book, r I (. ic, L ll;r. ; v i (I': i. Will. Ic ! mm Li Ilk vTTmr THE DAILY ASTORIAN Is the btfffeot anj test piper on the Columbia River ffflf THE ASTORIAN has the largest circulation of aav Baer oo the Columbia River FULL ASSOCIATED PKISS REPORT. VOL XLVIII. ASTORIA, (WKOON, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY II, 181)8. NO. 9. Tnr. "Superior" Stoves and Rang ARC J. N. LAWS, AT Diaries and Calendars For 1898... GRIFFIN Klondike Mlrtcrn' Outfltn CitmpcrH' UtcnnllH and Prov IhJoiih W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull lliw ol Mm. Tobacco, an fmokttt' Artkln. 474 Coniniorvlnl HI. l&ar r.alcruipmcit Hall we pwWw. if (M'a tJ'-i' Thtr Floors-Fin Music, (ismraof All Kindt; Tiro ", TTVj MaanlfWiit Ham; Kvrrvllilim Klral t'lnaa; hixM VasMaru iisad.fciSfrsiW iipirr and a 1(1 hi. Htrlrlly observed. a. '" Mams. Bacon ctiicm RRANH The Boat, Absolutely Pur. Rye For Sale at The Occldont Hotel Bar, The Ofllo. SaJoon, AJtd all the leading bora In Astoria. Sun FrnnciMCo and rortland , criKnitmo TIH BEST HAVVES' OLD STAND Blank Books and Office Supplies & REED Supplies Foard & Stokes Company Manulailuror and Lo n I r In FINE CIGARS! a'lnria'l (ierqeni The LrOtivre.. Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABSOLUELY PURE The North l'mnflo Brewery, of which Mr.Johu Kopp ia proprietor, maktia beer tor domestic and export trade. Bottled beer for family tue, or hog beer anpplied at any time, delivery in the rity free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY and AM. KINKH OK CANNED MEATS 1 1 nam n lord The lli'Kt In the Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. Fourth tnd f.lisnt Streets Cortland. Oregon. "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey SHERWOOD SHERWOOD PACIFIC COAST AGENTS. MUCH EXCITEMENT IN KLONDIKE The Mother Lode of Gold Discovered la four Places. moneV will not buy claims Ketirolta Niger. Briaj r.rcil Vtaltk aid Report Kill Yttr'a Oatptt I i'lfMIO.OIK). H.ititl.., J. hi. i Tin- si'iinvr Pity of "Pi""". lil.h Iw-ro till after- in. ii fmin JuiKuii, itm'l nmoTiK hi r fxw iK-ra nil"' ni"1i nli.i l-fi lu'.n i'lly I nil r 9 Tfi" -rr- W, J, J ru. INirl Timtiw lid. I I) Si. rt, .Iiiiw-m; A. "'H.. r. N.iva K. K. Arii'ild, t Kim n !; W. (I Ht.ii(i-r r'..l-lt,Vti.; Hurry Mlll.'f 'V.I.ilV: .1 r..rlroy, lK-n. v.-r; !.ni. ,'i.T,n, T i. . inn. Mini It di- t-rx J.4ir,i, T.i. .mm. Th.-y -rr 21 diirt ri romiir fr"in Ku.w in !, Tl' lr Imiturv mn im'MMl'"l liy ny rim-lal In.i.l. iKa "jt... w.-u hrr n-- .DM H tM.jt.w itf.i Tlw fturiy .ri,ii .nit rli wim lii! Vtn :i ip.Ut .ti f.n.l dmfti. Ic tanm wp" n"l n iimklfi-i i trip. "Hm imrty l'ti,. no in. Saturn In r.-f.'r.-n'' ii ih. f.nxl KitiMiil'in ii iaw- i Th.-y nil nijivf t rial f'Ml h urmw. lm ilmt tfi.-n. u no d.uiirr .(f If a lurv nunilT tf i-rfm had not mitif nut .! ihi rlv.r to FVirl Tuk'm mid Ori'W 1iy in i-imI ihv winter, a in .. Kmi. hnv b-n told. In rvfVn-nco r th inic I B.n-m- nwii r'1l-f riMlihn. nil ! that II.. It l iwsl-l av.-rt nrlual tn,t. It wiMild lw w.-.iin1 nvmhtw. W. .1. Jonni tiHriiM. n.'ii of In. dlrtv- rrv M what t aiiol tn l tlhr mlithif lln mi. I .imrtl iirtmrt of iht- lnoon of Ihn K K'dlkp dlKiiicl. Tw d)rov.Ty irrt mado wlilitn fn'.-nty-fonr m f.xir llffrr.Tit Tl"l. n rf lh.-m at iom of a hti nin'minln t th.. .tm of th. amn. if Rhlimtdo rrk l.y Frni'k Hbi vln; N'n o xih .in, at N'.i 31 l'l..w.l.). l.y A. II I.wo and nanr: th tlilrd on" on Ninrvn On. h M No IS. nnd iw fourth m.. h.-n- n tfm on tlonar.nn rrwk. Tw. rr-nd f th northTt l.y 'ot. nivrlv from th il mr. It la found nt .ili! y f.M l4w tlh. .nirfti'H. and iin l.T th.- mii'-k ami nll ivlnl dilt. T V'Iitk U iiIkmii II liV ai.l.. and rnnln- nli a nnTn n-il'h. It r wm'rmwly lrlnkl-l Hi ftv iroM Thr srHiti-i . rtmi'iit .r.-vl and no man will ilntn m tuny uinrtl Ho lh claim until fm-thxr .V-vi hl m.-r t havp Wn nind. .Tim., niyn: "Th utit rf rt1 hi thf twtia: will 1. from flft.n M wnty-f)T mllllnna rt mlllkm f dn.t I mw otor.'.l n I'Htw-win, thnv and onJhnlf mil flor. of iitvl.'h would haw romr out ti fiill hn. th. rm.'h.'il Diiwww." MnrtK ream iv ki"npikf. Victoria, n. C. Jan. l'l.-Klchanl Mor nan. Jiwt from P.i.iiii. throwa n'w ht on ltw fiwd nitiifithm ther and iino .in the R.-n.'ral condliKvw and inont n-..wltl.-a of lh camp. Mrat. hf nn, la no a drutr ntnt wortft but Ji) to 10 cM. rlilifly hctiiiM largr titrda of inonat and rarltioo havp lately puod the dlotriat anil have bcn aluuirhtered by whoJe, ot iimlnK twty hrlrarln W aa many aa M. Hunker crerk, ent,l'nir lno ahe Klon. dike, I." mllm from Pawwon awl fed by fJold IVttim, Imat Chanoe, and tevwal otlwr ta.urlferov ft niimn, la proving quite aa good aa Eklorndo. while ;te a-old a.p. pronch.c the Ilonania creek atnmhirvl of ftneneea. The Hunker U a Ions; ttm with room for upward of 100 or more clama, while there are quite aa many on the newly proapeot'a trtbmarl.v, In cluding Imm Chmnce and Oold not torn. The pay dirt of Hiitrker and tlhewe trlhu. tnr isild to uvcrauv. Sl! to tiho pan, while culm No. , Wow Dlncovery. In reportrtl to h.ive tunM out one record of 1104. Sulphur ort'.-k .haa not yn nhon-n any aensivtlonnl ground, but .d 115 to tlhe pnn U not to be looked upon wlfh dis dain hy the majority of mint-re. MRS. NACK Til HK SKXTRNCrciV Nw York, Jan. 10. Mrs. AuaMwtA nu -k Willi rV'iN.lve ent'nc lolay fr her com plicity In the murdor of Wllltim Gulden, n.ipiw, to which mh confesevd durlns; ttie trtnl of Miirtln Thorn", now under een. tewe n lUie prkn nt Sinn Sing. She will be nrrnil,"nei In the courtro.-im at IiiK Ulund cly and probably plend irullty to mnnnliiiiKhter, the punishment of which In 20 ye.ira. Sentence will be PHMfd by Judge Oinvtsw. It Is under Mlood that there hnd leen an '.Ktnvment iMt.wi-en nintrlet Attornm- Youni? and Mn. Naek'a couiiAd. rteardn? the plea Mia. Nack will m.ike .ind ;hnt KftHence wll be pasiu-d accordingly. It wtia re. ported nk-ht Hermann Nick, We hualmnd of the womiin. will aa eoon om he la wntencid o lmprlonment. have paper nerved n ,i milt for ahlute di vorce. It Id id 'ilie haa contemplated dolnff thin before, but by adrleo refrained from doins; tto until aha had been en tenced for nhe crlinA Im her confiwlon Mra. Natk did not make any admlpalon aMvIng; irroure for dlvor.-e In thin nna.te. 'hilt It a ld that mo objection to the decree mill be entered by her. SEALSKINS ARE BEING SEIZED I'ecullir Situation at Niagara Nils oo the Line. OFFICERS ON BOTH BRIDGES Directed to Seiie leytbiig That Eookt Like Seilsiii Twelera ire Ditcoaaioded. Slutfra Full. Jn- 10. -Th Vrlod H'.at.- wHtaini odlciTa ntuWn 1 t "" i. ,1.1.. I,..v bn nvttflfd to i'li any- I tfiln tlt k" IlKf ajHklnt. Nxrly nil of the n.ulliiii W'T" notin.-l to Irav rtiWr wi'-k.. cltn-m and l th,'c'' If rny did not nt them cotiIVcUmI. Th at Mari Fala i prob dlT.-no; from tti: ( any point on th.- frotul.r. Iloth tiid- of th.. rtv. art. tliUkly wnhi wtiI th.- (' and AmorU an .o.ulatlin KO "1 f',r!1 dully, (in iIib Canadlm 'I'l- h-i'W fth tilth iMiiff a nuirtliiT of -.iihy Am rl -an hn .xnimry und .1 urtit n.iy "t t'lc wn.'n In ,-h fumlll'-a in ..l aa in.IIiin irom -a .-ar tvabkin riMta. ir, .-r ihp rtwr to th Ami-rciin .o .hilly. i-ill "lt miklnit .-ularn. 8trv crul irkn iaJ of aiat;an r.-ltnl Ix-liMitCltlK to Knllrm-ll inU!d on lm1ni' o Itti( and NV- York and many a man on to hf d.'atlna tln toeilKfie wfurinit a lrti travWln in. aft.T haxln .-fl nU nam and mm' rhin ly Mf.h he rwuld Id-nilfy ht con flxtt.t.'.l hidtr'ar. Th law ajrm aff.vla the Capndlan rail roads runiiins from fil-it.i toward. Th" lii.-lml.' th. m.ihlM Central, th iraihl Trunk. he Canadian Pwlfl'. th' ul :u-li and t8i Iy.'tiuh Val-y.. The vo kln urmiiia tnkt-n fn.n thr wotvr er tumrd anT to th a4irna.-n at eua torn trmi.,ji T-tiT rtic ovn-r. aftr Mine .in UH'Hi'nttof mu wait until notice him Ixrn t tJ" w.'tvtary for a decision ! n th.. m.ilter UK 'ORltS IN DOl'HT. Th.- U A. W. Cannot Rilabllnh Its Cenlflca:.1. i;.Aplmor. Ja.n. 10 - Chairman Molt of nlie U A. V. ral-.K 1 ar. ha a letter frjtn Henry t irnrlr of Coventry vr.-tar' of the ltr.ern'.M'al rycl-H union. attlnt that there r no onVal world' nu'lnt re.-jfl. Mr Mott b an an lnv.-tlKiitlon of '.tie matt.-r ?t the tme l-Mward McDufne of n.Mion trl.M for rec onla on the "Willow C.rove iraek at Phlla de4ifa. McPulTle'a d.x-nd.ol Homat on 'Whether he awcfded In brewkitur or tjimlllnit w5rlJ'i rK-onla. He did itome remark tbo rWlnR, tlelna; Stocks of KiiKlimid at l.U'H for the mile. Sev eral other records er. clipped. Then McPtiffle H Umed pay for worM't recorlt Mr. 'Mott Moral the nvordo and re- conled them v for the country or within the JuiinJIctlon of the L. A. YT. When axk.1 !f he would certify to them officially. they were world'a recorvli". he iM he mMtild not do no. He believed them to be world' record?, but had no dooumont to miataJn hja belief. Mr. M.xt Hid that he id that It waa a hardship for the promoter who went tc the exne of pr.parln; racera and for the men who made the records, to hare the matter left uncertain and he wrote to Seoretary Sturmclr to Inquire whether there wa not eome way of settling the .matter. Mr. Sturmlr autrirests that each orftanl xton eid him ita official record on January 1 t exch year. He .will then conndlo tlm and fn4 coplce to ruolnn 1xrd halrnin or similar offlcera throua-h-out trio worfcl. o Unit each may decide for hlmaolf what are worll't record. CROKBIt PEN IKS IT. Now York. Jan. 10. The Herald at that loth lllehard Ooker ind Lm- C. Thompwon, part owner ,nd affent for the nrookiUle tock farm, deny the re invns that the Tammany lewder ha pur chased that properly. The Herald, how ever, .im that t 1 believed some move of thLs churacter k contemplated. Mr. Oroker harttur ro-ently iwccted the farm having discussed mniwlns. turveyort ciwirtM and price with a local Monmouth county attorney, and Lewi C. and Wil liam V. Thomn for family reaeori pre ferring not to llne at Brookdale. It is Uso announceid that Mrs. Ra4i Preston. who wa a Mas 'Thompson. I about to roturn ifrom Colorado to cotv up her in terest In the farm before It ohane-es hnd. RrookdiUe iw-n arranRd and planned by the iate David Punhnm Wlth er. who wmmmnd tlhe purchase of the thoimnd axres in 17S0. Tho nronertv af. forward paswU Into the hands of the Thomson, but ance t'he .abandonment of Monmouth park racetrack It haa not been w profitable a formerly. VERDICT OF MCRPER. Eureka, Kan.. Jan. 10. The Jury In the New oase returned a verdM of murder in Che second dostve aijoliiHt OcorK' Pohbs and Mrs. Emllle New. Jointly rhanrcd with the murder of tho latter's hushnnd, Joseoh New, on October 31. Af ter the Jury retired Mm. New mule a confrmlon. .A flrwt decree verdict waa expected. Sentence waa deferred temporarily. SENATOR HANNA APPARENTLY SHORT Thought That He Lacks 0ie of Blec tloa oa Joiat Ballot. TDE OPPOSITION CONFIDENT Rat Tkere la a Tteliag Tktt If Ri la Rat Defeated aa tka firt Balltt Rt Vill Wit. Cblumbua, Ohio, Jan. 10. Senator Hanna la l-lU!Ved to tw utiort totilKtu one vote of in)on. Th oiawdliiiio t not awe of rwiiKti vot. for any on.- man as af iln' only 72 for Hanna, but th-y foci confl- rVmt, ut Vtrnl, of r-venUna; Hanna elec. IjoiH nlirtit Uj d.-mo ratlc Meerlna; com. niltt'-e demarried i Kuril tout he furni at !. rlKht afndavtm tonU-ht from the republican im'mtm that they a-ould tand with G d.-mx-rai in voqna; acralnst Hanna. The di-rmx-rtlo eerlnir commit-t-. reel tonlKht that they .were nt- flL R4-tn.-wntatlve Oiyman, chairman of tlhe democratic steering committee, v-nt n far aa to say that Hanna'a de feat Is uMimL Thv I no doubt that Hiuui" Hiinrn nit not tten for th week previous to Frldiy when Repreaen- tailve Mnr.uel chanced In his favor. On Saturday the Hanna men secured Repre- s.rtative Otlffitli, but ey made no ac cr1nn yemerday and todny, and it la the vn.-ra. h.-li.-f thu they or nhort on vote tonltrht. It h en nirroed by the conference committer that ImJVitlna- In the two h'.orn mill herln at 2 p. m. tomorrow an.1 thero may H sr-eraj cume In that time. St. romr work on both aldaa t l'rur done tonlstu. Worker will not icot. until after the ballotln; brin. There a a f.lrar among; many of the onjonem of Hanm. thruj If he Is not de- iel on the first, or by separate ballot. t-morronr. that he ulij not be defeated at ell. Am(-Hania "workers say they hod a majority of Ave auiMt TCuina. . when tM-y expnwd tre-lr strenjrth In orfrania- InK th hvlelatune. anl if rhey come down to t majority of only one aralnt Hanna. they fear Hhe coolitkm may not hold to (."ther. WTiile the oppewltlon still Insist on Kurtx km rtie candhi.te ncainst Han na, yt they ny that Thinell. Kurtx. or snv ofVor one n1H be drotvped a soon as . M Is d.-n-icm sr rated that he ennnot secure etl of -rTe votw of either the antl-Hanoa republicans or the democrat. The name more prominently mentioned today wae that of Ttmnentatlve Jittww, who repre sent Stork county, the home of President MoKney Mr. Jones Is a republican, and prominent In the miner" iwilon.. He I for freei silver and I advocated as the lahcr candidal aculnt capital. nrPITNHLL IVArorRATKD. Columrnav Ohjo. Jam. 10. (Special to the Atorin ) Covernt Biineli wa Inau irurated tiay. There .wa no disorder. JOHN LINCOLN'S PENSION. Mardyvile, O.. Jan. 10,-Jjhn Lincoln, of Bolshow. Mo., has angled to the Marya ville board of examination for a pension. Lincoln and M ukstec, Mne. Washington iroahor cf itihis cty, wTe second cousins to Abraham Lincoln- John Lincoln en listed early in the sixties In the Fourth Missouri and nerved !n that resflment for three yere. He Oven enllstej In the ISth Missouri cavatry and served to the end of the war. Before no was finally muB tered In he fought Indians on the plains for some time, Mr. Lincoln served three tern as sheriff of Andrew county and sueprlntended the hanging of the Infa mous Bateman, the murderer of two little grtrls in October, 18S3. He Is 5S years oM. are! as six feet one inch tall and bears a ntrlklmr family resemblance to the mar tyred president. He 'mis never drawn a pension. VETERAN PTINO. ChU-RO. Jam. 10. Col. Thomas Hoyer Motwtory, the veteran fencing master of OlioViatfo U a pntlont at St. Luke's hosiiitiil on areount of rtieumatlsm. H hoe been at CN hospital for Bewrol days and hL? conlitlon IB oonPldeircd aerlotaa by reason of his odvunoed age, the vw.ern being- In ht f&th year. v Colonel Monsterj'1" ctirver Is replete with adventuren. It is sakl he has served urler twelve flas and tn every cane he declare he foiufit on the nide of freedom. He first came to (his country at the out brenk of the -Mexican 'war. Going to New Orleans, he enlisted but had not been In the norviee lorn hefofe he wa disabled. Hs wund kept him out of active service the rest of the war. He is said to be the oldest Mexican war veteran living In Chi caso. HOLP-UP IN ARIZONA. Preseott, Arlx., Jan. 10. One man haa .uocoeded n hoHlns; up the Palace sa loon, a (rambling- place, ami at the point of. a plstxtf, necurlnp all the money m .'lirht. Ho terrorize about JO patrons of the plana and mule Ms escape With nearly $300. He is believed to have had an aconvpllce on the outside and both men ore uipo?d to have escaped an a north-bound trUn. OPPONENTS TO CIVIL SERVICE Mad the Best of It la Coagress Tes- terday-Test Case. SENATE CONFIRMS OFFICERS Maty Orejotlita lacladid ia tka liat Cerbett CaM Vill C t. Ike Seaita itb tiierM lepert. 'Wahinrton. Jan. 10 Th optionenua to Hie civil ervice law had nw the bet of KhM rtrt.te in the hoiaw today, so far at the number of tho enjroired in It were concerned. Nine of the eleven aajieaJiera ere of te oppositlon The foundem of th law ux very anx- 4ou to shut off further debate and In tl" way have the co-operation of Speaker Roerf and Dhe rule of the committee. Moody, -who ha cnre of the bill, t-av notice that he wouM the aene of the houm tomorrow on a motion to close the debate. The opposition sent word to all in their ranks w be a hand, and they iy they wiH have no difficulty n dfifeat- tmr the motion. SE.VATE OONF1R.MATIOSS. Washlnicton. Jan. 10. The senate today made the following confirmations: Z. Hour. Cttftcl State marshal for Ore son: O. Summer, appraiser of merohan dW. Port fa ml. Or. iPotmi!r-J. C. Ardney. LaOrande; C. FVll, Pendelton: B. W. Johnson, Cor- vallrs. To be surveyor-iceneiral W. K. THstki. of Quhicj-. III., of Aika: Joseph Per- rault. of Idaho. To be reirter of the )and office D. H. Budlonir. at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: L. R Thoma at Blackfoot, I'Who; R. "W. Dud. ley, of WashlTwfton, D. C. at Sitka; C B. Moore, at Oreajon City: E. W. Bart. -H. at IOrande. Or. TO be Twelver of the land office R. Shelley, of Portlnnd. Or., at Sitka, Alas ka: O. B. Roar-r. at Biackfoot. Idaho. J. U H3!. at IMalhi Walls, Wash. To toe I'nlted Statew attorneys R. Coxier, Vllstriot of Idaho; J. H. Hall, dis trict of Orenon. THE OORBETT CASE. Wa.4itnjrUn, Jan. 10. It had been ex rected that the cominittfe on privileges and elections ncould meet today to take up -ph-a claim of H. W. Corbett to a seat n the semate from Orepim on the ap pointment of the (rovernor of that state. but owinsr to the absence of Senator Bur rows tlhe meeting will not b hl until next Monday. Purrawis. of Mlchljpan. kt the only re- rniblloan on the committee who 'will op pose rtie deatint; of Corbett. He takes the positron tint the decteton In the Man tie case ks at precedent against the ai polntroent of senator where the lecWa- twvs Ihnd on opportunity to act. which cannot be put aside. His vote will thus thaw the effect of sending one matter to the senate on an advwne report, as with out Buotwwbi. the committee is a tie. NEW ARMY APPOINTMENTS. New York, Jan. IO.-presldent McKlnley will appoint three chiefs of ataff of de partment n the army with the rank of brigadier-general within a few weeks, aaya the Washington correspondent of th Herald. The chol?t plum will be the last be given that of :ho adjutant generalship, wihlch is to be given to Col. H. C. Oarbln. the ranking assistant ad Jut ant -general!. Colonel Corbln has been recently transferred to duty at Washing ton, having for severU years been adju tant-general of tire department of the East, with 3iicadqi:art!ir3 at Governor's Mand. Colonel Corbln Is a personal frnd of the pmstdent, who in appointing that ofTV-er to be adjutint-eneral bestows upon him thfe highest military honor In hij gift. Hb appointment has the ap proval of nearly evry public man tn Washington- Colonel Corbln's anpolnt ment bi made by the retirement of Adjutant-General Brecfc, who has held the office only since kut September, having been appointed to suoccd Adjutant-General Ruggks. The c-ommlssary-gonesral and the quortermastar-general of the army will both retire within a feiw days of each otner, Brlgadlr-Gneral Bell, com-mlssary-gieneral, on January 28, and Brlg-aidler-General Weeks on February 3. The president will not observe any rules of seniority In making the apponltments. Col. Samuel T. Curfilng. whom he has de cided to make oommlsnary.gene.ral, ramks fifth among the officers of his corps, bnd Colonel Marshal Ludmiron whom he will appoint quart.Tmaster-Renertl, ranks nfnth. SWEEPING DECISION. Madtaon, Wis., Jan. 10. County Judge J. II. Carpenter haa rendered u, decision which If sustained will havo a sweeping effect. He heAl that a-child cannot be legally adopted (without the' consent of both parents f living, and the child haa not been abandoned. J. H. Rhyder, whose wife had denerted him, i sent to prison for forgery from here recently. .A four-year-old daughter thus left alone was adopted by a saloon-keeper. Action by philanthropic parties to have the order of adoption reminded led tb the decision. UNIQUE FIGHT IN DENVER Xevapaacrs aid Departmeat Stores Are at Out. PRESS OBJECTS TO DICTATION Vill tegalat. In 0a IdvarlUiaa Saall Storia Takt Idtailaji pf tka Sitaatiaa. Dwnver, Jan. 10. An extraortlnary con troversy ha otarted in this city wth eh Jy papers on one aide ami fourteen of tfhe lanrest dry coodt, clothing and de partment store on the other. No adver tisement of any of these Ann appeared tn today') papen and formal notice has bnen given that none will appear until the copers accede to the demands of th merchants. Last week the business managwra of the daiaa .were Informed that the depart ment wtore mb(tvation had arbitrarily decided that advertising rate mut be re duced about pc cent. The firms de cline.! to enter into a dlscucalon pf the Justice of tine demand, nlmpiy stating that they had given their ultimatum. They control about SO per cent of the regular city advertMnar and! tetfeve that th pa per must siJbmK to their dictation. Th mrwnpopera replied that concession to she autocratic order waa not only Impos sible, fur bulnM reooons, but would de stroy the independence of thcprena The first result of the content fa the pa. sage of a resolution by th Trades' As sembly calling on tho city council to Im pose a heavy Ham on the department tores and warnng all members of th labor untorai against them. The smaller . merchant are takmg advantage of the orTrrunrty to Increase their advertising. In Denver, aa tn other cities, the de partment stores have been crunhinsr the smaller storra and the latter ore exceed ingly gtakl of a chance to cut into the busi ness of their rlvak. There anas a no ttceabh) decrease In the atse of th usual ' Monday hargam hunting crwwtlj tn the department stwrea. J. N." Hufton,' trea- surer of the Unload State under Presi dent Harrison, tn on interview sayi he beilteve that the great department ton n fell tlh cKles of the country are e cretly Jornlng to concentrate their power, in the opinion That udh a trust may be successfully organ!! to control the re tail buslnete of tfhe country in every branch. , BIKES SCATTERING. Kew York, Jan. 10. The racing bicy clist who have ben ceatwM in New York for the it month or two are beginning to er&ttar. Some have gone out of train ing and ore going: to rest while other have gone or ore preparing to go to milder dmate to resume training for the next outdoor season. Jimmy Michael and hs manager left last night for Chicago, where they win spend a fortnight superintend ing the building af new mahlnes for the midget. 'Michael tes not fully decided when he will sail for Europe, but ' will be before the oloae of the month. He haa gained five pounds In weight since he went out of training and already feel the benefit of ifim ohnnge. Last eight Taylors, accompanied by a number of his pacemakers, left for Philadelphia, where he win continue in training for Ma match with J. F. Starbuck, at 20 miles m that cfty on Saturday Chase, the English rider, who has not been really well el nee the fall he received In tie match wlht MMioeJ. Is thinking of leav. ng for England this week In the hope thit the sea voyagfe and rest will give hint . a better foundation on which to go Into tralnittg for outdoor re.?lng. His manager Watson, say Chase will race n America next summer. 5Vvmj member of tlhe pace-maklmT staff employed by Michael left for their homes for a rest, while other of them are waiting here to go to Florida with th party that will all Saturday nfxt. MRS. LOGAN OITT WEST. Denver, Jan. 10. ..Mrs. John A. Logan, of Washington, and Mrs. Geo. M. Pull man, of Chicago, passed Ihrouijh Denver stopping over a few hours as the gueste) of Mrs. Pullman's sister, Mrs. Walter S. Cheesman, of this city. Mrs. Loym and Mm. Pullman, ore enroute to the Pacific coast to visit Mrs.'a daughter, Mrs. Frank Carol an. of Burllngame, CaJ. Royal aaaket the food para, wholesome and aslldeaa. Cv3a r mm Favoin Absolutely Pur aona smumc mm oo., saw vow.