TlIE DAILY ASTORIAN, THURSDAY MOttLVINO, DECEMBER 30, 18.7. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. 61 TBHMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. bont by mull, per j tur Bunt by iiv4l, por momli .. bervwi by earlier, pi-r monih.. A WEKKLT. Kent by ina.l, jnr wi, in advance. 1'oslalQ frvt to Hubsotibura. " " A.l on.,w.hP..ll!.,a intended for PUbl- cation tdioiiUI bo duicu-d to the eJI-or. Business communications of all kmdi uii.i remittances must be addressed tc "The Astorian." ' 1 The Aitorian euaranlee to lta aub.on Oils oor.lineitt. a:M we n.-.l Itawnll aenbers the laivcat circulation of anyiftml ChM , n,( t;1,( ,nl( H J t.ewopapcr published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. Tbo "Weekly Aatorian, the second old eat weekly in the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Orescnian. th largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland agents, and copies of the Astoriaa can bf bad every morning at their stand, 11' Third street The British keep s. formidable licet In Chinese -watera, and it Is now. evidently under orders from London, moving north. If Ohl: In s. ripe melo.i to be carved v. ith hluroiK'un sworUs, the Briti.h the llou'a share( and they have ihe sea power. After the British pet their share of the- streak of fat torn from the hort rllw of the empire of China, they will be Quite . . ... ready for Hawaii, IX our senators are so uuuiu turn leuious as noi to ixrceive me wide.oien oiiportunity that we now po - sees. The wheat war still ragoa n. Chicago, and the battlefield vC not !e clearclj until after January 1. .x' of the mil- lionalres hts sot to pay hiirti price for j a tremendous amouin of wei n.t i, a few tuiilions. Te protit if the ninniti millionaire n pat gos ,o the farmer,, j Jt t0 Mtfh . Ju9f a9 ,aJid while they can hardly guthrr their j eay to pet rid cf It if you commence f arl full share, they may, a ptiiKwjJiers. ' 10 ne Minute Touch Cure. It cures consent to see that they are paid oa the ' C0X9- wM'- bronchitis, pneumonia and ! VI throat and lunit troubles. It Is p'eas installment plan. . . . , "nt to tak". safe to use and sure to cure. : Chas. Rogers. W" prtsetit th Hawaiian government a t'P. ays the Standaj-iM'nioa. It ad- Wheat can be crown in the Alps at an vised that our senate is an Impracticable '' vtlon of J,W feet. In Brazil at S"0"- body, the thing to do at Honolulu is to organize tlfteen hundred inarkamen from our southern and western states, provide them sasith magazine rifles and good pay, and levy an export tax on sugar to find the state in ready money. A little Amer- lean standing army would serve the Ht- walian republic as a tonic -v. ; -.! A WOUD FOR nsOO STATESMAN SHIP. : j -the "The 'naguiflcent j.te of Texas France of Ame;Ka-woud have been re. fcce. Wis., or Geor?e P. Batty, genial Jectd on the- same line of objection that j agent. ! Stark street. Portland. Or. 1s uiytsj ait the accemance of Ha- j , wai as a territorial part of the United i In 1S70 the Duke of Camera to States." What bosh! Texas L. a part of jpend thousands of dollars a yir ell-t-our on continent, and ai the time of ' ,ng rare stamps. Today his eoll-tno is ""in iran peoineo Dy Imrrmrants rrom the oulhrn states. Besides this, the people at Texas 'were anxious to cpme In. Hawaii n over two thousand miles from our ooast. It his a monirrel off color ixpu:ation. and tcW petition to an. nex comes from a handful of uurpng j lanaee iarjt-.ia;.?er. Nashville Amer- i lean. In anrwer to 'the above ihe Standard Vnlon says: "The Hawaiian Iisjards American hmispher. are of the Teogranhicsllv ' t'ney belong to us. The world has been made more and rKire a-ceysible to Its In- ! habitants year by year. and the great ra tions are lookinc out for v.tu.ible terri. tory. Rjj-sla grows rapidly, and open ing with the Siberian railroad a n.w wheat area, and she hi possed Port Arthur, where there Is all the y-.-.r navi gation, and wir never give it tip. She U as certain to May thre as Enand in Egypt, and that Is as c-rtajn as Prance In Algeria. The H.-.-.v ilian Mands are th. who8e ilver s ln g00J condition. DeWitt i greatest prize to be had peaceably that Little Early Risers are famous little pills the world contains, and we the people of j t0T nstIpatlon, biliousness, indigestion the United States .would be on h sr -uh ! and a" tomach -, ver troubles. Chas. ..... Rogers. the wild asse of the desert If we iM rot accept the tnot already In our basket. As Beautiful lips are those whose words for nrt In a iwsitjon t0 defend Hon-, Leap from the hea-t like sones r,f birds, olulu, we must bo In form to take eare!y,'t v-'"ose utcrance prudence girds. of ourselves by and or .- Our fie.-t must be Inereruii'J. We mns-t st-ip fw';,? away money on oree, and improve the four treat hnrhore nnrl r..n.,,.. ' 1 tent docks. We must en,;.r,-e our policy ny one nf ;:,e preat powers. We sho'tld hae a treat frtrej:.- awl harbor sr-1 nr- se-nal on (he greater ot the Hands the Hiwnllnn archljw-iao, and w- -honid ' have annlher on our Ncrth-rn Prm, Islands 'he one iuare.t Japan, pre dent Grant w.vs rl'it and the res. of us I were wronfr nlout a fortress, harbor, rr Sfnal ami doek In Pi. Pornint'O. The old wh'tr party iv.-is wroiwr. ,.nd the democralic party rb-ht, in the. policy of annexation that ad led Invaluibb- territo. rv. 1anl -I W I. -f r. th.- kti at.- t of An:- r Ican stateftmen, was Just in. tjme to save a piece of Oregon. He wan sleepy and slow to arouse. K. Polk was a wiser man than Henry Cay about Texas nntsiatlon, nnd Andrew Jackson bed ihe real Amerlraln instinct about that. Jobn Qulnoy Adams and Charles Sumner early In their lives sanv what a storehouse of wealth Cu1 was, and in the careers of our statesmen, Interest In Cuba marks ' the high level of attainment. It fc untoe- '. cwmlnsr to talk of monrro( races. Tnere are tfiree of our states where the blacks ontiiiimber the 'White. lo the black rule the.n? Are they to be SVld In con tirtit or valued low down btvauee nil the people are n Anglo-Saxons, 1V, llnn earlans. Italians, or of other Kuropran raves? There shouM be n order of gg'sitnlcMiminshl,) In the south cnrrylnK the 5i' politics of the notion beyend the conccp. I n of the days before the swtfi Mvnm- 1 1 cm v.n all the the transcontinental I rallroitiH the wires that are spun over J the land anvl through the oceans, ma le tl.r ureal ghibe we Inherit one n.iKhbor. hood. We Jo not vj to or rare lo en- of m 1nU.l..ll,n 'n,t! ; !,r,ml ""H" ' Kwiv In Asia, , Africa and Autni!a, or even South ! I I A merlon; tut we are the dominant power territories."' ATTKAOTIVK WOMKN. j Why Is one woman attractive and an otner not? Tlie most udmlr.tKe uM at. j tractive thin nboiit an t!racttv worn-: an W her wonwriUn-ss. Everybody ad- ' mirji a womanly woman. Sh nv.nt have' health, of ,vre. becauM" t she' wh;U1 o. the bp.shrness of hr eye the j fullness of her oh ks, ai d her vv.vlty. I UeH hisijth must mean a wwiftut ! !s rtally a woman. That .-.he Is ?tnnv and ' perfect i:t a ixtiji way, as well In ' every other Ttiat she is cnihle of p-r. forming p-rf.vtly the .liitit of niatern- ! irv. Some are Nun with what 'a caJled i "o.wistitntional weak:ie." Th'V who! do not enloy perfe.-i health. :ie.M only tAke the rmivr ir.-Aiif m I td. ' i proper reme.1v to become iwfeetly well I an-l stronsr. Dr. Fl tve'i' Favori'e rre- j ; rption enre any dTa-ijrtwenf of , ,h ""r feminine orcnism. i Send H cents n stamps to . . ,. .Worlds Pis'l'esw Mnlical Vss.vlntlon. Buffalo. X. T.. an.! r-ceive rr. rieroeV ' l' pape "Common Seiw. Mr.llcal Ad I -i-r." ilustrate.l. S many bom. so many die.) t.Miy- ThOiisan ls of anfejs rssinK up and down They come to us. they no to wear their crown. ' And kpn "twlxt heaven ar.1 earth an open way. M. E!;uhoih iro:!se. In the Caucasus at s.i) and In Peru and Bolivia at 11 .". A PLEASANT EXPERIENCE. ; A few days ago a charr.ilng young lady who was traveling alone between St. Paul and CTslcatro. was accosted he a handsome gentleman, who invited her 'to dinner with him. "Certainty, Mr. i Carson."' she replied, "for the Wlsconi'n 'Central lines have the best dining car i rervlee In the world: I shall be deHrht- ti." For fureher particulars call on the nearest ticket agent, or address J. C. Pond. believed to be the flnw in the xo.-Id end ts valued at J'..riO,iy' Mrs. M. B. Ford, RuddeM's. I!, suffpred ii uiu ilr-yep-i?, aTKl chronic constipation, and was finally cured by using DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all atom-1 ach and liver troubles. Chas. Rogers. Qu.'en Victoria owns sj drees manufae- turen entirety or spioersf webs. It vas a prf-nt from rhe late empress of Brazil, "rno ,'ai !t a Prepared In her ral- lace by twenty native silk -corkers. TO Ct'RE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure; ? For sale by Charles R.,g-rs An even cubic foot nf average soil was weighed and analyzed at Cornell univer sity. It was found that the soil n one acre one foot deep weighed 2,0214 tons. Pmsne-rltv i-fimpi n il loi ... ,h. mBM ne Mlnute Cough Cure cures quickly, That's what ycu want! Cha?. Buyers. Isn't it strantre how ften you will ! meet a pern after you have ben Intro- I d'jeed 'when you cannot remernber ever ! iaviri'- seen th -ii lieforj that ceremony r,ccurrt'J' wmim I-. 'taut i-: t i..r ;.Y i-v,r i.r -I t,;;iii.-s and r".t for t.r'.l r. i 1 a vim h:i'li w, Ii "i Tt'-i-m ji,.f. ate! a f appl.itiMi of rTHTUA O.ilitiueiC), t!:e f,'t'-at skin CMt'. Tun only spee.'v a-i I f.i'toinieal tn-atment for Itchia-, I. :t . -. ; ' I'imply litnnoi ' .ami I.I., .1. EASY ELL mm c Is ao(t th" K 1. r' u lei V Before Retiring.... ,.ilce Aycr'a Tills, niul you will slcop lu itor niul wake in K-tter cotiilitioii (or the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Tills have no .a;u.i1 as a pleasant ami effect ual remedy (or constipation, L)iiio'.isr.css, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyaSix'scxperieneed in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Tills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. MARINE NEWS. TiJe tatle for December. 1897 iuiiii w rK " low watkh i HAl'K A H. V. M. A. . h.mlR. h.inin. h.m ft. h.m n Ve,iti.i .i a :i. ; .t j 01 o l.t 1 i in n I hur.dny : .'lul liol'.' i l.l . I .1 .'.'? I i -.I I .'I- .' s .1 '.' I ".o'i'o! . ..I 0 n k i I 'a'ui'itav.. t !l? in.iTi,;! .i.'i .'l'l sr.M'AY. ' loie. 7 . II.Vi.:., l.V .iii Monday.... t! in v.' u Its l'U'-'lav.. ' oss h ; m: (0 Wtli-.I'v. 1 7 1 r.MOI .' H t i' 4 J 1IiiipIiiv."J I .! 7 I 1J II I 7 JO I I Friday. i; in 7 .1 ll.'m, TV II Satur'la..ll ." .'.7 7 1 ilo s y I : si'M.Y.i: .;." 7 i ii-;: sm u Si; '.1 11 Tin-'lay ...H i .i 7 ; :i i: T o m Oi t T eitiool I'i 4 V. 7 4 it; MV. .Ii 5 ai 7 n :i.".7i liitii 7 15. (1 . TuJ S III oi s Jill I S'On.i 1 11 4 til in 11 1 hi .",; 1 1 !.'!l Knduv i; 7 T i0 Saturday. .W 7 js s slii -I Nl Y.l:' vi lorn i. i MnHliv.....Xi !." lIllTn l I n . i We'ln-d V .'.' Mil, 7 I ll Is it I Thursday i.i 0'.7 6 lima ". Krtda .1 1 a o 1.' 'Jtiii J- iii sr isai si nhaY i h I r, se Mimdav... j: s ti 11 ,t-i 1 us i 1 0 i Ji j.i 3i s; 4 :t y j ;ti 4 o i: a ; 7 I 1 s s l) .x J !iuu I ' I .; si, 1 ! 4 ii 0 .1 n it Ii .'.I 1 3 ; 1.' 1 7 s 1 T ii I : i 'in. i'.ni id Own Tu.-m1.iv j. 411 I JiTI lull iii la 41!' aimxi ." A' - ilj; is ili.l,. Tint riluy . 11 ii ; ) ii i 1 li i I Friday si i 4 : Ti 7 ii . u M i 1 a4 I 0 MARINE NOTKS. One four-masted ship, two three-masted shiiw and a three-masttxl si-hooner were reported outM'le ytaterdar. The BntLsh bark Dundee, Captain Jar- san f.Tnnes.-o. N. 1. Mills, San Franris vkt. SO days from Hogo, In ballast, ar. : p,, iiy, -rwe. IS. rived In yeil-rday afternoon. na j I0n(. ..,,.., w ton. I Sin Francisco , 1'ee. II, N. p. M1N, The State smled ysterday moinlnv g,1n Francisco bav for San Franucisco. Among her freUfht from this port was V ca-ses of salmon and 130 sacks of outers. ' I The Oriental liner LumlKuxl arrlvol from Portuid yetitenlay e'enlng and an. chored a the stream. She carries a val- uahle carvo amotntlnr to f.M.i..). The : lamest part of her canto s W bale of cotton, weighing 1, 518,0") pounds and val. ued at 15.395. Sh has 13.3Ti0 barrels of flour valtil at tW.U", In addition to this " ---'"'-""' mii'..i.n tn freltif, consisting of shooks, paper, nails, i stav- Mis anl heads, Ktted Ner and 1 barrels of beef consigned to dlfferont ports In the Orient, part of It irolrig to Calcutta, ami Colombo, Ceylon. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA The foilowmg vessels ore bound to the ! Columbia River, with name of master. rationality, rig. tonnage, where from 1 ana elite of repor:ed rallfc.g: uwrge oietson. aiurpny, Am en, I.vs tons, Baltimore, AufUBt t. Drumburton, Spurring, Br bk, 1773 tons, Swansea, July 8. Cambrn King, Hjuisen, Br sh, lea tons, Shanghai. Dovenby Hall, Whlckhm, Br sh, list tons, Liverpool Ben Voiriloh, Abler, Ojt sh, 1407 tons, Santa Rosalia. Springburn, Rae, Br bk, 2M0 tons. Cape Town, September 29. Durbridge, McLauchlan, Br ib, 2121 tons, Table Bay, September 17. Poltalloch, MoLeod, Br bk, 21J9 tons. Table Bay. Otago, Esk, Swd bk, S70 tons. Ham. f bur?. Co.-iway Catle, Jones, Br sh, 1591 tone, Valparaiso. Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 21W tons, Taku. Variduara, Beavan, Br bk, Ml tons. j Alifoa Bay. Xenpark, Irish, Br nil, ','J9 tor.s, Hio'l'J'nhia mlnlti cattipa !"or maps and 1 Janeiro, August Tt. 'il' Leonard, Ur bk, .'i.S tons. atcutia. O'-nevleve, Toutfe, Kr bk, '.'HI tot.s, Hal- 1 P hir. ir, October 2L I H'nry Vlllard, Pattt-tt, Am sh, 147 j tors, New York. fJctoher 14. j Ole-ron, Gully, Ur bk, WA ion, j Newejiytjo, Ausnralhi, O':tole:r 8. j Jacques, Eernada, Fr bk, 14' tuns, Ma- I Junda. I Indian Empire, Allen, lir bk, I.vIS tons, S'alfM ralso. Jiipltler, Funder, Dan sh, lord tons, To. Kol.ama. f:hemHford, Thomson, lir bk, 21117 tons, '.'ape Town, October 9. flty of Tork, Jones, Itr sh, 1K7 tons, Hyd.iey. Iloppett, Tork, Rus eh, l.l'JS tons, Port Vital, 8-ptember 'i. McMillan, Guthrie, Er sh, J4M tons Yokohama llo rlette, Seaman, G;r sh, 1705 tons m-hal. Lakemba, Bndherlng, Br bk, IOC? tons, r-"re mantle. c:an Robertson, Pill, Er sh, 1140 ton Santa Roealla. Hrltlsh General, Thomas, Br ih, liBO ons. Newcastle, Australia. Mldns. Miweniicr, Hr bk, 1U Ions, Naiiasakl. YAlurl, llrown, l'r h, li:!i on, New. castle, Australia. Hornby Caaile, lit Is lit. Br ah, 137S lona, A.hWilile. Jordon 1 1 111. Walker, Br bk. 17 tons, Melbiiriv. IVrt Caleilonla, Anton, Br bk. Sl ln Nai'Hsnkl. Ktntnek, IVrrelle, Br tr. tssi Ions, Yokohiimn. Amatii, Kent. Br s'r, tons, Hon kot ir. Alexander Black, lMititi. Br bk. !S1 ton-. Antw-rp. Wat Ion. l 'rlts. sh, ?i'T? tons, lttos l ord Sli.iftb'try, Outinlnishain. Br ah, j :".7.l ions, Svdtioy, Bristol, Molnlyre. Br Mr, 1774 Ions, - San Francisco. j rml"e. (itt'ii.itm, tier IT;w ions. Yo j kohnm.t. Aai io Thoma 'plioni im. Br h. Kill ton. Bon rir!- AliiU'ta, Thoto.stin. I'.r t'K. 17'3t tons, Newcastle. Vus'r.i'.la IVTor l5i, W nor-. Wivtet I'ever. iTer h. J.V tons, HonKkonir. AMckland. J :. l'r h, Ilk", tons, A le. laid . t.ydcate. Forrest, Br tk '.Mst tons, Shaiir.'m. iTIonhil. Taylor. tr sh, lvl tons lto sl Uoa.ts Oront s. Ban. Br 'i, l."'t tn. Syxlm y. St. Fmvh. I.arl. Br nr. fiv; ton-i. ShaMchal, Wl-ulrnsh. Walker. IV t k HU tor. A l--lalde Ortrud, Itutj. i'i r -h. 1l"i tons, Sin'.i I!-nla. A'i'-. K'lhtaiarn. '! h. :'; ton S.irta Bos Ha !thsdi:- ,teens.. B- I'k f'V. toti N"ac:tsxik. iff. Morgan, . w o'ist', An sir i!a. Korrhb.'ink. Beterson Br l.v;; t.ins. Br bk re tons 1063 tons. r..TKh'nt( '! nsld. IMvies, Br bk. Honolulu. Vuritan. , Br sir. .VJS tons), Klob II ISIr.-hoff. S.hwnrtii'.,-. Her ship. ton. Melbourne. Nov. ". due February. I'ak I.linr. Allen, Tr s r. 2C1 tons, Y -ki'h.itn.1. Bee 1?. due l iMiti-y., W Inter. Br bark. W3 tons, Alcoa I5.iv. . .Tones Br hark 14it tops. Bn-batie. ., i'ai:'ln tan I'rlwe. - tons. M llmurne. . ...... B- f-htp. I7T5 Hr ht. 11.19 7!i lops, rtoy- . ll I'I .1 'It'll.". tIJI,(!,I- tons , A nlv.iTp. itor, B'-w Br -hi.' ;, iJ.,a.l-, , I : i I.l MBKIt Fl.KBT. ! V-e I on the Way and In Columbia B!v r to Load I, timber. Iitira May. llan-n. s. hr, ITil tons, 8ij Franclsx-o, November II. I.etlt'.a, Stnkkohye, sehr, 131 tons. 8nr. Francisco, November II. Tenklo Maru Kaneko, Jap bk, llt tons. Yokohama. ieuo.i, , schr, XIi tons, San Fran- elsi o. Echo, . bgtn. (M ton. Tientsin. Knappton. North w est, bktn, 490 On 5, Son Pedro. Portland. Edward I'.irke, Johnson. s-hr. 140 tons. irteetion. stm. IHT loi.s. Moose uinitur. . V. P. Mills. Morse Land. n TO CCHE A COI.D IN ONE DAY T.k. tj,-..!... promn Ontnin- t.i AM .irulsts refund the money If It falls ( t0 cure. Fur by chtrWn Rf)f jr 1 The lake of I'.-amla, In Persia conlaia .,. . ., ,h .h .i.,..h ,,.,. yt T .f ,v ,n elitht tlmi-s as mueh as HOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. At this time of the year a cold Is very easily contracted, ard If left to run Its course wlthcn.1 the aid ot some reliable cough medicine is liable to result In that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Rem. dy. We nave UBed it quite extensively and It has always given entire .sallsfactMi.-Olagaij. Ind. Ter. Chief. This Is the only remedy that Is known to be a certain preventltlve of pneumonia. Amonr the many thousands ho have used If for colds and la grippe, we have never yet learned of a slrwfle case having resulted ln pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an at tack of pneumonia, should keep (he rem edy at hand. The 2S and 60 cent slsea for sale by the Estes-Conn Drutr Company. Alabama wis settled by the Fren"h fn 17'5. It. was ceded to Great firl'aln In 17C3, and was admitted to the Union In 181 J. North-tn Pacific railroad trains leava f'ortltin l dally at !1 o'clock a. m. f r Tacotna. P,.ol ano, and He Eaef. CI !)) Ion made nt Spokane for I'.oes- 1 I lard. X'-lsim, .S.ando.v and nrltUh Co. Iriformatloti e;, i n or address C. V. f-'T'i.Vr:. Astoria. Tir. It la the heart r.nd not the brain, That to the hlifri-t doth attain. Bele-te.!. I When KOlntj Ram travel on the North- ! ern l.i' I'lc I'.allway. Qnb k time an I the fi'-v li'ii. runrlnir dlnlntr rtirs Trail ei'.',.j . (:. ntt dallv ft II n'eirirk a. m. Th': riumiier of ."tats pictured on the latent KnKllHh and flerman photographic utilises Is about C8,X,000. After hearlnir some friends continually pral ine Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Ana helm, California, purchased a bottle of It for his own ue and Is now as enthusl " j n ' astlc over Its wonderful work as anyone o, Pnn r,nm, an(1 j ,, Mare enoiufh to frlKl.len Iho K-nulue ar can be. The a and DO cent sizes for sal. Rf tf!f hav)n)f uwfl H f i. Into spasms. by Estes-Conn Drug Company, V.'ear 1 wreath of roses In your hair at the theatre In place of a bonnet and you 'will be conaldwed quite up to date arid the envy of your acquaintances. Z-:' " AVcCcUilorrcp.iralionriirAs slmilaiiui the Kwl.iiulHt'vMila ling ltc Slomat hs niul 1 Wwels of Promolcs PiklcslionA'Ik'crriil nc.s nml KVsl. Contains mitlkT 0mini.MiirphiiH' nor MuickU. Not Nahcotic. rim SmJ- JtxSun ' I VulM XJh - ,sws Jk4 ( AnorfVcl Rcinedv fnrf ontlirvi lion. Sour Stonirh.niiitho. Worms .CouvtilsioiLs.Jexvrish ncss and Loss OF SLEtl. TacSiinilo Sivjtiiilure of NKW YOWK. niiMiiiiii i iii i I i Mmi.uP,Mhkmt, ti tXACT COPV Of WRAPPER, & .V (-: 11 I UK - .' -J .""Wl.! 1' 1 1 & J. A. FASTAHEXD- MOUSK, IIUIIIliK AM) WIIAKF Hl.'ll.nKK IIOUMK V - L'liiitliiatl'ifi. 1 1 Vv J n, sniil Jisuliarve. Btl -ll' T' T inniiiiwwi iis-w wiisaviuiei,uiiiisni MM ZS p? IE ''41 a tin of a lmm ymneti piik-Uii,wlil qukkiy rurliuui'l all iie H 'i v - 1 fr 1 '! ut Um tiirsus urjcajia, we ll u Ul Msi.h.s.l II i Jlf V . 'jl Insomnia. I'Una In Uls) It 'k,Haimlhal Kmual'ins, Servisn lapblUU, I 1 tmal t-SOL, I'lnmln. laillLiiBa Iii Murr. KlIisiMtlm DrsliiK. Varma-s.1 Sist r 1 w ti J 1...... all llish.irmrsnl liupolswr. T rl : eleaiMU UmUt (, U4 IIBtrOB. MDSriin kulnersainl thllMiirTorinul all Impuiiusa. ri- riltttSJK strerifinetissriii nuirssjinii wsim ,i.b,is. . , Um if mm siifTrren, ft rn not ciirssl b lus-iors is bs iie ninety per "Ml ars inmMMi wtn Mftjtllll. (TIM OKN KIS tlierwity known fsm-1 r unir without an sinill,Ki. iwiellB.Mil t!c A written n.rsnre. fiven ini m'i-T jUJOa Nji. ii l..r t uj. ii milt it'"! ''' f aaat AddrtM Ual'UIi JieICI3l5 tO,r.(X 1. HAH Hoi.ERH. 4CI I count llf.i Ju; to try the soul s strerictli on -Robert l!r . r.ltii - - .... Mrs. Marv IVr l II .inrlsburv. I'.i , f a s, "My "h!Id ts worth millions to pie; yet I would hav.. ,,si her n ernup had I not Invested twn'y.Mve cents In n bittle of f)n Mlnu'e (""oiuih ''nr cohls and ai! throat 11 Chas. R'igert. ' It cups roughs, tl l i'irf troubles. A man thin let !i- can "! a warn in .hc is untni'ihf'il. tlekle. frivolous and aiiv thltig else h" 'i.iip"tn jo Ihlnk of when he is aiurryi iuid sh" ;nr.t sml'liiirly llstin and fortfirt all .tboui the hurt when he gets KOssl and 'ei,y t,i make ip. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O, was fir thirty years needlessly tortured by phy sician for the cure of eczema He was qulekly cured by usin- reVtt's Wlteh Hazel Salve, ih' fitnotis heilltiif salve for pile and skin diseases. Chn Roi(. If 'llM-re I '"r ft ""m,in to a-rateful nbout the faet that h dm-sn't have to earn hir own livimf by siwn. -hie buttons otirht lo make up f'C- n '- oth'-r 'rials she has 10 endure . Mls- Allle Hinrhes, Norfllk, Vn., was frlKhtfully burr.ed on Ihe face and neek. Pain was Instanty relieved by Hewitt's Witch Hazel Balve. which healed Ihe In- Jury without lenvlnff a scar. It Is the famous pile remedy. Chas. Rogers. Tn the petit pu!.i -ail, in ut the R. rlln A en demy of finl-n.v-s, Professor n rni 1 . n hits an a.rtlio In which be rm.Brtni i the observation of rr. P,randes that f ) i r-,ssble to make the X.ravs vlslbe t ,he : eye. Don't bo pctuiaded Into buvltur lint, ments without reputation or merit-Cham-berlaln's Pain Balm costs no more, and Ms merits have be proven by a test of many years. Such letters nit the follow Inir from L. O. Pnitley, trueneme, Cal., are constantly benr received: "The best remedy for pain I have vr used Is . . . . . my family for several years." It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swelllnjrs. For sale by the Estes-Conn rrur Company. White evenlntt slippers are not worn as much as pale colored ones, save by bride. SEE THAT THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE OP IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLaC OF Caatorla It p it en In cn-,ln bottles only. Il is d n'lj I t ba.a. Pou t aiU' , tr g,, a., joa (St CI ii t. nU I i ba'.k. Don't aiU' :Jin to h11 promlM that It antirvr svsry piN B-T0S-1 1. Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The Nnrlli I'acitlo Hrewiiry, of wliicb Mr. .Inlin Kiipp is proprietor, miikos Iwr for ilotncslio niul exMirt trtiilo. ll.itlle.l Iterr fur family use, or ken beer stipplii'il at any lime, deliver) ill lliu city Ire. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY General Contractor MOVING TOOl-H HKNTHI) CUPIOCNC" trm trt Vrasiahlt sUili all lisiaes lir lsr or ntsliL I'rsveliU til. K whk-h If nutrhsw-We,! 1ml Ui HnernislerrlMMk ssta ' ;-' v m . m - lirular and luatiiala. llox xm, Bsfl Krmjwkro.Osl. -anis. Commercial Street. 1 .lust the w..rd know you are un the nmll. lll, ,uul l lwn't I ine 'iii to 1 1 who are your real friends. i I Ho tliorouirn l the excellence of Ayer'st Hair Viir ir chut I1 clin r1,'n betie. lit by uny person, no matter what may be tbo eondlllon of lh hair, nd, In eviry case, It occasi,ns mtlsf.ictlon nnd Pleasure. In a. i 1 1 1 1 n to the henedt whleh ltn-ar.iby comes from Its use. The lin e s turn! As vleto- I am hailed With f 'itfi-nfiu, "lim-rs ifrom -nter throats; and yet madder the victory ciml'l I fonfi"! The s'ranl while fae.-s ut Ihe men who flllledl -Jiilll S' hnyer, In Ci-nlury. To the B,'cd, with lher poor nppellle, feob circulation, and Impm-erlshcd boo.l, Aytrs 8arsnmrla Is a boon be yond price. Its effect Is to cheek the rav- ajfes of time, by Invlgoratlmt every'- e. In the world (ran, nerve nnd tissue of the body. Bee Ayer's Almanac for His new year. Aecordlnif to NIkxii, tie' zoologist, tin weight of Ino flrwnland whun Is 100 Inns or Xl.Oofl pounds, or eiia In tlmt of RN ei-phnnts or I0 bears. Mrs, Stark. Plensatvt Rldite, O,, says "After two doctors (rave tip my" boy lo die. f saved hliil from croup h unlnu One Minute Couirh Cure.1' It Is the quirk ert nnd most certnlt, remedy for coughs. eolds nnd nil tbront nnd lunir troubles.1 Ch.ii.. Roiters. A niiMmni thistle nlno fet In clrctim- 1"nr r-Wy fo.inl irrowtliuf by ,h" wayside n Ihe Snn! Fe valley, Vew fsxlco. To nrtlfi-aly bbwch th" bnlr will de stroy Its (tnio'ih; but If Hie hair Inclines to irrnyness,, atisisl nature to arrest )t with Hall's Hnlr Renewer. Tli'we horrid pudtry, IdlotlcpMiklntr dollf snppoM'd lo bo perfect reprodulm OI rial balies aro on Ihe mark"!, but they TO CT'RE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drunrlets refund the money If tt falls to cure: 25c. For sale br Charles Rogers. GO EAST . .'.VIA . . Library Car Route AMICIllOA'H HlM'lNIO LINK. Mr sis Koik llalUst Dual niiiinti Tlia all rail rouln to Koolnnal mlnlnf district, via Hostile and Hpokane Shortest and Quickest Line s I s St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth. Chicago AND ALL ItilNTH KAHT Through Palace and Tourist Weepers, IMtiltiM and Ulnar y DtMhsrva. tlon Car. Onlly TrnliiM see Font Tlmo HKKVII'K AMI WHNKKV I'.N K.Hll'H.KI' Tor llckela and full Information call on Ssfvnt t. It. A N, Co. or aridrwM A. It. C. tilCNNIHTON. C. V. T. A.. Portland, or It. O, KTKVICNH. O. W. V. A.. HeatUe. TIi rough Tickets Tt) THE UAST AM) SOUTH I -AST VIA 4 a ..I PULLMAN' PALACI3 RLKICI'EltH. TOUtlBT HLKI7I'I3I(H and riUCE ItrVMNINt) CIIAIK CAn Daily to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern ClUns via Uhor South- orn Pacific or O. II. A N. Co. Only Line From Portland Offering l'swrngers the cthope of Two Tourist Car Lines (brutish to ChlcaMTu, Specially Conducted I:cursions Via Rhaata Houto to Chbaga svery Tuos- day. MugeUsTn o)ieckd Ihrouirb to dss tlnaliun. MaitnltleCTit simiery. union dnt, fast lime, lownt ratsa. Pints, h Hiiht In nil curs For rates and other Information, call on or address n. W. IIAXTKfl. O11I A"nt. IK Third St., cor. Alder. Portland h Sj "'" e-s- ysS'S"! mm Ili Sjirinix, A rkii h,siim, i n oooil place to no to in winter. iSliortcst line is tin- Itiiilintiin Uoiitc Write fur infuniiiiliun nliuiit fa I nml (rains. Tickets at offices of connecting- linen. A. (SIIKI;!)()N( !m. w;il Atfcnt, iNirtljiml, Oiv.roii hrw -rrt ttrmrAf Aboluttlr In known tu eti ftriroN4i(in. iVrtnaufnt 4rr in I IV li Mt Urt. W ff fnn'1 nnn if np ih nnf rum, Yin ran irtifw t li'iiutt fur I h uiintt prlra ami iiia naittts , fffiT In rnmn Itnin wm ron 1 1 art Ut or tr nisrnHifr vnm I n if, ni hotrl wn fll to r.nrutd bill-, ami Chars, ff flnr. It ytitl Vrl Ufci'll m l)lJotMlaNari4 (HI liar 1 mrwn aiu In m'nith.Httrr Thrntil, fit Mnwla, I li'tr en (ttijr .yUmmm fHllfng out, rV-t mm (I arr or 'I rrtlmry Cuamniri tomitt Wm atr ruti'i ami vhallrny fa a nut rurtv 'J iiia iT taa abMI of (h mmI for fnah virH tfaliavt (aim. Mucous. I'alraaa llMplra,4'onrr-4 iilap n id inn iMHiy j ly II- rl bm r.llalrxf tun 1'rln.arr. lllo1 I'iiIwih that wa 4-H il Mm niiial ablla ihf wurld fr raa wa Ims itlwafa hafflrll aralnrnl phvalrla-a. inuli- a iHilaliy of I . rilll.I NK ami w liavo 9500.000 ranltal lhlnil t.ur iiitimiliilinl fruamnuiv. Wiltauafor lOO.putfr ImhiIi anU liuUt roofa. A'l(1rtsa 4 OOK llVtl M ( o., Wnaonlf IVnifilr, 4'lilniKo. Illlnotf Molfs Nerverine Pills The grei remedy for nervous pros tration and r - 1 imrt -i a 11 nervous 'JT. diseaaei of the y.i- X4?il. ' generative or- 'If Z' 'iLloia. AND AHI.H tHINu. an, of eithef lex, such as Nervous Prostration, Tailing or 1.. Ml I I I . mi. . . . ium iiaiiiiui)o, iiiipoitiicy, iNiphtiy tjTiis sions, Youlhful Errors, Mental Vorry, ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which kid to Consumption and Inj&tiity, $1.00 twr box by maili 6 boxes for $5.00. i o irtmioAi. tu., rrop s, Cleveland. Ohio. For sale by Estes-Conn Dnur Oo.