The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 18, 1897, Image 2

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gaily glotoriaw.
UWpfoone No. W.
Bent by mall, per your
Bent by mail, per month
Served by carrier, per montU
Sent by mall, per lea.. i advance.,
Postage freo to 4ilscrib-a.
A'. I mmiuiH.'atuim intended for publl-
ration whould be dir.cled to W c,'':or
Tinsineaa communications of all kind;
, - ...i, , ........ innr ie AOiiri-ssea it
The Astoran."
...... t r,.rnt,-c to Us sub -
4 111' c -- ---
acrtbert the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising- rat., can bo had on appli
cation to the business manager.
Tho Wekly Ast.ulan, the second old
mt -weekly in the state of Oregon, has.
next to tho lVrtland Orogonan, thf
largest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Hundley Co. are our Portland
agents, and copies of the Astotlan can lw
had every" morning at their stand, 11
Third street.
The election of officers for th Astoria
Progressive Commercial association for
ttie. ensuing term Is an assvnce thai the
work commenced by that orgruiiatlon wll
be continued and .nls.r&ed. The names
upon the 111 all well-known business
nun ara nimVnt iru.iri('.ly that the
association will In Uie future, as in Ihe
paat, hibor for the best Interests of the
city, horns industry, the development of
the port and trie etab! of manu.
factories. Every Astorlan owjs h hearty
aupport to an Institution thai knows not
polltica but only alms to better the com
munity. Tb- i."icatlon i-f th Or'ionian and
its cdihr y Mr. H..irr.O ' l only verpl. s
wfa- 'ho A'tO'Lsn M r-ixated'y a.Ul
that whatever may "ave been don? or
said in .he past. Portlan ' .ml Its leadine
paper Is friendly l the development f
Astoria. is eaildih and to
harbor any oth 'r thar. friend y f.' lines cf
reciprocity vh the metropolis.
cannot stop our trrowth f she desired, no
more can we make jt any the less the
financial c:er of the north est. .
No more Kitisfaotorj -vent cmild have
taken place at the presi nt tkne than Mr.
Hammofid's answer to the doubting
Thomases at Thursday's citizen's meet
ing. "My contract with the Astoria peo
ple calls for the building of this railroad
to connect with trans-continental line.
That connection Is mude at Gobel. I have
not made any business arrangements with
any special line. We are not the tal of
any trans-continental railroad kite. The
A. & C. R. R. R. will be an outle to
Astoria for all trans-continental roads."
For many months, yes years-ever since
the inception; of the road and the under,
takih of its construction by Mr. Ham
mond, has there ben this constant dis
position on the part of certain people to
pry into Mr. Hammond's private business
affairs. Has It not been suffici"nt that
from the beginning h lias kpt the letter
and the spirit of hs contract with us?
Has he not bult a h:ter railroad than
any one had reason to expect or hope for.
and did not the first shovelful! of dirt in
dicate :hat suoh woull be the ca.? Was
not the rood financed during the hard st
timea this country tv.T saw' Enou?h
work was done at the bc-cinnin? to fhosj
tliat connection woulj be made wjtti a
transcon.nnal railrnal The matter of
interthance of business between railroads
r.nd the basis of such interohanje is p"re
ly a private matter to-lweO'i such roads
themselves. s t 'he ca- that one
road permits physical connection with It
! iiiii.'lier unless It 's : t le followed by
cl"se busir-ss relalions. ft ts f-'ly tc ak
S'i'.h c,iHstons and !t niofl be w-.rsc
'mi folic for a ra". -o.-.-l to answer them
si' cl' tolly. It s enc-.-,:li that we hav
the r:t:.econtlnentil : jnntction: it Is
er.cusr that busings w(H be done by ouch
cinnf cti'j.t ,, it -s eiu4h tli'it the ral
roid i j'-iv'y corjip t-i Sov if the
time i.. t-.i;i wa!:;,i.- u s.-e ahot TTam.
mond will do and to net ii. and do some-;
th;ni; r i aid him n devcloidnq ihi pr.rt
as It should be done and us Its naturii re-'
?eurce-j d'.'frve.
ROADS. jn-r.ase in
The continued r- mark 1
the earnings of nearly al! ihe railways of.
the country furniiJies Indi.-putable pro f
that there s no backward mov-ment in !
commerv-ft and indun'.ry On 'he
"". 'w n "-1 vea gain in ine
traflk- business of the Mg carriers lr,J-
CRfeu Increasing -'lion in the fac
tories, larger sales In the wholesale
hoiiM-s and inereas"d purchasing po.v-r
of the consuming ci;tli.4. j
The outward ma. -men: of wh.-a and
other products coniiT-u? t-o heavy that)
foreign exchange fisut fallen three.quar- j
I ere of a cent, and Instead of exports of
gold, which have maj-ked December i.n
recent years, there Is such a heavy bal
ance of trade In our favor that gold would
come In laj-ge quftntl'.les If it were
The increase in railway earnings for
November, which is estimated at 1" OS-'i,-801,
breaks all records of reporting roads
In the United Stat', being 3 9 per cent
higher than n 1S2, when the raiiroids
reached the Hiigtuwater mark of prosper
ity. The increase is 16 8 ptr cent greater
than that of November of last year.
Wit mieh nn Increase In railway earn.
ng the advance, kit securities follows as
muatter of course.
The eu.hlcn rise of lVcenvher when! to
H.09 n Chicago was the nensaUonat i-v
enrrence of the e.k In trade. The rise
w.u not forced Ivy Wit was
based on actual .ontracts to ship some
millions of bushels to l'urope. The loial
it exports of wheat from the V"nt ,1 States
w,sih1 Cnnadi for the week .;gTvaut.d j
.fli. fiSS bittVls. attain.- l.iS.AV a .r j
! a--o and S.i.S.iXxi bushels n tv.
A siKuiticant f.ntnie ef '.:. ii'.d,i""ri vl ,
I activities of the week u the ?;i.';..t de- '
m.uni for Iron anil ;ee! pre !.!.-: pi pro
' for r.ii'.vay wotk. ii.-lii.ll-iir ;
btldici'ss for Holland and Jap:m at:,l many ;
i lar.;o srlp-mouts ef arou s'.e. ! pto.tu.-t
'to Ktwl.ui.1. ChlO:i a:
1 on contracs for r.ii'w.-iy ea
: fl4tvitll 00!um.-t. for ions
. .n.l
1 ar.
aro .ipl to K p. ml in u amen,- ei:
nistern tlrros. lto:h cotton and
stronger than lain Wivk, tho deman.N for
woolen sa beimt particularly aetnc
Tile prvfiilent'. jnsaiv s well re
cevd in all .hannela tt b.iines activ
ity, tiie part relating to t"ut.i Ktvl"' srat.
IfMnp assurance that there would N no
llsturh..nce or unsettllrsr of lii.intws con.
ditlons by newlliss :im".t.!i of ths U
lion. A sevf-fontectinfT arToctpn, a devotion ;
that will make any nrrendT or any sac. j
rrlee for It object, s not rare. Virtue "
.cs oiirnntdn as common smi"'. Virtue is I
manhood, and without U man would be'
no more. Rev. Dr. Hartol. !
Xtlss Allle Hiurhes, Xorfllk. Va.. was'
frightfully burt-ed on the face and ne.-k.
Pain was Instanty relieved by DcWltt'i
Witch Haiel Salve, whk-h healed te In- j
jury without leaving a scar. It Is the
famous pile remedy. Chas. Rojters.
Arctic explorers who have found them
selves In the midst of an aurora .bwribe
It as producing e.xlimr. priokly sensa
tion and a very exhilarating .ff.vt.
Mr. C. M. Pixon, a well known m r-
! chant of Pleasant Ridce. Pul-on County.
Ta-. has A little jrlrl who is fretpt-ntly
i threatened with croup, but when the first
symptoms appewr his wife gives her
Chamberialn-s CoueC Remedy, which al-
ways affords prompt relief. The and
. vi en m tr ml kv Rtes.rnnn nroe
s!rs for sale by E-te-Conn Drus
Who wjll remember That kj' .ire irr.iy
If he earrj,-? a hapi-y hr-.u-t all diy
St. Nicholas.
The ni.i:i with a neiht on his leg c.m't
hope to wn in the race. A man i.h a
a-eiirfit on his health can't expect to com.
pet !n life and business wth '.hose who
are not handicapped. If his bra.n is
heavy, and hs blood sluKish, bevause of '
constipation, he w ill not succeed In doln .
anything very well. Constipation Is the '
cause of nine-tenths of all sickne. I
Symptoms of It are Mllowness, '.bruis.-'- j
ness, poor appetite, bud taste lr. the'
mouth, dizziness, biliousness, and I ijt-j
tude. Constipation can be cured enly J
and certainly by the use of Pr. Pierce's
Pleasant pellet?. T'tey are not at all J
violent In thlr action, and yet thrr nre j
more certain th.'n many medicines which i
are so strrwyr that they put the sy
all out of onler. The cTeat'aj
the "Pleasant Pellets" js ihat th'-y cire I
S-nd 21 one-cent stamis to .-river cost 1
of mailing and tret his preit bV. j
The People's Common Sne Medieal Ad- :
vlser, absolute!' free. Address. World's 1
Plspensary Medical Association. No. J
Main Street, Ruftalo. N. T.
In the (nn ens around London there are
more specimens of the .-eilar of Lehino
than on Mt. Lebanon Its lf.
Don't be pensuaded into buylrur llnl.
mentsj without reiputatiori or merit Cham- DuOue.sclin, Seiki a itr. Wa.-t.lale, Deh
berlaln's Pain Balm costs no more, and I tertyre, Drum.T.ii. H,ird..wle. Prussels.
Its merits have been proven by a test of ! Ophelia, City of I'er.h. Hyson. K'tri k-
many years. Such letters ae the follow-1
ingr from L. G. Ba?!ey, Hueneme, Cal
are constantly being received: "The beet
remedy for pain I have ev r us.-l Ii
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I say so
after having used It In my family for
several year." It cur rheumatic,
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by the Estas-Conn Drug Company.
Brooding over trr.uW j-c like .wirround.
Int one's self wth a foe; it maKnlfls all
the objects seen throuirh It. Occupation
cf the m::d prevents this.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists; refund the money if It falls
to cure: 25c. For sale by Charles Rogem.
The fantsr. flowing rlv-r in 'he world
I" ,he SutleJ, in British India, with a de-
srent of 12.W fe-t n 10
It Is easy to catch a cold and just as
'i? to get rid of It If you commence early
I to i'ie One Minute r"o'ieli Cure. Ir cures
' rouchs, eoM, bronehiti?, p-.-iimonh and
L thrr,nt arfj hlns tr0,il,,.--. it p . as-
ant to tak1:, wife to ir-e and urc to eure.
has. R-ers.
Ii Is a joy 'oh'-rir 'ho .,pot- .alr.- v-ije.
wrixiiif elo'iii'Ti' over th.- Ao.-id' -f :1 doll
harking d rs nr. l other .-tk- .M Christmas
jo - s and toys.
SO l''-M.,f . 1 v.,
SIT-. jrii .... . :i
B ' U ' J , aii l liaif, .1:
Ui tr, an v.riti . !
and centle an'i'ti .1
- r-- N vi-' orlicr trr-ntnpnt
-t;.!-' : j.i t 'iy, int
ii i-i-. .1. t iti tin: nnint
i t r.. !, -..'iii'S --.ry ti 11
1 . . fi fl II" t'f(. hOAPt
r w.:U Cui' ijiA (.oiul-
! r.'l ftirniif riOlit th wr.rlfl VntTtt
Pffri Cur f nr., 'n,V9.t lumt-.n.
Br" All Aboiil tJlf Kiti, rVtip. uii 1) m," free.
ii BY S
ILeiil 1 lhi frral cult'.
The Same
Old Sarsaparilla.
That's Ayrr'a. The same oll
sarsajiariUa as it was nm.U' mill
I sold by Pr. J. C. Ayci iO i'nr.i
itfo. Ia tho labotatoty it is
JiKcretit. There it'iMi tti aplt
iticcs lemi speed to skill ami
t.iMictiee. T'.'t tho s.tts.ipa
t:.l!a is t!ie ;if.ic iM saf-.iparilla
that made the recoul - ." tritis
I'cNrra. Why Jott't c l etter
it? Well, we're much i" the
cotu'.ittoti o( the l'ish.op ami the
r.tspherry : " IkV t'esi, " lie
"Cod might have ni.ulc a
hotter berry IV.t doubtless,
also, He never did. " Why
don't we better the saisapaiilla?
We can't. We are usin the
so Hie ol fdN that cure.', the
Indiana and the Spaniards, it
h.ia not Weu K-ttcn-.l. And
fine r make saranparilU eoni
pouud out of sarsapatilU plant,
we see no way of improvement.
Of course, if we were makitit;
seme secret chemical compound
we might.... But we're not.
We're making the same old Mr
saparilla to cure the so uie old
diaea. You can tell it's the
iAm4 oli laraaparilla bc
cauaa it works the mim M
rum, It's the aot ere igu blood
punher, and if a Avr.
Tide table for December. 1807
. in.. ii warKK loww aick
DATE A M. i M. a. M. r. . it. b in n. b in n
.-dnsd y 1 K 7 . 7 01 i
ii is l .
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Thursday . -.' :.';.' s .1 ii I
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III 1,1 . 1
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Wednsd'y -.' i' ol 7 .; tl ! I I', o,,i;6 r.''.H
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SiMirdav .' .'.'Il 1I-.H."
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Thursday.. ." . "? rii'il 1J ii
Friday .... :ll it :i "i 1 Ii ii n jo i ri
I M 1 ri
The Miltlades is fport'd oiitsJc.
The Columbia s du from Son Kr.inelo
this morning.
Tti Ocean Wave arrlvi 1 down venter,
day. bound for the Souni.
The llntish li-k Kt'i.-l'n-rt. from Hon.
olulu, arrived In yest-nlay nil .1:1. -hnra-l
1 in the lower harbor.
The LinMth'i .vslijre, from An'iv. rp. en
tered rvt the c-Ji'Dm hou?,. y ester lay. It'-r
.-arsto con.pts prju'ipii;.' of ,-onient .ml
min'Tal watr.
Lichfhlp No w was , .-ior'.,-.l to the
mouth of the rlv-r by th- M manlta. imt
had to turn back and ancli r ;.t Fori St--v.nJL
She Kill make another attempt to
r-.ich her station today.
Twelve loadei! vessHs are n-nv in ih
harbor ready :o sail: The lieaeon lt.x k.
Toe Coqulllo buoy, a nun
red. marked "Coi'iil"" n whit.- letters,
has gone adrif. from its position about
of a inle nw 11 of the breik on Co.
quille rock. It -ill he replaced as soon
as practicable.
The foilowmg vessels are bound to the
Columbia River, with name of master,
rationality, rig. tonnage, where from
and daite of reported sallb.g:
Lombard, Calson, Br str, 1Z& tons,
George Stetson, Murphy, Am eh, 1798
tona, Baltimore, August 6.
Drumburton, Spurring, Br bk, 1773 tona,
Swansea, July 8.
Cambrian King, Hansen, Er sh, 1638
tons. Shanghai.
Dovenby Hall, Whlckham, Br ah, 1608
tons, Liverpool I
Ben Volrilch, Ahler, G-r sh, 1107 tons,'
Santa Rosalia. I
Springburn, Rae, Br bk, 23X1 tons, Cape '
Town, September 23.
Durbrldge, Molviuehlan, Br h, 2121
tor.s. Table Bay, September 17. j
Poltalloch, McIod, Br bk, 2133 tons, 1
Table Bay. j
Ota-go, Kfk, Swd bk, liTO tons, Ham-1
Dund, Jarvls, Br sh, 1,08 tors, Hlogo.
Coway Gmti. Jones. Br sh, 11 '
toti, Va!paraiHO. j
rr ntir.n ! (Vi A fi ,1 r. t. '
" -r tr.
tons, Taku. :
aT,duara, Beavan, Br bk. J:,10 tons, i
Algoa Bay.
-j cerium, iong, jjr s'r, tons, Ilong-i
kong. I
Clenpark, Irian, fir sh, 1790 tors, Rio!
Janeiro, August 7i.
Olenbank, I-.jnarl, Br bk, 13"0 tons,
Calcutta. I
f!,mevleve Tnne v- ;vr tt... I
phong, October ZL
Henry Vlllard, Pattett, Am sh, 147
tons, New York, October 14.
Oberon, Gully, Br bk, 1US4 tons,
Newcastle, Auntralla, October 8.
Jacques, Bernada, Fr bk, Wfi tons, Ma
Junda. ' Indian Empire, Alkn, Br bk, 1515 tons,
JupKier, Funder, Dan sh, 1051 tons. To
Kohama. Chelmsford, Thomson, Br bk, 2197 tona,
Cape Town, October 9.
City of York, J.ui. Ur ah, Utt7 tons,
ItlalrloRle. Maekay, Ur bk. 1U3 tona,
ISIaiio Hay, Kcprcmtx'r t. Tork, ltus eh, tJt'4 tons, ort
Natal, Septemlvr a,
Mlltln.les,, Ur sh. 14 Ion, MeU
bourne, October 1&.
MaoMlllan, Outhrle. Ur sh, lM tona
lln rlette. So. tiian, tl r sli. 1TW tona
l.aketnlM, Hi s.lheritit:. Hr bk, IrtW tons.
Tie. mantle.
I'lan l.obertson. l'i:l. I'r sh, 1M0 tons.
! Sanl.t 1!'HM.
!!:Ni tii'n.ral. Tlionias, tr l'!M
; t-.M-. N w Au-tr.ilU.
j Mul,i, Mew, i:t,r, in bk. I..J tona,
A.ilon. I'.iown, 1 : ..ii. titti ton., Ni.
I o.istle. Ailvtiall.t.
Il.'l't'! . i'.iki.o. 111! :!-.!. tr h. 1S."J tolN
; I, I.-.
' JoiMon lilll. Walker, Hr bk. ?t:t! tons.
Melt, uiru
lVrt I'.tl.Monla. Anton, Hr bk. S!S tons,
: Xai-,.s iki
Klnniek. rerrvlle. Hr sir. :l tons.
; Yi.koh.iina.
Aniara. Kent. Hr s r. l'it tons. II.mik
! koi it.
) Alexander Hlaek. Piinn. Hr bk. IS'l
! ton i-. Antw.-rp.
Watten. Trlls. (.er sh. 79 tons, llloir
I Lord Stiaftsb-iry. CunnlnK-hain. Hr sh,
m tons. Sydney.
' Hrlstol, Vetntyrs'. Hr sir. in tons.
I Franelseo.
j l"inll!e. Olttn.inn, sh. 173S tons, Yo
I kohnma.
I.I MHK.U Ki.icirr.
V. fsels on the Way luid In CoUimbl.i
Hlvor to lvid Lumber.
Tiira May. Hansen, sohr. tii tons.
Franelseo, NovomNr II
I.etltia. Stakkobye, sehr. 31 tons.
fran.-ls.-o, November 11
Tenklo Maru Kaneko, Jap bk. UK
tons, Yokohama.
Ida Sohnauer, Nellson, seh, Jits tons.
Stin Francisco, November 11
At this time of the yar a cold Is very
' sastly contracttd. a-d if lift to run lt
course without tho aid of wnit r.llabla
couKh medicine is liable to result In that
dread disease, pneumonia. We know of
no better reroedy to cure a couuh or colj
than Chamlierlaln's CoiiKh Renrdy. V
have used It quite extensively nd it haa
alwave given entire itlfactl n. l in.ih,
Ind. Ter. Chief. I
This is the only n-medy that ! k: own to :
be a certain preventltlve of pneumonia, j
Amontf the many thousand who have '
used It for colds and la Rrippe. we have
never y.-t learned of a strurle cis.- having j
reunited In pneumonia, p. rons who have
wik Itincs or have reason to f-nr an at
tack of pneumonia, should keep the rem
edy at hand. The !5 and M cent sli tor
sale by the Estea-Conn Drue Company.
' The shallo
' lampllKht.
room looks .irtintl'- by
Prix-ity comes iiil,k"l t ih man
whose liver Is iu good condltluti. PeWllfa
Tilttle Early ULsersi are famous little pills
for constipation,' biliousness. ndlirttiin
and all stomach and liver troubles. Chas.
Silver si-ali-s ar.- In ) ' t " ac--"-sor.-my
lady's ibwk.
After he.arlnr snie friends cmtlnually
pral-lmr Chambc-laln's Coll.-. Cholera and
niarrhoeri Remedy, Curtis) Fleck, of Ana-
helm. California, pun-hasd a bottle of It
for hla own use and Is now as mthtial
I astlc over Its wonderful work as anyone
j can be. The S and M cent site, for sale
by Estes-Conn Pnnj Company.
The mim who Is koI ir hs mother Ii
sure to make a Kpod husiiand.
J. A. Perkins, rif Antiquity, O.. was for
thirty years needlessly tortured by phy.
slelans for the cure of eczema. He was
luW-kly cured by using Hewitt's Witch
Haz-I Salve the f uncus healing salve
for piles and skin lleases. Chas. Rngei.-a
Little j.-v-.,-.l ,haim m-.-m to h- very
much In demand fr Christmas .-ft.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Hanrlsbiir. Pa , says,
"My eshlld Is worth millions to me; yet
I would have lout her ny croup had I not
Invested twenty.flve cents In a bottle of
One Minute OdukIi Cure." It ctir.s coinhs, and all throat and lung troubled.
Chns. Rogers.
Whv s t men never look half the
I friictrts In the miming that women do?
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, o.g siys:
"Afti-r two doctors gave up my" boy to
die, I (.aved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure' It Is the qui -k.
Sfrt and most certain rermedy for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung troubles.'
Chas. Rogers.
A I. lazing plum p-i-lding 4 l.-i r- r t.han
II sons of Fourth of July pyroe-hnes.
One Minute Cowth Cure cure qulrkly
That's what you want I Chas. Rogers.
'rice your nerv h I., ejn :
tb" whole -f r. inula ' ion of !f,
iirid' rmirv d.
fall"- mid 1
' HIS (O be
Take Iaxillve liromo Qulnln.. Tablets.
A nniw)M, rf ,. mtlfy ,f ,t
lo Plr,. fc For stile by Charles rtog
The ir. nuin. ly hot:, s- worn.-,,, . .-. ,-
. . ,
A- i enamor-d of -r.iy bar.s -Abe,,
rir , ,.r wn h. ;11
In y
'Die grizzly, 'l;-'color-d and tim-oii-h
beard ran I- ma le to appear Invllin-.' by
Hwklngnam's Dye, which colors an even
brown or black: may Ik, nppll d at home.
Is thore anything more exap-r.itlti
than a vain end. av.,r lo ( nlo com.
Tntinl' atlori with some one ove'- the
'i tnnre anyth ng more
Northern I'li'dtlc railroad trains lea'.s
I'onliind dallv at 11 o'clock a m f r 1 r
'i'a'orna. S,iokane, and the Kajt. CI "1
connertlon mude at Si nkane for Itoss
land, Nels.n, f-'andow and r:rlt!.--h ('.
turn Ida mining camps For maps an 1
Information call on or address
Astoria Or
rxci.isivi-: I'M-: k tiik wui "CAKTORIA," anm)
TITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS urn tkauk makk.
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ihjanms, Massachusetts,
was Vie orwinator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," . aamo
that has Ionic ami decs now jXTTT" m evcnJ
bear the facsimile signature of C&A!vc,Cl: wrapper.
This is the oriohud "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,' uhich has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and sec that it is
the hind you hare always boutdd sj.rT'Z"-' m
and has the tiii nature of CyJx.ux!liC wrap
;r. No one has authority from me to ::c my nanw tx
cept The Centaur Company of which Chus. II. Fletcher is
President. ?
Ularch S, 1S97. ats'S
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Do not cmlan-r tl".. lift: 'f )n tliil.l ly nrn-ptinfj
a cheap suhstittitf whiih sdiiu? tlniist may ollrr you
(because he makes a K'v i.imi: priinie.-: tu il), the in
jrreilients of which even lie li, s nut know.
"The Kind You Have Alwciys Bought"
Insist on Having
Tho Kind That Never Failed Yon
I . .
m 1 1 1 II "i I MOVINCl 'I'OOI.M
1?" erx If 3 CvT 3 '""' laii mnrh l,yl.Uii. will qtnrklr,f ll n. f
i. ' I fr . V"in er l.o i.l in. fn-rMKs ,.,, , f-t xlh,i
J .1 'i -, Inni .!, I'IM III Ul" I.H.WI11"1 IIUI .1... .S,rv,.,,, H-l.l,ll .
1 1 Z i Uali 1'imi' rv VnlliiiM U Msrrr. liou.ilna 1't.h... Vri.-,.vi. . .1
V t-,,!it; II
jhh C' w f t.w-l,arf
nrrnor inra notr.,r.n imp.ii.iirr, i i-i Kir.riium uuuvm, u
U C r U P. L IIP Sllin l .,,.1 Ih nrlirv r..i,.,J 1 Imi.muu
I'frl lr IK trntflhn .lid reatorM
1 li. rMoli ufTrrr. sr hot run"! b INw
tail 1 1. I't' I'l liKN K II thr fMiir known
Sift. A wrltlrii KtisraiitreKlven mxftrr rr-liirt.v.1 if pit iMiiea il,w nut .llwl paruwuet I u(w
tUOabof.sif .iijUL. H'id t-ir msselnulAr and lmtlmuiiilA
Addma litfiiL liutmi lof.u liui ac,rUa rrnctaro.iL rr.utiw
L 0l amranteril loruir all dcitou. Uiaf ar., .uoh a. V.r.k Mruiu I,.tf
W '"'0 "'"' 'I. Wskrliilutas, Lo Maohuu.1. Mi(hlr Km...
j' xi. nriTuuMiru ail
- .
eithrr mrx cur., by
When yuti w uit oto ilii-it v. - ti
j h.-.irt us a 1 'hrlsi ma-i it
hard (O a,-t pie uu.l mr .ni'lii'u . I-,-
Ayer s rills, being , oihi.m., ,,f n,,.
srmtlal vlrtmn of the ls' v t-tl-l np.-r.
l.-nts, without any ,,f the .! .,r fliiroiis '
mat.rUil whai.-v.-r. Is th- hv ihr-v!
are r mii'-ii mor.. .-rr.-oTi.,- af..
than any oth.r . a-han l. Th.- Ist fun.
II y physic
f min i N
-itli.-i J. - ..1 -
""- " bil-
1 cold bus
Tho nio.stt. ,-,,-l
h ii wo car,, ti.l !1 tie
011s far worrpsl -i -r tit
ban! or srw.ih.-,w-i
It Is ft.n a inst,-i ti.i a a
Wn "caught " The f.i, : i. hi.-, v
wh- n the bl, .id U p .or an. I th,-d"pn--d,
ot, Iho ,m. p.-.-til ta rl .
t-i diseases Wh.-n ih- .i;.;,. pin.
strength f.i'ls, Ay.-r .s S i-- . t-i-1 1:1,1
be tak'-n wltlin.ft d'-ln.
it, 111
I- (lie
ll I
It S ni.t 11:1 1111j-.11., 1 thihir
m.iinbera of ih,. f 1 in 1 - !.,
Hhns th.-so day. Ti (it
that eriHin-s. le.A, r. -I ---' 1,.,!
are not glad to ,,th.
'or v r.ilM
I r the
.1 m.i -fin, nt
1.1 c.e 1 bee
1, 1 11 that
the s.s-r.-t (ffft I.n'. niir s hi Itii.iiiti.-ni d in-i nlven that I will s.-H In- public auction,
gcr of te ng .i ov.-r d, ; for rah. on Friday, ib Ilih day of lie.
1 1 . tuber IVI7, nt 11 nVlo. k ,1 in, nt
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddeii's, .ufrred dock or place w-ln-re sin. noi" lbs In thr
for eight years from d 'p-p-l.i nndjC'lty of At-orli f'lulsfiv roimty Oregon,
chronic consMpat on, and wis finally, tie. scow schooner. "Dill.- M." Inr en.
cured by usM ln-witt's I.lttl., Marly i glues, boilers, machine! y, boats, tackle.
Risers, the famous little pl!. for all stom-' iippnrel and furniture.
ach and liver tnublos. Chas, Rok.ts.
And fi.v.v w., ... th.. iot'i. r, lb
nun", and tb.. ni,i-.i r r-. . 1 ( j -w ,nto the
photoirraph'-i-'H 11.-1 i,al,v -i tun- will
be taken for papa. It, ni,.. .,ut of
t.-n, how.-ver, ,),.. , hil l , , ,,,,,.., ,,
Tor tho eoa.f.ii t.-i,i r . r ( 1 . f - f.i 1 1 11
i-"o'iriil.o li-' nn off ';.tt, aIo ii th, pho
toR-raph s pr -ai-uI.-.
TO Ct'ltK A COLD IN ON'K n.y
Take Ijixatlve Ilromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists; refund the money If It falls
to cure; 2. For sain bv Charles Rogers..
I'nlens .t -wotniin'rt bamlwi-li nur uuik,
all hT lo r I. iters I ,k l,k bxiinpleks,
she plainly belongs to the diist-coV. red
rn.-rri'irle.s of yentorday.
Itufsla's ;.-oil.itloii ,os iiici-ea-'i-d dur.
lug Mu: last 100 years a fraction less
than I.WiWiO annually.
A few days ago a churning young lady
who was traveling alone between HI.
Paul and Chi ago, was accosted by a
handsome gentleman, who Invited hrr
10 dinner wlih him. "Certainty. Mr.
irson,'" elm replied, "for the Wlscona'n
Central lines have the Ik-si rlinlmr car
ervlce In the world: I shall be delight
ed." For fureher particulars call on the
nearest ticket ng.-nt, or address J. O,
Bond, general passenger agent. Milwau
kee. Wis., or Oeorge S. Batty, general
agent, 24 Stark street, Portland. Or.
Genenil Contrnctor
lel'S Kil I.Mr hr tine ir pltfht l'rrtil ,itk Ii
, wlib-tl If mil rherli e,t 1.,1. In MpermtirrtiiP n,l
.tttftJI wfe organ..
- lnr I hremtM nlnerf ef rent at tmnWerl Willi
rrmr.1r I r,ir wliltoul n etwmUtm. auiMllnMO
- , p . ,H winnRliiv 'kb
ovr eirrihiti. viniihftit ftrnt. .,iiim t
.lrttittat. ii.ii fa, n i . .. j ..
loharro. upinm ;r which lead 1 1 Inllmiitv. ton.umi.ll..ti or
InwmiT. t.n be.-arrle,l irnnt porkrl Si to ir t.,i, 6 (, .
.rr,.id Clletllar Krea. Sold I'T all Oru.,1,1. A.k for II. takinorthrf.
s.iiirr. nT me I'r.u Metllclll l.r . I'an. trranrr I ai,r iMr.a
l'iu1ji.u.1dirtraiiitiuf i,iuti, TUud aud YamlilU 61. , J'oiU.bJ. or.
K.STKS.i'iiNN liltl'U 111. Aifi-iitn. Astoria.
I ild little folk 1 ..or look
do In their wint r finery?
ui, r than k)
Tim y.iiimt 1111111 altii his flint liU-h ha'
i-ollldtl'l In- rolivllh-eil that tile n lotli
world s nut lonklrg .f him.
jiirjM-i'-x yi
iTIi'K T" 'llK)ITilltM
N-iatlc Is herrliy nlv.-n Unit Hi,- under.
J :ilme, has this day bi-.-n appoint.-.! us.
j aignen of R.-bcccali Hiniuss. 1111 lnr-,li ,-nt
,l.btnr. I'rs-dltors of the .nld nssliriior nr
j i,.rrby notified ro present their rluinis
J mult.f oath to the llli.lersiicnrd within
j thrw" months fr,mi this date nt his plriee
j of business at o, ',7.'i Ctunnierclnl sire.,
1 Astoria. Or.-iroti.
I ji,,te.1 this ib-veiith ,ny of H. .i. iiil,.-r.
isle .V Mi'lll.l'HMKI.,
,,.ltI)l.. of l!eU-,iiih Slniuss n ns.,.
Vent d'-btor,
j District of Oregon.
n v virtue of 1111 Order of Hale
t of the I'lilti-I Ht ies litrci .ti rt
' for the Plstrli'i of Devon, on ft.-- 10th
d.iv of December. Ki7. nolle I. hereby
ZiiKTIf HiirHllll.
t'nlt.-1 Hlnt.s Marshal
C. Fultiin. I'iim tor for f.lbilunt
j l.tlBHIC ATlNd
1K7I H;7
ship 'H,.vni;i:itv
lfllK'l)llllt AMI Plti (VISIONS
FIrl'R A NH Mil. I. FKIOI)
Aomdiin.'itAr, lmpijUmknts
Columbia Klver and I'ligi-t Sound Niivluu
llon l o,
Hteallier "Itlllley I ill t . I " Icitlct Aalnrln
dully, ereit HlllKlliy, 7 p. III. I.eiivcs Port
ia lld dully, except Nillldav, V 11. 111.
Itiilley iliitzcrl" tickets fiMsl on hteiimer
"It. it. Tliolllpson" llekels ood 1 .11 "I I., , I. V
V. ll.Seott, I'reslilenl.
K. A. Heeley, Agent, I'orl liunl.
I '. W. Hlone. Agent, Astorlu.
Teleplinlie No, li
Emil Schacht
Kooiiu ,!i7-.ift
I'ortland ,snlitg lUnk llldu.
Port In nil, Oregon.
Library Car Route
nmls In
!) st
Til all-rail route to Kootnnal mining
district, via H-attls and Nmkan
Shortest and Quickest Line
! St. Paul, Minneapolis,
j Duiuth, Chicago
Through Palace and Tourist
(Sln-t.ip, IHuitig and library OtMM-va-tloii
iDnlty TrnltiH
a Pimt Time
j HfltVli'lt AMi m RNKIIV t!.KagtLal)
I Kor tliknts ami full Inforitiatlun oall
' on ag'nt II. N. Cu. or aiklrsaa
C. P. A T. A.. Port land. r
H C. HTKVKNH. (I. W. P. A., HeatU.
(lit ilsl''tia,li. t - g if
t. j.aiil.l, ' (... t. ..I lli.ltllt.
I It h I lip i ir .l .-'
U. U(al ..nnlti-l I'ltn. il-
to.nnlilil .( fi n.t It--I
- ln.(.l .r ...ert r- ..
. ... I I .).. ) lift I
t ' r..t. (.irMilr 1 rr
. --Clt. 1 I.. a-.Mll ft l.l hi aliiLriUla.
Xi-A. tM i MIMICAL CO ,tw.i
For lo by l-Xru-fann Pru t.
. rwr M.aMMlr AW-Iki-Iv I ilmi lu
l'.ianl l ira In U .Ur W.
rviutul 11 w,i.,i.- 1
I'M. out bm IimImI .1
fc.iHMi wrlhiii
imi-. SaWSfl 'mI ih mim awina.
.. I pa I i-'vl.t 10 r.imm kf
lu awr. I mJ ibm or y .nw f
lrrl l'll II"-
III fonlift'-l lu
r ia 1 11 tf . aaaaaaaaaalk-avBaaaaaaBSal 'i"J,li
mu, .Ml
tiara. I'
1. i ijassBj u
U. 1. m-f tj H.M.kll4.ln-
till hmi
.. b- ! aj II
(lit MfMM 4rl,
.tit.-f 11. r. HUrr
a I IM. V'lmmrf
Uwm4tf "t I -ttarf I
tMralMni' Wl
'(lit tl !' P tftlle
itiM rttr. 1 lit) ii.'
U skill mi Ik mmM
I .If ftlAllf ?'!
liiw )rliilnl
a4ri.l. Vll. 11. f., lim.MM k alMlala
aeaWW l.VI-M MM I I HV I ...
n III Hmmmr lr,lr i a Illlaala.
'I'I".- U. lil'lltilllll will 111 tl-l'l-M
CM TV lllllll Of WHIIlllll ttln' I'i li
i-iiiiiiti-i aii faMi-ni lri'
"('u-t. r Itattli-lii l'l "
! "Thr KiiM-t Triiiii in tin
"Till' Wtlllil'.'S I.ITIlI'll."
Ileatltlltlllr lllllsllilted. Krer Uti'tl l IL :u
A. ('.SIIKI.Im.N.
(illll'llll AI'lll, I'lil'tlllllil. rlvirilH
lll the county court of the slats of or.
gun, for trw county of t'latsnp.
! In tho matter of the .-muti, of Joseph
I I.. Moore, flfawisssl. Citation,
j To nil helm of the nt.ivc.tinmcd Joph
, I, Moore. diKiwuarsl, greeting:
j In the mime of the statu of Oregon,
you are lieretry nltesl and fo.ulr.-d lo 11 p-
wnr In the csMitrly court of the stnta of
Oregon, for tint county of Clatsop, on
Monday, the third day of January, tflj,
nt 10 oVIo-k In the forenoon of that day,
rumis Isng the flrnt day of January term
of raid court, and thn mid there to show
esiise If any exist, why an order of sal
shoirld not lie nindo of the following d.
scelbed rnl etrtntn lndonglng to said de
censed nnd situated 1n Clalsop county,
state of Oregon, to.wlt: The southenst
one-iiiiirler of sey.llon No. 2, In the town,
ship No. R. north of rang" No. 7, west of
the Willamette meridian, containing 11
ncres of land, nceorllng to the prayer of
the pelMtnn of c Bottom, ndmlnls.
(rnlor of said entitle, filed herein, pt-iy.
Ing for such sale.
Witness, the lion ,T II II. Cray, Judge
of the coui.ty court of die Ht.ite of Ore
gon, for the eounlv of Clatsop, nnd the
seal of sold court hereto iifflned, this ;ith
dny of November, A. P 117.
Attest: F. I. Dl'NrtA It
fflenl ) Clerk.
fit Is s nen.pel.enmt. f,,r li rilio-a,
u MI" 'inalori In. ,1,
v lot, 11 n n 1. 1 a r . I iIin ,., .,, Inll.ntina.
II"". nrioili,,,, r (, ,.,.
'Mt Cv.NfiCHruiosr Co. I" '"
in 11 1 11 . tin lie
r"Mr.milu tV
-.'. It I. . "Xr-r I' .I.M-.
Ir Wllll.ttim'inilliinPlle
' lllltllieiil. Will i...r llll.l
iiii-oi ,i I,.., ;
I'llt-H. ll absorie. I lie lioiioru
IlllllVK 11,11 lb hit," 11. .., i.l.
a l.oiiii, '. '.. ....
Ii'-f. I r. VMIiiiuiiV In, 111, 1, ',. Viint-
llietil lu l,r,,.,.. ., 1. .... ... 1.
1.... 1.. 1 i'-." -1 10. i-nes nun in n
lmo tlm privuie i..v,.rv ,,, 1H
e. It 1 ,.r V ' .'. 11 ,lr,"'l"-ls. by mull on re
(..'.r'irflli'llRINii CO.. I'roiK, t'li-veluml, 11I11 1.
For sale by Ktc-Conn Drug Co.
v: m
iM aaaalaaHiasaaasiiaiaii'aia'
m y ta I in !.Lr..vl
M'w llu.'.iif"l
SI. m rea I., alilaiurs.
F 41'rennt. rt.n
Ei hail r