THE DAILY ASTOKIAN, TUESDAY HORNING. DECEMBER 7, 1897. NOMINEES' CARDS. WILLIAM SCHEIBE Non-rarttoan Nomine for POLICB COMMISSIONER. JENS HANSEN Noo-Fartlean Nomine for COUNCILSUN FIRST WARD. HARRISON ALLEN ftsgular Republican Nomine for crrr attorn et. J. W. CONN Non-rartiMn Nomine for TREASURER. GEORGE JOHNSON Non-Partlan Komtn for CITY ATTORNEY, C. W. HOLT Regular Republican Nomine for STREET SUPERINTENDENT. 11141 bmukerrhlef at C. H. Coopr. TO WEAR DIAMONDS CHEW 90DA MINT. Children' CoopT'i. WANT A MINT. ndkerclft 4 C. m BIKE? CHEW SODA Mr. gvenwn, of 8vnon' lamlinf, I tn rtia city. Why buy Chrlftmaa prenent when P To it rfvlnc them away. The choicest cvidln and rtuta can b found at th Parlor. LADIES' CASHMERE GLOVES, CENTS. AT DUNBAR'S. Fure. cnateialn b. and other nT- tjr roods at C. H. Couprr'a. For real llfe.Uk and artlatle photo, call on Soodrrasi, th fotorrafw. Ask for wimple of Chn Sanborn' ramou teas, at Ross, Hlirr.n Co-'s. Tou cm always find th best cream ry butter and sweet, fresh cream at th Parlor. John Selnax, a native of Norway. was( Silk tiamlkervhlvr at C. H. Cooper. Freeh cream and milk at the IVwbon nlere. , Hot Scotoh and Itot Totn and Jerry t th Offlo. FOR TOCR BTOMACH'8 CHKW SODA MINT. SAKE Lamps wool supper poi.eo, cents. at dvnbar's. Th Parlor ha received a full line of Xtnss roods. Call ami se. Mr. N. O'Connor anHved home yver day from Brook fl4d on the 0Uert. Cmbrellaa covered and reonlred by a practical workman, at 18S Ninth stret. tlonnl mtie to her muiuo. llor voice la a rloh. meaao nnuo, ml Nhow every e1doe of future (tiwliWM, Th nililrem of the eveoln:. delivered by Itro. J. M. lluwhe. tin eloquent u0 fivinic tnbtit to the member of qunln Kx1v. .who have aliva.ty pa.nftHt over the ntvnr, wml t erort statenwnt of tn pilm-lple of the ortfc'r. It liuil fur rlsht, lunrloe and hunrtn wymnaihy thnMiatumt II th walk of life. A ttr rotr wal rrd of the tiiverl unnnttwr, tM hell to)lM Vmnly. Oraror Hustle thet renry hnM that the Klk tn currying out their prtiwiiple wrrtlln' tw faults of their -oher on thV nli. unit then irooil iteel upon the ftert and en. (trie of triune who writ transmit thorn to posterity, ntatHl cloMely eJUInl to Chnnttwmy Mi.we main muiik l the nomr wld t. th- Krmtest niotle ever known, he. ewry hrtwih and t'nlle renlu nwtat a Kordcii ((f Jove of earth Mr. IWth 'Wall arrival home yeeteiMuy ' and Hwe tea.'hmns of charity, the arwil or the 8tUte from a two weeks' visit In ' of Ihe thrre aiut-e, will live forever 5n FruiH'Istxv Mr J. R. Emery, mall airenl on ike O. R A N. boats, was a pa-wi-mier on flr " .ie yesterduy from Franyisiv. Mr. W, ?. OtuKHn rvturned from IVrt. laixl Sumkiy nKrnlii. Mr. ll.imm.mJ ants m.sieriiv of l-intH. "Ttinnator- exn'ts to be In AU'r thm w.t. sis." 1 The rtinK trmrnvnle the UMice Come to tio rUmbonitltTe to buy vour'by the otndr '! 'hntain, Kro, A. J Life is hut a sllnip- of lmmt lallty. and should e so naltll here as to insure a ivniniitiniivv ,f tr irsxl deel In th ft iirtv The 1 1 tiw wvre t rm-l down, atl to slow miisif ,mi 'he orvan. Hiv. J. K. YounB effectively nsilcsl VlMIm xul'n Mty. P. E. HIEKMANN Non-Parttean Nominee for CITY SURVEYOR. JAMES CHRISTIE Regular Republican Nomine for HARBOR MASTER. N. D. RAYMOND Independent Candidate for CITY SUKVKIOK. Finest Ever Brought to the City ...FOR Dress Shoes Ladies JUST ARRIVED Iidle Heavy Seal B&L Ladles' Heavy Calf Bat Ladle' Heavy Crack-Proof Calf Bal. COLUMBIA SHOE COMPANY 53 COMMERCIAL 6TREET. grunted full ciiiien papers tn-fore Judit eanvll' and nuts, aU avt a .inwue on Mlrt. HttltiKlV et)d.1 iie f the most Gray yesterday. New neckwenr. I.i boa, chiffon fronts l!k and chiffon scrf! latest slyles-at C. H. Cooper". P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor. 1ST Tenth St. Th highest price ?aJd for fur skin. Mrs. P. F. Woodford MTt ra.t evening for Portland on a short business trip in connection with the A. & C. K: R. R The famous Centemtiri kid cloves In all the iiew jha.los and liee every pair guaranteeil at C. H. Cooper's. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, figs and assorted nuts all extxra fine quality, at Ross, H!glns & Co. Plum pudding, cranberries, sweet elder and a large line of other seasonable tap'. and fancy groceries at Roe. Hlg. gins A Co. tS imsphophone ith tAi-ry chase. cn! pur. C L, McFalla, ft. Joe; I. Mnnitoim-r. ti-iuke; S. K. Davis ami wife. Min neapolis; rV( P. Hairncli. tik v, at tJe iVvl.hMit. During the storm yesterday a large number of umbrella ealhl away to scenes unknown, wtii)e nwiny others hud to go to the blacksmith Whop. NOTICE: The public ahould rem m. ber that there Is but on original alr flffhth. Queen heater In the market, and that Fisher Brocx. are the excraslr, As toria agent. Baptist Rtber. a ntve ivf Ocrmnny. ami J. A, tlmrvrt. a native ,f Ruwla, were admit!. d to (full ctisenshlp y.eter day in he county ch-rk's ofllce. The Rilley Outsort r'trtM rtHivh weather on the wty down from rvtlan. veatsAlay. The storm was particularly severe at Hsirinpton's poH't si.l n the Tongue, but she rrlvis her In time without meeting with n -cld'Tit. Mayor Taylor hn ivturil mlth his ap proval the ordinance run firming the n sessnwu for ttie corstnictlon of a drain In McClisre's Astoria, ami also ih- ordin ance aproplatln ivl annually fur the payment f.a- th rent of fire hydrant. Imiwesslve iwenionics ever witnessed tn AatATta. ASTORIA 8VHOOI. OF StlMtlESTlVK THKUAPEUTICS. EtablM-.ed for ttie Treatment of all Functional al Nervous Dlteas.w. NEITRAIXJIA and RHBITMATISM. Asthma. Obstinate Constipation. D-pep-sia, Hadache, Insomnia. Melancholia, Mentsrual and Sexual Disorder, Nervou Pos ration, Pa-nlyels, Stammering. St. Vitus' Dance. Vlolou HaMts and DRUO HABITS (tobneco. alccnol, morphine and cocalne succewfully treated. Intsructlon given. v. i. how r.n. m. n. Medical Director. SS Ccsnmerclal 8treet. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Dr. D-arrin, who (is ts-n with us for ! the pvst thr.s. ntonth. wlH remain at Amonj the fn'sjiht handed at ttie i Tt rtond St., Astoria, until further n..tlc. N. dvvk fnwn the Stlite yesterday f.r the j All those who wish to consult him owners of the strxn.ed ship rotTlrnpns. Jo at onoe An chronic dhvas. with was a steam winch .md cable, which III 1 guo-es. OfTlce lanim a. m. to 8 p. m be taken over to North Beach a SiKr as rne pou, trente.1 fre. except medicine. the weathor permits and in effort made ; to get the vessel off. DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION prnpn The wrlnd We furiously yesterday and' It was with some difficulty pedestrian , Mr. Editor; For over six yMrs I hav crossed rite streets, the wind blowing with h-n a sufferer from acute unit J. 'A. Atrion. set native of Russm, and,"u"h-'e amund the corners -hit they chronic dysitcpsla arsl In Jtg''tlon. I Btinday George, a native of Greece, de- made, considerable l.eway tw-fore r-ncning t() pr. n.,rrln and h.-vve taken Ms clared tiieir intentions to become citizens the shelter ,f houses on the opposite si.e ! treatment, and consi.ler myseJf entirely of the United States before Cotmty Clerk ; The riass was lower thnji Hny time In tri j ,.nr.Ml. I foW very thankful for the cure Dunbar yesterday. TODAY'S WEATHER. Rain; cooler; guiee oo coast. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. ' "A word to nhe wise Is sufficient." Is a maxm we've freriuently heard. And now what we want is a maxim. To tell us just what is that word. Try Schilling's But tea and baking powder. Embroidered handkerchiefs at C. II. Cooper. 3 E A. DE TO IS AGENT FOR SODA MINT GUM. i The ballot bceces for ttve election t row are arranO'd in J'Mpe Ne!son's otll each one supplied wjtto a lLt of station ary. They will be transferred to thf booths early in the morning. eaon. and at the cape the lnd had a ' ui,l nm only too glad to recommend t'r velocity of SO miles at 11 o'ld.s'k. when th. ' p,irr!n's trefltn.ent to the affllcte.! pub- Y-mi hav a numb-r of presents to m.ike. and m:st limit the am.-unt to be spent on each gft: therefore i must ko to Shanahan Br.vs'., the on'y store that sells cheap. Largest and most complete assortmer.t of air-titrht heaters In tt city. All the kinds advertised In this poper may he seen and compared at our 'ore. then your selection will be satisfactory to you. Foard Sfokes Co. wre went down. At the mcetirar of ttateway ltetHilt 1-o.L-o, Xo. 77. I. o. O. F, l ist nlirM 'he following offli-ers wor' e. cted: N. O., Mrs. 4irrie Knicw: V-I.. Mw V.-r revland: S.h-.. Mm All,- Mndahl; I'w iW., Miss Adelja Hansen; Treis, Mrs. Harat Hoh'on. It is the intension .if the lodre to hold a ptih'lc install. r..n nf nm. ers and a conmuttee or arratiiro-n.-rt h becn apio;nted .. Ic. Can he referred t.). MRS. AMANDA IIAP.OI.P Ator!n. November 3. fflx hours. 9 a. m. to S p. m. I Hn.lIAK iREPUBLICAN TICKET t T!ie .-. at th- A F. "'. tmwU:t alleys was one of iinm -vr-". Hush r-s ' w.M-.- Jit- nil., amnirt." th lady arid ;. ii!e- m-n tiowlej-s. The toiirtiativ tit l-i-eenl th f l.iily and K'tit l-m-vi tenn r-"iltil as I I follow.: Ladies Mrs. 11. F Pta I. t.: Mrs. InKiills. 117: Mli Pavidfon. v.: Vv 1 he nas. . j-. ., .. .. ,,. neei an intrM:tr.K m-eimg alard I The F.pworth I.-agiie of the Methvit i rh'irch. under wl-rship J tor, the CommiVr perry Sunday a?;ernoon It Is fhoiisHt this l the b-irtnntne of -Jhe VMked of revival. Mayor, V. J. TAYLOR. Police. Commissioner, CHAP.LKS OLVI8. Tn iunirer, F. J. CARNEY. Groceries at the lowest price at th Pacific Grocery Co. LADIES' SILK MITTENS, CENT3 TO J2.W AT DUNBAR'S. Bicycle and repair shop at 1F Ninth street Charges reasonable. Our price aro the lowest In th olty. Call and se as. PaclDc Grocery Co. .1 tiil; i ;k Klk P.-vere BE G"-OD TO YOURSELF and good tc your friends. When you treat a rnena j. ,,H to whiskey trive him the hvt. HARPER Whl?key !s the VvTa? for your frlencs and for you. Fold by Foard & Stokes o., Astoria, Oregon, . , . Shares of t.te Alaska Transticrfatlon and Dvor.mert Corrpanv of r'hkago are the mw ddra'.e investment hefor the p'lWie. Pafer than sainc hanks ind hf.nk stork. Pnyirtr Hrre 'Mr'i'l'T'ls Shares one dollar. For Information arl. flres W. L. Dudley, eenej-'il ns-v.t. Hal !er b'llMlrg, Seattle, Wash. Tjmin. Ill: .Miss ;illiert, ki; Mr. T. ) i Trii'lln-r. ':!. total. handl'-ap. -ach. j TJt: tfr.u-l total. IIP,. 0-nrlem.-rl I't-.nk ; '; p. FIer, l'; M. M. p. -Il 119; II AVIs... !.': If II. Auditor, K. NKI-SON. Woofin-ld. ' W. 'n. Ir-iirw-. HI: A. Murray, ir,; r. f Allen, p sii:r!ov the M.m-ry of rtie Order. lrid 'n The foik)W!i pawnKets frrn ihere will sail for ALiska on the Eld-r this in'irn nc: f iSLn: Mrs. M. Mollly, D I lon 'hamp. 11. Llndstrvim. N'. M. Vejlson Steerai.' ft. A. Ancavola, F.rl'lo I'illie. Amnist Yd. T. D. Soiden, f. Gunderon, I f. Arola, La nil Wahala. John Driiroi, h, A. Kimrxrly. Antonio, Aujnist Po ladl, Alex HakTst. CHILDREN'S WOOLEN MITTENS, IS CENTS PER PAIR. AT DUNBAR'S. Mr. G. Wlngube, memS-r of the hoard of equalization, left for Salem Sunday evening on the Lurllne. All kinds of handkerchiefs for ladies gents and children neiw designs nt bot tom prices. The finest rejection in town, at C. H. Cooper's. Mellowed by age Is Cyrus Noble Whis key. It In never bottled until aged fix years In cask. It hi the only American Whiskey of international reputation. Messrs. George and Barker have re- turaned irom their visit to the Sound day and anchored in scow bay. She Is country. They report that business about 18 fee long, 4 feet beam, square, flealttle Is very lively. Everything is cornered. Im1t of unpalnted Oregon stahs, Klondike and everbody in the east knows ' and with a dock house. 2 fen hlsrh. She At oVli-k r-'undiy -v-nin the Io.ige "f sorrow of Qujrilln lo'k-'- No. H. I'. O K., eonvenl in solernrl .ion. The IoIh rojm was daifed in rnonrriljiK. a-i'l teatitlfully decorated with i.alm. evr- i iftx-ns. trailing vims, fonretmonots. and putyfle HirhtJ. Ine t'fore :h oti'-ning hour every seat in the ;ave was -' upl. d and tu ores stood n tr.e an'n. rims and tullway. As the oV'k mrtick the hour memoirs of the lodi-e. head-1 bv Kxalted ltu. r v'herrt.v, fllel in ind took th-jr places, h1e tlie organ softly playel Reethovn' Seventh symphony. Tlx- opening cere. rnonh-n were jmpresHive to a decree, nnd were carrier out to tthe eftr. without a hitch, and were Jnt l'm f-nough to he mst ntepee,tog. The lionise" by fne j O' tetto choir wero faultlessly render'!, I ar.d the iceonTpanirm-nts of Mrs. froshv 1 on the organ, Miss Laum Fox, on the pi Street .Superintendent, CHARLES Hi LT. rty Surveyor, H. i!i;i-u '!Itv Attorney, HARIUSO.V ALLEN. Harbor Master, JAMFS1 'HIrSTIE. COL'NCnvMKN. First Ward. If. H. FBnG.UfWN. f.cond Ward. JA3. W. WELCH. Third Wird. citarl GODDARD. The Platform. To tiio Chairman and Delegates of the Republican City Convention: Gentlemen Your committee on platform appoint'! on the 20'h instaint has com pleted Its laborei ami makes the following Seattle as a Klondike) outfitting point. The Ladles' Society of the Methodls' church have arranged for a numb'-r of beautifully dresed dolls ' - Jhe!r bazia', to he given December 11. Do mrt buy your ..nnstmas aon mt you nave seen aA T)v , I rer.ort: the. There will also he a varl'tv rt ; ' .. .. ... '' Th Tteniihl'ican Trfirtv In convention as- I w'-re exceptionally good. Kspvrlal Cf-Ht ; ' " Il'-pulcan jsiriy in i,oiiyeMiioii at- articles gultable for rhrl.mas gifts for , . . (-,.. -,. A..r.nm. . semW'sl hr;by reafflrms 1a allance the older people, Do not fall to attend! ,, '.'.' .t. ,. ' . 1 to the citizens a,nd taxnnyers of this city iim.-sji. n.u mjn iavf i in? -ui'JU, M'n'J "T i art.anmv-nts as a mulca dre-:tor w'-re. and Podges Itself to an economic, careful fully demonstrated. an', progressive administration of cty The muskal solos of ithe ew-nlng, by , affairs for the coming lennal l.s-m of Miss Marie J. Velguth. f P'rtland, fully an(1 sustained the reputation of that young! w asert Hhat the past two years of lady a an nccompllHhed vocalist. he s . Repu1loan administration has demon but a child of 17 years, r-tlte n figure, of str.xted to the taxpayers that the finance this sale of Christmas novelties. A now maieof-war arrlvil down Hun- $2000 Ask your doctor what the effect of alum is upon the stomach. Then tell your grocer that you don't want any more cheap baking powder. Tell hi m th at Sch Ming ' liest at a fair price and your money back if you don't like it is good enough for you. A Schilling sx Company baa Francisco 2??3 anctvired In Scow bay and tht; "moke Pouting from her stack Sunday evening' Indicated a good dinner if nothing 'Ise. ' Tt was not learned where she was from, ' most pleasant manners, and ,J graceful easy earrlaee. When sint'lng the splrlt ue)e cxipeson of -her face Klv a'ldl- what ishe Is horo for, bound. ur where Is Hundreds of visitors were al.ard the City of P-rth Surdity and all were much Interested In the dlffep-nt sights on this Me freight carrier. The Hlnd'xjstan' sall'MT formed the cv-nter of attractjon Small iff stature, swariny of compl'-xion, clowly ,4haven hens and fuees, they fire, sented a fK-eullar appfirance. Quarter-wl away nft, in a ir.css by tlw mg-1ves, th'y live and rofik and eat S'-parate from the rest of the ship's crew. One would scarcely care to take Thanksgiving dinner with thm. olthouh they are said to live well. There Is another caste of Oriental natives ojuarteired aM, who hve separate and dlKthict from the others. The Perm wlM probably sail today, for 6t. Vincent's. Watch or Thimble? If neither s what you want to give For Christmas come to the stTre. It's larger than thi space and there i MORE IN IT IN PROPORTION'. J, H. SEYMOUR, W COMMERCIAL ST. j of th)n city have been aMy and Judi ciously managed; our city warrants hav ing Increased n pree from K cents two yars afo to 'A cents the priw-nt prce; that our d'-bts have not been Increased that the burden of itaaton has been re duced and our credit has been strength ened with investor at home and abr nd. The Improvement of our streets, at the lowest possttdo cost consistent with good workmanship, has continued during the administration, and we pledge the parly to the some care regarding such Improve ments and other expenditures during the future. We recoernlzo the Importance of an efficient and honest police force to maintain law and order, restrain crimi nals and administer Justice In the courts. The present commission has not acted n full agreement with the council, -which condition 1ms resulted in poor police ser vice and lo of cty revenue. We pledge the nominee of this convention to a proper enforcement of the city ordinance and FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS Great est Assortment of Plain and Figured Black Dress Goods Just the Thinjf for an Xmas Present 5ee Our Window SHANAHAN BROS. The Only Store That Sells Cheap full support of the cmitull n Its decision and nerejrv change. Th e unvcnti.oi rwitne the mijiixt burden t'uit i w ivst on water c.nsum-r. cuiwul I'i heavy arel eTorbltant mte lmiom by the water conm"ton. As nu itKne.lliite reduction demnn.le.1 we p'r.,;e th council nominees of th convention t ft do lher tittnivit to bring ntmt n .ign-e. ment with the water rmmssin h--re. . by the whole schedule of water rates hill be reduced consistent with pmp.-r rev nue to igicrnte the snter yt.-m and pay fixeil changes on the Investment. Pr ttt's purpose we he!eve n a rensonabV f---i.l-r of Tinmfv on the pnrt of the coutn-il f r the ne of tire hvdrnnrs. A th ranv. tlon has full and i;bdl"g fitM n 'h nbllltv ntnl l!'riv ,,f the R.p'il-1 nn party to ImpurMallv .i", eeofLtrtil--iltv mnnnRe the nffilrs of ths c.irji .r I'fn , on a bilslnes bas for the next 'wo vra-s we nvonwneml t tt.'ttnlti'e to h- p. -e for fber .-ndoeitTten.f nml niffr.iir" a' 'e prM on T'.H-emher H tn-xt. The Host. Atlutrly 'ur Il 1 ' - ii'. f m "Keystone Monogram" Whiskey Pur R! nt The Hot.: liar, Thw OtTlce Saloon, And all the bailing bur in A(orl. SHERWOOD Sun rmiwUco 5a iiiiJ I'm tl.nivl SHRRWOOD PACIKlC CuAHT AllKN'T. Ladies' Shoes Winter 8hO' Box Calf. Cork Soles Wlm Crack Proof Seal Shoes In Rutton and Iace, Our goods are warranted. 479 John Commercial Pa street Hahn & CO. Christmas Next Japanese and Chinese Curios.. Manufacturer of Ladies' and Children's Underwear Silk Fancy Goods Fine Decorated China ware Hiu-clal Attention iflven to all orders for any tyleof IjiiIIi-k' Wrup mill l.'iiderweiir, Kiiur antced i;rfett fit. CHAS. KAN & CO. 367 Commercial St Holiday Goods Japanese Goods Dry Goods Undcpwcor Mftdo to Oi lier Everythlim At Keasonablc Prices. James Murphy 420 Commercial Street. Umbrellas 1.DCK", KHYH ANI KKWIMi MAI III.SK.1..,. Also all I-iKht Maithlnery. Repaired C. H. Orkwitz 443 DCANK. Prices cut In two. Irt'lt HTORB IS FULIj OK T1IK McBT X . bi;hvickari-k and ornamental CROCK KRY, IMID AND OIMB8. WARE. Hl'ITAIII.E FOR PRIC8KNT8. Foard & Stokes Company Calendars and Christinas Cards. Our Stock U Now Kcmlv .('all and Kxamine Tlicm. GRIFFIN & REFD MOMETHI1MO NEW Air-Tight Coal Burners NoHiHit. Nodal. Hnvea Half III Fuel, -tiO TO- Hawes' Old Store C. J. TRENC11ARD, Aaslgne. ' J. N. LAWS, Mcor, UNION MEAT COMPANY SHIELD 1 BRAND ,. AM. KINKH OK l.'ANSKI) MIOATii Mams, Bacon and Strictly Pure Lard OunrBiiteed The llt-Ht In the Market Cor. rourth and (Jllmi Streits I'ortlnnd, Oreijoa.