1 ioVj, Vt.l Usli' , . , i-, v ' 1 1 ' '1 ..... . ' THE DAILY ASTORIAN Is the felffctt and test pi per on the Columbia River THE ASTORIArl has the far.tst clrcolatloa of aav eaer oo the Columbia River FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XI. VII I. ASTORIA, OHKUOX, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 18!8. NO. 8. Ttin cnrnKATrt) Stoves and Ranges ARB me J. N. LAWS, AT HAYYES' OLD STAND Diaries and Calendars For 1898... GRIFFIN We Are Enabled to Buy la lur'i- 'piaiititii's on account of our liig t ratio, ami tlnit can give our t-iiMoiiicrti the lowt-rt j'lit'fM on all kiii'ls of iin-rcliuiilit W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull IIm dI PIm. T.baccs. ad 5ejuasra' Aitlclea. 474 Comtttatrvlal HI. Ailnrit's l.orqeoss tntertaiaoieat flail J. Ithi Jri ifaicaV' L.V Three rioora-rine Mmlr; Ciainrs of All K lulls; Two mDZrl -- ? 1 rr J! Mavninrrnl liars; Kvervthlii. Kinl flaaa; (lood wa---. ai awaatsi mm iliissiisTasW' order and Krrybody'B It lit lit Htrlrtly oUrnrrtl. ' SHIELD w W Hams, Bacon and BRAND j . The Beat, Abolutely Pur Ry. For Salt at The Occldont Hotel Bar, The Office Saloon, Ami all the leading tatn In Astoria. 1 . II II Sun FrunciHCo and rortland , Sn ,99 BEST Blank Books and Office Supplies & REED Foard & Stokes Company Manufacturer and l)Nltr In FINE CIGARS! The Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLIELY PURE Tbe North Faoiflo Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, make beer tor domeatio and eiport trade. Bottled boer tor family ute, or keg beer .applied 'at any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY UNION MEAT COMPANY AM, KISIX OK CANNED MEATS linn ranteed The Heat In the Market Strictly Pure Lard Cor. Fourth and ('.limn Streets Portland. Orcynn. "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey SHERWOOD 6c ' SHERWOOD PACIFIC COAST AGENTS, MAYOR BERGMAN DULY INSTALLED Secoad Ward Content Decided la I'ti lager's favor. ATTORNEY ALLEYS OPINION j Till BflMlcikaia (.oaten Sol Decided Mettiatj l Be Hereafter Held Tharsday tvcalag. At 13 A oe k y.-u-rW iht conation Hiimtl convened i ihf owuiuil clmm-o-rs for ihn lnnjllon of Mayur-oln?t II". V'lin". "ri...M,t of ih uiiii- I'.uker cnlli-d t.'i couix ll tu ur.Vs ujiO fumijy rMiv tl--tl Mil)'!" H rvnma - rmortra tu ih iDmir by CuuiK-tlnirn t.'hmoii and H'li Ih-. IU-nia vra T.i .r Ji. Kiiai' y T l.(f.il ami wv to th rlnhi uixl l-ti of Muor Ii.-.vriiaii, BJid t)Vi nr.ui. II room i.k-l a Mb x-c-l Mutator. Mayir I ti(i t"n t th'-n n.ont. tint fu-.-1)111111111, on r. .l-!t:ii.i: M, mr: I'iukrr. M.iir.Kor arl '!mnn. Aft.r a t mimii. ttcttt thr . viniii!ra rr. Iirt. ibat '.M. -r. (;l.l,ml M J. w n. Um tii-wly ,-!f t,-l t-uum lm. n rr mn th uivl T ftrJ ari. r-ji" ; Hv. I. nni mit!'l to thir m-;t, bin rt tmy ti.t r- thrlr a-uy . l.iit t.. wutlnK Mr. I :.nifT. I'ountlliii.iii-t from the Mifnl a nnl. Th y r-im:n" ul 0 mat an opinion t- oitJil:wd fr-,m h. rJty M-orn-y. on mo'.in itir r-i! f tb com mlttm a abipHd. llayor HMT;man ilun k!.iii1 tht the poipla ihi .k-n n no uru-.rtain ton at h atw pKlln nnl lat ihlr wtun rhmrltw rt-ainx'trd. "I hnl tut r-'onr tin- cJ.f.jitrO onn. Mnt for iw:n 'llnun fnn th C-oond rd." hi aaat. "Mr l'ur,;f-r N a x-iiv- and h n i"Iiii ii by ioni to iirwMnt thn." I'minolmnn M--Trirnr ro at tie con. rliulon of thr nmyor'a rrnrl iirul Kintrd thut na for an h nwRml Uirre 'n no ll f- Hirer In tho tmi.r. IU a-aa it t!h.r by ihfr -4r ami t.l atotw w-rr KiiM'-.l aob-ly by tb- ty .l..irt- and aa on aa he wo (n th ixujn.H h wo lwil tu lr nil.!.! Wiat chdrnr. Pojii. llirmn irkcr rt.urd thai !. colru libJ ith Mr. MTfocr'r vlo. tVmnrilm 11 iSufbtunt mid Hiiitn-j and Atturnry All.-n rr Wwn n! to Ibrlr neat. At lor niy Alb-n :iit.-l Hint tir not IMvtmrw! t l oinon on tho rl. rt.l It y of Mr. l"txtriKr. I. 1 would br ablo to ulr oi In lh f VfMn'. to which Mayor lbtvnin ril tiiaii he watr.od h opltikm rlirtit aa-ay h h would not mwnli. a dofott onndldAtf unlms forortt to do o. II fnntnr udds) that tin iwotild not d'-llvor (his mtmise until tho pr.nt wiiat44c m -ttJil. A motion was vhon miid itml carrlvfl o a.ljtirn iill 7 o'clock in th tvnpR. whon tho rojort f tho city atiomty cou:a Iw hoard. THD EVE.VI.Vt5 PE?10N. Tromi'tly nt 7 o"olvk Mayor Itorgman tok ha aont. All thv roum-ISmon wor proaont oxcopt Wc. Hla oh.'Ur a va rant and iwaa Until y turned against Ma drnk bv Jit noJtrhoor, Councilman 1 'ark or. Evory tint In the council room waa oocti. pkd, many bolng comiH-lltd to tanO. City Attorney Allt-n thon dnlivorwl a iwrltton ojilnlon on ihe eligibility of Mr. t'talncfr, na csinelnwn-irot front Ih. Socond wurvl. .Aftor rovlwlnj; v.irnua eoMoni of tho cty chnrtor and quotlnK lffrmit aitJorltdoa lioarlnir on tbe case, he Mtatml that he lul an affidavit from I Mr. I'talintor ami a lat rvnn for 3Sw. itatod Mrv'h 1, lf97. for iaxo on anloon proorty palit by the firm of Hoeh & Ut aliHtvr; a rrdxmptMn tnx oortlfK'ate from C. J. OumtH to C. C. I'tilnKwr for fho nmount of V.d, for loin 4 and S, block I, Eimt AitirlH. Mr. Alb-n wut on and Ktwtvd brlclly that lit bin oiUnNm the aftl livlt and rts-iiptii of 'Mr. I'tzlntnc con InlnM evldonoe that I10 tl'tzintror) wna a tax-layr on iiorwonallty wnil In this ctty nd Ju-lonRlnif to Hovk & UtilnKi'r. No cotiiailnian 'had pil 1iux'k for 1S7. aj tlho tnx roll had tx-vii vomplolod and wi In tho hdndx of tho bonrd of equali sation at Snlom. "Mr. Ala n clol by roc- ommondliiK t)l.Ht tbo coinilmaJMlect fnun ho Ss"ond ward be eon ted by the council. Mr. Utaireer. who wn in'nt. tnen took hla ont. Mayor llownian then Immediately niwe nud dilvoivl Ills nn'.ne, u follows: Uentlemen of the Common Council: In obedience llo custom and wrtwablc to tho requkromeilts of tlie Cfty Clmrter, I nave the honor to submit for your eeri. on consideration, wuedi mottwra ns n my liidimiem will prove iKnetMal to the public welfare. Tiie people of Antoria have trel lth j non-piii'tlnan nnl iir't.JLn city povern j mint, and by an overwhelming vote, Jiave dtvretAl thut u, on-partisnn ailininisira- 1 tlon of affairs 1 tiho btit mUted to give them an economical and efficient govern. ment. Tho partb'ans afTirmed than the bent ser vice could be obtained from offtoala who vra tvaponsHila to some organized pwrty the cll4zma declared that no public eer vajtt owed allegianoe to any party, but t0 ih poopl" dln!t. Th nuirty of tti xipM Mia4.l avWlb thl latur vl-w and H lo(iixVo im 10 confomn to the pop. uar ail, fir ha who dx not irracofully .iilmat tt th peqle'e wl la a dangerous t'ttlion arp unfit to bold xrt.llc offlco. TIm, late Honorable iMiufnus C. Crosby, alitor one ymr of rttlaort rule In 1190, saM In hla me "I'pon takrns; ohsree 01 Un city's affiilre, w fouret the troaaury diS'lHod; (ncoinpol ootitnw.'ta ware aad. dlod on tin now a4mnlittra4tin ami fur tiier vonlracU of rrly I100.MO h-ul ben truvlo; mattirs rr In a rntxtue atat. NotinllhMitM.ndlnir 1tUa atuiUbn, ewryone has diiiitia th past yejr faltbfully dono his part." Tha tioojibt wre tWI"d M anothn I'lllxon's sjtnilnUtartJ.iri sunroodod the first und In ! Ifi-ui'iral ni('SKi", Mayor A:fr Klnm-y aald: "I am aia-1 to to 1jIi to any that ttm aibnlnMtiratloii of out i-lty fr iti" low. In t-r days t-n itro. i 1-ttrr." Thlr rof.irnmHon ltdl tho pop ti(o urMy unl firiti-tfulirow, and thoy wroj lrsumbd to attain ry poti.il novern-1 Hunt, mid Ju-Uclrur by Tbolr votos, ucn ptr.n uovornmont pmvod una lafaot,,. Coltlnie. Ohio, Jan. I-Th wttatorlal ry. It u. tlw.for... y a.l all .!" OMu ''' h" b" snn.l und lKillll.nl bias and work on a l.na.1, .. .n-partW-un ta,ta. ire.tln oy,-ry , - Ittx-n of woatov. r Imrty. rro-1 or oo-nj-1 laitl'Ni Kith xa.t Jutli'.. urwl iia fair.; 11ms iirl HMirti dv. 1 Tho c..H of t.h- .uidKor and cl-y tt.nnriT Kill ui'iuiii it yioi with uie Htiinli.ir of tho iiy in il-t tl, Utorofor-. I bni It stipi-rfluoia to d" on ory Item, but il nioioly suiti;ot ibat It wi ro iuto ifr.tt ritro and wntchfulneaa to llubion tho Inirdons of lni-btlnet row trw jul Improvements are commono al'lo. Imt ru.'iire ohould Kiianl evory approirhit'on. It may be t luinml Dint thr tux levy ot lrt y.mr tvus xit ireiill, rrn n. a low b vy h no IihH" atin of ceonomy wtirn o.r livlobmlnrm Increases. In th, year ,f l. Hie re -clpts from fm nnd forfiilurrsl aninuntil to too. ItorfiiR the yr jus, tat rtie rerotnia fr,n the a..me s.mrc, fol, to JU. Tm,! bxa U one of tho fruit., of ,r.k. rrnmont. I labnonlah you. therefore, con tomop, to work In maon with the police .toiinr'nirnl or tho eltv eovormnoot p..e will never overlook our own attort. I CFi, lha' "r '" ,he P" ' orlranl,ta onmlnca. oven rvaiKh n our o.inlon. tbe'"'" of an1 ran Mme 00 fiiull ll with th.. oth.T fellow j chairman, nor can pi toe no member In All parts of the n.y ma. Innerr must 1 '5"aW Position, on any of the commit work I.. h.m,ony. otherwise Ut.re'ls trtctee- nor dTW' f iU"sr thC "Wle tlomuid .,. T,ixlwyr lathe KTeal.a, ,r. ! nWaK,- ,he' haV """ 'h titer tivretiv ; the xom" coumlx of "boitms;" re- n. -..1. .,, , . . ; publican nMnbera and expo-t th neees- Tm- exponi-e for the malntenanee of ttie. l"ore ibsiarTmem n 1 In' l7 thin eXM-i am. 1-.d1u-.1l to Itt.v", hut j th am fa. oix.nomy. In my private liln.wf I al wils foiual that misonably! w-ll paid entii.iyrvii wore nw.ia 1hei mivst eitl-l-nt and thai Rjod treatment! nmiloil In (tood ta-rviiv. j Iti-fenrt'iR- to the flro depanm-nt. I ilna, lht ts oxiMMklUmra during the year l9r "' IKWSHft. Then -rie ctty find tlie best' voune.-r neiwitmMl on tho Paiitlc coiwt: tell a IUMI-Iirtlsuil VOlllllleor donartminr smed no lo,ic-r surtlciem tWfore ia Jun''' -h PiPatln paid fire department f nnv ma-hlne, Goxvrnor 'tU!t'n'l' "" u,h,,re hi'd no! ami lait few men w, sulwtllirt-d at an,l,wn fu"y i-M l -ct. The denooratlc HtMn nt sUKht reduetbm although I tle h.d.uartem have beoa kept In op you take into oonaMeratlon the free wate,! era,Kn J- McUan nJ Ver aan-k-e. ,ie exp. nse of mnnlnR tbo paaa'"1"0 lw N"nber Uon- oelenFib'!' line department waa ,t ,u. his- o lr.f.are for a (trand frco silver ean.rval where would Khe cUv h.w been w.,h . here on Jaokson dav, January 8. It now crl,.l d.mu-tm.Mrt had not the Kuardian 1 un:es wived us from serious con(lnrrn tlons? Aft.r yours of faithful iarvee. the bialy of volunteer firemen w 0:1s. Imndrtl -thoift voremony and without Uianks. It itfiould thuvroje be our am to show thive brw volunteers every con-sld-ratlon, so. that dhould tllie tati of thf Wl ever sound the -warning; they will rot.pod ami as!t In saving the people's property ns of yore. The witter commission have laior-d ear. twtrtly for the lntetvtts of the city, and 1 Iwnrllly iimh-ot of the reductions they have made in the wuUt rate for the con sumer. In lotting ihe contracts for tlty W01R and laipplie.-i, prefereixv nun always be Ktvtn to tho low-eat reaponstWe bidder; no fittorltlHU iar party obligations must be purmltunl In tho.elty'a ronttrncis, Wo must be an careful in spending the city's1 mkiney ns our own. Tuxes are easily e. ved but veiry haiI to wy. In bHln oontractn precaution ahoulo t hiken also (tlut't no lltljrutliwi followu loosely Vlnvnit iirtxr.onts. Tho expensev f liiweulta from this source have been oonsldiTable In the itimt tmih lln' court p nnd uniMld aaHenmienta which lln- ally had to Ih biriie by the paittent tnx- Pk yer. The general heiLlth of the people of As- Wia Is good. Ait nil-wise- vrovldeiK-e huf bivel us with it'ho beet cllmuto on earth so that .li.'cn.so fliuWt no balginent n our mlifctt. Ours Iw a natural health resort. 'Every miemtier slhomld give the closest Mont Ion to committee work and no bill should be ordered paid until each com- ntiutoo hn iMnfuly exnmlnod every Item ami found It reasonable and correct. IVrmlt me nl- to susvvst that (he ex Itens-i of inking eMv of (that political graveyard) our ne-w and benulrul Ocean 'ow Cnetcry, at Clatsop, Is In excefa ot the revvintft nnd siteiw should lie talten to make iirratwnienis so tho sexton -would rocid-o no more than the receipts Justify. From ths dreary subject!, I will now ifiv to tiho live question of Astoria's art vancemrnt. Our city s on the eve of a new era. KNicrprlsns of givat magnitude w nw In proKr.ws r.ml many others arc nb.uit to b'.ossian into life. AVe tire ut the gateway of the Klondike goll fields and together 'With oir miltvad, our royal sal. mon, niugiuiWenl limilier nnd vnluubh minerals, Imito pai-tlclimtlon of tho ener getlo Inveoltmenlt eeekor. Men of brain and brown ar.d cnnjtl are oomlnK to Join us n our progressive cam- (Continued on Fourth Page.) IIANNA'S CHANCES GETTING SLIM Democrats and Silver Republicans Or gaalze the Legislature. VICTIM OF PARTY TREACHERY Covirtv.' 5t ihaetl Oie of tfei Coitpiratora Openly Verttiig for tie Eefeat ol the Seaater. ame I',v i.Ut. ra comoino or ani'. lUnna WWW" "h ,h ocratle n" mlr "'' h w"n the J' "ratlc i ca.uHM Huxuoidy ani again torxty in or- Kunlilng- both brxnch.w of the I-K4utur n the lntiait of the "combine" oppo sition to the re-elot-iloii of Bonator Mar. xht ,m,', f "'m1'""" f cua A. Han.-.a. Thre art two more datea for toatu of trTTh-tho jotnt senatorial cttuciuuM Volieliy nii(ht and Uie Joint balloiing- for w-na'.or a weok from nxt 1 Wnlmsday, January 12. With cjmplica i tlona, of u.a Jortlilv onrinlxat.m and ! Its patronagv dliHal of, rhe H.tnna, men I tonlKhtt began a moot d-rx.rit fiiint on ! the semitorahlp. The Hanna men deny ! if :iit y will forn a :omirlon with I tirb o for tlie vol-1 donto-rat for senator ; ratiT ttntn be beaten by the free silver j raibljoaiis or that lH da any- 'thlrtir 4ie but ftrht It out If : titkes alt j aim or. While they are not aWe to give h long- enough to elect, thoy cbJm ,hat Httnna ,t'' Boxwl and P'n candidate In ' 1 h.. nnranlutlan 0 CilO leffljtl.tX'iro. anO ! that the o(poH(y on hwte no; enough votes j to elect nenator. The Hanna men eon. sary cmvrate to e tor next eon-iMiy nuAt. The .lotvlopments of a.t Saturday ni;ht and toilay ha-e caui?d the Hanna nien to wdmft thut thy were outdone n the in-lmrir)- orpunaulon for this con test and ttluU Chvy iinbTiMtlm.tteJ the opKirtltKn. esiMvhtlly the extent of t ulncv tbe November elwllon. VThle ex. 1 Chutrman Kurtx n thoupM to have lievn OTgiuiixInK affalnut Senator Hunna ', mer Mnc the tvpublieon state convention n8l"rs uV-mocratlc state head- quarters -were ki)t open to get ell the democratic members In line for what took plaoe today and for Uhe dfoU of Hunna. In the meantime. Mr. Kurt was mar. sballnK every' ponHble republican In line aanst 'Hunna and communicating with the committee on arrihgements on Jack son day. When this fact waa no longer concealed tonight by the opposition there were many republicans openly complain, mg agatntt 'Hanna's managers.- Senator Hanna did not -arrive here until bust Frl until tho holiday rece.s, he heard com plaints about hla absence and about un derestimating the strength of the oppo sition and I tainted that he would yet iwln ou-t. The superior ortraniiatlon of the op posftlon was shown In the combine securing- toutvy nearly all of the doubtful votes. Tle opposition has had an army of wors ers here for a we?k, with detachments kept ctose, to euch one of the doubtful re publicans. The feeling of the republicans who voted for their caumia nominees Is openly exprefs.-d asalnst t.ovorn-tr Itushnel moie ihan ngitlnnt Kurtx or other repro. aontatlve repuhllouw who comWned with the democrats. The St'1'0 national republican onmn ot ceivtrul Ohio prints a l"ve plcttir of the gowrnor mith htmvy blm-k bonier. Seme of the republican Hubs haw cancelled tihe enrag,ment of quartv here for the inaitgurntlon exerclsi.s next Mondiy and nwtiy protesw are being received at the pt.ite house. Colonel W. T. Mw.tre. of Marietta, an other apiKtlnti of Govornor Bushnell, to daiy realjrned ns trustee, of the siite In sunn asylum at Atheiw. If Hanna is no stronsT n uhe hotr.'e than the Ttoxtwcll ticket wne today, when 1 Koxwil reeelveil r3 vwoea and Maaon W for speaker, Ulion Senator Hanna woulo have only 70 votes on Joint ballot and Tj are mvessary to 1-vt. Notwithstanding the results n the ;) housM, both siiles sm eojutilly oonnd-nt In securing the somitorsMp on Joint ballot BUSHNBLL TALKS. Cincinnati, Jan. 3.-Tha Enquirer in It Columbus special prints a talk by Oov onioir BuvbiseJI with one of its staff orres pondents, of .which the following Is part: "There are ame tiiintr in the situa tion," eald the governor, "whbh are pos itively ridiculous. I am accused of In constancy because I won't support Hanna. Now, here are Sam Billey, Mr. Tenny ana several orter patriotic Cinclnnatians who fouWlit I'us l.isi f ill, up lure under Cox's order", flghtl j tor , bigger bots than the one wtrm itvry holpeJ to defeat in ClrnnM nfld whoae mandate they ara rum carrying- cut, Why are they dolnaj It? Tleowui the lmlnttratoa throufn Mark Hann h prontM'4 that Cox shall distribute the feleril patronage In Cin cinnati. In return Cox la to deliver to Hanna th vot- of certain Cltnatl fiMonsts. "After the last campaign I Umply e. elded that I hoj1 refuse to atand up and te ootmtnj among the adherent of a man -who would have sacrificed me fall to help hlmsif. Hanna profeesM M bs able to run things atngle-handed and leot himself. That nil bis only Inten tion In the fight but fall. He began t alone, lt him finlah It alone. If the ad ministratis can save hm, !t U do o. Hanna wvt evn conultt me when he made his 1oa with Cox at Cln!rmart Neither did Cox. After fox Haul declared In an interview that Hanna ought to be appotrtted he wrjte me railing my atten tion to the tmervH. two week after 1 bad glvon my promise t appoint. C'ox had nothing to do wth It- I t Hanna to the senate by appointment He under took, at-M by Cox. to ecure hla election to succeed hlmeolf. I was not eonsultM in that fUht, nor wa I consulted In any matter of campaign policy, though I was then making the uie aa the head of the f'k"t. Why shotij I take any part now In Senator Hanna s fight? Why shooid 1 do anything more than Hanna' colleague Senator Foraker. on the suunp. He at vocaaed the e.tln of Hanna. 80 did 1 We were thea fighting a common enemy. Ho la not oVin anything !.ow. Nerther am I. We have no Interest Involved. But while I am called a Benedict Arnold ana a Judas, did you notice that no one at tacks Forakw? I wish some one would, but no one will. Thy are afraid of Kor. fcker." A DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. dr-i.uOO of Silver Certificates Will Have to Be Called In at Ones. v Waahingtton. D. C, Jan. X One of tnt moot daivreroost counterfeits ever discov. ered haa made H apptrance. John Creamer, of the sub treasury at Phila delphia, today brought to the secret ser vice five 1100 counteifeit silver terllflcatej. w(th Uhe head of President Monroe. Tht general appearance is excellent and attet a done mBaton the official of jhe tivaeury ciash Asm w-e undecIJel as to tlmr genuineness, and only after the notes had bewn soaked n hot waer, when tno pieces forming she front and back ot the note came apurt, wre they convlnceo of the fraud. The note broutrh; over Dy Creamer had beii turrx.1 Into the ib-tnasva-y by two leiding banktf turl the rhlbulelphkt custom house, who hud re ceived thenn aa genuine. In view of the dangvrouB choriMir of the counterfeit. Secretary-Catire to lay decided to stop is suing anVl to call in all $104 silver certui. catee of wftich th?re are about a26.000.0ui outtaiding. Thrt-e aill be exchanod for silver certlflct of a smaller denomina tion and the ,4atee destroyed. The as sistant itreaeutvrs at all of the sub-treasury cities will be required to send to the treasury In Washington all the $100 silver certificates In their poaeeBion and to re quire all 'banks, rr 1st companies and other monlnl institutions to do the same. Sec rotary Oifre desired the statement made that In his Judgment It was unsafe for businessmen or othi-g to accept silver certiflcatea of th denomination. THE RICHEST TET. Steamer Corona Arrives at Port Town, send With tt.OOO.'OJ From Alaska. San Francesco. Jan. iA Chronicle spe cial from port Townsond says: There was UTT.jOO In gold dust and nug get on the steamer Corona which has ar rived from Alaska. The treasure on Be st-amer was carefully guarded on the trip down by two watchmen on day and ntght shift. Some of the nugyets r.verag5d a high a 15 oui-?s. A man earned Uavld sou from Oipple fivek. Col., had a nug get that iweljhed 15 ounces. One of the drawvre m va,-r ain Carroll s room wo-J packed with nureJi of an sizes. Your correspondent had the pleasure of seeing this wenth, thrxisrh the klmlne- of Cap tain Carroll. In addition to this amount there was considerably more tied up In sacks among oho returning Klondikers. From a careful ettlm.ite it is safe to say tthait in drifts and dust then1 wa? rub cki t Jl.W.OOO in wealth aboard the '."or ona. F. Harmon MeConnell. of San Fran cisco, was one of the returning passengers and verified tho estimites given that over a million iwas brought out by the miners. In his opinion that Is a conservative es timate. TO CONSTRUCT A HATCHERY. Work of the Astoria Prcgnsslve Clue Bearing Good Fruit. rortland, Or.. Jan. 3. Jaiin J. Biice, ot the United States commission of fish and flVhre!, has authorized Waido F. Hub. bard, superlntende vt of hatcheries in Or. egon and Washington, to assist H. P. Mc liiitre.state ftsh protestor, n the selection of a site on the Sandy river, to construct a hatchery for ute-.iheads and sturgfon. Tills Is the outcome of an offer niad soma time uo by Brown nnd BoujftMon. of Oregon City, who agreed to run such a hatchery m consideration of being pau $300. The projectors of the new hatchery on the Sandy will be paid money through subscriptions made by the Progreamve Club of Astoria and others interested. FEARFUL DISASTER IN ONTARIO Floors of tbe City Hall Collapse. Kill log Tklrty People. A LARGER NUMBER INJURED Ta Tkaasaid Go Dow a With the Cri)kia Tiaaera aaa i rriiktiat Fialc rIIs. London, Ontario. Ja.i. X T.venty per son are known to bare been killed and many Injured by the coiupae of the floor In the city hall tonight. Tonight ctoe4 the municipal campaign and the ball waa crowded to hear the ad.lree of the auo ceasful candidates. At midnight the bl ot the following hod been taken out and identified: F. Heaman. C. Breckeet. E. Laixtan. N. Carrother. R. Leia. Harrial T. W. Burke. John Smtth. Talbot t. A PhHUua. John Tunicr. Ben Xaah. J. TV. Bortland. HUlburn. Frank Robinson. James McLean. John Bnrridge. Oswald Bruce. B. Jacques. Unidentified man. Those who were more eerioujly Injured were taken to the neia-hborln,r drug stores, whence they "were taken to the hoepttala or to their nomas, after their Injuria had been attended to. Tbe dead were taken to the ootomRte? rooms of Alder, man Pai-netl, the deetsted candidate for otkyor.. directly across th street. ., At the cloae of tth polls a crowd bad gathered in the otty hall where it bad been the custom in year pest for the succosMful candidates to address the peo ple. The hull was crowded to the very doors, probably 200O people being Jammed in ita narrow space. There waa a lull In the proceedings when the audience called for several of the newly-elected alder men. In response to numerous calls, R M. Too the was pushed forward to the platform on which he speakers stood. As he reached ft there was an ominous cr4'kling and the raised platform 00 which the mayor and newly-elected alder men were seated ."med to pitch forward to the floor. There was a suR-KJng of tim bers and the next moment 150perple were hurled 2D feot to th floor below. A beam running SO feet along the center of the ball had gtven away and the crowded mass standing elbove that section of the floor was thrown In a heap to the bottom. A targe safe stood In one corner of the hall, and with a huge steam coil weighing half ton, came crashing; down cn the heads of the vtotlmi. Following the eruah there was a wild rush for Dhe doors. At the south door wnere 'the majority of tha crowd had en tered, there iwas a terrifte panic. Those in front . were (thrown down by the on coming rti, shrieking and fighting for the door and safety. Only one-half ot the rear door spaoe of probably three feet -was open and In the mad rush, no one thought 'to open the door In It en tirety, end 500 people struggled through the narrow space, the strong beartng down tfhe weaker. The winUows on the ground floor were broken in and the livlns and dead were tenderly passed to the waiting ambul ances. An Invenrigtatton of the wreck after the catastrophe Uieiosed the f?t that a whole section of the floor had dropped, the Joists having been as neatly out off as though the iwoik had been done with a suw. The buiHing was an old one, having been erected In the early part of the fifties. LATER. London, Ontario, Jan. 1. At 1 a. m. 'the deaths resulting from the wrecks of the city hall number 30 and It Is sakl that the list is Kkely to be even larger, many of the injured being In a serious condition. Royal stakes the food par. wholesome and delicto. F0YDZR Absolutely Pur aovat SMua toxica ea., sew waa. tm PH 0