T TIIK DAILY ASTOttlAN, '-.TUESDAY -MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1897. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. TERMS Or BlBSCKIPriON. DAILY. Boot by mall per ye- H Beat by m&ll, per month Served by carrier, per montfc...... ) WEEKLY. Bent by mall, PT year In advace...$J W Postage frca to aubacrtoara All communications Intended for pubi eatton should be directed to the .-dlier Business communications of all kinds and remittance muat be addressed to "The Astorlaik" The) Aatorlan rnarantee to tie W ecxibcrs ih largest circulation of any aswspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates oan be had oo app fl ea Hon te the buslnesa manager. The Weekly Aatorlan, the aacond aid. eat weekly la the slate of Oregon, has, aext ta the Portland Oregoalan. the largest weekly ctrculatloo In the a tats. John P. Handley Co. are our Portland cents, and copies of the Aatorlan can be bad every morning t their aland, 124 Third atreet on band, and they accordlnglngly pay out the legal tenders, and thus the treasury la compelled to furnish gold for export. Retire the l.igl tndrrs and the banks will have to supply the gold. On banking iWovm Mr. Cloikln speaks with tim utmost clearness and precision Banks of Issue should have a capital c j mH has than N.OOO.OM, and be permitted j to tesue circulating nolo up to ra amount of their paid-up opli.il. Ho pro vides for the protection of the nolo hold, ere 'a is done under the Scotch and CiU a- ilinn ,'t.n,s 11a -,ill.t l.mtn.l ill.. niVS ! ent banking law also In respect u. more ! stringent supervision of the hanks by thej comptroller of the currency. He In. I stanoee a number of detullk, drawn from j his experience as a banker, concerning which better nd mors; tfTccttve regula tions mrht be made. The time to probably not ripe for Mr. Gookin' plan of banking reform n Ita entirety, hut ,ne tin come when It, or something closely allied to it, must be adopted. Mr. Gookin mjs note Issues based on frovernnient Kinds are In their nature temporary, "tlnce the I'ntted States cannot reasonably be called upon to maintain a poeemna nt debt as a basis for circulation, nor can any other securt. J ties ilun those which ate natlon.il be used ! as such basis." ' t It is th. policy of t.w American people The New Tear is almost here and with to pay off the national debt, and when It a new era. for Astoria will open. It ; that is done thre mill be no bond to us , ta certain that Mr. Hsm-nond has seveial a bess for circulation. As that period , plana for industrial enterprises which will:' no t distent Mr. Gookin tb.nks we; be floated about the time ihe railroad .night as wll adjust our banking reform la completed. The engineers are pushing the contractors on the road and but lit- jn Its trje basis now as hereafter. However Mr. Gookln's plan may strike Beautiful eyes srow dull sad dim At tie iwiti years steal swsy. esuttlul, willowy lorsts so slins Lose fairness with eTery day. But she still Is lutta sad bath charms t spare Who wears youth' ceraaal bcaatltai hair. Preserve Your Hair and you presorva your youth. "A woman is m old m sh looks," says the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Hoppott, Tork, litis sh, IMS tons, Port Natal, September & Mlltladea, Ayllng, Br ah, HM Ions, MU bourne, Ootober ll ttucMlttan. Outhrle, Hr ah, 1M tons Yokohama, . . Ilanirletta, Seeman, (h-r sh, 1M tone SlMIICh.U. ', Ikemba, Ih-vlherlng, Br bk, im tana, rrsmiutle. Clan RoWrtson, Pill, Pr sh, 1M0 tons, Sunt RcwAlta. Hrttlsh Gencrnl. Thomas, Ilr sh, Via Ions, KVwcastle, Austrilta. Mlbts, Meewnicer, Hr lk, W$ tuns, Naffamkl. Yalori, litowti, Hr n, 1 :n t, New. onstle, Austrnlia, Hornby Castle, nrurht, Hr h, 11 tons, A.Vkitde. Ttxt Oliver, It. lk, 1 Uns, Nngo, mVI,' October 11. JorxkMi Hill, Walker. Ur bk. ilT tons. MelbiuroA lrt Caletonla, Anton, Ur bk. Jl tons, Nnirnsnkl, Klntuck. IVrrelle. Ur tr. si tivns. Yokohama. Omba, Munro, Br tr, iW tons. Toko- bama. ' Amara, Kent, Br str. 1W tons. Hong kot.c. Alexander Black, Dunn, Br bk. 1391 tone, Antwerp. Watjen, Frltt, Oer sh, tVTt tons, Hlogo. Ixwl Shaftsbury. Ctknnlngham. Br ah. CTS tons, 8-dnoy. Bristol, Mclntyre, Br str, in tons, San Francisco. Kinllle, Oltmann, Ger sh. 1TJS tons, To- kohama. US 1 LfMBER n.EET. Ua mora remains to complete "he gnul- PollUcUns as a pracUcihle measure! mg. wWcto wiu be accomptehed at oonjfor Irnt :l'on- h wl" r"'y as the weather permits. The Astoria j fTOI- h th,p wh hv reflected most j Progreelva Coaunilal Association has profound,y " ths Intereeting problems accomplie4 much already for the good"'1 v"1 thcm th '"" " of this port notably a good understand, j kg with Command- MerreJl as to range I lights and the establishment of the prin-! MARINE NEWS. Tide table for December. 1897 IIHlil WArKK LOW WATKK TO CVRE A COLD IS ONE DA PATE a a. i. m. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Chamber of Com-nr.- is at work on t0 cur: For aJ by Charles Rig-ra. imporuat measures and the city council has dona a great deal towards the tm pioveroent of the streets of the city. With all tilts we have scarry made a betfn. ! 5rla(9 A11Ie HuKhwl, Norfl!l5 Va., ws, ning. There is probably not a business 1 frightfully bur&ed on the face and neck. man of Astoria who wants to see this city paln Inatanty relieved by DcWitfi Thurmlay.lj JI buHt up by roMgn capital and three-! ,V,tcn HilPi SalTf- mhlch hled ,he ,n" sunfeli jury wiuiouc leaving a scar, n is famous pile remedy. Chas. Rogers. 1 Vrlnd'y 1 -li : : , Tliuroiiav.. . : ;m: J Krtilnv 3 7 t Sjiiuniav.. 4 l 7 6 M'Nl'.vY. i loio 7 Moiutny. .. '' lO't-' si' expected it to? ' Friday 10 2 li 7 Nlturdiv..l i ;!7 7 r.VIAV.l.' SU.V7 4 MoiKitiv ...n s.; Tuedav .H i 1,", 7 7 Monlav....Jw i Tuesday Jl lu i" 9 1 Quinine pills rather than hon bons seein Krldav Jt fourths of Jt owned In the east, draining the community to pay the interest on bor rowed money. There are many large en- terpriaea, essentia to m growth of this to ba the order of the Ay. port as a place of commerce, whihe must ot necessity tie partially built with Eastern money. But It la not tha province, or to j Pa., has a little girl who Is frequently 1 -r.'?.mjr.Tr?L 3 l Mr. C. ' soiunlay i ll I 'SUNDAY.. 3 061 i I Monday. J7 I U 1 Ml-.t, - j, v ' TueKlay .ai 4 is S 1 . Dixon, a well known mer- Wedn5l) yJ!) 5oos, ti.min. h.mift. ti.in ft m is o is 1 1'. i i . o ill io 31 l if.' v.mi :i- : ;i.:i 10 ;7 1 x .; i i 1 1-1 1 1 . -V S li ," I V 0 li II. 3 AM i' 1 1 H. S 2 S 4 0 U 0 1 11 10 S H 41 4 2 7 I 0 S 12 41 I :. 4 4 7 'l.l 1 12 9lj 7 V.' 14 M0 1 44 '0 .'. . 0 I 2 i 7 ; oii 4 I su' HI74 :U 40 ,:;o4 :i4; : o ioo .i ; io mo I '; I" v :t 2 t S7 1 I S.iTii-.' 2' 2 7 1120 7 2 0 I ' 2 I .1.1 4 n 0 2 9 2 22. 1 0 10 HI 61 2 0 31 3 oJ ll(.r7si ;I22 17 4o t-X J ;tlt)s 11 1 9 41 J.f 4 0 Sit IT 11 i 9 s 27; 3 7 7 l. I 5 12 ! 7 l iS 7 1 . 1 4M 2 B 10 3 3 S 42 I 2 17 O0t .1 I 24 0 S 327 1 I atl; 2 10OJ 4 211 7 4 10 ;K 2 10 44 1 i 5-20, 1127 2 J H2..IIS 271 U 2 I..0 7 t2 -)l UJOi 2 13416 Vessels on the Way and In Columbia RIv.r to Load Lumber. I.;uira May. Hansen, s.-hr, fJ4 tons. 8nn Francisco, November II. Letltla, Stakkobye, si-hr. TSI tons, San Francisco. November It Tenklo Mam Kaneko, Jap bk, HI tons, Yokohama. Ma Rchnauer. Nellson, eh, S tona San Francisco, Kovember It Avers I'llls. belne i-ompoanl of the es sentlnl vlrtihHi of the Net veitetablo aper kms, without nny of :ho wioly or flbrous mat.'rUl whatever. Is thp r.-a.sin why they are o much more- eff-vtive and v.iluaKe than any other cathartics. The Nst f.im. Ily physic. the best interests f Astorians to malt threatened with croup, but when tha flrat j symptoms appear bis wife gives her Chainbertaln'a Cougtt Remedy, which al ways affords prompt relief. The S and SB cent si sea for sale by Testes. Coca Drag uotll eaaternera do It all. The time is at hand when capital wDl come here quick enough, but it is for Astortana to wisely regulate ita use and so co-operate with j Company. -fbe new Mood as to retain control of our Better order ycJ, Christmas wreaths soon If you want the best of the lot. MARINE NOT & The OpheUa arrkvd down Sunday.. The ships Ochtertyre aiid Wasdale both draggd their an-.-bors yesterday during tha storm. The pilot schooner San Jose s still in l port utmbta to cross out to sea on account own city and at the same time secure I "ita beat good and qu(ck?st advancement j 'TtrinrfM utnA n. ml 1 . M n . i Ann f ntTt J, rVMvh lrtfk siiis nnliWW . r-, - . ; " '- of the rough weather. local taistiiution. fnr fh, mn... , ! Th&Ve what you want! Chas. Rogers. "U'yi.ss sum wjuuri 'xoo ihucd oeiay in starting the wheels will only leave the claims open for others to jump. Already Christmas gifts. Jt is well known many Portland business men have their ?yes directed to Astoria and are only waiting to step In at the Today Is a special bargain day and splendid chance to lay In a stock of 0f heat valued at JfCiM). The British ship Walale, for Quwns town for orders, carries 1V2.02S bushels J Lightship Xo. ST was towed up river yes J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity. O.. was f or ' terday afternoon by -he Manzaii'.a and thirty years needlessly tortured by phy-' anchored abr!ut the city, sidans for the cure of enema. He was right time. Let them come, let ail true quickly cured by using DevTltfs Witch' The British bark Ochtrriyrw has cleared business men and workmen come to As-1 Hazel Salve the famous healing salve from the custom house wnrh 2J.2S6 bur. IV,. nwir nsiiiie h 'i alor-.K with until we statx of st-lf -den tal. lit tl wv can K"t ii f.iri'ed Into a The irrixIy. d!s-ol,irl ami uncouth heard can t nvolo to nppur Inviting by Ilikklnirham's Dye. which colors an even brown or blnck; may N appll'd ut home. ANvUtlaWc Ircpardlion for As similating the rootl Aiul Hotf uU -Itiig (he StuDAchs oikl Uovwb of lonotoTtcsUon.Chrerriil- ncs nrul rkTstContains neiincr OpniuT.Morptiine wrUiucraJ. NOT.NAIICOTIC. Aw tfOU ItSiMZUVrSLI 4Lx Smnm sWfssiiis tJh Aporffct Remedy forCortHlirm tinn Smir Stnnvirh l)l.irrtk)Cd Viimvs ,Con-ulsions iVwrish ncss and LossorSLEti'. Tac Simile 5innlur ot 6".sZZ77 NEW S'OHK. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLK OP CXACT COBV Of WHAPPtH. m CtitarU li pnl ip Is tis-tls KuUt m!t. It il Sit sou la bilk. Dot I alls snjons ts Mil jot saTlsli sits U U r smnlM Utt It ! S3 I. "im . .l" J ".ill ...... ... .... 5 .. . jr po... r b that J it U l o-T O-il-l a. White pventng sllpH.r ire not sorii as much as ale oaorej ones. ai b brt.lsi. Mrs. M. n Fori, Risklell's, III., utT'-re.l for eUrht year, from dspi-pl ail chriik" constlpstirtn, and w v flimlly cured by uslmr 1'Vltt' Little F.atiy Risers, thn fati.i little r-Ula for all t 'lti at and l!vsr trouW-ss. Ch. Kifrs. To be rhwrful whm the raining Is pour tiis' down ami a cont-linl note Is due means a ."."position akin to anioilr. Mrs, Mary -nird. Hanrlsbur, Fa., says, "My cbild is rsrorth minions to me; yet T wouM have lost her ey rroup had I not Invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute OJueh Cure." It cures eonha, colds and all throat and lung troubles, diss, Rogers. 'It is very foolish to nut your private thotnmtx In a dtaryand Own leave the little volume) whs-re veryone can read It. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says: "After two doctors; gave up my" boy to die. I saved him from rroup by tntng One Minute Cough Cure." It Is the quirk, est and most certain renesly for coughs, colds and all rhroat and lung trouDfes.' Cha. Rogers. ! for piles and skin diseases. Chas. Rogecs. ' pi, 0f ftoUr vald ;a tW.VO. torla, but let ns save the management and control or artairs ny taxing tne nrst The 'home wier there are no children steps to start the wheels of commerce i never is dominate! by the real holl'tey now almost ready to take the trarJc. GOOKIN ON MONETARY REFORM. The comprehensive yet clear and co gent plan of monetary and banking re form presenoed to the monetary commis sion by Mr. Frederick TV. Gookin, cashier of tha North western National Bank of this city, deserves the thoughtful con. stderatkm of every student of reform, says the Chicago THnes-He-rald. Mr. Gookfn treats the subject not only as a practical banker of experience, but as a profound thinker upon the laws of banking ar.d finance. A-nong all the an. ewers to the questions propounded by the monetary tommisslon that have as yet been published there are none that pre sent the problem more clearly or the method of solution more ably than Is dune In this plan. tMr. Gookin would have the gold stand ard estabiietied by a declaration that all government obligations shell be payable In gold, and defining silver dollars as rep resentative money only. He thinks that If the government notes are not retired the legal tender quality should be taken from them. In this opin ion he has the support of many wise statesmen. 'When the proposition to Issue these notes was raised in U62 many of our leading men took Use ground that to make Ibeoi legal tender added nothing to their value as a circulating medium, but en dowed theea with at quality that In the od would result in nothing but mischief. And this baa proven true. We do not Icok apon this question as particularly Important now, for we hope to see them all withdrawn from circulation. In fact we can banre bo true monetary reform un til the government notes are put at least h process of retirement The real evil of the legal lender notes 5fr. Gookin points out when he says that for thirty-Ave years they have been the monelary standard of the country, and everything that has affected the treasury tea affected business. Gold, being the money of the world, must be had for the settlement of lntermtlona balances. But the banks will not part with gold If hey have any lesa desirable form of currency spirit. TO CCRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. an1 da(t of rePr:l aallh.g: AH druggists refund the money If It falls j Lombard, Calson, Br str. to cure" 26c, For sale by Charles Rogers. I Yokohama, VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. The following vessels are bound to the Columbia River, with name of master, rationality, rig, tonnage, where from Disappointment can become so con stant that after a while it really begins to lose its sting. 1&8 tons, 17 J George Stetson, Murphy, Am sh, tons, Baltimore, August 4. Linlithgowshire, Anderson, Br sh, 1367 tons, Antwerp, July 28. Drumburton, Spurring, Br bk, 1773 tons. Swansea, July S. Annesley, Ewart, Br sh, HSl tons. Car' It is often a mystery how a cold has been "caught." The fact is, however, that when the blood is poor and the system ! diff. May t, aeprespfi. one owomes peculiarly liable j Cambrian King, Hansen, Br sh, ICS to diseases. When the appeptlte or the tons, Shanghai, strength falls, Ayer's 6arsaparilla should Dovemby Hall, Whlckham, Br sh, ISM be taken without delay. j tons, Liverpool. i Ben Vodrlloh, Ahler, Or sh, 1407 tons. Is there anything more exasperating Santa Rosalia. than to write a letter full of questions and n the rplv to have every one of them completely ignored? I Worn Out?! f Do you come to the close of 1 thecUythorougrilycxhausted? 4 Does this continue day after 3 days possibly week after week? t -rerhaps, you are even too ex hausted to sleep. Then some thino; is wrong;. All these things indicate that you are suffering: from nervous ex haustion. Your ntTvcs need feeding and your blood en riching. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda. contains just the remedies to meet these wants. The cod- liver oil gives the needed J strength, enriches the blood, t feeds the nerves, and the hy- tv $ pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Be sure you get C"YT"T'C T7 1.: 1 OswsVA 1 j uiiuuiun. sV SV All druggists ; 50c and im. SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chrmisu, New York. Springbum. Rae, Br bk, 2500 tons. Cape Town, September S. Durbrldge, McLauchlan, Br sh, 2121 tons. Table Bay, September 17. Poltalloch, McLeod, Br bk, 2139 tons. Table Bay. Otago, Esk, Swd bk, 970 tons, Ham. burg. Dundee, Jarvls, Br sh, U98 tons, Hlogo. Conway Oast I e, Jones, Br sh, 1SJ1 I tons, Valparaiso. I nnfflmnnwMllh. Arwtrann P- a 910s tons, Taku. Vanduara, Beavan, Br bk, 1911 tons, Algoa Bay. Teenkal, Long, Br str, Kit tons, Hong, kong. Glen park, Irish, Br sh, 1799 tors, Rio Janeiro, August 29. G km bank, Leonard, Br bk, 1X4 tons, Calcutta. Genevieve, Touge, Ft bk, 97 tone, Hai phong, October XL ' Oelgorm Castle, yahoo, Br bk, ISO) tons. Table Bay, August St, Henry Vlllard, Pwtett, An ah, 141 tons. New Tork, October 14. Oberon, OuJly, Br bk, 10M tons, Newcastle, Australia, October 1 Vertvov, jLdd, Br ah, 1719 tons, Wat aroo. Oamaru, Pullarton, Br ah, UOt tona Du jedin, October 14. Jacques, Bernada, Fr bk, 1460 tons, Ma. Junda. Indian Empire, Allen, Br bk, ISIS tona, Valparaiso. Jupttler, Funder, Dan sh, 1051 tons, Yo kohama. Chelmsford, Thomson, Br bk, 2137 tona Cape Town, October 9. City of York, Jones, Br sh, 1167 tons, Sydney. Blalrlogle, Mackay, Br bk, 152S tons, Delagoa Bay, September 4. Nearly all the; nw wnrfn enwns have rashes of net. tulle or rhlffim. wtiMi. howwvT. tie In front liwteuil of In fhe buck as formerly. Northrn Psclflc railroad trains leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. V r Tacoma. Spokane, and the East. Close connection made at Spokane fnr Ross land, Nelson, Sandow and British Co lumbia mining camps. For maps and Information call on or address C. W. STONE. Astoria, Or. The woman who wouUl fndulgn in a strw-t flirtation d-Tvs all the unple:L ant conHuenres that hu h a lurk of good breeding tuid common sense Is apt to entail. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinme Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure; 25c. For sale by Charras Rogers. What a helpless sort of fWUn it Is to find onuw-tf without a night key and real ize that the seven sleepers were owls in comparison with the. slurrfbertng fnmates of yur home. A leu!ec In '.imiM .i thut li- s. 11 desen yWli. si.il,s to m of jn mhn color. It la eaiy t i .Mtch a s4 1 and )us easy to ret rt.t of It If v.' ctmnen. e earlv to i" One 'Mlnirte rough I'ure It cures cotiKtis, cold. Nswichltls, p:wiimi"il and all throat and lung trouble It l p.eas. ant to tak, f to use ami stire t ones. Chas. Roger French wall that ! .uk Ilk a ru miargay la tstd in white sal goM draw, lng rooms. M'CLURE DRXIN jUWWSMHIT NVWICK. Notice is hereby ssven that the assess ment madif by Ordinance No. IS4 .if ttis City of Astorlt, .-ooflrmlng the sssnwrnetii on Roll No. 2. for thn cjcwtniitun f a drain In MVIure's Astoria, will b due and payatiln In l'mtr-1 States ipi. coin st rhe office of the Oty Ti-mrrrr, lie. ceniher 20, 1H97, and If tsit so ,vl M said time the Common Council will imler war rants Issued fr tilu. colln-tliwi 'f the sime. Tho ss.swmrrt Is as filiw: Fnrguson, E. Fulton, Maud Fultoii, Fult.wi, Fulton, Fulton. Fulton, Fulton. Z F. n. Maud E n. Ada M a Ada M a Ada M ui.l Ada M uiul. C. W.., half S half 4 half I half 4 hair 9 half und, half I Fun.ni. C. W und Half 4 FlnU)on. Margaret I Flstier, OhrMltti 2 Fisher. Chrbitliia 4 Ford, E-UIn und. half f.ewrhart. fVlestto t Oearhart, Celeatta ? Orange. Henrletts 4 Gor, Angus 1 Orlfrln. J, Jf n. half 4 IHill.irsn, Adallnw K. I Hall. Mary A 2 lfull. Mary A 4 Halt, Mary A S Hall. Mary A. llsnnaoh. J Ifoiutirh. 3 Hlln. J. F... HUalns, . r... iiatan. if. rr tngall H. H . Kant. Viola T. Kindred. II. P. Klndrs!, Klaffld. Mnvrie. Itl-lAIII, heirs. ..ural. . .und. I half 1 half 1 i 4 T H. P. A. J TrMma Oeonre. deceased, Robnrt Mclean, Ar. M 17 97 7 97 M M M 94 9T 97 107 M M r. 97 is: 71 K, K r. K K. K 97 71 71 W 74 74 M K W IS 9U U (0 12 H 13 tO 17 50 17 M 17 B n w K, 10 l( 00 IS OS T r. to jr. w 7 15 no 7 50 36 no 15 15 00 15 on IS OS t on S 00 7 W 7 50 2000 S OS 10 00 10 on 10 on 7 50 15 I.t. HI south half 1 V. iiiWr half 4 71 Ttridget S K Hts'Ut 4 i; An,lrw 7 l . . . f in r.in N.wne. Aller. A. V Allen, A. V. Allen, Mr Allen, Mr Anderson. Anderson. Ardrw Astortk rUill'ling an'l AswvHatlon Astoria Bulldrng and Ansoelall.m 4 Astoria Paving Rank. trtitc I AWort.v Ravines Iluik. trust," 5 Ast'irla !LVtrurs rtink. tnrt.. 7 Boelllng, Mrs P 5 P r. P 7 P 4 v r. P p 7 As-rn't 1 7 50 17 SO f. no r. on 5 00 5 00 r. oi A PLEASANT, EXPERIENCE. A few daya ago a Oharr.ilng young lady who was traveling alone between St. Paul and Chicago, was accosted by a handsome gentleman, who Invited her to dinner with him. "Certainly, Mr. Carson.'" she resiled, "for the Wlscona'n Central lines have the best dlnm car service In the world; I shall be delight ed." For fureher particulars call on tha nearest ticket agent, or address J. C. Pond, general passenger agent, Milwau kee, Wis., or George 8. Batty, general agent, S44 Stark street, Portland, Or. llwHIlng. rioHMnir. Boelllng, Boiling, Boelllng, Ho4llng, Iollmg, Boelllng. Tlwk.net. Bad'illet, Dndollet, Badollet. Bodollet, I BadolM. Beronds, Berenrles, HaRft.ldge, Bafchldge, 7tergman, B.Tgman, Pock, Baker rhase, Chhse, Conn, Oonri. CHrttou, J Clinton. J. How horrible everything appear when we Me awake at night and think over our troubles, but like a magician daylight makes) the greatest etianwe In our senti ments and In the general aspect of affairs as well. After hearing sotne friends continually praising Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea neroedy, Curtis neck, of Ana heim, California, purchased' a bottle of It for his own nee and la now as eat hu el astic over Its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 26 and (0 cent sise for sale by Betes-Conn Drug Company. Isn't tlh deposed Mr. Sovereign onsciire enough now without wanting to be vice-president? Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Vlotn 7 VI. m M.rr line 1 Maev Jati" I Mary Jan.- ?. Man' J'itw 4 Mary J.oie n Mtirv .line fj Matilda . m.rth Half 1 Matllcti.. north hiilf I M 1 1 49 4i II 4! II V J. W I J. W 2 'laaac 3 Iiewe 4 WIIH.um 7 W. D 2 W. n...'m.l. W. n...'in.l. Vallnda, A. Vallnda A.. R. ft Clftnpbel L. K... DevHand, fl. I..,. Cleveland,, fl. I.... Dunv-nt, J, C Vj of n. '4 of n. I,!, Prwperlty comes nulckest to the man whose liver Is In good condition, DeWltf Little Karly Risers are famous little pills for constipation, biliousness. Indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Chai. Rogers. Dement, J. C :.. Dement, J. C Dement, J. C I DunWar, Ulan Douglas, Duncan, deceased, heirs are 'Duncan Douglas. Jennie Douglas and Alfred Douglas Dealey, ThomUs Bspey, R, H A Bspey, R, H Erlekson, Oustava ... Brlrksnsi, Oustava ... Flavel, Mary C. Flavel, Mary C FlavH, Mary C und half T Fkivel, Mary C und. half Flavefl, Oflnrgn C 7 Flnwl, George C t Flavel, Oeorgn C Flavel, George O und. 7 FlavH, George C und. Flavel, Jfellle und. Flavel, Nellie und. Flavel, Katie und. Flavel, KMIe und. !; 97 !W 71 n 9t !X! W 04 too 100 4T 45 K, 45 7 r. 00 10 00 7 50 15 m 71 00 15 mi 10 no 10 00 3 00 y 00 n 00 te, no ro irt r, 00 r, 00 5 on f. no in no 10 no 17 50 17 .VI 51 oo 3) 00 10 00 10 no 7 50 15 0i) I 73 II 75 7 50 7 50 !5 m 13 W 7 50 15 00 15 00 IS no IS 00 IS 00 IS 00 25 00 I csilbald Mrtean, r.r1i ! Ann Mrlan. Duncan Mc j !an and rTtlsntwlh Mc j ln. widow, and Rllsr- lwth M.-Ian 2 1 Mr War, Frtvncls A 1 McVlrar, Frar-I A 2 ' McGosan, -har4e r ... S MeOnwan, Ph-c1 C 4 MVie. Manrret 7 ! M. K.iisle. Mary 6 ' McKean. H. T 4 j MrKee. 11 A n. gf ft. 1 , M..-Vear. P. J...und. H n. H7 j Mcsrler. J. G 4 0irhn."ld. Tt'e'i 'tnd. 'j 1 M irshfleM, Th.wi und. S 2 Mansur. L. 7 M.Kires. Kslelln s. 31 ft. I Mr.nt.ilth. IV 11 uiul h.ilf 2 N.y. Mrs. A. t 4 Piirk-r. F. I. ml '4 n. 'i 1 Parker, F. L.....und. '4 n. '4 4 Pnrker. R. P 5 pnjk..r. F. P Parker. H. H 4 Pra.4, lilts s. half 5 p-iiel, ITtt.t . half 4 Jiiln, .lain.w 4 Quln. Jiinn"s 4 IC.r..n Trust Omrpar-y 9 Kussnll, .Joseph iirul. lilf 5 Riiswll, John W.....uni. half 5 JtoM.f-,lule Antmw 2 Robinson, .lain H..kI district School dlstrM Ksh'Hil ilMrlit School illstrlct .r.. School Sihool district illstrlct Srhool district Bmlly Kmlty 1 K. hoi district ' fitaples, Emily j Staples, j fltntiles. j Staples, Staples, H Hi pies, Scirlly, T,l7.sle Scully, Llssle Ferguson, R. Z... '41 "4 ... S 95 7 00 94 IS no 7 10 00 74 10 00 49 US 00 49 13 00 47 as 00 47 US 00 41 17 50 44 17 30 71 35 00 71 25 00 47 25 00 44 S 43 44 S 43 44 4 41 84 5 43 44 S 41 44 S 43 44 15 00 No. 1 1 No 1 2 No. 1 1 No. 1 4 No. 1 5 No. I I No. 1 7 No. 1 9 J 7 J 4 J. 2 Kmlly J 4 M. D 7 M. P.... und. "4 n. ti 7 7 flf!iiw4, RnnMIe 1 Smith, Mary Rlfirson 5 Smith, Mary Rlerson 4 Tucker, R, F 5 Thompson, Lucy W t Thompson, Lucy W 2 Worsley. Felecla U 4 Wright, iMVirgaret J....und. ', S Wass, Dyson D 1 Wans, Dyson D 2 Wise, Herman und. half 4 Wise, flan und. half Whltoomb, Alice A 3 Wall, Bartholomew 4 W'hltcomh, W. P 2 Whllcomh, W. P 3 Wihlteomb, W. P.. .und. half 4 71 M sit 49 9 V, !M 94 VI ir M r. t: m ! 1"7 00 71 7.1 75 41 47 ; !C !i7 74 74 TI 71 71 71 71 74 75 7.'. 00 90 107 SO so til 91 m no 47 47 74 47 40 41 90 00 5 05 100 100 100 Wlnterholder, Jos n Warren, Sarah R. Warren, D. K Warren, W. Warren, M. Warren, M. Warren. M. K.. S... 8.. 8... 9 4 ...iin.l. half 1 ..und. half 1 ..und. halfl ..und. half 4 half S 107 47 100 14 04 100 100 X. no 15 00 15 on J 00 on 7 no 7 50 7 V 10 05 I 75 15 m 5 no on 7 '0 t r. 7 ') 15 no 4 75 8 75 3) nn in i 7 no 17 50 17 V) v on 15 00 m II 31 15 no 7 50 x 00 ir, m 1:5 on 115 00 ir, 00 ir. no in on 125 "0 20 no 20 00 j 15 00 17 50 17 M 1 75 35 00 ir, no 10 00 17 M 17 50 15 00 r. 00 r. no 10 00 4 si v, 00 15 00 2 50 2 50 4 no 7 00 is nn 15 00 7 50 7 50 r, no is no 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 Emil Schacht ARCrllTEGT Rooms JI7-JIH PurllanJ 5avlnga lUnk Dlttg. Portland, Oregon. GO EAST Library Car Route AMEltlOA'H HtKN-IC LI I Neils la Dialog Car 1a Carl r Rock B.ll.tt No Out Tha all-rail rout to Kootenai nUaloc district, via Heattls and Spokane I ' Shortest and Quickest bine TU St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. Chicago AND ALL 1HMNT CAST Through Palace and Tourist Slstrs. I Unliig and Library Obasra. lion Cart. Dolly TroIrtH ...Font Tlmo lhKKVH AM' K.NKItY t'.t KAql'KUIb For ttcksta and full Information osal on sgrtit ('. K. N Co. or a4kna A. II. C. DENNIBTON. C. P. T. A.. l"ortlan4. Or. l. c. 8TEVKMH. U. W. P. A.. HsatUa Mott's Ncrverine Pills ramad y fur rwrvous pros Iralion and 1 all nrrvooi Y distaM. ol tSt '1ms trnrrativa or ..11. 1, 1. tMl ll.U I Mid, ,AnJ o (illuf ki, MKh at Nrrvoua Praatraltsv, Falllnj or kat Manhood, ImpotmcY, Nlfhtly Vml ttoni, Youlhlul Krmn, NWnUl Worry, usuva uk ol Tobacco or Opium, which Wad to Consumption and Insanity. HM per bos by mailt 6 boars for 5.00. mm CHtMICAl CO.. Prof . ClargUrxJ. Ohll For sal by rlstss-Csssa Drug Oo. Hi 49 Bssl Ss4sM.mil rssF a,r U.h,.ss. 'll. ,t.kSl, 1 H sum. itituril 4i. I rksrsM, r sf li.aiiisft. llu, lirllMMI W9 khsftt- . 4. I.I , ai n nsssss. MeaW SB f f iMkaWfCwXl as IM as SMlasrV Lr rasatja lltlasty vososia V V c.a. "" 41 ks 9rsn rat ml I uis r uriUr 9it r If Atllll9J jllMM sk 1M f via 4 rt rnrg Tniu 1 ill etmitM loaltf, M baj.4.1 IbvII Ut ill! It wb tntt In tMHUh. KawfTIl IE Mi i ihtt MM IMPMI grrr io 9mm yn hmm m pV 4a of in, ir .riTkMlia kaUt4f I bail-If Mtairusf l U ihi (rr.Ma.ry, mim4 fmUmm 4kf.pi lha 919a. 4 altl aastsj t km wsje-tal fW fAaw .r- 9Wfls4 amldval pmr nia.U ah tMB--iakJs V e99J CttftlUal toMtlaf ur 99gB4JitltW9at 4 , 1 t-a (IN aaatr tftimwm eVlllgtaJ Hgi, WsaJaatattry Of 1 rUarf gtaSBsa) Inmra V. mm mm tvraj kaltajkfvM mwm r. 7bia Ul It. akklll wt thm M)4M I tnwuasj i eWsf&aM rttftlUkl III la aMWsMlv Om rartllsil bvti gruertk4ttB. ) rila im f.ir !. sll avtntf mwwm rmmmmmmmmnmwmmwmmwm'm iillifii lime ! Tli4M4 imlilinitiiniH will iub roMl t vt i v mini ur mhiiuii tvlm t;ni trinihiti'M an i-iisttTii triji: "CunUr Muttlffifl.l." "'Hur Finest Triiin in. tlit Wtiil.l." "'H WurliCn IUct.nl." Ilssii1hlll lllustratrd. Krrs. Wrilsliir tliria A. CSIIKLDON, (icnt-ral Ajjcnt, I'tntliuiil, Oregon By ordT of the common council. Attsst: IT. Ti. NRLROV, Auditor and Police Judire. Astoria, Oregon, Pp. 4, 1S97. CITATION. In ha county court of Die at at of Or. i iron, for tlie county of Chiisoa. In iho nuvtter of the etftute of Joai(i I,. Moore, deceasnd. nunitlon. To all hHr of the ahovn-nanKsl Joseph Ji. Moore, deceasnl, grsxitlng: In' the name of the stats of Oregon, yon are tiwdby rttsd and r()tiird to t fnr rn the county court of tha stMe of Orsgon. for the county of Ctataop, on Monday, the third day of January, DM, s.t 10 o'clock hi the forenoon of thnt day, nume hrtng the flmt day of JimiMury term of raid court, and then and there to ahow cause f any salst, why n order of sale ahoirid not be made of 'the following de. scHhed ral ettlate hHonglng to said da csnssd and situated In Chitsnp county, stale of Oregon, to-wM: The southst ono-qimrtcr of soollon No. I, n the town, ship No. t, north of range No. 7. wsst of the WllkvmntU meridian, containing 148 acres of innd, according to the prayer of the poLMInn of C. A TtnMom, sdmlnls. tralor of sn1d mlale, nind hnrrtn, prny Ing for such sals. Witness, the Hon. J. TT. T). Amy, judge of the county court of the alnte of Ore. gon. for the county of Clntsnp, and the seal of sn1d court hYet0 nffled, this J4th iy of Novetnher, A. P. 1S07. A'- T. I. DUNBAR. (Besl.) ClT.