The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 27, 1897, Image 3

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Tim l'tilll Hiaira Advlsvtl Aiftiiliiat a
llrlllali lliiwnaitt.ll CnWe.
Nw Yiti-fc, Nov. M,Ti. Wnhliiirlott
aurruxiHNulixit of ih Iliitilil In authority
fin1 Urn folluwltmi
It la III Ulro of Hi" I rl I lull (rvrn.
tiH'iil llml Hlw 1'iillit.l Hliito xli ill author.
Uo a lliillsh mtntsiiiy 1" I"Im1 vul'l
Oil otio if ntxi It.iwnlllill I4mmI, this
Oevblii going In INuuuln etui AhkIimIIii,
rtiati notion l iiiih4 liy 11m I'rmieli
uvi'iiiiiifiit on 11. i mound 11111.1 llwi laying
f u .Ml. In liy Ulillsli ivflliil would pinto
11,-wit liiiiiiln In iiwrtrol of u sysflii
ru'lijn aroiiiul ltia nitllro world Mini
In Mm i-vmii of a ntr liefotn in'Mimo
vuuM lm tiwneiiiiltind llm Hiiilsh govern.
Iinlil'n n would have " he
tnlned lit iitsu llrwl HlHiiltl Wtsro nil.
irnK") In tioolNIIWv, It ! Ifaill
oally tiiiKantti1n .lit send 14 niwiitn over
amy oidiln wltt-h did mil m Uiioiik'i
llltlMl territory, except Unit which coll.
fowtN Kinm-a unit fiipe rod.
M. ltrnnoire has mini it riiirosiiilii.
thai 011 tlio iih)-il to HWrctiiry
Who iiI. lm ill. I not riiluk It wiiul.l make
tilted iiirrnrm'n. 'Ilil nviTiiiiioim miiM
tine K If II il aluil, iuhI III " of to '
liy an "ti'WIII'Ki line itiiild bn hull 1. Th"
KrniK li olfli'M, hitwnver, Hu out t rut 1
In iu" of war lHHHrii tlw l'nli'l K 1 .1
llwi gnVer llllit 1 1 T would lie Ii.iihII-
main"! If I lit- niMii was under llrlll'h
lnftirmitt.1011 tula brnu r rlvnl I, nrn llml
mt'iiii of flin llrlllnli t'..itittiiiy Internet--.)
n I li imI.Ih fmtintln nml thn ivrtialll
rti t,il or ilrnrt lliimiii In 1 1 li 1 1 1 of
ttmkt.'Tr o effort to mi-iiiv & ooiit-etiia
from Hi. in!n irnit-riitii.tit ,ni. Hit. I 'mum
Hlali-a Hint llrlllHli .iimiii) be al.
1. rwt-,1 10 ua, m,liln Mr. Howiill. rnp-
riwillllllvn llf Ulla .oVerilltlnlft, la ni.
ort l I tin (mitllaT of ill. ill a ,Mil,T.
loll. l l tltiHH4 llm ll.ilr nllll'ir
ttlM) ll slvn IHTtlKUloii I.) I,) n .11 Mr
tiiMW Mm r'lin.'H y irmiy iMtmi tin
1'ttli. il hmii mut I In. ill
twii Mititi-: hti:ami:iih
O. It A N S, ll.iylov a lnui lljnl
Itjio B.HII1.I
I'ortUii.l. lit. Nov. aS.-Thn ' II V
Miiuniy uml I'n. -in.' ttut Hi.iiiiiIiIi
4'oini4inv litiv 111tt1.111t1.-r1l iluii ttirrei
tndttlrn I1I m .li lm tH, r..lltr
1nm r.HrilniHl nml yot mi.l Hkmsway
atvliiu fHo ifaiy ..rtrti fr.nn I'.irll.m.l
Tlir aimtunt W. :,..r a iiltrtulv
tin 'Win tun Ami ilm mivittfr r'iit In
Un.l.rvoliiti htiIi 1 ru i rn lory .. inilnif
00 tllt rolttn Tlln llilnl niroiiirr linn not
y-t l.'n BMt. til
iiil. pni.NH INJI KK.H
Kin'H'i, Or. N'v y.iriinlal lo 1hn
Ani,ui .,iiH Kimm. 1.11 .1,1 r,-l,,ii
f llil Hni-r, iimrly ntrtl with ft fkltU me.
Olnii i 1 11'1'lm k (iHtny laul f.uini
rr1rii mi tint mllnaul Irw-li nml l,ll( f,.
IJwt 111 Mi -i of l.'i.iiln.r (.'oril In
rwallif J nlnr w.inl.1 Ikitr Hint
tnolajil ,(.ilh A wtuni put on llin Itr-nl
mmui m Iw.l luikin iii wim ili niint f
III lll)lirtn.
(Nil. Hli.lm w.ia Uinujlil to lr ,-ly on
tltn work I ruin ntt.l ti'nt In Hi. Mnry'
liallnl Iaki ,itirl,c It wna i.M.,l r t
liHi lti)ur! wnrr tu .l.iin.n.u. ,)
ti( lm iui rraitiie tnry i-.iiroriiilrlv 1
ftltWION' lntY IN (TIIA
I'm ! W111.I. lir. Nov Vi 1:.
Mirfi.niiy, lair of lihr I'uUui tinny, tt lm
linn 14t tnitktiis n tour or ittr tmn li t
n llin of ttm Col-ina. nrrl..l
lnTn llin .-v.lillli; lln alntnl Unt Willi.'
In filial lm iim-I ItuanHI Mmmiioin. ry. a.-i
f J. II VitiilKiii.-ry. or 1 lu- ritv, wti.i
11iM-.ilf, rroin Hw. riilrt rtn
vnl . ail.iuy m Aniuiuilla myalrrioualy.
Till 1 HIjiANi: A WINNKU
I.ttiiWui. Nov 31 Willi Ti"! K-.Mii.- In
tltn Mint. lln. li, iiMtiit 'a four yriir-nl.l
ty nam.. H.i.iiK llnlnlnl llnti In ihr
rwn f.T tin. I:Hi-iii.t.i K'.t ti. 1 1 1 .1 1. n t .11
lot n.v.iTiii iluy'a ru luit 0( tin. .I.iii. h.ti.
nr Nowiula.r tttit Iiik lo1ay
(Mil lull, III. Nov. '.11 Al III.''llt rln.'.
1loti. thn fualott Miki't wli'i-li ! It In
ramillv i-oiitnliittl tilnr ili'in.M'tiiil,
livn rinioiiiiiu iiiotiu'ra ,tr I i Iih(Imii-
ttirt' 'rht-rn linn Itra-n notno 1I.111I.1 un to
Iwiw Dm fiiialon'Mln will votn mi lolnl lull-
I II pir I'liltnil HlntiK monitor At 11 nmct-
Itllf of tlottt. rualotlKIa lifft. li. vl, till J
to oit for llin itiilili.iin .iiii.'iim noint. j
ima-. 'liti'h 111 itKikv 1 lm l.?iili1iir.' I
nltinil vii ri'iiiililli'iiiiM lo K, il. iii." 1-11 x on
Joint IkiJIoI for t'tiltii HliUii-t Honntor.
I attffnrnd for wmnka with collp and
fialn In my atomnch cntmcd by blllotin.
ttn and had 1o t.ikn modliilnn all tha
whlln until I utid ChnmhnrKiln'a Colic,
Pholfrn and ninrrhona Ilnmndy, which
curnd mn. I hav alnca rnoommendnd It
to a itood many pnopln.
Mim f. nuTi.En.
Fnlrhavnn, Oonn.
TVraona wlto are atiblnnt to blllotm collo
n ward off tha attn.k by tnklnu Ihla
Tnmndy aa aoon aa thn flrat aymptnma
ppnar. Bold by Ratm-Conn Prua; Co.
TuU'n'uloiiti la In l' nnd Wmva
thn iiiunn nf 14 por onnt of All mule and
13Vx t a" female dea-tha.
unclean, unwholesome, indigestible condemned
by medical and cooking authorities. It makes the
good cook's food "rich," and the poor cook's food
soggy and greasy.
Is Pure Vegetable Oil
Irombinrd with wholcaome beef aunt
light, appetizing, digestible.
Tli tfantilna Cottnlpna to anld everywhere In one to ten nnunil yellnw
Una, with our tnule tnafka "(WlnJfnr' anil Itner'i Aenit Inpnftim-P'na
urrafA on arery tin. Nut (iMrenteed If anltl In any other wny. Made
VJl.'Llcata ML UhiH. New
rrrrwv a mna w m B'fflrzm
Tim liimr Will WolitU Am-ltor TrnWy itinl
Hmtrt Nor ill.
HkiIIK N'iiV, 2H, 'Hut liniKimllotiil for
iliw ilrirliiri of IIm rwiu tiimltir IIimt
nrn iiIkiii'I fmiililitl 11111I If tin nnforn'on
ilolay (HMiim rhti will wMli itnihor lo.
imirntw Hfiiinoi. hhnI attirt hhui lor
IiiIhk'oii of liu-rry lo lm Anttln 01.1111 In
rnlliA.i llin linit1oiil MlinlliiH It'" I,
A KlM'it loi 'will lm nui'W' Al I'm I Towti
noiitl, nfliT 11m llmir will inn
wdlioiil fnrlliir iloluy. koImk iin fur lulu
llin loy iiorllw-rn wul"r ti xiciiin 11 11 'I
W111I will 1t1vn 1nr, HihviUIiik I'n1iiy i,t
llin mii'irini of lil" Mi, ('itilnln Tut In
"I iitny lull Ik. nliln In ri-ii. li HIi.Ik"
Inhimt, wIimw II If 1n1..inli-1 to lnii.1 Inn
ovrrliiiiil rxi1 1 l'i. 1ni tlnri' U nnolhrr
iikii wlinrn I llilnk I on 11 IhikI I will
11. iy 1w-r II l. for llin ivnaon Hint
I iiiIkM full "
( iitil Tllllln III ttlorn tt.itu.riil uf till
Hilivfim of llin rMtllto,i tlilltl lln wn
lull wtm rlmt iimr-ii-.1, ui.'1 lm la
W'rv niiiloua In irr Uirt1
Tlit'mJt'ttr'i' lUttwrmi flin llrllUh niul
Krtiti'li 4onla.
I ' N'ov. 3n ...( lo llu. An.
I.. .!.... I MUlM l..l.dlHl ..m. L.4.. 11.1. Ml
f lrttitr rMi4vrt II ItlUn Illl4wiiitt fr.MI1 11.
ifi wvpii ihii of Afrliti. ifnllii llwil n
rim,.tr In fiirr.4111 nijtoitif I lm millvtii uf a
.-..IIIM1..I1 tn4.w. 4HI llr'it.lnll 1111.I Krmii'h
lrotlil. ItoDl iltllltir luivn lirw-n tollf-
Ioh itN-t lulu t)t. i1UiiiIi1 rTriiirv.
(Vttliirt'ai niro. 10.4.1 u1 1i four what
llioy ilitn. 11m. tinaltlrn.-r. "
lrili" wan tltn ntonK tnrrllil tlilnic In
Hi.. wrM to Hunt, Tliry fi-trrl H u
! u .... now four llin Hiolnrn 0J11I yntluw
ft vnf. Ami ynt tttrrn la a ll,lii Ihm
iwimm Ittorn ttitatry niul rn.rn ilt-ntSa
limn ruiV nf lliran. It la fi coitimon that
iiliin-lmillia of nit tins nliknrm In llin
worM la Inii'oKi. In l t n.-rnly
Hull almiln, (sKnnilMI tlllllK iailallmtloll.
It llltikn wvijtln llntlraa. rtiirtna lllailnraa,
lliiil.i.-llrat. Iihmi of tllM'tttn. 1a itf Rtn l,
f.nil Itttatth nlltl illaln'na nffnr rittlnv
Tim llHln IikIii rl.-"W.l I. furillalintt l.y
I r rinrn'n llnfianlit I'otli-ta IXm pill
In n irrttlJn tm.i1 1 vi. nn. I two n mll.1 rn.
tlatrtli. nine. ihmM. nlwuya In rinir
If int nrn rnrnlraa rtnniK-ti 1o li t an on.
.i,n,..lrtii.t. .1n..HrMt MmII 1 ( . u
Ion wlil.'h h nuikri mnra nv.tu-y. It la
I mr own fniilt If yon ilo nl ift nt
I lln aum 011.I get tr. I'li-n r'a IMrmaiint
I tVn.l ; if 11 1 In innmr to
Worlil'n ni-finiuairy MiaMiwI AwiN-Ullon,
j IliiflaJo, N Y. ami r Hvr I r. PiPrnn-
i"T ln 1 latllti.HI tin Mnllrnt Ad
vlanf," profiwly Itliaal r nrt.
Tim Aiinir.illuli Hlnttaikul wy rati,
tint Ira tlmJ tlin .uktHai irf Auatmltn,
IfX'lUlttitU ISaniutii ntul Now l-lllatlil,
wim Inat J unn I.VO.TM.
Mr. N. N, Oatmm. wnll known at
Woodatork. Mlph., wm troilMfd wltll
Urn hark. II wu nvntuadrd to iim
nimhrUln'i T1n Hnltn. It gmrm him
rllf In on nltht. Thlf rnm4y ! alan
famoin for Ka rtirna of rhinim1lm. For
rmm by FktM.Cnnn Inif Company.
M.a-I nil of llm iMiciiMia uttnl In thp
t'nllral HnUr nrn mntiiifiti-l uml In ttiml.
rn Mini.iiiiHI limnn.
Takn Ix.llv Promo Qulnln Tablnta.
All i1rtt(lta refund the money If It falla
to cura; He. Tor aalo by Charlo rtogora.
M11 it 1 11 Iron lin Joltvil Itt'lai' S..oial
'Tha worm cokl I avrr hnd In my lira
wRa rumd by Chajnlmrlnln'a Cough R.'m
t.1y," wrltna V. It. Norton, of Sutler
Crnnk. Pl. "Thta cold lnft mo with a
co'iirli and I w rxpnlnrntlnir all tha
limn. Thn Ilmnndy ciirnd mn, and I want
ill my frlntvla whnn troublnd with a
ootiirh or rolil to nan It, for It will do
thnm rood." Bold by Kntnn.Coiin IniR
J .1 li li Ima flfty-wtx ,iil..n mill".
N.troljrlii anil lotiR d pmaalnn, r-uian
tlin hnlr lo turn rrnv nrrmiitiimlv ltiilVn
Hnlr IlMifttur will rralnrn lln. rnlr-r ati.1
pmvint tlin hnlr from fnlllnir.
(nrnmtiy Ima Ui.Imrt iili)li"lnnn.
Tlmrn la tin nnnl of llttln rhllilmn I
InR tPrmrntrd by acalil I t.n1. ncinntii,
nml akin nrupllona. PcWltt'a Witch
llncnl Snlvn alvra Itiatnnt relief nil, I
cttrpa pnrmannnlly. Chnrlca noRpra.
our rnllnatila iMttploy (W.iw men.
i Take l.axnilv Ilrnmo Qulnlnn Tulileta.
. All drtiRRtata rnfund the money If It fall
lo curr; 2!k?. For ale by Clmrloa nntera
HiihhI.i cmpluya tl.Oiio conl mlncra.
Plaflioimmnnt for llfo by burna or acnlils
mny be nvolilml by ttalnR PeWltt'a Wllch
Hitiol flnlve, tho Rmat rnmoly for
pllra and for all klnda of aorea and akin
trouble. Charlna Itonpra.
J Aluminum wnill im'r la announced,
makes your food
York. Muntreal.
Tba "old aaylnici" out 1 1 owl la-low are familiar t elmoet rery man, woman and cblld,
f.hwh ntthm tnMi hmwmm rfash or 1 wtiaHt lit
III All tbifl-r ifltMi IN Mi" iih. Wr iptf. II
A B-H- - -H- -A-D I- -
WH-M TH- CA- I- A-A- T
W will pr V) th flrtl firm tmtvtft tnm hom
Ufk Ui lit" itibiiit n ron-t ii.t Vt.l'U
HlHilhir Itt li turr' -r tmt, tw
iiTw if 11 Mrl"V, iil ttm httvimmm rMJ )
Hut fttli irnrtHi rwiiif. MtrrMiiMi1 Uy li XlwUik
Hunt) ymmimf iitll iUtf fm 4"ltlt
lf rihir Mk lit wit lor IHl Wl
rk pfit il i(iiM"''if ('nra on rfl
rvt M V ff fi bffl'u if ll" ('nit"! NUl4 aoI
Mft ataiiii ifomiiij. In otir tor pmrvtnm u mt-t.i-ttNti
In (Ills mihUm til pfitwrra mll' I" arnl hy tg
ulmt inmH. A iiwti It 0r ft ttl ttum
riiif!.! win ht t'iti, untiny ut wiimifiir
pit IN'mm tthollv nr IMA fit, tbm da I of ai
mart! oi ll rielia will It lakuM InUf mfUUBiitmimXtiun
ii4.r rut u-
MriM) to $tw trt.
A 14 n4 tk1 puimrn
'Ml -t k kUw4. TtMf
Hff flrtiflir rHtelal,
Hh)mtliMP), (WbMtw,
IUmi, rtaMWwU
-t" at r, H4.t aiiar nib and hie UllO I
yVjr aaff rllf all l..wn all tiff lll W utl'l. lia
T eerr &'IM'h,.l. In lite land f'i Bfiti.llt tin
IWi tltealal(awli.irr. CONDITIONS, "
I. jLA'ZMmZi ttl-l.ea u. ei.Ur'lilal tni,l et'ii.) ua with II
PvrIJ Vl H'i. Iltrr .r ain.a l..r ll t. I
9t, Hofcfca ftparafM lliaaf
Wial.tHi tu ai.Uf likc'HI'at ttiuat
rlattllrr t,f )( t
,lLt -a, 1 It... rilM. or 0 leaM I'lt Iftt ut hie lul aeaeaea
i'lkl'r l i llaaa? rilla. It .,ii .i the la a'l.'le tit I'lua e.1.
VTt S"f H OOel alLIAilLlTV. any dni
3 -A ' "' "' ' HI""' Klel.a e n 1.11 lull llial Ml
? . ''lajaVaWs V fuldil e'ti and wary prm,IM madln title
4fr rtlk, of 0aM lot
M ltun.lra.le ..I nawaatMr
I I., make aea.oan'-t. d"iilT
aalaad.lia auiaf Mlllllll.
lioaaa. a. trie are alalalelfl
tt't !' H'.eae u a rule. T' tt una ol t,a lattfa-prlwaa lie aniaarltiit tltla adaertlaaihrBI tai if
tilt' ana II. . alttillun h.1'IIm latlm unta.t .nlairultd tti'.net li.r I'.lo. II,,. fiapar ai4
a, oapt io Hoaaa aaMtov co a. Adam, at., chicaoo, ill.
V6'VS'.W i''..8''e'..'.'.'r !
A !
BLUE, diagonally
' across the OUTSIDl: wrapper of every L'ottle of e
The Original and (lenulnc VVOWCnSTrR5l1IRn, as a further pro
tectlon nxalust all Imitations.
Ana1n,,het'n..ed.,.e.. JQMN
iKn-m thn ntli:itto Tribune. Nov. 7. 1JT ) ,
n.. n. ..... i.. -t. m 1-, '
il..r.lnn.l iMllln for the pr,..,m .
of Hhn Inwtiirae nnrr-ata of llm country ;
,. nrrd at thn fnlon 1-na.c club Frl.
ituy. tlw ix Im-Ihii a l,''"-h,on
ITlven by the exnoUtve offli-nra of th Nn-1
llotail A-awHatlon or Mnrriitinm .
Tnivi't.m. whk-h h pMct-d Jtwlf fairly
llotail A-awHatlon of Mnn-hnnta
tain iiinry on r"."1" aa .i.Haaai vi
tier nint nml prnacnt workln,o of the In.
tnratatn enmrm-rce law. Ttm Initial j
mnntlnr of the oeatnntion In the cam-
intern It has U-kui to wne tiernlnat an 1
niiirwsn on 1lie commnrce of many com.
minillliii win nttcnu'il
,a, pt""'.i.- ,
tlvt of nearly every
which la f.iolor in the wht.lnatiln tritlc..nrW) vlln they have Joined forc-n with
nf th. .-I I a n. I ,1.. . v- t Ivna
. (
of Inulini; rnUway llnrw which are fully
In ar.vr.1 nn.l worklruc In oo-opcratl n
with lli unaoclallitn. fnn of the p-niilia
of the mwllnit was the r.iloptlon of th.
follow!:!- rmolirllon:
"Kiwolmt. Tlmt thn Nutlonnl Aasocl.t.
tit tf MiTrhunt ajul Travigiri urlr,
uni cotiiTmeji ppitrpt li'sintatlon In con.
formlly with the fitoiitntl rmimmnntln.
lions of llm l.'ttrrstata. nimmerw iim.
mlanlon, nml I'MMi-lally to pa willinul
delay wluit Is known as the untl-scalp-tnit
Thin rt'Aolutioii makes rttitmrcnt thn fact
tluit tho mont prKSunic,t evlla from tlht rontmercliil ami niilway In
tnrtrtn of llw tmntry miff.'r an1, rvxncc-
llvily. the Imperfnntlona of tho imcrstuu
iitimni 'im bill nml the opi rations of the
ticket scwl'r. In -thim I orating the
cntmn of many of their flrtiiiit it Ills both
llm l.u.ilntvs nml r.illroml men have wlin.
out doubt mnile a ilhuriiosls, and
In tin aittiYtipt to Hourn n-atlil r.-H-'l
nrn Iiniiicstli4i.i1ily inilllil to the use of
such itr liifliienit-s us m.iy he brottgnt
lo lnr throni-li cont:ris or elsewhere
The weak feature of the tttterntiit.' itint.
ninn-n Itiw ha.i tilwnvs lie Mi the fai l that
the iwtniiilsMlon cotil. I only ni'' h re-otn.
niemlii.ilotis al.Mijf the lln.' nf roreivttng
eommiTckil evils, laii.g w hollv wit ".out
power in enforce the same. And wh-n
llin railroad ionirl1ntis of the cotimry
link for the almllshment of lickot scati.
Ing. It may safely tic ennr! tided tie In
lorest best ntilll1,l to Judge lvas finally
dwIiliNl itht tiUiiultoils ticket sealiier .
a milsanoo which slmtild 1m nlmted. tini
the autliortiy to nrrhv nt this conelttsion
slioiriil not tn ntiiwtltinnl.
So fur us llin desires nnd Intentions of
the business mon havn nwtterlalti.l.
there 1 nothing unnxasnnitble In them.
Tho cause espoused by tho association Is
an altogether Just and meritorious one.
nml shoirtil micveed. rowerful allies are
to b enllstiM to this end. IVinnls or
trade at nil the prominent commercial
centers throughout the country -will he
nsked to leinl n hnnd In bringing uUitit
Ihe results sought to lie nttulinil. The
Justness of the cause should Insure Its
The whole question Is purely commer
cial In Its character, having connected)
with It .no fthtidc of jolltlcs. In this com.
merelal era Ihe lending Interests of the
enuntry nre noting the part of wisdom
when they Join forces r tle prewerva
tlon of ithait .commerce ln which nil have
a lively mnd Qlvlng interest. Trie. Inter
ests nro Identical and the relations
shoirtd bn reciprocal. AH tlmt Is to be
iiskcd for fc a recognition of th rights
of common equity. It Is not nn extravn.
gnmt olalm ttvnt one Industry Is entitled
to ithe wnime fairness any other Industry
relive!. Among prnotlitil tranic men
II Is n well known fart that a universal
nnd Incessant wmrfure of discrimination
is lifting WMged to the detriment of rail
way revenues, weaker mnrkets, nnd
smnllr.r mer-lmnls. To n certain extent
Ihe great markets of the country can
hike care of tli-wneHves bi-eaiise of their
strength, hut the smaller unqnewtlonalily
need proteetlon.
Rmllwny discrimination s now prar
tlceil makes and unmnkes markets. Its
effect Is Identical with the conditions
thnt would exist In fct ease where mer
rnU'lntf IMUT thn4 i,vf mr, H1 If torn will All
M) r"n,(fi lt nitj Miir ' M
0 - T - -W- I- T U-H.
I E W-L- P-A-.
f ( ttftmi nawarra Ui tl. twtoM mf-
k t ttj th twit fll r furttl wvn tUt,
ttf, ItaialMlJIIta Maw
mit (! llf, fat
ptmmiti m Ua tiaaa,
Xv.a,a'k 4
4lplaHI Haalah.
Vaaaaa at4 014a, ftM
'ft tVnHMr411- TWtj
i anall I atoa !(
timmM la faaatlfl. trim
Ma! ial.
ritla arvl Dl MU lr rH H rrm Kivtwn in
a w iana m i'rp ( in
laivl, h aulkurlMi k Ut mm km
wvty vn r' ,,,
m'tfi u wih ihir nar
lal ff tt. UmtM tUlllB
Ifrt uf bit roit'rfl rM
n i
limt ran .1,, w, al. ttul
,'ira, eell'a aalltftHI-e le vaar
.IMIMHI". ""I I1 """""" t"r ina
altaa aaaf I.. m.., il.rnifin in,,'",.,
i rjrjrji?
Fm wt ai. m w
(J ;
ctviiiJtno Imi.I lmtortcd at un un.ler.j
valuation and thriewn on the markit In
dKnpiUtl m with iroods on which full!
'"' .n poJ-l by un honnn mi-1
portor. I'rlvnli, hlti ni with special
m(M miikit comJ
out ,n), ..,.(,,. ana honest
,.olll,i hkf. 1o w BUcn (
.ltir. tn.ulo linMei1l)ln.
T(l, mehnnts- anaortiit Ion ootvlends
for a uniform HiuoMflmtlon ctf frvlKht
e-s. a A t fJf
1 AJ M CI I Li VT 6
for a uniform H.uwtficntlon of frvlithts
,lf, a,,m 1rvn for the mnw pul4lc ser-'of
vice nnd common cam.-rs should be
vateat MKiuirh to trrnnt It.
jt n eocoumirlriir slim thnt railway
0mr4Ala heve at Viet Iwvun to rcillxc the
cxtnnt to which the valiH of th- proper-;
,(,. 1ne,y manni;n are lirtrnr mcnnreil by
rote rt.rtltuT. tk-kot s.u.inir, and simitar
Mimni-n.. nonevl,, ,in, nhnt In em Htttmpt to remedy
. . . . i i 1. 1 . i. V. t. . . 1 1 ,
liar r.niimm t-i.-iiwni a. u.l u una. .u...
the railways of th country and from
whom thn tmat nml most suhetnntlal
auairt wi'.l always come. With 1he
'd,4n( nway of the evils souirht to be
I nlaillshivl thn t rarutiortvn km lines will
(a. on Imtlcr biwliiees basis than they i
have ever boon ooforn- Soriirttiea will!
become morn sultstnntlnl properties 1
caiinn enrnlnirs of common carrk-rs can'B!( ffm
then te, pnilk-tcl on n known basis.
A nicatlna- of cltlz."ns will v called
at the court house at 11 a. m. on Satur-
.lay. XiiwrnluT IT. for the purpose of
nominAtlna cnndiilirtew for thn comlnec i
Ltty etrortori to he held In this city on('n CHy Hall bulliUntr on Commercial
r,vemhcT 5. street. Judges G. C. Firtton, Antone
All -ltlx.Mis of Astoria arc respectfully Weiund. C. A. Msithena. Clerks Chas.
requested to attend. ! May. V. Boelllng.
Al the e.illcltallon of persons Interested
In the relief of Mr. Nelson Hlssnerg,
whose house was burned on Tuesday last,
a subscription has Wen started In his
behalf. Hen. J. T. Lighter, of '.he Dally
1 Astorlan. has consented to be custodian
I of the funds. The subscription paper may
be seen nrd ettbscrlpllons left at the
Astorlan o'llce, where they will he rrop
erly careil for until forwaded to Mr.
rtlsselterg. Signed,
Tntll further notice I will not person- i
nll'- win " naU Mfr1 ln steam.
er O. K.. be responsible for any dnits
or wage, of any nature contracted by
A. E. Salte, for steamer O. K.
Astoria, Or., October 27. 1S97.
Vnsey Is Ihe name of a St. Iiottls florist.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggist, refund the money If it falls
to cure' 26c. For sale by Charles Roj-era.
Persia has one glass mill.
Small pill, safe pllt, best pill. DeWttt'a
I,lttle Enrly Riser, cur. biliousness, con.
stlpatlon, sick headache. Charles Rog
er.. There are steel billiard balls
J. C. nerry, one of the best known cit
Uens of Spencer. Mo., testifies that he
cured himself of the worst kind of piles
by using a few boxes of DeWltfa Witch Salve. H bad been troubled with
piles for over thirty years and had used
many different kinds of so-called cures;
the work and he will verify this state
but DeWltt's was the only one that did
mont If any one wishes to write to him.
Chas. Rogers.
Mr. Rrj'in made numerous srneivhes
during his reoftnt tour through Ohio, but
rending one wag reading them all.
Warrenton Is
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Ma on application-.
Th. three-year .old boy of J. A. John,
eon, of Lynn Canter, 111., la aubject to at
tack a of croup. Mr. Johneon aaya b. M
Mtlefled (hait th. timely rue of Cham
berlain'. Couch Remedy, during aovere
attai-k, aaved hi. little boy', life. He M
In th. drua bualivM, a member of the
firm of Johnaon Bro.., of that pkace; and
they hand), a rrat many patent medt
elnea fo" throat and lunj dlaeaaea. He
" chooae fr. d . killed
Dhyaidana ready to neapond to hla call.
! but eeleeted tnia remedy for uae In hi.
, own family at a time when hla ehlld'a
i life tu In daniter, beeatiae he knew It
i to b eupnrlor to any other, and famou.
J th. country over for It. eurea) of croup.
Mr. Jobnaon asy thla 1 the beavt aenins
eouirh nvvllolne they handle, and that It
a-lve aplnidld Mttafaatlon In all eaaea.
boiq py tjmnjQnn urum umpiiny.
I BWiux fHy. I(iw
unloniKta are boy.
noBttrai a th. 2"-.
You may aat cheap food and
anrlotinly hurt by If. but you
not be
cannot j
tnkn raiylWnea without ponltlvn
Injury. If you unn e.ny
do no at
I . ' -!. V. I
i rxrll of your hnaith. perhaps of your
llf. Inelat on havlnc Aynra, and no
Icnvitr five
fi for m.
vi mnta pnr l.ftO cubic
Tou can't afford to r1k your life by
Bllowlna' a cold to develop Into pneumonia j
or consumption. Instant relief and a !
certain cure are an rem no dj un junum
coolrh Cure. Charles Ronera.
In Mexico Olty Hop Ie advertises an )
Ajne-rtcnn rnfitnurant.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 8th
f rVtcnnbfT. 1S97. a rnneral elec-
tlon wl beheld In the City of Asloria,
. Orcaron. for dry officers, namnlr:
1 Slayor fo"- the term ot two years.
j j
Auditor and Police JunVe foe the term ,
two yenrs. I
1 City Attorney for the erm of two ;
yenrs. j
1 Treurer for the term of two years, j
1 Surveyor for the term of two years.
. nMM of streets for the !
term ( years.
, ry,), comml.-loner fcr the term of
i six years.
1 Tlnrftor Miicter for the term of two
, councilman In the First Ward for the
term of three years.
1 Councilman in the Second Ward
the term of three years. j
1 Ooundlmnn m the Third Ward for the ,
,wm three years,
y. .,.,. r,huei and lintee. end
rlorksi of ejection are hereby iVeelirmted
TVItlnir pface No. 1 At brick ensrlne
house on Astor street. j
ju.lKveIt. B. Feinruson. WBIiam Ed-
Par. Perry TruninRier. Clerks L. E. He.
1U. A. M. Smith.
Pollinp plice No. 2 At enslne hou"e
Clerks L. E. Se.
rowing p!nct No. S 6.V1 Commen-lal
stnet n Welch Mock. Juiuresi D. H.
wdchi w Tj- R(,bh c R Thomson.
Clerks Harry Gray, J. E. Gratke. place No. 4 At Columbia en-
rtno conpany N'o. 1 Judges I.udwlg
Iarson. Jwoh Moore. Ous Bwntgen.
Clorks-Adojph Johnson. Nell Crosby.
Dolling place No. 5 At old sehool
house. Judges John Enberg. Enoch j
Totemon, O. Siltum. Clerks O. F. Mor.
ton. Ole R Olsen.
The polls will tie open from 8 o'clock
I a. m. until 6 o'clock p. m.
By order of thi
Common Council.
Auditor and Police Judge.
A utorta. Oregon. Nov.
Notice Is hereby given that the Assess-1 corner of lot 2, block 114: then?e north
mertt Roll containing the special assess. : westerly along the least line of lot 2.
mont for the Improvement of Bond street. 1 block 144, one hundred and fifty fet:
from the west side of Ninth street to thence northerly parallel to east line of
thn west line of Mocks 1R and 17 in the : Twenty-third street, to the pier head
City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded line: the-ice westerly along the pier head
by John McOlure. has been filed In the line to a point of intersection on the east
office of the Auditor nnd Police Judge. ' line of Seventeenth street if extended:
and is now open for tovspeotion. and will ! thence southerly along the east line of
so remain open until the lMh doy of Seventeenth street If extended, to the
December. 1H7, prior to which time all : p-we of beginning.
objections to such assessment roll must1 Estimates of tho expense of such Im
be filed In writing with the Auditor and provements ami the plans and speelflca
Pollce Judge. j ttons therefor and map of the locality to
The Committee on Streets and ruhtle ; be Improved will be deposited In the office
Ways, together wilh the Board of As- of the Auditor anil Police Judge for pub.
nessors of the City of Astoria, will meet lie examination before such tmiprove
In the council chambers of the city hall. ' ment is undertaken: that at the next
In the City of Astoria, on Wednesday.
December 15.1W, at the hour of W o'clock final publication of this notice of lm
a. m.. to revie-T and equalize such ns- provetnent. to wit.: On Fri.biy, Decern.
aeswment. and therafter report their ac-
tlons to the Common Counofl
Ttv order of the Common rVmncIT.
Attest: IT. E. NET.SON.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria. Oregon. November 23. 1SS7.
the Best...
Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon fce
doubled. It Is distinctly the best property
on the market.
Fine large level lots, sorroondel by many improvements,
at very low prices
Is it not a fine investment?
The Choicest
Table Wines
Also for Medicinal . .
and Cooking: Purposes
103 Twelfth Street
i .
COMMERCIAL. STREET EXTENSION J half of the property to be assessed la
Notice is hereby given that the Com-
mon council propose to improve
mcrcal street and Tweoty-tmra street.
Commercial street from th. east
line of Seventeenth street to the west
line of Twenty-third street, and Twenty-third
street from the north lln. of
Commercial street to Exchange street.
Said Improvement to consist of driving
spllee, six spiles In each bent with bent
cen 13 f:et part, and pUc!nu there.
on caps and stitivfrnrs to the full width
thereof, and planking- the same to the
width of 36 feet thtvusr"! the center
thereof and to the established grade
-ith new and sound fir plank 4x12 inches,
and by bulMlng sidewalk, on both .Ides
thereof, twelve feet wide of fir plank rx8,L. Moore, 3ocasd, (rreeng:
Inches, tnd building railinsrs on both in the name of the state of Oregon.
sdi thereof, in accordance with the you are hereby cdted and required to as.
plans and specifications therefor and In
' coniormlt- to OrvilnAnco No. 1501, en-
, tiUed "An ordinance relatln? to the Im.j
' provrment of streets." I
! 8-1111 lmPrvem'?nt to 1,8 ma;,c at ,h
! expense of the lands abutting upon, and
adjacent to. or owrwlse tienenttea
tnercoy as requirwi mo viri itr ui
City of Antorla. The :an,ls and premises
; upon which the special assessment shall ceased and situated tn Ctatsop county,
he levied to defray the cost of such ' state of Oregon, to-wit: The southeast
Improvement and the district embraced j one-quarter of section No. 2. In the town.
therein and the lots, blocks and parcels , N-0 5 north of mnfK No. 7, west Of
i ot land to le assessed shall be known the WilUmette meridian, con raining 10
I and designated as the Commercial and ,,3 of aniJ alort31iig to the prayer of
Twenty-third Street Din-trict No. 2i. SalJitn1 p.Ltlon f c. A. Bottom, adminla.
district unbracing .ud lo: blocks and I
parcels of Uvnd to be assessed for said
Iniprovcptert shall consist at a.11 the
lands, lots and blockei embraoed within
the Mowing boundaries, to wlt.i
Ttfglnr.lng at the southwest corner of 1
block No. 132 In that part of the City
of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
J. M. Shlvely: thence easterly and along
the south line of blocks 132. 13L 130.
t I2t and 127. to the southeast comer
1 of lot 4. of block 127. thenrs southerly
I alonsf !h. east line of lot 4. of block
to the vmtheast corner of
said lot 4. block J: thence
easterly along the north lln of Exchange
street to a point where the north line
of Exchange street If produced Inter.
sects the east line of Twenty-thinl street;
thence northerly to the southwest corner
' - 1 - . . V. , - .1. .... ,t,n.. aaalaali, lltlll-tt
PI IOI !, lUWV IV Itt, Hieing "J'.'.'
the center of block 144 to the southeist
1 meeting of the Common Council after the
ber 3. 1S97. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. of said
j day. the Common Council will consider
' any onjecuons 10 sucn iniinuvnutin uc-
Ing made, and if a remonstrance against
such improvement, signed by the rsl
! dents of the city owning more than one.
Tbe North Pacifio Brewery, of which
Mr. John Kopp ia proprietor, makes baer
for domestic and export trade.
Bottled beer for family use, or keg
beer .applied at toy time, delivery ia
tha city free.
"Private Stock"
"Cream Rye"
"Old Hickory"
"Pride of..
Repsold California
such district aa d ascribed herein, and
In which "pedal assessment is to b
levied, shall be filed with the Auditor
and rUce Judge before the .aid regular
meeting- of the Common Council, no .ucfej
work or Improvement will be ordered
except by the two-thin, rote of all th.
members of . tha Common Council elect
Dated at Astoria, Oregon this 23d day
of November, 1897.
Auditor and Police Judgw.
In the county court of the .tat. of Or.
cgwn, for the county of Clatsop.
rn tho matter of the esftaite of Joseph
L. Moore, deceased. CI tat ion.
To all heirs of the above-named Joseph
pear in the county court of the atat. ot
Orepon, for the county of Clatsop, on
Monday, the third day of January. 1898,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day
rom being the flmt day of January term
0f Fai court, and then and there to show
cause If any exist, why an order of sal.
ruw not tie made of Ithe fol owinr de
jbed real estate belonging to said de.
trator of said estate, filed herein, pray.
Ing for such sale.
Witnees, the Hon. J. H. D. Gray, Judge
of the county court of Hhe state of Or,
gon, for the county of Clatsop, and th
se,-U of saM court hereto affixed, thds 2tth
day of Noiveniber, A.
D. 1S37.
Gundereon Building.
Astoria, Orejron,
Astoria Public Library .
Open .very day from o'clock to tM
and 6:10 to l: p. m.
Subscription rate. S3 per annum.
& W. Cor. Eleventh and Duan. S treats.
They orercotne Weiknaw, trrevq.
laritr atitl omUalouaUtwrtiMA. vinur
anii bunlah " pain ut menatrua.
tlon." limy ai. "Lire tann"
toitirlsat womanbooit. anlliiy de.
Teli,init.nt or orvana and body. Mo
known remedy fi.r women equals
them. Ca.ji.,1 itu hrm Ufa ba
'. (.ir.f a a pl.-n-ure. S per naa
hv mull. H.1I1I tty duinrala.
For aale by Entea-Conn Drug; Co.
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile
1 MntniBiit will cure H11111I,
Ulei'dmu and lu:lnni
Pilnii. Il ubMirlMtthe tuinom.
auuys tt.o lub.i. ui u..m, aci
a poullii.e, Kivra iiihtaul re
lief. Dr. Williams Inunin 1'llt Oint
ment Isnmnared for PI Ins nnd Iti-h-
Ing ot tbe private parts. Kvery box ta
wurranien. nv ny mail on rn
eelpt of p-l-n ;,a cents aud fl.mi. WILL'JSJ
WAHilfACTURING CO.. iTopa-. tkvel.ud, uuiu.
For Ml. by Eatea-Cona Drug Co.
mil cs
il i