TJIE DAILY A8T0IUAN, SUNDAY MORNINO, JANl'ARY 2U, 1;8 FUSION THE TOPIC OF THE DAY irii!Mi rmn or Tin: itr.roKn' rmm imr., in 11. Vlsi lillltrcsti nt opiuls ttllic Tctm I Ike tales Ike Vuli;ii hlicip's tlvtlilne, I litiil, Habm, Or., January jn.-lKdlliir As tnrlait) Ku-Lm Is tlm nil important tuple t llw day In evmy illy, Iiiwii nikl iruaa mail of llin main. Hvnryltody dlra lit iu. atli.n, m. ImUcvit In lli" gold lndrd liu lil iiiiiiiii of llm mili 'riiH' ami mi ll iiiiUr of llin i mu. f fr,- allvnr linn hi t ino fur a union of ilia s:vir Tim leading: aidi'lts uf Ilia "rxf'Hin" pailhw huvu eaill mi "tit Ik. Inal" plan 1irliv a unliiii i-iiu'he rf. l lid Unit will li aullafa.'tiiiy l.i nil an. I giniruiilnn miirw ti ihti "defeii.l.'rni uf a OuWIa IiMhi imiplo." 'Ilia mnulmra uf Dm silver r.pulilii 1111. hi.U' an,! alitor iMmx rata am iiilte iiiilfmiiiiy niinl iiii llin MH"'ll'"il Hint In a iiiiI.hi llitn la the strnluat p.w. Il.lllly (if aiMraa Im I alien Hie manner ami 1,-rins uf llin ri.iiil.liislliill art. to Im .lil.xiuliu-l tlu-m la a, aide ittvetgniu-r f ,i,iii.mi and a r ilia ill uf i-.nnlc-ll.ili 1I1.1I mala a atia.Liw on the I'll h IT plman uf tlw iiiaiirr. 'II la rallinatrd thai III I 11 ili.i arn .." r xilill-aiia. aa,.iilia an. I l.'. mil il"in.i, lute Tlw perlem n llin n,.iltal a have hiwl In Ilia nil alvra itfin nvry aajauraiim dial If llicy rft t unl.iti wiiii Hi,, ili-niiii-rnta Ilia .Wii- rol a will ,-arry (i(t lli t In raw rf v.-, ,ry. will rapture th,- ir illllral ormiriAll,.!! nii.t llin Hi.r'a "ny will aiNMi Ik, like thn Imt Ultxaf of Israel m nU.V-Ht the way rlia unl.iti la li-ln utel Hint (lir tl-iiim rnla praa., . nan Mm , .f . n 1 1 a 1 a to ti.-ri parry an ntm-than, ami lh"n i-lalm Ilia -! tn. neap llin rnaerd. Tim -u -l ata, oiiinuinirliic Hi- .1-iii. ruia Hn In iiim, will hardly a.'.ulc. In any em-h einn nr-r limy havn lalmt all thnan yntra In ruin Ih fallowing ihey ihiw havn It haa alwaya la-en apparent dial llir tmllat parly Kuknl Ira.lrra uf at. Illy In manapliv a .lllh al raiti.alan Th ana Ixian by Uw unwlan ati'l unaaiWafai-tory uiajiimr In whUt Ilia lal rl'lrnlll isniuni arril mi ly Hie iu l aiit.irlnra f Jlryan n llm iitlir lmn.1 inn nVnvarala iv wrll n.fl''l with nwn tiwrl.JH'n ami uft'wful In ni.UMatiiW nMnnllnna a 11. 1 i-ixulia tliil -inalm Thla .lifT.-rmuw of nuil-flal ntaknt M an ray niatlnr fur ih" - mii- rm l a til ipullal fur Ihn vin. .ahnwnl nt rtamurralU- .rnaa anil lli Hiinllillathm taT llw .Mj'Ullat wrty. Tli-aw f.-la lmlii trun. hn raJik ati.l flln i lh imilra arl- ar U-iIIiiiIii U Hat thnr wuiwl rnny la none uttii-r than dial txuly of urn alth iim Mwy n .r.Hjaan la unl In a i.llll. al . ainlain Tim wolf In ahm)i a c l.illihm I a 11111. h a wolf lialay an irra.H-nnia ati.l vnrn tl.nua a lli'l.ili'l nira an Kvmi Willi a 1111I.MI of alln-r f r.-iw to u.tart t Imt riaul.l'' ana woul.1 hnvt. a lilr rhamn irf anirna lln-ro la no ar aTtiniMil au alroi or an laatliut In lla fffcH-ia a TVi-rnt ah.-al. a Hniit raltlf winl wtail markol, mini llin rantvllallun of ItKiptKOKoi In llin mi. I Ok- viiiIIIi ail Iwrly wmiM ! vallH-r I'V Nm unluii, fur llin ulil-.iinn winilil In, llin of tltn moi'a mrly un.l n lua of .wll Dm nin-iMilli thn ao-i nlll rvf.irni parly tlaa ralla-l HKX. I'IUT IHUT gl'DSTI'iN. An lln.ii-o Man i ajitnLui of tlin tVmluloii 1 .f Aff.i:iw. Ilwai-o, Wai-h , January T: (Inllior An ti nan) I txriK-n : your pnpi-r of i-.. r- lay that our Waahliitftoii llut (-.nnniU. auln.-ra havn rrvokn.1 tlm llri-nam h .. liy Um thrnn plliata iaiiiaMily r.-prnannllni; llmnlnlo of WiuthiHiilon on Um t'oliiinliln rl'i4 liar. It a-ii lo n- Ihnt It Hum thla ai-lkm wua Inknn, 11a tin. I.kwo wuy In which tho pilot -Iih on Um I'oluinhln riviT har haa limn unilm ii.. f- tin. pant twii ynara la nolnlUM ah.tri of u dla Kiiiv. Tlw nlaln of Vui!iiirlnii u aup jMatrd In nnvn 11 pilot avhoom-r on thn .r Willi lla thrno pllula. Yit ll U at ni.. known fiu t that i-vi-r almv Itm .tiHn iMiinnmiiivi! on ttm Imr that llm Wiinhlnii. t.11 and ritron pllma huv ooinhln.-il nn limy hnv.i iimtl IhxIi Hi Jnanln and Am loni ullnrnntvly 1111I1I llm pllolji dlai'anlral llm Jmlo In N'owmlmr, lliul nlnrn Hint tlnm lmvi !( thn Or.uon ai-liitoimr nloim In ivinjuin-llon with tiho Or ritoti pllnta. Now, In my opinion, tlir Hllitn of WiiHliliiKlon, ao kinn 11a It laauiyi lirnni'h lo pllolH, la niilllll lo imva a ' pilot anhionoT tN-priwi'iillnir It on tlm, hiuI K hna Imhmi . nmll-r of eonjivtnro to ninny of our IIIimi why our ooinmlH. nUmwra piTinlllM our piloia to n-tnln tlmlr liriiiH-hiw without havlnir a avhmunw. Tlio K.'111'riil linpn-aHlnii wiim Hint thiy naknl for urn! ohlnlnisl forty day I Imr to prwurn anotlmr aiiootmr In pliK-r. of Iho mro tlicy iHHnidoil. hut I ho forty iln hiivn rim mil aoiivn llnm ana ninl ynl limy ivmiiln on M10 Oregon 'hoonpr. I he lluva llin aatnto. of Orojom fii r 11 1 h lla pilot wllh Iho m-hoiini-r fun Joko frno- of cioit ninl iiIho omili'lliiiU liu anin of Jt.riftfl per "Hit""" to mnliitiiln hor, no the tax-pnycrH of Oivumi miiKt "know aomt. thlnif," ir I'hoy wouhl mvrr pormlt mon holdliiK WnwIiliWIon , liriini'liiiH to no tholr m-hoonwr on the iinio Iitiiw 11 h ltuli- own'pllo'M. It l'1"' nrt not ""''""'"ii't Pi lot, thnn mnko mom hut what w want li eompttltlnn, With oompotlMon we ran have Uifl flnmb dar pilot tcrvlce In the worM. Tlwii comblnatlong are. a doM- Iiimil lu Ilia t'iiliiinhlarlvr ami tlin 'Kinor 11m Iwn boitnla- of oimml"nlminri put a! up In It tlin ImlUnr for lh C'Huiiilila rlv.-r. I l.ruat dm tU'Wt) an putilUlii'il In your V"lK f l trtao aiwt will Iw vorlflwl, hill II la w.'ll known 1tiat oiu- pllnt tin. mlmlim 1 illvIiM lulu nmjurlly ami a liilMiully-llin in.iJiH-liy fuvnrliiK Itiw plloia nihI Ilia mliinrlly Irylnif lu ti'ivo Ilia til' IH-aa 4'oliiliMn.l In I' Krtl al'l lllialll. llkn nmiii.r. Ii la vi-ry prolmliln, liiwvnr, lliul (luv.-rnur Itine ra will Inkn a IuiikI In Uila iivulli.r In llm iHur fulurn, 11 ml wlii'ii Im ilii 1 Hid imiiiiii'n iif llin '.' Iiiinlil.t rlvif innl III 1. 1 1" of WiimIiIiik I..11 will i.l.litln what rltflil fully tUn In, W A Kl 1 1 I'll N IAN. r.ENEKAI; HLANCO AND HIS CABINET imi4iiHt rum firat iiik wntn tranafrrrixl in llin jimll, ili''l In lnia, mii.I li.rlnrxl In ur..- lu fur.n llmin In itlvulKn tlu-lr ml"l"ll wnl ' pllilly -wlHi llm InanMifi-iila. lUNVIiila Iw ivn Hi lionl a raiitu hal In-nti Irnlia. fnrrwl lo a al.-njm r linvnrttiaT I" Ih" vli lnliy wlmra llm i-jaiiiirn wna i.ff l'-l, ami Willi llm fllilKf.t. rum whl1i wua iliu.itflil lu Imvn a . uiiiinlluii. I'KKIil.NU IN MAIltll. M.i.lihl, Jan. s'l'lm f. ' llMM In ollh I11I linl.a afur llm iilajatiilu-a rwvlvnil hy K. nor Hiia-nnla fr iln I'nlw la Hml Um rnlii'.l iui Itiiiurr hua a inuMvn for lli- l inr In.llii-i ininrh-n-nrr In fiilui. Tim ic'V-'Iiiiim HI riitial'lr-ra thai pnrla. . in in llm J 1 mil aliluxli. ! Aim rl"nn iuiiilif4 wiMild In. i-.iiiirary 10 llm lir littrw uf Hsiao 1 ami Jnallo' ainl alioiil'l llin WaatitiiKloti not'nriiini-nl In il.Vri. lu llm Jiuko twi'l-m y rmninlt ai.ln a.i, Hjrnln wunkl ratr. II aa a pru N .muI lull all.- wimiM r-1'ly lu with fiii-riry lal!tlf- llm r.nirttry tiniior. It !a miiiioiiih iiiui Hi.. fun-Inn iniiiln ti-r. tiiii.iu, hun rm-nivnl viiuk. I. 11 iliapal. li.i w1il. li n)Viik'il a on ( li- Itfc-t i1.'llaaloll. HI'AMSII HTItKMiTII Uili.lun, Jan. a Ilia TliiM-a aj)a llir almimtti uf Hpaiilli furti-a la ri 111 vl.'w uf Um n.iwa from ( CulU.I rliatna, Imt ,-.nua.l,.ra that Um pro .llnK of llin wntialn la mittrV. Iran anrlimaly atirtHul lluin It u In llm iloyw wlii'ii ttm wmiatn ana In llin lialilt of ali.m Hit a arn an ia littal rnaminailiiH) . MARTIAL LAW ON THE YUKON K'unltrtUMl from Klrat l'ai.) aonnv tna. In (y llm iluinlnlon In ml aur VVar. Wlllutn n'lilKIn, ltkn llminnit a rharly within l-rrlt.iry an.l tlinl llm 1 Vnui.Han tfin-nrniimm m-n ml llil aak-n limy minlillhnl llirlr ruatutn huitan at ltkn T.tr1nh, ghut lu1 l-l" rk-arly wlUHn Um '4! .. amnion Itrwiitly Itm i-..l.-,.ir uf rifluiiu at Ta. (Mi ina.m a tour of jik.-a Ih-iiik II ami liahviimn ami coll.. ..! duty iin tin iHitllia uf a jmiiil. r vf mul.- who am ialllnd lll.xn for tlin wlntnr. Tlin liyra k.. TriinaKrtatlou Com. latiiy anii.nitn- Uku iIkt am now rnady lo rxvivr friiirlii lu Im ih-IUnrrd at trm lak-. A wotnan'a Jma.wotira may romn fnim mvfrrnl raian a 81m may havn a h'-aula.ihi. arlainf fmin imninianraa, or from dl. avatlvn nail tir1win-. Vinn ini In tnn hnr hna.lai'hna com fnn dlaonlnm m nil In r to hnr w. It may nrioar llanlf In Ihn aymptoma w1it i ar. chra-t"rlllo ot a ik.inn diaonh-m Ttioinnnla of tlnm mifflfli havn Iwnti trnatit for the r.n dlaorhra. I r. ri.T-n'a Kavorlm I'm. ai-riprtoo m nompotindrd for thn aln purp." of tvlmvliiit wumanklial oflhnan Ilia and palna. TIioimiii.Im of womnn have tmtirlnl Wmt aftnr iakli4( in-nlnmnt (rum art'nral phi-al.ina wlliuait hniirflt, thn "Kavorlln I Yn-rlt loa" i-nml them m. iJ.-ti-ly and qvik-kly. It hna broil nand for ovt-r thirty ynnra, ami haa an unbrokrn rmMrd of ain-i-m.a. Thn woman who Imaitutiai la Invited to aid twnntymo I -mil atnmpa to wvnr only Iho rout of mnllliiir a oopy of Pr. I'lnn-'a IVmnton Hcnan MKctil Ailvl.-r. w1ilili contain plain, i-lnar InformatUin ahotit all of the orvM' of the human body anj tlmlr function. It may Im truly aiiKiri-atlvn of l.oiidun lo havn to Hiftit up at Ihmn In Ids after noon, hut It alflo lilnln uuplKiauiilly of tlm hi Ka hllla. Cl'ItU A COI.D IN ONK DAT. Tuko Imxatlvn llnmio gulnn- Tablet All ilriiKillata rofund thn motiny If It fall to euro; Sic. For inli hy Charlca Rotrora, llim'a Iniiiiliiintn Ix-liiuKlntrH have nlihi-i-Ihn Hi r lo rhwr or dtri-ii In unite u k-i'inl n, iliiiw ui iM-dtiln, Tlm iimxplulnil hri'H.-h of frlcndahlp Is fur woiko than an opi-n mid ol.vl.ius qunr- ml. tli-a. Stark, rhvixiirrt HUIkp, O., nay a: "Aftw wo fjoctora mwe up tnf boy o din, I aaved hln from croup by ualnc On Mlnuto Oouirh Cure.'' It la the quick, fait and moat ertnlt romcdy for couKha, ilila nnd nil throat and Iuhr trouhipa.' Chan, Roftnpa. TO CUKE A t'OU) IN ON&DAY. Take Iji-xatlvn llnmio Quinine labet. All dnimrlBla rofuiul the money If it fnlla lo euro; Sic. Por anlo by Charlea Rogers, The new 8wIm hcaulh-i- am nnmiiR the pmttlciit of Iho Hprliur collona. The fully of pivjii'lli'o la frequently ahown hy people who prefer to Buffer for years ratJuir than try an Bdvertlaoi rem Mly. Tlio iwllllona wilio have no mich no tlorw, lake A"er'a Snrnnparlllft for blood (llnonaow. ami are cured. So much for oommoii aenw. The iiRar-coatln-f, which makes Ayer'a Pllto io eauy to take, dissolves ImmedP tttely on machina the t.iniioh, ond so per mits itia full stroturth and benefit of the mod 1c I tie to bo promptly communicated. Ask your dru-rirhit for Ayer' Almaniae, Juxt out. WEEKLY BUDGET OF LONDON NEWS (Conilnuad from Klnt Paf.) In r if (vaniiii-ri-o il.i.or- tlin of tlm llrllMi Irxtlln Imlumry In Wfl, anylnic "All till" liiipruvoinriit of thn olrppliiK Iliiv'liK fatally i.diw kl hy Ilia 1'IHK-I- V lWlff law, fiilluwi-d hy Ihn r-fiaflM rlni? all Ik.., wlil.-h mint irM-oaaally ri anll In aoinn ihi lo Irailn hi alll. II. .11 lu llw. oaa ulmudy a aifrb-uon-l." Tlm an 1 1 a 11 of Turki-y haa dt-rmlimil In w'lal Ifi.iam aol.llura lo I'nl'attlim III In.iwir of KmiMajtir Wllllit m't vlalt lh-i". Tlm narrlaoiia hi l yrmit ami liitiiaacua will Im iiIm-1 uml hla imij'xly will nlo lvi llm U.-xiian niin""a" pl'-no rt urouiid at JuriMuh-m will, h, a:irdliia; to tnulllloii, w.ui Ihn alia iaf Um Imat Hup t, w4il.1i ilirf.ti-iit lirlil'iin rotninunl tl. Imw iilHi. rlu vainly amutlit lu an. Uritn. a anl.l that Kmlafur William will Irniinfnr tlin ifroiilul 10 tlm (Winan Calholln ninaaimurl'-a. Im llmm atiythlnii mora ntnlmruxaliiK to a li.mtma ihnn Ui havn her K'mt talklnif of rallliK ami drlnkllitf wll.-ll aim haan't anythlna- lu Um way of rnfriwrunnila lu offi-r rlmin. Tu cum; NHitvoua LirHi'i-fju. 'IN 1 ialn H. ah, tu Hlm p Well, to Know What Ap-"illn and OikhI Ilicitlon 5.1 u 11, Muka a Tnal of H'unrta liyap.pala Tuhli'ta. Inlnrrallhii K(inrlrin's of an In.J aiiapolka !i-ntl'inaii. No trmihU' la mora eoiuinon or more mla. undi-iwioixl itian lon-viaia dyajapala. Ivo .l havluc it think that llw-lr n. rv.-a are to tilutnn mat arn aiirpraw! that thry ara m.i i-uri-d hy iutvo nii-.IUtno and iprlii nimiira; dm rul a-ttt of the mlac-hlrf la .a alirht of, the atomaith l the lu Ih, looknt afit-r. Nnrvous dypiitir oftnn do not have any pulu tiat.-v,-r in the tumah, nor I-1 hut. a "' of I Iui uwual aymptonM of toiiiaj-h a.iikii.aa. NVnoua dyavpla ahowa Itwlf not In the atomach so mu -h k lii nearly every other oncan; Is some miana thn Imart palpitates and la Irregular; :n uth.-ra tlm kidneys are affei-t.-d; In oUmra (ho liuwnts are eonatlpatnd. wllh liea.hutfiea, atlll others are troubled Willi hnaa of ft. all ami appetite, wtiti accumula. ta.n uf aaa, aour rlslUKS and h. -unburn. Mr. A. W. Hhanx-r of No. 61 rruapnet atrnrt, Irllanulla, I ml., wrltra as fol lows: "A inullve of pure gratitude prompts me tu write Mma few line re. (ardli.g the now and valuable nvdlclne, Kluart'e byai, pola Tablets. I have tmcn wurTrrrr from m rvuim dyapnpsla for the I ant four year a; Imve uand various patent 111.-.I1. In. a ami other rnrneillna without any fumi.iMe runilt, Tlmy somctlnws gavn tntnHirary Trllrf until thn effects of tlin meliir wore off. 1 attributed thla to my aclentiiry habits, bclns; a book-kna-r with Itttli) physical exnrvlae, but I ui clod lo slats that ttw tablets have ovnrvx.inr all thnso obatncUw, tor I have salim.1 In flexh. almp tint tnf and am bet ter In nvrry way. The above at written not fur notoriety, but la bast on actual fact. 'lteapivtfully youra. a. w. su.utrKa. "tl i"r.iint-i atnot, Indanapolls. Ind." It Is safe to any that rlluart's liynpnpnt Tablet will mre any stomach weaknrss or dlat-aae. rxvnpt cancrr of the alomaoh. Thny cure aour atumuoh. gaa. loaa of firnh ami upH'llt-, alretdi-awnnns, palplta- th.n. hnartlturn, eonslHotlon and head- aohn. s. nd for valuable little book on atom- ah dianaaas by addms.-iliiK Stuart Co.. .MarrttiiUI. Mich. All ih-in;irl.t aril full sl.-d park.icns at W cents. The nervous woman r.itvly gvt any !tiuihy, yet hn wi.U a mor than any iiili.T human tn-lng. TO t'l'KK A COI.D IN ONK DAY. Takn Imx.nlve llromo Quinine Tablet. All dniKKlKt n fiiml the mnnry f It falsi to rum; h Kor sale by Oharli-a Rogers. ll Is always llm man or woman who can not nlng who la always ready to warble on the HltKhtivt Invitation. If you have hidet. wool, furs, rwra. bone, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship It to K. M. C.aaton, 106 Fourteenth street. Astoria, Oregon, or write him nnd he will call nt your place and get It. He pays caeh. Northern I'ncltlo railroad trains leavs INirtland dally nt 11 o'clock a. m. for T. itmn, Spokane, nnd the ent. Close con nection nuulo nt Spoknne for Roanlsid, NHixin, Mindow njid llrlllnh Columbia mining camps. For maps and Informa tion call on or address C. W. Stone As toria,, Oregon. WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD COLD. Tou want the beat medicine that can ba obtained, and that is Chamberlains Couch Remedy. Tou want a remedy the-t will not only b-Ivsj quick relief but effect permanent cure), You want a remedy that will relieve th lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will eountenot any tumloney toward pnuemonlo. You want a remedy that ia pleamnt and sofa to take. Chamberlain" Cough Remedy la the only medicine In use that meeta all ot theae requlremenlta. This remedy Is fa. mous for it j cures of bad colds tTyoutrh out th United State and In many for. feign countries. It haa many rival, but. for th speedy and permanent cur ot bnd colds, stands 'Without peer and Its splendid qualities are every where ad mired and praised. For sale by Charles Rotrers, druggist. CASTORIA For Infants md Children. 1M Ttrf vrtppw 1 "tvcciVK AMKWAS HWrrntTIKH AIIHOAf. The aiil.M at Amarhan ur;tl'-si have lnmi, acoarliHf tu 'Ixilnkal alvkea, ytj lanre abroad of lain, ami Ihnra airpenrs to be a, InndntK-y toward Inoreaae In Ihe l. If Wila vlaW of ihltiKs holds, th.-ra will ho an Imr'aaliiaT llillux of llrlllnh ruld Into thla market, Tha is r'"l n and di inonnlraiea tlm faith abr'aul In thn alablllty of our credit, Tnnre Is an mtinr point of faith fur wlilih Iho people mret only of thla but fia-u cuuntrlea Imve food sToimds fir cre.Uii, arl that la, bnCetf In thn effl'i'y A Huslllnrs rll.mia.1i llltu.ra for IniMKanl': r.aladlw vhlili affw-t tJio atornai h, liver, bnwila, kllimys ami rurvns. lyid.t, bllUnja n., ootiailptttlon, rfiiimalm, ard a t-di'iMy lo Inaomnla, nro r:oiinl-nietel and rn.ii.-rc-l by It. 'It alll'w falling ap. ntln, hmt'-na coinvaleaia-niin, and dif fuses a g'tieoiia warmth arxl aa-naatlm of physical comfort Miroua-h lia system. A wliK-ttliuaefiil tnfia-a ret ring promute iHalth-yl'Idlnic slumber. It'd Aynr'a Almanac, whh your dru gtat will gliully taind you, and not tlm woml Tful cur.i of rh-imatlm. catarrh, wv.ifula, dyatiepala, teina, ,i-blllly, htimurs ami aurea) ly the uhh of Aynr's HurMiparllla, Om only ur-;iidlla a4 mil at the world's fa-r. Ayer'a llalr Vigor 1 certainly a remark, ablit trepar:itlon and nothing llkn It has ever been roliid. No mailer how wiry ami uiiiimriugeabU- thn hair may b, un.)T Ihn liiflin-ni-e of thla Irw-ninparalila ilreea lug. It Ui'uiri.w aoft, silky, and .liable tu tlm nmili and bruah. If yM arn troiilih-d fulling hair, dandruff, a of the scalp, or In 1 lined lu grayneaai, uan dm Ix-at pniiara llmi made to correct and cure Hull's Hair Hitvwer. ALASKA. Its .Veglei led F'aat, Jm Fu'tire. by lliialir'el Waahlnglon James, This a a now txx.k of tlm h-gher cl;i. mil. lining niU"fi to t'h Interest and eniertiiln tlm inibllc, who arn now at tri. te, l,y everything pertaining lo Alas ka ami Ihn gold IML at thn I'ppnr Yukon rl.r The autwn-' a ola rval ons In Alas ka urn writtori In hla usual m.arkllng vHn. th le truthfulmsM lo nature making them va'iinbln for Itm Inforoiatlun thry con la n many of thn diTlpt ons being writ ten on t.'.e ajHit T'm later antl-kt, though comioal in a '1 .-Molly evim-l styln. am pleaetanily renl.iblei ami Inslnxtivn. Th writer for. aw thn duwtilng of a new era for thn t,tr tory no Ions; umlerratd by people wl- Judgaal In-fom Inventlgat ng Its poa. slMn rrtnir.sei and be-anm deadly Imer en . d in thn dlstrlut at thn time of Its ptitvuo nmt reove, pome t'me 10 vkalt 11 When ttw oppoiiunlty offered his mit!. I was pr-narnd to take a comorehen- sive ami Impartial view at Alaska, borh ! In Its natural ami tmlltirul ponmbllltlea. The var'ety ami splemlor of Ms renery faclnatM him. white he waa filled with commiseration for lis ncglm-leid condition, llw ha-a usn. his pen In a sincere en. di avor to arouse political so well ail se rial thootrhtfulnew concerning It In all Its ta-cullar and valuable qualities, and earotwdy advorates prompt and careful legislation for Its government and pro tection. Anyone, who w!l read this book will not how heirtlly and Justly he has studied every phase of he advancement of ih territory. The International liw concerning the Herlng se and seal fish ery qimntlon. the tioiindary quivtion and other Items of le:War'on are fully and camfully treatext In the work. Bveryone lnt.-nt.ti! In the sealing confnmnc lately held ami the forthcoming congressional ih-lwitrM will want to read It. The work Is iH-aurifully Illustrated wJth rnce-nt marnj and plates of this section of the country, nnd Is rh most el.ihorn.te work yet pub-llw-d on the subject. HaniWajmn llmo.. 4V) pagin 3 rngrav IngH, 1 maps. Cloth. SI. SO. Surwhlne l'lihlUhlng Co., I'hlhuWIphla. tne whole day of sunshine would cer tainly be appreciated. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. O. B. E8TE8, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON. Ppeclal attention to diseases of worn and surgery. Office over Dsn tiger's ttora, Astoria Telephone No. U. J. Q A. BOWLBT. ATTORN ET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office; on Bond street Astoria. Or. Chester V. Dolph. Richard Nlxs a WJLPH A NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon. H. O, M and II Hamilton Building. All legal and eel lection busln-a promptly attended t Claim agalnat the govrnmnt a sp- ilalty. DR. JAY TUTTLK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ottloe, rooms 6 nd 6, Pythian bulldg ComnierclaJ St, Residence um Telephone 96. Acting assistant surgeon U. S. Ma rine hospital service. DR. BHU.E J. MACDONALD, DISEASES OF WOMEN AND OF TUB NERVOUS SYSTEM. Office and residence, US Thirteenth street. Portland, Oregon. Office hour from I to 4 p. m., and by appointment. H. A. SMITH. DENTIST. (g) Rooms 1 and S, Pythian Building over C. II. Cooper's store. H. T. CROSBY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. MS Commercial s treat JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Astorlan Building. C, C. BROWER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gunderson Building. Astoria, Oregon SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. T, A. F. aa A. M. Regular communications held n the first and third Tuesday evening t each month. O. W. L0UN8BERP.T, W. at B. C. HOLDEN, Becretaxy. ONTO 152VJOYO Roth the method and rcHults when Syrup of Figi is taken; it i pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on thcKidneys, Liver and Bowels, cN-anscsthc sys tem effectually, dispels colds.hcad achesand fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of l igsisthc only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the atomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its cffccts.prcparcdouly from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of I igs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. $A fRAKISCO, CAL loumtiu, it. tew roxx. t QCARTEItl-Y UCEN3K NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that all dog 11- reniw-s fjr the year erellrsj Dece-nSer a, (OS under the provisions of ordinance No. IBM.' sr. 4 all team, billiard, pool, bow), ing fclby. (heaters, pawnbroker, hotel. runner, peddlar, laundry and other quar terly llrerua-s ending March XI. IM, under the prov-ons ot ordinance No. 119C, are n ew due and payable to the chief of po lice, at his oTVe, and If not PM within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to wit.: Within ten dayi from Frplay. January 11. ISM, a penalty of B per cent will added to -h license. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Tollco Judc. Astoria, Oregon, January 4, ISM. OASTOrilA. w:fr. Watct to which page at a newspaper a person turn first and hla or her taste can be pretty readily defined. Mr. Esah Berry, of this place, say ha never had anything to do him so moot, good sod gtT such quick relief from rheumatism aa Chamberlain's Pain Barm. He waa bothered greatly with Shooting pain from hip to knee untfl he used tbfe liniment, whloh affords prompt relief. -R F. Baker, druggist, flt Paris, Ohto. For sal by Charts Rogers, druggist. EAST tu south "M e..'-'t-. ;4 LEAVE. 1 PORTLAND, I ARRIVE. OVERLASJ EX PKK.S lor alem, Kiwebure. Ashland, Sacramento, Ofurn, ran Francisco, Mo- :00 P. M. SCA M isve. lne Angeies, Kl Psso, Sew Or leans and the East. tl SOA. M. Roseburg passenger H XT. U Via Woodburu, for Mount Anttel, veilon, West Scio, Brownsvilie, Spring field and Natron Daily except eunday. Daily except Sunday. t7: A. M. CorTallls passenger. : P. M H-.V) P. M. Independence psm'gT its A. M- Daily, tDaily except Sunday. Oonneotlnar nt Ban Frandsos with On. clJental at Oriental. Padflo MalL aad Oceanic steamship lines for JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA, AND HA WAIL LOW FARES, EVERY DAY- PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO HOO, Second Class; 1000, First Class; including berth. , Similar reductions to Los Angeles, Fresno nnd other California potnt. Baggage checked to destination. a KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM. Manager. O. F. and P. A, FOR' TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND , TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST P01NT8 OTHER COAST POINTS Steamer R. P. ELMORE, R. P. ELM OR R. P. ELMORE, W. H. HARRISON W. H. HARRISON W. H. HARRISON AND AUGU8TA AND AUGUSTA AND AUGUSTA ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER O. R. A N. Co, Agents, Portland. Sailing dates to nnd from Tillamook and Nshalem depend upon th weather. For freight nnd passenger rates apply to ELMORE, SANBORN A CO.. Agents. J. B. WYATT, Pke N t A liar Is, Orege Hardware, Ship Chandlery, GrpcerleB, IVovlBlone, PAINTH nd OILB. Hll AtUatla Pal t iujplylsg Ihlp A. & C. R. R. R. TIME CARD In Effect Oct. 25, I8!7. Leavs Seukto for Astoria vl riarei at 7:30 a. m. and t p, m. dally. Lear Astoria for Seaaid rl FTavel at W a. m. and p. m dally. All the Above Truir Are Dully. ARE YOU OOINO IA8TT ARB YOU GOING EAST? ARB YOU GOINO EAST? Be sure and see that your ticket read via THE N0RTH-WE8TERN LINK HE NORTH Cf TERN LINE 1HK NO PTJI-Wf STERN LINE CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAYS Tbls 1 th GREAT SHORT LINE Between Dt'LLTH, SAINT PAUL, CHICAOO And all Points East nd Bouth. Their Magntncent Track, Peoria VsarO bukd Dlnjig and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" Hare given this road a national reputa tion. AH classes of psagrs carried on to restibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight sad travel over this fsmou Una. AU agent bar tickets. F. C. SAVAGE. T. F. and P. A. W. R MEAD. General Agent. M Washington St., Portland. Or. A. V.ALLEN. Groceries. Feed. Fruits. $ ' Vegetables, Crockery, V Logger's Supplies. Cor.Tenth and Commercial street. IBS OSLY DI.SING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORf LAXDTOTUK IAST. THE ONLY ROt'TK TO THE YELL0WST0S1 NATIONAL PARK. L8AVB PORTLAND ARRIVE. Mall for Kalsma, Chebaiis. Centralis. No. 1 .South Bend, Jlonlrsaano So. 1. ADrrueen. uiyniius, isr k-oms. Heattle. i.-toria. Port Townnend, Ellens- burr, (.Rosalie. Rivuland B.C.: Trail. B.C.; Sel on, D. t' Kailo, Md vmla. Butie. Anacoiiita. 11: A.M. Helens., M. Paul, Miq- V 00 P. H uesno is. kmvu citv. Oniabs, Council BluSn, St. Lnul,Chlc0,Wh innton. New York, I'hll- surlphis.Biton, snd all ipoiiit Kast and ovutb 'esL t DAYS to Minneapolis. Omaha, Kan sas City nnd St Paul. IH DAYS to Milwaukee and Chicago. 4H DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York nod Boston, and other Eastern points. Baggage checked through to detltutle of ticket. For sleeping-car reservation, tickets, map and tult information, call on re write A. D. CHARLTON Asa't Gea'l Pass. Ageut, Portland, Or 195 Morrison St.. Cor. Third. C W. STONE, Astoria. THIS RAILWAY COMPANY Operates Its trains on the famous block system. Light It train by electricity through out; Uses the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St Paul and Chicago; the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL Also operates steam-heated veeilbuled trains, carrying th latest private com partment cars, library buffet smoking cars, and palac drawing room sleepers. Parlor cars, free reclining chair car and the very best dining car service. For lowest rates to any potnt In the United States or Canada, apply to tioket agent, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, T. P. A. Portland, Oregon, Milwaukee SEASIDE SAWfHltu A complet stock of lumber on baa! la Ih rough or dreoand, Flooring, rus tic, telling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingle. Term raonati! and price at bedrock. All order promptly attended to. Oftlee and yr at mllL II r 1 LOO AN, Be slil. Oregon. IroprtotQ. Antoria Iron VVorkB Front Btrent, foot of Fourth, Astoria, GENERAL MACHINIflTS and BoiLi:n Rakers Land and Marin liaglrtes. Boiler Work, Steamboat and Caanary Work a sp. cialty. Caatlngs of all oosotlpUona mad to order on short no'le. John Fos..Praldna nnd Supertntandant A. L. Fog Vlo PreaWUot 0. & Praal Boorstnr Astoria Savtnir Hank "Trjrtsrr WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Pmcet ftiund Navtga - tion Co, Hfeamcr "Riilley (tntrert" lenfn Astoria dBllv, etenpt Kundsy, 7 p. m. leaves I'orV land dally.exeepi Muiirtav. 7 , m. "Ilalley llauerl' tirkol good on steamer "Tliornjawm." K. It. Thompson" tickets good nn"Dally Oaxtnrl." V. B. g.-ott, i,ealdenL t. A. Heeley, Affent, Portland. ('. W. Hume. Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. IP , rUrbls ind Grin Its MONUMENTS ' si's mm inHOFP A minar, Ci;K. Morrison nt., PortUnd, Of ALI. ElNlm OF CKMFTKRY WORK Gold Fields Of Alaska THE ALASKAN ' TRANSPORTATION -AND DEVELOPMENT CO. OF CHICAGO. ILL CAPITAL $5,000,000 This company Is the largest, strongest 1 and best equipped transportation 1 f merchandlal.ig company in th Alasaat gold field. Three tarr and oommodtoua team ships will leave Seattle Jon 1, nnd reg ularly thereafter, carrying both freight and passengers. - The steamer are caspecially fitted for the convenience of passenger and ar eapabi of carrying IM each. ... f Onr Passenger anl Freifbt Service on tbe Ynkon River Win be the best. Th bundling of mer chants' freight mad a specialty. W ar the only company tlnit guarantees prompt delivery at Dawson City. W guarantee you a year's supply of f ood, and a mft and speedy arrival. Th gold 1 there. Tou stand fully as much chance, as any other person. Do yon want to be on of oar first T If so, writ at once, securing passage and berth. Oar Special Transportation Offer I the best now beor th public Send for free copy ot Th Alaska News, and also for our special offer, including transportation to the Klondike and food for one year for six huaired dollars. This will Interest you If you Intend go ing; If not. our stock offer should inter, est you. and you should become on of our stockholders.. A limited amour t of stock has Just been assigned to th western agency for sata at O per share. A man or woman of small means has the same opportunity s a rich person. If you cannot go to Aaskn nothing should prevent yon being a profitable shareholder. Our Company Is Composed of Men of Tried Business Repntations Some of whom ar th following: Hon. W. E. Mason, V. 8. Senator from Illinois. Albert C. Btats, president Val BlaU Brewing oompany, Milwaukee. W. C. Rlnearton, general p&asenger gent C. N. O. T. P. R. R., Cincinnati. B W. Griffith, president First National J. B. capitalist, Legnard Bank, Vlcksburg, Mis, building, Chicago. Frank H. Hecht, of Charles Kaeetner or Co.. Chicago. D. G. Edwards, pamemger trafflo mans, ger. C. H. & D. R. R-, Cincinnati. OK-rtes H. Rockwell, tr01o mannger, C. I. A L. P. R, (Monon Route), Chicago. T. H. Foster, Foetorta nnd Vlcksburg Miss. J. M. Phillip, cashier First Natlomal Bnnk. VlcksburK, Mies. For tnformati'm address and make nil money payable to W. I DUDLEY, gen eral agent, ITaller building, Seattle, Wash. IV Theso tiny Capsule are superior to Balsam ot Lopaioa, Cubebs or Injections and fumv rilRP IM AS HOURSllUiU the same diseases with-w' out Inconvenience. .Wfy all ntr - a,1, Ithr Is a non-nolannons 4t.tJ remedy for tioaorrhwa. rUBKSW 1 fleet, B pa rm SI or r Uie a. ' lali.Mwi.Yl uiie, unnatural 111, OurDUMd chargca, or any lliflaainiii- sat ta Hrtaiara. tlon. irriiattua or uicnra eMMBta Maiaaloa. tion of ni u 0 o n s arHEEVAHSDlEV-Hf!!. bnn'm- N"a-aHl "iniaraaamn.r-" SWIal v UrasgbU. V amnv annt In alaln annn,r. , I hr nspreaa. prnpaiii. ..r rfl IL1-" ' 0 iHiiiina, K Circular sent un rauuesl.