The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 02, 1897, Image 2

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Teb-phon No. W.
;trkms or iuhhckiition.
Best by mail per year 00
Bent by mall, per month io
Served by carrier, per monta to
ant by mall, per year In advaoo....W
Poatag frea to subscribers.
All communication intended for pubB
' aavtlon should be dlreoted to the editor.
Sstnea communication of all kind
and remittance muat be addreaaed to
Th Aalorlaik"
Th Aatorlan guariLntce to It sub
sciibnrs th largest circulation of any
awwspaper published oo tb Columbia
Advertising ratea can be bad on appU
cation to th business manager.
The Weekly Aatorlan. the acond old.
t weekly In th atata of Oregon, has,
est to tho Portland Oragot.tan. th J
surest weekly clreulatloo In tho state.
John F. Hundley Co. are our Portland
scents, and copie of tho Astortan can
, had every morning at their ("and,
CI Third street
Joseph Chamberlain say the expansion
of the British empire is "furfKling the
manifest destiny of our race." Tills may
work until some other manifest destiny
Is encountered, when trouble H likely to
Foreign Immigration, after a lone pe
riod or decline, begin to show an tn
roaae. , Too heaviest Immigration to th
Valted States on record west that of the
yaars following the resumption of specie
Tie vealy newspapers that refer to
President McKlnley a "Mac" should at
tend a night school for knowledge and
kindergarten for manners. No apology
tan be offered for them except that they
know no better.
War between Austria and Turkey ha
fcean averted by the surrender of the Ut
ter. Trouble between Germany and Chl-
However, may yet tako place. A con
flict between these two nation might
eily dranr Russia In, and tfcen the area
f b distts-banco would be sure to
pread, The unpleasantness between
feermany ad Haytl. of counts, does not
Involve the Monro doctrine, for Germany
seeks redress merely, an) not an erten
fcm of territory. In the China dlffl
ttfty; though, th kaiser 1 suspected to
lav design ot; territorial asjaraadUe
asenV an If he shouM attempt to earry
Vpm sot atisro -sronM a convulsion In
tfope. These days " the gates of the
Vemple of Janus are never tightly barred.
CMeogo Thnes-HerahL
Th flgsr es of fcicreaaed Tallway earn
ing for three months past ten a story of
wakened commercial and Industrial ac
tivity that Is cold comfort to the pesst
mnt apd apostles of calamity. The ne
wko cling to th doctrine of despair and
are determined o obscure every visible
"evidence of returning prosperity are Un
able 'to make any. headway against the
snountaJn of proof contained In the, record
f increased railway- earnings.
IAsj th railroads are the heaviest suf
ferers from Industrial depression, so they
are uie heaviest gainer from restored
prosperity In the various lines of pro
ductive activity. They are without doubt
' the roost sensitive barometers of indus
trial conditions. If the railroads are do
ing a business that taxes the capacity of
their rolling stock it is the surest slen
ef Increased activity In manufacturing
and trading.
For the three months ending with Sep
tember eight of the largest Tallway sys
tems ahow increased of over a
million dollars each. At the head of the
list etand.1 lihe great Bur!lni?ton system
that reaches the vast corn field and
wheat flilds of the west-rn rttatt-s, with
an Increase in estrninys of 2.OT.L"7, while
elosely crowding it Is the peerlvs Penn
sylvania system, witih its enormous ln
creaso of R.078,900 In earning. Other
roads showlmr an Increase of over a mil
lion each are the Southern Pacific, Santa
Fe, Illinois Central, Canadian Pacific.
Vnlon IiclHc and Erie.
These are not the only roads, however,
that ihave felt the quickening touch of
industrial and commercial revival.
Nearly every railroad In the countrv re-
porta better earnings than last year.
TVWle thl phenomeaai Increase In gross
amlngw nay toe largely attributed to the
bountiful crop In the rw astern and middle
tales and the shortage of the European
'supply, whldh naturally demanded a qui'. k
movement to our seaboards. It Is atoo due
to a general revival In all line of trade.
JL the grain traffic began to grow less,
hot in
general and fuel
grew heavier.
pruuc, nunoreos
factories, that -were started up again
after a prolonged suspension of activity,
has also helped to swell the mighty tide of
Increasing railway business. It must also
tt remembered that the Increase was se
cured In spite of the fact Ovat the lake
traffic this year was the heaviest on rec
ord. The lake lines carried hundreds of
thousands of -tons, taking the traffic di
rectly away from 'the railroads that run
to th swaboard. In A few week the '
rallroadn will be heavily taxed to carry j
the Ixxindle welth of California's
orange grove and fruit orchard. Th
onuwe crop of California thU year la - '
timolol at 11,000 car loads, nearly aU of
wlch. In addition to thousand tsc car
loads of citric fruK, canned good and
dried fruit, will And It way east.
The outlook of the railway l
Port and, IItbjwi Now. IS, 1S?T
Tti Oreston Society of Son ot the Amer
ican Revolution la an organisation com
posed ot dencwidiinta of ancestor who
assisted In establishing America i inde- j
peodewe. Any male dccend.uu of such
ancestor 1 cllvrible to admission Into the j
society. Tt itbicot are purely patriotic J
ami historical. One of them Is to stlm
ulate Interest In the history of the Am.-r- !
lean revolution and loyalty to tt prin-!
i-lples. For this purpce the society offers
three prist of $3, tl5 and 11 respectively,
for the beot essay written by any student
under M years of axe. In any public school
In Oregon, on any of the following four
1. The Continental cm press he Influ
ence nvaich caused It to assemble; Its
character and rank a deliberative
body: what h accomplished.
i The cause twhlch ted to armed re
sistance In iMassachunts. Including the
contest of Lexington and Concord.
8. The Treton-Prlnceton campaign.
4. The urrerler of Comwallis ahd th
causes leading up to It .
TSssays are limited In length to twenty
Ave hundred avords; must be written on
legal cap on one side of the paper In th
students' own handwriting and must be
accompanied by the certificate of the
principal of the school attended by the
author, to the effect that the author Is a
bona fide student In the school and ra
been In attendance therein not less than
six weeks during the school year of 1SS7-M.
Essays must be forwarded to the chair
man of the committee In chanre. Wallace
McCamant, It Concord building. Port! nd.
so a to reach him not later rhan Feb
ruary 1. 18ST. In awarding the prtf the
committee will be governed by these three
L Historical accuracy.
5. Maimer of treatment.
t Orthography, gran-mar, syntax and
Any additional Information relative to
the competition which may be desired,
will be cheerfully furnished by the chair
man of the commute. The essay which
Is awarded the first prize will he pub
lished m run, with the name of the
author. In the pubMc press.
, ... Chairman.
A man's health Is the rope by wrrfch
he climbs to success. If ne can keep hi
health, be win go on' to toaeav Yet
hi health ks tho very thing be neglect
more Mian anything else. It la easTT
Ito keep neakh than It Is to regain it.
When a man ifeets hknseif running down.
when tie real lies a loss of vitality and
Miergy, he must call a halt The strands
ef his rope are partlnsr rapidly. Dr.
Pierce's GordWi Medical Discovery ha
helped thousands of mem m just this con
dition. It mnkes health, it makes pur
rich blood, It forces out Impurities and
kill germs. It doesn't make and differ
ence what name you call your trouble by
dyspepsia kldrwy disease rheumatism
-consumption skin disease, the "Golden
Medical Discovery" will cure It absolutely.
Nome of these disease can retain hold I
on the body twhen tt Is full of rich, pore i
Mood. ' ' !
Send SI one-cent stamps to' cover the
sost of mailing only, and receive free a
eopy of Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser. Ad- j
dress. World's Dispensary Medical A mo-
elation, Buffalo, T. I
' " " '
Football cushions in college colors will ,
be given largely as Christmas gifts this .
year. j
J. C. Berry, one of the best known cit.
Itens of 8pencer, Mo., testifies that he
cured himself of the worst kind of piles
by using a few boxes of DeWltt's Witch
Haxel fialve. HP had been troubled with
piles for over thirty years and had ued
many different kinds of so-cal'ed cure:
the work and he will verify this state,
but DeWltt's was the only one thit did
meit If any ore wt?hes to write to him.
Cha Rogers.
The latest thxe l.s io h ivc a i-jr- mad'.
of the naime materia'. a.- tiie tr--t dres,
but It must be 7nountil In gold and sus
pended from a gold chain.
in Children
can bt overcome in aim OS t all CaSCS
DV the US of Scotfs Emulsion of
Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophoj-
phites of Lime and Soda. While
It- Jc a cr irntiUr t,r ti,e
1 3. 41, - j: !Lt, i '
istence, in
it U nf ,tl4M U.. it i. '
jaIrea,y dgy an(J :
,of uaataOLU absorption bV the I
'svstem. It is also cnmtiinfi njirr. '
tne nypOpnoSOhltCS, Which
supply a food not only for '
the tissues of the body. but '
for the bones and nerves,
and will build up the child
when its ordinary food
does not supply proper
B rare you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Set that tlx
aa and fish vc on th wrapper.
AH druggists ; joc and f i-oo.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. New York.
I talnly a, mot promising one and I In (Ml HlVC pV" Vl
I strong contrast to tho d.u-k day ft 1S y , I STfTl' w'T' 1
and ISM, when the railroad lost In tholr jWjf j j If II J'
operation trio rnoovHXi wum on JSUT5..J Jj I I 1 i
0 durlnir the former war and .S45.!4l I' -tjry,.,vJUvfj
during the latter year. j SrVUji
take Ayer's Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day's work.
Ayer's Cathartic Tills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepwed, that they cure with
out the annoy aces experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills' on the market. Ask your
drug-gist for Ayer's Cathartic
Pills. Mien other pills won't
help you, Ayer's is
Th steamer Columbia arrived In yes
terday morning.
The Tarn O'Shanter arrived ta yesterday
afternoon and will load lumber at the
Knappton mill.
The Alice Blanchard, for 6 .in Fran
cisco, arrived from Portland yesterday,
and docked at th. Mala street dock.
The Principality and Fills of Clyde are
on the way down the river. On anchored
at Brook field yesterday evening and tb
other In Cathlamet bay.
The following vessels are bound to the
Columbia River, with name of master,
rationality, rig. tonnage, where from
and M of report 1 rail:
Hyson, Hogg, Br str. S79 tons, Hong
kong. Lscnbard. Oalson, Br str, lfia S tons,
Oeorge Stetson, Murphy. Am ah, 17K
tons, Baltimore, August a,
LinlKhgowahtre, Anderson. Br sh, DSJ
tons, Antwerp, July B.
Drumburton, Spurring, Br bk, 1771 ton.
Bwacsv ea,'July 1
Aiesley, Ewart, Br h. UBl tons, Car
diff, May 1
Cambrian King, Hansen. Br sh,' ICS
Urn. Shanghai.
Dovenby Hall, Wblckham, Br sh, 1831
ton. Liverpool -
Ben VoiHlcti. Abler, Oer sh, 107 tons,
Santa Rosalia.
Sprinrbum, Rae, Br bk, 2S00 ton. Cape
Town. September S.
Durbrldge. McLauchlan. Br sh, 213
tOTM, Table Bay, September 17.
Poltallooh, McLeod, Br bk, &39 tons.
Table Bay.
Otago, Esk. Swd bk, 970 tons, Ham-
Dundee, Jarvhi, Br ah, IMS ton, Rlogo.
Conway Caatls, Jones. Br sh, 191
tora, Valparaiso.
Mlltonpark, Tumllty, Br sh, U94 toes,
Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 8J
tons. Tako.
Vanduara, Beavan, Br bk, ISM tons,
AJgoa Bay.
Teenkal, Long, Br str, 3011 'tons, Hong,
G'enpark, Irish, Br Sh, 1799 tons, KIo
j Janeiro, August 29.
; Gkmbank, Leonrd, Br bk, 13C8 tons,
Genevieve, Touge, Fr bk, 987 tons, Hai
Phong, October ZL
' Galcorm Castle, Mihon, Br bk, 1S07
ton). Table Bay. August 30.
Henry Vlllard, Pattett, Am th, H7
tcr.s. New York, October 14.
Oberon, Gully, Br bk, l'J&i tons,
Newcastle, Australia, October 8.
VerW Ji-dd, Br sh, 171a tons, WaU
a too.
0;.maru, Fulltirton, Br eh, 1306 tons.
li t ilin, October 14.
Jacques, Bernada, Fr bk, 1400 tons, Ma-
Indian Empire, Allen, Br bk, 1515 tors,
J ipKter, Funder, Dan eh, 1051 tons, To
Kjlama. Chelmsford, Thomson, Er bk, 2157 tons,
Cape Town, October 9.
City of York, Jones, Br sh, 11CT tons,
Blairlogle, Mackay, Br bk, 1525 tons,
Delagoa Bay, S-ptember 4.
Hopiintt. Tork. Rus eh, 1305 tons. Port
Natal, B-ptember Z.
Mlltiades, Aylin;. Br sh, 1452 ton, Mel,
&ourne, October IS.
MacMlllan, Guthrie, Br sh, 1450 tons
"-" 8eman' r ,n' 1705 ton,
Lakemba, Bradherlng, Br bk
im tons,
J Can Robertson, PHI, Br h, 1640 ton,
j Banta Roaalla.
i British General, Thorn a, Br h, IBS
' ton, Newcastle, Australia.
I Midas, Messenger, Br bit, 13C2 ton,
Br "
Talorl. rirow. Er ah. 1 tons. New.
... ....u.
IIornly Castle, Brltfht, Br eh, 1375 ton,
tfumcralg. Johnscn, Er bk, 1851 ton.
Ade'.aide, September 20.
ThMIs, Oliver, B. bk, 12S5 tons, Naga
saki, October 11.
Jordon Hill, Walker, Br bk, 2178 tons,
Port Caledonia, Anton, Er bk, 8120 ton,
Klntuck, Perrelle, Er str, 2SS1 tons,
Pmha, Munro, Hr sir. Wt Ion, Toko
hams, Amara, Kent, lr str, lMfl Ions, lliMtg.
Alexander Ftlack, P-unn, Hr bk, 1SI
tons, Antwvrt.
Watjen. Frlti. tier h, J7 ton, lllov
Tai1 Shaftshury, CtinnlnghAm. Hr h.
KTS ton, Sydney.
Hrlstol. Molntyro, Tr sir. in Ions,
Run Franolm-o,
Fmllle, tMtniann, Oer sh, ITW tons. To-koham.
M MUKIl Fi.Kirr.
Wywc: on tho Way and In Columbia
Klvor to Itd l.uniler.
lAiira Miy. llanmen, -hr, S-tt tons, Hun
KranoK-o, Novenler It
Letltla, Puikkobye. ,hr. rJi tons, fcin
FrnnclH NVemlnr 11
Tetiklo Maru. K.uuko, Jap hk, IRK
tons. Yokohama.
T:ni O'Slionier. Ptteron, lkln, Ja
ton. S:nta Rosalia.
I.U Schnnuer. sch. ?tj tons.
San FranclsM, November It
tlOl.O KlKl-Ivs OF AISKA.
Tho Alo.k. TmnsiHtrtwtlou and Develop
went lx. of ChKig 111 . O.ipltal.
Five MIIIUmi Dollar.
This company Is the Inrci-st. strongvst
and Nwt C(tiiltHxl tratoriaton and
mevhfUuUlng comjvuiy In the Ala.ku
rold field.
Thre mnre and innMlkus stennt
ship will leave SouttI June 1. and res-.
ukirty thereafter, carrying both frrlght
and p.issnKvrs.
Theee steamers re especl illy flttiM fi
tN convenience of vRsntrer an.1 are
capable of carrying WO eju-h.
Our passenger ami freight service on
the Yukon river wiH be the best. The
handling of merchants' freight made a
spocaiWy. W. are the only rotnpany that
guarantee ivomm delivery at Dawsoi
City. We giianntee you a yer's supply
of fool nl t mt and evenly arrival
The irld I there.
Tou tanl fulry as mis ehnnce a any
other person. Do you want to be on of
our first? If so, writs at once, securing
passngo and berth.
Our transportation offer the
b.nt nosr hefore the ptlUtc.
Send for free copy of The Alaskn News,
and also for our special off.r. Indu.llng
transportation to the Klondike nd f.wd
I ror one y.tir frv six h'Slml .v.llirs
This will Intercut you If you intend go.
Ing: If not. our stock offer ahiuld !ntr.
est you. and you should become one of
our stockholder.
A limited amount of srock haa Just
been assigned to the western agency for
sale ai tl per share. A man or woman
of smnll mean has the same opportunity
a a rich person. If you cannot n tn
Aaska nothing should prevent you being
a profitable shareholder.
Our company la, composed of men of
tried business reputations, some of whom
are the following :
Hon. W. E. Mason. V. B. S. notor from
Albert C. Blata. president Val nun
Brewing company. Milwaukee.
W. C. Rlnearson. general msenger
agent C. N. O. T. P. R. R. Cincinnati.
B W. Orlfflfh. president First NaUontd
Bank, Vlcksburg. Miss.
1. B. Legnard. capitnUst. Legnorl
building. Chicago.
Frank H. Hecht. of Charles Kaestncr
Co . Chicago.
D. C Edwurds. pnssenge,. traffic mana.
ger. C. H. A D. R. R.. Cincinnati.
Cr.arie H. RockwtJ. trafflo mnnnger.
C. I. 4 L. R. K fMonon Routel. Chtca4r.
T. H. Ftoeter, Fostoria and Vlcksburg
J. M. hllllps, cashier First National
Bank. Vlcksburg, Miss.
For informatl'm address and make all
money payable to W. L. DUDLET. gen
eral agent. Halter building. Seattle
A toast recently heard wa, "The men,
God Ne) thenv-Jthey have need of Mem.
Don't be persuaded Into tiuylng ln.
ments without reputation or merit Cham
berlain's Pain Balm costs no more, and
ft merits have (been proven y a teat of
many years. Such letters as tho follow
Ing from L. C, Bagley, Huf-nemo, Cal..
are constantly being received: "The tx-st
rftmedy for pain I have v r used is
Chamberlain's Pnln Halm, and I say so
after having used it In my family fr
ex-veral years." jt curr.g rhnimatiem,
lame nrV, sprains and swertlngw. For
saM by the E-tes-rVmn Drug Company.
If hats wem re .novel in church, as th.y
iti, In the th-.itr-. m;my r,m-n would
bn m'rc tnly devollonal.
Aft-r li'-.irine rnn- frln,i ontlntially
prnl'-lnar rr-i.-tmlx-rlaln' folic, f'hole-a an-1
rlarrhw Ttm'dy, fnrtls Fl'rk, ,t Ana
helm, California, pur'-hax.-.l a bottle of It
for his own in an ! now nit r-nthu!-a-le
ovrr Its wonderful work a nnne
can be. The 25 and 7) cent Hze, for sale
by Estes-Oonn I'ruif fompmy.
"U'hat a peculiar senitrm it u when n
mother reallz'w for the first time that her
daughter Is n-ally grown tip.
A cup of muddy -ofre bt not whole,
some, nerth-r is a bottle f muddy medl.
clnr. One way to know a reliable and
skillfully prepared blood-purlfler Is by
Its freedom from sediment. Ayer's
sarm.rllla Is always bright and sparkling,
because It 1s bti extract and not a de
coction. To have a "Sunday go to meeting frock1
Is denmed essentially bourg'-olse. These
Jay one rmt be well gownr-d all the
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggist refund the money If 1t fall
to cure' 2oc. For sal by Charles Rogers.
The pertton who ordera turkey (usi
don't gfH crarrtierry mmce with It fee,
that there are good ground fir a law
suit somnwhere.
'I 'tpe V-Ing a confirmed dyspepilc
by taking Ayer's Pills In time." Thin
Is the perrinre of many. Ayer's Pill,
whether ns tan aft ev-d Inner pill or ns a
remedy for liv-r complaint. Indigestion,
flatulency, water brash nnd nauea, ore
Invaluable. '
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, vf Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the same
that has borne ami does now sjf2 JT m cvcrll
tear the facsimile signature of (&tf&&uu wrapper.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA."' -which has been
used in the homes of tho Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it is
the kind vou have always bought ySTZZZ m
and has the signature- of CCtVcZt wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher j
President. , .?
March S, 1S97. G s.C.,l.
Do Hot Bo Doceivod.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which evert lie does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought".
' ' Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Nulh" 1 ll-rxtiy given ttliLt the Asses,
ment IU41 containing tli sim-H.iI
nwnt fr tho lmiirovemt of llnrxl street.
fron the wmt aids of Nlith strert in
the wt tins uf 14-x-ks lit nnd IT In the
City of Astoria, a Wild out and rernnli-d
by John MiMjIuro. hiu liew nir.1 in th
offline, of th Auditor ami IVItee Judge,
and I now open fir lrteilon. anil will
M rsmnia "(Km until the 11th day f
reeemher. 19T. trlor to w!U.-h tlm all
objection to nunli sment pal mtiat
be fileil In writing with the Auditor and
Pollc Judge.
The Committee on Street and Public
Way, toa-ether with the Itfwnt of Aa
esor of th City of Atorl.t. will met
In ths council chamber of the city hall
In th City of Astoria, on Wedrnwdav.
Dscember 1S.17. at th hour of 19 o'clock
a. m.. ,to rvlsv and equalise uch a
sewnnent. and therafter report their sc.
tlon to th (Vmmnn Council.
Py opler of the Common dvincll.
Attest: IT. E. NF.tJON.
Amlltnr nnd Police JudK
Aorla. Org,in. No-emler T. 1W.
Notice Is herely given Hut the Com
mon Clunell prtpoie to Improve fdum.
bla avenue from It Intersection with
cenlor Hn of Bond street to an Inter
'tlon with tho center line of A lame-la
avenue and Alameda av-mue from the
mt Un f Lincoln tree to ,i line
drarrn from the northwest cornt-r of lot
4 of block IS. Taylor' Aatorln, to the
rntithw-Nt corner of lot SD of Mo. tt 2
In ald Taylor' Astoria.
Said Improvement to conlt of driving
I p4le, In eich lient. with bent cntr
15 ft. apart, to the widih of S) ft., from t
connection with Bond treet Improv-
' ment. at It Inflection wth Cidumnta
I and Taylor avenues, to the center of
I Columbia, avenue; tlicn. e nu!hcrly alon-f
I the center of Columbia avenue to the
j hlirh wate.- mark and placing thereon
stringers and planking the some, to th
I width of f feet with pound fir pl'ink
.1x12 Inches la!, I ; Inch npart. and trim
I hlifh n"er Una southerly along the cen
J ter of foluir.M.i avenue to It center line
Inter-ectlon with renter line of Alameda
I atvl AI ime.i.i avenue through
i the center thereof, ftom the erist line
' of Lincoln street to n point of nterec.
lion with "i lln driwn from the north.
weit eorner of lot I of block 11. Taylor'
Attort:.. lb- ,t t:t!iu et ,-riril,,r f t
30. of l,!.,rk 2. of T.iv ,r'- A
torln. by t-rolliie ":e to tlie
. et,ibllche.l grade, to the whl'h of Jo feet
and plnclnt th'Teon trlnger and
Ing pome to the width of 10 fiet w'th
fir plunk 3x1! Inches and by placing rail
Ing therein where necftnnry,
Said Improvement to be maile at th"
r-xpenPft of the land nbiittlng upon, aid
aoj,icnt to, or otherwlxc beneft'el
thnrely a required by the charter of th
City of Astoria. The land nnd premie
upon which the peeial assessment shall
tie levied to defray tlie copt of nch Im
provement and the district emlraced
therein, and the lots, block, and pir"e
of land to be a.-ed shall be known
and designated as the Columbia and Ala.
mela Improvement dls'rlet No. 2". Said
district embracing mid lots, bloekn and
parcels of land to he assessed for said
Improvement shall consist nil the land.
Ms and blocks embraced within the fol
lowing boundaries, towlt:
Beginning nt the northeast corner of
lot . of block 1, Taylor' Astoria, n
laid out and recorded by the Penlnpiil
Land and Trust Comptiny, thence west,
erty acros Columbia avenue nnd nlong
the north Htw of block 2 to the north
west corner of lot . of ald block 2:
thence southerly along the west line of
said lot , to the southwest corner there
of: thence westerly nlong the center of
said block 2 to ho northwest corner of
lot 30 fherrof; thence southerly nlong
Iho west line of nald lot 30, across Ala.
medfl. avnnue and along the wrt line of
lot 4, of block IS, to the southwest cor.
ner of snld lot 4: thence easterly nlong
north line of alleyway running through
block 18 and 19 to the southwest corner
of lot !, of block JIB: thence enst along
tli line of MM lot I to the (oilthwMt
'corner thereof: the no north along al
Hoc of Wcvlui IIS and 1 to the norllio.
copier of bb'k 1", Iheaic wet along
north tin of said block I to the north
east ciwncr of lot I thereof; thenr north
to south line of Bond strent; thenr west
: along tle soullt lUk of HmhI '.r'l 1
' It lntwm.'Uun with CulumU avenu
j thenc uthrty to point of beginning.
Itim.tte of th eper.e of surli im
! provemrnt ant th plan and specific
tlon therefor and map of the locality to
.tw Improve.! will bn depiltl In the orfle
of tlm Auditor and Polio Judg for putv.
Ilc eamlnU4vt befor ssu-h Improv
ment I undertaken: that at the nut
meeting of the 0Nmmn Council after h
final piilnVatlon of this nolle of Im
jprvement. to wit.: On Friday,
ler 1. IW7, at 7 o'clock p. m . of said
dv. the Common Council will conld-r
any ob)e-ton to uch Improvement b'
Ing made, and If rtmonatraoe against
such Improvement, signed by the re
drnl of the city owning more than one
rnlf of the property rt be ard In
uh dKri.g 4wllie4l bertn, and
In which ti-1al tsmrnt I In m
levle.1. son It he flle.1 with ths Auditor
nd Pollc Judge, before the said rcu1r
meeting of th Common Counrtl. no uch
mrk or Imprwwmerri will be ordered
ecep by (lie twiv-tnlnlti vol of all tb
memters of the Common Council leet
rte. t Astoria, Oregon, thl t3d day
of November. 137.
Auditor and Police Judge.
In the county court of tlie slate of Or.
Kim, for tlie county of Chtlaop.
In 1 Ik nutter of I Ito stiute of Joph
L M'Mire. dncenwil. . Citation.
Ti all heir ttt th lve.imcd Jonph
I.. More. iIhywwI, greeting:
In llw name of the Ptnte of Oregon.
you art tx-rolry ritnl ami rolred to ap
Pnr In th county court of the state of
Oregon, for the county f Ct"1'. on
Monday, the third day of January, IW,
at 10 o'clo k In the foretrn of that day,
riime IxVug the flmt day of Janunry term
of raid court, and thon and there to allow
riu If any exlat, why tn order of sal
should not I made of ithe follo'1ng de.
scclU-d renl etitute 1-lotiglng to snld de
iei,pe, nnd sltuntc.l In Clatsop roiinly,
suite nt Oregon, Ho-ww: The sxxil !
onc-iiiartr ff sftlfn Ni. 2, In the (own.
hip No. f. north of range No. 7. west of
Cie W I ) 1 iinctte merldliin. containing 1'a
I. r. ..f land. nrcorHug to the prayer of
the pci tlon of ''. A Bottom, ndmlnl. ir of said estate, filed herein, pray
Irir for ui h onlc.
Vltne.. th lion. J. if TV Oriy, judg.t
of the cnur.ty court of tlie tnt of Ore.
iron, for the county of clntanp, ami the
peal of said court bTeto affixed. IM 21th
rv of Novemlier, A. T. 1W7.
Atte.t: V. I. ni'NIUU
fS.ol) Chrk
A. & C. R. R. R.
In KnVct Oct. 2, IH!)7.
Laav Seaside for Astoria via Flvl
at a. m. and 1 P. m. dally.
Laav Atorla for Beaald via FUval
at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally.
All the Above Trulr Arc Dally,
riarble and Granite
Kit K. Morrison Ht., Portland, Or
Astoria Public Library
Open every day from I o'clock to l:M
and 6:t0 to : p. m.
Subscription rata tt pr annum.
8. W. Cot. Eleventh and Duan B treat
N'tli I lirttdiy given llial tb Com
mon Cuiliuil iruHie ti Improv Com.
nieroal irei nnd Twenty third slreel,
vis. : I'oiiimiMvlnl l'iel frmii h rat
lino (if Hevviltectilh licet to the wv(
Hue nt Twenty. third street, and Twen
ty. Iltlrd street from the north Una of
Cotnmcivliil liect In Kxi'liaiitf- tret.
Huld IniproveiiMUit Io eiinll of driving
pi to, six pile In each bent with bant
(liter IS fret ' part, tid placing I hero,
on cap mid an Instei to tl mil a lit h
thereof, nnd plunking lb am l th
width of SH feel ItiiMiitt'i lh renter
thereof and Io Dm rtnMIhed grad
with new and ound fir plank Ixtl Ineh,
and by building sidewalk on both aide
lliorntf, twelve feet wide of llr plank rxl
Inch.-, nid building rallhis on both
Idn thereof, In Aivordaui'o with th
plan nnd imdllcattona tbrrefor nd In
runloriiilty to OiMliiaiif No. HH, on.
tiled "An ordinance relating to th Im.
prnvemen of strt."
Raid Improvement to be nuide at th
rxiieiip of III bind abutting upon, and
adjnrenl to, or other l ieiiflid
thereby a required by the charter of th
City of Astorlo The land and ptv-ml"
Ukiii which the vtal nenient shall
bn lerd to dnfrny tlie co! of iioh
litiprovement nd the dl.lrlil enibrncd
tliervlii and th lot, block and parcel
of land to lie rpeil pliill be known
and ilmlgnatnl a the Commercial and
Twenty-third Street Miilit No. tl Hall
dlMtrbi ftnibmoltig 4ld b . block and
tHircrl of land In ) mhwI for I1
ImprovifiifS't lirtll r.Miol'Pt f alt lh'
Intnla, tot and aiithraccd alihtn
tlie folowlng bouixlnrle. to wil l
tllni.lng at tli outhwrst corner of
bbk N 153 In thai pan of lb City
of Aalorla, s laid rail tn.l recorded hr
J M. Sliltelv, thence easterly and along
tti poo th tin or Mock m. 1.11. im.
7ii. irs and Iff, to the south!! comr
of lot 4, of block 1J7, betes southerly
along 'ha rest lln of 1 1! I. of bbvk
IM. tn tb southeast corner of
aid lot I, block iV: thrno
eofftrrly Along tti n.irth lln nf Kichang
trel to a point whnrn the north lln
of lrxehang tret If produced Inter,
sect th eaat lln of TwMtly-thtrd tret;
tbenrs northerly to th (outhwnst corner
Of lot . blivk 144: thence easterly through
th center of blm-k 144 Io th outhit
corner of htt J. block 114: then-e north
WralrrtV nbwig Oin rt line of lot t
Mo.k 111, nfi hundred and fifty f4:
thence norrherly parallel to (wtf lln of
Twenty. third ttcr. to th pier hd
lln: the-i.- atiatcrly ilitn tha pier lid
lln to a point of Ititerwtlon on th e
1 1 n of Seventeenth tr-l If xtnd1:
thtiu soothrrljf along the mat lino of
Hever.trrrHh lrrt If tM1d, to th
pliv of beginning.
Kstlmate nf th smiii of such tin
prnvmnt anil th plana ant specifica
tion tlwrfor ar1 map nf the locality to
b ImpriMrtil will l doplts1 In th offle
of th Auditor and Pollc Ju V fo nub.
Ilo smlflUon lfr ei-a Improv.
nutrt 1 umlrrtnkn: lb! at tb nit
meeting of tb Common Council after th
final puMlratlon of thl nntkw nf 1m.
prnvmnrnt, to wit.: On Friday, Decern,
tier 1 1W. t T; o'rlwk p m , of I4
day, lh Common C.s!inoll Will conli1er
any ntOertlnn to audi lmprormnt b
Ing mad, nid If a rmotrnc agslnst
nch Improvement, dgnrd by th feat
dent nf lb c4!y owning mor than on,
tuxlf nf th property to lie epMrd In
siifh district a dnarrlhed brln. and
In whtch spsrlgl pepmcn I to b
Ievle.1. liall 1 filed" with tl Auditor
nnd Police Judge IWot tli said rtgiilar
meeting nf th Common Counolt, no uch
work r Improvement will ! ordered
except by lh two-rlilnVs viW nf all the
mmler nf th Common Council et.
Tutted t Atnr1. Oregon, this til dajr
nf November. IW.
Audltne and Police Judg.
Notice I hereby given tUit un the Ith
fny of Iir-initT. 1SJ7, a general elec
tion wilt b brtd In Hi City of Atorla,
Oregon, f tr city tifTlir. rximety;
1 Mayor fo- tli tin of two year.
I Auditor and police JuiVir for the term
of two ycor.
I City Attorney for tb crm of twft
I Trrsiirr for the term f two year.
I Surveyor for tb term of two year.
I BllHntrn1c of Street for lh
term of two yeors.
1 pidlc Commissioner fir the term of
lx yenr
1 lliir'ir Manter for th term nf two
vea rs.
1 Crunellmnn In th First Ward for tli
term of tbr- yeir.
I Councilman In the Second Wurd for
lh term of three years.
1 fViutiHImnn In the Third Ward for the
term of three year.
Th polling pliirra and Judk-e nnd
clerk of dloctlnti nre hereby dcslgntted
ns follow:
rirtRT WAnn.
Polling i,i-- No. 1 -At brick engine
houn on Alor street.
Judge -11. 11. Ferguson, Wlll'nm Kd.
gar, Perry Trulllnger. Clerks-!,. V.. Pie.
I1g, A. M. flmllh.
Polling place No. 2 -At engine lions
In City irn.Il building on Commerlnl
stree. Judges-O. C. Tulton, Anton
We-Iund, C. A. Mmthena. Clerks-chas.
May, V. Poelllng.
PoJHng pliice No. Sd',1 Commerilal
street In Welch l!ock. Jtid- P. II.
Welch, W. I,, nolm, C. R. Thomon,
Clerks llnrry Orny, J. r Orntke.
Polling rvlac No. lAt Oolumbln en
gine company No. S. Judge Ltldwlg
Inrsen, JVinoh Moore, Oils Tloentgen.
Clerks Adolph Johnson, Noll Crosby.
Pofllng place No. 6 At old school
house. JudgesJohn ISnberg, Knoch
Peterson, O. Bettum. Hlerk O. F. Mor.
ton, Ole R. OIen.
The polls will 1 oiien from S o'clock
a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m.
Tiy order of the Common Council.
Attest: II. R. NRIBON,
Auditor and Police Judge.
A storla, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1S57.
A Handsome Complexion
1 one of the greatest charm a woman can
pop sens. fuxzoNi'a Comiuixiom 1'owuaa
give It.