e lit to THE DAILY ASTORIAN li the bluest and test piper on the Columbia River TIE ASTORIAN has the largest circulation of an catr toa the Colombia River. FULL ASSOCIATED PimsS REPORT. VOL. .I.VIII. ASTORIA, OICKdON, HATUKDAV MORN I NO, JANUARY 8, 18.18. NO. 7. Tttr mtfiiuTt.) kMpWl 1W1 Stoves attd Ranges RB Tr J. N. LAWS, AT HAVVES' OLD STAND Diaries and Calendars For 1898... GRIFFIN Klondike MlncrH' AND Cnmpcrt UtcitMllM IK K v W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull IIm al IMpm. T . 4 5okra' Aillct. 474 Comittcrvlal Ml. A.tnrU's (infqcoa. titcilaiamcil Hall Hams, Bacon and quifi n BRAND - "w Th. Beet, A-baolutaly Pur. Ry. For BaJa at The Occident HoW Bar, Tit Offloe Saloon, And all ladlnc ta In Aatorle, BV"' WW San rnuiclsco and 1'ortlaiiJ . .99 BEST '6 1 Blank- . Books and Office Supplies & REED Supplies OmHUh mid PtovIhIoiih Foard & Stokes Company MiinuUclurvr and I 9 as I In FINE CIGARS! The Louvre.. Three floor- KIiik Mu.le; l.nmraiif All Kind.; Two .Mninltli-riil Hum: rvervthlns Hr.1 l'hu; (loud tinier mid Kvery iMMly ItliU Hlrlctly tlb.rrr.Hj. Kopp's "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The Norlh rclflo Brewery, of which Mr.Jobn Kpp is proprietor, make beer for domwitio and export trade. llottled beer for family use, or keg beer .applied at any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY A I.I. KINKH OKl'ANNKP MKATU (timraiiteed The lle.t In thn Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. fourth and C.lls.a Streets Cortland. Oreijnii. "Keystone Monogram Whiskey SHERWOOD 6c SHERWOOD PACiriC COAST AOENTS. STOLip AS ROCK TO THE LAST Durraat Dies I'poa the Scaffold I'ro tcstlag Hid Iinoccnce. HIS FATIIFR WAS PRESENT Accepted ike C.mlortt of ibe C.ik.lic Ch.rci Dixly Will rrukakly Pc Crcm.icd. fui, ii. tiiln I'rk.n, Pii . Jan 1.iHi. Mil i ttir- A:-.r1.ui.i -Mh.n Wlj,in "'"' Tilr furrjint jn fnt. l0 IhlM niiHIllMi fol .h Ulnmlw Lamonl (u i-av. :m i,ll)!i,i ! f f..iu. ... i.n.t n.rw tint hj H-Iin ! Im-.ii .rn, uritbr Mirolur -lr--uinian(f i H"l-fu klrnM :o - ,hiit rome IhlliK or itnf i.ti- ,iivl :ti -v.n,. (a avr t,iti )M. n .IX..; ! i,,,. 1T.1 J thin ' n.riii,4- tunl in.l.. h ,..uuK I.U. inii.--,-r a, citnlv ,., .., s, ,),,,. I til. I ..tin,,. .,ti ... rt i? . ir..ii,tf ,m .ut 1...- ..f rn n.u i)!,.n I .n..- ..lii..rv ft- t K .l.v 111. r,,0r fuK. nr.. I . ,, w..r r, ,lU1 fi)(, j vol... n. rim .,-. ;u .,,.) a, ..,, a ' a n.. k whll- h.- A.-ln... hi, ;,n .,... I Tt.f., f.irKlV,. .. ),.. ho. 1 " ""I'l, tm.l Iwiiiri.. .1 him ... 1, j Th. rv i.n( hlicli or ii -. l l.-iii to mur t:... .n. w.,,,! -!! II ,. m entry ! ii ...it U. .t. ii. .,f i), Uw. Th ; ii'""' .lf.iM... h - tm. .i-Tiirnt. I t..u, r-M- h.M. nn.l Harriif. .Ind t.y .1 iiikI'-I 1. 1 .m.l HI. ti k l.n.krii . f., ,f ,,.r fl, nd ' Ii mlnul.-a 1h.t id, mnr.l.r.i (H.ly . l..Ti ami ,, cmn. nutmtvM Li ifi.- -t. rimuH rrtf.wliK n llKlnli. Ii.lt .).), nix.T,t- ' I'nf ml "h litKt n..nn. . i. ,...n,f of. IIm n4H.l .hurrli iti.in.l f 0f llir l!n.(t chur.-li, I,, !,. n WM Mln fartirr wltiH-wl ehr. . u ri .-i. Jmt ! hi. mi.tlipr u mil T--nt Tt- lv. Mr. lu.l-i, i.rt.-.:ni mn- , lrr. hu. n-anirr-. to r.l thf r-ii(Trld ir.'i Imrrant. Int tti miMKter xojll not wv iht ili.iiK-tit Hun-nm iriiMn-nt, nl ilu. .-..ii.l. ninr.l (un , im,,i i,!,, mT. iiiiiiI Ka.l- nf.-M-. f i .,w ' liitKM-. fi.-r.. Th. n t n ni. Khnt th pno. nr-l-ni lurii.-.! i a :, C..:hcillc .il.ur. li t.w . .,U(li,n Hn.l up. in I-ll! r IrflKll.il ,rtnt Kht, lit.. I fl-,U. nt ly vt.it..) Mm In i.rlMm. t att-n. h'm. ' t-'mlM-r li-nn r.im.;.-.! i r -m:.:lv nrt ' t-rfriiu-. tt, ,), n,,, r,., ,,f tnf, iliurili. T!u- t.-.ly j (nk.-n to S.in Frnjicl -r. It l not yp( knr.wn what i!liipl;on of ' IIm h,ily will t. tniuj-. ni ri.rr.int'H nr. '. rv.t l I". !) 8i fur un.iMo tr ..-ure ac-,imm.H)..tin n any of th. lo.- com- j l.-rl' for th. H.xly of ih.-lr wix It 1 wry )ri.al rtnu the tlHltnl. tn.ly i',l t.- i-pe- J San Qii.-nilti TrlHon. fl. t.m. T. With i eyea rivet..) on Wa.tilnct n. tl(r.irnt-ly e.-iklin,r, the fathrr nnd moth.-r of Theo. , lore )iirriui.t .pent the nljjht In a Jitlle inn outHJl.l,. he prl.on wal5, nhile their n made. ,t ile.pera.r; .(Tort to no alm hi. iMTwa that he might pend n fleets thn mnat of hl few remnlncis tioura. Ilot'lix ajraln.t hop., demandinc nilra- rl. fnirn the allitht difference In time be tween Wa.hlncton snd California, exe. eutHK aomo phennni.n-il Mlion on the part of rhe Jii.il.-. of the .upreme ourt of the l'n:M Sta;e. when th.y irtiould lake their aeutK a,t noon of (he .l iy rlxed for the exn-minn of the "i-rimlniil of the wntiiry.'' it unh.i.py man sTent the nlWht al:,'nalely ehmtilnir the helix-ht of FHimtulna exieoa:ion nnd pliinijtd In atiy.nea of dnspalr. Whe the conaeloxia- ne that l would he, Indeed, the unex-IKH-te.) happvuna whlfh would njriln vloe lht wIi.-.-Ih of retributive Juetioe, the prlA.w ollenl nVo .nix'.ou.ly nwjite.l the rli-k of nhe wire from Wwhlnirion. Ev ery otih. r nvo.iue of es-? ip- and Vlay lln.illy and effe-tua'lv i'one,l. nil awaited with nervous antloltmii n the final nu- 'al of Attorney l'.oiirdiii.in. of oounoel f.w litirrunl bef ire the I'njtwl Stat.t. Jua tl.VH for a writ tf prohibition or of va beaa corpua. die pr.i n:er'. very breath w-as followed hy nix wjt.-hful eye. t-ver for a moment withdrawn The vigilance of the deiith-wit.-h ha inonaiel with the m.-1nK of every day and lwur. Al way. fearful of an attempt at iiuietd.-, in tlio i-a of a condemn.) rnvr, they have tieen irwli'y ca rlo ih in their eIin-ax-e nn.e Purrant ivh committed to their ke-'plnr. Ills training in a me-lio-J co ,ife wlietv hi. fnvo::e surly was anat omy, ihnd J nunllll?! hl'.i fo.- facility In lf deatriK'tlvxtii.., that lila pr.n tru.inlH were nppi'tli.-i.ivc of hi. slightest movement. Tiurruit'ii iiir.l li.id a preel. and ab .olule knowli-dce if ! o v he inliiht commit .iil. lde. Th mo.t innooent ,K.kltitf v.-n-rll wa. not allow ei" to K"t ne ir hU fa, e. lest w.th hH kno.v'.rjj-' of anatomy he nilifht Jab it "th.-..tn;'i hi. eye Into the brain. The tm r 1.. were reudy f-.r poH one.) eve.., for everyttiltig and W'h.n yey-tonlay the nnin'i-r of hi. watchers wa. Increa.ed from two to three Tiuirant wouM Indeed hv lud dim-illy in mak ing Hie Hghtft movement which could not be promptly .topped. Hut Durrani apt amently had -no thoutrht of suicide. Hf im.c1 Mi waking hour. in t-rnycr nl hi-n iu nluht tli jirUon pl-ynkliui renurki-il r.-mwurlnxly t'l-t wrul) t-oirta It In in m-)rnln v iiiri-il t" K,V'B l,im "InnMu ii" hlii rlKtit timt miU nt fV ininir-."l tone lull, If he lin'l not wild J word, h h wmia .orn i.mniort or eomfjri. Whwi wkM If h ' it at ali unnrrv1, Furrum hl 1 hl -rn- at ..rtn ana trl- uti plinnlly di-m n:nt "1 int t Wl n. tumor. Ttien, l:h an nlr which wa. imprHiHvr, ovvn , 'f gran4l(Kirnt, aUl: -It I hnvc In illi I .11" Ilk" a iur. Mtrt, (hat k a.)l, I hlnir to a rnc which run riHt d.-aith wuh tut flln-l.lng." Ho limT'"""' " piilTitlary doc tor wih rhr ttllM-J of the roi1-inncd liun lhat fit dvlartd, "Wlhy, thHi f - I th mm of the i. tuiy Any oi ihnk. he l woln j l.rvak in wl'y m;l.iki-n. I have rwvi-r m-.-ri :inyoiiH who ujro.-l. him. li la haul .j li.-ll. ve th; n mil will. imy a r w hour, u v, 'xc-t by !He mwt iii.fiim.-i n In l- rvi' I j'i c mi l i.i.k of Si. .l-i.itii mi,) tvl. .m ll'l.-.n wl'h h 71 f.jli. Hi- 1. n ua rw.n tti)l"i million .n h nuiri rouM avk. I nuVe ri.n tia.l li(m w.'IkIh.I, lint I think Ii" wo'Jl'l tip al murk over Oi. lie la j.anl -Jl.ir liiMnit un,.ir-in'-c -a If h- -if pr-I'.rii.fc- in ko to htH llrt nry. I r-m rk-d ll.ui 1i- il Ibi'I a '!t 'rom '.1 nartT, to "hf h h r-'.V 'I: ' Y-". nnd hp l f km tntd" murk on ni," fi ll' i' I n u "innt) rut 'i hi. lt. '-onild hln-lf )v aaylnK Ihat It --wl I Im- "a 1 1 : Ut In u f.-w .).." Hi. vnnliy 'w 4iovn aifajn wlii-ii I ak-.l tilm al,o-jt Tila Rrrfri. h.nlili n.. hj. had l-..n .o.-.-l b. thr .-.n.l..niu-. i.-ll. "iY.,. mi-at h:u. I.'. n K'"l .liiiv I have lx-.-;i 1ir.." he tui'i. i "ami I JuiVrt wij.r,rl It Kt inui h Win! I ha-.,- prrf,.ihv i-atoi 'nur- (hin I M'oul.) ; himI It lia. lironrht out (hi. Ilttl. ri mImhiI my twxiUi T.Ik.- Die l.arl.'r'i j tfa! loo, wuiil.l Im- al rlitht Jn .1 f,-w day" "Will Imrrant 'I!.- a Unman r.itiol?" .. h lali-.t hiim-u. ui j l of the . rral , nt my Kroiip-il aiuut Uw 'rion al wait. . ux f-r tin- r.i.- w l li!'h th. y .-ai.-vrly n. ti.l to wl-.n -a.. "I am, I m.iy my, a C itiiolk-. 1 ihlnk I ih.U m-.) for 1'ath T l-auun." r.-m.irke.) !iiriant un.-onrtrnrdly. "It l not that I .are for ci--U, hut for fultri- : i- faith ' tt.at tin hiiki.iIii"1 m.- In my awful : tton." I "I an:." In- i o-i:l;iii -.1 "ntra--r.llni.rl-l.iij.-,yto mi-.-li at r"'" that I do not .-ar- lo ko over my of th.- .ill irrouri'l, in.- .)ii. lotia a'or.-, w4il-h Ii..h t-u ..t I .i m.i iy tlii..-.v The a . rn 1-i ant i , am eKi i ly f i .1 that ei ythnu; hi.ti twien .I.. tie fi ni, Ihat coul l li.iv-- l;..n done t. my l.iwy-r.. It onl lh- ....k an.) ;.hlilKli for me :o ray at tins tlni' th . I '.in.- not hi I u f.iir trial. If I ouKl : make ni.-ti a trie .ul!o won 1 cry I 'YhiU to nli.it lli.-v all e.iv.' My only eare ; l for llio.- I a Ix hin.l. (KhI haa in lr. tils ketvlmf n-l in- iii.ike.. no mV 1 tnk." j Ah 'Ii.- day ilaAiM It i ins a. if the i er.d lia .-omc fur The ..ir.. Purnint -the eh.im.-tnl en.l or the inunl.-r.-r. H attor ney, went a far a. I.w-er Hnrei In ho f-.ler.il court of Hi.- i-lty nn.l foun-l no trllef. l:.-tw.-n iheir li-nt th.y couM : li'teri.w m more ifls!.imi-t txirrren. j than KMiduu; eopie. of futile le.lo-! antf ittiMily wainlim-. to th? warden of San ' Quentln trit.on. Triw sov.-roor lln.ily ami ilatly nuH. J tv, Int.-rv.-ne In Ilu- ,-n.t showed the faint.- my of a faint hj.?. The youiut Iutt who wen: to Vanhins:on with ih lant iea f-r deiny falli.l yestenlay to K.-t a i..niinr. tut todiiy ho hml the a Miinuue of a .iw.ly ile'.ernin.illon liy the ratlou likh.-wt eotirt of his matter. It wan a faint hope. Th prlfHMier, his wr- i.ttri ami lawyer. alun-lon-.l hone. The i . - cuffoi.l wait..)! HAWAIIAN TRKATV. Wanhtngbai, .Ian T. "When the Ha w.iil.in iieaty conu.i up for i-jnaiiieratlon ii.xt week," said Annexation Commla Moner Thurston, ".air fri.-n. will lay great stress upon .lie s'j.iton In China and Hie Kant .is -i r-'ijai for ratifying tu- treaty. . had ex)H-iteJ strcnjOLB i-..pos!l.Ni fiv-ta So'iu--rii di mm rats and particularly thoe .h" refiresent sugar ;iri'uclng states. It trnniiir.-s. however, that some of the ,vry men who had fig. ried among our .'ronrst ..pponents from this -M.-tlon. hive cxpirlenc-d a change of opinion an.) in nil prj-in!iiity will he molded In fi.or of th; ratifying cf the li-.-aty now beioic the st-nnte. Thli-s ceilainly look more promtejnp ikhv than they did In-fore ti.t hchdny recess and we all- ene,.iiriig-.l to b'lieve that the nec.a- mry to-tli:.ls tna.'.u-ity wll he recorded nii.-n tin- tlnal vm is ,-eioVl Hawaiian ai nex.it!oists claim i-l voi.. fir the triaty, divided as f.illo.v: Uepulilloans V. rnimlisiH i. siveri:i 5 and d.-mo. crats S. TKl.I.ER IN THE SKNAT?!. W ashlnntiMi. Jan. I.-Tlio feature of the H. nato .-lon wa a sH-ech deliver, d by Teller. Ho attacked the reimblican party as tno party advocating tho sirtd stiuid iro and exprtitNcd hiB Intenuon of doing all In life power to defeat the party n ikio and to drag the present administration from hwer because the policy of th party was m ins opinion inimical to tho highest nnd best Interest of the people of the fulled States. GREAT niMTAIN I.BADfl. .iMiiiu-toti, ,ian. i.-There is reason to believe -.hit .reat Urlt.iln wjl lake the KnjiI of other nation in the ni gotta tl.ui or reciprocity treaties under the Dlnglry tariff act. It . aild that the old reciprocity treaties whlcti were eet aside by tihe Wilson act will serve the purpose a a hasi for the m.-- agreements. TI1E STRENGTH OF THE CUBAN ARMY Supportti ia Their Mills by a Peace fit Agricultural People. """"" TIIEf CANJfOT BE DRIVEN OUT f4 Si.aljr f.r ike krmj Is Cod CU.ty of CattU aid Veetakfe-To' kaie. BVeiag Raised. Now- York,. Jan. 7. -A II. rill correa- .o!l.-nt In f'VM w no haa Jt:t r 'ed the H;aiid.on h-jr..K-k throuif.i the Cuban and StnlMh line, from Finir 1-1 Rio to 0e Jo aroa-M'jrun tre'ha. i the pur tit utia-rvinK tile aetual rriRth nnil rorKhtori i the In.uriPTit fwcia. todny an.1 their ability t-j continue the war. wr)t: "WJi.-n y.Hir onl.-na rea-h'd lie I wna th Che f.ir'-e of l'elro rU. commamjer- ln-4H.-f if the .ixijJi army ?orj In Ptrar 1-1 lUo prov)n-e. We -were enrn(l near Cui'-o. ".t-Vr Wax oH.-ra'lng In that prxvlm-.' to O.rv-r.tl Loren'e. eomtnapa ItiK rtie H..xx-1 dvtMon, or 'he territory w-t of I'aeo Ittl. and VH.il ia Ci. oiiiniaiidintr the flr.t ilvbion, or the dis trict ea.- of I'a.t Ileal. Oe.iiil Ivorne Iin IRrt) infantry' jnj f caralry, well arm.:! --l wvl fe.). but Iiu-kinn cloth I u .-h haa Ji Infantry au,d S0f cav alry In t3 ime con.ltlon. Operating Kalij.1 thia foree a month no wre only t.'iree columtM of .Spanl.inl... Th't- ne-er .-.led n reuchlnii the reiv-l.' strong hold (I. rie Mils until General Parado t.K tin- fl-.-ld. The only rtKhtlnc wa. wheo U.e r.b.-l. Invited it. Krom Cunx) 1 procee")ed througa the I'nban in to Havana. I experienced no Jilllcui'.y In witerina the capital. Ha vana and Matanzaf tirovino- are 'jraler the command of General Alexandre Rcd-rlirte-i, i-h.-f of the fifth army corpn. Un- lrr tjvnerul Kodrlpjex t.re Juan du Ca.se, H..f.i Crd au, JsoontJ Hemandea,Juaii h. Urailo, Al-rto Nonla.He and Nestor AruiNfueivfi. The txa force under th..e h-adera iH inj infantry and l.vm crvalry. all wHI wtilN-d. In Matunzaa, which In loinc. also to the llfth army corp. are Hrtiia-li.--G,n.-ra rtM-an-?ourt. Colore!. S.mifiilly and Va.. ica, with lW Infantry and ' cawlry. Only about trMt this for.t is armed. Till. k a diftl.-'tlt prov iiwe to openiu- In. The men remain In the bls, cultivating- the oi. or wutch Ins the -oiu.t. Tl-ew- w-ern -ovlnc. have bwn fa miliar to mo for the List year, durlpg w'hh ii time i have Jkvh continually with the rebel form, exce.;t what time was n.viMary to carry dj.iiatciu to Havana. I can vouch for thuv fiKure-s. On the trfl to tile Orient t brke new ground, but the figure given are from actual ob servation. I took the field In Santa Clara from Santo Poniinso. rl.1nn out in broad daylltrbt with gulden and within an hour was wl (he inwungem force., under Gen eral Arando. That evening I returned with General Ar.uHlo to a suburban town for eftipper. Arando h.U lo infantry and 2i cax-alry detailed to burn augar cnn.. The next niomliiir I rode thirty miles and joined Colonel Alvarex who had ) infantry and -100 cavalry. Here I met Dr. JonqtH.ii CntVka. the private piycan of Gen-ra Gomex. on his way to Join the general. ! traveled with rtlm the reat of the way. Seven wotmde.) soldiers in Al commmid the day previous had sacked -the town of San Juan Aroyo. The next day I roh- W miles to the camp of Hiatenlo Bsquerra in the pian tano hills, two leatrues north of the town of .Manlcaj-agua. rquerra U chief of the Cienfugo brigade and had In camp 400 infantry and 150 cavalry. Krom there 1 rode ihnv, .lav. throutrh lhA 1..- . . ant over the mountains to the CXIFWT and ov-r the mounuiltis 150 miles to the camp of Brigadier-General Nunex In the Trinidad hills. Nunex has 100 Infantry and 25 cavalry engagvd hi raising ve t.JNcw. "I next proceed..! to the enm-p of Ko. Ivrto liirniudei In She Montaruu hllK He had b.l infajvtry and 20 civalrv. Then 1 nt to the camp of nrigadler-Oeneral Mont'Mguedo. He had ("0 men In camp ui.l a-air.Hl me that his whole division numliered 2W infantry -uid CuO cavalry. I believe that he tohl the truth, becaue riding In a stmlsht line through the five camps Just mentioned. I actually saw 1S70 men. "After reavliur Monteagucdo I eitt.y-ed what a called tSie fli-s( division of Santa Clara under romnr.ir.d of Jose Miguel Ooinex. The whole strength of the first division i 240O Infantry and w cavalry. I .Nil not meet Jose Gomes, hut near El Ma-ngo 1 stru.lt the camp of Teyo San (.hex. who had 200 infiuitry and 100 cav iry. Near Retiiedio I entr.-d the camp of General Ourrillo, chiet of the fourth army corp, or the whole Sntu Clara provlni.'. Catlllo had in camp 600 men. The whole tingth of his command e shown by iprevtous flgiir.M Is 3700 men. Two days from Carlllo I rode Into the camp at Colonel Vtlsa who i in charge of tJie outiWHt of General Gomex' camp, and a day later I lhad the pkMsure of saluting t'he commamier-in-chief. Gen eml Gomn hw In his camp 250 infantry a;ul 100 cavalry- Ho seldom ha more. "From official returns shown to me in General Gomel camp, I estimate that In Puerto Principe where the Cuban govern ment headquarters are eatabhetied. the rHIwI tarrm number 2fi0 cavalry with only an buigniflcant number of Infantry, in Hantlago UVrs an W) oavuJry and fully 10) infantry. Thw flgur are conm-rv-tlva. It la In IM two earpiwlnce mat the main trentfth of the Cuban Inaurg no Ilea, not only In th number of men, but In ttta condition of the country and a plentiful supplr of food la easily a, cured. There are Irving In the mountain of Puerto Prtnnt and SntMro ful'y 000 poop) not ctivly engard in war fare, but cuRlvatin; the aoH a If thera wa no war, and tntrhiMnc auppUe fo Ot reWa. "All the cavalry I saw on the trip were an mountM well and art fulb armttl In two tnrtancM tb reclment wre badly off for dothlnK. "Wtrti reward to Uhe f xd aupply (xd nmny of the lro4 must go biinirry for on day, irwi .-)dom for a longer time. Th'-ri la abr.ute1y no ohbdee of itarv Inir the reel out. In wtwtern Santa fi.r rhey rti!t chl-fly or. veKtable and fruit and a pe ! of animal aorae thln like an oppnaMimthe J'l. Thee animal, are found by thn thou. and. n tibe e.utt. Ttire are frfenty of cattle. "In a-wes-sl 4rv.fance 1 muw rrular lone of cutlvtV In the hllla never molested and .iptr1n- a cn!d' rable quantity of tvid. In the mall valley In rh mounuilna I saw many .mall port able mills at work. I acw nutimxa Mnal) Kmiro poitchcn, but cigarette are worth their weight. In gold amonr the sotdu-r." SITUlT'f-fC IX CHI.VA. Vew Tork. J.in. T.-!pviklng of the et i.itlon n China to a Herjld correaron- dirl last nigh; Pecr'tary 3herman aald: "1 thlrk It w'll now be In line for niwnla and France to take poas'wVan of Chinese twrt Their Inaxreeta will require such action. Great Itrirain ha. Hong Kong, whkh Im the i-'ts for Kngllsh Interosta, n"d now Germa'-y hot Kiao Chou. Hus Ia i d-j!roi;s of oh'ilnini a southern pert whore Utr ships wll nat !; froicn in during the wj-itcr. jtoidc her cam-ine"-!al Intves'i nre such :hai she ousr!ii to kav a Chinene port such as Germany l.as obtained. S far ,ie American com n ero Is concerned. effect It will have the name rlgta In Kiao Chou as that C Oermany. This depends however, on the commercial retrutatton wtfich Ger-n-any will p-jce .n fores Trom my un lerstandlng of th matter Germany I not k-iven title to the teMreie but she h.s tue riht to aubcil ise her laws for th5 v.hch the ""hlnejj hae hitherto had In f-rce. Ht merohjnts will consequer.tly : ot y suLjcrt to f.. laws of China at Kiao Chou, but will be required to ob. .e German law I pre.ume vhe Ger. nans will now stv:n a larsv city " Kiao Chou and pu.h Miclr eommereial interests a vigorously as" rfible. "I rapposv that If the United States was to indicate to China Its dfslre to ob tain a Chinese port, the Peking govern- , ment would runt It, but we -van- no such port. Our rommervial Interesta are aatis factonly pro:?ll at the preset.t time by the treatle and liesides at Hong Karg .-md we will have the game rights at Kiao Chou we are granted the freedom of the port In the same way as are the Eiife-Unh." RESULT OF SOLID MONET. Now York. Jan. 7 R. G. Dun .fc Co.'s weekly review will ay: In fsillure H7 was not only the best year since 1882, out. on th wtijle the beet ever deflnlt?ly knon. With 13 "'2 In number, 11.5 ;er oent l.fcs than 1896, and J1S2.5S1.771 defaulted liabllltitti 43.7 per cent lean than in 1536, the year's banking failures counted for KS.2O.n0, and the commercial failures were but 13.331. with HabllfrieH of HS4.Ui2.07: the average per failure being only Jll.XJ, the lowest ever known except In 1S2 The new year b.'gan with dleappolnt. ment for speculators In stocks and grain which M not a bad sign SILVERITES CALL. Want Union of Force to Oppose the Arch Enmy. Portland, Or., Jan. 7. The result of the conference of the silver fors which was held in Portland today at the call of Chairman Cooper, of the union party, to wn In the following resolutions, which were pa.-I unanimously: "We recognise th-it he general welfare of our country' is opposed by a common enemy that should be met by a solid meeting of American forces. "As citizen who love ..hir country and desire to do the grentest good to (he greatest number, we therefore recom mend that this meeting request the peo ple of the populist party, tile democratic party, and the sliver republican party, to use all fair and honorable mean to secure a proper alliance of these parties In dis trict, state and county organisations, to the end that co-operation may be had at the coming election. t-i.eie are plenty or good men in any or all of thetw parties, pire ln principle and tried In patriotism, to fill with honor to their constituents, trusts to which the pe-cpl, would can their servants by popu lar vote. "Therefore, we would hojie: "First-That conventions of the several parties be hold at the same time and Place. "Second-That they endeavor to agree upon the principle asd candidates, main taining their separate party organization. "Third That the county organization' endeavor to govern themselves by the same co-operation, similar to that of dls-trj.- and atate organteaUous. "Fourth Tht all work together .for such victory as la sure to follow harmony of action for a Juat cause, for in union there to strength." MORE WEALTH IS BROUGHT OUT Retanlirj Kloadlkers Loaded Witt. Dust aad Drafts. ELDER MEETS WITH ACCIDENT firs ia tke Cisiis-Basisess Ruhii It Siigwtj R.Ilef Ixpeditioa Sappllcs Icidjr. eattle, Jan. 7.-Thlrty-flvi Klondikera arrived here teiy on the ateamer City of Seattle. t-rlnKlng anhrlc. from" Dawon up to Dec-wiber 7. J. M. Kewier. John Hurler and "French Curtey" Dtiorge ft Dawaon on tfhat date and cam through m record breaking time, reaching geaui exa tly one month after ttelr atart. Th trip wo without apeclal incident, other than Oh usual hanbihli of such a jour. ny. "We ttasaed between 2J0 and Q men on. our wey out." caid Mr. Kepner. "Partle will be coming out evry day now. Th situation at Dawvon icr practically an chared. Th food supply I better than 't wa two months ago on account of rh people leaving-." De forge In an mten-!w taM: "1 cannot say -exactly how much dust wa brought out; I thnk It will run over HOO.K.J. and probably reach JIM.WO. I know one man who brought out between tlO.OflO and S20.0iM In dust. In drafts there wa more money represented. On man alone has a draft for lino.ooo. and others I know have large drafts. Perhaps oh orafus will total -up 50.000. There wa nothing new n the way of strikes re ported when w left. All the mine open ed were belnar worked and th outnut next eprtng will be a tg one." . All of th Klondlkers returnmg tell of meeting numerous partle acattered along1 the rout trying to pus In. Some h-iv dog while many are trying- to drag rhwlr outfttM or sleds. All are making: very flow progress. Considerable scurry Is reported at Dawson. J. B. anvl J. T. Graeher. formerly of Shemokln, Pa., who have been prospect ing at the head of the Hootalinq-j. re port that on une 8th of October a party of seven people left the head of Lake La- Barge, elnce when nothing has be -a heard of any of hem. They also report the picking up of two deserted boats, on of which conttilned 100 pounds of pro vision and the other 100 pounds. As near as they could make out by the mark., on the vacks they were tho property of Whitman and Parker," whoever thy may have been. The owners are probably lo., although It may be possible that tha boat had been lost by drifting awar. They wore found on Three Mite river be tween Hootallnqua river and LeBarg. Napoleon Dupros and a party of six Frenchmen are said to have brought up wards of JtO.000 in dust with them. They also have a draft for $100,000. the pro ceeds of tihe sale of some mining pros pects. In a race with Uie City of Seattle, th steamer Grge W. Elder, which runs be tween Portland and Skagiay set fire to her atateroonu Monday. The race oc curred on thai lde of Fort Wrangel. Th. Are' was easily extinguished. WARNING ISSUED. Skagiwax, Alaska. Jan. i, via Seat!, Jan. T. Captain 'Wood, In command of a detachment of the Northwest Mounted Pofice, In tthe district whlcti extends from White Pa.s wummlt to Lake Tagish, warns all persons en route to the Klon dike that they will not be permitted to pass the Taglsh house unless each person has at least 6TO pound of provisions. Lot "Jumping" In Skagwuy Is the lead ing Industry. Scarcely a day parses mat dos not witness several lot Jumpp-Kf cases. Building operations are being1 pushed nigiNt and day. Some of the Irnl'.d lnps ibeing erected are to be wed as ho t and loilging house, more for Jane halls, variety theatres and saloons. The town 1s lively and each incoming ".teamer brings hundred of people. Besid- tha City of Seattle, which arrived today, the Elder came ln from Portland with a big load of passengers. It is almost Impos- eibl 'fcr the people to secure hotel or lodging accommodation. Restaurants, (Continued on Fourth Page.) Royal aaake the food pars, wholesome aad dallclsae. FOVBZn AS.olutciy puro boy awn eowosa eo., m voaa. 111 111 Mil M 1