V V TUK DAILY AST01UAN, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2, M!8. gaily Qviovian JOHN T. LIGHTKll, Editor, telephone No. 61 TI-JUMS OF FL'USCRirTION. DAILT. Sent by mail, per yoar Sent by nwjl, per month Bervvsl by carrier, per month WEEKLY. Sent by ma!l, per year. In advance.. Postage five to sulvsoribcj-s. ..10. ., .Ji .. . Ail ciwimunlca'.b in intended, for pul! cation should be d.rccted to th editor Business communications of all kin.l ami remittance must be addressed tc "The Aatnraju" The Astonnn guarantees to lis ;b. sx-rfbers the largcet clrculaih n of any newspaper published on the Coiumbla river. Advertising rat. can be had cn appll cation to the business manager. The Weekly Asbwian, the second old est weekly in the state of Oregon, ha ant to the Portland Oregor.un, the largest weekly cr-n!atlon In the state. John F. Had'.ey A Co. are our Portland agents, and copies of the Astotlan can N kad every morning at their stasd. 11' Third street CHACXCEY PKPEW'S KEYNOTK Cbauncey M. Depmr is not only the toast gTeoeful and most eloquent after- dinner speaker In America, but he also has ion? been recognised as a man of errand judgment, wide discernment and able stsutessnanshlp. At all times his Tiers are Intervening. Wt never he touched on matter of Importance his statements are worthy of consideration and respect. In a, speerb delivered be fore a Washington club recently Mr. Pe penr saM concerning the mini f est destiny ttf Shi wwntrr; I -For tr twenty century the mission: of the United State la peace; peace, that, it may capture the markets of rtie world:' pea.-e. th. t 1- rnnv fin I the rda -es. ks surpiua productn. not only food but of I labor. c-n meet, rwith a profitable return. President McKinley has struck the key-J Bote of this expanding policy of our! coorstry and recosmisee that our mtaMion lias ciltanged from Internal development purely to external commerce In the note two American missions ries from the prov. whk he has sounded so loudly and so:nc? of A'W. on tho pretert that tner , . . . i miss-ion for d.itribution of relief Is llstrly eliarlv for r''- Thus the twentieth . " , to caue disrurbarrces. "The sieic mn century will rewe the nineteenth. the0f Eur0Iw.-. ne ta d.ri,vrty. wrmea eighteenth, the seventeenth and the l. teenth. and the Vnlted States will enter hopofully upon PS larger mission. Goo obffrln0C3r and the peop'e ot . t America are acknowledging far and wide grant that we may see America reach out . . . . , , . I the betveflcence of tbe mlsolon or llcs- cn the lines set down by our forefathers ( tetter sj Stomach Bitters, namely, to re in t!ie conquest of the world." j lieve and prewnt malaria, rheumitlsm Contrast this utterance of broad states- and kidney complaint, chronic dyspepsia, . . . . ! constipation and liver trouble. The ner- rrarmh.p and high patriotfera with the I vous, the weak and the Infirm derive frenxled shouting of those Jingolsts-hap-, un..pkable trcm Its use. snd it pily a small tjarJ who would force this greatly mitigates those infirmities, spe. nation Into a needless war, with all that cially incident to advancing years. Sleep. aurh . rnmrtt would entail merelv to w. I cuiv a lf.tle nctoricv rr tJ b)l- r i d! ; -anirg ioliti- al iopularity at rtiMr hone districts! ; The business lntr.sts of the Tniteti havA . Mmit-bihl, Imnpnv,. . ... r wwt in .fti a i., t)....A nu,.,),, i . ago trade and commeroe were almost i at a standstill. There had been a revival .1 following the election which his not yet ceased. The deposits In tanks had not been fully retovered .tf:-r the free ilvr ppexer had caused the timid ones to wlthlraw tJneir savin?.' from r'ank vaults, to be hoarded away from possible disas ter. A cjomparatively small number oijaa'hr ?sain. faetorlre w?re running with their full comDlement of workmen. M--anrs were still In the slough of de.spond. To day tuiks have big ' reserves, notaitn- siamlin-,' the laive sums which are lo.uiii In European markets. Fa'torlfK are be. tng taxed to rjhelr capacity and the retail trade has lncrt-a.l 10 a point th:it gives a liig Incrvia th rhe JoWjir.g trade. Tne record of elarlnffs gives an evjd.-,c; ot The Increase In gf-ne'ii) busnes tii-ri 1 Is een more marked in the mbldle vrtl than in -She ecun. Beglnning wUi the first of this year, the 'miscellaneous reports of consular and diplomatic officers UTson commerce and In- UHtri-s In foreign countries will be J printed Immediately after thHr receipt at the dnirtment of state, and will be' issued in Vtv form of advance h. form of advance sheets. This wlii'h hnr. -lily TT -i . .;. tfcorlid by S-cn-Uiry of State Hhermin is intended for the benefit of trale or. ! t aniza'tlons, business firms, .he newpa.! per prR-, etc. It Rill result in j,rartI. i ally Uie dally iiiMlcatlon of th-- report except on Sundays and legal holldnvs sjrl it cannot doubted th.it the w-iot end prompt distribution of the Informa tion furnished In this way will be helpful to the merchant and manufacturing tn tertsetsj of the United Sta,tes. The publi cation of these reports will be under the dirodrjon of ihe bureau of foreign com saBrce, whot,e present very efficient chief Mr. Fred'-.-lc Kmory, is k'-nly alive lu tfia importance of the element of timeli nes In getting commercial Information before the public. The publication of the rcgnar monthly series of consular re. ports will be continued aa heretofore. There 1a much fear expressed at Wash. Ington ttiat currency or financial legisla tion will not be pressed for passage for the present This) is understood to be ow ing to the assumed difficulty of recon- clllng the many divergent views on flrutn- cfe.1 subject represented n the cummlttce on banking antl currency. It will take mm, time to determine whether a prac ticable agreement cwn be arrived at among Hie member If not, prhap.s he way and mean committer m.iy take up the qiuwlon; but tt I Kwticht by the lenKr of ths house thi-.t for the pree i iM a:i-? mi: i: i.i l .! 1. 1 ntr-.-t w :.utr U Unite mtion lssiMe, it would be l:ier iwi to asittue ;he matter. Mean. xv'ilK' the nun etary eotiimllon, him ; ,, !'. ' ,, - .1. ' ''.l I n.l einriMny ihsU of the country wi;h a view to fommimln a rravtivablo ilun of; n--fom), 1a aUlroKed a elroultir to Kink. er and oinors spxnitiy iniereoteU In a ' ie .:t . c.nrounrtiK that I; mm the (H of vvnl"dln; ita liUwr and suo inllting a plan for flikuita) renr;ntsa trm, h:ch it ttoivs to nv uppoitel by t;ose tiVK-emed In rforming a etctve fln.nioinl syMom. The commisiin urgea tsuvi m o..- rho nin featur ot the' nun tdiouid t foumi v-tmim-n.i,bie. hce! favoring should .u far ns postble waive J ..i.;.-..! . n .u.u.r a The cm-1 givMlona bMikra nevj to be remlndeu thtit the tine Is mt propiMoua for a jhiI ley of pecttponoment or tnAc(on. T1U B isll.H.WK. T.Vr is a tileiK-ei whore hath been no sound. Ibeiv l a stleiue where no sound may be. In tf cold grav ivlr the deep, de.p , Or in the wide deswrt, .wlier no life 1 fvHiml, Which hath tnvn ntuRe, and still must jilP profound; Xo vo.-e la Jueied no Jlfe treads si lently But clouds and cloudy shadow wander free. That never spoke, over the idle ground; But in grxvn ruin. n ie Ksoate walls Of antique palaces, re man hath been. Though tfis dun fox or wild hyena cali And ow,, , comlnuaJ,v bKwwn Shriek to the eohw, and the moan. low wimis lr-oonselous! o-,!11 "Menoe 1... uml aone. Thomas Hvvvi. THE Sl'LTAX AND OCR 51 1S-SIOX-ARIES. The iw.-te hx demnnl,'J rhe reel! or Is unre.xsorw.ble aa hW political health . ' feeble. As a brietrt contrast to his PPtite and a eensation of eomfort throughout the system, ensue from Its rse, Vhich should be regular and per- --i -., slstent. An early resort to this fine pre. ventive s logically suggested to thone who seek its aid. TjrVlW All the 1DVP. ' ' T atr.rvnv vnlrM ( . , teacn That not on eonJi may toil and strug gle cease. on mounliUn,. ter far Uan speech Their silut promise of eternal peace. Holmes, The bet preparation to remove dand ruff frcm th iiead. nnd to cure and silra ulat the scajp, that da-idruff will not Hall's H:Mr Ren-.-r. j i Thl' 3'-psi;s its egss in shallowr water whtro th warmth of the sun pro - motes STwdy haUSijng. Tfe common Anake often selects a bed of decomposing vegetable matter. The crocodile and the clumpy sea tortoise go ahore to lay their i A January thaw kf always more pro j duetive of colds and coughs than a Jan- uiry freeze. Then is the time Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is nelisl and proves so extremely efficacious. Ask yotir drtig- gist for it, and afco for Ayer's Almanac which j free to all. After several -tirnfii conquered by the Saracens, awl recaken from the seventh to tlhe tenth cerrtury, and after Tlng tne scene of ie wars of the crusswes anj other conflicts,, Palestine was united to IJtwman empire by H-iim I. In 1516. i Dr. Shlolde, an eminent physleina of Tnnw-e, Bays: "I regard Ayer's Sar- "ifirllla as the best bloo-l-modl'-lne on earth, and I know of many wo vl--fu cure effect! by Its use." Pliyski m aH ov-r tne lan1 have made similar state- " I M M- S I '! SJ zA.m "si r? i ti ii 8 Bs"J Skins on lire wr.li torturing, disl'uriii, Itchi;., ',j:f:'.i iili-e'tit;, fccaly. aiel pimply litif'jrs, ir.'.'.r.t'y relieved by a warm bath with i Ti' tli Soap, a single appliiiiioii of Cl'II'.tka "niiiiiieiui, the great bk in cure, Uni 1 f"ii I e of Cl'TKXBA KlaoLVRSiT. flMSdtl.rfrarfaOQtthevo-M.POTTSS D.SC.Cosp.,Snls Irruiis Butwe. Uow loCqft Tortarioj UnOKiis,-l.'f. &HQVQ CVIM assIpssdHstrpslss4 B9 GA0I O OMIl haw Uj Cmuiiu so.-. . t'-f v'. wa. 3 I A m at i . rnmi-. r. & rifty Year Aco. Who could imagine ttit tlm nhoiild b The place whrtc. lu cisliteeu uinety thtee That while oi ld.woiulcr ol areU and d.-me Fhoul J shadow the nations, polychrome. ., ltere at the Fair the prltc conferred Ou Ayer'a Tillt. by the world pietcrttd. OMeaeo-like. they a recor.l hew, Kmcc tlicy started jo years ago. Avers Cathartic Pills have, the tiiuo of thoir preparation, been a continuovia PUCceSS VTith tllO public. 'And that means that Ayer's Pills F.ceomplish what is promised for them; they cure vrhera others fail. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wida popularity of these pills should bo recognized by the World's Fair medal of 1893 -a fact which emphasizes the rocord: 0 Years of Cures. MARINE NEWS. ASTORIA'S OR UN FLEET 1S37. t Value Yev-M'l and K!m Itls lu.-li:ill)Urn. Hr li til.'lU'Knn, Hr ll ' win -'" Vioji .M,' i ; : 'i ?e..' Cniiterne. Itr sli , I i'n n ofSsiihrnd, lir h i.iin lir n ! ytlw.M. Itr h 1 IO ,v, 7 ''.m,i . j;,uii ' li'j.. 01 1 lo'. .1,1; , 4; j I'.i.tvl I, .,lh. t,li liT.sV, : t i..iii .? 1 ti.ii' 'i ruinltriall. Hi tk . I llll' l l l I,.',, 1.1 u KuphnwMie. Itr M..;i tvirns lir h :iirvlml Micliet, Hr li t.uiunte. itr .U ... .Vli.iretM. Hr h Arraiiiu. Hr hk Hi. iiliil.l.i. itr li . I li a Mac l. :ian, itr li Ttrri"lle' itr h Mra'lisrvfe, Hr li r.e:ue Hie in.-x, tier ll TraiiMi, Nr sir .. Hiawatlm.Nwi.ti .... Howinan H lir tik KlotitH'k. ii'-r li it ni.HeiKlale, Hr h II-'. ' ' e..o 0 0.lM 11'. rji.no . h.'xw : i.w IlS, I, HI i'I.HO h!' l M, ! ' :.'...! 1 .'' .'i.'i.i' ! I Halrw.l. Br'.h ! il!koiinuiii. livr il ''j-'JJJ sV',i' la.lv W'entworili. Kr-h... .iiili.rl,imUltip l:r.l W.'llll j iii..V. I ! Kleiilillymire. Hr sli.. ;.iio : riitlwuieii'. Hr th 711.' llHirl.inrlra, Hr tk Itueeu Mancnret br ti Adolf, lier h ......... Iuiiyre, Hr nil IVu Avon Hr bk Purina. Hrbk Imva. Hr lk K iiinriv4hire. Hr bk Kl rula. Nor Kir .... Klttitlure Hr ilr .. . .... Ma-hona. Hr sh William Tllll. Mr til ilaM-n II ..1. r t J. I' I'lluc'ir iierh Anamlia, lir bk IVru. li-r lk si.oi :i i i mm: j i".''.) l.r .'.'. II j 7.,. ',e J 7V'"l'. i - -1.7 I I 1. 4 if, O.ITJ j I'arr.itlale, Hrbk.. ! Klmii-lilre. Itr kIi ' i..'.'Hr ,!L I rtiuiuni . Hr ik ... ' all ' t'lyde. Hr sti l'u iue-!in. t r b j u- , Hr ship i Uirk.Mre, lir bk ... K.'.7 a ; r;i .'. ' 'n.'ssi : r.'.i.ii I.' .11.1!'! Sl.i'i !,J7 Iij7 11 ,! 11. '.til Mi.iut I-''. 101,li rny ol Perth. Hr tr II "p , I 'It! ! d',',: ' s;'U) ; !7,i' Vv 1 BruiM'.o, lir bk c h'htertyre, Hr h, WaMlale, Hr h .. ' I 'pllfl i -. N T b K I IJurdowte. Hr hi Inii:ier.iiii. Hr l s. Ilvsiiii. Kr sir . KttrickrlaK Hr utr . Lombard Hr sir Provim" Hr sti iiinba, br tr , ifl.-iil!, r sli WrlM'na, br sli , '"'-'I '. : 1 1 ','. 1 lir ".' jjl.Mij "'"' Barrels of flour. MARINE NOTES. The French ship lsxlfii whMt Inlcn Hrrivwd down from I'ortl.ind '-sn-nlay. The hark-ntlne Siv'hv. In b.illa'-t, :irrivil :ri-n rliy : P'lro, ' ninP- " Th ur..v schooner Laura My in tj.il- lat from Sun Francisco, arriv-1 In ys- terday. The Uritlsh .ship McMillan, Wti t ins, Captain Ourhrie, from Vokohajna, in Uil lai,t, arrived yewterday evening. The Russian ship HopjMt, YX, tons, ' Captajn Tork, 121 days from Port Natal, in ballast, arrived yenter'lay evening. The P.ritU.h steamship I'ak Ling. 27T, tona. Captain Allen, 14 days from Yoko h irr. 1, arrived yesnerday. The Pak Ling has a llxht cargo of Oriental novelties. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The fo.lowmg vessels are bound to the o.uinMa River, with name of master, 1 .uioiia.lty. rig. tonnage, where from ai.d da,te of reportel railt.g: George Kteison, Murphy, Am h, 17ii9 toiis, Baltimore, August. Lji uiii.ni ton, bpurrlng, lir bk, 1773 tons. I riwiiiu-.a, July 8. duior.an King, Hansen, Br sh, 1C38 tons. Shanghai, buveiihy Hall, W hick him, lir sh, IKiS tons, Liverpool i:en Voir.l'.h, Ahier, Ckr sh, lVfl tons, ,S ir.ta Itoa,la. Rprinyhurn, Rae, Er bk, 2500 tons, Cape Town, September 23. burbrifige, M'.Lauchlan, Br sh, 213 t.-ir.s. Table Bay, September 17. Poltalloch, Mcleod, Br bk, 2139 tons, Table Bay. Otago, Knk, Swd bk, 970 tons, Ham our?. Co-vway Cant.e, Jones, Br sh, 1S91 tors. Valparaiso. Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 2183 tons, TakL. Vanduara, Becivan, Br bk, 11)15 tons, A'goa Bay. G.eniiark. Irish, Br eh, 179S tons, Klo Janeiro, August 73. Glenbank, Ijeonard, Br bk, 136 tone, Calcutta. Genevieve. Touge, Fr bk, 981 tons, Hai phong, October XL Henry VllWird. intttt. Am h, ut tons. New York, October !. oberon. Unity, Itr hk. Wi tons, Newcastle, Aimtralla, IVtolx-r 1 Jacques, ltermuta. Fr bk, lid) (out, M i. un1. Indian lniire, Atlrn, Itr bk, 1M5 tons, Vnlwml. Jupltler, Piinder. Peh h, 1031 tons, to. kohama, j Chelmsford. Thomson, Hr bk, S1JT ton, C.p Twn, Ovtotier I. ! City of York, Jonos, lr h, llil? tons, 1 Syd.iey. i Uoppolt. Ti'i'k, Kua ell, IJi'k'i Ions, tiri N.n.tl, S.'pti'inlvr i. ' M.uMllMii, liulhiie, Hr ti, H.' tons Y kotunna ' Ho i l. lte. S . ni.in, tier sh, KlV'i tons ' SN.it'th.il. T..'ikemlvt, V tdherlng, l'r bit. liVii tons, l"rf iiiantle, 1 "..in Uobertsun, 11:1. Hr sh, IMn tons, S in la KokiIU. Hrlllsli lieiioiMl, Ttiomns, Hr sli, M ion, N wcastl", Aiisir.illrt. Mliliis. Messenger, Hr bk, lit" ten Nagasaki. Yalorl, Hiown, Hr n. U.ti tons. New. , castle, AustriillA. Hornby Cas'.e, Hrlitlit, H'r rh, 3:i tons ' AdeUlde. ' J onion Hill. Walker. Hr bk. !i: tons, Melh uirn. Wrt Caledonia, Anton, Hr bk. Sl3u tons, 1 Nar.11s.1kl. Kintu.k. Herrelle. Hr str, !vl ton Yokolmma. , 1 Amara. Kent. Hr srr.' tons. Hong. kot g. , Alexander Htnek, Punn. Hr bk, Itni ton;1, Antx rP- Watjrn, Frits, t.er sh. 5T9 tons, Hlog.. lord 8i:flb'iry, Curntngham, Hr sh. RTt tons, Sydney. Pr'stol. M-lntyre, Hr str. in Ions, Pan Francisco. ' Kinilie. Oltnunn, Oer sh, 17X1 tons. Yo ' kohwmn. Anne Thonas Thomas. Hr sh. 1T6J i tons. Port Plrle 1 Almora, Thorr.-Hin, Hr bk. 17il tons, ; Newcastle, AusTilla. Peter Rickmorr, Wostermej rr. ilrr sh. I !S2 tons. Hongkong. j AurkWind, Jam s. Hr sh. 1316 toosi Adr. laid". , I.ydgule, Foi rest. Hr bk. tV to (Shanghai. - nienliil. T.iylor. Hr sh. W tors Roval Roads. 1 iron t s. Han, Hr ssh ir! tons. Poluev. St. Kii'o'h. I.alrxl. Hr str. It".; tons, Sh.Tichal. Wln.lr.ish. Walk.-r. Hr bk, UTS to-e. Ade. I.ilde Or:nid, Huts. O. r sh. !' tons S in's R.xilla. At!.", IC'.thtmnnn. r h. ?3 to-s. S uit a P. sal!a. Nilhsdi'e. "levers. Rr bk, l'r. !nn. Xaensnkl. RnianifT. Morgnn, Hr IX t fin. X"wcast!, AustMlir, Forthbnnk. Peterson. Hr lk, TJJ tons, 0rirh"nt!. Gwyne-ld. rnvies. Hr bk. 13 tons, ' Honolulu. ; Puntnn, . Tr str. M torus. Klotxi nir-hoff. S.'hwartln, Ger ship, rOS Inns. Melbourne. X'ov. 5. due February. liv..ii kolwtma. Dec. 17. due January, lir."".,! Aialaman. Winter. Fr bark. MS tons. Hi i 1 Algow Ray. . ni'"is 'on'"1",'ll'. Jones rtr bark. IJ tons, H'.i imi i Hrisbane, - . 'ivllj! Cambrian Prlnre. , Itr ship, m !-. , 1 tons. M-lboiirne, . "l'y of A'henn. Lundlns, Hr ship. 11M .!) j tons, Anlv.erp, . j f"nor. Twlsi. Hr ship, HH2 t ins, Rny 7 ' UV, a) Roads. I.I'MIIKR KI.KI.T. v-ssei on the Way nnd In Columbia Hlv-r to !od I.umlier. j,Uril M,y. Hansen, s-hr. In tons. Hun Francisco, Noveml-er II. Lelltla. Sukkobye. schr, !34 tons. Ran F ranolso, November 12. Tenklo M:iru K&neko, Jap bk, 1K1 tons. Yokohama. , Ser)uot, I clsro. schr, 3X tons, Snn Fran. I Echo. , bgtn, ' Knappton. I Nurfliwcst, , Pedro, Portland. (SO tons, Tl-ntsiln, bktn, 4U0 t5ns( Son, I Edward Parke, Johncn, sehr, 140 trrfis, j San Francisco, N. P. Mills, S.in Tranris I co bay. Pec. 18. ! Ralph J. Ionc, Hansen, nchr. M tons, j Sin Francisco tay, Dec. 21, X. P. Mills, San Franels.70 bay, . Protection, stm, 215 tons. Moose Landing. , N. p. Mills, Morse Land ing, . I lake pl'-asiire In r'e.yinmenninir OhnmJ)rlaln's Colic, Cholern and D.ir rhoea Remedy to nil who siuffer from, pains n the stomach," says Mr. Milt Mc Klnley, editor of the TUwson (Ohio) Her ald. "Until I us I this remedy It wss, at times. Impossible for me to be In my office, owing to att.i-ks lasting from one to two days. Hy t.-iklng t as soon ss the first symptoms of til's atlacl: are felt, I no longer mitt-r hs unpleasant sick ness!." For sale by Charles Rogers, drug gist. In flermany, when the vote of the Jury stands six ngsdnst six. the prisoner is ac quitted. A vote of seven against live leaves tlie duclHon to die win, ,ind n a vote of eltht ag;iini4t fiflvr the prisoner is convicted. Mrs. mark. I'.-:iHirt It:lge o., s.iys: "After two doctors) ;ave up toy hoy to die, I mveil him from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure.1' It Is the qu!"k. ert and most certain remly for coughs, ,'.1-1,. :i",J m'I 'hrar .-ifi'I lung trounies,' Chas. P.oeers. One Imtpulse from a vernul woool Can t'-ah you more of man, Of monJ evl ftnd of good, Than all the sages can. Wordsworth. A PLKASAM KXPKRIBNCK. A few d;iys ago a charr.ilng young I:idy who was traveling alone btwei 11 Ht. Paul and ctilr.agc, was accosted by handsome geni'em.n. who Invli to dinner with him. "Certain Carson,"' ihe replied, "for the Central lines have the bst dining car service In the world; I shnll be delight ed." For fureher particulars call on the nearest ticket agemt, or address J. C. Pond, general passenirer agent, Milwau kee, Wis., or George B. Batty, general agent, M Bterk street, Portland, Or. .V. J,'PM'djf i... ?jjVr hlmmmi VA M M wsl I M W HEIDSIECK ... w m mm mm m m m m m m m m m PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNC FLAVOR) INCREASED IN SIZE The picture shows the exact increase that has been achletl to the 5-cent piece. No in crease in price The bicest bargain in tobacco to-day i one of these new pieces of PIPKR HEIDSIECK. Try one. J. A. FASTAHliNl) IIOCSK, HHIIH-.K AM) WIIAItK Hl'II.DKU 1IODSK MANHOOD RESTOBEDSS ' ) V 1 tr U '- sr of ti 4oarfttt irXHi iM-it mm Muiiv a s m v jt'lli'il, I ti nrrnnr arrrp ail lh h.imir.. BtruHl Asjosvris.n fc,,,,r, ! iim tm I tili ' 'I. l 'ii In IH iu , sMftiiPsu Jbwiisaioiia, r-fvms taLL i tiui'lsstv. Vfti)LnM U Mfrv. Kl'stuttu rmlMK Vrraria a 51 vr rr rinaar sinti.Lsjijre,u1sniiisiii...ii M ...w 1 he t.iwKiii inTren r not curd h l.-inr u hrii ninety PT fsrei are irimwso wua (SeaaUMIIIs. i'1'IM HKM K. Is Hionly lMin rmis r khiwhii 'i iM-.rmi.Hi. ..i-iin- . ZiIa Trm-n i'i,nniiir'ii " !.. rnuii.-l if s r-i"s d.x nul sflivi a wiuaisii tsura ti r l.f ,n f. ri Jl. hemnl. f"f rsssrln ul.f anl imiiiboiiuUs, Addii utvok yistw if .iat i'u,r.u iimj'Xiuu rrkn,iL L'HAB HOttEl'.B. CI Couunsrclal BtraoL MANHOOD RESTORED f;.iaru!iirrtiio(.ittesii uciv.HuuiBeascn, ,4cn as Km .itrmury Iabf linn liwst. Ilewlwhe, Wskelulurss, Ljat Manhood, Nilillr Kmis Auiii. ie:vwU4ur, all drsius, loas cf puwrr lu Cruemtiee iigao of etihrr ses. ctie, by over etetti'in, yMithIul errurs, ei ealt usr of I .Imicto, upluin or stimulants, which lesa to Indrmily. ConnimpUm or Inuuiir. Csn be carricl in vest pocket it su tr lis, s fc . by msil I'friid Circulsr free Hold br sli itru((Uts A,k for ll. takt nunthrr. Ms'iii-tnte. b the I'rsu Mnikltie 1 .. . pri ffunee l.sue liris IiugCj.,UitUUjutiugiicuU. Third uj Ysuihlll Bts , 1'oilUuJ, ut. F.HTT.S.t'nNN' Mtl'il I'll.. Ag'-ntf, Aslorl. Kxpi-rnmnlH )t.if shown lh.H f.nlgue tmusis rh'inl.-cil iiu!igo In tlo' lilii.nl, re. nulling In the production of a olnii re ncmlilliuc iwi i:iiriir poison, which certain isHV.ige lr!es use for arrows, Arr-rw poi son, howov. r, ss if i-g.stle origin. M n'n Ihn ll'i'l of a ilrvd anlmul is injei tisl Into tli'' urtcrW-JS of 11 rrvsJi one, Wic l.iinr ex. hlbis all th s-mptims of f.iiirii' WIIRX Vol' HAVE A nv coi.rv You want tin- l-st nwdb-lne that r.in be obtnnsl. and that Is fhanib. r.iln's Cough Ri-mci!y. Yfrtl wvmt a r. tn dy 6hnt ll not only glvo quick rMp-f but eff- t " IxTnianenf (lire. You want a iN-rii'sIy tii.il wlil rHP-ve the lungs and k-.-f. xp-rt.r!itln easy. Von waut a r-m.sly tli.it w;i; cointi-rint any tmnb-iwy toward (uiu-moiila. 1 You want a r"in. dy that Is 1 l- ns.nit nnd sa.f to tako. Chaniberlalii'rt 1 Vugh I'.-in.dy Is the only m'sliclne In use that meets all of theon reiiilrnii'in'LS. This rntnedy Is fa mous for tA ciih h of bail il'ls through out Uie Unlt'sl States and In many f.ir Lkn countries. It has many rivals, but. fn- the spi:dy and permanent curs of bad ri,ils, statsls 'nirhoiit 11 peT and Its sjilomlld riuUltl'S am mrry wh'-re ad mired and prnls.,1. Kor sale by Charles Rogers, dnigjrlsit. A poison used 'by tumu- of the South Arrviiilan !lnHaies Cor iimttliig on the iHnt.s of their arrows Is lulled curare. AKlimiU killed 'With It may ! eai.-n, how - ever wlthisi Uijury. TO Ct'P.K A COl.n IN OXK DAY Take Irfixnilve flrnmo Quinine Tablets. All rlm;:glnts refund the money If !t falls to cure- li-c. For sale by Chat Irs I'.og-rs, Tlw) InrgeHt man ijvor unlisted In tne lirlliHh army wasi Id""Jt. Sutherland. His heiLjih'r wium eight fe-t four Itn lies, and his weight '.VA poll ll. Id, CASTORiA Fcr Infants i-nd CliiWrn 91 r wrt(;r It has ben calculated by R'jert Ball th.it tttw whol c'ai mAy of th wrfi limimiivl iM-fnro you tun h'p tAAT tho wwiM barvy miifirn to vroM teU 'iia prln(p doai not brim over with roftrvth to that whtoh the min dLawlmlnartei in In frajtom ihatt hn not a (hidden ounce, one-tenifti. of a teoorul ' Liht on th lhfVlen way. .' 1 v. ; This Much FXTOA General Contractor MOV1M) TOOI.M HKNTKI) "CUPIOCNC hhns-l til lit Itw K.lksjtttiiPsTj KttibHMi. Nffntua tsvlHJU. rr. Is-ttslV lu HHtlls4rf f IsOtk ft.) ImsMWnry. I rilt;a;cii n-inrir inrs'su( ail uupuriusa, -AttUM Uw UVt( U4 Iff bilaa Dr. Ieu's tellaw .Sre Cilia. This vrunilrrlill trmtf 'Tin a nil" Irs all bowlines, for worker or limn.-. "I'liat ! 'iw tlwi l-tti r by !uliniiHC lur own. piinp-rliy comes .ul'k'st in ihr man whose iv-r Is In gmid condition. pcWItt'e l.lltln r.nrly Itls-rs are famous III lie pills for constipation, biliousness, Indigestion and all stomich and liver troubles. Chjs. R'liters. Wrii-ziM'l.i bus I w o hwislri d million ncres uf f.int!. In wbli h giMw nl Wie vnrlitles uf i-li'iny ns ivi-l) 11 is rostiwiMMl, siilln wooil 11 1 1 I niiiiiinranv. Mr. Fillsha Berry, of ths place, says he never h.id nnytiilng to do Jrlrn so niticfi giwxl and give surh nulrk ndlof from rhetimntlsni s Oiim1.'raln's Puln Palm. hotlmred greatly with shooting ( nliK from hip to knee until hn used ti1d liniment, wlilnh affords prompt rellef. P. F. linker, druggist, fit. rnris, i)ho. For sile by Chnrles Rogers, drugglsl. Alilioukili on land a clumsy an1ui,il, the si-si Is wonderfully uuhk In the water, nnd n 11 fid'- rinf nin generally enicn "Ini'.t iuiy Ush t in: a riPi.D ix tixr: hat Tike l,Mx:i'le lirnmo Qulnin T.il.le's t'l d"iicl't refiind the money tf !t falls tn cn": M Fur snle by Charles R ig rs The Hiiiallon of the 'World nvorngesi ' l" women -to -v.-ry 1'Xi men. Klgm. I nlntlw of the sud'len d.nlhs lire those of I mnlisi. 1 Mrs, M. ti. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., Miff'-red for elulit yenrs from dyspepsia and clironlc constipation, and w.is finally .rured by usliwf TcVltfs Utile Marly Risers, Ihn famous little pills for all stom ach and liver troublus. Chas. Rogers. Home other world Is triad to s-e. iiim- star that's gone iwwMy; Tli llglii when gMlng miikiK our ninlil Makes smewhern -lso a day. Selected. It 1 f&ny in iatrh ft wM nnfl Jhm an n.y Kt rM of It If you common, piirlf to iuft On Mlniiit Cmwh Curo. Tt rur' roufcfm. coMn, bronclillln, piviimnnlii and -tit hront and lun troi;ll. Tt H penn ant to tnk, 9nvfft tn in an1 mire to cur. ItomomUfT yorur own rm mtmt bo ll- GO EAST . ..VIA , , Library Car Route AMKUICA'H 8C11NI0 UNB, Meals h.ki rtnllast Nil Dusl DlnliHl Tli all-rail touto to Koulnnal inlnloa illslrli't, via Hcattls and Hpukana Shortest and Quickest bine sltl St. Paul. Minneapolis, nniuih Chkizo AND AM. I'OINTH KAHT Through Palace and Tourist Hleepsrs, I lilting and Ubrary (lusksTT. lion Cars Dnlly TrnliiH FtlHt Tlmo MKIlVlfk AM' Hi KNf.llY I'SKAyt'H.III For lleknts and full Information oail on gnl , It N. I". or aAtrssn A. II C. niCNNtSTON, C IV A T A , Portland. Or It. P. HTKVi:XM. ll W, I'. A HMttl. Through Tickets Tt) THW UAST AM) SOUTH I EAST VIA '0 . '., - wis. , w-- pt'LLM AX 1'ALACIC Hl.EBPKR, T0UIHHT UI.KKl'fJItS aM KHKK ltl't.lS'IN(l CHAIR CAM Ily to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City and other Kostcni Ctlea via either Itouth am Perlfic or O. II, A N. Co. Only Line From Portland Offering Pssnri(nis the ohoce of Tw Tourist Car Ltnea (hroush to Chlcwgo. Specially Conductctl l:cursions Via Hhaata Itouto to Chicago every Tues day. DagKMte ohorkMl ihrousrti to dee tlnallun. Magnlfliv-nt ecenery, union d-puta, fast time, lownet rates, Pints, h light In e cars. Tor rates anJ other Information, call on or address It W. IlAXTKll. Oen'l Agent. IX Third St., cor. Alder, Portland. Hid S,iiiM., Al'kllllMIN is II I'liirc In io n in willlrr. SliiHtist line is (lio lliiiliiiluii Iloiitc. Wrili- for iiiforin.'itioii aliinit rail's nm trains. Ticket at offices of connecting llnew. . A. c .siikijion, iciifiiil Ai'iit, l'oi'tlanil, Oii'K"ii Nrw SWirrH Hi mi,I v AkaolMl! I -L to tha pmtrulon I'rrmanml I'arM III It lu 36 liars. Ws rotllllil llinni y If uml.i lint rura V-HI cn lie Imitistsl niiiirfjrllii.Miiiiiir!i.a SBSBSBI sml Ilia asms im, lrsl 111 ll tlii'Mi aim I gaj J iHTTfr In eiilna linia wa altl cmilrart 1,1 I SJ I MrT"r"""' Climlhs, IT II am fclaaaaaaaaaaa " " " Uil ' M - - JT'Ml liarn u., ( M,.P. Willi hsirn rlim MlH hi mi-nilli.Now'l hpoM, M HmMa, . rr mi lir t rrhmwa rWllhiB uutt Msvmfiilary or vrtlurf ua ran Inriift. vVn eelArttaM-amii'lfhailtrnci Hrt. ItMlisiss tMlaall ami iwitnpi, Viii'oiii 'ilifi Il'lmiilrej't-tiwr-'olnf lrit)f Hit ixMlr II Mlrur if In l hli I'rlwarr. MlniMl I'nUun lliat I -nll.'it tlist nio-il bt.lln ihffwftrld rrmm (in nlwar buBrel (mlHrnt pkralrlnaa. in mli' n mm i Ulty uf tha kill tf hti miMl hirnmn y.n, vn,an Iri-atinu linn iiiss-,,- ewi mi illsem-n wnu nir 4 .I'lllLKNK anl w have AU4MHHI r.I. lsrliliil ..or iMii-iifisliilonal RiwrftnltH. Will uaf.tr IM.nMf btuA and nh-wlyl roirk. AMreM 4 00K I4KHKIV ft'itl Alnwinlr 1mili, 4 hlrutfo. llllnwl Ms Nerverine Pills The ga remedy for nervous pro; t rat ion and all nervous V' QMA 4 "s3: -d-iutun ol tUt visMAa'- JtvMnt ernrrative or- i.i oui. ,nii an ut i.hinii. Ran, 0f eithrr J4I,i.liCha Nrrvout Prostralion, Failing or HiAiinooa, impotcnry, INigliti "imij. wons, Youthful Errors, Menial Worry, g wssive use ol Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Comumplion and Inunily. $1.00 Tn's-r. mail 6 to"1 ff $5.00: l)ns CHEMICAL CO., Prop i, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Betes-Conn Drug- Oo, ii J '1 - fit-srrv.t.,'u - mm ll'KM.JUl f.-s. II. Hi 1 1