T11K DAll.N ASl'OiflAS. YFDNKM. M)iMN(.. DM'KMltKK . IIW7. REPUBLICAN RALLY IS ENTHUSIASTIC fisher's Opera House Filled Last Sight ii Spite of Storm. STIRRING SPEECHES MADE Review ol the City Gomanett lidcr Re piblicii Maiiistratioa Roads Vortk fir. Quite a lanre audiewe gathered to hear the speaker lat nletit tat the revubltean rally at Fisher' a opva, house. Rounds of applause greeted th oi-at-w-s and mucii enthusiasm waa manifested. J. C. Pellln ger raa chairman of the mating. The Astoria marine bind iru present and rendered good music for the occasion. Mayor Taylor mado "the opening speech ar.d reviewed the official acts of the mem ber of the present city government. He spoke of the present financial condition of e city and compared K to the time when the present officials took op the adminis tration of the city aff.Urs, showing that an hone, economic government was the best politics. The speaker said warrants were at that time as low a 75 cents; now cky warrants are worth 77 and S8 cents on the dollar. The- republican pirty, which tiad Been Id power for tie pas two years, was pledged to an economical government and tad placed Hie city's credit on a olid basis. To continue that party In power would result in good government and the party would demonstrate to the people that it would overcome all dlffl oultlea and carry out the pledgs made. He referred In felicitous terns to the other candidates on the tlck-t and said that fcy electing them to office e people would nuke no mistake. Mr. Harrison Allen, candidate for city attorney, was Che next speaks, and said he wwa heartily In accord with the views of Mayor Taylor. He said the candidates on the cUtlxerw' ticket were responsible to no party for their actions and were self, nominated candidates who were ut for the stuff. Mr. Allen mn.de a ringing speech, and kerlt the audience in a round of good humor. Mr. F. J. Carney, candidate for city treasurer, was called jn and said that If elected he would discourse the duties of The office hrrswtly and faithfully and hoped he entire repubU.-an ticket would be elected. Charles Olhls. candidate for police com missioner, and Police Jud,-o Nelson, next addressed the meeting. Mr. Olvis said that If elected he would dlsehage h s du ties faithfully and impartially, and would do all In. tis never for the efficiency of the police department '"'d the suppres.. ino of crime. 'ul.'e Ncton. who has noj A? the resld.-n.v of The brf.. ,ast even oppultion. spoke In a happy vein nndjirsr. the Rev. J. McOorma.k, united In hoped the entire tl-ket would be elct-'d. marriage Mr. Charles E. J.4in-on and Mr. J. W. Welch, cand! late for council-: Mrs. Olavj. Wick. A lane number of man from the second ward, said he be-jsne-:s ,'TV present a-, the ceremony. Af lleved In in honest .idmin'strn'ion of the fr a shirt welding trip to rortlirid. Mr. city's affairs consistent with as little cost ! a1 Mrs. Johnson will at hmo in t"r!a to the taxpayers as possible. He had al-j " 'heir many friends. ways t.tdcavored to do the best he cvjldi for his ward and for the city afte-wards. 1 ,n lhp nt Mr- "' ". O. C Fulton spoke at stm, length. He ' s- McOowan a' "r ' said If the democratic party had pit up am Klv ,0 a m"nbAr of fr1n1, ln a regularly nominated ticket against the!h'v"r nf Miw Zr- wno '''T for n"r rpublknns t would not imke s,o mucn j hom" in FVrtland today. The time was difTerence. as borh nanie, ,-nuld put their i "M-'m"' s(M!m ,n mt" ar1,1 nvrsa-. best :n In the Held. Wn the citizens' t!:1- and refreshments were servfd at a ticket was a nTi-par:l!an. nrn-prlnclp:e j u hour- tk-ki and responsible to no one. He closed by exhortln his heirers at this critical period In the history of Astoria to vote for th. ciiare republican ticket, whiA is pledged to good government. Mr. C. J. Curtis made the closing speech. He said that he had occupied the office of cky attorvy for some time and could speak from person it knowledge of the administration A citv affairs. His remarks were tiro-fly and to the point. He referred to Mayrw Taylor a the man who had occupied one of the most re. sponelHe posftions in the gift tf '.he ro- i nmp" Tr Irwl OI nefr or some pie of th state and dfled any one t0io,n'-r lntoxlrlng beverage and or. trolng point at him the nrurer of scorn and say j he had ever done a dishonest act. He re-1 ferred to the reord of the republican pir. ty, that whether In municipal, dTAe or na tional affairs, !t his always been found to be- serve the Interests of the people. TODAY'S WEATHER Rain; cooler; gales on coast. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Speak to us by white December breath; Thou Life behind the mask of doa'.h, TTiat nvjk'Rt the snow fall eloquent As summer's stir In earth's greon teat! Lucy La ream. Trr 8rhll!lng' Pest tea ind bsVlnr powder. Fresh cream and milk at the Bonbon nlere. E. A. DE YO IS AGENT FOR SODA MINT GUM. TO WEAR DIAMONDS CHEW SODA MINT. Mr. Walter C. Smith wum dwn from Portland yesterday. He says Astoria's time to grow Is right here and the evt- donees will soon be given of Its nfw pros perity. $2 0002 " Thu.se Schilling 's Iks'. people are making money tvo fast." Do ycu think so? Who'J you rather buy your dry goods of a succesif.:I n. i chani or a bankrupt? A Schilling & Cem;jiiy NU i'lau- U.U 1". ' A 1100 HIKE? CHEW 90PA Hot Scotch nd at the Offltt. hot Tom and Jerry FOR CH E W TOVR .STOMACH'S SODA MINT. SAKE Mr. A. n. lI.im.nond I rxpeclcd today or tomorrow. Groceries at the lowest price at tha Paclrlc Grocery Co, LAMBS WOOL SLIPPER SOLES. CENTS. AT DUNBAR'S. Wny puy Christmas present when P. To la giving them away. The Parlor has received a full Una of Xmaa good. Call and te. For real llfe.Uk and artlatlo photo, oall en Snodjraaa, th fotorrafar. Our prlcca arte tha lowest In the city. Call and na. Pacific Grocery Co. rmbrellaa covered and repaired by a practical workman, at 1SS Ninth street. Ask for sample of Chase A Sanborn's famous teas, at Rosa, Hlgg.ni ft Co. 'a. CHILDREN'S VoOLEN MITTENS. IS CENTS PER PAIR. AT DUNBAR'S Tou cm always find the best cream ry butter and sweet, fresh cream at the Parlor. P. J. Mesjir. the leading merchant tailor. 1S7 Tenth St. The highest price paid for fur sklna. Albert Larson and Oustnf Junttl, na tives of Russia, were granted full citlien papers yesterday before Jude Gray. Mrs. Wheeler wishes to meet the oung ladle Interested in the drl'l, at th Rescue Hall, this afternoon (Wednesday) at I p. m. Come to tfie- Bonbonniere to buy your candies and nuts, and get a cnance on KB gnuphophone with ever- 5 cent pur chase. At the A. F. C. bowling alleys yesterday-Mrs. Ingalls was high lady with a score of while M. M. PIcken scored M for the gentlemen. Mellowed by age ts Cyrus Noble Whis key. It hi never bottled until aged six years In cask. It is the only American Whiskey of international reputation. Tou hav? a number of presents to make, and neeesairily must limit the amount to be spent on each gift: therefore you must go to Phanahan Bros'., the only store that sells cheap. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF and good tc your friends. When you treat a friend to whiskey give him the best. HARPER Whiskey Is the beverage for your friends and for you. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co.. Astoria, Oregon. The team of foot hall playrs which m recently orginlre.) by t'le young men of East Astoria is ready to pliy. and the line up Is as Mlcrws: John Anstaul, c; Fred Wright, r. g.; A. Mli.ard. I. a.: Fred (la'tes, 1. t.: L. D. Woods, r. t.: O. Mir ton. I. e.; Lonewes-e, r. e.: Olaf Hansen, q. b. : Frank Lletiewe-ber. I. h'.: W. T!. Painter, r. h.: H. Lienewebw, f. b. Vewterlay a"ernron the rKxit.ia-iln on tho P.rltlsh t-teamshlp Hty of Perth Im- aboard his ship started to do up some of hf "hipmates. He wis so thoroughly 1n earnest that the officers of the ship found 1t n:essary to put him In irons until the arrivil of Chief Hallork and Captain Thompson who t-H.k him handcuffed i0 the cily all. A number of ca.i-!tles or-mrrr-d during th- storm of yesterday. Th steamer II. waco, which left Monday for Ilwaro, did not return until noon yesterday on ac count it the rough weather. Th Hercu les had her propeller broken at Sklpanon. Lirsen's milk launch Brisk, from the Lewis and Clark, ha1 a narrow escape from swamfdng yesterday morning. It is reported 'Chat Sand Island Tia been eh ing. ed i shape by the flood. Mrs. Mary R. Walker, who d.d it For. est Grove on Monday at the aee of 7 years, fame from New York to Oregon in ISS. She rode on Vrse bfirk irrrm Mis souri across 'ihe plains In omfjany wl'h Mrs. c..hni; FX, of Wallli Walla, an l Mrs. M.iry A. Cray, motlw-r of Comity .ludce Oray. Mrs. Dr. Whitman (,nd XTrs. H. H Spaulding eame in Wfi and these were the first American white women on t'no Pacific roa.t. Judge Omy would V in attendance a" the funeral but had not reei Ived word of tha death In tlnr. Tie third heavy storm iwlthfn four days, occurred yestenrlay. The telegraph lines .i y ,!l' government lookout station at Cape insap;iointmr,t, have been down for Vi hours. At noon yestenvlay a hoivy thun der and lightning ctorm, an unusual thing in (Ms climate, took place. It was accom panied by a severe downpour of rain. The fltshes of lighinlrig were sharp, and the 1hirndf htid. A t five o'clock last evetiirfg a second thunder rind llgh'tntng storm" visited the clly. a?tcmpane t,y hall and a sma.rt blow from the south weft. People w'hoee h'm are In the east ft it quite homesick, and Ihoiignl of old times when such storms were of dally occurrence. With the storm, augmented by he high 'Winds, one of the tilghest tides of the season, fl'ioded the cellars of business houses yesterday afternoon. The central telephone office was struck by lightning, and the operator on duty re ceived shock. WANT MINT. ! .TA Finest Evsr Brought to tha City Dress Shoes Ladies ...FOR JUST ARRIVED ladles' Heavy 9aJ Bal. Ladles' Heavy Calf BmU Ladles' Heavy Crack-Froof Calf Bat. COLUMBIA SHOE COMPANY 83 COMMERCIAL STREET. LADIES' SILK MITTENS, 50 CENTS TO H50 AT DUNBAR'S. Tha choicest candles and nuti can be found at th Parlor. LADIES' CASHMERE GLOVES, CENTS. AT DUNBAR'S. Bicycle and repair shop at 115 Ninth street. Charges reasonable. The county commi.sslo.iers' court meets In regular session this morning. The work on The boilers of the Commo dore Perry will be completed today by the Columbia Iron Works. The nw st-wn winch for .the Potritn pos will be shipped to North Beach todiy by Foard ft Stokes Company. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, flga and assorted nuts all extxra quality, at Ross, Illggini ft Co. fine Mrs, A. F. Cooper, of Cath'amet, a", tompanied by her mother, Mrs. Sullivan, of Kalama. were visitors In the city yes terday. Plum pudding, cranberries, sweet elder and a large line of other seasonable top's and fancy groceries at Ross, Hlg. gins Co. NOTICE: The public shculd rent m. ber that there ts but one original, air tlghth. Queen heater In the market, and that Fisher Bros, are th exclusive As toria agents. Largest and most complete Assortment of alr-tlght heaters In the city. All the kinds advertised In this puper may b seen and compared at our store, then your selection will be sntlsfac'ory to you Foard Stokes Co. Shares of toe Alaska Transportation and Dcv.4n.mert Company if Chi ago are the mt d.-lriNe investment N-f.ire tbe pu!llc. S-tfiT than saiinics luniks nut tw.nk st'Vk. Paying Itnre dividends Sh ires or dollar. For Information ad. dres W. L. Dudley, eepepil ag-nt Hal ter building. Seattle. Wash. The Ladles' Society of the Methodist church have arranged for a number of beautlf ully dressed dolls vhelr bazaar to be given December 14. Do not buy your Christmas dotl un.o you have seen these. There will also he a variety of artlcle suitable for Christmas g'fts for the older people. Do not fall to attend this sale of Christmas novelties. I ALASKA AS IT IS. Views of Men Who Have Bfs-ri Tl.ere and Are Returning. I J y The steamer EMer. whlc-h lias been a,rnl'. Ire 'hiding repair under Bond waiting 24 hours for an opportunity to put W"'- "'td-y hills. lr,. Semi, her passengers is a man named II H '"nual Int-re-t , bonds f tlss.i was or to w-a. will prrinnbly got cit twlay. Amor.g ''"rr'! T'dd Hlx.-ton, of Portkind. who came down on T"- f!"n"r f"r water r-nt wis re the Elfier's last trip and Is now return-;'1'"'"'1 fr"m " " " i"r "'onih. A com ing to Skaijway. He says that town his tho best prospects of any point in that country. The hamlmer never ceases fn muelc. In tihe constnictlon of new houses and buildings, there seems to be no end of work for all who want employment. Oan-ponters are gating large wages. n cents to $1 per hour being rhe average No hobos reafh that country, as wi'king Is not good, and the steamship romp mien look out for stowaways. An elertrc light plant Is toeing completed, a larg i wing of men Is at work on the wagon j road, over the p.iss and tlx- tramwav will be finished In the spring. Skagway's future Is pictured as a bright one. .lust one year ago Monday, the Gtn. Walter Nash started from Dawson city with a large park of mall and successfully mado the trip up the Yukon and over Ctillkoot pass and Into Dyea. Nash, who Is a Portland man, came down to Oregon on '.he Elder reconitly, on a biwinet.s trip and Is nw one of h-r passeng rs h.'n k to Rkag'way. He says he will get through to Dawson In a short tVme, and that all tine newspaper report published from Daiwson City and Alaska have b"en greatly exaggerated and highly color '-d. There Is plenty of gild In Al-t-'ki and Klondike, but It ilwsn't come In the vg ohunks, as pubinyh'sl. The cotititry Is not! so rough and difficult rt aciv. as pc. i Ured. Any one can got throu-h now ov Watch or Thimble? If neither s what you want to give For Christmas come to the store. Iff larger than this space and there j.i MORE IN IT IN 1'P.OI'OrtTION. J. H. SEYMOUR, VX COMMERCIAL ST. lliCkokeJ pass, with I'erfivl i'.mfirt. If he kminw I Is IiiisIiicks. The p.iss Itnelf la, he , aliit like tlh hills link ot As torl.i. There Is but itio shirl si '- p pM. on It. Aftv reaching the lukt the e are lollcs and miles lill can be traversed by sledge, mid. r will, ver Hl. Id and smiw. Not s)il at (lie p.M.ple staiv Ing In Dawson t'lly itid I'he mining lis. irlcts, but Ihry are better off fer fmul and clothing rhait thotM.nii.ls of p.or wretchet In the ciths of lnt'.ind and S in Fran. Cisco, whk'h are t.la orgnnlaliig re'lcf expedltliita for Itn Unka miners. He says lhi-r Is a ..'i.'(jii;e In seme pectton of the mining reulons ,.f crttnln arilcUs. birt not sufficient t create a tiim'w Ills advice Is to k-wp the Mlcf -x-lltl.ns at home a'M relieve home stiff r vs. as there Is phntv of fed on the wiv to AlaskM. In the legitimate lines of trut He i-iaraerli. thee.- tvHef expsllti.vs a mere advertising schemes. As to the country Mr Nash says ttist there are thousand of acre of arable land which will produce all kinds of hardy regi-tables and cram. On bis own ranch Rear IXiwson, in 'S. he rals.-d beets tur nips earrvts and i-its. which he .'d nt a good pnee. He s.iy llnre Is too mis-h yellow Journalism for the od nf the country. Which hns a line future before It In ottw respect than mining.. t'rp erly protected persons d. not notice the coM much more ''mr In Portl lid AlnsHu ' Is the pVu-e fer voting men of ambition, , . .. irn , . ' Skagway iinl Pea tr- both graving 'cltUs an.1 will he good cmmc-olal points In the future. 1 Mr. N'-ish suvs that from his observa tions during his shree dnys : iv In Astoria this city Is planting an acwrn which will j roon grow into the mighty oik "f one 1 the groitet cienmerdn! ports e-i rhe Pa cific coast. THE ICIaNDtKK Kl PH. What may be considered the beg I' nt:- it I of the rush to Atuska is n.nv on the way 1 on the Alaeka st.-umer ll.r. The K.d. r j arrived d.Avn frvmi Portland early Mot. day morning anil -A.m to Mill it' 7 o'clock ' yttkiy morniiiK, but was ilctitlni d by j the heavy stonn of the p.it forty-eight hours. She tad npty.tlve I assenge's on Nsinl on Icuvtng Portland ar.d a Inrie j majority of them are d-atltus for the niKgrts Klondike with ls.w of gelil and shining gtd dust upptsnncnt In their nil ml. Some of them have frlenils there :n4io advhHsil them to nane nt this s"ason 'of the year, white others have caucu the ' fever and are on an Irresistible mnrch to , the gold fii Ids. Rut they have all made : full priunvtlotvs to stand the rtgwous i cllntite prs-val'.ing there. A fw of the passenn.-r are nie.-hanlcs n ho will s.-.-k ' rmplintntivt at Sk.iirwuy or p.iwsin city and .ire going this .-arlv to be previrs for h tnilld'og boom eXvte, In tnese 1 rlti.-e early in the spring I atfters are niv. : Inc th-r.. to co Into business t'i' tht ir minds will tnf Is- fully made tip aa Ahtit they will do till they see the conn, trv. They nn1 al a-tu.it.! wfth ih same motives and indole. 1 lrh the same l-l-ns of reaping a rloh htrvst, sinter or later, in the golden inT'ti. The Elder ha on IknipI elithl.s n hea.i of ho-.- and 'o f- t of Iti-nte-r nn l Is flllisl to the ihk -h fnU-hl. mil Ii nf It U'lrv.; KTe.t..s. rt.arltiic tipiar-i. ,tni hous.-hi'.(l furiill ure. al the wh..s for four cars f'-r 'ho tnirnuny altotw to he btli't at Sk.ur.v..v. She was irfiged to re. fiis.. . oi:sd. r.l.;.- freiftit a i I'otilan l end also a thN i-ti She . trri.-s from As. toria -Ixte.'.. . ih. n.-r all of wh rn were r.-iileri.'. h.-... i , . .t ,.r,e. M N'.mNa". of t'arhlit.in-t. Mr N-H-.n has op. imi-'O a tr.ip for s.-.r:tl .wars at Sk.tinnl:aa sLumh atvl ftLrly ..ii.eesf ill at the business, but h Iw'-'V-s hLs prosjs-cls are brltht.r In th Klondike Jli t.i o'i the banks nf the Columbia. T.il Is hi s.s--ond t rl to Ska-'w iv rils winter and he g'S-w tiiere no.v fully prvpar-! atitl contl. d.-nt of m.'.ing t f'h .rejit. The Elder j sails eiuiy this mo I?-,' If Hie Ktorm suli- sld-s. hut the pro-ie-els "re that weather will not p-mnft her going to ll"'i t.sbiy. NEW WAT K n HATES. At the meeting of -h city wtrt'T com H(T"t.xry's n ;e rt j mission last night. rh(. : sh iwed colbstlons for the month IIIW.fiTi; mlstee 'a.i nfiolnle,I to further n'Vlsr an.1 eonnldor the t.i-tion of other re.lue. tions In rafs l r're.rt before January 1. An order was entered miking a r.i'e if ti'l e-T nr.niim to the city for the 'li e of water for hydrants and fire purpose. S.freian' and ci'Tk H. '. Van Iliisen has le-en sulioenaed as a. wltm-es 'to at tend tho suit In Portland of thn bondsmen. Smith, ScogglTi. et al., of 1h" 1'iu lflc Pav ing Company which built a portion of the Astoria w;uter system, HEART DISEASE.. Home Facts Retarding the Rapid Increase fjf Ilefiirt Troubles. tin N'ot ite Alarmed, but Caliso. Look for the H'eirt troubles, '.it least among Ameri cans, are certainly Increasing and tttille this may he largely due to the excitement and worry of Amrlcan business life, It Is more often the result of weak stomachs, of poor digestion. Roil, organic heart disease Is Incurable; but not ore casn In a 'hundred of heart tr'ul.lo Ik organic. and poor dlg"-t Ion Is V-rausn both nt'gnns The dO"n relation between heart trnulile are conirollfl by branches of Uie wtme grrtit nerves, the Sympathetic and Pneu mogastrV. In another way, nliio the heart Is ;if fectetl by that for.TI of poor digestion, whlefi eo.usys gas aril f"rmenlta.t!on fron hnlf dleTeste.l food; theae Is it f'f llng of oppresslrti and htavln'-ss In the chest caused by pressure of the distended stom ach on 'he herort ;tid lungs. Interfering with flhelr action; h'"we aiises palpita tion and .ihort brnh. P''T digestion also THilscns Ihe blood, makes If thin nwl 'watery, which lrrllaf and weakens tfhe heart. Tltrt most. wnsiltibs trenitiTienit for ! heart troubl"s Is to Improve fhe digestion and to Insure the prompt Bsslmilfntlon of food. This can 'best be done by the regular use after meals, of some safe, pleasant and effective digestive preparation, like fitutai-t's Typepsin Tablets, twthloh may FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS Greatest Assortment of SHANAHAN BROS. be found at most drug storvs and hl.-n vXlttttill Valvi.ul'le. lull till. st. dig UV el. -nxnis. In a Heananl, .Mitveinmil form. Tt Is safe to say that th r"fc-uir, t stat.sg ute of Stuart's I)ysM-psla Taigrts ut tTHiil thi Mill .-urn uny f.irm .if stotu. ai-h tnnihle, exc.'iit cancer of the stoma, h Full sli.sl puck'igo of the talih-ts sold ty tlrtiKKIsts at fsl o-nts. I. ttte hok on stomach troubles ntaih l free. Ad lrsss Stuart V. Marstha'4 Ml h WILL IKMAIN lly re.u.'ts of im'loit and ini i-. a..- or I business, Ir. I'arrtn lll r- iiiln until further notice .1 id lion. I st-.-et, Astoria, j where he can In- . oriMilt' d 'r. e of rrnrgr from 9 a. in. to 1 p in. j Tho i.x-t'.r has r. du. I his f .-. s to o-ili j t". n) r w.- k, or to thai pr .(..rtl. n ..f j time as the ease nriv r.iU're. M"il cas s; can ts treated n h.oti.. af t' r on,. v,-r j to the doitor's ottl VII loMltn ss rein- tion.s wlih I r. Iiiirrtit are sttl.-tlv cottfi-i dortlul. lititilrlis ins.v.-re.l, ilrci.lurs and (ju.-stion tilatiks free ' ittlce bour f r-m i 9 a. in. till s p in T't THE AEEM 'TEI" ITI1I.IC Pur many yirs I nave teoti a suff-rer with my hips and theumatl tin. n my bu. k and olnt bs am siirf and hurdly able I i got npHind I will .ay 1 have been ttiklng treatmerrt from Ir Imrrln fof ten ilm nn,t t. ll. i A I . tt. .. the right road to lie t-ntlrrly cur' d by el.c trtclty. T A. (). STANSPIEI.D. Chinook. Wash ASTORIA SCIHViI, OK Hl'C.HEHTIVE THF.RAPKUTIcfl. Establish v) for the Treatment of all Functional and Nervous Discus.. NEtrRALOIA and RHEUMATISM. Asthma, Obstinate Constipation, Pyspep sla, H)adache. Insomnia, Melancholia, Mentsrual and Sexual Disorders, N.-rvoua Pmstratlon, Pa'nJyuls, Klammerltig, St. ' Vitus' Pance, Vlcloua Habit and DRUO ; ITATIITS ftobacco. alcohol, rnnrphlne and j cocaine), succeswfully treated. Int.sructlon given. I W. I. HOWARft. M. !., Medical Director. SV. Commercial 8treet. WHEAT. On June M wheat sold at 63c. It has since sold at V.W.i. Difference, 3yytc, or $3,975 on 10,000 bushels. 1100 would have made this amount by our system of Joint Investment accounts sines June 2fl. Why not try this system and Increase your Income? Amounts of $30 and upwards received. Our Infor'oallon la of such a character and from such source aa to make It en tirely reliable. Write for particulars. J. O. Knowlton A Co., grain brokers, 302 California street, San Francisco. Ladies' Shoes Cork Soles Wlnl Winter Shoes. Crack Proof Box Calf. Seal Shoes in Putton and Lace. Our goods are warranted. 47 John Commercial i"?"' V Cn Street HalHl & CO. Plain and Figured Black Dress Goods Just the ThltiK fornn Xmns Present 5ee Our Window HI (.1 I AK REPUBLICAN TICKET .Mayor, Y. J. TA VLtilt. police oiiimikiter, CHAULKJl Ut.VlH. Tmimirrr, K. J CAHNKV. Auditor, II. K XjrnX. Hlreet Sllperpitetldcilf, CIIAHl.KS II'iLT. 'ty Surveor. ii. iu:i.i.. "Itv Atioriiey. lIARltlHoN ALLEN Harbor Master, JAMES "'llltrSTIE. COl'M'lLM EN. I'lrst Ward. II. 11. PKIKM'rWuN. H.coiid Ward, JAS. W. WELCH. Third Ward. cifARLif notiPArtn. I The Platform. To Uie, Chairman and Doletgatca of the Republican City Convention; flentlen.cn Your committee on pliiXform appointed on the Mil instant has com. plntod ts tabor nnd mnkes tho following report : The Republican party n convention aa anmblol hereby rnafflrm ft nlbstlnnce to the ctlxen and taxpayer of this clly and ptedgo Itself to ton economic, careful and progrossttve admlistrailon of cty affair 'for Ihe coming bennat tnrm of 1W and 1M. Wa ansert that the past two years of Republican administration ha deitmn- I rated to tha taxpayers that the finance of this city hava been ably anil Judl cousty managed; our city warrants hav njr IncrenJied in price from (B cent two year ago to W cemt bho present prce; tiini our diiil have not boon Increased that the bunion of taxia,ton ha been re duced and our credit ha oen strength ened with Investor at homo and abroad. The Improvement of our street, at the lowest posBtblo cost consistent with good workmanship, ho continued during tha administration, nnd wn -pledge Ihe party to fh same care regarding such Improve ment and other expenditures during the future. Wo recrnrnixo tho Importance of an efficient and hones nolle force to maintain low and order, restrain crimi nal ami administer Juntlco In the courts. Ti present commission ha not acted In full agreement with the council, 'Which condition h resulted n poor police ser vice and loss of cly revenue. Wo pledge the nominee of thl convention to a proper enforcement of the ety ordinance and full support of the council n II decisions nnd necessary changes. This convention recognizer the unjust burden lbs! now rest on water ernsimTS, cauecd b) heavy and exorbitant rales Imposed by the water cotnmslon. A an inwnedliita reduction demands we pledge the council nominee of till convention to do ther utimost to bring about an agree ment wlh tlhe water commission where by the whole schedule of water rates shall be reduced consistent with proper revenue to operate tha water system and pay fixed charge on rhe investment. For this purpose we believe n a reiuionable tender of money on the part of the council for Ihe use of fire hydrants. As ths conven tion ha full and albdlig fatih n Ihe ability and Integrity of the Kepurbliran The Only Store That Sells Cheap party to Impartially and economically manage tho affairs of this corporation on a btistncM has for Ihn nlt two year, we rnrotmnmsl ta ikitnliifw In Ihe people f'r lher riidorsment and suffrage at ths rsill on IiecmtK-r fl neif. NOMINEES' CARDS. WII.I.IAM SI'IIKIIIK Non-l'arIltl Nominee f.r ltIJinj iMiMAUHSIoNRll, JK.NS IIAXSKX Noti-I'artlean Nnitw for CtH'.VClUMAN FIRST WARD. IIAKIilSON AI.I.KN ILwulax Iletiublpun Nominee for crrr attoknet. J. W. CONN Non-Partisan Nomine for TRKASl'RER. fiKOWJK JOHNSON Non-Partlsan Nonqnco (or CITV ATTORN EV. C. W. HOLT Rogular Re)tiblxui Ntgnlnea for STREirr HL'PHIHNTKNDHNT. P. K. IHKKMANN Non-Pa rtUan Nominee for CITY HURVICVOR. JAMES CHRISTIE Regular Ris;)ublciui Nutnlne for ' HAIinOR MASTER. N. D. RAYMOND Im!rpcndnt CandWale for CITY ttUHVKVUH. Don't Forget as. Kan & Co. 367 Commercial Street We oairy a Due .orlunDt of Japanese Goods Silk HanJerchlefs Chlnaware, Etc. ' And a fin iflwtlon of ameilcnn Toys - Dolls We are also manufacturers of Ladle' wra of ajl kinds il lgweat prices. CHAS. KAN & CO. 367 Commercial St Holiday Goods Japanese Goods Dry Goods Underwonr JVlncIo to Order Everything At Kcasonahle Price. James Murphy 420 Commercial Street.