THE DAILY ASTORIAN, TUESDAY MORNINU. JANUARY l, 1808. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. , Telephone No. M. TKRM3 OP 8U1WCIUPTI0N. DAILY. Bent by mall. pr year W A Beat by mail, per month SI 8rvd by carrier, per month A WEKKLY. cnt by mall, per year. In advance. ...flCA rostage free to subscrlbera, All communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the edt:or. Business communication of all kind and remittance mutt b addressed, tc "To Astorlan." The Astonan guarantee to ta sub. on bora the largest circulation of any aewspaper published on the Columbia river. Adverttnf ratca cn be had on appli cation to the business manager. Tie Weekly Astorlan, the second old cat -wtekly la the state of Orwn, has. aeoct to the Portland Oregontan. the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland agents, and copies of the Astorlan can b had every morning at their stand. 11' Third street. Aside from tile, examples of Mr. K.n-dr-d" heroic fortitude in mr early pio nvr struggles, she left r.o bctt.r legacy to her and seoijou than the' rv-onl f twelve staUart sons and sturdy uaiiph. tera, twm and sucvoafully rtarwl Th seating of Coanclimn tiiinget an act of Justice, and it 1 a to a repubjoan council ai cfty -.tto.-ney that they had the power to decide uther wise, but refused to yield to the clamor f politicians snd others who intfeteo the contest. It K to be hoped the demo crats will mm ember the precedent foi fair dtellng and honesty thus set in the rcisrUzatL-Ti v. the city's new aamft:s trjtion. a cettHlrrty, as every kvti.tbln craft on the coast has long ago tieert pressed Into commission. WHEN TOU HAVE A BAD COLD. Tou want the beat medlolna that can be obtained, and that Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You nrant a remedy that ntH not only Sive quick relief but effect permanent cure. You want a remedy that win relieve the lanes and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will eou.ttcriot any tofMency toward pmiemonla. You want a remedy that Is pleasant una safe to take. Chamberlain's Couch Remedy Is the only medicine In use that meets all ot those rrquirvtnetrts. TM remedy Is fa. mous for it cures of bad colds through- oU the Vr.Hed States and In many for tign countries. It has many rlvrxis, but, fvr the speedy and permanent cure ot bad cohl?, statMs without a peer and Its splendid Qualities are every where ad- mired and praised. For sole by Charles Rotters, druggtet. I Get :: Ayer's Cherry i: Pectoral ; ; " Get it honest if you can, ; ; ;; but -get it." j; curts all toughs and cpUs. :: T:ie n.oi;i:!Oi::-.;y war, frv.t its first Iviilmik hi!w;on, Ai 11. 17TT. U ;h. final dt-taml-ing of the- army. Apri ls1. ls i.wtd ;u4 ie. yvurs to n day. Dr. Shields, an eminent physlclna of Tennessee, eays: "I regard Ayers Sar s;iwrtl!a as the best blood-medicine on earth, and I know of many wol-rfu cures effected by Its use." Physicians all o-er the land have made similar statements. On;y ore person In fifteen has perfect cys, tlM l-tn;?r po.-tiot of .fviness ptvvaillnc iuiions fairwlrexl peoile. A January thaw is always more pro ductive of eclds and coughs than a Jan. ury freeie. Then Is the time Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is Defied and proves so extremely efficacious. Ask your drug gist for It. and abo for Ayer's Almanac which is free to all. There l noahere and In nothing sc much of d n vvh'it imnuvlii.t.y Mir- rourxls you. MARINR NEWS. ASTont.vs cm un fleet ist. 'et 1 ami I'latf Wheat ftls Value Tho As'toriac does not wls"n to furnish capital for envious and malicious seaport rlvi)s on Pupet Sound and elsewhere, but U cannot refrain from sufrjting that tometiitag- oujtht to be done l.-nmediately by ttie Portlan-1 and Astoria commer-lat ragnisaltotis to remedy The existing- at ttfts to tw pilot and tug service at the mouth of the river. It is to be reared that it wit) take a smd many speciaj New Year's editions of the Oregoilan to counteract the kind of advertising- the Comnbia river is likely to receive in an the ports of the world after the dewirt. re of this eeason'a fleet of grain ships and steamers. The best preparation to remove dand ruff frcm the head, and to cure and stlm. utat? the scalp, that ruff will not sther Hiai.i, Hall's Hair Ken.ver. A slrl can't '"e h" d'.mb C3nc-n inir a ttua'i Int'-njon h.n he calls ev ery wesk in the year bu the onei Imme diately pro.-edjn and foliowlns Christ mas. One Minute Coush Cure cures quickly, That's what ycu want! Chaj. Rogers, b. miy to convn-t a man hat you care for him and to convince hlro hjit !he doesn't care for you s to protir' contintilly of a gTetu affection. Miss AlUe Hughes, Norfllk, Vs., was frightfully burred on the face ami neck. Pain was hie tan ty rrtlered by DcWttt'f Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the In jury without leaving scar. I: Is the famous pile remedy. Chas. Roger. The New Year edition of the Ore gonian is undobutc-dly the finest news paper ever published on the Pacific coi-si. There coHd be no better sp-cmen of Uie wwspaper art. and it ta filled from one end to the other with Illustrations ana subjects which will do an Immense gooa lbr Oregon wherever seen or read. Ju?l at uncture( hen eo many ejes are turned on 'the Pacific coast and Alaska-sard, there could be no better advertise ment of Oregon's vast resources and the superlative advantages of the Colu-nbla river an a rendezvous for the gold si flcec seekers, and the uptuiMlng of an enor. mmig Alaskan and Oriental trade. Whether tTe plp.n of currency refo-m proposed ty the momn&ry comrr.iiH'n meets with general approval or no, The country ts certainly Indebted to it for the simplest and most comprehensive expla nations of the dt feels of the present eys. tem that has yet appeared. Every stu dent of the money question and e-vry Intelligent voter owes it to 'his coui.ry to be such a student should carefully read and digest every line of the admir able report. The Astorian -believes t could be engaged In no more useful mis Man than the dissemination of all the reliable Information obtainable upon this important subject. For this reason it has gone to the expene and given the spa?e for the publication in this issue of the entire report furnished tiy fhe Associate Prces. Brileamalik' muffs ami ftchus are the latest poverties. They are aiparntry a ma of silken petals. THE COMING WOMAN Who goes to tie club w'.ille he hutbanrj terete the baby, as well 3 the goo-.l olj fashior.Mj woman who looks after her home, wll both at time g run doarn In health They wM Vj troublod with Joes of appetfie. headaches, sleeplessness, faintin? or dizzy soM's. The most won derfu remedy for th-pe women Is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferens from Lame Back and Wv-ik Kidneys rie up and call It M-s -.1. ti is the mcilclne for women. Female complaints and nerv ous troUblen of all klnls are soon re-li-ed by the use of ra-ctric Bisters. Dei. icate women should k"-p this r.-medy on hand to bujld -jp the syst -m. Only 50 cents rT bcr'-tlo. For --ale by E.ti-Conn Drug Co. liuclinll'iirn. ltr h . tili iii'Uan, Hr sti I'ntiKeriii'. lir li t'r. n f -s-otluml, tr kIi ImmIIvh, Hr Sl li. iIiw.hh1. Hr U iuilritton. ltr li t-utnbrian. llf t'k Kiii'lin. tie. Hr h Moiiti , Hr nil Marcclml Siieliet, Hr h .... (iulitate. Hrsli Anilivta, Hr wh , Amu-aii. Hr bk Hr h I'll Mac l .-llaii. ltr sh .... Torrt-.tile' Hr li .Mratlisrv i, Hr ti Kemv Ulomne-ii, tier li. Transit. Srtlr Hianntha. Nw U Hmwiiihii It l-aw, Hrbk- KlotttH-k. tier li HrHeinluU Hr fh Wlllkotninen, ii,-r sli HulrwiMHl, llrsh .'iitwtrth. Itrh., Siiiiierlimdhir. Hr h .... rMenU!l more. Hr sti .. IMlllolliell-. Hr sh ... , llaiKUnciru, ltr tk ijtifvii Mamaret. br li , Adolf, tier li .. liiinsyre, Hr sh Hen Avon ltr tk . Norma, llrbk Iiaivn. Hr lk j Kttiiinahire, Hr lk ! KliTlda. Nor sir MintMiiire Hr sir M.-ihotta. Hr sh William Tlllt. Kr bk Ilalln It ill. Hr bk . J. (' i'tliii'T . Auaintu. Hr bfc ............ iVrit. (i.-rbk ( arradale, llrbk Klittiu-liirv. Hr )i i rxmiartvshtre. Hr ti I'nn.'iiw'lin. Hr bk ol t'lv.le. Hr sli lmu'Metiti, r r ti IWivn li"-K. Hr liip !M'lkirkhlrv, hr bk fitv f 1'i-rtli Hr tr llru-M'is, ltr bk (K-liti-rtyn'. Br t'k . Wasdale. ltr ii oplielis. Nr bk Hur.Iowle. Hr h Iruineraiif, Hr bk -. s. il son, Hr tr Kttncktlaie. br tr L.tiutiartt, Hr str . . lrv iiuv, Ur sh I imba, br sir . lili-nliv, or h , Verbeua, br sli .... l, 7 .1..M t,"t 7u,.N'ri 47 J S I!l0.'l t.l l:',itl li;.N.V Ts.St.t M..5I3 7,7m 1 .1,11" " :j 7VI.77S .W.I--.-J -.'I.ll.ll hr.t ; lO.ISvt 7-'.'C .'oi.tiai i,.Vi l.ll 'vl.ol.1 7,'i .7,7'.' Tt I . O l 'H-t :h.:i7 M !' ti.r st,.; .; -."'.7f. J'.li 7'.. ' 70 '.v I 77. .V7 I .V'.liO I ,i; li..AN. !'.',! -' Jl.llO "il -.".' I.-'7 tv"':i ll..."wi II.M-. I.i. c w -: I't 'I .ir.1.-. HH.Iil MtkcMtllan, Guthrie, Kr sh, 14M tons Yokohama. llAirlette, Seenian, CVr sh, lTvVS tun Ikemlia, Ridherlng, Br bk, lMX tons, Ftwmantle, Clan Roliertson, Pill, Hr sh, 1640 tona. tou Rvwnlla. British Ueneral, Thomas, Br sh, 1SW tons, Newcastle, Australia. Midas, MrM(r, Br bk, l'.l Ions, Nagasaki. Yrtlorl. Itrown, Br n, U:s tons, New. ivstli. Australia. Hornby Castle, Bright, Br nh, Ijrii tons Adelaide. Jordon Hill, W'nlkor. Br bk. SM ton, Melb iiiniA lArt Culeilottla, Anton. Br bk. i tm Navasakl. Klnttnk. IVrrelle, Br str, !vl tons Yokohama. Amara, Kent, Br str. IMS. tons, H.ih-. koi.g. Alexander Black. Dunn, Br bk, It'l ton?, Antwerp. AVat.Ien. Frits, tier sh. W75 tons, Hlogo, Ixnl Shaftsb'iry, Cunnlnitham, Br nit. JJTS tons, Sydmy, Bristol, Mclntyre. Br str, 1?TI tons, San Francisco, Fitillle. Oltmann. fter sh, 17SS tons. Yo. SS.HVI it.'..i . '..SHI 10., v.. ' :.., ii 1 T4.o I kohama. Annie Thomas) Thotnns. 7,i . tons. Port Plrle Br h. t:5t 17iS tons. Br sh. i:iS Uvis, Ade. bk. fVJi to-s. 7''. . I .Minora. Thomson, Br bk .',iiti ! Newcastle, Aus'tu'.la. 'ivi'tl' ',p;,,r Bb'kmerr, Wewternieyer, Orr sh sijoi i tons, Hongkong. Il.t.r,; A I'M ll;'iti , lnl'. '!.' I.ydciile. Fotret. Br liiim Shanghai. s' ol"n,ul' Taylor, ttr sh. m tons. Royal i,',,'.,!) : t'k-''"i'i ronl "- "aln, Br h, ITS tons, Srtlney. v,'.' St. Fnooh. Ijii1, Br str, K'd torn, s.'.i. i Shanshal. 7t)i . Wlrslrush. Walk.v, Br bk. tors. A.le I inij,., si.oi; . lu'..u I "'rtntd,, O. r sh. HfU tons Santa! a. ll'..W.' Usisil . ivi'iimann, li.i ! is.-mta Rosalia. lvi,'IS ' l.iWj N'thsdale, Stevens., Ili.' 1 Naaasnkl. is. mi ! Komaniff, Morgan, J7.l"j Noweatl, Australia. '.. j Forthbank. Peterson i1.TKh"ntl. w ton. Br bk IMS ton Br sh. ir-I tons. (.nii Br bk. Br bk. 1K2 tons. 106J tons, OwymsM. p,iv(s. Honolulu. Puritan. , Br str. IiSS tons Ktobt H Blf.'horT. Schvrartlnc, f!er ship, J7WI tone, Melbourne, Nov. 6. due February. Pak Ling, Allen. Tr str 2ST5 tons To korsimn. Pec. IT, due January. Aitdaman, Winter. Fr bark. 93S tons. Barrels of flow. MARINE NOTES. The Thti arrived down froa: Portlund Sunday. S-'.T 5 .i.i'.l ti .Ml ii.i.. i r-.o-.i '.' S-'.' s:..i NSO.i 'Algoa Bay, . li.,-rji. l.otvnsd.ilr, Jonesi (., , ! Brisbane, . Cambrian lr!nre, , Br hp. 1?7J lw ton. Melbourne. . s.;ni; city of Athens, bunJIns, Br shrp, 1IM ; tons, Antwerp, . ; Sonntor. Tes-Vi. Br ship, l13 t ins, Roy- j a) Roads. ANtftfcliiWoPrcpdrJlionrorAs-slmilalliij,MlK,!lUqu!,i-ling tlic biomuttis (imt Howls of lVtmoU'sDit'oslioii.nfffrul iic?s.'iiullu.'st.Coiitdliisnt:lt!kr Oiitnn.Itrlini wot Muicral. Nt)T NAUCOTIC. AiVrtV. lyxiMurfwiut JUvJm SmJ ,M4 SmU AjHTftYt llt-nu'dv rorronsllp,v lion. Sour Stonui'h.DitiirtkHM Vorws .Convulsions rm'rish iwssandLossoi' SLEEP. NEW VOIiK. tXACT C0Y Of WRAPPCn. THAT THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE OF-" slionClkfirul- !4 IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTT.LK OF ijCASTfl ' fi A CsttotU Ii otl tp la oes.l IwttUs oolr. It .Ji ts-. 3 ! Ivl foa asrtk'.tig ' ft h plea or swrnlts that Ii 1 ' M ' ' v-'o--v a--a, tin J. A. FASTAHEND- Br bark, 1103 tops, IirJ 1 I Kll'SK, General Contractor MHIIH.K AM) WIIAUK HUII.IUCU IHtJMIC MOVINO THOI.a WICNTKI) GO EAST ..'.VIA.. Library Car Route AMIClllCA'H Hi'KNIt.? I.INW. SI'" Ctheb11 Nock llslliil No Dusl The all rail mule to Kootenai ntlnln dlstriot, la rU-altls and Hpokans Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duiuth, Chicago AND ALU ItUNTM KAHT Through Palace and Tourist Hloepsrs, Dining and Ubrsry t)basra. tlon Cars. Dnlly TrnliiH ...Pimt Tlmo HKKVII'K AM HI KNKItY r.NKagi'KLlD Kor llikeis and full Information call on agent O. Ii. N. Co, or addrwa A. II. 0. I'KNNIHTON, C. IV T. A., Portland. Or. II. C. HTKVKNH. ll W P. A.. Hoattla, Through Tickets TO TUB UAST AM) SOUTH l-AST VIA Pome othnr world U glad to s.-! w star that's gone away; Th llirhl when ifln livak. i .'11 Makes fommhira else a day. Sslocted. I'Wht LI'MFiKR FLECT. on the Way and In Columbia Rlvor to Load Lumber. The lumiT srfioowr Sequoia arrived In from sun FYoartsro Sunday. 1 The British a.rnehlp Lo-nbard put t sea yesurday morning. . Francisco, November 11. Letltra. Stakkobye, srhr, SI tons. Kan i Francisco, November 1Z. Tenklo Maru. Kanrko. Jap bk, 1UX The Brtih ship Vcrfs.n i, whint ladon tons, Tokohama. for Europe, put to ma Sunday. I Sequoia, , schr, 32 tons. ,an Fran. I clsi'0. The FTerv-li bark P.i'lflqiie. I'ln-d f- m Echo, , bgtn. SM tons, TK-ntsln, the custom house yr.-wenjay with I3D.? Knappton. bushes of whi-at vaivwd at I Aortliwest, , bktn, CO tns, 9aJi ; Pedro, PortJond. The steam erhoom-r protection croisfd ! Edwnrd Fiirke, Johnson. .ihr. 140 tons. rjut y.K.-rday morning with .,9V:0 f t-ct I san Tncsco, .N. p. SHIls, San Franc s- of limber for Im Mm. C:i. 1 cl va' ; Ralph J. Tiong, Hansen, nchr. M tons, The British hlp L-.Is'.-. SO tons. Capwi8" FrancUco bay, Dec. a, M. p. Mills, taan K. nntson, 41 days rfom Shiinghnt, j 7. . Prrrtectlon, stm, 2IS tons, Moose Landing. , .v. p. MUts, MorXe Land. Ing, . Mis. Mary Bird. IIiTHbiirg. Fa, av, "My ctilld b wiirth millions to me; yet I would have lwi lu r py croup ha.1 I not ; Invrstrd twenty. five renn In a bottle ot , One Minute Cough uri" ft curs Couths,! colds and all throat and lung troubles. Chas. Rogers. Gold Fields I Of Alaska i mains. The population of the trord averages PS womoii -to Ty I' men. Klgnt. ! ninths of the eudd.-n d'-aihs nr those ot Ttir 11 iCtIKI int. auijnan TRANSPORTATION Mrs. M. B. Fori. H sUI! s, :., .urf-rdAND DEVELOPMENT CO. for eight years from dvsppln and! chronic constipation, and was flnallyj OF CHICAGO ILL Rfsrrs, the famous llttl pl ls for all atom. I CAPITAL $5,000,000 ach and IB'er troubles. Chas. R.ogers. In ball'wt, arrived In th owt hartxif) Sun lay nfctn. Many a hou.- is d k..-l gayly with holly that -hasn't an atom of happinifs within Its four walls. BIV'KIjBN'3 A KMC. A SALVE. The It Salv in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Bore. I'lcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, fhapd tUni. Ohllblalns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and post tively cures Piles, or no pay requirea. It Is giiaramed to give perfect sitlsfac tion or money refundtl. Prlve 25 cents per ibox. For sale by B'tes-Conn Drug Co. How many of u can tnithfully sav at r.ight 'We have done nothing to hurt any one's filings during the day? Is there no way a steamer can be pro vided for busintr.s bdtween triw port. Hk.i--ay and Dyea? By this, we m.-in a steamer especially for Astoria :nercnajit and manufacturers. Thai thyre is ample freight is eviil.-nced by the fact that not n of the O. It. & Jf. ;eatners 1 av Asiunii I'rt nw iui jiui j, u'jl coii!-a-r-j atile rrelOTt is left txnirki, it ijelna jinpo slhle to make room for mu.'n more than the Portund Uuslncsu. Mr. W'm. Klr.ney, manager cf the m!l. has juwt re turned from San Frur.rfeco where he h u toen In quest of a suitable vessel for the lumber trade, but the only vessels he ciuld find trace of n'ere In foreign portt ajul could not be had before lat- In the spring. The Clawop mill has several hun dred, thousand feet of lumber reaIy for ihlpment north, but so far has been unable to find h veel to carry It. It If probatly uselees to suggest that a local comiiany be formed for the purpose or building a steamer, though with Astoria's facilities for shipbuilding it would b an easy matter to get a good-sizd steamer ready for the early spring trade. That a vtuamer run from Hhs port by looal par ties) would reap a rich harvest Is almost It Is easy to catch a cold and just as eay to get rid cf It if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure, It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and ill throat and lung troubles. It is peas ant to take, safe to ue and sure to cure. CI. as. P.ot'ers. Trie stearr.'T Ralph J. Lorn? arrived from Porrlar.d yivterday and carries 15.(M) feet of lJmbr from the North Ia'i0c mills for Bibbs landing. TO CURE A COLD IV OSK DAT j Take Lasatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. I All druggists refund the money If It fails The- BritWh sit DurbrHg", 2139 tons, j to cure; Sc. For sale by Charles Rogen. Captain McLa-h;in, 109 days from (.'npe Tosn, in baJlasrt. sailnl into the lower; Hon ,,f;, n w,. k!v.. .Mror i-i(ilo the very thlnits wi- would lk harbor Surnlay night. Th'- Columbia sailed for Am Franclsi o nerpT naa nnytlilng to do him so mncft .leit w , ,u,IU,-i jooj ana qulck nVllt fn)m rhnimatlsni as Chamrxrlaln's Pain Balm. Mr. FJlIsha Berry, of tlis p! for oiirs-viM. says he 2C00 bundles of shooka shlpp-si by the Cym. sop mm. and SW sacks of cters, VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The following vessels are bound to the Columbia Kiver, with name of master, rationality, rig, tonnage, where from and date of reported sallkig:. tieorgs Stetson, Murphy, Am sh, 17M tons, Baltimore, August (. Drumburton, BpurTlng, Br bk, 1773 tons, Swansea, July I. Cambrian King, Hansen, Br sh, lea tons, Shanghai. He was bothered greatly with shooting pa!n. from hip to knee until he used ttis llnhnerrt, whloh affords prompt relief. B. F. Baker, druggist, St Paris, Ohio. For ale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Althmuflk on land a clumsy animal, tne sa is womb-rfoily .inli-k In th wafer, and n a rai can generally rntco amt any flh. This rotniKiny Is the larumi, strongest and brwt t'lulpiicd tmoHrtnton and iiK-n-latndUlMg ixinipany In the Alaska gold field. Three Itinre and nminioitlous steam- I take pl'xtstire In recwnmenitlnt Mim will leave Bmttls June 1. and res-. Ohv-niiTlnln's Colic, Cholera, and Pt-ir J ulnrty tberraftrr, Mirrylng both freight rhoea Rrmrtly to nil who surf's" from 'and pasaongers, pains n the stoma-h," s.iys Mr. Milt .Me. These Irsimcrs are repeclally flttod for Klnley, editor of th. Raason (Ohio) ller-jthi. ronvettlence of fmssenrrrs and are aid. "t'ntll I ul this rmfily It was, at 'capable of carrying ) mrh. times, Impossible for nie to be tn tny office, owlnr to a't.i-K;. feting from one to two days. By taking t as soon as tho first symptoms of the atlncl; am felt, I no longer suff' news." For snl" 'y gist. is li s sick. Ch.trle Rng,rs, drug- Our Passenger and Freight Service on the Yukon River Will le the txst, The handling of mcr-c-finiils' freight rrn-lo a specially. We ari fh- only compuiiy Unit guarantees prompt Vem asuela has two hundred m lllon acres ' '"'"" ' !' gunruniee of rKt, In which grow all die varieties yo V'' supply of fHl and a safe of i-bonv as well as row. nod atln wood,"1'" spvn and mahogany. Mrs. Rtark. Pl -asirvt rt 'U- One Irrgmtse from a vernal woon Can teu you more of man. Of moral evil and of good. Than alt trie sagen can. Wortwortn. Prwwlty comes quickest to the man whose liver Is In good condition. DeWltt's Dovenby Hall, Whlckhn, lir sh, is 1 UMe Ear,y R1"'" aro famou" P"l tons, Liverpool 1 1 one disadvantage In havrg no non.-j ; . can't 'ibsv." :ir in a bank's ilBf S In all the wnrl-l Hi-re i no other treatment so pure, so , i ,i ., v ipwily, for pre serving, piinl i ., i-el beantifj ing the skin, scalp, awl hair, i. n.i'iicaiing every hu mor, as van i 1'a-in wi.h rrn ua Hoar, and gentle aiiom:, with ttrn LKA (oint ment), the great h,.,u cure. Qiucura s Is svM thwirhmi tht world. PoTT PtroskCHiM Corp., ! ProfM., HNtr-n. mrAU About theHkni.ftrilp.suid Uait,mtrm. Ben Volrllch, Abler, G-ar sh, 1407 tons. Santa Rosalia. Springburn, Rae, Br bk, 2S00 tons. Cape Town, September 29. Durbrldge, McLauchlan, Br sh, 2121 tons. Table Bay, September 17. Poltalloch, McLeod, Br bk, 2129 tons. Table Bay. Otago, Eek, Bwd bk, 870 tons, Ham. bur?. Co-nway Cantie, Jones, Br sh, 1501 tons, Valparaiso. Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 21S3 tons, Take. Vantluara, Beavan, Er bk, VJlt tons, A'.goa Bay. Glenpark, Irish, Br sh, 1799 tor.s, Rio Janeiro, August 29. tildibank, Ijeo'iard, Br bk, 1359 tons, Calcutta, Gnevleve, Touge, Fr bk, 3S7 tons, Hai phong, October IL Henry Vlllard, Paittett, Am sh, 147 tens, New York, October 14. Oberon, Gully, Br bk, 1004 tons, Newcastle, Australia, October 8. Jacques, Bemada, Fr bk, 149) tons, Ma lunda. Indian Empire, Aficn, Br bk, 1515 tons, Valparaiso. Jupttler, Funder, Dan sh, 1051 tona. To. gohama. Chelmsford, Thomson, Br bk, 2137 tona Cape Town, October 9. City of York, Jones, Br sh, 117 tons, Sydjey. Hoppef t, Tork, Rus ah, 13GS tons. Port Natal, September 1 for constipation, biliousness, Indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Chas. Rogers. Tho irold Is there. You stand fully as much chance us any SiyS! M-ri,fi. i.u yi.u Wlllll 14) IIO III1D Ul "After two dolors on mv hoy to!"r 'f )' wr"4 at once, securing die, I caved hlin creiip b.- Using ! t"W and berth One Minute Cough Cure." 1; . Hi,. qii k- ect and most certain rem-dy for cougha. colds end n'l t'lr'a: in' Cha. Rojfers. iil'IK trOUIle. I Our Special Transportation tffer S PicTO"' pKI-LMA.V PALACK HI.KBI'Blli. TOUItlHT Hl.EKl'lllia and FIltCE lUX'LININl) CHAIR CARS Ualty to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Kastaro Ctii via either ftou la em I'acinc or O. II. A N. Co. Only Line From Portland Offering Pasoflngois the oho(ce of X Tourist Car Lines through to Cbloago. Specially Conducted Excursions Via Shasta Routs to Chicago svery Tu day. UaggiMfS chocked through to das tlnatlon. Magnllloent suociery, union dtguta, fast tints, lowrt rates. I'inlsch light In a cars. For rates anj other Information call on or sddrsss R- W. BAXTER, Owi'l Agent 136 Third Bt., cor. Adr, Portland. I iimswi I, i iim 'TIs a rule In all business for worker or drone, That you i.rve others better by mlnring your own. A PLEA3AM E.XI'ICItJICNCK. A few days ngo 3 cbarnli g young lady who was traveling alone l'twe.n St. Paul and Chicago, was accosted by a handsome gentlero.n. who Invited hrr In Germany, when the vote of tjie Juryi "gainer, six, m prisoner is ac- to dinner with hlin. "Certslniy, Mr. qumeo. a vote or seven against live . crw,n,'" he replle.i "ff,r the Wisconsin leaves Oie dedHon to trie court, and n lines have the lst dining ear a vote of clKht against fvnr the prisoner la con-vleted. TO CintK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lnxatlve Bromo fjiilnlne ThM -ih All drnpglsts refund the money f It full" to cure- 2.y;. For sale by Charles P.og .rs. Remember your own oul must be II liiinlniut.vl before yrju ciin h p oihurs; the spring does not brim over with refresh ing waters that has not a hidden source. Light on the hidden way. J. A. Perkins, of AMIipilly, O., was for thirty jears needlessly tortured by phy sicians 1 yr the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by uoing DeWltt's Witch Haze fialve, ihe funous healing salve for piles and skin dl-.easc-s. Chas. Rogers, service In the world; I shnll be delight. ed." For fureher poril-iilirs call on the nearest ticket ag-nt, or address J. C. Pond, general pnsjenter ient, Milwau kee, Wis., or George ft. Pal'y, general agent, 211 Stark stret, Portland, Or. It has been calculated by Robert Ball th it lh whole co.i.1 Hiipply of the world would'.y milllcn to produce liea lua to thnt which the sun dlssltnlnas In one-tenth of a second. "'hen irolns East travel on the North- rn Pool"" Hnllwiy, CJtll. k time and th only lino running dining enrs Train leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock n. m. It Is the heart and not the brain, That to the highest doth attain. Selected. TO CT.'RE A COLD IN ONB DAV Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure; 25c For sal by Charles Rogers. Look on the waves; their stormy voices teach That not on eortlh may toll and strug gle cease. Look on tihe mountains; better far than speech Their silent promise of eternal peae'- Holme The largest man ever enlisted In the BrltMi army wae Lieut Sutherland. His heigWt was eight feet four Inches, and his weight 394 pounds. 1 1 the best t.oiv bnforj the public. Send fir free copy of The Alaska News, and also for our special offfr. Inoludlng lr.insMirlntlori to the Klondike and food for one year for six hundred dollars. This will Interest you If you Intend go Inv: If not, our slock offer should Inter, est you, and you should become one of our stockholders. A limited amount of stock hns Just been nsslgned to the western ngeney for sale nt tl per share, A man or woman of small menns has the same opportunity 11s a rich person. If you cannot go to Aaaka nothing should prevent you being a profitable shareholder. Our Company Is Composed of Men of Tried Business Reputations Seme of whom am the following; Hon. W. E. Mason, U. H. Henalor from Illinois. Allx-rt C. Illatz, pn-sldent VaJ Hints Brewing company, Milwaukee. W. C. Hlnenrson, general passenger agent C, N. O. T. P. R. R., Cincinnati, B W. Griffith, president First National J. B. I.egnnr.1, cnpltinllst, Legnnrd Bank. Vlcksburg, MIhs. building, Chicago. Frank H. Ilecht, of Charles Kaestner aV Co , Chicago. D. O. Edward, ptissmiger traffic, mans. ger. C. If. ft D. R. R., Cincinnati. Charles H. Rockwell, tnffln mn.TOiger, C. I. ft L. P.. R. (Motwhi Route), Chicago. T. If. FWer, Fosttorla and Vlcksburg, Miss. J. M. Phillips, cashier First National Rnnk, Vlcksburg, Miss. For Information address aind make all money payable to W. I DUDLEY, gen eral agent, Haller building, Seattle, Wash. Hot Sjn-iii'M, ArkiniNiis, is 11 tcdiiil .aci. to j-i, t i winUT. .Sliurtcst lint' is th,. Itiii'liiijrton ktiiitc Write for iiilniinatiiiii nlioiit rules ami (rains. Tlckoui at offices of connecting lnea A. C. SiiKI.DoN, (Ji iii'rnl Aj,"'nl, I'orilan.l, Oirt'tm New mw.ret KnI. lh-.i.i.i. pc,f....l"ll IVrmunriil I area In 19 ,i ,... We .-..,,..., ,., ii,i, ,.,ir Y'l caa ! Iiulldtl a i ? ', II 1111 1 Ii I' w (.11 ... H ITIlltliH . '!- u..,, ...t.u j,.j.,,--":.v..: piiii nam achra .,,,111 II. rrei,r. faliina ..f, aJ ,t i, (l ,, .-1... nun vhioien.,1 r.a.,,l rum. 'j u, 7, I tk. .LIU t the m,.l I Jur ni.nx yer. wt lla, irvilllU hum mv ll.lror 1MI lhf until .h4l. I hr world fWftra Wf In 11 IlllfS t!lU bill. ... ...... ..I .. . h.. fr.iioii .7.' . '.' r ' trinvt.r. sna we !.nl,,r:..,Wr'M""'!f"r l-s.V iZk Ift Sl.iinle'lrmle. 1,1, IIH.ala. kf.lrlu. vi.lljr of K .nit mm Mllr,ilMllllnnl (fVi!tlan KlIS. IIO Ofl William's KicJnev Pills i mi filial in diM'HHog of the I Ui-iiiuryOi'irmiN. Hiivo I you iii'iflocti'd y,,r K1iii,.vho Hvor you overworked your nervous ays-i) 'U'm uinl cmiNt-tl tioul.lo with yourk (Ivnlncva mill Illmlilcry llVo youf PI''h1m t hi l.iitm, Hiil..,l,IlcU,(froif.s fF M-iiumco 01 tho fii,. ,.n.unif under tho eyes' T,H) frequent (le-i r.iropnMuniiii? Willi,,...'. iri.inn.,H 1'iiln will iiiipiu t newlifo to thodls-t Jnrid inultoanew man of vou. Uv mail fttiwnu per hog. 3 ' A fWMAuMr,t. co., l-rop... aeveland. O. Tot sale by Bstes-Conn Drug Oo.