im LHlL. AS.Ui.i.t., SAlli.OAV MOltMNO, JANUARY 8, 1)8. gaily ctoviittu . JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telophons No. M. t-biims op simsciuPTiON. DAILY. Bent by mail, per rear &. Sent by mall, per month J& ftervcd by carrier, per month,..., .41 WEEKLY. Bet.l by mall, per year, in advance. ...ill. Postage tree to vubeortbera. All ciimmunfcation intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kind and nmUtanei'S must be addressed tc "Tike Aatorlan." The Astorian guarantees to its sub. acriber the larvest circulation of any fcewspaper published on the Columbia rlror. Advertising ral'ca con be had on appli cation to the business manager. Weekly Astorian, the second old est 'weekly In the state of Oregon, has, cat to the Portland Oregonjan. the arrest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland gents and copies of the Astoran can tx fcad every morning at their stand. 1 Third street henchmen have for year Knight to engender among the country districts mr Portland and Portland men,, It It Mitchell's hope to pn)ert himself and the party of his imme Into the next campaign, to the end that the voles ot the gold-sUiuriaid reKUblloiii may be di verted and scattered and rendered of no avail In turntnn down Ihe free silver spectre and putting the fnal sod on hi own poltllcal grave 1lle tli! 1 no time to Interrupt the re vlvlng prusiH-my or ti distinct ami depress the ItnpniVi-d business inlciv.sis of Or iron by HUtu-iiutiiig the nrai'glino 'u' clamor which tl is to lie t..r.'.l w iilaiw ii.l I lie ivmlug raniMi.n, it i cl tin- duty of the Miilino mh i-oinmiUiv to elu, kma:.' tins opening tllOVi' of the Mlli'luSl (.tTH llr ft! lilting tin tciiiiienue reive (o M.t lulls ctNisl.nt, to grllUT Willi tllO M;loi IrlllT 11 I'llh'.lsht'd by tli- iirrfoninn. in ismvt'tii.ini fiirm fur d's trtbuiioti tliriit'.h'u:: tiie length snd Itreadih of the Male. Il in h: W well a's.t, in tie same puinphlcl, lo ii l mint I lie pulilic Willi the ivitaiiuiig lo Mil. tn-H ci iuiine ne. goliutioits for a -imirv'iue'" Ian sprint;; when It litkl ho ictl on his brily in the dust N tore tin- despised Mmon and ort'ervit toprrm'.t Ihc C'rs n ilrlrealiun" lo ,11 the Portland and At una patronairo, ltrividcd only ho and "hi mm' were rivi'j nlrcd In the arransrenicnts to he made for the rvptiMtt-iui priinarn-s ami contention ante dating the commi; eleoliou m June. It ts understood that the S;in Francisco Kx amiuer will appear thin morning printed in m!. symbolic of Currant's blood, -kilch that elevated and refined Journal Insist, and not without Justice, that It has been the chief in strument In causing to be shed. In Ihe ab sence of the usual California; mementos of suen occasiona-shred of the rope with which the victim Is hanged, his desiccated thumbs, toe, can or other preserved anil pleasing portions of anatomy, of which."; In this In stance, II is reported, the' large and select company of distinguished citiiena present lor some Inscrutable reason, were deprived, the ladies and gentlemen who compo e the Immense and profitable subscription list of the Examiner will doubtless carefully treus re and bequeath to their children and graudrhiidren, the sjiueuluary-hiicd.; eopv of their favorite Juiirna'. with Its profuse cuts ' and realistic Hustratltuis, a an entirely ac. oeplabie substitute souvenir of. theirclty's chief social sensation of the past two years. So far as other people and the newspapers of most other plaees are concerned, lt;is reason able to assume that the curtain has at last fallen upon one of the most 'horrible and dis gusting tragedies the civiliied world has known. There is no doubt that pun-ant ! dead, and that he was killed by judicial process for the supposed murder of Blanche lamont The only doubt left is as to who really killed Blanche Lamont; or rather as to whether Theodo.-e Durrant did sojor not. Tar. so far as public knowledge goes, nobody in Ban Francisco or elsewhere is any wiser n that bead today than on the Slate of the discovery of thejunfortunate girl's remains. The police Lave sacrificed their selected vic tim, and the public wrath of Kan Francisco and the Examiner Is no doubt entirely ap peased. It Is of no further inlerexl to them who killed Blanche Lamont Durra t Is banged, and the matter will now be suddenly allowed to drop. Inclmllurn, llr h lcucluii, llr sli t iiuccriu'. Ur li "row n of "ieotliind, Ur h iKliva. lir Sli II t!ivood. llr l lHini.riuoii, IL ti . ( innt-'liin. lii'k Kitphpocy lie. llr Mon l;ii ns llr sli , Minvlial Michel, Ur sli i-a'sa'e, lrli Andreiu. Hrsh Arracnn. llr hk .. llrenhiMa. Mr lt III u Xt.ic, llr -di ... Torrldale' llr h , tral.itry le, Ur xi !!eniv lite ine, lier h ....... Transit. St Mr . lliawHih.i, Nw h . Kowmuti il. Ijav, lit hk HollN k. ier n lirti-vst'iidale, llr h v.. vu irciut (iiu tneir tlalcwxsl. lirsh mLsion for distribution of relief is linely ,"'1 Weiitworih. Hrh . . u I uilierliidliire, Mr U .. to cause disturbances. 'The sick roan, Kd. nNilii m.-e. ttr h. THE SLT.TAX AND OUIt 1113-S10.VAR1E3. Tde p-vte his demanded the recalj or. two American missionaries from the provJ URY OF CURES THE RECORD 0 Aycr's Sarsaparilla. W tons, IMS ton, 1M tees. MARIN 1; NUWS. ASTORIA'S ORVIN FLEET 1S37. Vcv.el and.Klio; Auckland, James, Ur sh, UM tone, Ade. la Id ( Olonlul, Ta,vhir, Pr sh, ISM tons, Roya) ltoiuis. Orvits, Itn, lr 1 tons, PMney, St. Knoch, l4lrd, Ur tr, lSfvJ inns, Shanghai. Wlihlrash, Walker, r bk, UM tons, Ade laide. Ortrud, Huts, Ofr sh, U:4 tons, Santa Roaiila Alc-, Kiifitmrtnn, tier h, S.inl-4 Itoxall.t. j Nllhsda'.c, Slovens,, Ur lk, , NaK.isMk). ' lloiiMinff. Motvnn, Pr s-'i, : V c;i-tle. Aimtri!.i. Konlilinnk, lVtemon j klergh-Mltl. Uiv.miixM, Pavlea, Pr bk, Honolulu. I rtiritan. , Pr tr, ton, Klobo ' It ltljchoff, Schwartlntr, ilcr ship, jrtW j ton. Mi ll'oviriie, Nov. S, duo February. W hint AiMsmnn, winter, ur barn. s,tr tons, Atist-n Pay, . I.onnsd.ile, Jones, Pr bark, INS tons, Prisbane, . , v.,is ' Camhrlan i'rlra-e, -. Pr slip. 1 ITS : tons. Molbourns, . City of Athens, Lundlns, Pr ship, il! tens. Antwerp. , l.ixoj S'Vwtor. Lewi, Pr ship. Itill t-'ns, Roy- n( Roads. Pr hk, MB tons, ION tons. Oils Value of Europe,"' as he Is derisively termea. Is as unreasonable as hai political heaJUi la feeble. As a bright contrast to his obstinacy and stupidity, fha people ot Hen Avon, llr hs. America are acknowledging fax and wtde,'i:rri!t'i I'liiloHi,'!!-, llr -h luind.iui'ira, llr lk I'ueeii Miimarrt. hr h.. Adolf tier -h 1uuh rr. llr tiii Klnnrosshlre, Ur hk riortda. Nor sir V linlMiire, llr the beneficence of the mission of lies tetter's) Stomach Bitters, namely, to re lieve and prevent malaria, rheumats! :houa, llr sii . .... and kidney complaint, chronic dyspepsia,! iu,ldn 11 ill! Kr be constipation and liver trouble. The ner-j v.laiiii"'' ' vous, the, weak and the inflnn derive! ivriV.";"rbk ' unspeakable benefit from its use, and It j Ki'm' h'i.'i'ri greatly mitigates those infirmities spe. I ' rvmartylur. llr h.. dally incident to advnclr.g years. Sleep.! Kal!l'oVcivae appetite and a sensation of comfort l'uiiueclin, rr lk JOHN H. MITCHELL'S SCHEME. The answer of the republican central com mittee of Multnomah county to the long and hypocritical screed prepared and addressed to it by John H. Mitchell, is a plain andjeonclve statement of the Issues between the repub lican party of Oregon and the rnostformlda ble enemy which will confront It In the next campaign the band of political prostitutes and spoilsmen known and appropriately des ignated as the "Mitchell" party. Mitchell's object In seeking to revive strife among Multnomah republicans Just now ought to be perfectly obvious to every man with a grain of political; sense. Sojfar from being a political quarrel which concerns only the gold-standard advocates ando-calli-d silver republicans of Multnomubcounty, the controversy which It is Mitchell's purpose to arouse will, if he succeeds, involve the Inter ests of every voter In the state of Oregos, und sore especially those (who believe in and hope to see maintained in the next June elec tlon, the p'lnclplesjof the( republican party. Mitchell's only chance to keep up? his organ ization and continue hlsfighttfor election to the United States senate lies in his ability to carry the quarrels and prejudices of the Mn'.tnomah factions Into; thej politics of the whole state. He knows that a large mujorlly of the republicans of Oregon favor the main- tenaoce of the gold Jstandard, and; that, If permitted todoso.hey Intend by their voti next spring to put at rest any further doubt in the minds of their national leaders as to which category of iWesU-rn slau-s Oregon shall hereafter be classed In. It win he Mitchell's enort to prevent this .unanimity of lon and expression on thcjiiart of Oregon's voters, because he realize.that his course on the money question has heen sue Ii that ir the people on both sides are'permlited to line up according to their convictions on that ques tion, independent of uny local isue or con. sidcrution he will be so overwhelmingly re pudiated as to stand disgraced before the whole country, and his political doom in the State and nation will be forever sealed. It is not his Intention, therefore, thatjlhe money question shall come to a square down vote In Oregon this year, if he can find any possible Jtieuns U) prevent It. The rejociion of his pretended overture of peace by the Multnomah committee result which he expected but cunningly contrived to render Inevitable by the presterous prmiiscannd conditions upon which. It win based-gives him the desired preu-xt to get before the stale with his scheme to confuse the mlndsaudcounclls of the people.aud thus tloud the only issue which properly may come before them by the false and sjieclous outr cries which he and his partisans will rals agalust the Injustice and corrupt methods of the alleged "Hlmon ring." Upon this brazen Charge and with the usual artful play upon the hostility and prejudice which he and bis throughout the system, ensue from its, w"irS "ine.'i'r i.k . . Ci:y ot Perth, Hr sir HrusM- s, Ur hs ivhteriyiv. llr b'v ".". Wasdalc. ltr sli , Oplielis. Nr lk Ilardowie lir h I 1 Turner in.-, llr h ' S s. 11 . .n. nr ir Trn rM seims to be a perf.vt rajro for KtincKd ii.-. Hrs'.r btdted i-oans I l.omiianl, Hr ir . i initio, br str ... ( , li-nlt-e. br sh . Verbena, hr Mtr tee, which should be regular and per sistent. An early resort to this fine pres. ventive is logically suggested to thos; who seek Its aid. THE COMIX--? WOMAN i ; iJ'.'l ' Vsf "e. '':o 4T .': m.ioo tki.lH i-'i.tlsi liT.N'.l :s.7l 1.1.1 41' T.r'l TJ.JU j 'i,"rtl ' '.'l.'i.n ' r.sii .-' : V.a. I T.'.'-r "i. .Vi.iilU ; III..O. ! ts.c ; t.s'it.l ' Tt.s-f. ; ,-,;,; ; T'i. I si 4:i :r,iKj mm; , Ml.l'JS ' iv..;i.i h'..-i : 4,i: I tis.;i v.. i: '.".Tl i 'J'.'' i , T"'. ' ll.'Ss 77 J"T W.lrst : iT.tlli H1.K4 4'.'-.M li'.l.-. ; iv.-'l "I.JT Is.' -4! :..'"i7l 1K:V ll-'.l..i 1.1. SSI mi'l i.l'.-.'i 10l.('.i '..'.SHI j "'.0 s' . lOsVl. i ! on '' ii ! llt'.HVI I I'O r.,T .s7,l0 1 ll.'..l ! lsl0 I NI.'W , U.i, . I IJI'.UO ' U.'.oxi' LUMP Kit KLKET. V-sse on the Way and In Columbia Rlv -r to lawid Lumber. Uu:r:i M.iy. '"""J i Francisco, November Letltla, Hansen, si-hr. t4 tons. nn 11 li.,. , Letltla, stnkkohye. schr. Z5i tons. Ran .-'III f rans,ls'o. November It ki!iW i Tenkio Muru Kan, ko. Jap hk U4j ! tons, Yokohama. j Sequoia. , sehr. U. tons, S.m Kran. j Cisco. nr. m !.' !C'll ni.rt.i Echo. l"' !"--' Knnppton. brtn. SO tons, Tientsin, l.iD ll'.l' lOMUi Edward r.vrke. Jihntn. sihr. 140 tvws 'MSan Francisco, N. P. Mills, San Francs- o bay. Dec. IS. nvvii l.i.'ls i H'Mi Th" new l-in i-iMhioiisi r,. f'ljiy ihnt'- J'!- I H'Mrlfi-M of a yanl K4f. lis .11 ! 37.1 J,;ol A OltKAT KI'illT' N'ITV. ".Ml! We civ. , i ; '"av. ai-i;t ly rr-v of .-it "'! f 'r ym onlv, T'i,- !'.s,,,, . cm. ( m.'-i ft.-!-,. M t'i !). Iai.,U lIViol tan, a I-it, of 1 ,r,-. r i....?i j "icii .ivi4,.r. i.v rt . I'hief '"..n s ili,rii: IViysh-an l!o,'! .; m.I S irs.-l il fix 1 1- i ly ..IV.' .,. I :a'ip'. SV'O : Over is' 1. -.. i n; s7 l".s(S I 7. 21 ' ux: ii b l ind In s'r iu i-i;T covrs. any -xi sending :t ,-etits -i oi.e wnt o iMver cc; "? nt tiling oy o .-vpl v of :h. . ,.ni., ..- i.nnriy i r I'-.s.k .iln.idv ol I l-i . I eh t,in,im it r--n il- pri.-e of II r.i u: I I s iMH.n jftcRcfotik' rropdidlion for As -simiiatiiiH UhrliWiiUhlUi'v'uU ling llic Sluuuuivs uiul IViwols tH rronwtrs l")ivoslion (InTtfu! cs nnd ! Vsl Cont.iins nt'itlkT ())nnii.Morpliiiu nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. Wns SmJ' Jlx Jam AmM Smi iI4m Hakli z ) ApctiVc t Rcnictlv for fonstipa tion. Sour i Vonns .ConvnLsious . rVvorish cicss and Loss or SLEKI . Tac Simile SiiJiuilurc of NKU VOHK. txACT copr or ivr appch. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OK IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTT.LK OF Cistorl.t It fit up In an t'i l"t'-l only, It Is B.;t soil H batk. Daa't s:!i saytXS to sslt suy'.li.out sl-s re t!i f!i- or utulss tUt It it "Just st V"!" sorrr sisr; ysr. p-. ' rt that ju i C i 8-T-O B-I A. J. A. FA ST A HEN I) General Contractor IKH'sSK, HWUMiK AND WIIAKK Hltll.PKW mi 11'n'"!" MOVlNtl TOOI.M WICNTICn It Is ts-iu.-,! mn-ii and wotii,ii .in tail urss that io many tirirn.i:'S aif ;iso. It Is th heart und not the brain, That to tha hlshcst dolh attain. Bclsotsd. 1' .'.' I ' M'tlictl As-'is-l.tilnn li-iff.i,i l.l.l"! ! I 'Barrels of Soar. Who (toes a th olub ir'.ilie he- huwanJ tenJs the baby, as well as the good oll fashioneU aorruvi aho looks after her' home, will both at times ce run down in' health They will be trouble.! wth loss' of appetite, headaches. Meeoleesness f.-iimiriK or djuy w?l!s. The most won- . derful remedy for those women Is Electric1 "nd one Uirk ere r'T')r,'-J Bitters. ThouM.iJa of sufTrer. f rom ' m::N'lM -,-tM.ty ufterrroon. Lame Pack and Weak Klineyii rite up ' and call it bles3?l. tl is the medicine ilARIXE NOTES. The Hiitish sStmnhlp T..en Kai tlnish loadiosr today. i T!.- alwoliit,. sniise of -luv.ry that civ. 1 lliz.d wonii-n en 'iire ut ih.- ir i' t-T of th. lr rt aiih th. olh. r v nuiUiss nutny a ui. ont.- to hay lap t.-or al ttie i"m'' 51 j A PI.EASA.M EXPERIENCE. for women. Female complaints and nerv ous troubles of si kinds are soon re lieved by the use of Electric Blrters. Del. leate women should kc.-'p this remedy on A few days asro a charr.ilnjr youns; lady who was travellnr alone l... a. .., . , , ! Paul anl Chlcao-o. was a-costd by a T.-.o .tteain.r K more, for Tila mo..k, Lt , h, .,. t . . ' nandsoms g-en'leman. who nv ted her yvateruay. "Certairuy, Mr. Car-nn."' he replle.1. "for the Wisoona- Central lines have the best dlnlnB car Th.- British ship Oumbriiin Kins. P.W servke In the world: I shall b d.nht hand to buld -ip the system. Only 50, tons, s-apt.iin Hanxor.1, 38 daw frum , ed." For fureher pnrtlculars call on th. cents per bo-tle. For sale by Ewtes-Conn ! Shansrhui In ball ant arrived yestenlay. r.enrmt tlckt nir-r. 1 np o.i.i.. t r Drug Co. Pond, treneral nassencer mm tn... I BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. i see, :.. or Oorire s. Ba'ty. s;nrsl latrent. !t Stark stret, Portland. Or. The hut Salve in the world for Cuts I Th f'owmtr vessels are bound to the EruLses. Sores t'lrs. Salt Rheum. Fever t'0-unl'la R;ver, with name of master. Sores. Terter. Chaiiped Hind. CMlblalns, ! rationality, ngr. tonnage, where from Corns, and all Skin r.i:;iDns and post-! iaAe ot reported sallk.: lively cur Piles, or no pay r.nulrl.i rge Steuon. Murphy. Am sh, 17M It Is iruarantteed to irive pe.-f.-; si,fac-l lonB- aulmore Aufu Cambrian King, Hansen, Br sh, lea It In rt .-.sllinrlv itsi.l form ti,-.iv i i- of,- .i v.-rv .'H'ravairnitt . to .,ir a 4riuht-iM lii-.-irtm,n,-, .nk,.., MT.-oa. sfpti an f.rMliuiry n ilkintr iron n TO Ct'IlK A (til.D IN ONE 1AV J. A. Perkins, tf Antl.pilty. O. was for thirty years!y ITtur'tl hv phy- slcfans f.r the curw of e-tenia. lie was . quickly by u'.rtt ivwiti's Wlt.-h Take Ijtxatlve llromo gulnlne Taldrta Haxel Salv-e. the finvniis Iii!Iti salts . All drumftsls refund the money If It fall for plies and skin diseases Chss R.ttrerti. j to cure- In-. F.-r sale by Charles Ilng-rs. How nvivy of m .in trui'ifully -iv at rtetnontbrr yottr own ul must b (1-ntk-ht we huve done ti. chiiii.- to huri any l.iriiltialist l.efir .st cntt tiep itfttnra; tlin .int'S .'s-llmis 'lnr:n,- l.'lf dtv Pnienwsriiy rimes ) Lit'-kmtt to the man whose liver Is In (tod condition. DeVYltt's Utile Early fUseir are famout little ,:is for contlpo,tim, biliousness. lm1lstHin and all stom.tch ami liver troubles. Chis. Rotrers. Many a h-i.i.-.. ! d i k-.l k.i.v i (hat hasn't itti ttiorii of li.tMin Its ftiur walls. lib holly sihln TO CCRF. A COLO IN ON": MAY Take latiatlve Brnmo Q'llnine Tt'dsts AH dnnslsts refund the mousy If It fal:s to cure; . For sale by Charles It .g rs spring dou not brim over with rwfresh In -waters that has not a hidden sourca. Light on (he hpfcle.ii way. Il ts r.tsy to c.ttrh a 'sld and lust ss rs) tf t itt rl.l of It If yoti coitttneitc early to ise fine Mlinrte CiMiKh Pure., It cures coutfhs colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and ll Ihrtmt and liin- tritublesi It Is peas ant to", fi to ii mi and sure (o curs, Chss. Rotters. GO EAST . .;via s . Library Car Route AMICItlCA'H Ht'lONK' I'INW. Dlulnil I'siie Itiitk lUllnst Nit llusl Ths all-rail nmlit l KMtnnal iiilalim tllatrlct. l Beattls ami Hpokana Shortest and Quickest Line - I k St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. Chicago AND ALL tINTH KAHT Through Palace and Tourist Weepers, I Mill UK Slid Ubiary l'lStTT4e, tlon Cars Dully TrohiM sss . HKIIVICK AM) SI'KNKHY I'.SK.tyl'M.ItU For tlckels and full Information o(Ul on agnt O. It. N. t'u. or aAWs A. II. C. UKNNIHIMN. C. 1'. A T. A , Portland. Or. It C. KTKVKNH. 11 W P A . KeatOs. Through Tickets TO TIIW EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA mm 'O's - eit. i w- rULLMAN PALACIO 8LERPKH. TOURIHT 8LEEPBII8 and TREK RrX'LININO CIIAin CAM tlon or money rvfund -td. Price S cen;s per box. Fir sa;e by E-t-Conn Drug Co. WHEN TOU HAVE A BAD COLD. 'Hi. ll.-ssj , ;l' 1 ., , yoit f'.r hlm and -o hai lio d.w-e'i'c f"!' '' ntnllnii.tlly of a, affe a i 'i out In.-.. ... I., pr .'lull rh H h lu ll Tln re s one ln. v a ntaire. In liavJiM ns Minuet l ..'lli'l -i' , .'.p.. III ,1 hank'. failure Iloit of'i n v;S. ..iM.-r j....e Ihe very HillH-s w,. A,. n. I 1 1 U - for ourselves. Tou want the bent medicine that can bs obtained, and that is Chamberlain's FREE OF CHAROE TO SIT FERER3. tons. Shanghai. Dovenby Hall, Whlckham, Br sh, 1SUI toni. Liverpool Ben Voirdch, Abler. G-t sh. HOT tons, cKh Remedy. Santa Rosa. la. .' ou want a remedy tjhat will not only Ok this out and t.ik I: t.j your dm 5- sPrtn'burn' Bae. Br bk, 2&j0 tons. Cape : five quick relief but effect a permanent trie f re, of Dr T"' B. i-oiianocn, Aicueca, cr ok, Z13S tons,. am u remeoy tnat win relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. Otago, Esk, Swd bk, 970 tons. Ham. ' You warrt a remedy that will cou.tteriot bur?. ; any tendency toward pnuemonla. Conway Cast.e, Jones, Br sh, im You want a remedy that is pleasant and tons, Valparaiso. ' safe to take. Commonwealth, Anderson, Er str, 2183 Chamberlain's Couih Remedy Is th. ' only mallei no in use that meets all of Beevaji, Er bk, 1!)16 tons, , theae requirements. This remedy Is fs. mous for its cures of bad colds through Irish, Br Sh, 17S9 tor.s. RIO1 the Tlnltejl RtAte .nd In mn. foe g:t -ar'(l B't a -a.nnb' Kirur's New Dl.-owrv f.r iV,irninMnn. C.s.,V or,J f'nl.l. TV,... ,t ....1 to bay before tryjmt. This will ih. you' the grfai merits of ihU truly wonderful! remedy, and .-ti)w you ivhat ean be ac. ' complisbed by the r-'-srvhtr zed b-ittte. This is no exp rim. rit. and wol,1 be disas trous to the proprle ors, did they not knees' it would jnvarUb- cure ilany of the bept phy.-l: iar.s ar- :.o v u?ir. practice with ? r -1 1 r'e"ili, and are re. ly:;ig on it In no't cases. It 1; guaranteed. Trial oo:::e-i at Estes-C'inn 1 pjicutta. Drug to. Regular size CO oents and r.00. ! tor.s, Taku. Vand uara, I Alcoa Bay. in their f..pnriarif Mls Allle ll itrhes, Nnrftlk. Va,, was frightfully burial on the face and ne. k. Pain was Inmnntv relleve1 by PeWHfi . I tVlt. li Iliuei Salve. h.-ri healed the in- Jury without having a scar. It Is ths on oc Mdrssa I famous pile reniedy Cltas. Rogers Daily Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern CUs via srUnsr toulA. sro Pacific or O. IL A N. Co. Only Line From Portland Offering taaaeigiirs Ihs oh cues of T Tourist Car Unas through to Cklcsvfo. Specially Conducted lixcursions Via Hhasta Rouls lo Chicago svsry Ttssav day. Ilaggaca chevkml ihrousrh to dss lllintlon. Masnlfl.sffnt .-wary, unloa dflputa, fast time, lotreat rataa, Plntach light In all oars. For ratss and olhw Information oall I Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Ri. !., (i. stys: "After two dm'tors gave up my hoy 10 die, I saved hlm .' .-roup by using One Minute Coiwh Cur.- " It It t!.e rit k. ett and most cftali reim.ily ftr coughs, ' 1 :'! a!! throat in! Ul .j trnuittes.' Ch.i. Rogers. A Kjrl can't ! i . In 1-,. 1 !. 1 lug p. min's Inl. n' ..:i a h. 11 he . i ry we k In Ih" ; i- I. 11 'n dliLi. ly pr.- dm,- .tii.i r. . I : . .1. i ma". il.eei'li ill- I'V 1 irnni' . I'lili-:-, August a. tlgn cotintries. It has many rivals, but, ninhnnlr T msarrl R Mr 1V A tr,m t - vs wsc "J--'-S WU yVl IIIOallCIBl LUIO UI bad old' fitaml without ner ami Its , G,evieve. Tou. Fr bk, 987 tons, HaU ( quaJ1Up8 M. : pnfjng, uctooer ai. Henry Vlllard, Pa-ttett, Am sh, W A hop Kirl is authority for ihe lnforma-i tens, New York, October 14. 1 tlon that can an- not fahlona.ble be Oberon, Oully, Br bk, 10M tons, ac-ise they are worn by -o Kmny shop. Newcastle, Australia, October I. lifters. j Jacques, Bernada, Fr bk, 1460 torn, Ma-, Junda. ! Indian Empire, ATlen, Br bk, 1515 tons, ' I Valparaiso. j mired and praised. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. hy 'will niiimwi m-ar 1i!ff n-trlimn( 0 sivhes) with th ir s'r-ft ln k.-? Well Children that are not very robust need a warming;, building and fat-forming: food something- to be used for two or three months in the fall that Dr. Shields, an eminent physlclna of Tennessee, says: "I resjard Ayer"s Bar- Jupitler, Funder, Dan sh, 1051 tons. To. 1 sapurilla as the btst blood-mcdlclne on Kohama. .earth, and I know of many woid-rful Chelmsford, Thomson, Br bk, 2197 tons, ' cure effected by Its -use." Physicians Cape Town, October . I all over the land have made similar slate City of York, Jones, Br sh, 11T7 tons, ! ments. Byd.iey. 1 Lakemba, Eridhering, Br bk, IOCS tona, Freemnntle. Clan Robertson, PHI, Br sh, 1540 tons, In fiermnny. when His vote of .he Jury stands sx ngulnst six. tlte prisoner Is ac quitted. A vote of seven against five leaves the ibclHon to tfwt court, and n a vote of eight atrttlnsi fimr the prisoner is convicted. A January thaw la. always mors pro ductive .if colds and coughs than a J sn ail y freeze. Then Is ths time Ayer's Cherry Pectoral s ne.vlcxl and proves so extremely efficacious. Ask your drug g!nt for It, snd sImj for Ayer's Almanac which is free to all. Im- I .t 1' I ! 1- iv. i-k. l he (litis "I take pleasure In reommeidlng CJhamberlaln's Colic. Cholern and Dnr I rhoea Remedy to nil who suffer from ' pains n the stomach." says Mr. Milt Me. I Klnley, editor of tin Rawnon (Ohio) Her-: , . ., . , The best preparation to rsinovs dsnd- . -mil ii: 1 tins romny 11 was, at n(j ,( times, impossime ror nie to Pe In my office, o-wlnif to atti-ki astlni- from one to two daya Uy taking t as soon as the first symptoms of ihe attacl: are felt, 1 no longer suff'tr his unpleasant sick. nens." For sale hy Charles Rogers, drug gist. R. W,, Onii) Agent IS Third St., sir, Aider, Portland. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tltrt ,nr, IVr.m,,, Irreffy. Uilt, an. I ..ii.l..i..t.,i t lar ..l I.. 1.1, It ..i. ,,f ,llrn.i,. II 1. " I;., , l.m, ,,,, I. .i. nt w..e.eli,.. mi. lilts t t. !...m. -l ..I ,.,... , Mlr. ho fcn.iwn r.t.r.. f. r M..n.eM .ill II. ri,, ( n..l ,l l,n,m Ufa '" .l. .-.ire a p., has lil-rtii.ll -t,tl,l It. ,,, MOir CUtMlCALCo .iu'IUo For ssle by Otea-Conn lirug Oo. cm the head, and to curs and slim ul.i'.o ihe sialp, that dandruff will not giii her f.italn, U Mall's Hair Iten .v.-r. "sh ! I Id . In' ,i'i'li . 1 I 1." in l.tvc-r they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. They I will thrive, crow strong- and be well all winter on this splendid food kot... tonic Nearly all of them become A lexander Elack, Dunn, Br bk, 1391 very fond of it. For adults who ! ,0T1" Antwerp. are not very strong, a; "a"11- " uer 2,79 ton". "logo. ris nf t,fe-- ,!t1s ! T-"1-'1 Sbaftsb-iry, Cunningham S. WVCkV. TT I til , British General, Thomas, Er sh, I'M)' 'on, Newcastle, Australia. MId&s, Mf-ssengc-r, Br bk, 1302 tens, ' Nagasaki. Valor!, Brown, Br sh, 14:i9 tons, New. i .-iistle, Australia. ! Jordon Hill, Walker, Er bk, 2176 tons, I Melbourne Port Caledonia, Anton, Er bk, 8120 tons, ! NaKssaki. ! Kintuck, Perrelle, Br str, 2HHI tons, ! Yokohama. In the ln.-it publication of ;he Berlin Aftd'-my of Sol-mo, Professor Roemt. gcji has an artl-;lo In which he confirms the observation of Dr. Brandes that it Is possible to make tho X-riy vlsllbe to the eye. Amara, Kent, Br str, 1OT tons, Honi?- Br sh, Br str, 1274 tons, the Emulsion for a couple m. r 2 ' T T7; t ... it.. Bristol, Molntyre, ui niuium in me xau wiu 8nn Fran-,BC0. put them through the; Fmllle, Oltmann, Ger sh, 1738 tons, To- winter in first-class eon-1 kohnms, Ai.t A a I Ol t lOfU ASK your OOCtorl Anr.le Thomas Thomss. Br sh, 173 tons, Port Plrle Almora. Thomson, Er bk, 17C9 tons, Newcastle, Australia. Peter Rekmnrr, Wetrtermeyer, Ger sh, 2W5 tons, Hongkong. about this. B sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See Out ths Bun and fish arc oa the wrspper. All dnigjrUtt ; joe. and fi.oo. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUu, New York. I''ti fi-'1 h !,'"(-, :; y.Cu.t, v. !iijrli" m MiC,St Mlt. Kiuili.l in..', r f'.ti.n, u'sm;nfn, ttUckh il'ln. oiiy, in .ih 1 f. ti.i.r,-. ti:,;i, jjin! j iliirn' hair, lif h- If!!'. .ly -r - I:,-, ;t ' I : -i r i f-'jickl.V tf W.'lTIl i.nlJi with ,i;ii'i i:A tM, unA Kiitlo utfifiiinvd ftitii C'-'i J' tiiA 'o.:jLj .HI,. tLu grtut o;iu -urv. Ii wM thronphotitthffWriri'i. 1'oTTia Dn'O MWCntU. iiKf.. Hole fr (.(!.. fMtn. jT " Xiow to fitPluec hill. WhlU IUnia,"ff itching mim krL AlihougDi on land a clumsy animal, tne' sea.1 Is wonderfully o,ulk in ih- water, nnd n a fair raco ran generally raien ain'Mt niy flsji. j I One Minute finish Cute cures quickly. I Thai's what yru want! ("has. Rogers. Ki. .f ine 1 l.ill'C I'l 1 I,' r . ..f 1 11 C'i a ri ' 1 1-1 Ir. 'tl.llC el I l-'l'.' e- Mrs. M. It. Ford, RiiddeH's, LI., suffered for ehrht years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation, snd wis finally cured by iiilntr TleWltl's Little Early Risers, Ihe famous little pills for sli stom ach and liver troubles. Chas. Rogers, Tho population of the world averages V6 women -to every 100 mon. Rlgnt. ninths of the midden- deaths are those of mttlrsi. Mis. Mary Itlrd. H n'rlslmrif. Pa , "ays, "My child Is worth millions lo me; yet I w.iul'l have hi'tt her riy croup had I not Invested twenty. five cents III It bollle of One Minute Cough Cure." It cures couhi, colds nnd nil Ihront snd luiwf troubles. Chns. lingers. If 4 I I l I I ip.-i t. S-ikiWi',:ili.iir,!Si j ArkniMix, in a K' in winter. Ili" I'liirlintiiii f"i- iiifumiutioii 'r :ii.-ii,.s a s tlioiiKli we had Just re- erivep-d fro a couple if Hiin.lays. 1 - T? Il'i' Silil)o, K"l'l illl('C In SliiU'list line is liotiti-. Write nliiiut rates ami Indus. Tickets at offices of connecting line A. (!. SHELDON, (ieneral A'lit, I It 1 : 1 1 1 I , Olefin TO n.'IiK A COMJ IN ONK DAV Take f-aiallve Hromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If II fails lo cure; 2. For sale by Charles Rogerf Some, othrjr world Is glad to see fine star that's gime away; Thr. ! i t when irolu makes our nht Makes somewhere else a day. Selected. Mr. FJllHha B'rrry, of this place, says he j never had anything to do dim so much good and give such quick relief from 1 rfiewfiatlMm as Chamberlain's Pain Balm, i He was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knoe untllhe used this liniment, whldh affords prompt relief. B. I". Baker, druggist, Bt Paris, Ohio. Por sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Beware of Imitations JOHN ftUNOAM't tKC, AUUTI, M VODM. N"W Mrrrrt H-mr.y Altattlutrlr I nLnwi to th rnii ma twmry ir mnii, eim trr wlh ttium hn tvill roniwt tn rum nsaHt) no wn fall to tJUL 1 joil hi. o u. 11 Mi r. Hill liavn hi-m n, lmf.tii(i,f,r Thmnl, r4Nnnl, flrrra n mug r.yrbruwa fuUUtg nut, rvnnnry or i rrllurf fUHrHntlW t'K'Ullt V't U nii(J fliHllt'tig. run nut rnrn, 'I Mm (j tb skill f fhii most ror ninny V -Un wMi trcatliiu thlM iivs... .. nmwtt vniiu.fMMI rni.ll.l I- 1 , "V".". I'. irii-iraiitMas vl' rti .... 1. . u" '" iloo . V011 can Imi tmatMl at ml Mi'i Minn . iticin ltT pay li-na of railroad hlllii, and daarca, if oarn. If Wf. Iulilft-wifahand l"'lnsi, IMucaui I'atohM 'Iwpli-sS 'iiprp 'alor lii,,ni,, it In ihia I'rlmarr, Hlool l'ol'in lht wa it II. o iiitMt abftllRe. rhn world furaraw w mi liaMiwarbaa1f4 "Mimmi thyali-laaa. 11 in tin a ftiM'i'Il v itf htia wjiti our r.IIII,KK and mm 'O CflllllNl Im IiIiuI :..m ....... .twill ls.l Ewk,I;w2'uVrJ'M,'" h"u ,,d l.n L ,,.,.M,H 1:lv f'll., n to Sl.i.enle l e.,i,.le 1,1, ,. Illlnnlo. Or. Wllllnms' Indian Pile illiitiiiunlwlll euro llllml, llleeihnir ttutt liel.l,... Piles. Il llliMiriiNl he liinmrM itlhiys the lu iiiiK,-at once, acts' -IS a Ifcllllll.'. eii,eM I... i Hef. i)r. H IIiIiiimh'IiiiIiiiii I'll, (iir.i. nientisiimpareti for Piiessml Inb uilt of the private purm. Kverv bos is e,je. . . .'. " uriii-gists, i,y nutil on rn For sals by Bates-Conn Drug Oo. I. In. ft-' SI, it a