, - - --r as- . ... I " ' r1 i . ... . . . - r-i'VMi 1:: ' ? r :' r " ' ' ' J I V m . J i V Mm mi ! . ' ; il I i.O'j ., , . J . i.. ;, Cr.i Wit , i - - TBE DAILY ASTORIAN II ttie fclfgeit tod best piper on thi Col urn tli River THE ASTORIAN has till Urjest . circulation of inv eatr on tbe Columbia River FULL, ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL XLVIII. A8TOIUA, OHEOO.V, WEDNESDAY MORNINO, JANUARY 5, I8U8. NO. 4. Jlf . A a . JKJS WJ WWII TBI! ITl.r.MUTr.l) "Superior" Stoves and Ranges ltt Tilt J. N. LAWS, AT HA Diaries and Calendars For 1898... GRIFFIN 62! REED We Are Enabled to Buy In lurp' ijuaiitittps mi iim-unt of our !itf tnulo, tuiil tlm can give our liMuim-H the lowt-ft ri r mi all kitnU of nu n liuiili' W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull Him o4 Pli l KIP... ' Aitli Tfca. aa-1 aif tUI... 474 Commtrvlal "a w w Mams, Bacon and SHIELD BRAND w w w w w i . Th Beit, Abtolutely Pur Rye For Bale at The Occident Hotel Bar, Ttaa Offlca Baloori, And all th leading bars In Aatorla. San 1'ranclsco Hiid Portland , . . . . fitST WES' OLD STAND Blank Books and Office Supplies Foard & Stokes Company Manulnclurtr and Oonlffr In FINE CIGARS! tilnrii'f (iorqena ritertaitmeni null The Louvre.. Tbri'o KIMra-r'lnr Ml", tiumraof All Klnila;Tn Maanin.fnl llr; Kvrrvtlilnn Klral-riaaa; (knxl Otili r anil Kvrrybndj a Itllila Klrlrlly obwrrrd. Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North TwiUo Brewery, of bieh Mr. John Kopp i proprietor, make be f or domeatio and export t ride. Bottled beer tor family nee, or keg beer tmpplied at any time, delivery la the irity lit. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY AUi k-INPH OK t'ANNKI' .MKATfl Uimrtinteed The Heat In the Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. rourth and CIImi Stretti rortlnott. Oreaoe. "Keystone Monogram 99 Whiskey SHERWOOD & SHERWOOD PACIFIC COAST AGENTS, OREGON LEADS ALL THE STATES Increist is Wheat Acreage I 4.5 P'er Cent. PLANT LIU: NEARLY PERFECT area at Winer I'kcit it Ike leitta State flia Uirmti 114 rtr Ctat, Other Stale (tii New or k . .hin, I Tin- Inl crop rt ' nn I of th.. NVo York Journal nf Coaji ! iii-t.-. and 'mni ri llolbilri any: KiiiiiI 'irn mini.- of lh nrvt o win. ' it oh. ul Xfuro as.O'.J.""1 iiri j wn. 'pared with 2.t:l.i" ii.t. 4a.rvn.leil n..( ' i'ar mi live of II 4 -r --t . 1 Tim nvtea.. n ('Nllfornhi, ' ic-scoti anl ' 'i4liliii,'lnfi U 4 ft tr en, ihi- approx!- i Trtw.ii nmo lM nr ti.-ti- hu Ikoii n ' tiwiit-ri.il liu rvut" in hMt Iik m hr ' wMi-h'-m .Liu.. ln lo Ih Ume irli- c;f .I Ion, hi It..- I'm-IIUi M.it n1 M U n t'l-Kiiy (."(.I runln. T)i' tvmuir for '""(in !W Wua-Mnitttin !. nrl Olifur. 'ni W fh.- v-T'ikw for ll.i- ihr.- wtninn I. ..t wiit on""l Hh l ' lt ' niocih loi;fl I I' IN' KMi'KK. Illu 11 r-f li) St'rk'n Klftntum Ixkk Mtj h Ihimw- tlt'ki.in. Jan. I -At II:' tt ni. rihut Mm iu H'OV-r.! in tirwlioii p No 5 of Karm -m' l'nl.u & MHIIiir i'o. mi.l luiftirf vJi.. l-tLi-inon( roiil 1 il: i Th- flro iirkly iq'O'n'l t j n-nn hourM. No. j uih) It iwa ! that rnilhir o-aro- ' lioui' 'i.iM li- aiivnl, nn.l tiw atti-nlon j of 1h i. Nr(ni -iit on turm-d to ivIdk I 'bit our-r-hiKia.. nt th NaviKHl'Sin A I'M ' ir .iv.ni.tn ' ohl i twiruti-'l from j N'o. only t.y a fir ill. ami IV Kuri'ki. 'if i'r..n tulil ii.v.i.iuw. ohh-h hn1 ony turn- ik: .--1 toi from N'o. !. I MlAM-tna pr, o Irti.lrinvn from Ww rnira ioriloii of tin- 'Khmii.-.! tru-luiw tuxl t ' nt work n lhi olh.-rm olth nu ffr.rt anj t.y .-,int.-miM llrf itln M,niiu.i tht ' Iron .b-a hixI ni-.fH of th l. ir,ins Imll I. ! inc. ohl.-h hr-. -to i,it ihm off. Ttu llr m.n -o.-rx miiTiraftil. Ttir OMrriimiMi. o-.- well fll! with ' nni4n. for lh the Vnio il and h cltmita bav -.ti iimvinc Hh.jnp oho m-rxv wait lug for iJi frlf of ohmt to ailvnno.' i ioft .-aiimiitff of th am.mm of .h-, .lr...l ta 10( tan nn, mn:iy I Iif M bnh.-r. Thrr -.m lx-l,.-a con. , aiii.nu tMrty anl ry... Mu,- ,,f th grain ona thr o,rty of th I'non. but ty far thi- hr.-r tr otiloo oaa hoM In ly by ftirmrra. Th? ma a rob ably morv than JT-.i0.00O. :hour7i tbo ter rnory -oviro.l tiy th(. fire wu not larttv. Th l.ina on lit tvahoaao- will be -h-Mrr, IhoiiKh tKith of rii biildnir r nauiv,l for a nsiaonahly Innto -.arj of Ihr vnu, Tlio Hiv rrtni-tc-il In the nauhlnify of a araili-c ami clcann-. Th warvhou"-s are IniIU partly on a tl foundation alonx Wm. bank of tho cha.inol. Whl th tlr' mit of flgtitlng- thf flamfi to othr alamio wrro turnrd In from other ionona of th city, but fortikivly ttieyamotint 1 o notMnir. Th -toamr Elin -with the bariro Crick o-aa lylntj oJonarslJ-? No, . takn on a nanro. but was'toa-od out of diuiarw by t.ntihoata. Tha fir rantlnum to burn In tho -rait plla of whot f.im are In plarf-a aa hln aa tho war "Tomm thmwa), ami tboy will contlmio to amoitUlcr for dayi. Thr haa bcti some allirht danwire itv parta of the other wo wur4toiuMa by tmioke. SHRATtMAN ON' FTNA7COE. Bollvvea tn tho EatabHtthmitnt of nnimn Ruika on a lrge Ade. Now York, Jan. 4. In re.tivie to n re- iu'it for an exilan.lon of hla views on the nnnncliil niieBrion. T""ii O. Shenr mnn hna aiihmlmed iv pkipur on the estab lishment of tvUnch twiika on a larne ac nle, "I rard tha lnn a ftir more linpnr. tunt aa 'well tin more jwvvtloalile," eya fr. ShNnmn, "than any romvdy wlijoh has been propoweVI for tho aattloment of lihe currency qiietjoTi." Mr. PhearmAn nalat :.ha.t iKitiuv line ililven cndtlla forwartf to n point at which Che iwlu country la vrt'i.i,lly on a Iwnklnff ba..a, Inntead af a money t:iel for exohtuiKC. "Thoae oectona of rhe country which have nhe fewtwt ifixni UimkH arc J'.iH aa nmicli uion a, hinkliiK baia an the rest of tho country," he auld. "The trem-n dona Incmme of ex-h.ui(ro which has Bono with culvaminir elvllatlon 'has reached piorilona -which make It hopvfa to extect ttiat nni exchnniroa '.n vevvT tx cnrrtoil on ihy 'tho ui of ai'tiuil money, however that term may be iletlncd. And whmlwr money ron.!' only of koI.I and silver or Iik'I'iiW ailt) link und twrn nn-nt notra re.reintlnir (?o I mid Hilvo make practically no llffereno. There I not, ttK-refia-e. and th-e newr will be ciioimiH money, even with these liberal cumlltlonawto enable bualne to be con ductud by the actuil utw of any fucn money. The dlpro4rton would Increase Instead of diminish. ' large central ibank ousht to be at lowed to taatabllKh. tranche n every part ;l Uie iwiiirtry," ccrlni Mr. Hhmn. 'Tlii-iw tiink wwild 1- con-lu'-'f"! Kr-l .rwtKxny, unt Ih-wi-f'' rouH fitr ivliih tit mn tjf exiui at but a rllifht wlvny-s wwr Oi t of ii'-hvn'- In llie ctiWt. Thfy oouM hav pro-rtlrally )it a tool InformMIKi lh city barinn havn luim mty mirnlnif Bwy wwulu to -artvliM! by tlffrh of vry chanffii n afrlr ml the i!ra -ik ton .1wJ rniporturit In ( :nanjni'nt of (in. ion tratuMMrtlona; th amount of arti mwrwy in wh of tii 1ran--h lnk otu. 1i -ttrBy umall; anl yt th rtiKWtit nt xwimI monry avJilnW" In of In can of 'f"! p""1-. oouM bo fifty limn n (fn-at, alwe oil tho rnoun. at th c-nli b'ik wouM bl -lirtllll'J lU ' "Thi' ffvm"- a of h branch bank Tirorn In xvn lh- im ni y pruM-nit i. niffl'4iy rvH'f! by th -amH In I'kiiii'la. oh ri. till yft'-nl bi In full ni-riitlin ami rti- ( tirc-ni'V iii-tl'n l n-v r mb"1. "A a viiiu-t of i. rml-M'-n to i IjiIi1:Ii trnnchi a ih pr.' nt bank an-1 HVrry l.r.tricb ib-r of fimM tx- rUr) tn nitfjrt th trtlfli-'l -h--lw of any lituika on liil urn f'luiv.ili-nt to mih ohlch. Iiowi-Vfr, "tiny oo-jll un-)fil1wly bi i"rit vn.il. -vu If t"- central ba-.k imh.iI bniik no;- all lh- brnnrhr" 'voil'l Iw. ri-ul-i lo pH-rrn th not ii o aii-h mMl-tnl" mun: m mlihl ! nn'Hii.tl.. A a furibiT coniljilon. ii-.ry Uuik iKiiMlnlia hran-hi-. onouii l. riiln"l lo ff.in on t)rfxtftt nrnl rwl- -t -o lihiiol itii-Jntca chn kn ujvki any n llDnul bunk, Wiouirli, not. of cour. to irltt tht amount at wb rticrka t catti ul flltir). AM 'TH Ktl TRAIN ItOBHIU). Tt... Konti fSty liandltrt Airnin to tf.e Froox Ka't-aa I'fty. Jan. I Aft. r about thr nioiilJia of ina.tlvlty, hc Kama City mm rilitxTa madi- nnottier bn!lant ai-lil-vitiwnr tonlaiit. Tba tlm the Kin-i . Chy. Itiut-g. nnl Oulf road lie anff'Ti r. The !tiii'iy'a Tort Arthur aiK-cliU. wti. h li ft h v at J: tonlirbt waa roSbwl iM-fia-,. 1t hul td b. yon.1 the city Urn. ItH. Too mon. Wjium no on" but the ex- ro novoi'turvr aeetna to bav.. een. Hnili .1 Into tSw expotw cur bj tho tmln ft ithe d.mt. They oveiroa-erei" trie ni.B-M-, lMirxl ami kokk.'J mm. ana rlfle.1 th) ear kftiwv Ab train ranie to a top. Whin t.V tr.il n fonn up at a crowa iik knoon n tfi Ac I.ln j'.i:wtlon. they IIiiiIh.I wit irf the c.ir .nl danpi arol. N'othjiiif m-uH kiiooti of rtie r.4ibery nnffl Hie nivfo "r;tn tct. r enter 1 th. car and mid the helil.-w expnr meeBOnKT. Tho roblien. rifl.Hl rtir Iich1 aafe, tukinis HWfylhlnir of value. They had mode no ffort to dlttiirb ".be throuirti taife. ohloh la piMrM"tl by n ttme-ock. The eia Karco & I'o.'a exprot cttloe h(T-. T- R- 1nt-, lo.-l nwiwicr. i.n.il th a jso or j.a.i -.,iiKI pmluMy r.vir the cwniiinya lima. In poll -e rltvlea, hoo'cVM. the m. Iiritwlon prvlli that the roMn-na oiire1 vorn thouaitml dollnra in tnon.y and (l.welrj'. TM h ibe sixth crime of the kind per. petrateil In Kanan City -within fifteen tnontha. A IinKAK IX MARVUVNP. AniMUH)ts, Md.. Jan. 4.-What prome to prove a aertotu split amonir the repub- liiwna In f.w Marjiand Vtbda.Uire .level oihI toirtKlit, wt'n an attempt ( made to cacu. for offlcera of the geemj os aenVMy. which convenes tomorrow. Tnwlve of the 18 member of Baltimore city rwfiao; to take part In the caucua. at the other republicans met without them. Ttw recalcttrajt are known aa "XlaMcr" men, because 6hey are adher- na of lhat f.uion which recently uV- ttronl Vn- d Stjitea Senator Welllnff ton frim hc leder.nlp of the party. The 'ction Is tcokfd apin a. a protest sant the rn:eJ election of Jud MoCotnas to ih Vit.xl StiU.1 eena.te. It la inverted th ht ";altvrltc'' will combine with Wie Jim.'crala and ornnniae tne lower hmsi. unlet Bli Mr dcmnn-ls nre complied oath BRYAN CUTS 1taIE. Lincoln. N'eb., Jun. 4. W. J. Br-;tn's home coinii Wifc evenlnsr was the occas ion of nuuv .marko.1 display of eothuslaam on the part of his poirtlctl and soclnl frieinls than has ibecn shwn wince hly rturn from ChUaBO. follooiiiK his nomi nation for the prcsdit.-ncy, . . . Tula Imin: tllie nltrht of a compllmcn. 1nry luiiiuiuet tenl,Mvd him by the rtrj"n TriuiilnB Mn's Club, a number of dls tnKiilhcd men who participated In the funeKion were at h station to jrreet hm. To an As.wiated I'rvws representative, Bryan Mild he was not yt reaJy to ex- lnw his lmprfHona of Mexico, and 'that furthermore hs spech tonlnht would be ctemiorimeoi. It onis nearly 10 o olot:K when the Iwimuiit hull was thrown open. Hryiin pewiamled to . the toast "Our (lust." Ml'LBS FOR KLON'niKK. rortland. Or.; Ian. 4.T'nlcl States 1'ackmanMr .lames McFnrland, with 21 pack m!i, nrrln d today over the O. R. H X, from l-'ocr Wi-iakai., Wyo., unit left Immediately for Vancouver li.rraks, tthfi M pi" . ni lions will bo made lo pro- .ecd m Alaska for the purposo. of awalst- lug in taking relief to 'he Yukon miners. One hundred and two pack mue have bi-ein ahipped to Vancouver by the gov ernment to be used In tho expe-titlon and as soon a the contract for supplies Is let the pack a,nmns oil! be shipped to Skag- way. BURNED BRIDGES BEHIND THEM Disseaters Majr Not B Recooclled to Senator Haaoa. IT LOOKS LIKE A DEADLOCK Oie Skert ef a Majority Coallictiaig Claiau j nf Ike Diltereat r.ctieaj if Oklo Ltiiilalire. f oillnu'l I'iii). I.1JI. 4-TIie fi'ltl'Ml I future of iWi .,r HjLrru in cer'ulr.ly in. i i..aht ii a tine.-y p.iiw 1 l.a,anci. ' Vnile th'Te ere m ret-iri-d to be enly j n!tj dl nt' i .'imonif the Jo repuhiiran rmmib t-a one In in - aennre and -lft.t In ! the nouse, Ihc r'll d iuMfu list !a llm-1 td lo loo r ihr;e. jme of :he d sntli repuhiijana :.iv not llkiy to ever 'xj rcofuIM lo E'tivor Hanrw. Thy have turn. .1 :h. br,.U M b -tiini thtn and openly admit tt. It. iwwa-nta.ivea irimth. of L'nl jn, I nii ! Joyce, of iiern,-v oh? vod with ibe combine" on the ora'i:r.i'i.m of the hciaw, aliUed o'lay thai th. y would vole for S-nutor Hnu This nve Hanna "I In t hou ani 17 ic tli, senate, a total of 71. or I short of .1 nujoriiy. Dnalte, of Ha ml lion, bo vote-1 for Bnxwel for leAker, anno-inf.4 at he time tbit he oYuld aupport J.-h'h.i fj-mird, the nilver retHjlHU nn. for '-n u ir. no that l"ie net frai n for Hanni to date over the vote on onja' nation la only one. The Hanna r t they expert the votee of Sctt. of Pulp r an. Rutan. of Carroll, wk wer j ir-i- t for Hanna and voted for the m- ite" on ontunixaiion. On ihe oth hand the "combine" mana- irers iy that Scott and Huuui win re-1 main olth thm to the finish snd that they exMrt to a l Snbhf . of iJreen. and Redkey, of Holland, oho voted for Box- 4-1 ftar aw-aker. The vluirtafiri metnle-rs are beinn oflered rlirucx. b charcw of a?rloulturnl patents t-lr choice of chairmanships nnd Klven'and copyrights, banks and chambers of the '"ortunlty to nvike all other sciee. tofw tbey wnt. The powor of the or- sranratlon of th house 1 ceirtilnly balna; used to the Kr u,vt possible advanla and Its influence la not un.lerf itlmtt.sl In contortion with the , suinwrt of Trie state administration. Vh Kuril ami hs asoeato tirlll mike no statement yet they are holding back nntair.tmerr!a on committees and other patronaire In anticipation cf gaining ! s,Hnite vot.w on he senatorial ballot, i In honiiiut th-lr men In line the "ijom-1 bine" i havnr trouble with some fi j democratic members. It is believed that ! Mayor MoKsson wII give way to Kurti for the short .n for sen-juor, while Gov. crnor 'Buwh.ie!! has alon been re KardS.l aa oandjdite for the long- term. Rreeentat)li lYIIey. of Wayne. Poo-ell, of Morrow, Xlkes. of Lucas, and other radlcM) free wtlver njemoorats art not sat tsfied iwtth Kurta and Bushnell. and it thoy vote for republicans, they o-ant them oiuh pronounortl silver records, like that of Gerrrl, nd others that are named. Some of tho democratic members ir 4t that the breach fa o wldV and so deep now between the republicans that John R. McLean, or some other free silver dem ocrat, could he elected over Hanna. L.ttens and telegrams poured In today on Governor Bushnel! from dissenting- re publican mernhers tuvd othvs, protesting ajrainat the cation of the repsiMic&no, otto are co-operatlrar iwjth the democrat. In reply t2iow nbout the headbarters In the Great Southern Hotel revived the tnlk ot the American 'Froteotiva Association, t oorkingTOen, and others. bHitg opposed to Hanna. It -wan dannred that the sena tor hkl Met. Griffith anno by his em bwarlew. and that the senator was with her two hours before her husband an nounced himself for Hanna. The an nouncement today by the republicans that they would have no Joint senatorial tau ctus at any time previous to thv ballotitur for senator WI41 com(iell all to continue n tn ;Lt4iri11a warfare for another week. . The enute amt hoiuv will ballot separ ately nest TuttsiiaA' for senator. The ten te will stand 1 no 17 awalnst Hanna by Senator Burke voting 'with the demo crats. The housM on .Monday stood H to S3. It is nrw 53 to SI against Hanna. Ths o-oukl isetitle the contest of the "com bine" If ibdCh hou.ce can concentrate on any one cnntltdnte a!iainst anna,.nnd when h two houwei meet on the follow. Inr Jar.miry 12 to canvns It. In Joint a?r sombly, the wrte of he previous day. a ca.it by each brar-h isenLmbJy, there wouiu do twining to uo exca-n announce the tonal result an 4 to Tl against Hanna. Hut. If Senator Hanna has not a majority a week henoe, It Is doubtful whether any opponent will have It, and the gvncrnl prediction is for a deadlock. Lale tonight tho Hanna managers bwt Hie 'two doubtful "members that Uiey hat gained today, so tha:t thero lb now no ma terial ch.uiKo from that of yewetly, irrcni tho 'hoiaso atoo.1 56 to 53 agvunst Hiui na. This would give -the senator only 70 votes on Joint ballot, or three less than enouKh to elect. ' In connection with the change of Rep rtMentutlve Grllhth back to the anti HannA camp tharw ami most scandalously sensational reports in oiroulation. Grif- fl h haa b-m on both able averal ttmea and oo pl-dffrd Wmalf In "WTlllna;. NEW tT'HAN CABINET. T yitmirm of .Authnrtty Corrfrrrwl on 1t Mm"ra Hhowu In DiaU. WalilnaTton. Jan. I.-Tha ar mur of antlnrlty conferre-l on th new Cuban cnMnM la fV)wa In an offlel! addreaa Im ikI at Havana, December , coplea of whtch bare bn received by the Span lh Watlon. The document pportot; bialifwt of the 4 skald, tlvfn to cb calXnet oilier rha aanaune to b apnt In each deiirt-nnt and treat In detail wlfh the aubJacU which ar to be man. by avh mlnlat-ir. Tho first Pr yrime ntudu ibe pown which Uorernor lilanco 1 S'l-Mary General conicorno wl!l rontlnue lo exer'is, aa Mlowa: Tne conduct of nti"r.il affairn netoeen fin in and Cufri, Ir.trco.iw with diplo matic and Tiila.- officera of foreiaTB I itf.v.Tnnv-WA .'enyja of foreigner, public I e and ord.f, honor and de-rortton. r Ti,ria wlh th chunh. 'Ith tiee xcepe. power, the entire .iniinltro,ton .if the afr.'.ln of the tel l timl over to the memberw of the na.binet. Each mim'er is authorized to an aH-Ar Hecretary and to m p!oy hi own maff of stant The au ihortiy of ee,?h caMnt ofneer a fpeclfled a folhwa: I The premier. Senor 0-z. direct the !eneral pohT of tha Manl. confera with ithe other mlnltevtt and I the executive bed of th otvtanli itlon. thf detailed work bfltnar left to the other r:nlate The rnlnleter of juwdce and Interor, Hnor Oovtn, has chiree of affair reiat- ' Irur to the co-irt nn.1 Jmllcature: nppont- ment of marsh lis and other court offlcera. J.ille an! penitentlirla, munlc!pallte. liwlnfU dVM;ion, local police, pub lic chartty. charitable inslltutwui, etc.. public health, aaylums. etc.. the pres and theatem The mln.tter of dnance! Senor Mon ti ro, haa control of all affair relating: to IShe cuMotn of '.he Island, appointments nf ctMtomai otficej-..; conduct of the treoa ury'a dlsburoemeri; of p'j'olle money, etc. The mtnbiter of public instruct m. Senor Za i. baa charea of the Unvnsity of Havana, all coU-es, profeisonaI schools and other ktJtlo'W In which the con trol I not reserved to the province or municipality. The minister of public works and te- irraiie. Senor Dolz. haa control of the j iooffloe and tel -r.Mih ytems, raliay ports ami llehtahtpe. public tldnz and groic. I The minister of commerce. Senor Hod commerce. Mbllo foreste and m nJnR. i yht diVon of duties o ill continue I until Cuban legislature meew and i etablishee by laio' the exact dutlio of fke I cabinet officer I The ministry req- la the do.-rec ae I fully carrying out the in of turning he I interniU affairs of the island to Cuban ' ofnchih. ' Dt'RRAXT'S PLVN8. How the Hanjins Will Go, Ht Orders Are. and What Si.n (Jueniln, Cal., Jan. 4. Durrant has rehearsed the scene of his own death. At his ooti request, nude absolutely without emotion, he haa been toM every incident that will (nark the ml nates of his )aat hourx of life. From the moment that he ant a kens next Frldxy morninaT until War den Hale gives the signal to spring the gallows trap, Theodo.-e Durrant krows what Is expect-1 of him. A book and Severn! fwpera on religious subjects were received ait the orb mi yesterday for Dur rant. They are offerings from a woman oho resfdes In Toronto. She w aa a rtst. dent of San Francisco three years ago and has displayed an Interest tn Durrant'a affairs since his arrest for the murder of Bian.-he Lamont. Deputy Warden Ed gar mole a thoron.-tfv Inspection of the book and papers and thn permitted Dur rani to have them. The authorities suspect that some of Durrant's lognl advlsen may attempt ! some play at the very moment of the ex ecution, rmrrant may lnite five of the 50 ppl. o will be ipreiertt. but Warden Hale w(tl revise the !rt so It is unlikely that aiv of hta attorn-'ys will be seen beside the iralloos. The oiid-mn,l man hals maie the fol lowltwr reituessrs-: " j KlnKt. Hiat the ope use.1 to hang him I sin, II be destroyed Immediately after hte I death so rh.it no 'ersn can say that he i hold a piece of it is a tnenento: recend, ! Wuit none of fhe Mpictators shall be al 1 liw,i to vhz upon his features after ho s execut'sl: thipl. that no autopey s:m1I le Jh-U after hs death and lha nc physical li allo.veil to examine his body fourth, chat after he a pronounced ded his remains shuHl be dellver-Hl to his par ents as soon as potMlble. FINAL EFFORT- Start Franclco. .Ian. 4. The father ot Theodore Durrant has received from ,.rMian T.x. a tio.u nent whi.-h rur. ports to b :the ordinal alleged confes sion of Joseph T. niaar.her, to the mur. ders of Blanche Lamoat a.n l Minnie Wil liams. It will be used in the final efforts to secure a stay of ex?'.lon. DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LOADED. Siui Jot. Cal.. Jua. l.-R becea Smith, the 5-year-old dam-hirr of George F. Smith, -was fatally shot by her 10-year-old H'lruther. The children were playing in the garret and the bov found an old revolver. He pointed it at his sister and pulled the trlgt?er. A bullet penetrated the dhikl'a eye and she died in 5 minutes. IT IS OUR DUTY TO PREVENT IT Dlsmembermcat of China Mast Not Be Permitted. SENATOR TELLER SPEAKS OUT Sfcoala Joii Vita Great Dritala la a notice to laila lid Ceriov-0ar Coat- erce ttitt Be Cat Off. Kewr York. Jan. . -Tt Is fair duty to prevent the dlMnemb-rmunt of fJhlna ld Senator Te-r to the World ci.rre' pon.lnt n Washington last mht. " shouM Join with rst Britain in a notice KM-ta. and Germany that H-iember. mnt will not I pw-mittal. Even with, out Great Britain, w ,hou.! give aucn mUoe. Almoe our verv ..i.i. nUon fa. involved. Soould we permit It we would have no mor than a mere existence. When It is aatt timt llw'rnlt. States cannot Interfere, u should be un. oeratood what a failur-. to Interfere will introlve. The disme.mo-rment nf .-hiti. mw the eutUng off of our commerce In the 'Orte-n and the introduction of a ompeiUtor who win dprlvs i- of ths rest of he iworU and rven supply our. own ix-tle. We nnot permit this with out toeco-ranar & third or fourth rate na tion. We ahould have to submit to the domination of tan iUjtl.-m among" the nations: our OTn InMitutlons would take on a decline and the civilization by thla goinmnt and the Engl!?i government cease to progress. "Vie wouM euffar more than rty other people. w have mo -e Involved and wttuM be more directly njurd. It M folly therefore to aay that we hare noth Ing to say. If thla dsmbenneni U pfrmltted. our treaties with Oblna fafl and we shall have to 6WJ with the powers oo take poMowioa of the Chinese terri tory. Russia -will get the biggest lce anJ f she to not a pale;ilary a com petitor bf our now. We will then bcome one. Germany and Fran are not likely to get much out of the division of tfw em pire. Ku-ssUi will be the great power. But, ho-ower h divided, a barrier win be erected agajnts our trade. After the disinembermat oe cann t say to the gov ernments thai have taken ponremti of China that iwe hre cert in treaty r'ghta. They will -reply th .t there la no China, and therefore rj treaties. "But that Is not the worst of it. Ir this dLmembennent occurs the people of what is now China w;U become the pro ducers for the wh-le world. A ompeti tiv production and trade will be intro duced aiiinst which othcr people cannot successfully contend. The people of China have a greater power of production I nan any other like number of people. All they need tn to tie arotMsd and to have their efforts -properly directed. Inspired by the enterprise od onergy of Germany anil Rust, tjhey would become the producers Of the gfabe and wtjU produce so cheaply that Chens would be no ompetltlon." BONNER'S IDEA. Ex-Presidents Should Not Be Compelled to -Practice Law. New York. Jan. i J3. L. Bonner, of Montana, In the course of a conversxtlea made the suggestion last night :hait every e president of The Vnt'el States should be sent to the senate. Mr. Bonner who i on his way to Italy, is one of the wealthiest crtiiwis of Montana, where he has large mlnln?, agricultural and in. dustrial Interests, said: "There fs one thing tha.t should be set tled, and that (s the term of presidents and the treamme-nt of them when their terms expire. I Oiiink a president ought to be elected for a term of eight years, and then be ineligible or re-election. ITpoa his retirement I Think 'he should be placed upon a pen-"ion ertal to one-half of tne Jaliiry he drew vs president. Thus he wwul.l e,nt-r Into oftk-e practically unfet tere.1 and would not have to trim poltN ically or otherwise, toward the future. It dies not seem ro m- that an ex-presl. .lent should be comp!l.il to go to it small town land practice laiv for a living. I think he shou'.d be s-nt to the senate to r main aa long ad he lives. His knowi. exlg of the affairs of .he nation would be extremely beneflctnl lo that body." Royal make the food para, wholceaas4 dallclou. i tssa Absolutely Pur bovm. BMuaa atMoaa ao., aw ipoml MX I I i . -.: t : t - 1