The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 02, 1897, Image 4

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Finest Ever
Brought to th Cltr
Dress Shoes
Iyvdle' Heavy Seal Bal.
Ladles' Heavy Calf BaL
Indies' Heavy Craek-Ftwf Calf Bal.
Fair weather; cooler.
' ' t I:
' - . '- I
Had I two loaves of bread-ay. ay!
On would I SHI and hyclnt buy
To feed my eoul. Mohammed.
Try Schilling' Bast taa and baking powder.
At m A. K C alleye yetserday Mr.
Flndlay scored .
To choicest candles and nutt can be
found at the Parlor.
Toe Partor ha received a Ml) Una of
Xmaa pwdj. Oil sod see.
lambs wool slipper boles. 30
Cents, at dunbar"&
Joaepb Petit. Chinook; H. Gist. Bay
City, are at ttw Parker house.
Umbrella covered and repaired by a
practical workman, at IS Ninth street.
A scoar load of lumber arrived down
yesterday from 'the Bortbwlck mill at
P. J. Meany, the leading merchant
tailor. UT Tenth St The highest price
paid for fur aUna.
lire. I. Cotten and family will leave
en tile next trip of the Columbia to
pend the winter In California.
Mr. Jamea Meechatn and nrlfe, left hut
Wiiln via the Canadian Pacific railway
to spend the holiday In Scotland.
C. G. Palmberg. the leading contractor
and builder. Is prepared to do all kind
ef Jobbing- and building work; ITS Duane !
The two new wire of the Western
Union between A at oris, and Knappa, if
occasion demanded, could keep sixteen
operators busy.
The Washington pilots who yesterday
fllscarded the pilot schooner Jerafe, K Is
understood have purchased a new
schooner, wfliich will be here in a fr
ttay. '
NOTICE: The public should remain.
ber that there Is but ope original, air-,
tit-nth. Queen heater In the market, and
that Fisher Bras, are tht exclusive As
toria agents.
At a mee't ed last night Astor
lodge 'o. S, K. of P., elected the follow
log officers for the ensuing term: SI. of
W H. E. Neiigm; C. C. C. H. Ork
arlti; V. C, C. 3. Palmberg; prelate, Al
bert Kelson; M. of E., John G. Ross;
M. Of F., August Danierson; K. of R. and
8., D. R. Blount; If. at W.. E. E. Shaw;
I. G., L. Anderson; O. G Ola Lunl;
trustee for three years, O. B. Bates; med
leal examiner, O. B. Eates.
in 'jit;
Ask your grocer about Schillings Best
baking powder. Judge Schillings Best tea
by the taste only.
Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are
because they are money-back.
What is the missing word f not SAFE, although Schilling's Beit baking
Sawder and tea are safe.
Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocer'; take out the
ticket (brown ticket in every package of Inking powder; yellow ticket In the
lea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December jist
Until October 15th two words allowed for evety ticket; after that only one
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gels f 2000.00; if several find
k, Jjooo.oo will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
Creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
eoralcp will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it These
Weeping babies and pocket calendars will be dirlerent from the ones offered in
sbe last contest
Better cut these rules out.
Groceries at the lowest prtce at the
Pacific Grocery Co,
Bicycle and repair shop at US Ninth
street. Charge reasonable.
For real life-like an,! artistic photo,
call on Snodgrasa, th fotografer.
Ask for sample of Chase Sanborn'
famous tea, at Rov, Higg.ns Co. 'a.
Our price at th lowest In th Wty.
Call and see us. FacMe Grocery Co.
Tou cm always find the best cream-ry
butter and sweet, freeh cream at th
Mr. C. J. HurJ left 1u"t night for Eu
gene, Oregon, where h will engage In
Dry flr slab wood for sal. Astoria
Land & Investment Co.. Commercial and
Eighth street. Teiclphwi
Merchants yesterday reported collec
tions fairly good, and business fairly good
over this time last week.
Plum pudding, cranberries, sweet cider
and a large line of other seasonable
i tap: and fancy groceries at Rom, Hlg.
gtna Co.
A scow load of wood was received ye,
terdar by the Borthwlck lumber company
whlcb was delivered to the railroad com
pany aft Flavel,
Regular meeting of th W. C. T. U.
today at 1 p. m. All the metnbers are
requested to be present, as business of
Importance to to come before the union.
Th Columbia Iron Works yesterday
commenced the repair on the engine
and boilers of the Commodore Perry. It
writ take about two yeeks to finish the
FOR RENT One three-room boue op
posst court bouse. 110 per month; and
one two-room house fui istolml for light
housekeeping, XT Commercial street, $10
per month. Apply K5 Commercial at
Three valuaMe booklets hare Just bees
Issued by th passenger depart rant of
th Union Pacific railway. They ire en
titled "Gun Club Rule and Gome Laws,"
lndood Sports" and "Outdoor Sports."
The enia and supper In preparation by
the Ladies' Guild of Grace Episcopal
church will open at 5 SO p. to., on Thurs
day, December X In the store room for
merly occupied by tfae late M. C. Crosby.
Largest and most complete assortment
of alr-tlght heater In the city. All the
kinds advertised In this paper may be
een and compared at our store, then
your selection will be satisfactory to you.
Foard Stoke Co.
C. G. Palmberg. the well-known cabi
net-maker. Is dressing a section of red
cedar tree, in Its natural shape at the
roots, for a trMe top. It Is safe to say
tfiat the table will be the most unique and
handsome one ever, turned out at As
A rumor was started yesterday after
noon that Mr. A. tlilnger had with
drawn a candidate for councilman In the
second ward. When seen last night by a
reporter. Sir. Utxlnger denied having ta
ken any such steps, or having any inten
tion of doing so.
Arrangements are being dally perfected
for the Christmas entertainment to be
givn by the twplls of the school of the
Convent of the Holy Names. The pro
ceeds of the entertainment are to form
the msHeus of a library fund for the pu
pil) of" the school.
The sale and dinner today at Crosby's
old store, by the ladle of the Episcopal
church, promise to be on" of the roost
ueeesul affairs ever held In the city.
The ladles have worked hard, and have
many Chrltsmas novelties to offer, and
will serve a good business luncheon dur
ing the middle of the day.
At the meeting of the cjuncll next Fri
day night Important measure) will come
up for consideration. Th aret the pay.
!ng of iZVW annual rental to the water
commission for the use of Are hydrants.
the Improvement of Commercial street
and the Improvement of a street In Union
town. These measures have already been
before the council at prwlous meetings,
and It Is more than prohable that final
action will be taken on all of them at Its
next meeting.
Mot Scotch and hot Tom and Jorry
at th Offlce.
Th sunshine ye.ordy was weh'AmeO
by great anxl small.
Charloa Wlrknla left loxt nlitht for Tort
land and the Sound, He will return In
time for Hvtlon.
New crop dried fruit, new civn raisins,
fig and assorted nuts alt extxni fine
quality, at Ross, lllggln A Co,
W, E. Dunn. Dr. Kortran, Jte. Tliuu.'
San Francisco: 3. It. Kern, Kernvlllf;
H. R. Orimth. New York; .1hn l M-
Gnrivn, Portkuul, are at the O.vMi'nt.
The concensus of opinion amongst the
street comer potlttvUn yesterday was
that bh tickets at the coming city elec
tion, would be badly split, ami that the
mayonillty fight Is anytxxlys fisht.
Shares of trte Alaska Trnruiwtatldii
and Dovctotvnont Company of Chicago
are the moe denlmlrfe invest nw-nt lefor
the puNie. Safer than savings bank snd
bank stock. Paying Urge dividend.
Shares one dolltir. For Information nd.
dress W. L, Dudley, genernl agwit, Hal.
ler building, Seattle, Wawh.
No amount of age or storing will mnk
bad whiskey good. It must be good
when made nd must be stored In wood
and not In mrtni. Cyrus Noble Old
Rourbon Whiskey Is stored In onk wood
barrets. This develop Its flavors n.l
tonlo properties. These flavors make It
delicious In cocklnl). It Is th only
American Whiskey of intercatlorvl repu.
The danger of civilisation are over,
work, worry ami germs. We need a vl
ntftstng power to umln us, l-espied
men and experience point to pur whis
key. Primitive men did not need wht.
key. We do. Changed condition tr1ng
fresh needs. And TirE whiskey Is HAR
PER. Sold by Fonpl & Stokes Company.
Astoria, Oregon.
The Ladle Society of the Methodist
church have arranged for a number of
beautifully dressed dolls for ihelr baxaar
to be given December 10. Do not buy
your Christmas doll until you have seen
these. There wHl also be a variety of
articles) suitable for Chrtstmaa gifts for
the older people. Do not fall to attend
this sole of Christmas novelties.
Work has so far progrened on Ihe public
landing dark at th foot of Fourteenth
street that It will soon be rn use. Cap
tain Phillips, of the Oomtmodore Terry,
has 'undertaken to keep the dock In clean
ly condition and good order, and Mayor
Taylor has undertaken t, see that It Is
not blocked by small river steamers and
other boats, by being used as a tying
up place.
A telegram wms rwelved yesterday from
Mr. A. ft. 'Hammond, stating that he
would be In Portland today, ami would
arrive In Astoria some time during this
week or the flrwt of next. It Is under
stood that he wHl take up with the clt
ixens' and Chamber of Commerce and
A. P. C. A. committees, a number of very
Important matters looking to the Inaugu
ration here of a number of large commer
cial enterprises, and the proper adve
tlslng abroad of Astoria's Interests.
The committees of the Chamber of Com
mere and the A. P. C. A. upon the ad
vertising proposition, are thoroughly in
accord upon the Uh)er,. A mass m'H
Ins; wHl probably be called for Saturday
of this week or the beginning of next
week. The cttlxen having appointed a
representative to look aifter Astoria's In
eres abroad, ft devolves upon the A.
P. C. A. and Chamber of Commerce to
appoint their representatives to act with
the citizens. It Is understood that these
appoinments will be made this week.
Commander John P. Merrell, of the
Thirteenth lighthouse dhnrlct, advises
that he will be In Astoria In a day or so,
and will be glad to meet the commlttee
of the A. P. C. A. and enter Into a K'-n-eral
discussion rit the range light ques
tion at the mouth of the river. The tone
of the conrmamier's letter does not Indi
cate that he Is very much Impresed with
the immediate necenelty for the establish
ment of these lights. It remains for the
committee- to demonstrate 10 him the
Importance of these lights, now that the
heavy shipping season Is coming on.
United States to James A. lOnney;
tow of e of sec 13, tin, r
9 w; W acres Patent
M. J. Kinney and wife to Astoria
National Bank; lot 11, W M, Mc-
Clure' .. ,v 7,000
Patrick O'Hara and srifa to W. O. .
Martlndale; lot 10, bl 5, O'Hara's
addition to Warrenton Vj
John E. Harwklns to Mary E. Haw
kins; ww Borner of lot 7, sec , t 4
n, r 7 w: 40 acres 5
W. O. Martlndale and wife to 6. TV.
Eves: lot 10. W 5, O'Hara's nddl
tlon to Warrenton 57
Mrs, H. F. Prae-1 won the monthly la
dles' tournament at tjv: A. F. ('. alleys
on Tuesday last, and Ik n'w Hie proud
wearer of the medal. The eight hidies
and gentlfmen play (Mr nutch game
rn Friday evening ccmm-riclng ,-tt 7:,7).
Thh matrh will be stubbornly content'-l,
as the r;utt two games wire hard fought
and only won by very small margins, the
ladles lowing the first game by 1 j,n and
winning the s'rond by so Frld-ty will
gee the rubber played.
These gamew ere very popular. Judging
by the crowd of spectators and the roit
Ing of the admirer". Ah ihe teams al
ways eh-ing-e t'T the coriK?! II In very
difficult to choose, the winners.
Following are fhe forunnte coutet
ants: Ladles Mrs. II. F. VraA, Mm. II. In
galls, Ml Davlilxon, Mrs. Delllnger, Mrs.
Temlson, Miss O.'lbert, Mra. T. O. Trul
llnger, Mrs. O. C. Fult(n.
Gents Frank WoodBeld, F. Fisher, M.
M. Plcken, W. C. Laws, M. Wise, H.
Pennell, Alex Murray, B. F. Allen.
Sloamship Columbia Spills a Thousand
Cee Into Ihe River,
Salmon went down In this maikiH with
a crash yesterday morning. Am the O. 15.
A N. steamer Columbia arrlvid In from
Sin Francisco about i o'clock, she is
overtaken by dene fotr, when muring
the city, and nan ottl,-vd , cone to
anchor. The anchor chain tv-oke, mine,
known . the otncom, nnd when dlianv
crwl (he steamer was sinrtl nlowly
ahead, undivr the Kiipposltton hiW she was
pointed H stream, tint iiiMimO of
she tMmied Itno the Cnlnu FWiniicu's
Mimory. demolishing M , wnrr.
b.Mi, nnd diiniilng between ;u and tiO
ewes f Hiilnioti Itno ihe river, om.tltlmi
a loss uiv.ii ihp cannery of nl.oni f,am
for goo! :in, tmut ,1iH) f,r the ImiIMIiih
The ntosnier a not nl all, and
If she ha. I !,, tin ler full sx-dd. would
htive gone IhtMiiuh the entire ctn"Ty like
a knife tlimtih-h a phce of cheese.
Cptln Comva.v nmdo xhe following
''W arrive,! off ihe at 13 W, this
morning, and vnwsed part oiy n, when
we foutt.I o:,e of the Ivicm llntils gen
and a fog wttllng down, and turrvd out
to ca again. Ttw f, llfi.xl and we came
In the ei'ond tlim Just .of,r.. getting
In the Ay -hiH down on 11s fc-ln. whet,
wn. wre mar Ft. Stevens and jiist
picked igi thel- llnhts, W then came
ilong up the river. fmn our wa- under
a slow twt. It was very dark, ami I
derldnl to come to anchor, which w
did, somewhere near Phiuwe'ii cannery, as
mw as we could ilirr.
"A short time after this, the on
watch got a glrnips of a lluhl on shure.
and by w,t.-hiv the light saw that Ihe
ship -. dntMYtmr. He at once notified
the omV.r on deck, who ordered mor
chain put out. Hearing the chain rat
tling through the hmn pipe, I rain on
fc and was told that we were drugging
our ascvorn. I orlred the men to
heavs the thjln In. when we found that
the anch.w nis gone, While hetvlng In
the vtialn, w wr working the ship
slowly ro see wKere we were. TV un
posel w were headetl up stream, but
eouhl see nothlni. Suddenly In lite dark
new the outlines of a building loomed
up right bet. we ua. We could not see
It until we were onto It. The order wws
river, at once to back the entrtm-e. and
they were working at full peed back
wards when -w struck whot proved, fn
be the Union FWiermen'a cannery. Had
we been going nhead at arry ppe.1, we
would have gone thmtarh the fillre
building like a knife thrmarh a plw of
Th CoKimbla broke off 3fl feet of the
end of rh cannery, which was filled with
unlabeled and uncased "tails." rt"rween
Ttw and IM owe were dumped Into the
river, which furnished a gnnd m.trket for
unsold go.H The exuct d tnuigv to the
esnnery. has nrg been determined, as they
do not seem to know wtiait they had on
hand. Three or four hundred dolUir will
repair the building.
Prospnts for 'Its Manufacture on a Large
Seals at or Nnr TIl"atrT.
STme month aiso as a resuh of the
work at Pi-a. Dr. Owen-iAdulr, cottw
menced years ago. and faithfully pros,
ecuted ever since, h A-vorian agltatrd
the question of flax culture and linen
manufai-ture ln Oregon, particularly In
Otutsop county, where the cost of trans
portation at the imeetlng point of rail
and, would be much lm than
elsewhere. The great Srowwta of I,to
burn, Ireland, took up jh matter.
throuKh the effort of their local agents,
Foard A Stokes Co., who have spent time
and money on the question, and sent a
repr-entatlve hers, who reported favor
ably on the question upon his return to
They sent seed out which was dltrlb
utcl by Foard A to the farmers
In this county and ai-rrw th river In
Washington, for experimental purposes.
The flax was planted, grown and treated,
and samples sent at the various st.i.s
of the process, Ho Lleburn, cn which fa
vorable revert have been received. Aliout
this time Portland and the Willamette
valley nook up the mutter and now claim
to have European capital pledged to nun
ufaure llnem In Oregon.
The Stewarts have the opportunity of
getting In flrt at the. greatent market
for linen threads and twine on the Pa' IHr
coast, with a factory that will not only
mest the demands her for home con.
sumption, but which mn supply linen
Hoth for export. and consumption
throughout the Undted States. Under the
operations of the Dlngley tariff It will
bo cheapeir for them to manufacture
linen her? than to eftiip It from Ip'land.
The Steivarts have the money (o go Into
the business on a large scale, and It only
remains to be seen whether sufficient In
ducement will be made them In Ihe way
of a site for a factory, and the support of
local leonsumer and grow errs of flax.
There Is no doubt an opportunity now of
building up In Oregon as large a flax
growing and linen immnufarturlng Indus
try as exlsht lr Ireland or fSnrmany.
Here's where the Cbaimber of Commerce
and A. P. C A. come In.
Daily Mlssoullan.
A reception nnd bano,ut was tendered
to Mr. A. Tl Hammond upon his return
from Astoria and Portland. Passing
tlhrough here Jueit njt 'this time was Mr.
C. W. Fulton, a lawyer and polltlclnn
of Astoria, who stopped off to see Mr.
Hammond, and who was !nvltd to at
tend the recenilon. Ho icould only stop
a fiw hours however, on ncocunt of Me
anxiety to re.vh Washington, D. C. where
he. Is dim on Important business.
Word has Jilrtt been received here from
the Joseph fiuirenant party now in Daw
son City, and who left here on the firm
trip of the steamer Eld'-r, Ihn. they were
the first out of hun'lreds to gt over Chll
kort pass and into tfift Klondike country.
They report that tby are well Satisfied
with having outfitted b'fore leaving home,
and that they are well fixed for llio win
ter. Others who iwero on tiie same
steanvr endorsed tho principle rf flltlng
out before starting on the Journey, and
are enthusiastic In prafcte of tflie tnat
nwnt received at the hanln of the O. R,
& N. steamship lln, fwhich tins the best
boats In the Bkagway service.
Holiday bpe
KnlUliu Milk. tH v si'''60
lSnl.eol.lciy Silk, nil l'"r
spool 'J
l!oie Kmbroldcry Kltk. 'r
Ciiliut Silk, all colors, for
work. -r -iril
Sl.un'M l.les1 cicli to
OIUMroii'a Colored fanl-roKleivd SUk
Handkerchief, each
Men's SI'.k lUmlkerchlef.
Uidl.-' Fancy tkif.ers. -r pair ...!5o
Velvet lUI'y ltlbUm, all slwdes. per
Aa-Sllk llal.y IUbln. nil sh-idcs.
txy yurvl ,0
Hteel or llonr Cn-bet Hocks, each V
Finishing llraM. per boil o
Valence IorS per ywr.l ... lc and K'
Fancy lUiekels. In all colors. ench.lSci
tildle' S-ratr Skirts.
II W to 13 50
Dr. 11. A. Smith st'.iit Sunday last at
thn beach.
John Kopp and '. Vsrsehuerttt spent
Tuestlay In tiran.
I'ruf McHe spnt Tbanhsiilvtng with
his parents In Ast.sio.
W. C. n.irrett. foretiMii at lean's mill.
Is In l'orthvn.1 on business.
Mr and Mrs J.mrm.-n ami children
spent Sunday List In Astoria.
W. E. Warr- n cuiw. ms; fnsn his ranch
on Satunlay and went to Astoria.
Ttie treiw on the county road through
Cei-urhart park huve ull bn cleared out.
Mall Carrie Vai,llt. afl- a weeks'
layoff, is og-ilnr .m th Cannon k"a.m
I.uclwlsr Christ lansnn and Kdarl John
prove.1 up on their h'imrsrtrds last
The nuill carrier between here and Mr.
Ahlcr'a ret'orts the r.Md In terrible con
dition. Mr. atxl Mrs. Klllott of Tillamook are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. C C. Bab
bl'lge. Mrs. fK..- returned from a week'
visit In Astoria, a-rmpanM by Master
Vlnrft Nolanl.
Ben HlggurtHdtom jstasr,! through here
on Saturday with a barn I of M head of
Tillamook cattle.
E. M. flrlni'-s will won tsirln the erec
tion of a larvn hotel ,m Ui shell roal
next to tho bench.
Rupenlsor Mllon with a gang of men
has cb-ar,., I;he. nnal between Beeman'i
ami the ii,per county bridge.
Judge nillon .aid A. K. Reddaway left
m Monday for Pot Hand to alteial the
suit of r.oldaway vs. HoUadiy.
The toll road to nk crwk Is simply
Impiutsiible. it shr.uld be made a county
roa-l and be j.laed In nf condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Ell sit t, .who luwc been
vkiltlng their dinsthtin-, Mrs. BabbUlg,
retupmd to their home In Tillamook via
Tho mill la exporting a good deal of
liimiier. They ihavr 11 big order for
FVIseo, which Is being loaded on the
steamers at Flnvil.
The. case of lir. Htelner w.-wi all Ihe talk
of the week. A gl dnl of sympathy
Is express! 1t.v fIIT j)r Si,nftr and peo
ple w-'-m lo think that after all the testl
mony Is In he v III get Hear.
Some people are Imjioxlng upon the trust
and confident',, placed In theim by Super
intendent Cnnlnorof Ihe Boys' and fllrls'
Aid Ks-lety and should not ho allowed
any '1il!dr.-n from there, nn In some cases
they are gro"dy n',r1vtfd and such a
eajie we have here nt Seaside.
KmiihlMed for the Tritmcnt of ail
Funeilonul n,l N'fivous Diseaai.
Asthma, Obstinate Consllpatlon, Dyspep
sia, Hjalaehe. Insomnia, M'-lancholln,
Menlsriial and R'Tcual Disorders, Nervous
Prostration, ln-nlyls, Starnunorlng, St.
Vitus' Dance. VMous Habits and DRUO
HABITS (tobacco, alcohol, moriihlne and
cocaine), successfully treated.
Interaction given.
Medical Director.
C8S Commercial Street.
Hperki sale of IHiU'' Kid illuvcs.
In black, w hile and colors, pr II W
Utdles- Fvutlwr How.
lollies' stlwoid Knit Hkhl".
ladles' nJI-wod HHfiMtors, ili..l.:6
Irftillos' ribbed Ausltnllan wool Vest
; or 1'aitts, ea.'h T4o
I l. lies' t.ll-l Collars, eneh 10'
txvllr' Apnxis, each lio lu 1 !S
Chlltlron's silk and wool Hooda.
ecu h Ho to UUO
Infants' and Ctnlilren' Coa', each
11.00 to 15.00
I. idles' lleltt, vac
Iskdle' Plush and CliMh CVpe. up
frm B
Ijutlea' Coats, the latest styles,
up from ttt
Our RihUm stock I romHot with
all shade and widths; rheapfr than
Embroidery Hoops, pair to
Only Store That Sells Cheap
Ur. lktrrtn, who has been with us for
the past hroe months, win remain at
491 Bond at. Astoria, until further nolle.
All iIkm who wish to consist Mm should
do so at once. An chruttlo dawase with
sue -ess. OrnV Isiur I a. m. to I p. m.
Th poor treated free, xcstpt medicines.
Mr. E1ltor: For over all ywr I havt
bis-n a great uffrer from emit nd
chronic dyspsla ami Indigestion. I
came to Dr. Darrln and hav taken hi
treatment, and consider mysalf ntlnty
cure.1 I feW very thankful for th cur
and am only too glad to recommend lr
Dnrrin' lnatmrrl o th Bfflletssl pub
lic. Can be reerred to.
Astoria. November B.
Offlee hour, I . m. to I p. m.
All member of Court Astoria, No. I ar
requested lo be present at tha regular
meeting, Thurslay evening. December I,
at ISO sharp. Business nf Importance.
CHAfl. RINO. C. R.
0. Ounderson, Secretary.
Cork Soles
Wlntsr Shoes.
Crack Proof
Bog Calf.
Seal Shoes
In Button and Lac.
Our good ar warranted.
Commercial r
Street HalM & CO.
Chinese Curios..
Manufacturer of
and Children's
Silk Fancy Goods
l ine Decorated Chlnawarc
Hueelal Attention given to nil orders foraiiy
styleof Ijulles' Wmps nnd Underwear, guar
anteed jierfect fit.
367 Commercial St
Columbia ItlviT and Pugel Hound Niivlga- : i-.,.rl." I,.iiv,.m Aftlnrla
diiliv except Hiuidiiy, 7 l. m. Leaves I'orU
land ('liilly.except Kiiiiilii.y, 7 a. in.
-II..I1.-V (IsUcrl" llekels gissl on steamer
w seiti " is
" eirKrhouipsoii'' tickets good on"llnlley
Oazlert." ,
U, B. Scott, PnsldenL
E, A. Feeley, Agent, I'ortlaml.
C. W. Htone. Agont, Astoria,
Telcplione No, IP
Ui.ll.s' and Clllldloll'S M.4. kill,
loshe. fiom II M lu ll.W
ldlc' and I'lUldliMt'i tUiiliicllaa,
from Do to 13 W
Iaco t'lii-ulns, wur, up fr-'iu (KM
Clsl.lllo INU-le Oivers, tstch 7tfl
Ttibls Linen, )'rd, up front Ma
All Uiimi Napkin, rssl ls,dut. tl M
A fins kr bed srad for Tto
Kes our niM Hue of plain uwl fltursd
tv, Jit lh IliUtg for a
Christ nw pril.
Mru'a Tk f Four-ln.lland Tl,
up from Ue
Men's Suspend", asair ISO to TV
Men's Uiiderwistr, suit (Do PN
IWtys' all wvsd Hweatsra, eaoh Tie
Hoys' suits, from TVi lo I.H
Men's Hats, fnm JOo lo UN
Men's all wv4 I'anl Mil
Men's Sox. isUr so la Me
AMI fiKttl.Nl
X At I1IM1S..
Also all I lM
C. H. Orkwltz
riis eul In Iso.
(irwrrit, KottJ, TruiUi,
Vfp'UiMt. (Wkfry,
ItpgtT'e .Slllicsl.
Cor.Tsnth and Commsrclat street.
Astoria Electric SufplyC0;
E'.'.r Supplies
iMO Commercial attrl.
at ant man esntliif oul o
our star and jov'lt t
portrait o( a nan brlmmla
over with pleasant tbougbla.
Huch quality In lb llqsora
hav la offer aruou(ble
pleat say ma.
j..,..M s
AHttrlo Ironworks
Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria,
Land and Marin Engine, Roller Work,
Steamboat and Cannery Work a apt.
olalty. Casting of all description
made to order on short nattoe.
John Fox.. President and Superfcitendent
A. L. Fog Vice President
O. B. Pravsl Seorttary
Astoria Savtigs Bank Treasurer
Pboas No. 6S
Astoria, Orsgoe
Stilo Chandlerv.
Spoclsl AtUntloa Paid to Supplylog th Ip
187J 18P7
Iron anil Steel
Groceries ami Provisions
ri.niriinil Mill Peed
Taints, Oils anil Varnishes
Loiters' Supplies
I'airLnnk's Scales
Doors and Windows
Agricultural Implements
Wagons and Vehicles.