The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 01, 1897, Image 3

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L i . . I - I - . .
... X .'
linpurlniicc r Mln(nlnlii( Hiitchcili
oi lipcr KUcrs.
To S to ll 1 titt AMprlrttioB- Itc lit
Vltanil Vlml Ollirr Male
Are Dlll
I'urllanil, Or., .N"V. H lIMlmr A ,
liKlji.)-l tun hi rwelpt "f " f-vur,
tuklntf fr liifiriiwllin In lu (
IxopauulliMi almiu ii the Columbia,
My forllw.milinf report, 1 I"'1''
llaticd. will nlxn Ut Dm lrH'- "f ,
mJliii III lh Cohinil river lln ha ,
l.en crra-d mi till er In much (
laraec talent UiMI tii-rlrfn. 1' mollj
liavli! mado li -pptvprUtlmi for Uiu
Important murk, I unM utit lb I'liHed
HUM i rmmiilMloit hn n4ly .if ,
lllulltuf Ihelr IBM-ill WMi Till itry
tiava duiin with Um rull Hull four tlinrt
u niuiiv frv will be liinio.1 Inlo lie CN-!
Inn. Ma I hmi vnf lirfura, Hh Hi .
crilltii uf ll mf. llw nulpiil for Hi"
4M Mmootl l4iC twlcn a lar" aa ' T
(tva imaon ( lK4.
In iny utilnliMi, Ilia mo Joirlla a.
innn to prnpatm'!. U tlx. roily tun if
4'hliKKili lliat ii I" Ilia liuraliv nf
Ihi 1a. kMia l Hoiidy rlvrta. Th"
flail lo aiMn rarly aa tha ml.. I
1I i.f July aral I am uf Iiu .'pliil.xl Ihal
I ha a.aKtn fnan Kill mil urmahna tha
early run nf tha Ml 111! 11.m11 lulu Ilia
rlvrr rturu.K AT"I "'l My. If lhl
timvy la rnrrrrt, (imil r.airao It la
only a llianri), yiMi ran t('m'lalr hoar
Imiantanl irnuialliifl nf 4 h La Mtiy run
tmwl W a affarlln lha kupply nf nur
rnniti valuatrfa riah. Ki tfila m I am
nxu.iia to aan ncahrr hntrhrry I. mil on j
Mm hra.laalnta irf thr rUtaly nvnr 41
. k ll pla.a a Hrvrr l.ik"U Ihla yrar
aa early aa July 9
There la aJtawty a Iia1-hrry tnratnl on
lha hra.lauleni nf llm 'i kin. laillt
l.y llle i'anner tnnii, an. I p.tntel thl
yaar. Itifnrn my rff.a-ta. iy Ike jtnvern
ineni wi.i. li pnaturea t.tW.tot fry
Nrt in ihe Haiuly ih nwan ilrairuliln
pi e. lii 111) tilni.m. f.a the I.N ailmi nf
a hol.ry .y th aiala U 1.11 tlir Colli 111.
Ma rlvrr l.riaren ihe i i. a an, -pie
illr. ,1 thin putnt aaa ...iil.l lie
Ihrrv.l In tarve maniieia rr.iin amall
drrama In dial vV-lnlly ol.lih thr aal
ftMMi aa.-rn.t to apaian The an.1 rv
paia i.f iH-rallia( Hh hnli'tirry 'lirn.U
Urrly on rnlllkn. If a irravlty ay.
m rf iwitrr ailpply ran tin Ivl.l fnr Ihe hrry tronidui. Ile mat itt r.Mirar
wouM he mili'tl Ira a than If h irera nrrea.
ry to rtiit.p (he ater for Una pui-oae.
With 11 irravlty 'water aupply -m rmilil taiil.l iiht uprrala amall hat.-h-ry
ih flrat year for r..-rlm. niitl piir-
IKMen for tl 9X
Mr la Ihe innal r-llul.le rj.
pert In thla alule an.) mi .I'.ilM woul.l
rwiW yai any alaiatire In Hie way of j
ele'llnt afl 1w a haii-hrry. I think j
I ran .irrniiKrt thla al any tlmr you nr
rea.ty fur the work j
in renl In Hie ipirathHi n to lirlhT'
II la iN.aaltiln to jimpnicKtr aluru.'uii an.l, I ran a.-., nn rrnaui why ll
ah. ml. I mil ! ultliiiiik-h nmhliiK nf the
klml liaa yet hn-ii nil.-iiiptiil. Nnihj
I HIT Inn riilma.k Irnvr hc-n .irtlfVlnlly
1.r...nnii!.'. In thla tiilr.
It l III- riiatntn nf Mr llut.l.anl, nip.
orlti. i.. iil In .4iiim. f Hie guv. riwnani ,
flli .-iiliuril n.T-iitin In ihe m.rtharat !
to turn nut Hie ytmnv autumn w li.-n the
f l ir la ahaortwil, wlil.-h, with thai
wot. r nl .1 t.-tii-nilure nf V. iliitrr.-a, la
c. ' In furl v .1 im Whin p. r
rent mn nf i1ii ii yoiuiK flai aurvlve nli.l ,
reaili the nrrnn n nf r.iurHe. iri.l.:e. !
imite'.il. TliU iiiii'itrt.ilitly, hiwrvrr. il.i. a '
nm .l.'iriul In ll- Imal fmin Hi.,
njjr i nrtfl.'liil pr.ipiiK illnn nv. r the
njiiirul eiuiwiiliiK. iim th.. miin .1 n..r .
trf-arl tin1 Iiitli-r flh nml 1lnv .ir. liaa j
alile In Inke rare nf Ivca when,
flrai limn wlnm fnrlv ilnw i..
If tin., fr' are k'-pi after the nlmirpilnn
itt llm an" tlii-y iuii"l la- f.-il ami, nf riiiirne,
Uila entiilla it nirutll expense, nml nli Ihe
rKpi-iiH.. of iii'.tklntt ii'itrHi ry pnmla whrre
naliiriil hike nr wnlnr la tint nviilliil.le.
llnivTiT, I nun alrotuily In fuvnr of nur
nr' Miila nml kii"pdiK ltu yniniK aalinmi
until they are lx ni.iii-llia ..1.1. I mn H-ln-)
thnl wl.'h aui-h n. ayntnm rnnch l"t
inr r'atiltH .wniilil Im oMuliM'.l thun nr
twewl.le now when 1hey nro nil 1urne.l
out In forty il.iya. Mr. Huliluiril iirrf
with im" In thin vl.nv nf the milijni"!. 1'hla
aystmii Is uwsl In other alnlns and I hope j
to II ndnpleil Hiere.
I do lull bnll.-ve it I pomlble to U("
cewfully np'vute a habilwry nt Ihe mouth
of Ibp river. The ciurly llsh itiuld not Im
held lhci"ei of course, and I ni sure the
beat romilia would not bo iibltilncd. To
aecure the beet riult at the minimum
Njoat ll la neoewwsry to locale hntohorlc
on tho headwater of alreama .whore th
Inatlnct of Iho anlmon Impel ithejn to ga
In larva numW to spawn. To Illustrate
fwwwwwwlwwl'wwwwWwwwwfWWWWWWWWW X
J iViaHori Harlidrid siiys; '
"Aorrf mitadulurdUd it less tvhoUsotn thun HegtMbU
oils, and absolutely pernicious to most slofnanks."
Coltolcne contain juat the proportion of beef met, -combined with
th potest vegetable oiL'to. niake. a
Is Best
for either ahortenlug or 'frying
Tha aennlna ll inM aerywhar In on to ten pminrt yeltnw tins,
wllh our irails-marki "(Wleleiui" ami ili"inlia enHoa-niiinl
'.eniA-nii efery tin. Not guaranued U sulj In any otuor way.
U nnlv hw
I1il point It only iiieeafy lo review
iimrlmoiiU made y Mr, lluhhaitl In Urn
liwnr Clm kain liH:h'fy a nmntier of
ymr ago. TMluvIti- It to lie dKU-obls
Id llniir4Ji thn early rim nf 1ilnMik h
iul In Dm ir. k aovcral tnoiuh earlier
1li it n iimihI Willi t4u Inti'Mlnll irf holding
thn March nml April rum with ihn roilt
thai Hutu y uf llm ll I4 flrfli dlnd hf.r
etiH.wiinr IUim UiriHiKh Linking line M'k
III M ofTuft tf ihm llm oImI ril'Mloli. (if
I'unrai), 1 1 1 Ix-Winl run nf spawning CiiU
nik Hint nil or I lie ilK-r during Aiwiml
itlll ll .proi'SgMl'sl tl'lir 111 lllnlllll nf lti
V"T, 1tl I Itlll lf III" Ifplllloil thai Hi"
.ITlM'Mll Will JJl'tlVii U'lplliHIlUlln Allll
If Ilia Uln WiillM Tnill.l , hiitiflirry un
I hit hi ii'Vwiiii'i' .if iim H.iiHly rlvw I
lliluk H wimiIiI Im Hwllili', If In mm wir
miii1 iirumilim 'ihivn (Urmiiin, (114 I
lntvn r''miiiniihoil f.r tin. jit four
yrtn.i, lo inkn Mihi,ii mwitmlly
from I liW wuly run rf Chliixk llml !
up lli.' tiinnuia nlinort t.ulvHy
from I'NHiiiiry l April nml whlrli roin
inrii. u p.innli.ii in ih ntl.l.lla uf July,
If Imli'linrlp r.mPI in (in lh
liroiiiT nf dm Hmuly ami 'l. kim
rtvun Iinliilrpiilri1ly f.,r rn yiara II
wntilil rnanlt In itMli-rl.itly ln-r-aliN
llir miiy iur lunifi valii.l.U run of
flail, of rmir. ymi rn nwnm Hint nut
morn 10 p.T .i( nf Un niiltiinn Hint
af apimriint natiiriillv urr linlvtml, hn j
l.y winl.'lal propuir X. -r rnit ar
T'l" I m f " I ! ami faluc i.f hi ft
Iiitf In.liiMry Li Hit- p"pl itt
luwil.l prmnpi Hi i-in to , m turn io ihn
l-ir1aliir prilHl to ofk fur lcMf
l for Ihn jrolTlUiii lit nluinn ami
fr lb Iti.ltlilllnn am nHM of
propnialhiii up.m . til.i Ih future of IM
Itrnul In-luairy dprnla. I am hwirllly
Kla.l ihn propl uf AlaU ar at laat
liiaiitf.-tlua' an mlT" ill In thr ul)ret.
Tha rMn; lialtff. r-fic (rf rnr t""t,l'
In a miliJ.1-1 an vllnlly M(T-tln Ihf wi'l
farn a il pii..f-ln nl y.xir i Hy hua liran
liH-iplk aliln lo ini.
Th Valu nf th prxilr (if 111.' Or.fron
ai.lo of lha ".HiKn.u rlvrr n"hrrir fur
Ihrt yur ItM. Wf K,1V:Tftt ami If th
nini rV'ia a In.-Iu.lxl (inmh of
whl.h l"-i.lnra "f la irtliulnry In (irron
ami AainrU), ll amounia t. J-lT'TSU ami
itava mnploynin..! in slW p.opla ia arhw-h
iiiM n-rr hlia. Tli" airoprlallon for
tlw ptMUriino nl proarn'nilon of lhl
real lrluiry la lm
I liavr lix.knit np III" tailallr (if tha
f tlff.'cm tal.-a ami Ind j
that we nliU the ni nil Yj1ll.le and
ln!P"iiant Inland (Mierlea In the I'nhni
Plnl.a. and r we have tha poarral lawa
fie- their laruti'lrlim and preservation, and
an appriiprlatlon ao amall In rmnparai.m
with Hint .of other alatiai, a. In wm
Juat rnmpire the valiif nf o;r fluherlea
nrnl the appn.prlatlun lhT'fr, iwlih Uial
nf nlher atalra. Now Torlt'a annual Value
ia pmiliul (moatly ahell) la C.WH.MI; ap.
I arnprlnllon for pnrrlim and iwrm-r-I
Hon, whlrh l-rln.Ua tint.'h.rli-a, flnnnni)
annually: mm"er nf men tmpluyed not
(rti-ni, larl rertalnly lra than. In (Weirnn.
Md hliran atatlatka i-Viie nf tn. i
duct, tiSl.TT; nunHter of people employeit,
appropriation . lot protection and
pwvrvatlrtn, t?),1i annually. I
VI onrtn-i alue nf prvhirt, l.nl5 r.".
nuuilirr nf people empnyed( r.lft; appro- 1
liatln for peotrilnri and tinweri-aHon,
California Value of pnxluct (Including
ie. p a. 1 flherlea, iwh-ile. etc V tl.snn,: .
iiutnU'V of jn.iple cinplnyril. ril; annuni
appropriation, ia.V ;
Mlnncant4' Vain-" of product eatlmated, .
irwm.mi); number of people nployed not
knnan (nn atatletlra); npproirintKin an
nually, tr..o. !
And an nn Ihmuuh the wlml e lint. Mny '
Innlii.l atalra w ith no roiiiniervlnl nh"-rl." ;
at all m.iklna" liirv.-r appirlallona f 'r
Itir i-oie. tlnn and jireer"iitlon nf It
icniue fah than d.-a I ir.nti for th prca
ervallon and protection nf ihe ercatcat
and tm.t viiluMli Inland rii"hi'ry In Ihe
I'nlt -d Staten,
Tile people of AHtorl.l ahou'd .w" to It
Hint nn nppr.1prlntl.111 c miiicnuur.ile wITJi
Ihe m-ilei of the liiduntry W pr.ivl.lid
hr the licit liarlalatuni, mid In the mean
time. U"n all llillu-iice In hnvi" I'tilled
Hlat.'a I'oinmlanloii. r Hrlre cnirtlnue hie
aplcntlld witrk In nrtldclnl prnpairnllnn
nciMinplMi. d by the "iinnllon
tlila ycvir.
The nut pul "T the h.u. hcrli-a In ihe C1
iiiulil.i river b.ialii thla year nmuiint to
;i,ft.'i,.i.i, which In l.".iiM nxnv thun wna
ever h.inill.-l prior In In year. Till" l
cxi'liialve nf nhe Witahliiittmi flute hnlch
itIi .i mi the Kal. una mid Chinook rlv. r.
I think yon IU II ml mih viluuWe In
formitlon In my I it report. 1'Tirncts
from my coniltiir mnrt will 1e ptildtinVd
In the On Kniilaii, but i'ik r. pnr; -oi. r
will not be publlehed until n.-xt yenr.
T W ill 1 Kl.ld In 0O-neT;lti" nml rend -r
you any naeiauinrr In my p iw. r for th"
nilvaiiccmcmt of lho (iMhliur liit n-e-ta of
the Coliiinl.l.i river.
Tf I hiivti nut nuule myself mifllclcntly
explicit, plenne, w-rlto nitnln.
Your truly,
iioiiiiTsrim f- -MTtrinR.
V. P. Tuple of thlH letter have been.
mailed to ymir Chamber rtf Cnmmroe ttnd
A. r. C. A.
It may 1o aimed In addition to the
above, Mr. Mctlulro h.1. iiiliuut con- .
eluded lo uccopt .ln propoalilon of ct- !
lulu pnrtlivi fur Ihe I'Htii'hllslimcnt of a
hatchery for :eehead on the Snndy
river. ArTanifTiioiil can nlo be mado
with thn n,mo parties for an experimental
hatchery for altirBeon at n cost of only
about $3i. ' 1
perfect ahorteuitig., ,
rure, Ucnlthful, V
8t Loull. Haw York, . raoiwrail,
1 mm .t - v
Mrs. Kester Haines, Prominent New York
Hostess, Relieved of Insomnia by
Pairie's Celery Compound.
fhrrr rl iimnntt wmivn h atl
i mui h In rlrty a form uf Krurmrai rf
! niiltlii from uv. riax"! mnw, mot In-
tvtiM. anl il. .rrliiK th.iu any knoan to
rrJ mu- ,
I Tha overrrw.l"t Uvea of aurh wom-n
1 iniiki them aluvr of nnxlrllea and an-
nnyaiaea whl. h they rannn: lunorr.
j The fntlirwlnit Inter fnmi one f N-w
1 Vorka bllle hiaiteama etirnwa how Im-
pll. llly I'alne'a ri ry 1 miip.nin.l la relied
I n anions the mnnl inti-llnt' iu, we'l-to-do
f.imllli-a aa -wi ll a In. Ih nia.iy more
huml.le t.ouai'hul.l ull 01.1 the country.
Ni-w Voik I'lly, th-i. S. liOT.
Oentlruirn I 'think It but flr to you
that I bar Heatlmony to the b.n.fl.-lil
rraulta of my ne nf IMIne'a cilrn-y com -
i taiund.
i -rvril I'iifi ifi. t m m nlmol m vnvk
' " 1
1 ii.iii. iv.v. .iu.i...u, 1 w-i-111 111. a uwi.
overwotk. nwiUi and pbA'1'1- I bul j I not nan member who la feWe. forwer
lowt my miiniory completely, and frlenda , tired ami b"hiw th (lamlard f health to
feared I Would never recover. After try-1 whom I'ulne'a celery .nmpnnirl would
I11K .veral retieMUa to no avull. my , prove of Inviluable help. Not only nine
phynlclun prearrllnd I nine' celery com- thla great InvUtoralor drive out the ache
puunt. and wltliin a few diy there waajand dl;rfwn that have acoumuUted be
a dccldxl lmproe:nctit In my cnudltlon cauae of neiflectid rheumatliim or neu
Aflcr I he tut., of three bottle I tu ao I rabthi. but Hie liberal train In flidb and
much hitler thnl It 1,11 unneenry fur! bl'iod I alwaya a notlce;ible and en
nie to colillnui II iw. Since then I hava 1 cotiraitlnic r.nult of It uac. brini; about
recommended ll widely, and tuve yet to I belter hinlth in the digestive. aaMmiki
henr (bat it ha fulled to Jo all that 1 1 live ami nxretlve orunnn; In other word,
clnliu for It. I nil over lha body.
OHJIWOAT FOR SMALL HDV. the flelda on the rnrm twenty thousand
I rMin.le.
The llfile inm have U n cnr.ully run-1 .Think of thin!
ibl In Ihe new atyliw. nil v which 1 Twenty thnu.ind laborer ntcnllly em
shnw irm"tlciit nt dr.twv features ln:ptoyed would supiwrt a city four time
kiipliur with youth. In the con lllua-lthe. wixn of Palnm.
1 ruled, brnwn clh with .1 velvrt collar i And then the cni..v. and the succe?.
l.rlTeil "wltii ejnilirulditisl cli?lnr ! of one m factory, would Im only a be-
sliiiwn. 1Uix-i)iiII arc arranipil .t to1
lin k and 'Hhe front lap illairoini'.ly from
Iflie ihrvMit to the w aist, Ih low whk-h the
lap I wlili. 11 lb I slrniihl: the clnsliwt Is
inn. I.i InvaUbly, alllimush buttun.-i r fmK
isiiild Ik. ukoI with (rood effect. The rcl-
nr la m'taryllsh nccowsory; ll f.Uls deep
and jqiinra o.t tha back and has taperlnn
aitd. A leather belt aurrounda Mie waist
and close) iwlth haihlnome buckle. The
eleeve shivw the i-orroct h.iie and ful
ntw. For ttoata of this tyle rt I 'well to
select An-! cKth, illuwlot and the fancy
coating HhiVt ahow fretty mixture cf
citlor. llraid, fur txuid or rlch .lax-e or
mnLroMered edulruts may be ufiV for lei"
oratlon. th two lat-nintlond Kru-nl-tun?a
berlnic apettlally wiHable M the co:iar
1 mado of velvet.
Sulcm Stateiwiain.
We Ibeliove the people of Bnlein and tho
country ' mirroundlnK, most of thorn.
,.. 1 1 . . . . a. ...n. 1 . t 1.
1 pxurveiy ri-niiso iu -vae-i iJiriim -eui. 1.
j tha development oif the fl.ut manufne
I turlnK lnd-uHtry promlee.
I If Hr. Delinel rtlieiil carry out hi pr
Ji mf transformlnu Wwi bUr brick flour-
lutr mill In Snlm Into a lim-n factory.
, for avhkth enifrpr1e he enyn he Is prmn
j kl nmplo coiltal, there mill In a few
I yenr be employed there nml In ICie cor
J related concern preiMriiiir the raw miti
I rlilla for the fliilah1ii(r process"-, and In
"' -3SyL&i.
To any nn ulftlnit fr.n any of tho
ll!a altemtant upon cmtlnu.'d loaa of
aleep I ran anl do Inartily r-coinmcnd
It. Vry truly youra.
In all ra of nervoua prowtrallon, ner
viuk lialli-atlmi, n uralK a, alerplfnanPr,
hvlerli or Inrrtaunt hradarhe, the olx
Jrrtlv point (.f a true rnmody like Painr'a
rilery innipouml lr to mnke mure hlood.
mttier flrah and Immute ttxe numrlifr of
ml. heulth-Klv Inic rorpua- lea In the blood,
ralne'a -elTy enmpound tills the vew-l
w lih reil hlixl. drive out the danKerou
jhumora and ;hu aivea rellf to a hort of
achea, pulna and weakne w-w.
Women ami men who huve loet fli-xh
'and grown rolnrleaa and are iwrt.J-ct to
j ft.-hc and iiln. gain qukkly In health
trim I'jlnc'a c."l.-rv pnminul. Th'-e la
ri ..j .ij -" . . - I
Kin nine nf Ihe nmwment rhat Is iMiund,
enoner T Inlcc, to make Salem the center
of A dlstrl"t f urivlch inn the country with
thn viickmis nviiiufuctiiie!" of flat, the
land f 'Ai'.i.fn (".wvm and 'ishlii; lliic utlllxed for imwliic the raw
nintivUts. As we have a Id so many "Itnes,
forty million of dollars a year would
tuiw Im" k."l In this country. Instead of
cninir to foiiim lands. If ihis Industry
with fully developed. And the line of
linen cMlhs mid Ihmids and twines In In
crMstnK nl will without que! inn con-
i tlmie to rmiv. In the service of sanitary
j si-li"7ici.. to ay nothing of Increase of pop
1 nl 11 Ion.
, ThH Ibis will event unlly be a Kril flax
I k rowing end maiuifa"-tnrlnir center there
' Is no .rt of (iicsiloii. The natural condi
tions nre Inn'. Hut our people can has.
ten the tune, so a 10 Ihenwclv.s reap
n part of the irreat ndvAntiiKva, by en
e.iur.iflnir every movement 1n the dlr-'c-tloti.
No meanre of praise we can iflve
I lnrve enough fr the pioneers In thla
If we fail In thl dny nnd tteneration to
irlve them Hie credit they deserve, they
mtiy be mire of rwrlvinu due allonv.i"U"e
In t;he future, im the Importance of their
work I fully reallxed ! rrmilt.
Mr. Lord. Ir. Delinel and all tbeir
helpers are .niisstoniiTlia In a field where
their efTort must In tiie end, nea or
reiKte, conduce to a wonderful advance
For Infants' and Children.
Tte ha
il alls
Tho nenveat prlm minister under the
rtritluh oroiw-n Is Mr. HauHain, of the
Northweat pw1ih of Camada. He waa
born In KiiK-liuid, but lha passed most of
hi life In tlhe weatern p;irt! of the do
minion. He Is a barrktter with a good
local practice, and I about 40 year of
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It fails
to cure; 25e. For aale by Charles Rug-era
rencon Jonnthon Hayes, who wound
tho llrwt wire rako ever made, live at
Mlililleton Spring. VI.. at the age of 90,
and Is In perfect health and can read
without glasses.
lx Amc'Hna, Xar. M-flmwhr out
on the Mojav drt, A. II. imbTtana,
tif JoHot, III., tIm Jumped from a Bint
Ka fnln laat Tuaaday, la Joa4 t dyln.
Not a trara of lilm ha boon dlicovarfltl
Wipra Im leaped from a I'uKmaA car tilla
au.-ln from a manU. Ilia fittwr bat
Klvrn up tha ararch.
'hl. aito, Nov. Jf. A ai.i-oUl to the Jour
nal fmm Wiuatilmrtoti. aaya:
Ju.ltf.i Wllllmni II. 1y, alfant aren.
tjiry tit at.t, 1ia tewn) nffornl the. port
folio of atlornnyr.meraD Ui fvurr.- Ju'fcra
M'-K'-nnn, who will rlitn Thtiradny of
thla week t, take, thw plupe of Jul
KMd In Hia Hnprmna rnurt. It hi prob
and .hi'W" ry will ne.iiAt.
Hun Kraix-taro, Nov. V). The writ of
TrwrtUito pll"d for by tin- lotlorn'-ya of
iJurrarrt t ia;e4 Jifhte l:iir In art
av data for 1h trial of fh- cm., f.a- (he
rnurdor of MlnnW- Wllllarrai waa d."nl'd
by tlwi aupreme rwret ttil evenlr. Thli
meiurta that tfre-rn .will Im no Int'-rf-Ti'nr
wrtth th dTe In the la.nv.nt f-.un-, anil
It rar alna lo lofik aa If fiurr-int -will
h ive lo expiate, hi crime i,t a due aooner
than hla lta-na nnll'-tpatid.
".tnr" W. H. Oirlnnd. of Hampton.
V., who wtu honored In Vinton r'."ntly
tut a nurvlvor of the rr-w of the C inatl
11trm In the wmr of Wl. haa 1urnd out
to lie a very flever fr.ul. Tie tlmwl hl
IHKV to ;Mayr Quinry eo cor.-r--tly (ht
tlere iwh no toveatlKa-Mon made before,
Ifcm't be p-"ijul-l Into triylnir llnl.
menta 'Without rej.utitiHon or mwlt Oham
berlaln'a I'aln Knlm cot no more, nivl
h fiKirtt hevr tievn firoven. a teat of
many y-;r. Such Ultera m the follow.
IriK from l. G. Ilnjcl'-y, Iluiniw, f'al..
ara conatntly 11 rar reralvwl: 'The b-t
remedy for lln I huve v r ujcI la
1 nimi-nuin a fain Halm, and I any wo
after havlr uia-d h In ny family for
neviJ yemra."' it rura rb'timatiam,
lama tback. apralna and Fwenliir. Fqr
him oy the Kt-Oorm Tru Cnmpiny
.Mr. Gladstone,, In a-knai-letlirlnK th
receipt of a book on Oreere wrttea to the
aunhor: "Th moment of ptrtilratlon k
one. for Oreore heraclf, of wreakneaa and
humiliation, brought about by a prnceev
In nrhloh my own country ha taken not
Indeed a print-trial but yet a mjlrvtantlal
After hearlmt aoine friend continually
pralidns CCmimberlaln'i Colic, Cholera and
T'lAi-rhnea Remedy, Curtla Fleck, of Ana
heim, California, purchased a bottle of it
for hi own use and I now a rmhusl
etic over It wonderful work a anyone
ran be. The S and 50 cent iie for (ule
by Ete-Conn trug Company. flarbertan ha been an advocate
of "rational" dress for over twenty
year. When ahe betran her cruaade hi
f ivor dlvaled and Khort eklrta ahe
found but fnw sympathitera tmontt tier
j ow n sex. Now. thanks In measure to
j cyclliiir and jrolfin, the viacountnaa nuni
i bera thoumnd of women tmonr her d
jtwtvnl. eepecially abroad.
The perfeotly plain fur coat, devoid of
Ktce or ribbon, aad not tuvke.l up into
blout. form, k indeed a novelty.
A cup of muddy rofTte is not whole
some, neither la a bottle of muddy medl.
cine. One way to know a reliable and
skillfully pretwred blood-purifier Is by
It freedom from sediment. Ayer'a Sar.
satairllla I always bright ami sparkling-,
because It Is an ertnact and not a, de
coction. Pt 1a all very well do talk of sweet 16,
but as a rull? IS Is lmertinent and sdly
rather than sweet.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All drupKlst refund the money If It falls
to cure" Sac. For sale by Charles nog-era.
What has become of the brownies?
They someJiow do not seems to bo as pop
ular as they were.
"I escaped being a onnflrmiNl dyspeptic
by taking Ayer's Tills In time." This
Is the experience of many. Acer's rills,
whether as n after-dinner pill or ns a
remedy for liver complaint, indlgvsrlon.
flatulency, water brash and nausea, ore
No man . going To ru Into mntrlmony
when he hear that a fancy waist alone
caste J83.
Tou can't afford to risk your life by
allowing a cold to develop Into pneumonia
or consumption. Instant relief and a
certain cure are afforded by One Minute
Cough Cure. Charles Rogers.
What a dear, delightful world It see me
when the persona me love love us.
Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds
may be avoided by using DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Solve, the great remedy, for
piles and for all kinds of sores and skin
troubles. Charles Rogers.
The administration has lost caste with
the undertakers by ending out a warning
bulletin about mushrooms.
Small pill, safe pllt. best pill. DeWltfa
Little Early Riser cure biliousness, con.
atlpatlon, alck headache. Charles Rog.
Uncle Sam may look a trifle rural, but
he doe not seem to have been taken In
by Laurter akin gome.
There Is no need of little children be
ing tormented by scald head, eczema,
and skin eruptions. DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Balve gives instant relief and
cures permanently. Charles Rogers.
Many of fhe barbers of Ohio are ngi
tatms the pn.-go of n bill at Ihe coming
session of the legislature compelling bar.
bers to serve an apprenticeship of two
years. The bfll Is designed to close up
cheap barber shops.
TU fie- .
i:;:i -f . ,,fr, - 11
At thla tlrn of tha year a coH la vrry
easily contracted, and If h ft to run ha
couraa nrlthuit thu bJiI t Mom rWlubla
nirdlclrve la llafcki to remjlt In that
dr'M, ,lniu,e. Pumonu. Wa know of
n" ,'eM'r "i" 10 CUTB cou"
lln -,l"''""1' w" ""mX. Wa
hava ttaed It quite erxtenalveiy ami It boa
alwaya Rival entire javtbtfitctrHi. OI.ifr.Ui,
Ind. Ter. Chief.
Thla la Iho only remedy that U know a to
be a certain preventltlve of pneumonia
AmonK the many tlHiuaand wIkj hava
oil It for col. la ami U grippe, we hava
nrvfr yet I'-arnrd of a atwfle. caae hvlng
rovittnl In pmnjinonla. I'.raona who have
wmk lunar or have rewni to f-r aa at
tack of pnoumonla, ahould keep th rem
edy at hand. Tha 26 and cnt alz for
ale by tha Eat-a-Conn Dm Company.
Moae Humphrey at Oncord, N. H.,
irtw haa Juat cntebra.te.1 hi 7lh blrth.lity,
hiui boon three., time mayor of t?oiv?onl,
van a nmtxT of (Vverrua- Stearna'
council al hoa been a member of . Uw
alatn board of aKrlcuUur nine 11
Kanlzatkm, twenty-w-ven yean ajro.
When ilck the beat thing; you ran take
Is a ret.
Take Lazatlva Bromo Qulnlna Tablet.
Ail drurftata refund tba money If It fall
to cure; 2Sc For aale by Charles Itof ar.
I'nleaa ai iwoman'a handwriting makea
all her her litter look like toothpick,
aha plainly belorar to tha dust-covered
tnemorloa of yeaterday.
J. C Berry, one of the beat known ctt-
Ixena of Bpencer, Mo., tetlflea that he
cured himself of tha worst kind of pile
by uslna; a few boxea of DeWttt'a Witch
Hazel Balve. He had been troubled with
pile for over thirty year and had used
many different kind of ao-called cure;
the work and he will verify thla (tate.
but DeWItf waa the only on that did
ment If any one wlehe to write to him.
Cha. Rorer.
Tan't the depoeed Mr. Sovere(rn oDscure
enough now without wanting to be vice-
Russia's population ha increased dur
ing the last 100 years a fraction less
than I.0O0.0CO annually.
Tou can't cure consumption but you
can avoid It and cure every other form
of throat or lung trouble by the use of
One Minute Cough Cur. Charlea Roger.
' ' ; t
There haa this year for the first time
been a BritMi pUgrtmnge to Loudre. It
numbered sixty persons.
A few days ago a charming young lady
who was traveling alone between Bt
Paul and Chicago, was accosted by a
handsome gentleman, who Invited her
to dinner with him. "Certainly, Mr.
Careon."' ahe replied, "for the Wisconsin
Central Hnes have the best dining car
service in the world; I shall be delight
ed." For fureher particulars call on the
nearest ticket agent, or address J. C
Pond, general passenger agent. Milwau
kee, Wl.. or George S. Batty, general
agent, 246 Stark street, Portland, Or.
When going East travel on the North
ern Paclflc Railway. Quick time and the
only line running dining car. Train
leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
Northern Pacific railroad trains leave
Portland daily at 11 o'clock a. m. f.-r
Tacoma, Spokane, and the East. Cine
connection made at Spokane for Rosa
land, NeAiuo, Sand Aw and British Co
lumbia mining camps. For map and
Information call on or address
Astoria. Or.
The Burlington's "St-Puul-Chi-cago
Limited" is the most beauti
ful, the most costly, the most lux
urious train ever placed in service
on ' any railroad in any country.
New from end to end. Lighted
by electricity. Heated by steam.
Nj extra fares.
Leaves St Paul COS p. m. Arrive Chii'Sio
9:2." a, m. Standard and compiriment slee ers.
Diulngear. t'liaircar. B"tl'i!t smoker. Tickets
at unices of connecting lines.
They overcome Weak-new. Irntfcu
Itiril v ami omlMiotmUiKTi'' viur
Hid ban itt )i ''(lavlnti ot niermtrua
ttun." lUeyar'tll Huvtrt"
to girl at womanhviotJ, aiUnitf d
Telormrntoforirafiaiaml botir
known pvttmmIy (op women eimali
y thii. rnniit to h-irin life b
y. rutnt-s a pleaur. VI fp bo
mnll. Hoil y drHnrl
KOXT CHllCaU,CO,uiwr..w.
by. . Ewtefl-CpDQ Pxug Co
New Keerrt Kem4y AtMolutely lakaewa to the
pro(eion. aVeretaaent Carve in l to tUra. Y e
refund money If a e dt pot rti n. Yon cn be treated U
boine for the same price
tercet with tiioee who
IaVIiU me fiwanaar.
prefer to come lere we
them or pay eipenae of
will contract to cure
and hotel
Make m
we fall to
MllA, and
jwbAmi! cure. If
i ho, iodtiitaeiand
itaiUA Muctiaa fatrhca
laartol thebtxiy.llalror
it la thla 1'r.a.ary,
Hld I-vlaae) that V
solicit the 01 out obfttta
thr world fr we
t-ae tij atM) ltavflr4
(lieat aliTaJcUa.
muhi a FjM-i'ialty of
you have iaktu m-r-till
hT, eciieu aud
in montn. More Throat.
ed H,a4a, t'lreraonauy I
Kjfbrawa falling out. I
ataeoadary or it-ruary I
uaraatiw to cure. I
i Mw-a ikd vhaiTlene: j
caaaot rare, 'lui ii-
the aklll mf the mo I
treauntr thu disease witu our 4 VflllLtMC and we
h.u AMU! Al Ilia eaiJlil ISaahilul 041T UK'OfMlltlonal
guarantee, wnteuafor lOO-Bntrr hook and abolMt
imli Adrlreee KMH. M:H V O.
5.AO Mttaonlc Tempi, hleairo, lltlnola
W .uajnuii.Miani,ajapii,ajwa
if V: . . wxJjS :a '.''- it itJ 1. 1
. For sal
', - .'.VIA . .
Library Car Route
Neils la
Tba all-rail rout to Kootenai ml Dine
dlatrtct, via Seattle nd Spokane
Shortest and Quickest Irine
St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Dulath, Chicago
Through Palace and Tourist
Bleepara, Dining and Library Obear-
tko Can.
Dally Trains
...Past Time
For ticket and full Information eaJJ
on arent 0. R. N. Co. or addraaa
C. P. k T. A., PortUnd, Or.
R. C. STEVENS. O. W. P. A SeatU.
:; orvxa choice 1 oy
Via Spokane and St. Paul
- Via Ogden, Denver and
Omaha or Kansas City.
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers
Free Pecuniae Chair Carx
Astoria to Sao Franeiseo '
Bute of Calif ornX Wednesday. Oo
tober M. - - '' '-"
Columbia, Monday, OoXober 2S.
Stat of California, Saturday, Octobat
Columbia, Thursday, November 4.
' Bcata of California, Tuesday, Noveaa
ber I.
Columbia, Sunday, November 14.
Stat of California, Friday, Novembar
11 -
Columbia, Wednesday, November K
Stat of California, Monday, Novem
ber n.
Tor rat and general rnrormatloa aal
on ar addraa
0n. Pa. Art, Portland, Or.
PKEsS, fur Salem,
Bosebunt. Ashland,
Sacramento, Ogdeu,
Sao Fntuclsco, Mo
jave, If Auueles,
r.l Paso, New Or
lcaus aud lite hast.
6:00 P. M.
8:30. A. M. Roseburg passenger 4:S0P. M.
! Via Woodburn, for
Dally I Mount Angel, ill- iiaily
except : verlon, Went Solo, except
auuday. 1 Brownsville, Spring- buuday.
tit-id and Nutruu
t7:30A. M.! Corvallis passenger. !lS;50 P. M.
tt.W P- M. Independence pass'irr lt:2S A. M.
liaily , tWaily extepl Sunday.
Connecting at San Francisco with Oc
cidental & Oriental, Pactno Mall, aa
Oceanic steamship ltaee for
$5.00, Second Class; 110.00, First CI;
including berth. , .,
Similar reductions to Los Angel,
Fresno and other California point. .,
Baggage checked to dee tine. tlon.
Manager. O. F. and P. A.
SDr. Williams' Indian Pile
Otntoieot will cure Blind,
Bleeding and Itcbing
Piles. Iiabaorbsthe tumor.
ays the lu.-biagatoiKa.acta
a poultice, gives instant re- .
r. Williams' Indian Pile Oint
ment lit nrenareu for Pile and Itch
ing of the private parts. Every box ia
warranted. B dnuialsta. by ma. 1 1 on re- a
11 I lief. Di
eeipt ot price. aO ceata and CI. 00. ILL4JC$ t
ANHf.CTURI.1G CO.. Prop.. Cleveland, lo. r
These tiny Capsule are tupenor
to D3isam,,ui uypa'P. s V
ubebz or Imectionsand AmM
the same diseases with. VX
out inconvenience. I :
Sold by all 'rc;-'.
"ui non nr. us
ie llr ".1 tH-ni.'tly fur liouiirrli.t.a,
t'CHKsV. 1 J;i.t, 8prmaiorti.r,
yla 1 to sl,yi. a niuiiv, aaaaturai an
OmraatcM lj Rham.-H, nr any InrUmmit-
?itiwu ftuQUoa. lion i.f m neons aiirn-
LrHEECMES"'lC'). wane. Aun-aatrlnBnt.
.8iNomti.o.rrj "M .
V no. ror sent in ataln wrsaoer.
iby espreM, pr-palil. fur
l III. or 1 biilll.'a, U.-.
Circular sous m ruiuoat.
I --l