The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 21, 1897, Image 2

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TWephone No. 66.
TBKMS OF emitWKirrioN.
Sont by mail, per year
Bent by nvMl, per month
Served by carrier, per mouth.
. .A
Sont by mall, per yir. In advance. ...K.
l'oittiLbM free to wibscrltxTS.
AU cj.nmiuiicatloiia Intended for publi
cat, on should bo directed to the editor
Businesa communication of all kind.
and remittance must bo addressed tc
"The Astorlan,"
The Atonan guarantees to its swb-
M-lhcra the lamest circulation of ani
published on the Columbia
Advertism ratca can be brtd on apptl
cation to the business manager.
pho Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the mate of Orivon, has,
next to the i'crtland Orepjnjan. tht
laJ-ge! weekly flrvulation in the state.
John T. Handley & Co. are our Portland
agvnta, and copies of the AstotlAr. can be
bad every morning at their stand. IS
Third etreet.
Tht amall boy who otxJinnrtly pwt fii.
InR oil Sunday his rwvntly been a faith
ful attendant at Subbath "viool. Those
hy who have been faithful all rhroush
the yer cnrtai.ily are entitled to the
bircest bap of candy or larjrest tfn
horna on ths Chrift-maa tre.
The jnerue of 12 9-10 per cent. In postal
receipts In Nownnber ot this year as
compared with November of Ust year.
takh-iK fif y of the larfr.t office., la proof
of the rising prosperity of the people.
There ia no fcetter Index of t state of
the country than the poetal revenue.
Since the secretary of war has de
cided no purchare all atipplloa for the
Klondike relief ntitead of accepting dv
reitlons, tihTO is in opportunity for As
toria merchants to hM for a portion of
the business wheh ohoiild not be lost. We
have sev-Tal estaWlfhments (hme
whk h can do business wrth any of thetn
on the cottju. and Astttrla should "have
exone of I'ncle &tm's pa-ronnpe. In ship
building os-i repairs to poverninent ves
sels we have b?n successful. Certainly
we can sell pork and beans as well as
any one else.
The Post-Int&IIiencer of November Xth
contains an editorial under the heading.
"Tbe Flttfst Wjll Survive." The article
deals with the question of commerce
aeekine its legitimate channels after the
passing- of the Klondike rush.. The Miner
baa deprecated the action of ike P.-I. In
bellttHng Juneau and pointed out thst
Seattle was prasplr.K at the shndow ard
misslnir the substance. The wholesale
trade of Alaska mxans more to -a city
ttan the temporary outfitting tumas
and in reaching out for this, to the ex -
chisVrr, ot the city clearly entitled to a
fajr share of It. the permanent business
will be lost. The p.-I. says. "It s ur-'
sctni; nect-ssnr tnat tseartle do not Iosimore certain than many rr.'di. -ni . which Oaptan Z Atys from Am Fran
alght at the vt Importance to the fu-jare so atrnnir that they put the system cisoo, arrvtsl In yesterday
ture of this permaner.t trade con-nee t ion ! all out of order. The (n-eat advantace of,
with Hie north." This- kt the expre.t J the "Pleasant Pellets" Js that they cure The F.ritUh slilp on K x k und the
opinion of the Miner, which reflects the : permanently. (British .'hip Wa.Iale. wh-rit !.id--n fur
sentiments ofthe comnvetviJ worM ofi
Alaska. That Seattle's vision with re. !
epect to the future has been obscured
there can be 110 questtlon.-Ala-'ka Miner, j
The timely warning- n tOie above from
Juneau to Seattle may be wof.t, the at
tention of Astoria mepcihnm. "Whether
ft b belter to cater for the retail trad
or outfitters or the wholesale trade of
orr ,s ,he point at Issue. As. '
torla merchants have already established
eome wholesale trade h Alaska, bat it
la vwit nMtiaV.1.. .1 ...
. ura. m,-y win tnrow over
thejr sftoulders any 'trade of an outfitter
who may come alone and prefer to buy
here rather than jn (Alaska. It s for
AHaska mercams to convince Intending
miners that 'they can fit them out better
- !
iwrc-nanM in the states. I
The toold seeker can take his choice of I
ourtfltttntr places. The establishments on
the coast In Washington, Oregon and ral. ;
Ifomia vin .hii..
viujuuP ilo auver.
' I
tis9 their wares. They have goods to sell
and are in business to may. A miner who
btiyn 800 to J.500 pounds of supplies is as'
murh of a wholesale buyer as many re.
tail stores, and will purchase where he
thinks he can do the best. Perhaps t
mirtvt be good business pulley for all the
lars-e stores of Seattle. Tacom-r. Purtlard.
Vtorja and San Friineico to combine
in aivertisin? Jur.-au m an ou'tttiir
point, but would Juneuii ,ij;ree to buy all
her a'Jppljtai from Pat-ifi- coast ciii-s'
Hon. Charlc A. Pro-jty, jn an arilele
!n the December Firu.-n, say?: "jfr
Georse Tl. lilanohard h.-u rr,en:ly p,ji,.
llfhed a phamplet containing- s.-vn ar
ticl. on railway pooling. .Mr. Rlaiieha-d
is chairman of the Jojnt Traffi'! osaoeln.
tior, s thorouftfily versed in all matte.
perujnine to railway inter.-,,,. ha,
presented t!iat side, of the subject with
great derail and consVl-ralde force. Pre.
aumabiy, from j.H position, he speaks
autharf tativejy. Acciording to these ar
licJut our majlroa-lB are In extremis. What
-with 'drastic' decWcHiB of the courts, ii
inimical- laws of Hostile- legislatures!
.-jri.i.u inn wircasonauiei iuu-r- if.
have wag-ed atralnet each other, rates have
been unsettled, revenues depleted, and a
coodftloo of gvneral detnorallzatlon In-
duced, from which no escape seems poa-j
a'bl, save fry the Immediate rnnctmeit
J of a pooling law.
.Mmft of thM H unquestionably true.
The atate of our raltiVMils, as a whole. I
MiftVtontly deplorable. The r!it to pool
wimld, beyond doubt, relieve many ditll
ctiltea under which they lalsr mid or
nrt many of thi wrwisrs wh.h they In.
flirt upon tJio iuhlte.
"Now, the lMirjHv-o of a pixtlir.g law I
to eliminate entirely from nuhv.iy opera
norm, with ivganl to ihe t'.stlK- which t
affivis, the factor of railway conip. ;tl'".
The ,i.i(vN. of !iv"li a nn.i.surc streru.
oosly deny thiA
"It let lripossli to ivmo l-i!o ,-on;,u-t
wth the a-'iiml railway epentions of
ihis country tod.iy wi-liout belrar con
vmf4 thai a majority of the men i
I charge of our railroad piivrlis .ire :i.
i ccivly desirous of opeiMtltijc those proper.
; ,j, , olvliive 10 law . It Is iiiiposit'le
to re-Ms; the (urrher conviction that. ;
taktntr the law -" it ma- :;ir.vls and the;
.... ,, '
eindUKni n they now aeiu.illy exvx. me
h.v.t railnMd Is at a ,.vt aeruW
adiama An inter,,,.e earner
-ivniplles w ith the prnison of the aft
to rtvnktte wnmietvo dos so at t.'ie e.
pense of businec which lest!nittely be.
. , .
Kwkw to tt. This otarht not to be: and
when these m. In kxxhI faith. sk
e.,r 1 iiii l,i. h nlll :nvn.l
thia stale of affairs and enable them to.
better administer their tnists, they are j
entltjtsi to sjieaty icm caret 111 u.-t":!-'"
a:l to whatever relief can consistently
be (.-ranted. The fact uie relief .i.-keil
for may Involve Me creation of a trust'
is not co.Klusive aKanat it- Every rall
td has, of necessity, with reference to
a lt-rKa portion of the truffle, an abJo'.ute
nw:toly; but the remedy for ths srt
of moneptly is TVirulatkm. not strangula
tion. In legislation of this tort the
public hits a vital interest, which must
I, pro;ectl; and no provision of U
now n exje'.ence aff rxLs even the shadow
of sucJi protection. "Subhvt to th..- reg-u
iation of the Interstate commerce com
11. i-ion sound. reussuriiiKi in pnnt
siaieot iik-ui Kiuamr,.
: i1-
: rs. public .ipeakcrs. actors, auction.
ieors. touchers, pnu-hts and all ho are
,' iui,rt t0 over-tax ai'.. irnlate the mk-.i! 1
; orvMits. find in Ayer's S)erry I'tvtor.U a!
safe, certain and siw-edy r-l'.ef. A timely
dose of this proiMiritiitn has prev
many a throat trouble.
There js a fin-fly in the south.-rn elme
Whic-h IHitintens only when upon the winK.
So tt s with the soul. When once we rest
we darken.
Itiilip James Bailey.
The man with a weight on his leg can't
hope to wjn In the race. A man with a
weifrht on hs health can't expect to cotn. j
pete in life and business with those who!
j are not handicapped. If his brain Is,
, hravy, and his blood slavish, because of ,
j cor-s'lpatlon, he w ill not succeed In dong j
; anythimr very well. Constipation 's the-
cause of nine-tenths of all sickness. '
' Symptoms of it are sillowness. listless. '
ness. poor appetite, bad taste in the!
j mouth, dizziness, biliousness, and lissl-!
jtude. Constipation can be cure.1 easily
' ami eertninly by the use of Dr. Pierce's
' Ple.isant pellets. They are not at all
violent in their action, ar.d yet thry are'
Send II oreeirt stamps to cover caul '
of mn'llm? and ret his frr(t bonk.
The People's Common Sens Medical Ad.
vlser absolutelv free. Address. World's
! Dispensary Medleal Assvvation. No.
Main Street, Buffalo, N. T.
! Father, replenish w jth thy grace
! Thkt longine heart of mine;
I M ike it thy qu!t dwllimr plao.
; Thv saered Inmost shTSne
ForKlve th;l, oft my ,lr ,w
Hr time ad strength in trivial cares;
Bnf0,,l ber in ithy eharuf-l-ss r-ace.
So she from all hut ti-e may e.-asej
It 1s easy to catch a cold and just as
eay to pet rid of It If you commence early
to rs One Minute Coueh Cure. It cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and
s.11 throat and !uni troubles. It Is p'eas-
am iu lar. , Btutr i 1 1 u:-s; uiei itur 10 cure.
knowing wvll that nation must de.
WHw rhl"1' supfrtrt ami sinews are of
0.r nailw'a boIW virtue ,4 oppose
To the rleh trouMers of the world's re
Ir,i- Waller.
Thin Blood
Where the blood loses
J intense red grows thin and
watery, as in anemia, there is
i a constant feeling of exhaus
J tion, a lack of energy vitality
and the spirits depreised.
I Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
J phosphites ot Lime and Soda j
j is peculiarly adapted to correct
is this condition. The cod-liver
I oiL emulsified to an exauis-te !'
fineness, enters the blood direct J
..Jl..i. u.. - - . ,.t.
l iccui us every corpuscle, g.
restoring the natural color and I
t giving vitality to the whole
$ system. The hypophosphiteS
J reach the brain and nerve
centres and add their strength- v.
nt . . -j u
ning and beneficial Cliect. ( .
A tr ,i . . .
" lne ross nav5 lei' 7r
f JOU are growing
1 thin and exhausted from over-
.lr A L : ;
i f
b nut you get SCOTT'S Emuliloo.
Alldrusgbu; joc and $1.00.
X SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemiiti, H, York.
J Ayer's Cherry J
T " Get it honest if you can, T
7 but get tt "
J cures till coughs ouJ X
f COldS.
Tide tatleforDccomtsr. 187
HI,. II w mh; LOW Ul t
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MA1U.VK NWriit.
The Aethelburth will leave up for Tort
land today.
The tftrmajl bark procf-!id
111 t. tAi-Hinil Mitn.l.i,
' '
The K)rk Vld.-tteTT.Wr l:..len for Stin
j fmnfi sailttl yesterday.
,. , , , ,
The state of t. ill forma crossed out for
tfon Francisco Suihlay mornlnt;.
j Tho K!mnri, arr,V(X , fnm Tillamook
with a g?nv,-nl c.u-vo Siitul.iy.
The Hntisli ship l.n!-fiKo.shre
1 rcelsl tip to IVnhual ymt' r,i.iy.
The Marizanlt.i will ! im
iit ft I'll pixi.
; visions for Tilla nook rc k
Tut, H't.:i st'
laocn for Mars-illes. still.
Hyson, whe.i
d Sunday.
The HritLsh b.u-k ltriiels, wheat laden
for Queenstown, put to sea yesjt.-rtlay.
The Ocean Wave will have out ihls
mornlntr. weithr permit tins, for Si-itrle.
The lumber schoont-r Tim l' Shunter.
for Sam Francisco, eress.d out Sandiy.
The Norwurlan bark Oih.-li., wh-at
kulen for Falmouth, put to sr-.i ytti-rliy. J
The British bark Drunu raitr wli-at
Ud-i for Queensjtow-a. put to s.-l vi s '
terday. !
Th- Hiits-ti afnnuhip City of Perth. I
wheat laden for Falmouth, put to s-n j
Sunday. i
The iTrntwr ss-htion -r Ralph D I.onit '
intown tor .rb-rs. -rosst-.l out Sun-
Th;! British btirk S.jkirk.slilre and th
lir,;iih b:irlt Ochtertyre. wheat'-n for
Queenstown for or'-rs, crost-'-d out Sun
The British steamship EttrK-k-lile, for
St. Vincent, crossed out yesterday morn.
n, carryintr US. ITS bushtls of wheat val
ued at 13O.C00.
The following- vessels are bound to the
Columbia River, with name of master,
rig, tonnage, where from
and date of reported eallfc.g:
Lombard, Calson, Br str, VZS tons,
George Stetson, Murphy, Am ah, 17W
tona, Baltimore. August (.
Prumwu. ton, Spurring, Br bk, 1773 tona.
Swansea, July 8.
Cambrian King, Hansen, Br ah, 163S
I tona, Shanghai.
Dovenby Hall, Whlckhtm, Br ah, IK
tona, Liverpool
j Ben Volnlch, Abler, Ox ah, Wfl tona,
Santa Rosalia
j Spring-burn, Rae, Br bk, 2i00 tona, Cape
I Town, September 29.
Durbrldge. MoLauchlan, Br ah, 213
tone, Table Bay, September 17.
McLeod, Br bk, 2139 tons.
Table Bay.
Otaco, Ksk,
Swd bk, 'Jl'l tons, Ham.
iJund-e, Jarvls, Hr ah, 1J8 tona, Hlogo.
Onway CitrLe, Jones, Br sh, liai
tons, Vaiparalso.
Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 213
tons, TakL.
Viir.iliiar.i, Bavan, Br bk, litl6 tons,
A 'T'i-i Hay.
Teenkal, Long, Br str, 3C'1C tons, Hong
kong. O er.p.irk, Irish, lir sh, 1799 tors, RIO
Janeiro, August '9.
c.l-.-n'iank. Is,-iard, Br bk, 1359 tons,
0-nevleve, Touge. F'r bk, W toi.s, Hal-
phonir. October n
Henry Vlllard, Pattett, Am sh, H7
tens, New York, October 14.
Obernn, Oully, Br bk, I'M tons,
Newcastle, Australia, October 8.
Jacquts, Bernada, Fr bk, Wfl tons, Ma
Jnnda. Indian Empire, Allen, Br bk, 1515 torts.
JupHler, Fundc-r, Dan sh, 1051 tons, To-
Chelmsford. Thomson, Br bk, 2197 tons.
Cape Town October 9.
City of York. Jonea. Br ah, 11T7 tons,
8yd. ley
Plalrloale. Maekay, Br bk. 1525 tonat
ItelKgos Bit. S-mtemher 4
Hoppett Tork. Rus eh, 133 tons. Port
Natal, September L
Mlltladem AylltiK. Pr h, 1W1 tone, kUU
bourne, (otoler la.
MiteMlllan, Uulhrle, 1U- ah, 1J0 tons
llu rlette. Sivnian. IKT h, 1TW ton
!.kemla, tlrvlherin, Hr bk. JtHM tona.
Clan HotN-rtnoii. I'll), Itr ah, 1M0 tone,
S.mtA i;.Nt!la.
!rltlt( tienem'. Tboma, Ur ah, Zi)
ton, Neweasile, AllstlMlln.
Mliliia. Met-.-ienKer. Ir ik, ISC tona,
Y.iloil. I'lewn, Ur !i, 1W tou. New.
iMntle, Auhlinlla.
Hornby I'n'.e. Htklit. Hr nil, 13.1 tona,
j Jonlon HIM. Walker. fp bk. Jim (ona,
j Melh ntrii .
Tort Caledonia, Anton, Hr bk, Sli tons,
Kintuek. IVrrelle. Hr atr. iss tuna,
! Yekehama.
! Ain.iiit, Knil, Hr !r. l."iW tona, llonis
! Al. s tnd. r r,! i, k. lninn, Hr bk. IS'l
ton.-. Ant- n.
;.H wat'en, l ri: iter an, nv.i ions, llli'ir'.
Lord Sli.iftit'iry, CuiMilnuh.ini. Hr a!i.
r-T tons, Sidney,
5r;nl. Melntyr.
Hr str. 171 tons.
Sin Francisco.
Finll'e. oitm.inn. lr h. 175S tons. Yo
kohama. Anno TIioiili. T'tonina. Hr sh. I7iv
tons. Port t'li-W-
Altnom. 'p.-vnoii.
Hr bk. 17i5i tens.
' N' ivcastlo. Aiis'itilla.
1 p;,.r -, krn.-r-', Wiyrtennever,
' -":.' tons. Ho-k-konir.
tt'ickl.ind Ji-ii-s l!r h I -.'IS
tons; Alb
I ini.t-t.
l.vdc.ule. Forrest. Hr bk. r-
' sh.i'irfiiil.
ion. Taylor, Hr sh. lvl tins,
iron I s. Hiipi, Hr nil, lilii tons, Sydney.
St. Fnoch. Uirt. Hr str. K'O tons,
Wlnl.-.ih, Walker. Hr bk, 143 torn. Ado-
Ortnid, Hull, tor sh. tons, S.inia
Ale. KirVm.inn. O-T sh, ?'0 tons.
Santa Kim.iIIii.
N'lths.lale. S:evins Hr bk, 1W. ton
! iff. r,riritn, tr til, 12; tons
I Newcastle. Aiistr il.t.
I r er.nnnnK. I rson. Hr UK, 1.J.K tons
1 ili-rsh-nti.
I.l'MilKIt FI.RCT.
. esc
on the Way and In C.ilumbl.i
lllv r to laiad Lumber.
I . -.'ir i Miy. II ms..n, s.-hr. SSI tons, (
; Fr:ineico. November It
1 I.etltla. Stakk.iliye. sehr. 3 tons. San
'Francisco. November It
Tenkl.t sl iru Kaneko. Jp bk. 114S
tons. Yokohama.
Ida Schr.nier. Nellson, sch, JtU tona,
San Franclsi-o. November 11
i.ikl.ind. Wh!!i-y. bktn, IM tons. San
S.sU.t.i, . si hr, if. tuns. San Fran-
Take laxative Promo Quinine TaMeta.
All drupirtitB refund the money If It falls
to cure; JSc. For aale bv Charles Roirers)
When a crmi miin di--s
For y. ar-s beyond mir ken
Th.- Ilk-lit he l.-aves (- hind him lps
I po-i the path i if men.
Mrs. S'ark, Pleasant Ridjre, O., siya:
i "AftiT tw.y doctors (rave up my" liny to
, dl. I saved him from croup by uslnit
' One Minute Couch Cure.-' It Is the qui -k.
est and most certain remedy for cnjRha,
ciiils nnd all thrmt and lunij trounies.
Chin. Ropers.
'Tis an old maxim n the s hool
Tlntt v.uvjTy-s the foo.1 of f iols;
Yet nw nisi then you men of wit
Will cond-seend to take a b.
Miss All! Hturhea. Norfllk. Va., waa
frightfully birrtd on the face and neck.
Pain was Inatanty relieved by rcWItt'i
Wlteh Hazel Salve, which healed the In
Jury without leaving a scar. It Is tha
famous pile remedy. Chas. Rogers.
The moving finger writes, anil h.ivpig
Moves on: nor nil your pty nor wit
Can lur" it back to can -el half a line.
Nor all yir tearn wire- out a word of It.
Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well known mr
chant of Pleasnnt Ridge, Pulton County,
Pa, has a little girl who Is frefjuently
threatened with croup, but when the first
symptoms appear his wife givea her
Chamberltiln'a Cough Remedy, which al
ways affords prompt relief. The 25 and
50 cent alrea for sale by E'tea-Conn Drag
Every on" knows for w hat his . x-ellen-e
Wll serve; but no one ever will consider
For what hi worst .b-feet mlirht turvn.
rtitbert HrowTitng.
Take Lnxa'lve Rromo Quinine Tabb-ta
All druggists refund the money If It falls
to cure" Z'ir. Por sale by Charles Rog-jrs.
M'e) wretrhul iih-ti
Are cradled Into poe' ry by wrong.
They learn in hii IT-ring what they n-a.-h
In song. Shelly.
At this time ot the year a 'cold Is very
easily contracted, and if b fl to run Its
course without the aid of some reliable
cough medicine is liable to result In that
dread dlaease, pneumonia. We know of
no better remedy to cure a cough or cold
than Chambertaln'a Cough Renvdy. We
have used It quite extensively and It haa
always given entire satisfaction. jlagah,
Ind. Tor. Chief.
Thla ia the only remedy that It known to
be a certain preventltlve of pneumonia.
Among the many thousands who have
used It for colds and la grippe, we have
never yet learned of a alnsle case having I
resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have j
weak lungs or have reason to fear an at
tack of pneumonia, should keep the rem
edy at hand. The 26 and 60 cent elzes for
aala by tha Eatea-Conn Drug Company.
Tho woman's Joy of having a pocket s
aomewhat marred by having to ask who
ever is with her to final It for her.
rxru'sivF. isk tip nu: woud "C ASTORIA," and
7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of lhjannis, ilmtsachusctts,
was tho originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," tho same
that has homo ami docs now sfTTT "n mrU
bear the facsimile siqnature of (Aifiii&: Hraper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,' uhuh lus been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for o;r thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrvvr ami m , 'ml it is
the hind you have alwaus boiuiht - an tho
and has
the si una tin
per. JSro one has audi iritij from mo to us? v.uj namo vx
cept The Centaur Comiwy of which Chus. It. Fletcher is
President. -.
March 5, 1S97. G ' AJA..t.
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Do not cnflinvirr tlu: life of your cliiKl by am-pting
a cheap substitute whn h some tlruist may HVr ynu
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ii
jjredients of which even lie ilocs not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
" 9
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Yon
is rv a, u m a
tlon i( m (fttnoua
U or ll
i V lllf
ul. t'Alr.altt tho il. k,hwinl
I'udtriMi b Umrrf, Ki
4'o')trau!lin. tl
sw i if t MruaTf
arrABtf arrro P"rnirm imMuorf, i riMm.ntwifii'twum, w
OtrONI. mnQ Af IH h., Ittvnrtnwr rrilo( &U llOlKJriU,
frriDfUf! trncthnnvl r rl4fi
A wrlllon
) ft bait, tit I
AiklxvHi UAVulillIDIilllK r. U
( HAH itiMiKUH 46
H' lllfUtllWUU
: af ir.iarjulrU lo cute all
Can be ranted
Clicular Vttt.
Msmifsrluml l Ih
I'tuf i.m,, diuributiugaicDU, Thud and Vawuill t , ruitUud, ui.
With wliat 'In
tends Sund iy si hhs
ill ! no at
To I'l'KK A roi.n is ONE DAY
Tako latl nromo Q'.ilnin T-Mt. I it" lomni with nriat hn.
All drugirtrits rfunl th motiy If It fall trwii an j.:irt i.-ul.i rly rli.
to cur-; 2bc. T'r nle by Ch.irlra R g :
-H- a! hs lidya feel
I-t no m in s.i;
Ii)-H worship
Yin, s!iiir it,'
In flpiiLin
Who says tl kn
then For love ! 1
In Move's gr. .t
fnsi To fly hs f i-.
ih i Ii
lli-iv.ii ilmii- lie-
.,. ,, ,, f , ri .
f I. ght lover s
ii-i'1 i . , r luve nit
. n ..,, 4.. ,,v. i,l,
, u Mil
m- fin-ii
,m I b'llM his
: In v I..iiip r.
Mr. M. B Fori. IlnM.. Ts. i;., suff.-red
for eight yearn frnm d. p-psa and
clironlc constlpiit-on, and wis Anally
cured Jiy using 7i.-Vlfs Little Enrly
Risers, the famous lit 1- pl'ls for all stom
ach and liver niibls. Chas. P.igers.
A religion ih. ui ih nik-gli i'iu. pni
and Joy. s lk- i fin.t.:- lnt. per.
funvt or Him:, y. T'e-re tinv In- sin-f u
flower. Isil wur-lv lit , .f.iild eire o
plii'k ft. I
As the Inirn-ll-rirs i.f II i.Ts llar lie
n'W am mlxi-l tviia t:,e hesi glyeen.te,
unshaken, It maki s ih- tin t ilr-sng foi
the hair othI keeps i oft in. I of even hue.
All men of geni i- ,u-e r-iil fn have eves
clear. sw- run! bright. This I'
the i-y- which ii,,i, i'.s inei. till ability nf
some kind. t dm-s to' niatt.-r what.
A gi-narie t-lii'-l srnt'V 'ins e- In !'
alteslisl; but tint '1 a genuine bl-io 1 purl.
Her. (v.-r in I ..v.-r vr tl bus been
prove.) , v.-r-s .-'.I r s. . .:i rtl In stand :
alone atiifiiig ni. -li, n -s as ihe tnosf r--la,1ile
i,it,. -;i 1 1 .-r.. u v.- n pharmacy. It
stt'sl alone a, tie- World's F:ir.
It s onlv the gr- at bl urted who can be
true fi-i--i-lM; .tl),. me an and cowardly can j
ni vi r know wha.'. Inn- friendship means, j
KiriL-slt-v, ,
T'preip.-rlly eomes quickest to the man
whose liver Is Itl good condition. DeWltt'a
LHtle Early'rs nre famous little pllla
for constipation, biliousness, !ndlg'-"tlon
and all stomach and liver troubles. Chas. '
Rogers. '
Tn Bulgaria Ih" prupi-l .-itrs of
elne by whp-h lin y t1nm to cure
lain dles-ase are lpilse to be Imprisoned
if tho mllerie f.-iln 10 preduee the de.
Sired eff'rt.
One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. ,
Thivfa what you want! Chas. Rogers.
The tail of the fl s his sculling oar. !
He moves It first on one sde and then on.
the ofthor, usng ha fins as balances to
of (JZa)ffucAiV,
General Contractor
VlU-'r.Utfa fll
t'runrti rttT- Un. will quirk ty vui uh mli rr
f lUa : Ui nrv'k- t. lull m Ui Mfthttt
HttUii lrh Viit-i m-A
trt m, Um by tmf ir ntiL rnvMii ink
V "" nutthw-k-l Iwh u hpftiinhirrhl m1
mail WMkurvan, 4 t. .
tlf ft ruroWllhCHlt Bit Op-WftUtMl. ttlrs(im.M(
IlUa lUn lmmKT, m
(NmmrolsU ttut.
By hilar Dp. Pe ,,
lrllow Serte rlll.
IIL.W I VlltVU This wuiiOrMul irmnlr
aervuuti uikmb. sutih Wnh Urmutt Iah..
"'in IVjarr. Ilesdsrhc, Wskrlulutw, Lust Msuhuuil, istilt Kmi.
nm, NrtTuttsae,!! drains, lists of pmrr in (Irarrstix l"fio r
etthrr sei, csutetl by oer etenion, youthful enwa, nrrssi u of
tnWcn, opium or Mimalanu. which lead In InKrraiiy, Cnnaumplioa or
in test norkrt Ji u t-r !, a ins I ) mail
Itold by all ttruf fists Ask fur II. take mi -alter.
Prsn Mtsllcltn l . 1ns Ktatlrr I sue IK.VI
- i'i NN I'KFll Itl.. A'"". As'-orU.
'ttiMde his motion. If tho fish nioves fast,
und wanlH to slop, if lnilihli-iiS "in Ms
a . . i
I ASisICtXEE'rt NoTK'l-l T1 'ItllOITi IIH
.Mtti'-e I ni-reny given nun me inn ii r.
I slirneil has this day b-n appmntrii ns.
slgnts of Hels-i-i ah Htntiiss, un Ins.ilvi-nt
( deMor. Cn-dliiirs of ihe said assignor ar
hereby iioillli-d to prisetit their claims
louder outh to ihe uiiilerslgned wlihln
three monHis frmi Ihls date at his plnee
I of business at N'o. ri nniitieri'lnl sirei-,
' Asttla. Oregon.
Patetl this eleventh day nf Si pti inlH-r,
W. -V. SniLt'H-sKI.,
Assignee of It
vent d"btor.
rah Strauss an Insnl.
Mlstrli-t of Oregon.
By virtue nf an Order nf Sale Issued
out of the I'lllted Sl.les lllnlrlit '.urt
fur the 1'ilstrli't nf Oregon, on lhi I'Mh
i- of Di-cwhImt, 1W, notice Is hereby
given that I will sell by publle itin-ilon,
for rash, on Ftblnv, tho Clih ,1m- nf On.
timber Ili7, nf II o'elis k n in. at the
doek or place where she nov lli-s, in thf
City of Atsorli rintsny cuunly, n-goti,
tun scow sennoin-r, "r;nie ,m, iht en.
glni-a, iKillers. nifii-hlnerv, bouts, la'-kle,
npparel -ippurt'.fiafK-es and fiirnllure.
ZKTII Hfil'SI-lfl.
Pnlfeil Slntes Mai-Hhnl.
n. C. Fulton. Pro. b.r fur Librium,
187J 807
.(JRiyC ATlNfi
;iux;i-mii;s and i-iiovisionh
Columbia River and 1'iigei, Hoiiml Nuvlgn.'
tlon Co,
Hleitmer "Hnlley tlaizeri'' leaves Aitnrla
I (lit II V. except Hlindiiy, 7 p. 111. Leaves I'ort
, land dully, except sini(y, 7 a. hi.
Italley Heki-la gissl 1111 Hleitmer
Tlioinpson" llcln-u gimil on"iliilley
1 j . ... o' i, I ri-siueii.
rr 11 a...., ii.....i.. . .
jr, A .Heeley, Agent, I'ortlaiiil.
I'. W. Mtoim, Agent, Astoria,
Emil Schacht
Kooiua .m-JlM
I'orllattJ .savin, IWink lUdic.
Portland, Oregon.
. . VIA . .
Library Car Route,
Tha all rail route to Kootenai nilnlnfl
district, via Healtle and HHikana
Shortest and Quickest Line
St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Duluth, Chicago
Through Palace and Tourist
Hlrepna. Dliiliic and Ulirary otarva
tlon Car
Doily Trnlnn
aaa PiiHt Tlmo
saKKVIi'K AM' Hi KNUtV t'.S K,t4l'M.l
For tickets and full Itiformallon oail
on acmit V. It. N. Co, or aifclraaa
A. n. 0. )KNNIHTON.
I C. r. 4a T. A , rortiana. or.
! K. C. HTEVKNH. O W. I', A., KeatUa
Wllllim'n Klclnev Pills f
Has im ciiuiil ill ilin ii-u-a (if tlie
Kiiliieys in it I I Inai v Oiviins. Have
I iui iii-i-i'('tl yiair Kitliicyalf Have'
inn iitei ivorlti-il niir tierviuia ( '
I It, -mi iiinl fiiiiMil tinul'lo Willi Vinir
KiiltievN nml llladili r.' Iliivo you'
I i.llnt III tho Iimii, hiite, lmck.l.-rtiili I
( land I'l.iililer? H ive vm a llulil-y lilt- .
I i--.iiaiictt tif tin' .li e, cis-elall) I
I I iiii.ler tlio t'Vft'i' Timi frciiieit tie-1 I
; I -'rtt pass in liio ' illiiiin's K idlicy .
' I'I'ls will lnii.iit lie iv life to the ill" I
iy,-.!..'.! iiririns, tiuiK up tlio xteiu . i
lid nml. e u new liiuli til Jim. IJ'
ills tt-r !(. T
Mni. I t.. I'r-'iis . Ctfivrlaiid V
For aala by Blea-Ctinii Iru Co.
fimw imm H.tslr iiir I t IM
fir-ifr-Mlna lriMaa 4 srva In It In J iltr Ws
rsliilul j ii u , ,.. -
b.,msr,irlUcMiiiiS.ri'- sn.1 m. sn
a , Miin iii,m mhM I k i rr t
mm fcaiiw
III is,nlitti-t ts ' tmrs I ,4 tlMMttif s.l.Miif
rimtitta. aHHtavnUtsMMBM rsiiios
1 . apaaaaM
H as jl
tn fftSMwafli
SIMl llUtf.
a lall
MMntJ-stttr if
soil llJ U
ami lis i b.a mimt
In nentih. MWsiTatsaail,
4 SesSa, t trs-mmsiir
I ..,. rwnu
a,.M4ry ur lartlsi-r
SiHtraailas. I'li'Uiv lt
st rat.1 anil rttstlrs
I .!, mm 1'il'bM
11 Wi pit , i wyr-i a4a-
iMt.ifiti--if lllrur
ii u thi. rlvr
IIWhmI I H.l
S-'ilvd I IIH-I
lll4rsTt4 Wntafaa'
natas t.A 1T 4
ialrtl hlM
W.t ft Hl-.JjaJtf
rsrss una ill
IfMlliitf I hi 1I -MM -wit ia our I 11111.1
traatiiiir int. ill ia i ti
ttiarmat. tit im for ami If
A N Mi Mir 1 rM. 4 hlta, HllMlsV.
i aati wi'aasrtteanrsi-a1
Tlii'sr illlilii'atinin will iliti Ti'M
pvi ry Hum or wniiiiiii wlm tuii
1 t'iii'lalt.s an rnsli rn lrii:
! "Cuslt-r Itattlrliclil "
"Tin- KiiH'st. Tmiii in tin
"Tin: Wtnlil's iJic.i'.l."
MeHiillliilly llliislriile'l. Fn-e U n'o I r lie iu
A. SlIKI.lMiN,
(icllcl'lll Afji'lll, I'urllilllil, ( lli-nll
In lbs eoiinly court of Ihe stale of Or.
tgtin, for the county of Clni.sop,
In tho matter of Ihe estate of Joseph
L. Moore, ibtetswul. IHollnti.
To nil heirs of Ihe nlsivc. mimed Joseph
I, Moore, dnceaattl, greeting;
In the name of the s'ate of Oregon
you are hereby i-lted ami r'qulred to ap
pear In the courtly enuit f hn atata of
Oregon, for the coin Iy nf ClutBop, on
Monday, the third day of Jnntiary, W.
lit 10 n'elo-k In the fort-noun of Ihnt day,
mime tiering Ihe lln:t day of January term
of raid court, and then i,t! there to show
rinse If any exist, whv .111 order of fale
should not lie iiinde of tt, following da.
seelbed real enln.1,. ls nKnr (n m de
ceased nnd slliintcit in i-piisnp county,
state of Oregon, tn.wlt: The southeast
one-qnnrler of siv-tn No. 2. In the town.
ship No. 5. north of range No, 7, wrat of
the Willamette ni'-ridtnn, entifnlnlng isfl
neres nf bind, n'-eoriinp, )rt the prayer of
the pelltlnn of r. a Bottom, admlnls.
irnlor of said eHtut,,. fip-d herein, pray
ing for surh sale.
Witness, th Hmi J H D, Oray, Jurtgii
of Ihe ennr.ty court ,,f the state of Ore
gon, for the county of Clatsop, and the
snnl nf snld court hereto affixed, this Hth
dny nf Novcmlier, A D 1T7,
Attest: tr j. niTNRAR
fSenll Clerk.
0Sbf';m "i M lii a nnn-pelannom
a4! -S r-tfl... j, fur llnlliirtliiea,
fW.tT I l leei,,
I InlsHiti.VJ Wlm,.., n 11 n s 1 11 r s I ill.
AW Osaraauirf iliri.a, fir Sllf ill tltalil nut-
sot u . nn, irrunii,,,, ur uln-rs-CI
t...iiu ..iiiadiia. linn f 11 run a nimn
.'HltlssCiiuciiflo. Itsih". .Sun nulrlnm ut.
'T,'.,HClhll,l,o iltl by lamgglala,
"ji IV V, S. A, 5t'l or net In pin In wrnffer,
wiC. J J I- epr .n-iiii'l. i-r
,t'r -ric'Vr , . ;-
-ssrrr t, a I'liLui.r aeiil eii ri-iiui-il.