The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 01, 1897, Image 2

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sjiiniiiimnmiiimimmiiimiHiiiiiiiiiMiimis .-.r.n. v imI'iiovkmknt not,. .
....I -i t......,....t,ti.. av.i rAH It! I I ' .ci ISJL-
and .niiiiu.IIou stcnm- Vt' I I J a"'' ItSiffuA'il
i iff i
Qathj glotorimt.
Telephone No. .
.TKKMS r BtllolIKtrllrtN.
Bent by mull. per year
Snt by mall, per month
Served by carrier, per month..
a run to Hots City, the capital city of
Idaho, before recrosslng the Blue moun
tains, and on Monday will vlolt lleppnor,
Arlington, Grands, The Palles wild other
points on the line of lT:n.v:lU."
Astoria will soon have n opportunity
of outshlirtnsi hoth Chicago ml P. tVmd
The PiSssresMve Association. It Is ii'ider
flood. In alvut to tike wii-ps to a"Mnv
for nn excursion erf Astoria hns'iie mm,
.$8.00 i n.m,w ,f ,, rhnmlvr of CvwiKtve
and lYvvrcssivc .w-cs latloii, to Ma"t.r
On-con, upon the completion of i a.- As
toria ralltoad, for the prnrw f l-l!!s
i th. farming districts and h ki''.- h.i!
Sent by mall, per year 'n advance... t2a) I wt!l !h0r iwthtv-n In other pivN of tV'
Postage free to aubacriliere. i state, ov-r the tton of rail int!
, rivor yervlc from the uMw.ioet v"!
All communications Intended for pubtt- i , n,,, ,,,, trt ,,,,, N,,,:,r. Ti e Cascade
cation should be directed to the .dlior n)(Mn :,vk, ,.,,n.llVt!.-n Is
communications of an nines
Mid remittance. muM be aJdrvsaea
"The Atorla."
The Atortnn cuanwtoe to If uo-wrib.-i
the laxiswt circulation of ny
newtpeper pubU.hd oa b Columbia
AdvrtMn ratea can be had oo appU.
cation to the bulnea rnanHer.
The Weekly Aatorlan, the wcond U
t weekly In tha ataU of Orejroa. ra.
ext to the PorUawl Ong(a. ina j
larteat weekly circulation In w uimw.
John r. Handler Co. are our Portland
centa, and coplae of tho Aatorlaa can
ba had every" mornlnf at their fnd,
124 Third airaet
m.ulo ly wator frvm the f !r:'e;t herlerj
of tho mate to Aotoria. .ittl Uio ra'ltvM l
will mum unbroken r.U trnnport :lon to
all tvjrts tt the vtnt nnl the fnltl
Static A.torhitx e:in well afforxl to m ike
a. visit to other norMon of Orvon anJ
toot thr own horn . lu;l Nt. Alt sue
to the efforts of the I'rorf ve chib.
Is the original Sarsaparilla, tbo
standard of the world. Others
have . imitated tho rewunly.
Tlioy ran' imitate the record:
1 50 Years of Cures
The thlf.l China fHcnmor. l.ent i:'.. H
l;ie P.vemlvr S.
The ltlot 'lMiw Je..Ne has Kn with
drawn from wrvlce.
Althotiti we have often n.rratel the
fart concerning Mmetaltsm or the dou
We atnTidard in the ' column' of The
TltneHerald. twe trhvdty ttake up the
Jert araln In reopotwe to the following
letterr"1 ' '
' OiVmso, Not. 1. to the Kdltor: la
! there any reliable, evidence that wtien
jrold and slrrer hava been colno) at a
!aeclflc ratio, aay 15 to 1. that they have
trh "been 'kept m clrVul.Ulon? " Would
l one. or the other dlwppnr from cir
culation .when trie commercial ratio did
rc exactly are with the loasl ratio?
T would e very trladl to have you answer
Tho merchant of Portland did a. very
,uU in when they inado thalr recent
Into tho country by a. prfrata
orar the a R. ft N. Moo. and per-
ohally atoook fcarida with their eutomr
and partnera In businare. Now York and
Chlcaxo aent out tlcketo and brought the '. throngh the edMorial page. '
comrtry vop ta tha city, but the ' ' O. L. BLAKBSLEE.
. , There ta an abundance of ev'denoe, not
chem. dtdn-t aecomplteh aH much aa , -
raa eaopected. PorrUnd did wl I tof)B pf our thB, bu
thlW. Thoao riving la tho smaller towna , motallVm that Is. the concurrent curu-
and country dbtricU onco fcv Hf Ume '. larjon of poM and eOver 4na at a ftpee-
h.nfr uid 'fled ralofleTer was maintained and
Uka o oeo the city mercnant, banker ana ,
v ,, never exbtet). are temporarily and accl
nilroad jnan to then- midst, where tney ( m any cvmmerctal country. I(
fll bt Klvn an opportunity to olio up tlM, xjjHty In the. commercial vahie of
the aituation from the other Mlow'a the metala was aa m01 as 14 per cent
arandpoinc Tho followtnK anear in the ' the cheaper metal remained In clrcula-
. I. ,,, tlon iwhfle tho dearer wae uppJ as bul-
tvndMnn Eaat Oreaonlan concerning
FenuOM r " " , on. Wherevrr the standard has been
the Portll exeunslon. end Is a clear (h(, n concur.
ptalement of tho facts: ; rent, bur" alternate, belnar first one and
. s .. then the other. In accordance with the
G. Woodworth. rl value commerce placed upon the male.
of the O. P- 4 N- Co.. who ha aecom- ,
nanled tho party with other railroad 1 offl- fe
dal. a peclal car. w Interviewed by HmiWoh xhm tne
Ut T- Oreconlan representative con- ,A utm08t
cerhln nla company-, attend towaiM . ()
the excursion. Mr.' Woodworth aald: c- glWfT ,nd
' -We ar glad Indeed to have thfo gen- eonc,uslon
Oemeo -Wt the different point on our fhat ft w to , , ms
Ttoe. and conlderlr the fact that they Jeffwn ,he
ara principal. In their respective tlrms, . But ft pfrwl
erroneous, becauae It
and extremely busy at thto ,eason of the (, & (ma11 e,t.nt and
year, we are much obliged to them for un-
dertillr.? the trip and glvln wch care- MJJoj. n jiJd n
ful tudy to the .itaatlon at the different our own 'allTer coin, did not circulate
towna we have vlsltH. , rtrtlM. fop tn1 wajon 1hat co,,s-e9(, na,i
; -Did you ever think how tne railroad ,Intlcan nnd span.An,,
company stands between tft Jobber and VM. o(n(l and ,hw
the retail merchantr m raci, kiwt
the parties concerned in nearly every
"commercial transaction, for every tran
saction Involves transportation In one
" form or another and wont a common
' thlnp It !. to hold the tranpor'.at:cn
, company rc?ponelMe whenever bus'n.-es I.
ImposslUe between individuals, firms or
cornmunltii'S w-io are separated by dis
tance? If 2-oods fhrpr'd from Portland
cost more at Tend'.eton than R.xds from n fhf, d,MI,fllnMf! f ,-vr.nat
Is. ATTi'rlean si'vr from The rrre:ilatlon.
It wi more vi'nahl- as bullion an
a m-ny. a"d of eotir;. th"-1 who pos
?il it u-d it in Its ti: valuable
phape. Gold e.ime Into e1-e,tUin arid
from thit timA ha rVen money of ae-
eotint. Kvn rn emall-r Am'-rleaT silver
A uliip and a barkentme were repo-t.l
oulsMo yesterday XteriKHn.
The PrltKllwllty and Falls of Clyde
are on tho way down the rtvor.
The Brtttedt ateanwhlp Ettrlekdalo loft
up ifor JrtlBnl -ealenlay nuwnlnit.
Tho Cromartyshire,' Elrlmlr and Car
rad.Oe are ancohred at Ft. Steven ready
to put to Ms.
Tho acbooner Lealle D.. Captain Asp
lund, from &o Francisco, arrived In yes
tervW and will load lumber at the Knapp
ton mill
Tha Brttfcsh bark DuncraU;. HT ton.,
Captain Johnson. 75 dy from Adelaide,
wrtn WO ton of sand ballast, arrived
In yeaterday atternooa.
Tho Manianlta, Is havlnw hi bolter,
cleaned and Hnrlnit repaired. It la ex
pected that "one wBt .all for the Sound
tha latter "part of the week.
Inferior to our own In value drove them
out of circulation.
Thus from 1T9I. wtien cur mint wns
first wtabllphed, to when our coin
age laws were r-vis?d, rhere was very
Irrtle of American jrold or silwr ciln In
cirvultMion. D'.irlTie this prl 1 we wre
on the silver basis.
In T5T54 and In 1W enirres altered the
mt'Jn frrm If. to 1 to l to 1. and this re-
some other source of supp'y the Pendle
ton conslirnoe is apt to a-ime that some
disproportion In te freicht rates Is the ixplanstlon. while on tV oh'r
te-wl the Portland merchant w"ho falls to
sell goods in eastern Wjshlnirton. f r in
stance, is apt to assume that the freight
rates have prevented him from rnualizln (V))nfl n0 ,n owfr? (f
The following vessel, ax bound to the
Columbia Kiver. with name of master,
rationality, rig, tonnage, where from
and (We of reported (al)k:
Hj.on. Hogg. Ur str. STS ton. Hong
kung. Lombard. Calaon, Br atr, l&S tons,
George Stetson, Murphy. Am ah. V
tuna, Baltimore, August 1
LlulKhgowshlre. Anderson, Br sh, 1U
tone. Antwerp, July ZL
Drumhurton, Spurring, Br bk. 1773 ton.,
Swanaoa, July 8.
Amosley. Ewart. Br h. 1591 ton. Car
diff. May .
Cambrian King. Hansen. Br sh, 163S
tons, Shanghai.
Dovenby Hall, Whlckham, Br ah, 1S98
tons, Liverpool
Ben Voirtloh, Ahler. Gvr sh. 1JT ton
Santa Rosalia.
8prlngbum, Rae, Br bk, BOO tons. Cape
Town. September S.
Durbrldce. McLauchlan, Br sh, 1121
tons. Table Bay, September 17.
Poltalloch, McLeod, Br bk, QJ9 tons.
Table Bay.
Otago, Eek, Swd bk, 770 tons. Ham.
Dundee, Jarvls, Br sh, 1998 tons, Hlogo.
Corrway Cant.e, Jones, Br sh, 15S1
tone, Valparaiso.
MUtonpark. Tumllty, Br sh, 13H tons.
Commonwealth, Anderson. Br str. 21S3
tons, Taku.
I vardiiara. Bcavan, lir dk, iii tons.
Vesol on the Way ntid In Columbia
Ulvor to luMtd Lumber.
Ii nra May, Hnn, si-hr. Ml ton. Han
Kranolsvo, November IS.
I.clltla, Stakkohye, solir, SSI tons, Ban
Vranclsoo, Novvmhcr li, ,
IVnklo Mam, Katieko, Jap lk. HIS
tons. Yokohama.
Tim vs!i.ulee, I'.vtti'rson, hktii,
: u. S nit i Ko.iti.i.
Mi p.-l-in uer. N.-'N.m, s.h, '.v.' tons,
Sin rr.meNeo, Nnnil'er It.
T! e A'
m r.!
nu i 1 it . I l:ic
irold r.eld.
Three tuiiro
liltw will leuo S.Mttle Juno 1. nnd reg
ularly ther-after. e.niy.nit both fn-liflit
and ivssusvrs.
These "learners are especially fitted fir
tlh oxivenletieo of pisetiireri and are
rannble of carryliit: Sin' men.
Our partner and fr,'lrtK service on
tlu Yukon river w ill lx I lie liest, The
hnndtluK of men'tiants' freight made a
sp.vs.vl'ty. Wo are tln odv eonuiiny thst
giKirantc Prompt delivery t IMwsoa
City. We guariivtee you a yer's supply
of foxl nn,l u snfe nnd epotsly arrival.
Ttw cold Is there.
Tou stand fully as much, chunce as any
other prwon. Po yon want to h one of
our first? If so, write at onve, setmrlng
pastire and berth.
Our special tronprtfttl.v offer U the
host noa- hfbr the public
Send Ar free copy of The Alaska News,
and aiso for our mciAl offr. Iih-iudlng
tmnsportatloti to ho Klondike tuid food
for one year for six h'irsrmi ttolliir
Tlls will Inter ett jrou If you Intend KO
ln;i If not. our to-k offer huld Inter,
est you. and nu should bcoome one of
our stoi'khalihrs.
A limited amount . of stork has Just
been nsslRne.1 to the western aironcy for
saV at tl per shnre. A mnn or woman
of nmnll means has the sAnie opportunlty
as a Hch p,rin. If you cannot ir to
Aaska nthlnr should prevent you being
a protltable hnroholdT.
Our company Is cioip.f .1 of men of
tried business p'put.'HKr.s. some of whom
are the following:
Hon. W. E. Mason. 1. S. Senator from
Alto-rt C. Hkitx. pr.-sl.l-nt Val Hints
Brewing company, Milwaukee.
. C. Rlnearson. renernl p.issenger
agent C. N. O. A T. P. It It.. Cincinnati
B W. Griffith, presld-nt F;rst Natlorml
Hank. VleksburK. Miss.
J. B. Iimnrd, rapitnllst, I-itnard
hulldlng. thlcngM.
Frank II. Ileoht, of Chnrlea Kaestner
Co . Chlcajro.
D. O. Edwards, pnsseinirrr traffic mana
ger. C. If. A P. R. R., Cln-lnnntl.
Cr.arl-s H. R'H-kwell. traffic nvirger.
C. I. L. P- R. nifonon Route). Ohloiur.).
T. H. Fbsler. Foorla and Vlekshunr.
J. M. fillips, cashkr First Natlorsil
Bank, Viekshtirg, Miss.
For 1nformntl'n nldree and make all
money payable to W. L. PtTI.ET. gen
enU agent, Haller building, Seattle,
" I lay, old mm, my wife out and I can't find a thing to
offer you eicept this plu o( riper Heidiieck Tobacco."
" Well, don't you know by iliis time that's the only tbinf I
ever indulge la 1 "
There is but one bost nnd that one is
Piper Mdsieck
' Plug Tobacco "XT
Get a NEW FIVK CF.NT PIECE of your dealeri 40 per
crnt. Urtjer than before.
Nolho Is heii'lty given Hint 'lint Com
mon Collin II ii-oi to Improve umn.
inereal slreol au.l Twoiity llilrd slrrel,
vis.: I'otnmorvlHl slr' fr"' east
lino of Hrvsllteililll slieel lo th Wel
Hue of Twenty-iltltd siresi. anj Twen-
ly-lhlnl slieet liotn tlm luutli Una of
U'olllllielclal l I've) to I'KCII.llltf street.
Hold linproveinoiil lo I'oiislsl of driving
spiles, U spites III well hoiit with lisilt
iH-nleis 1,1 fei pari, mid plael'ig lltoro.
mi caps nnd miliufeis lo H' lull .vldth
lliettxif, and plntikliig ilm iniiii 11 Ihs
y 1,11 It of M feel tliroiii'l tH neuter
llii..sf and to lh rstahlliid grads
wlih new ami omul lir plank ll Itx'hes,
11 lid hy luillilliig shlowalka on iwih shim
lli..r..f, iwolvn fe.t whle of tlr plank tt
Inches, Mid building r.iliiiK n Imlh
slil' a lliei-oof, I11 itvnrlani'o with tha
plana and wlllcatloii ilirrofor and In
mintoiiiiliy to tVlluaiico No. liml. en.
Illlrd "All ordinance ndallng lo the I111.
piiivememt of slre"l "
Said Improvilnent ba male at the
espouse of the Uinta aliullln upon, and
adjacent to. or irtlM'rl Iwnefltled
therliy as reipilre.1 by the charter of the
I'lty uf AnturU Tim lands and promisee
upon which His siwinl asestnsnt shall
lie el,d lo dofrtiy the i'mi of such
Improvement and the district emhraonl
therein and Hi" Ms. IUm ks and ptreeU
of land to Isi oerd shall he known
and doliil1 as Uio tViiimerclal and
Twenly-llilrd Wn-nt I'leirlrt No. SI Hald
dlMtrlet tiliiHng ald o s til.ieks and
parcels of land lo arst Tr said
liiiprovten't shnll- 001 it if all the
lands, lots and b1-fc onitiracr-t within
the folowlng Ummlnrlca. to wll.t
ItealnMng nt In aotllhwrsi eorner of
block Nn 1JJ In that pari ..f the Cltv
of Astoria, as hld out .md renrlei1 hy
J. M. Hhlvely; theiw- rnsterle and along
the south lltw of Idixk IH. 1.11. 1.
I?.". I and I!?, to the southeast corner
r.f lot 4. of Much ITT. "ten-s soitthertv
along 1 h eat lino of l i! I. or nio.
13". lo the oithe.t .-.iruer or
said lot 4. block tV; Ihenesi
cswssrly along the Una of Kichsngs
Irvvt lo a point whom the notth Mne
of Eehang street If produced Inter.
aees the eost line of Twenty-third street;
thence nortWIy 10 the southwest corner
of lot . hl.v k 1: ihenca easterly through
the cvilrr of block Hi tha soirthoiSt
corner of K !. blix-k 111: then-e north.
wektrriy ol'mr tb rt line nf lot t
hloi k III. iMie hundtvsl and flfly fe-t '.
Ihrnee norrhorly arJ1el to m lino of
. . . Twenty. ih rd street. U the plrr head
suld hltx k I to the northwest rnrnrr of
" ., , i.. line; 'hen.- es erly nloot tho pier head
. .. Z i , - . li.- to a p-rtnt of IntereeetM, on th. east
the west line of sold lot JO, across Als-I .... . ,,
,, . I linn QI IVVPllirnini, , - .-..,- ..
edn avenue a.kl along the wet tins of ' . ,
lihriMM souihwlr alon the enl line of
lot I of block l to the soutnwmt cr.
. - Hevri.lrenth street If exlrfkle.1, to ths
nor of said ! ' thence easterly along
north tin. of alleyway nmnlng ll.rouch '
the cost of the samo gnmls frwi other
suiiply soiirees. It' is our husinoos 10
recoiicile ilv-re differences so f ir as po's
sftile. and personal contact V-twc.n all
pnttlei? cineerned in.ik"s ou,- work much
earier. eKrwially when th-? o,u .io s
can be discussed hy jirinclpals.
"Eastern railroads have, to some ex
tent, adopted the plan of brlnglwr Cf-jnlry
rnerennts to the city f'r the purpi.- of
bett.T acufialntince, t.ut we haav though'
thdt !: was more Important th e- t l- city conte to the country ar.d tho"
out'hly learn the condition he hum meet.
ferlor Ppanish-Amerif an coins in clrcu-
l'ti Ion.
This ?.iFtory illurates 'he im'h of the
so-cal1el Oresham la-A-. that when1 'h're
are twv standards .md fw-o or more kinds
of coin, nil of whl.'li l 'U.illy 1 -"---rri 1 ten- ;
d'-r, the inferior will r u1-.! ar'l the
pi-ior -will dif-iiip'ar fr'm clren!a.f!on. 1
It Is a law hased ori hijTnan nature nid ;
finds proof In the exr"ri'n- of eyry !n
divid ixl. The h!cwy r.f "h.-r na.!on In
1 - tiert is the name ne fj'ir own.
dhallemire ar.y "hlmotallis'" or s!lv-r-lt
to show rhat rM and -liver coins ;
i Algoa Bay.
j Teenkal, Long, Br str, yi? tons. Hon?,
i konc.
Glenpark, Irish. Br sh. 1719 tors, Klo
Janeiro, August m.
OUnbank. L onard, Br I k, 13.'3 ton
Calcutta. !
Genevieve, Touee. Kr bk, 97 tons, Hal-1
phons;, October 21.
OalRorrn Castl, Mahon, Ilr bk. VJ1
ton. Table Bay. August 30.
Henry Vlllard. Pnttett, Am fh, W
tins. New York, October 14.
Oberon, Gully, Br bk, Ml toni,
N'ewcflatle, Au:ral,a, October 8.
Verbal;-., JlJ'1. Br sh, 1713 tons,
aroo. Oumaru. Fullarton, Br e.n, 1M tons.
Dit ciln, Oi toher 11.
Jacques, Bernada, Kr bk, WA, M '-
Indian Empire, Allen, Br hk, lUli tons,
Centiiri nffo. pevl us.-1 to fir what
they called tho pestilence. "I!l.i k
Dtith" was the most terrible thlnt; i
th wtY".d to them. They f.-nrol I; as
people now ffar the chol.Ta and yellow
ffver. Ami yet there Is a thin that
oauses niore mfserv arid m,re deaths
than ar.y of thcc. It i that
nlne-ten'hs of nil th-- sickness In the
wor'd Is tra -.-ab to it. If Is nv-rcly
that slm:le. conimon hln ir con"!l'aon.
It mikes p.,lc lis'l.'S. cau"i.i dizz'm".
h'ol:'ch.-s. cf .lpl'tlt", of 1- p.
foul breath anil lstr-ss a:-r Mt! b.
The llttl- help nc.-d.-d I' f-irnl-.-d l.y
Dr. Plerv's rrensant I'-.'I'-t. On. pill
Is a iT'-nf.e laxitlv.- nnd two a nilhl fi.
twirte. rinee im.-,1, alw:.y-i In rivor
If you ape enrehsi i-T-icuirh !. t m
s--n:iuio'i i!rii!.-irwt set; yui sotn..-hi j tl , uV,.
n ii! -n tie nuigos more m..n v. 1 li ,,.tlnr i,,
your own fault If V1..1 do not r- t w-.-i!.
lie sure and yl fir. Ph-r e's P;-i- .n'
P. l ets.
Sr, 1 21 cf it-i in one.c. nt .'imts f.
World's Moll -i! A vs., I iilu-.
Ttnffrilo, N. Y., an.l r.-ceh-,- Tir. I' v-r'-'-'-!'t
iciirc "Common p.-n--,. Medici! Ad-i-l-er."
profusely ll1uvrned.
opt and RWoitii:r nv John
No'k'O is hen-hy l.-n hat the Ae.
ment Roll containing tho (.-I.U aes.
ment for Uie Impriev.-mont of Bond street.
frim tlio side of Ninth stret (o
tho wrt line of blin ks 1 ami 17 In the
nty of Astoria. 'ld out md recorded
hy John McCluro, luis !.- flle.1 In the
of!W of the Auditor and poller Judge,
and Is now open f-r Pste,"'l',ii and will
so remoin fen until the d.iv of
rvecemW. 1W7. prhr to whl.-h time all
nbee-tlon to such ,ias.snient nl must
1.. (llcl In writing with the Auditor and
Police Judire.
Th Committee .tn Streets ami Public nf the Auditor and Police Judge far pub.
Way, t.nrether with the Boon! of A-1 II.- examination before win-h Improve.
hlm k It and 19 to the smithweet comer
of lot of block US: Ihenee east along
south line of sold lot 1 lo tho southern
corner thereof; thence north along east
line of Work Ho and 1 to the northeast
comer of block 1: thence west along
north line of east tdorh I to the north,
eaat corner of lot ( thereof; thence north
to south line of Bond strew; thenre west
aior.g the south line of Bond street lo
Its Intersection with Columbia avepue
thence southerly to point of beginning.
Estimates of the of such lm
iirovements an.1 the plan, and specific
provMiwnts and the plans suit sj.feinew
thins thrsWor ami map of the Iocs Illy to
be Improved will lie deposited In the ofnes
of the Auditor and police Judge for put',
flu riamlnatlon Imfore sswt Improve,
ment Is undertaken; tha! si the next
rneoilng of the Common Oxnvll after the
final pulillcatlnn of this notice of tm.
Vrovemept. to wit : On Frl.lar, pecem.
ber I, l7, at 7 o'chs k p. m . of ssM
lay. th rvmmm Council will consider
any otet-tlons to such Improvement be
lug m.vle, an.1 If remonairance against
such improvement, aignro. ny ins r i"
tlon. therefor and map of .he ,,,,, of Hy th. 0BP.,r,..,r1. then m. pioprfy , w ,
scssnrs nf the city of Astoria, will meet n,rnt Is umWtnken: that at the nst
in the council fhamlers of the dry hall. I meeting of the Cumm-m Council after the
in tho ntv of Astoria on Wc.1nes.lny. i flnsl of Ihls notice of Im.
peofmher 11.IK7. at the hour of 10 n'i'lock , nr.ivement. to wtt.: On Friday. Peecm
a. m to roder and equalise such as. j ,rr 3. IW. at 7:M o'clock p. m . of said
.imt,t nol themfier ren-irt their ac. a.v Commm Council will eonsld.-T
thms In the Common Connel!
Bv order nf the Common Coun.-ll.
,-:c.t: If E NBlJON. j
Auditor and police Judite.
A"'.irta "ir-iron. November ?" 1w7
and this trip has certainly proven th-.t pv.r rlrru!ate4 toother in any country
theory. at a flxed ratio for any lerp'h of t'me,
"We are much encouraged hy the r-- wj,em thre watt disparity ltw-eer, th
teptlon Kiven this party In eastern Wash- lf(raj ri.lo th(. oomm,.rf,: r,t:
lmtton. he merchants and people teener-
Juj.r.ler, runaer, Dan ?n. ivji ions, 10- Mr. nrn was hefu to say -em
KOhama. j months airo that . w mid be Klad if th'
Chslmsford, Thomson, lir bk, 21'J7 tons, VeK'nley adnih.l, trallon could l.rlrg
Cape Town, October 9. pro-r'-rlty to the nmtry. That win vory
- . .1. I a TJ . .V, 11.TT ,..nj 1 .... ... .
iny 01 mm, jvnuo, ... . '"pit not If, tuif bis ,fj;.iiiy ?i, aril hi" eje-
ally in enery town visited manifesting a j
mosl friendly feeling towaM Pfrtand and
pur company. Tho Portland merchante .
on iboard this iraln have learned lhat th?y
and the city they reprtsent have not lost ;
flhe friendiiip of the people In the In- i
terlor, notiwltlhstandlng the efforts which :
ha,ve been imade hy competing markets
to chnng old relations, and they also Aid ',
that there arc very few articles of com
merce which they cannot furnish at price
which "a '11 compare favorably with the
1 prices tmade by their competitors, differ
ence in freight rates and other conditions
'ionsfdered." Tt la ! not generally under
'''tood that iporTland k riptdly1 taking her
,J'pWe,' ai1' a 'vnafket' anI eeapbrt, or that
the retallon''sKlp' charter fates to and
from San Francisco, Portland and Puget
pound has undergone a complete change
"during tho past thrae yearsa, change
1 which has reduced the cost of Import com.
1 modifies at Portland, and enhanced the
' vcJue of wheat and other export com
' modltles to such an extent that It Is no
' longer rseceeeary-to' go beyond that e!y
to find a favoraWe 'market for the iur
chase or sale of ' anything which Is the
subject of foreign' commerce.
"In crossing ' from Wa.hlngto:i Into
their o)wn ertate and coming to Pe-ndle.
ton, tho flrat ' Important Oregon 'city
which we have vlsltod. our party have re
ceived the eune hearty welcome, since
there can be no conflict of Interest be
tween tth-e nerdhants who are anxious
to make Portland a favorable marrket for
the purchase and eale of all kinds of
goods; and the people of eastern Oregon,
who need ruoh h -market within the bor
ders of their own state.
"Friday we wlH vfcdt the points be
tween Ial Orande and Huntington,' in
clusive, end the party will probably take
Blalrlogie, Mackay, fir bk, V5 tons,
IVlagoa Bay, S-ptember 4.
Hoppett, Tork. Rus eh, 1305 tuns, Port
Natal, September K.
MI'.tlades. Ayllr.g, Br sh, 11C2 tons, Mel-
poume, October li.
Mr. C. M. Dixon, a w-ll kn nti m'r
chant of Plea-siint RIdffe, Ful'on County,
Pa., has a little pin who i. f-eT.. ntly J MacMn;an Guthrie, Br sh, 14S0 tons
threatened with croup, but when the first ! y0jOhama.
symptoms appea-r tiis wp irives ber
Chamherlaln's Coij(fi Remedy, which al
ways afforde prompt relief. The 2S and
M cent Biases for eale by E-tes-f'onn Drug
Protfeawor James M. Crafts, who haa
been selected to fill the vacancy left by
the death of General Francis A. Walker
In the presidency of the MtanWh-uaetts
Institute cf Technology. wn decorated
In 1865 by the French awveniment with
the Legion of Honor. ;
. Itching. Irritated, sealr. crpsted Sctlps, dry, this,
snd filling Hslr. clesoMd, pnrlned, sad beaaU
td by warm shampoos wkb Ccticcsa Soap,
sad occasional dressing of Coticxu, purest c(
esoUlesu. tht grestest skin cares.
Tresioent will prodnee s elttn, healthy scalp
with lomrisnt. lostroni hstr. when ail iIm fstli.
Sold 01 sftlKtlt lh WDrtd. POTTSOsrOASDCuS.
Cle,,,lPrRi., Boston. . . ., , .
L; esr-'AovSiprodaes LBsnriaat Htlf," mailed nss.
vita Eexras IniUnUf rlisd
ComcSA Jiuianiss.
I Hor.Tlette, Secman, Ger sh, 1705 tons
Lakemba, Bradhering, Br bk, 10M tone,
Freeroantle. .
Qan Robertson, PHI, Br sh, MM tons,
Santa, Rosalia.
British- General, Thomas, Br sh, I6M
tons, Newcastle, Australia.
Midas, Messenger, Br bk, 1X2 tons,
Nagasaki. - '
(BWrlekaale, Btewart, Br etr, 2468 tons,
Hoslkong. ' t.
YaioA, ' Brown, Br ah, 1499 tons, New.
eatle,',Aujtralla. ' h - -t ! i
Hornby Castle, Bright, Br sh, 1T75 tons,
AAaUMr." ' ' ' .i
1 rt)rnomig, Johnscn, Br bk, 1861 tons,
Adetefde, -Bept ember '20. - ' '
Thwtls, Oliver, B.- bk, 1296 Urns, Nsa.
seJcl, OctoUr U.
ordon Hill. Walker, Br bk, 21" tons,
Port Caledonia, Anton, Br bk, 8120 tons,
KagasakL "--
Klrrtuck, Perrelle, Br str, 28S1 tons,
Omba, Munro, Br str, 1S08 tone, Toko
hama. Amara, Kent, Br str, 'M tons. Hong,
Alerander Black, Punn, Br bk, 13D1
tons. AntW'-rP.
Watjen, Frlti, Ger sh, 2079 tons, Hlogo.
1 Tord Shaftsb-iry, Cunningham, Br sh,
' 2273 tons, Sydney.
' Bristol, Mclntyre, Br str, 1274 tons,
' San Francisco.
j Emilie, Oltmann, Ger sh, 1728 tone, To
kohatr. "
iressns of snflrf.-ii-tlon
elnce It has
Tial lnes Is nothing new, It dales b.n k
to the early apes, How to n store he
hair 1s modern. H.Jl's Hair Ronewi r, the
lest product of science, will tu,t- It.
CnTvtttlv cellrmntc ftate IWi,0"t,0'i0
(iH the flifuro which will preVtsibly lie
rear hel by the g)I4 rmnrve of the treas
ury iVspartmeTB! Ix-fore the enil if the
crop season. This utate. of afftihw pre
n nts eometMng of e, ronurat to the 1aM
J. M. Thlrswend, of Grosbeclt, Tex.,
says that when he has a spell 'of Indl-
gMtlon and feels bad and sluggish, he
takes two pf DeWltt's Little Esrly nisers
at night, and he Is all right, the next
morning. ' Many thousands of .others do
the same thins;. Do you? Chan. Rogers,
The treasury department Is responaHils
Pot the etoternent that there. Is no - In
the iworM (4,23EitOO,000 in liver , money.
and . of .that amount SS per cont. is fall
leil tender. Th 1 looks as thoutch silver
had1 not hea . discriminated agahist to
amy great tnt
Warning. Persons who suffer from
roughs and colds should heed the warn
ings of danger and save themselves suf
fering and fatal results by using One
Minute Cough Cure. It Is an Infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
throat and lung troubes. Chas. Rogers.
N'.ft.o Is hcr-bv k-lM-n 'hi' ihf Com
mon Cliincll pn po... t Itnpr v. dlurn. 1
from It" Intel .... ti.ui w I'll
r Hoe 01 I. tin 1 r ri-e. t 1 an imi.-i-
.. .-tlon with th- renter line of Alameda 1
ivenui. and Alameda avtiue frun the
..1 ! of l, r-ola street t 1 ;t.i.
.lr n.i. fr .in ill- northwest .incr of 1'it
I of hl.x k 1". Tivior'i Ai-.tI -. t the
- .oll.W.e t -iilf-r of lot : bio K 'I
In nald T iy!or'" A cori 1
Si ! 1 1 Impr ii eiiu nt t- e.,n-.i .,f Iriilu-t
-pll'-i, l! In h liTt. wim 1 " .'-n'TS
If, ft. ap. ill. to 'he w .1 ! .' . 'roill a
i ci nc-Mor' with Is .n 1 r-. -t rruproi -m"M,
at I'i Ini.-ro.-'lori n h'imiui
and Taylor avenues, ).- i- te- o" '
Columbia avenue- itur, --I'l-.t rW ilor. :
the een''T of r,lutlb! I ai.-MU." t'l I'm'
hlr-h w.i'e. mark aid pii-'ini; th-r.'.ii
strlr.iriTs and pi it. kin? the urn.-, to the t
width of :o feet with sound fir pl ink
.1x12 Inches laid liu-h airl arid fram I
hlifh writer linn somberly nlonn the cen. .
er of Colurr.bla avenue to Its een'er line j
Interc-tlon with center line of Alameda j
avenue, and Alameda, avenue through
the renter thereof, from the eist line
of Linroln street to a rxdnt of Internee,
tlon with n line drawn from the north,
west corner of lot 4 of Mock 1?. Taylor's
AKtorla, to the niutliwest corner of lot
30, of block !, of Taylnr's As.
torin, by grading the ,ime to the
cstpblUihed grade, to the width of 20 feet
and pladnrr thereon stringers and plank.
.Irur same to tho width of 18 fret with
fir plank 3xU Inchfn and by placing rul
ings thereon where necesnary.
Said Improvement to tie mode nt tha
expense of the lands abutting upon, and
adjanent to, or otherwise . benefited
therrWly as required by the charter of the
CMy of . Astoria. , The lands and premise
upon which the special assessment shalt
be leaded to dofray the oost of such Im
provement and the district embraced
therein., nnd the lots, .blocks, and parcels
Of land to be nweesed shall be known
and designated as tho Columbia and Ala
medn. Improvement district No. 2li. Sftld
district embracing paid lots, blocks and
nfl roe-Is of bind to be assessed for said
Improvement shall consist all the lands,
lots and blocks embraced within the fol
lowing boundaries, towit:
Beginning nt the northeast comer of
lot 9, of block 1, Taylor's Astoria, as
laid out nnd recorded by the Peninsula
Land and Trust Cnmpuny; thence west
erly across Columbia nvenue nnd along
tho north line of Mock 2 to the north-
nnv objections 10 su n imiienrui'-iM i--ln
made, snd If a remonstrance against
such Improvement, Utne,1 liy the resi
dents rf the cltv owning more thnn one.
lnlf of the pror-rty to !e aeo,d In
nch dltrlut as des tIImM herein, and
In which si.eclat nssinctil l to be
levied -nail I- filed with the Auditor
and Police Judife before Ihe said rotular
mei-'lng of Ihe Common Council, nn such
wnrk or lnprivmeiir will h ordered
except hy the two-t nlrdo vote of all tie
members of the Common Council el. ct,
rite.l at Astoria. Oregon, this Ml (lay
nf November. 1o"
Auditor nnd Police Judire
In the county court of the state of or.
1 iron, for tho count v of Clatsop.
In the matter of the .-mate of Joseph
U Mo ire, ile ! "-d. Citation.
Ti n'l lu-lrs of Ihe nlnve. named Jo.e;ih
1, Moore. ii-i-.ised, urcelliiK:
la llic ruinie of Ihe stale of Oregon,
you ar hereby cited and r quired lo np.
pear In the county court of Ihe stale of
Oregon, fur the county of Clatsop, on
Monday, li e third dav of January, lH'M,
al 10 o'clu k In Ihe forenoon of that day,
iM-m" iM-'tig Hi". In 'I day of January term
of raid court, and Ihem and there to show
cvie if any exist, why .n order of enle.
should not le made or Hue rniiowing ne.
Si-ellioil renl eitliate tedoliKlng to enld de
cease,! nnd situated 1n Ckitsop county,
irtiile of Oremi, 'to.w1K: The southenst
one-qitarler of section No. 2, In ths town
ship No. f. north of range No. 7,.
the Wllli-molte meridian, conlnlnlng 1f)
acres of land. noconlHur lo the prayer of
the peHtlon of C. A. BotUirn, ndmlnls.
trator of said enlnte, flll herein, pray
ing for such sale.
Witness, tho Hon. J. It. T). Omy, Judge
of the county court of the state of Ore.
gon, for the county of Clatsop; and the
seal of sntd court hereto nfflxod, this 24th
day of November, A. TV 1WT,
, (Seni.)
Preeldc-nt McKlnley'S action In ap
pointing a ftpeclal reciprocity oommis
sloner to arrango dotalls 1n this line
with foreign countrlesi with dispatch and west comer of lot l of eald block 2;
wiihoivt r.ecei!tatln the ponderous de- thence southerly along the west line of
lays fit tho stato dcp.vttnent Is gunr.T- snld lot d to the southwest comer there-
ally cosnmonded as wise and needful. of; thenre westerly alons; the center of
In Effect Oct. 25, 18!)7.
Leave Seaside for Astoria via Flavel
at 7:30 m. sind I p. m. daOy.
Leave Astoria for Seaside via Flavel
at 10 a. rn- "& 4 p. m dally.
All the Ahovc Tralr a Arc Daily,
surh ll'trlct an 1e-rlhe,l herein, and
In which special assessment la to !
levld. shall be filed with Ihe Auditor
nnd ivllre Jietse before tile said I-eillnr
meetlnr of the Common Counoll, no such
work or Improvement will lie orderw.1
except by the twn.rhlrnW vn of all Ihs
menitiera of the Common Owinrtl elect
Pnte.1 st Astnrls, Orron. this 21 diy
nf NoAmter. In7.
Andltn- and Police Judire.
Notice Is hereby given lint on the t'i
i'ny of Ii-.tnl r. I'M", a getiernl elec
tion will t held in Ihe Cltv of Astoria,
Oregon, fir city nlTlcers, tintnclv:
1 Mayor fo- the tin-in of two years
1 Auditor and I'lce Ju.Ur" for the term
of two ycfirs
I City Attorney for the iti-rrn of two
1 Tfoasnr'T for the term of two yisirr
1 Hurvcyor for Ihe term of two years.
1 Hii.rliitc!nli nt f Hi reels for the
term of two years,
t Police Coininlloner fir the lerm of
six vears.
1 llut-txir Mamer for Ihe lerm of two
1 Councilman In Ihe First Ward for the
term of tlin-e ycnr.
1 Coiincliman In tho Second Ward for
the term of three years.
1 Ovmnellmnn In the Ttilpl Ward for ths
lerm of hree year.
The piling pliices and Judges and
jlerks of rWIInn nr hereby dcelmiciled
as follows:
Polling plnco No. 1 A.t brhk engine
house on Aslor street.
Judtrea H. B. Ferguson, William Ed.
unr, rorry Trulllnger. Clerks -I,. E. He.
Ilg, A. M. Smith.
Polling place No. 2 At enirlne bouse
In City Hnll bulliltaiB: on , Commercial
strees, iidgos Ct. C. Firlton, Antone
Weylund, C. A. Mnthenn. Clerks-Chns.
May, V. Boelllng.
Polling place No. J (INI Commercial
stre In Wlch Hock. Jmlgmip. (I.
Welch, W. L. Rrtlm. C. R. Thomson,
P.n-ks.J lurry Gray. J. R OnMke.
Prrt.Krig pOnce No.- 4 At Oolirtnliin eijt
gtne company No. t. JiidgeaLudwlg
Ijarsen, JWnob Moore, , Gits Roentgen.
Clerks Adolph Johnon, Well Crneby.
Porting place No. 6 At old school
house. Jinhces John Enlierg, . F.noch
Peterson, O, Ret turn. Clerks O. F. Mor.
ton, Ole H. Olsen,
The polls will he opem from 8 o'HocIc
n. m. until 6 o'clock p. m.
By order of the Common council.
Attest: If. Ti. NEI.BON,
Auditor and Police Judge.
A aim-In, Oregon, Nov. 28. 1997.
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can