'0'.U-.O i, ..), j.- . hf 'l.'ft.'Mif . ... t :: tie liite ,$gmmi mm THE DAILY ASTOFUAN ll the . tlffcit mJ test fiper on the Columtl River THE ASTORIA!! Ui the tarfett circulation of inv wt oa the Columtli River I t I PRESS KKPORT. VOL XLVJII. ASIOIU. MfMiON, Ull'ilMDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, J8!8. NO. 5. mr. cr.ir.nnmn "Superior" toves and Ranges kite mr. J. N. LAWS, AT HAWES' OLD STAND Diaries and Calendars t For 1898... GRIFFIN Klondike M!ncrH KSO CompcrH UtctiHiln W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull Dim at Pip. T.bacca, Arlktm. 74 Coninitrcll (tl. AvtorU'n (,nrtfos Eiteitaiastc.t 1111 Aai r.?"W Hi tfl'-liv.!i Three riti-KI Mtialr: flnie.f AH Klnrta:Twi tute?&;'3 Maiiiineent Item; Kvt.ryU.lng Klrat Claaa; thn T .-a., t m:m:mmt u iliiiTIW order and K.vrrybodya (tliihu Htrlrtly tibucrvcd , Hams. Bacon SHIELD f BRAND 4 i,' Th. Bart, Absolutely Pur. Ry For Bale at Th. Occident HoteJ Bar, Una Oflto Saloon, , And all th. leading bars In Aatorla. Sun Francisco and Portland . L J 1 IB best Blank Books and Office Supplies & REED Supplies OwtfltH and PtovIhIomh Foard & Stokes Company MunuUcluror and llr In FINE CIGARS! The Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE Tbe North Paoiflo Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp ia proprietor, makes beer for domestic tod export trade. Bottled beer for family or keg beer aupplied at any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY and AI., KINIiH OKCANSKP MKATS fllMIHntCCd Th Ural ! tint Market Strictly Pure Lard Car. fourth nd f.llsaa Streets I'nrttnnd. Oregon. "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey SHERWOOD SHERWOOD PACIFIC COAST AGENT. HOPES RAISED AM) DASHED TO GROUND Durrnt Mutt Haag on Prldijr, De spite Alt Rfrortit. PREPARATIONS FOR DEATH r.tkir Will Net Be rrcntit Jio Hope Tr.a the Covera.r- N. kalopijr Will . Be Aliened. Kim Kfuii.-(c). J;in. ' Durrani ha r. n-.l hi hope of rw.-iilnK tho Kill"" In. !h.- d-cil )tid have i,ik-n h Intut i..li.in f ir .1 writ of halxiia cnipo under ikI ni nr II.. ,i-,n in hnv.. rtiek.-n nil flu- d'-apond-.n.-.y that win f.-.ait bringing him to n .(,,(, of n rvmw f. lnr Hi run-.: j.r"-r. (f hrlfj; cnrrti. I" In. In. i i.vi rn, r II 1 1. jo il'lnr rotn. mu'r Mi r. nl"n" or iir.ifil i rnjir.fv". -l.-f J(..-. Iljiiy ii im ipr.-mr ouri h.i illii. ri:,- fr,iri, of h rnl. .-.1VHI, ,f,,y- trr;,tll. vl1ll'. h" SUV. frii-w mt'ri'iyi lut '.hi- ri-i: of rtin -unt-ri'tu-f m m.i kmwn. H l. n(ilc rm n hf l;it-nvi! n ihni''a f nnir. . of lMrr.i-11'4 riw ;n- itI-vmi v il.ii.!tii. .1 ' ih- mi-.-( ihnt no au '! li .;il.it. ,,n (h. r-fimCw. fr. .I.ih-i W 1 t il-r th.' c. ). Iir.it. 1 . ti..ml nn.l r'-!V, , romniutil mIIoii from tin- Atti'Miri tnrti nf Infinity to Wi-.MiP' an .l.it ri: tr.-atn on ih -iiic. Ho ( llrnvlv imiirmM tn th iruiM-ilimirv hi.,i-t-r f I i.rr..nl a nnly In pyi-o.athy ami rr-i tfut t IKVtnoni-n rtntiin i!i in of th h'Kil i.f Irw roml mn-1 tnun rnn.n tif ni.nl-. Tho fai-l Him ;i'irAT, hil-iit lM-n wi-ll n1 n.l a tti-l. J rtu.li-m h.vjl tav niarl .,Mitiv. r.. t; thtt n. rxnmlr.ii. .f hl f.- or htid aft.r ili ath I. r.ininnii.-, ii on ua lKiillciint. It n ih,t ,10 m.-.iuri.ti,.ntfi of Pur. rnnf liiit hvr U-n mi.),.. FUtTIIKIl I HTkHTS MAfiK. Hn Fn.nrfe, Jn. S. Alihuush the nt lorn.,, for AV T IXirrml. ihr mi;. I'qnnr.l m-.tntrrr of Hin f. lnim:. w r isnmLl.aLiy .lh.,-om rrtl .y thr -iiii of tl.i ;r ntl.iti for :i T rt r r tiHlmi rorvui atkl tti wnti,.n t, x-thf-ri-friKii in th. frilil N;m. r:r J'nilt .nrt til, nionilni!. th.-y imc y. t a tnurr mov.i. I.y in(,,n- 0f h. h lhiy lioiw to vvrnt thr ,x.-.-ut.m of t-hrir iO. nt on KtKluy Th.w tv 10 apprnl to thr Bovrrmir fur u r.-i.rt. vf n. to piy to lh ninimf roun f tlu I'niKs! Stiiin for n na fr.,m th, rlrruli cuurt li---llim ilnijlrik- fn.. ., tmn lor a writ hat nii mrium. Attorn, y lto,,r.lmnn. h l. ft h.'tv Stttunl iy, k. t to ri-.vm VrfhiiKl,in lonlirht anj win priMiaMy maVt th,. Iiim.t HiiplU-fllion luniomiA moniltiK. Wh.- lnl n-llanc" to being iKio'l iimh th, inv,Tn jr. ctraiiK viw.;r In i iu: liruit to War nKn him ii be. half of thr. ron.l.-mn.'il munhi.r and no toiiK .' Im'Iiik lift witurrre) in th? rffort to sain rxrriillvo elonii-ncy. M.Nimvhllp, War.len 11, h i-onu.letrtl nil arriuiE.-mii(H for rh orrknK oit itr tn Htwihi,H. nr. I , itt)r f.u;h 1i.iv liiirrunl'a Hin:it m tho -rfort to av tliHr n tllxn ih.y huv riucifj the Krv. 'VIlm Riuh-r to mount tw av-af-fe.l with tho ron.lemne-J man. Tht- Jiav alho nitonit,sl to mak aim nk-rrr rets for Ihf CiiM.nl of itholr won aftw tin, xvu- thm. hut l.-rtrn.Hl ;to thoir dlicnwiy that thwv mw a il.lOeJ objivtlon on flh rt of ttt n-niotrry ortMala of th1 enty so (H'rniHtliiK lVin-Anfn body te Ih lntrrM m uvmnt of publicity mihrt r,v biH-n Rlvon hm. ALL HOPB CONE. Knn Finnefcoo, Jnn. 5.-Theodorp rur rant liaa cm I My Klven tip hope ami no h.w hla fathsr, who cm ovw ,. ,v,7 " 'Wih "" r- lhat ,H rtmr-.H we-rv cliwcl to all app.ea, or awllcatMr. for rll .l.-laylinf cx.viition. Doth are no xinvltiol that Hie M,,nKtr Purrant will be h.itijful on FrbKiy. When told ,hat l,v..rnor rtiidd 7,al tnk "" u,"'",advl.m..nt tiw ,,,cHtkm mad thl afternoon i.y ha attrn- for ,,,. ntkm of Horn,,.,,.,. I0 ,)fB lni(r(TOn. incut, or at !,( for reprieve. TheoA.r PuriM.,,, orro fully r,mjlrked tffuit n IHt.1- W ,., for frm th, TH.. o.lP Murra,,, hna Htwlly decide,! not to Hh- pr,.-ivt tll ,,H, ,-.., lnf,rm.,l uh. ar,i..n tonl,-ht. making a ,..,,.., , iniiii.h,! i, which 'unk.n tl,.lu wm nln,ly Kram,,t. fn,h).r tniu rtor the exvut,m ,h remains of Ma noil 1o ,,ace,l ., one n tho oofTln without nutopwy or lnm,wt and ih.i Mack i,pi not rombv.!. o thai n rt.Mild b imirmltt.Hf to ha. boy-s face liner ueatn. Ho am n.,k.xl t.hnt th rle oe i.in ne,i am.-r cx-uton. no It co,id not la, out nip a n,l 'thHtltymtrllput,,! s sou V, nlra. -'.. . . in- r.in,MmnM man rwlve,! aplrltunl eoiiHol-tlon i.ula.i fr.im tHio Rev. Vni. ltailer. . cvunrr-a-atlonni minister, froti Kan fu iiciIhco. T1 APVAXVR CORN. "ilntn, Jan. 1. Stnator Mason w!U oon qirpar und introd uce a bill In Ih. aenflto providing for a npcilal appropria tion f,vr a cornir-al exhibit a: the Prrl. npoaltkm. Ho Imp, by 'hl in to mumd th. lt'r,j f our rtpriinUtlv In Kttfjf In U1.rHiut Oitmarhe a for 1h ulninrlunt oorn rr.p '. Iho irnll'-d 8tf'. In Khl nwal Ymr, finding Jun. W7, ir. t'ntMl Mpjriwl M."0 1jui1 nt oorn nl IW0.W 1jrnU of cornmcal. Th. ii corn crop of Ih. I nt'd ftot". la tivw m.Vfim Uuahrla, nil It 1 cap able of ImMlnll Inrreaae If a mfhrt can b found for it. For aan. yr Ih Unl'.wl ;ttat main, lalrwsl a p-cUI comml4"nr. Murphy by nam". whoa d'Jty It w to Introduce cortwrwal In rti vrou contln-nlil coun. trln. In ftormany ho ra iulte uc ful, ortil Murpoynro.)." of "JJurphf briwil." mvla from half-and-half mix tAjm of floor and cominn bcam ao vopulor that ih mjranan intorcaw thr nvirwifcd t' ih-T tiPlff ralarl j at to c-k !t Impona'lrt. nANTC 1-OWTl'JS 'r. Jn. t-M. Krnrvla Chirmw. who W. l Informwl .ia to lh- vlirwa of th Kr.--.irh a vwnni"it. hi" a long r-ti-l In lh. Journal .! I"lm, in whl.'H h ably db-u thr ftrt'tn Hllua lon, .liM!n "th Inf'ffvon. that 'Tr'!.- for thi- ftr-nt wilt pr'v an cupctant aul(iili- In ih'hn crn." THE DEAL NOW FINALLY CLOSED UST rUXT U)E BT TE IMON TACiriC. (ini.r.iitit Cli all Viptd Oat-Sew C.aipiay t.iitlcd t Tilt r.eioi. Now- York. Jan. S.-Wluiout comment th. a. )wnt to the covrnnwnt by hw riii.m 1'ai-irtc r.vaiitxai jn cxun ntlttw. for "ih.- fitfian H'arltV. ' maile t.alay, a Wi k for '".( Ix'liu: dniw t1 lUtiir il-tmiiry. Th imymi-nt eonclu.l'-i' irotMly in flnan.1vliir if thf rcorewnirjulon of the rnhm rai (lc aii.l tin- iMytiw iu f u : of $Mio.i to tti irovcrnnHtit. 'Itif r' onranlxiitVin wtun'W h"I rrurisnnJxeM IroiiiIMiiiy turv. t-ntltl.nl to l.iK.. os- (. Mioi f th" nanl. ' Tut. ur .rtw v.nl'a bon.l. to be paid off dilwut ll.5na.nrti th hoUl.TK of whv r fit ro ufjo-nt lo tiic term of :h rt-orvinlxatJ.Mi rotnml'i.c and oe tnwlt (tlr lr Imn.b.. Th- !..I.tj of ih' ilwiidn 1.t altiioHt l." 1cr rent by not Par tl(lpa:r' In th rrai.Utl.n. Tnvy will oelvo p.ir ami Intel.! for th.-r bond iierw. -r at biiot l'fli-... Th,. tmnlK hki tr rti-ptx-.Hnl lire tntw Wiiniliiu .: 116. For the.- the hobU r "111 rev ive ii.tr In ih.- raw fiin.ln an-1 5" P'T cent In Die nw rf'rrl stock. XICAISACirA CANAL. The iirt.aal'n to the Alia Sleam-lp i'oniny by .clay. Manamin. Mcaraa x. Jan. 1. l'rldcn Z.layu In hi nvimae to con(frv Oe olareil tMit 1 ontra't cf th Ata flloamnhlp (Vnnp.uiy with the XlraraKuan powninioiK dom not Interfere nlth the pontnict ih,-t.vr,n the troverniinnt n,l ili Maritime iixil tSmipany of Nf- York. Pr. ,Jomex. th prilfMi of the con. jrpei, In hla r,,l- to the ptvoldMtt'a oics aaxH mvI.I rti Nti-raKuan ivuiiU would wn cnMtii(tl, transform CVmral Amerli-a and lead to Its being otmler the TJlrtK-J State flag. Thin .'ivtmetit 1 cordrillv approved by Prealdr-ru Zela ami th member of the cnMnet. Diplomatic negofkaitlon have been pro. rrlne Informally fr son tfme be lli ivn the fnltcd Stt and Nicaragua with rH"ect to th apparent conflict lie. twm the eoncekin reoyntly made liy Mi Ncaragiian B'jvernmi'.nt to the Atlas Stiiin.-i Oomimiy. unl Uiat msdc- pre viously to Hi M iriUme Canal Cmnny of Nv York. By the term of the con. traol a ti i een th Nlcamir.mn govcrn-m-nt anil the Atlnn Stenmsdilp Company, the latt;r. ft l undiTntiHid. receives he exclusive right to steaim navlgntlon for Si yt-ars on 'the Slllco liunxwi, lake Xleara: ana nn.l tflie river San .lu-.i:i lol Norte, ivth the ex,-uiiv rltrht nlo foriheiwmc of conftmieitlnK trannvays and ralla-s along the line anil at the best pla.fg to avoid the obsno'l.w In the rver San Jimn. The compiuiy agic to make at le-t thro triiw a mo-ith wHth Its utOAmer tietween Ocnada iuhI San Jun iM Nort. both .ways, and nt bsiHt one a month to (ouoh in ovcry Iniha-btted port on the ak. Th A tn Steamship Comiwny la an Eng lish corHratlon. VKNKZI'I.'LA BKCIlUtOClTY. Chicago. Jan. a. A slwlHl to the Tlmes- lleinld from Wah'lngttn any: Vner.uc i :in declined to make a re cprclty T.-.IIV with the Vnlted Stnt It wan one of the few South American countries that made none under th pro. visions of ihe McKnley tarli la-w, nl'eg ng a1, a riin ihat ther was within its bord.r larg-j for, ign Inteics; thit ob Ject.1 to any .llscriinln itlon jguinst t'le'r natlv coo.Try. Mr. Kain who Is iicgo. tiatluiT thj reciprocity treatl". with for eign countries ea ho tlll h hope of linireasin; VenexueU with th. bleslng of reciprocity, and will continue hla ef fort In -.bit line. SENATOR HANNA WILL NOT RETIRE Peels Coifldcit of His L'ltlmite Sue cess oi Jolit Ballot. PROTESTS BT THE SCORE Itipiblical Cliks Wist t. Sc tk Toled. Coiveiti.t Main. Elected. I'oliimbu'. I'lhlo. Jan. J. Ituth branrn of tlw .cl4tur tmvf al)ournt until Moti'luy. Hut lajfih aid a of the awmatorial cons.-t r.nnln in cnfrvrw daily and r.l.-li'ly a,: ih SiH H.ua und Uk Grvut Hut5i,Tn Hotel. rw"i'tlv!y. .fu- uin- and i-r-t -work ill ron. tin,).- until nxt Tu,-"'ay, 'hei th two bran, h-s of the l.irMuture vat wrrw. te. ly. for wnator. !xitjfij member mad' no IViji t.nlay. Next 'Monday "Vvrnor lliKhncll win be Inaugurated for T,a erjnl pm. but the "xwekm wil not Irwin-fere wit tfi i- atonal llht. Th antl-llanrwi rpubli virw an.) al! of rhlr foltwr .will m't her Monday fur a .fc-morwt ration. Though many rtutl'sui cluhn hav catuili-d thnr nga-iT,-nu for quiirtiTi on ii. rura day. h 4 bHteved rhm th effort of t!w uml-Hanoa reputillrana to liavp a bis de motwa ration ox usual wll mi-d. Tlw Manna mn mll take tnt advantage of x,-n,lcn ni'H to hav- tTi vMtitiK reiMil.la-Hii dH-gaton. dm on that day to prxcHt againHt the cotnjne ith th democrat. The xp-tel dwull" wU not begin untfl rood TVclneadny when the two hwu twill 1 .llot Jointly for aemutor. letter and te-egnami fnwn proteMing republican v4ula and conimitteea and oth er coiKlrwie to our bi from count e on Ph. guvwrnor und Th refrdiltcrin member ho ai ro-iwieruttnK iwlah the dnocrats. ami 'notiie of the menitiw and missive aHH-l n Sitit,tr For ker to come to th rell.f of th puny by declaring It to be (he hity A u.11 rvvul.lcHii to tanl by ifi ft-ni of fh,, TlekJ slat conven tion n npionlrv Haitrut. In tvply to tJe n'lxirtB nbit S.-vtar)' Shomum. Aiaslutant S.Teiary Day. Con imsman Oromvnor Hiid others, whk n are 'ltig made, rnhe rMuMn nenato rlal noniln Senator Hatma. wild today that he would not retire. He says he was nominated by the TV!'""K com-enton ami ijinot rot I re m fa-or it aitvne. If de-f.-ated the rwionblHty for the ilitiregsini of the decree of th wmtei convention will reel on (lint, mho iuv now ro-ojieratlng wltlh fhc democrat. The nator Insists tlait he will rrnver withdraw, even If de feat should hvcom) Inevitable but he apart 1 1 1 InHlat tlwu h will 'win out before another iveck rolls around. Th standing cuaiimllteej have not lieen annoamc.l In cltfhcr raxm ami th com bbv. M ustng tht pwtronng to hold their men m line. In The aomte today Senator Hurke shom-Ml aonw tecnkticy to co-operate with hi republican colleagues. The demokTatk wanted, to t'-fiort tho commlt- t. but nnauw Iurke stopied thn by sui.ilng h would vote iwidh (he republl cai. Liter In th day Sv.mitor Burke wa In conference iw-jth Htwma and he etjt .moat of Lis Sme iwlth th Llarnia ixrkew. Tl tuit-Hiima rapirblk-ans annjur.ee posiUvoly rtwx under no rtrcurmnancee will rhcy -vote for a democrat. They will continue pho deadlock ndflnltely tuther Blain oi oct a vVrniocrotic nenator. Tho Dress 4s out with a wnsational ex tra (vlltlon tonight nimvouncng that the domolrtatlc ptMHtMii ting attorney has pr- scnul the siumitorrafl situation to the srand jury. Thlk, affair Is promiMiKvd as an attomut tu Intimidation by th Htinna men. OEXKliAL BOOTH. Coining to Am-in Where th Salvation Army Can Work. N.v York. Jan. 3. A Hspatih the Wcrld from London sails: llen.ral Ttooth, who a,ils for Nt iv York next Saturlay. gave to Hie World corn Pon,.nit tho following statement of t objects of Ms vktlt: . am golnr? wHere I shall rerelve himy welcome. Tm-y use n,e el, wrwt we ar pleased 'o tall foreign conn, trie but there Is no country foreign to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Arm? doe not ilg-h; by deprecatlnir other In. boierx. bu; In conunrl in ii; 1 1 ivn. Llatiansi, not on tho md. irtnn.w nit... worker In in viii-yHr l. V , .-,r hriPr of ,.ll who irj h Ipinsr suffering men und women every .vh v-?. Tliere Is no man who labor for or advocniiw ny imp r. fotm wh-her natural, supernatural, ccm nirelal. wia, mutiici'xil or political, who Is hindered by th Salvation Army. "I am gains tc the I'nluM State to arwii! n tne foiMiation of new plans and fir the furth.i-n?e of ;b,. work which is at present n op-:rrl)n for helping th alT-'rinir poor and out-asi clauses of so ciety. I am alo going to Am-rica to give my cj.nsoj an! Inti action with r ehixJ to (he extension of those methsib arroes the atr with such modiiicnttons a the dlff.'rlnt; condition of hooiety may oalt for. I am gjng on this Journey with the full purpMC of strengthening the hand and ch.ing th hrta of my po pl, and am fur. they drv all Ih. elver ar.d ;n?lr i-lort It 1 pohe to glvt thm. Whatever Jealouay or lft may be In Ih. hoar; of other people, Balvatlon Army on both aide of th. At lantic ao ont in conrM.-nc. and affection. To nan-ae ih itplrlt of nffetlon n.l unltjr and to, unii. mora rta I ewe of the purpo of m trlalt. W hav. or. row ouraelvea. In the L'nltal Bute on. of my na ha pvt;d himself from rr.e and la rklng hi own way. Though I think him wrong, i still my on. A lo oontrovsray or llspu-..-. I will ha, Iraxw; of It. I am a friend to all men, whothrr they iu me well or HI, beuer or iworo than i:y m.ia'.or, lite enemy of mm. William Booth, General of th. Sal vation Army." General Uoj.b wl! addraw a great fare well mexnjng nt Albert hall In London to morrw nlht. MANITOIJA HCHCKJL8. Mintr-41, tan. 5. The Cf thjlls Mhop from vtarlcrJ parts of Canai-a, inojjdlnf the Mtrd Abbott of the Trim)t. have arrived here to conld.ir the pop-, en cyclical on the Manitoba ch Jol guranlon whch will te publlahed from ;he pulpits next Punday. TO ADD INTEREST TO FARM LIFE BESILT Or INVISTICkTIOSS I" TBI STATE Or IXDUU. Edicit.rs Do Not rresent Satire te tke Kisiaj Gcaeratioa as They Sho.ld. Indlanapijli. Jan. 5. The htaie board of agrk-ul'.ur which I holding p annual stweon In this city has before It a propo sition tliat the property it owns be turned over to the state :uvd It become a state organjiation. Svra4 years ago the ru preme court hell that the body was a private corporation. Governor Mount de livered an addrees before the board. He oild: "A few evenings ago I heard a discus sion arr.o.ig dlstruJMh"d gentlemen o! fMa city In whi.'h It waa the concensus of opinion that th most discouraging out look for agriculMr wa found In the fact that too tinny youn men .to leaving the flotn. 9t.itstio and ob?rvatlor ttrongly (end to show th.i: Inc urban poHiiulon I ra;ldly increasing while thol of the rural districts i ncr-isl.ig at a far less rate. The casual observer XnU,-h concluj? that this in to the ad vantage of th.? farmer, as tnv tendency Is to the decreasing of producers and th? in,-reatiinr of consumers. The careful student ,f economic, however, wants to underwtaJMl the rvtwjn why there seems to be so llul attraction In country pro. Farmer aj a rule are Inclined to, talk farming down instead of exalting It pos sibilities. One of the gentlemen above re ferred, to said ome aggrereive efforts are neded to attract attention and add hitervwt to farm lif.' The superintend ent of public Instruction Informs me that the toiJ amount annually expended In the orMk of erhmution in Indiana would not fall Bhort of llO.l'ii.OOO. I am In favor of the broadest kind of education, but I want farmer educated in the science ot agricutfjiv as well. There la practically no Instruction an mo ho crops row, the element of oki.it life, food required, how to conserve and h-jw restore those ele ments to the soil. There Is little or noth.. Ing In ,h textbook of our schools to interest children m nature study." ANNEXATION BRIGHT. Chicago, Jan. 5.-iA special to the Times-Herald from Washington ny: TTie outlook for ratification of the Ha waiian annexation treatj- is now consfd ered ver)- bright. The frlenria of the measure beieA,v thej- etui so?ure fi -;t C votes, or three more rrwui are needed. There ha.-, ft is sold, been a markea change of sentiment silnce Lhe Hhanvean poueiw tH-ati thjttr ggretonj in China. Tw fee-ling Is very strong here that un l,fc the Intted States takes In Hawaii, the islndn are llMy to ause .us trouble In the firtiutv, whM oie or more of the Kiirvpevu rations attempt to acquire them or to eiv. themito Japin as compeisuitlon for their gratau In Ohini. Senator Davis, chalnman of the committee on foreign re lations, tys he will eofl the treaty up at tlie flnot wxceutUve aesslrj.-i of the senate. CANADIAN MINES. Ottawa, Jan. B- Tfte detailed report of th geologk-a-l survey upon statistics ot mines and mineral for the year ISM has been Issued. It gives Canada's total min eral production for the year as IJ.'fO.iTO!). an iinvre-i.s,' of 121 per cem in 10 years, t!ie production In 1STH5 having been 1100 000.000. The increase on mineral producllcn in the I'nitcd State,, for the sojnc decade wa W per cent. The annual production per capi'a U JS In thu Unitid States against $1.50 in Can ada. In the production of gold. Brltis.1 Columbia stands credited with over 61 per rent and Nova Scotia .vith over 19 per cent. The Northwiist Territories, Includ ing the Yukon district, came third with 13 per cent, and Ontario fourth with about t per cent, while Quebec contrib ute, much under 1 per cent. HOW TO IMPROVE RANGE CATTLE Aaotker Citerprisc ffomoted by tke 0. K. St N. Co. CONVENTION OF CATTLEMEN Will te Beld la ri.dletu rebrtary 15th Betkod f lapmeai.it t. Be C.aidered. Pendleton, Or., Jan. S.-Peniieton la to lw-ve th NortSrwent Cattle Conyvitloq on Feliruary 15. Rcogtilztrag the importance of cattl. InrWe In thj mtlon, the rjommerclal asMoclaUon of pendlton communicated with the traffic ' parmient of the O. R. Sc "X. Co. C. uuon, th company's In- dumjia! Btrent, iwtats tmnt here to confer wlrh the aanocHilon board of managers. whioh met lhs afternoon and made pra Irmtnary pfan for tit evnnt. Four state) are to be rvirnted at th convention. Vis: Idaho, Montana. Washington, and Oreawn. VrMoubtedly very lav pcia4 tvtta will be granted by the dtffernt rall rotoka to all those interested In the eani. bunlnesH who deeiiv, to attend, and It is confidently estimated tfiat betn four and five hundred "de-Wat m will be pres ent. Men of prominence In'tiee different llnrw of the cattlm Industry -will addreat the convention. The raising of rarur .at- tle. Qiialltlee of grasnes1. Improvement of lock, climatic roraJitVin. itrnnpmta tlon, the let markets and ta to ii;ur. than. wll be amonar tbe stibjTt Ois- cusfted and from personal nlrcours With one another the cattlemen win be able to obtain Meas of vahn. The com-emkm rwlrl be known a that of the Pacific Northw3t tUe Associa tion. Range cattle sine principally tatsed n th ParlAc northnr,, but It s eartl muaed that prominent breedvrw of blooded stock from the middle state will tome and lecture on ways and mean of im proving the banda on our ranges. MINE.-5 AND MINING. Denver. Jin. 5. Ex-Congreesn.an at. Pence, of this city, chairman of '.he com mitter appjinted by th mining congress to take t'eps to secure the establishment of a bur? i i f min- and mining will leave for Washington to take steps to se cure tho pisaage of the la,w. Mr. Pence said the committee had concluded tt-at the best thing to lo to to go to Washing ton and present the matter to Lhe commit tee having k In charge. Thv committee men are E. V. Smalley of St. Paul, J. R. Hedge of Pittsburg, W. BechI ot Omaha, and Ldfe Pence of Oolorodo. Mr. "ence states ch-it golJ and silver mining would be put In second piano in the pre sentation of the committee' argument and the advantage of such a department or bureau to the generaJ mining industry, including lead. xnc. Iron, copper and cosj would be dwvlt upon. He raid ttw com mittee had aawurance of the support of thr, okl Pamw1vank, delegation and though, they would be able to get the arstdtance of delegations from Georgia, Nortln and South Carolina, Michigan and Missouri. BOMB IN THE COUNCIL. Muskogee. I. T., Jan. 5. Tne Creek coun cil at Okmulgee were In extra session yes terday to consider the advl-mbuity of em Ploying attorneys to test the constitution ality of the act of congress which wnt into effect January 1 to abolish th tribal courts. Th-ty htvj not yet heitrd of the warning of Secretary Bliss that such ants would not be approved by the president. and when th special messenger sent out to notify t-iera of the sjcretary's action arrives, it will be throwing a bomb lr the midst of the councilman. SENTENCED TO DEATH. Seiatfle. Jan. 5. Henry' Creamer was to day enteiwed to be hanired March 5 for the muruer of Mrs. phllllpen.t Mueller lind dhlld. This 's the third time that .sentence of death has been passed on Ortwmer. Cr-tenivr's only hope now lies In executive clemency. Royal stakes tbe food para, wbolcaom aad delicious. t Abiulutel Puro boval BMuM powoaa eo., saw voaac