lliiJa:ii. aa ahe will I'.io i. ihI. ncy u( d. vuurm her tM,ui anJ HUTvy lo iiKlu, a r.-oli InUiuivly m-re xrlunat l.ioii tliu S, poy mutiny, la auuui to break out. Tlioti itunU will bo oia Killiuut ilillliulty Ij iK-ntiral tiiruuch Alahunlxlun to Iho pua8v.salji s oi (.real Uriliun, tu whom aviu wlU dkialu u-ruii. V huvo iKKi;h truua and 'd fortitk-d (rotitter a'lth outpuaia In th r.aMTis by nulntiya una tele linipliH, and we could in the conree of a fw daya, pliu- upon the frmiKlir an army of liW.inw men. Voj pir- cvlve '.but nil the chances are on our aide and we do not fear th. threat of Eng land." II AN K CLU.UtA.VOKS. Month Juat Cloaed, With One Exception, Iark-it on Record. Now York, Kei). l.-The total of bank ctcartiur at tlx. leadlnv cities for Janua ry an reportd to Uruitstrwls, toear tti muiiy to the immense, volume of busliurw ropri'iH-ntlnir the commetvial, flnanclul and upoi-ultttlve transactions pissiiiK throtiKh the banks during Vhc opening month of 1SJS. Tho total clearings at 77 clllea of the United Statca, a few eat ern cllhw iH-Ing estlmalid. owimt to tele-Kruiiiliti.- Interruption tiy the etorm, anrre gate T.,9t?i,iiiiiiiO, it alight km'", one-halt of one per cent over December, 1SM7, of S3 pi-r cent over January, 1S97, of 30 per cent over January, 1K6. Wltih the exception of tho month ot IVeomher, 1S?3, tihe top of live iboom. be fore the panic of lSU, rhe month Just ohwetl funnlMhfw thJ InrgMst total on txrl. Kven as compared w-lth lv.m ter, 1892, tho deiwwe Is a trifling one, only about one-tenth of one per cent. Th feature of the -lirlng In January wata tho nlm.wt unanimous nature of tho liuwniws. only four cltlea In the Untiod Staitea shcAvtng decreasea as with a year ago. Tho gains at tho lanrer cities have 1oen the fi-nture of the niornth. At Now York an Increase of 2 per cent Is shown, comixired with a year ago: ut Chicago S3 jht cent, and at Rowton 13 per cent. Two of tiho four decreasing el.wn aro In Pho cotton mnnuf.u-turlng centers In N(i,v England. The Canadian bank clearings make an equally irood showlm. aggregating $113.7.2!W. an Increase of Ju ivr cent compared with last year. SILVRR FVMtOEtt TO tTytTE. rtlackfoot, Malho, Feb. 1. Ex-Senator ruUolse, eflinlrman cf the executive com mittee of rho national tdlver party, left for tho east lat eilght at the request ot tho silver leaders to confer with them for the purpose ot uniting all tho eilver forces. TURIjEY FOR BBNWTOn. Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1. The democrat ic caucus nominated T. B. TUrley tor senator. THE POSITION OF NICARAGUA 1'rtfcrs Dealin Direct Kith tbe l'ilU4 States. CANAL COMPANY A DECEIVER, Biter'. Hisiloa Filled .lirqn lyanred .liearag.i Keedt tie Cital aad liited Stun far (d Ntfw York, rb L-Tli Herald today print! an IiiUtU-w with l'rU Dl Zv Iwya, of NIcimguH. ubtalnH by Mi cor rwiKKvlcnt In llitnatrua. "Nliwrasuui woil pr.-f.-r deillng dl ructly 1tA Uia L'nltJ H(at-.'' ald Z- laa. "In Uf nuaH.T of a canal utvb our ounty. Tin canal company haa not Uved up to I IK tI.U(itkurii.-tho IrxJulcvl In llu cuojmalm and 'wtt conelder It haa dilved ua and we U4Jw that dialing) with It wuuM only r-wlt In fur ther itvy-KUvn. Fur UJa iva on wc would prt-frr d.-aling dlrm-tly ".tb yo ir ;or m nicnt, knualiaK that ll la n.tle. whkti tl.e inal company la nut. We toiinkJ.T that th oonccmslun abli-b are now held by thu canal cumpujiv tx4rvd aome time aieo and Unit Ihcy are th. refore Vuld. al though th. canal vutnpany think differ antly. Th. Tliapct canallxatl b on. uf tlw mca.1'v illUKtrat.utM uf the f.illine if th cumpaiiy u k.-a-p im ttgrtv i.-iKa and the chW fiatura t.t the ar-1 rangemtit ruado with Mr. Il.ikr. the re llnil United Suu-t mird.-u.-r. Mr. Ilak.e waa to have Ukon uo Hie Tip:ai canaii uiioi wlrh tl.e uiiiil company on ms itAurn in the United SUU-i an J falliig 13 rU'!i some aurt of und-r:an'Mr8 with I lie company, ha wax to have end -avred tu hive had the nuttrr aubmiited to ar t.'iritlon. Hul th arntngrmem haa been ram-rlled by congr. and I consider thai rhe action of congra wua broug it a'Knu rhrnugh the influa-tu-e 'if th. canal com pany which dow not wish to be called to account. We would have ew obleo1i.)n to the coiigrvsa of the United 6utea pu tng a Nil looking o the supp-rt i trlva:e capital In buAdlng a canal. 4ut ahen It mime to the United Stales actually e -irolHmr the canaJ. rhla aovernmen-t woulj hav aomKhlne to wv nhui thai, flul in "V event ct a ivwefM.. iraref.r of on irol the matter eould b- 0L-,i-e.l by thi givemiment and the United State. The that naai made whin he lait Nh-araxiw canal blil w pending in th. innate was ma-Ve at th l'tan. e of the met or the (it-eater R ouhl'c. one of the. provision of the carreeaelun prev. ntlng ' th- transfer of rhe control of the canal to any without the conaent ff Nlcarunitt. "The m!slon nf Mr. Morgan l I n r-d by thU rovernni, nt t bMli ve he hua Nen prtmlelv reque-ftd bv 'the United itea rivwumint to make a atuly of rhe ropoed canal and canal matters and to make a retxirt on these muter In general Mr. Morgan brought with him rea-ommendatlona directed to the American legation for wI'VaOi sk-c!.iI consider -rliMie bavt- been extended by this givern m.nt. Mr. linker', mi-uion on the part of thla country In the United State, which has now been set aside, hua been com monly mlaundersto al. I c.Hil.l.Td Mr. Uaker a man of influence and one who could take up the matte ri proceed with every prospect of carrying them through with auevea. Mr. Maker represented that he would bo aldo to form a indi cate which would buy trom ui our rail roads and our lake teamen. We de sired to dint) of thcee In crdor to ra moik-y suftlcH-nt to enable ua to pay our KngMsh debt. Our total debt, by the way, ie only W,mx.. In this money. What of the political condition of the country? A canal or communis tl.n ftom t'le in terior to the Atlantic coaat U w.iat we need to lettlu ua politically, aa well aa in other way. Klther would allay the dlsimia and would Insure ua from revo lution. All property would uppreciate. "The coiiaervuxivc'e; property and the liberal', property would go up In value together and the whole country wouM take on a new aspect. A canal nvould unify all Uie penle and all Mitlcal un- ea.-lnetia would be lost In .the improved conditions of business. But let us g -t a paivawe out for our products and the w-holo country would become prosperous. "We are glad to have Americana) come in. They are aWe and energeilc. They will help ua to build up the country. W. coneider our country to have aa great natural attractloiut as any In Central America. It ! larger than Costa lllca and mere capable In developnii-m in every way. Costa Rica haa In San Jot very fine city, but we have several; they are many mllea apart, but commer cial! communication between them would knit the country together very s-.romrly and give It a leading place In thU part of the world." "Would the concession granted to the Atla Company Interfere at all with tho operation of a canal?" "Not at all. The concesst.m was grant ed to tho company for navigation rt;ht on the Ban Juan river and It Ij not auch aa to retard 'the construction of a cannl. Thla government took great care In grunting that conevtjelon, that It should not be such aa to lead to any Interna tional complication." PRESIDENTIAL NOM1X ATIOXS. Washington, Fob. 1. The president to day sent the following nominations to the senate: State-Oeorge F. Powers, West Vir ginia, to be eommtrelonor of llsh and flan erics. AVar Colonel Samuel T. Cushlng, as sistant commissary genera of subsist ence, to bs brigadier-general and commissary-general of subsistence. KLONDIKE RUSH STILL CONTINUES Cipcditloii from All Sections of tbe . Cofitrv. CHICAGO I'KOSPICI ORS START Will lae ledi f.r I. WO Miles fr.fa Ter iin.f Caaadiaa racific-Tie Bl.adik Kiag. Chicago, Feb. 1 Thlr'.y-oii prospjtor undir the iltm Ucm at th. Yukon Valley Prospecting and Mining Comiwny, 1-fi for the Klondike In a ipedal Loacb over th Chloaero. MUauke and St. Paul rl Li't nUrht. From t. Paul ie party w.ll pr.xcd in a Canadian Pacil'x t urlat car t,y way of WlruilpHf to Cal-ary In west ern Hrttkah Atnerloa. It U exp eted t.i trip will take four daya The cv-rland route whh tedf toy way ot Edminton w-UI ba taken at f'alg.iry. A:i outfit of bug. flat ileda with 75 horsea a the mo tive power la In waVtlng to Ukr Iho party and lut frt-tght orer the 10m mile, of snow and lea to Ha deoUiulion at the headwater, of Pelly river. It i. expected l fiat the trip overt md will take (0 Jai. A fareaarell dinner to tint pn-pea;iori wa riven by the Yukon Valley Proepeeu irnr and Iflnktc Owrnpajiy at the Tr.-mjo: House In the afternoon. Forty-flve other gueaia, all stockholders In th. oompwny. wen pMwnt. The men who are buuaj for the gold field r-present almost er-ry tr.uie. Two are expert and practl al miners. KoOXWKE KINO. Near CarlMe. Ind.. FoU L-Frank it. lo cator, tne Kloeiiiike king of ISaroda. near thla city, who enld hlrt claim for Jl 000 09) raw left for Alaeka with a company of prospectors. He waa recently In Wait tnjtron conferring with B.-cretary of War Alger in regard to explorations tn Aluaka lie agree4 to accompany any party ar explorers In the ialert of the. govern ment and they will leave Seattle, March 1. to begin their work. Phlscaeor before leaving, sairi: "The greatest (Iran beck to the country now is the lark of provhaor., but tens 0I soon be overcome, aa I believe tnat a year from now will find rauYoaete rua niog to all points m Ahuika. I am Ukhig a number of good, atrong men back with me. and I will devote the greater part of my time to the government's lntenats. IOWA KLONDIKERS. Eldora, la.. Feb. 1. The flrW party of KVlora men to go to Alaskan gold fields left here last evening, headed by William Holley, a veteran miner. DUBUQUE GOLD 8EEKEKS. imnuque. aa., Feb. 1. Between V una 30 gold teeekws mill leave here for Alaska wlrtiln the next 'two weeks. Two partiee will leave tomorrmw. They will go by way of Skagway para without d.xrs. A third party will leave tomorrow from Clayton and Afiamako county. A party rf 10 will leave here next Monday for a point SO mllea north of Dawson City with 12 diaaa. and wlH go via Chllkoot pts. James Era-ell, of Cassvllle. Wis., who came dVtwn from the Klondike last fall with J775.WO. starts Fvbruary 1'. with a party of 25 and a carload of doge. SNOW STORM IN BOSTON. Trolley Cans. Teietihone and Telegraph Wires Crippled. Bra(on. Feb. 1. The northeast snow storm which set In yesterday and raged until this afternoon completely paralyxed all branches of business and street car and steam railroad traffic, and for a time elttit off the crty from communication by wire with all places outside the limits of Boston. The storm was the most severe thi? has experienced In 26 yenrs and cause.! the loss of several lives, besides doing money damage of hundred of thousands of dollars. Between 1 and 5 o'clock this morning a foot of heavy wet snow settled over the city and le-veted the m ires In nil directions. The snow clung to the poles and wires, and aided by the wind blowing t the rate of BO mllea an hour, prostrated all the telephone and telegraph lines out or the city. More than half tlht. electric llchts if the city went oit, and In the atibtirban teams the fire alarm service wan crippled. In Newton, the broken wires falling a.-ross the others, started a fire In the electric room of .the elegnnt residence of Oh.irles J. Travelll. a wealthy nttshttrs rteel manufacturer, and In two hours nothing remained of the house tmt a pile of rn'ns. Trnvelirs fnmllv e-cnipod In their nlht clothe) wlthou' saving snr fhtne. The loss amounts to abr-ut Jton,- onn. the houje being valued at $.".00. and the fftii-nlture and art treasures ait JI5dofl I.ate lnt night ne blT tfiree-mastel wchooner Charles T. BrlgiT. of Bath. Mo. coal laden, wiis dashed to pieces on !Ca hart eoat, and 1" Is believed her crew cf elcht men perished. Tn tho business districts It Was nearly noc-n iwhen many employe reached their places of employment, all the utirtui trolley lines having been abandoned nt midnight ami ite railroads being un able to run more than t wo or three sub urban trains during the forenoon. THIRTY PERSONS DROWNED. Flymou'.h, Eng., Feb. 1. During n fog the mail steamer Channel Queen atruck on the rocks oft the Island of Guernsey. The captain was saved, but thirty per sons aro supposed to have been lost. WORSE THAN WAS EVER SUSPECTED. Ciptaii Rij's Report oa Alaska Interpreted. NO EMPLOYMENT FOR LABOR. Tea Rut Biiiri.ted D.i't l dersiiad SltiitUa Ta. T.irt' Crab Iic.snrjr tig Ink ia Sprlif. Waahingum, February L Cioneral Uer fiiam yesterday opened at Seattle th. dia pauiina urouaitit by Hpedui Muaaenger Wells from Captain Bay, the d'fiartment special repretaentatlve in the Klondike, snd u-legraptied an abstract to the de part m in L Acting Secretary Melkeljohn was so much impred wfth tn auta ments wired that be submitted the dls paU.h at once to tkcretary Alger, and in. paver w as finally sent to the While Houac, where It funned that subject of considers, ti'rfi at the cabinet meeting today. It la sahl tbe report fully junlflea all that bas been done to relieve the situa tion In the Klondike. The report ia par ticularly acceptable in view of the con flxtlng tatatcmenta aa to conditions In tht gold fields, for It at not doubted that Cap tain Hay haul a broader field of observa tion tbun othura who made report. This report Is taken aa establlshlnar facta for all ofQcial purpose. Tbe state of affairs in th. Klondike, al thus revealed, aa iworse than waa sus pected at the war department. 8u large ai the luaJt that remains to be executed. In order to Insure the safety of Ufa and property on the American aid alone, that the war department officials bav. con cluded to advise oungress aa to th tact and place upon the legislative bramsiea the duty of devising ways aad means to ravel tfie exlgenciea of the situation. Abstract of Rays report ekatu. Co tlie adjutant-general of th army. Wua- ington; Complying with the ti-e-grama of touay Dve tetters and two packets from Cap tain Ray, addressed to you, in the hand, of Special Courier E. H. Weils, were in terprvKd of n-e. lt eubstanca at as folkwrs: The latest bear date November I and J, and refer to the action and at tempted rubbery of cauhea, and recom mend mat the United Slates government lake steps to effectually check the immi gration o the interior of Alaeka uf ail persons not tully supplied art pa tuod to last two years, and gjves au a reaaoa that there to ou way to earn a living in tne places where -new discoveries bav. been made within the last eight months, either in Alaaka, or the Nortnweat Ter ritory. There ks no employment for any large number of people In any capacity. AD values are specailaUve. There la no fixed price for lalbor. There U not nw, or liable to be within twelve months, efficient means for supplying; people now In Alaiska or the Northwest Territory. Is of th. opinion that about 7 per cent, ot all tho people entering during the past year have earned their living and hun dreds are no acattered along the riven, destitute of food, clothing and money. People coming in have not the faintest conception what to do to ear.i a living and after spending- the money they bring, become daxed and helpless. He atatea the rutdi will be great next year and any step that will prevent the people coming in through Ignorance will be an act ot charity. In view of recent development and knowledge, the lawless are banding together along the river for the purpose of robbery and renews the suggestion tor the government to phice on the river small light draft uteamera with high pow er, armed and used to patrol the river and the plactiig of detachments an the move ment of the people demands. The courier sent with dispatches by the I p. m. train today to report to General Merrlam. also recommends the prelimin ary eurvey by Cook's Inlet to the Inte rior for all-Ameirtoan roads. (Signal) "ROBINSON. Quartermaster." SPANISH COXntANOraR WOUNDED. In a SklrmMh Behween SpanWi and In surgents the Ttter Are Defeated. Havana, Feb. 1. A skirmish between the Spaniards and the Insurgents haa taken place. It Is announced, evt the cen tral plantation of Const and a, a province of Santa Clara. The Spanish version o the affair Is that the sugar cane cutter. assisted by a military force from Encru cljidad. defeated the Insurgent, killing two of them and compelling them to re tire, but I't was admitted that the com mander of the Spaniards was wounded, ten of the guerilla, force and five privates killed and four wounded. Royal aaakes th. food par., wholesome sad delicious. FuwujiH absolutely Pur aoVAl IAXJMQ POWMI CO., NIW HM, loYitl &AKII0