The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 02, 1898, Image 1

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eldest an best paper
on the Columbia River
THE ASTORIAH bas the largest
circulation of an unr
on the Colombia River
VOL. XIA'lll.
NO. 2.
fill ait 1 sm A m iwirf aw
the mcniuTen
Stoves and Rang
are me BCHT
Books and
The Ouctn's Sew Year's Gift to the
I'oor Distributed.
lar;k charity keqi'ehts
' Atibsa4or Hay Viilf Cirt fcf treat
aiiial Viislallt Very Kcivy
Alf icd Kkcl VIII.
London, Jan. I. -(Copyrighted ik ty
the Aorritd PrjA ) The year upened
Priiia-llk. wih afiriirM tain ond thert
are many instances where flowers ar.
blooming In gardens In th. south of Bng-
, land.
nvrnt wl apply to parliament for fund
to ni"k 1 1 i emmxe.ry. J
Ju.tftn from the nswr DHrf pet rag.
dm llrilWliMr contempt for forHiin itl
If ony ff.oUMon, U mmbr of th.
royal houi. hold foreign litis whip tho.
of lesser rank are thicker than blade-1
berrtn. In this connection it l iter-
sting to note that th. Jublle u a rc-;
ord for t? Ino. of Wales '.tonort.l
which total up 177.
Th. charltablt bequest of th. year auo
topped i record, totslllnii XtOto.W.
u..kAi.. .... TL'aiI. v! t tlnfl be
,u.;hi to th. nation. .even testator.' WILL RESTORE PROSPERITY
Mrrtd X1.M0.O0O In charltiea A CTar,
number of companies w.r. floated durtni j
the put month, making th. total capital.
off.d m 1T7. jeu.IKy. the larft ' lo(9 t,;e gpajg, lj Lj.e Cibt. iltny
Inco WO. The forrlRn orrnment loan
ttxrcKatwl riiily CIO.XiO,(Mi; IndUn and
Blaaco Impressively Installs Autonomy
la Caba.
colonki), XH.0uO.MO; trwrlf; uiid OM-tlllorl'-e.
X17,Mn,0; eutfrt4Jnm.nt, i.l.-i
OOOOOO, ylnif, L,fiO.V: hot.;l, tl.OOO..
000; Klontllk. Xl.,"'; Anvrlcan rail-,
rood. tl.i'A'M; mlii" X3.2M.W; Indus
trlul ant nlacllan.ju. X5J.M0,W.
Spaiisk-ContiUCcieril Let
Highly Motored.
IMvaiiii, Jn. 1. Many people tm
lil.d a Him pa;- tolay to 1tn.- thf
no protection for the a4, howorer,
thy are to W out '"0 mibn a
10 mile 1 think trandior woujd b
rood thin for female oaed for brafeUnc
purpoar;. I am poUIMljr aiured that
the brand would remain on th animal
)ut they do on a bora. Tw or three
teal -which were branded on th. Prtb
yioff Ulandi laat year were discover!
with brand on them."
Celebration la New Tork Attended 'With
a Orar. Disaster.
New Tork, Jan. L One of th. revolt
f laat nirht' celebration mi an acci
dent, ro wtUctl IS penrm war more or
es sortoualy hurt, and It U feared some
Injuria may prov fatal. Th persons
were hurt by th horse drawlne; Uha first
Chlcaso oarriaa runnlns; wj and daeh
In nU a crowd of people. Among those
more seriously Injured were:
Phillip Arton, concussion of face; Cha.
Groiv. Ic;s broken and Internal lnjuriea;
Ohartea D. Dumandl, bruised about body:
and Internally Injured; twl Hemes, I
body legs and bands crushed by cable
Teracoats la the Honse May Defeat
the Ticket is Planned.
Sob Are Sitk sd Otktrs Vis Tkey Vert
Opptiitio Claims ll Cat Or
gatiic tkt nas.
(Vhrnibus, Ohio, Jan. 1. The c&ucuce
fee the nomination' of offl'-'er of th lerl-
I LiCu r.-. -hl h conve-iss Monday, ' were
A Lan. lawyer oomr.but v.rlr.: In of Br-tary lUffart Monnr.! . Horr ICmoll. ftir. enHb. mtW tooh(tA Vmu,Vy' .
imlMI. of h. year, amon, th -- I-urvo BoUrlwe.. bru,ed about body and inMrwII, Injured;; n '
,Hr an.1 e..a many of whom - ntar..- of the .v.onM ov.rn-. Bemes. hand, cruei; Morris j J
We Are
Enabled to Buy
In Imp' ttuiititic.H on account of our !i trade,
anil tlniM can fjivi our cu. stonier tin lowcet
priicK on all kiiiN of niiTcluiiiiliw
Foard & Stokes
Ocular In .
A loll line el Plio. Tebae.
a 5aiakr' Attkle.
474 Cortiiercll Ml.
Alrls' liorienti
ttlcrtaisnett Hall
i Ti nnnilalnta of hopkeir which
' are unlvvrl, are attributed to the bane
ful Influence of the Jubilee fiwthltlea.
' ' The numter of country house, parti
! no thlnrwd (he number of Wurt End
Tlir ',u.-i. ' Yrar ff: u tti
poor of Windsor were dtrllnd today
at the Rldlnar srhool at the wuite. Tnere
t were nrary 10l reclpl"nt ruid eb.iur imw
pmin.ta of tef and 100 tone of roa wre
J Tli Tii' " d Ii1m f wit
; rrlrM-MM Victoria of Welre started Mon-
dtay to nay a werk's vlett 1o the Iuke
i nd Iinhr of Ivonire m CbfJ-
' worth. The Prlnr. and Prin.'ep of Wnlet
i will wvtipy the royal apartment in trie
west wins; and Htie mnnolon, founiitn
nisi . .! . t will l" llliitnlna-t-.l Yvil.-h'ly.
Thnrr 1l ih-trt-.ij n whl h Lady
Randolph Churchill will take part; balls
j ami othrr cnlMtAlnm-nt
! """"
i The nrnrrlnce of Lady Anne Cvtitry
mvoikI damrhtrr of the Earl of Covniry.
j to lrifre Phulp Bluah alll take pliv e on
! January 4.
I The Hnltfd mates ambaalor. Colonel
; Jn liny, and Mrs. Hsy are vl(tln: th
I Knrl of I'nt'f ho ' throati from hi
I hr hl.. hiintliss wt( hf 011".
hound. on Monday laat, autainin a frar-
. ture of the collar-bone in.1 injuries anoirt
the head.
an annual Ktter to :lio prii n mtaro
to the
nrln- hrt
ere beHvtd to bo n AmorUii. Amonf
others, furtunns are awaltlns; W. . Clem
ent who went to California In 1S; James
Moffett. wlu on-.ered thfl L'nM Stat. th .-onaular corp.. army
navy n W,: th desi-endan's of John
VhM K- Hn-t it'r:i .v-k'-iimmI if I'm r
".innili, ', K Say. ho nt to A-r.. r.
Miiruin of Montnro; Krwtaii i have to be ampuatted; Max Klatxins;. I
of ate Intercut only. Tonight the r-
Marhh i
rifd ty
IHunco. i'apl.iin-KnraI, n
a numlM-r of hi 3)Hnh pffl
lolltl fi.w. rt
, i aavrewively rembllcan opposition in
ma4rno. laceration of les and mtorna, ' ohlo McKlnly and M,
Injuries: James Thompvm, contumton ,.m. , . . , .
navy 0f fac and body; LudrK Wondenworth, 17. "ZL e'w. -nr"-
i. . .
" ""-i invirrni injuria an laerauon or tne arms. I
i;ii.i room at o'clock
A r.-w At least a doxen othet received minor
I The reauK of rhe caucu shows that
the nominees of Whe Kanna elate art
il.a III lO, .' ltd JOK'V.'l IM.-kup of Wl-
bl.H was oR-nl on ihe tabk and upon j Injury and re artntl. by m-lipVw.lns; i .k . . . . L .
.. ........ t i ... . ' i . rhrt three votfls of electlo.i In the hous
i nit- w inaiin. . ' 'i II 7 ' llllll-Hnr. 1 HQ BCTPIQI POCUITea at
' tti ((um-ii. Che minanhy. an.1
and one vote In the sen, and the opin
ion nrOValla I h t TT a n n. I ' t K. ..W .
Iunlnh trovermnent, pla i iK .hV rlnh: the sidewalks were wrought np to a ptton ,. , ' .
....... ......... - .. i 'ur votes of election on Joint ba lot on
The will of t.e late Airrd X..I-I, me - " ( - - - " '" Wednesday. January 12 nnl. chanires
wd,eh chom,., nd export In tuich ex- "f""" tt.y had been wa.Un, for are mRlUs , MK A.
H-ive, .I.. I . A... Ifmi. Itdyl;' "r-1J;nt """"' mor. than an hour. It threr the Into; repubIlcan cawu, t Wrf
, ... r. . h... -.., ,.rov, d Tn, ,.. r. nJ the h w:; ,d-, a Panic dur,ne wtlch many were trm-p., tor anna wlI nave bat t
I . . . mlnli.tTil to ! othir. To Man, led undnr fjt In their .fTnr'. tn .n . . 1 " ' "
I lirat"- l Alfred Hommonl. of Wst'T
forl. Tea, who ri?lvei W. About
blf jti estatn ko.' to reU-llvw. and the
, rrmutirl. r in (m-rf d tn- li'.-rri. ..n
noally b M? d!vWd Into nve prlxcs ot
about X?W raoh. ITIfw en, two ano
tf.ree are to be awarded to the p.'
maklntr the most Important dlcverl
in phy !.", iyloioy or nw-d-rlne.
Prise four Ik to be siven to the
persons making thj oet literary contn-
i butons on the MihJ.r of phynlolosy or
hhinro's Imiulry: "I'o you swear fidelity an unknown dangier.
i (tn. fh f!" n. and Spanish Irwtltu.
lion?" al repllcl "We do."
Marphal Klanco tlu-n addrewed the o"?l-
"I'onwmilnl by the oath Jut taken,
ill.- xutonwno'M Kovernment of Culu
nough re-
; publicans who will not enter the caucus
to prevent his nomination.
j The legislature now Mruida 75 republl-
l i cans; to democrens, and 5 fuMonixts. r
j China Cant Get It Fast Enough to Sun' the house republican caucus Broste, Kem
I the Demand ani Lane partlcipafd. and are
j i pledged to Alex BoxweU for apeaker.
I Ran FVanrtecn. Jan. 1. A fact slxnffl. ' .lhn T m,ii. t. k,r ,. .M
""jcam or me inaustrtaj Bi'tlvlty of Japan drew Jackson for
roviil drvn-K of Xov.-mli-'r 'A W1
" : i " hu.. ......j 4.p.n urer Jackson for sergeant-at-aarna, and
Z T "t" "" 'o P m connection wit the ;uth cundAu-a for minor places on th.
,.artl.-. to a. h o oe!nS arc a.b-lmand for steamer space on th. ships ticket. Jroae, however aavs h
v'.Mrantr. of that liberal policy, which' the Pacific Mail and O. & O. comDanles.' .-in ' .
'median, and prise five Is to be awardeo '"";''r;' tn ' rime There Is a large amount of cotton f waK-J wlnel.-.y. as he propc-e, to present th.
to any person who has achpn-ed the most
or done the bt thlivrs looking to the
promotion of the cause o." peace tJirous
j out Ihe world. The priin whleh sre open
, to evny pvon nnywhre In ihe wcrld.
wtl be awarid by the vu-oun Kwt.Hi
evcndemh-s. except the prlxe for the pro.
pvtraton of near, w-hloh Is left In the
hands of a co-nmlttoe hl:h is to be
!o Tlie government
tie Inspired by hliih.
p. r.l.. and Just mot
o KtiSly the ic.i'lti.s ..f
?hoill.T I f m tinmen. Ium. . U I . .
J .unmKiii ui name or jMitha r.h .ii... .,v...
xh. conCtlatory. ,m- , flour defined for the same market can- cu,. for .nllor, against ' Hanna. Includ
,v.h. It ... your 'Mityox fln.1 'ui,er spnee. The .,u umty ( ln(f tbs tnrtw there are ffl reouW.
... ,
Sus liiUljA fii ll Three Kloors-Klne Wulc; tioinesof All Kinds: Two
jUi&Ui WJj'W--J'l MastiUlcent liars: Kvrrvll.lnx r'ln.1 fU-; hood
"A - jesis.-gfiwstsljirfc'ssniiiir" order slid Kverybody'a ItlnliU Hlrlrtly obtertrd.
Th Pally Chronicle says rna late Pucn-
of Ti left d-l'U :o ihe .imount ot
i tai.(. moKtly hoi:r-'lio.1 rXM nsi. Tie
expenditure at th White Lodre hlch
I wa the residence of th Tecks. exceeded
' ...... VMn
t appears, me aucness ajiowa-ice, a.w.
by 3000 yearly. Whether the effects of
Uie. diichees will be sold '.o meet t.h. de.
ftVIt depends upon whether the govern-
elerted by the Norwegian parliament.
Th cnclu. in of the Frenrti ;-actns;
..a.! flials M. Mnler. of cl.ocolate
ruimiotaAA Him .m an m.i..
ne iHl ind. Hnd of cotton at present In warehouses and .-,. h rr . .v. . .
-.,ty tho .voi.o.,,.0 .motion, an,t en, on this side and aoross ihe bay ,, , wlth 55 neceB8ary ,0
,!,r n7' ' Jr ,,h' 1,;ro,M n f ! v"" to um : Thr o,y pnt . nblf.
.urov,.l. The tu-e an I welfare of Cuba R. p. JWra-erM. vlce-inwid-nt and Ken. can caucus tonight
form ,h,. best e can m.ikoleral naiuer of the Pacific Mail com.: Gr,inih of cunLont Gp, m of Unl
r?. 71 mh0,"1'' "h h"-'1""' PHny- MX" 'MS fhat flUr Sh'P- Montgomery, are reported
? ' m k ' T n'V"r' mW!" haV bfti" ,i"lay'd n ot lck. and others a, in fusion with the
J.-4ned. will hr,er have no pm( demand for space to carry cotton, democrat, to br what H called th
:,a-. ver ,0 exl-,. (but he fnnclea lhat tne telly is only Hania slate net Monday and one week
... . ..- ,u. w. o,lr iimporary. mis rectnt vt to Hie Orient from
next Wednesday to defeat Senator
fame at the top of the llwt of winners. wls-hes. .n j . rv with heirt full . and the observations he there made. con. Hanna f.u- r-Wtn'
with XM.OftO. The next Is tne vicomti - , v.ncea .inTn cnar ananKnaj ws taking me The antt.Hanna remsbllcan. .n.? A,
m al.vivs .-iw.-iHh. load in ihe manufacture of cotton goods. ' ..rM in iin. , .
Harcourt. X17.-. Then comes Biron l"n-' H
At ".he conc.'i-ion of the cevmony
coiion gooos. crat in iolnt hnni.
Jehiekler with M. the owners -4 n" toiK.-i-ion 01 .ne ctvmony an All signs Indicate a great quickening ot Hn-ri- i ,. fc , . .
1 ,,...r,.i..i -i...-.,i.. ..r 1- ... . . . " vooi-
or r rental steepuw. na.v.fl ... 1 1 . . ...-.)., .... . - au
,1. Alr tli.a.. 1 ciiape or ksh. ,ua-e. pre.-a; kn.t Franci.-vo and pdn of A-a. It
nnan icnsuls. 'end Oriental - Ocrtdental srlll he n
... ..... ...... Ch. .f Sun rranltmi VVh.n iut x. 1 I . v'.i . , h. .hr.utu, . ... .a . - . . . . , .
iy .ni r luinim " ' i iin-u 10 ineti inp im-nnsfu aemanas lor ..niu ihe. h.-n.u. iv. u. . ,
havo taken n.irrclstown. Klldiirc, for the oon'. iMaa-shal rt.inco sliovik 'luierai transiiortation. The fact accepted tha: that rm,h r rm.- .
remalmier of tho settn. Ixdy Ilasketh Ue'a hands ami Oiook ;hem w.irmlv. say- he new Oriental line established by Jap-! ion , ' ,r '
. . j.. .-i.w .lu 1..0. i,. i.a., i-,,.:i. t-i,...i, . . .. . . ',on anJ Mnul. or Montgomery, wlfl
a'"' Y lra,e or Boxwell Monday and elect him.
the first of next September. tt,. membm tram riltum, m. ir.-
New Year
All Our Capes, Coats, Jackets and Dress
Goods at One-Half Price to Close Them
Out. Rare Bargains for Shrewd Buyers.
The Only Store lhat Sells Cheap
Fir Thomas and Lady Hankcth, former.
plete list of caxdMatea for other place
la new i ... . ...
- - -m g I n rnn nrirnn r9 Ha K.u..
at tne elevation of the host, ixc-pt .r.K settlexl that the fleets of the Pacific Mall! Th. , ..k. ...
the ItrltWi and G-rinan lonsuls. 'end Ortenrsi a. fVeid.t.l nil h ! .... . . ' lne
"ill nave enouprr votes Monday to or.
made a brlllhint dtHit with the Kainare nig lit iiKen Kiu.ltw. 'Thank you," a
Vint. She flnbtted n th. front ran distinction -wmk-h the'ral did
and at tJie end of a 90 n.lnulcs run. not fallow on the other conmi.
i At the con-UHon of ihe cerect nles the
There was a dramatio ex-ene at tne , ' captain-general CMiifed the le.wh p, n-
tlonal Liberal club on Wednesday. The " miposeu jwr-ons cnvi.-vxi 01
jlialnim.i called upm Mr. Ghvlirton to common crime
make a speech and a phonograph litime-
.Mutely gave an extra ! frtmi Ihe t tales. I TO All) THK Cl'ltAXS.
man's last speech In th house of lords.
The words were most clearly heard. Mr. Washington. Jan. I. After a consulta-
Oladston. tajd: ton with the sta:e depiu-tmeut ofhelals.
! the Red Croi-s society hai arranged to
"It Is not for the commons to pronouno 0Mn ewad.ioarlern in Xev Tork for tne
Judtmient cn the subject. There is l(Wpln nd forjraidlnj? to Havntu of
higher authority thn the commons. It contributions for the suff.'.lns Outun.
is Hhe Judgment of the nation, wnMoh in
the last resort roust declo." 1 STiarXTOHR S RE1MRT.
An Immense, outburst of applause
greeted the repetition of th memorabl
-The TIhiwiiia In th S.wl tler.W Is V. TV
New Tork. Jan. 1. Mayor Van Wyck
The members from Clinton and Union
are, however, reported tonight as so sick
that they .will be unable to be In their
seats "Monday.
While both sides claim organisation ot
has announced officially the selections for: the house, the opposition to Senator Han-
a portion of the municipal office within , na and .he BoxweU ticket Is tnost dem-
hss Rift. Among ttwtn are the following: j onftrative. The Hanna managers daft
Corporation counsel. John W. Whelan.'that their senator iwl succeed, even If
President and chairman of the board ot! the Rosa-el) ticket Is defeated. The op-
charity for Manhattan and Bronx,
years. John W. KeCler.
Sheriff. Thomas J. Dunn.
Secretary. Charles J. McKehon.
Counsel, JPMHp J. Brltt.
VndersherllT, Henry Mulvaney.
Auditor. Edwurd H. Walker.
District attorney, Asa Bird Gardiner.
Awistanits, James J. Grady, John K.
six position would then have the commlrte
j and the chairmanship and other patron
age alt their disposal, ft is believed Sena,
tor Ranna's chances will not be even. It
his opponents get the organisation o
Governo.- Huahnoll and the enllre stat.
administration took an active part In th
caucus today agulnst Hanna, scoring
Mclntyre. James W. Osborne, Henry democrats and republicans who remained
There arc dlsq.ul,-.lns reports mrardlns:
Mr. and Mrs. Glilone t neaun. inoj- New Tork, Jan. 1. Prof. Leopold Stej-
tten.l. J chnr.1i at Chrintmaa and ap- neKeri 0f the national museum, one ot
peered to bo ntost feeble. Mr, uiaa- (he rnltoil States commissioners sent to, ,.
ston. had to be led to the eommunlon investigate th. condition of seal ".ife in
tab!, whllo Mr. Gladstono was compelled 1ne Rusman waters of BehrlnR sea, has
to ollng to choir stalls on his way there, returned to this city. Prof, atejneger
Mr. Gladstone's sight Is worse. On leav- ,.ft .. ln June ftnj i, headiuorters
tng tOie church he failed to see his oar. were Jn nd heart of the Russian sealing
rKie. inCiUh was only two yards n"ay. istrlcrts. H. said:
"The decrease In the herds of seals
It Is reported that Harr Rlohter the frequent the Russian lslantki is
well known musical conductor of Vienna, Kreat. The cause is pelagic sealing. Take
experts to accept In 1898 a long standing mortality of man, for Instance, at
(Wunger. J. D. McClelland, Stephen 8. away from the caucus. While the crowd
i Blake, J. G. Wafth, Robert Toivnstnd. ' against the oppot-iUon at headctuarters
! are Jollifying, It wan learned that six
offer of a tour In the 1'nlt.d Statin.
compared iwtth that In th. case of war.
Add to this condition of not only the men
but th women, warring against and klll-
! tng one another, and ft Is easy to see
From All -wflmt increase there would be in the mor.
tullty. There are about 1C.0OO seals left
on the Commander island, and still fewer
Rome. .Ian. 1.-Th. -lxtl"ih annlver-wry In the Okhotsk sea. The government
of the poll's first celebration of nwss kills only male on tho Islands, so thaw
w-aj observed at tho Vatican to-lay. i if this were kept up there would be no
The pene otllvf ited at hs own diamond i extinction of seols. The mabs are of no
Iteeclves Rl'ih i'r.epts
Over Me World.
San Francisco, Jan. I. If the present
plain-, of the man iKA- s of .he Paciilc Mail .
Steamship Co. are car.lod ln'o e!t :t tliere
will be built in this city wi:nn a year a
steamship that will surpass in slxe, speed
and elcgan.-e of euqipmnt any r-essel
now in Pa:Iflo waters. It Is asserted on
authority that arrangsuants for butlo-'
Inur the sh will soon be computed. II
In tho present intention to build the ne.w ,
i vessel at a local shipyard and to kIv.; her
i an American reKjt;er. She Is to be some-
what lawv thai the China and win com.
I p.tro fawrably with the big Atlantic
I liners.
democratic members of the house nratt
' also absent from their oamcus. It Is
c'vilmed tha.t these ix demoTalts are op
1HW.1 to -oting for republ-.-ans and want
fo vole for a democratic candidate for
the legislative officers and senator.
Sairta Rosa, Cal . Jan. 1. Tt distlnn
shocks of rart-'i.iu.'tko the mo6?t sever
for many year, shook the residents or
this city and vleinitv shortly after S
o'clock thy ninrnins. No da.mae vi
maiss, the 'mir-l.' belnc furnlsne-.l hy the
choir of 'tOie Slstlne eliapd.
Tlifi holiness had a most r.idlant face. -about on. male H neeaea to every iw
Denver, Jan. 1. The Rocky Mountain)
News on reliable inforrmutlon places the
output of Colorado mines at the follow-1
In. (If IT..' CftC . .11.... . 1 .
old. as their akin are worthless. Only , , :!Z.Z: ' '
..w.irtv, irau, o.oi.o.i; copper, Sl.tMi.XH.
us. after they are three or four years
mis ....Muiess ..... .. . 1 T" , : " " 7 of ... (The estimates of agricultural products Is
and It wa evident ho was enjoying females o that when on. of th. latter
ci llent h.alth. IS KUiea mere oemB an wi ..u...:. i :
He received -01111x10.13 of presents.
eatih in 'the beginning the decrease would
Francis Joseph, of Auxtriu- j amount to little as compared to the ex-
Hungary, sent him Co.cou floulnH In sold, ) tlnction carried on by the pelagic saalers.
O.l ll.Ti' F M'Jl.'PKit.
In a sold casket, nvi tne UC-n reKent ot ine ivuMJian novo. mran
nia.Klve olJ and chusea ' to do nothing in tne way 01 pceveming;
the decrease In seal life. Russia tiaf-
never claimed th. right to Stop soalng as
tho I'ntu-d '.'i.-.n done, i.l thv op.n
Spain sent His lft frjin the 1' States
waa a diamond t-roes.
Prosdei Faure ae w a souvenir vare.
and the present fn.m the sultan of Tur
key was a superb diamond ring. Every
country sent a large contribution V the
sea. An agreement vnkered into, how.
ever, between Russia and England where
by pelagic, sealing could not b carried
on within 30 mile ot th Island. This wai
!.:berfy, ,.o. 1. This afurnoon
'lie Jury In tii-i 1: a of William Foley
for '.lie murder of nil sisicr and niothnr.
i.f'cr being out :i lm.-s and forty mii
n H. retiu-ne.1 a ve. I' t of murder In t:it
Hi st degree. Afir l-.e verdlcr had been
i.y.elved. Judge L'.oad'is send need Foley
f. be hanged rid i;,r. February t.
Royal aaakes th food pare,
wbolesosi and dtllctoa.
iiti Umii
Absolutely Pur
as. msim ronu ee., stw ma.