THE DAILY ASTORIAN, SATURDAY MORNINH, NOVKMHRIt 27, 18.7. gaily; Slotmiiw John t. lighter. Editor. Tel phone No. . r hi .Sl'KlI'llON DAILY. Bent by mall, pT ycsr by mall, per montli.. Served by carrier, per monii WEEKLY. Bent by iniUl, per year In advance, roulade rrt' to aulascrltiers. .16.00 . . . .CO All communications Intended for pubU. cation should be directed to the rdltajr. Uuslnrss communlcslotis ot all kluda and remittance must b addressed to "The Astorlao." hi orR-nnliation, dcann tiding the suspen sion of Immigration. There mini to b a snwiHly IncresinR orywiitHiatlon of sentiment In the dlrx-Mlo:, of putting up the lar.s, so thut f-ery man In this coun try who wvuvts to work ami can work shall bp Ma ro obtain It. A fwy one knows, there hos ten a radical chungo In nh chancier ot .mr (.ixiKii li-inilxr.ttl.-n ,Vr the past f. w j years. Iniiitvid of foriKiv.i s cumin .: here j i-erniaucnt.y, aiwm.nir ttii oNic-ninns I 01 aiih-iuiui cms-ttiMhip. 1:1. 1 a.s-i ivu'S Mo.'.. ami j.a::,i.u,N. .1 l-me 1 j pcrcontaKe of iivniU;ni:s now -.u:i Xi,M 1 miy to make nuvuv. and then so Kuk j to o,ioy It. 0 arc rapidly itMvliliiK tv ivtin:. if wo haw not ultva.iy nviolKj it. at which there Is not euoiiK-h to sue k.i ly cmployma-is to all who desire It ll would a rm to ! th- jvirt of isdoiii When you buy Sarsaparilla I Ask for the best and you'll Get Ayer's. 2 Ask for Aycr's and vou '11 get 2 j The Best. ! MARIN U NEWS. Tide UMe for November. IIIUI AIIH lOtt 1 ll.VTK A V. I M. A M. IV M. The Astorian guarantees to Its su- scrlbers ths l.j-rost circulation of any newspaper published oa the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be bad oa appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorian, the second old. est weekly la the slate of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oragolan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley Co. are our Portland agents, and copies ot the Astorian can be had every morning at their snd. 124 Third street The Asendated Press consists of a vol. untary combination of gentlemen, luter eatted or having money invented In the publication of newspapers, wtio are mu tually bound to assist each other In col lecting' and disseminating all kinds of legitimate news, without pecuniary com pensation or profit, and at the actual cost Involved in the performance of the li . 11 1 11. ii.m 11. h.iu n. h ut it to shut tv miw on niton Ihbor until j Mon,ia... 1 1. j,.. tv : 0 u l'... .1..'. .1 - V; .. ...,! I I 1 are ut'.tod with work. I w.,lnV v 5 .. M il? .'. -: Thin-day.. 4 MA'TI ..!. SO'ijl a all Aimr.i CVmsres will hove no more vitally Inw poniurt qi'."!-"ti"ii t:'or' it dtirlu; :h coming session, ntnl It Is to tv hod a solution will tv ru-hl which will tv Just to Americans bWore ll if faorahlo to .-Ulcus. Krtilay a 10 10 7 V tu M ; 0 4 ; Saturday t li : ; II at' 7 1 4 sl'MUV. 7 It 't s I; M- Monday ... O'.'aTS l.'iOS: ti.'' Ttii'Mtav .. t 1 u 7 s l.'.i2 7 tv Wlnsd'Mti I T S I lC 1 T Si Tlnirda,v..ll .'17 71' 131 DO s' Friday .. 370; 3o7s J7 .'Ntttiixlav .t:i .M it K :l 4 1 j I S 11 'i i (i 1 1 U I i i ti 1 .1 7 i 7 .. ti ti a." 4 S t 7 t. SI A 4 4 t ; 0 ( 4 4 ItHH 0 7 ASTORIA'S C.RITAY" KErMRMEK, Sl'M'AV.ll 4rt'v .HI7 7 2 9 U Monday. ...l.v 4. n 4t7 4 :t 10 (t I 0 Tuoday ...tti i.tMvs Jit4 l. t: 40 II 40 I. r.Ill.l V T l .14 7 0 ' L:S :l t 1 litirsduy lv J? ; 7.VIS2 ... . . . , ! Fridav in s.'77.V tMi,S Astoria. Niw. tor AstorUtH- ; samrd.v .V i 7 10 I.1 t In rtrtv ivf tho ftuH thut a municliMl .1v. j t - '.ti -I to 't . tt ll is 7 Hon Is near at hand, atxt the further fact that certain mlsvtUled nwiner rnts descantej long said KhkI upon the ument ami Imperative necviwKy ot nform In politics and city froveenment. It U not consKWed a-" out-of-the-way Men to in vestigate the source of smh ln."tlr.itl,ni and solMtude for the mntersJ and polit ical welfare of the door public. Is the propoundor of purification Meas and po. llrtcal anpWlMn s parairon erf rlmte In Its ylrulent form, or i ho ofllicM with t usual Idee, that wnlnat sould-be Moews1 poKtlcally. The career of :h "standnrd of morallsm" is as chtvkered Monday 11 ni, Tuesday., 0'7 7A 11 ti!"-.' Wetlnd -4. t).'7' IJi.Si.S Thursday ...tu 1 4. 7 7 liutt& Friday. :v 2 X; T 7l 1 Vi'J Saturday 7 SI Id 7 ; 14'.' i si'.M'.u.1 im;ii .s.s.h Monday ...Jy 4 i 7 41 4 31 7 6 Timday ..a' & 40 7 S & 47 S u 4 .' s o 1 : 0 Ik' .'l H.Viil 3 m . 7 a m 11 4 04 a din ,i . (V '.' t s 4; 0 4 i . SO ti ..1 I 4 .t7' !IS ' 7 If I N 1 t 3 i ' S I I Sll .If 8.S4 I I VI Id .1 i t t t' 9 3 4 10 : 0 U 1101 .14 ll.VUS I.' ttl .H I a Joseph's coat, and rcloiem wlthjtrJ(ir rnorvin, MARINE NOTEVa. A bark was reiorul outaide yesterday evetUntT. The Elmore, for Tllhmook, put to sea. yesterday. The State of California arrived In yes- Tho W. H. H.u-Hson. for Tillamook. The Norwegian Uu-k Ophci' loft up for law of the kind requiring' the Associatea ' The Hlunchttrd arrived from Copper rtT. In yes t 'Til y Service rendered. The flesi is open to any or all nowspapors outside of the i the lnteniflel fumes of decayed pollt combination, either alone or by Hke asso. k1 ne-L-in ftict o lotrd Is hi "rep 1 t Vi I. amo t .t V a s . 1 cation with each Jxr.. to procure the 1 ,le m, pul to Stll yeerJy ; the effrniKvTy, the "supreme call" to ' ...r, r u. -"J stand for the moral, the Just, the richt so much or so little of it as they have the and sll Mm is irood ami pur- In polities 1Vnl ,nd yesterday ubilfety tt print ar the mesas to pay for. nnd moral reform. As a punier of beer : There ks nothing In the consatutioo or ' exi-eiient: as an advocate of ! i'iu pniiosophy" he Is a "kinit pin- in a bowtinjr alley a ch-np. verv che)tn. I Pree, to share the Joint product of ,he H,: aa . Mcal Mk n brains and enterprise of Its memhers X. as to avrdurois. but lacfc. that preat ; hdoB f(r wU, o(,t ,hH wflto any non-asocitlon member, or to , ttliU of brains that marks the truly i morntr,g give it to ttbe pubtto otherwise than by ' " an '"ra"t ,lfe- An' j puWioaUon to the columns of theJr own i " ,k ' ' P" e I thti politk-oi reformer w1 poses as the , hark J. C. I'fiueer. wheat laden for Eu newspapers. It will probably be found 1 "Z a-n." at so much "gilt" per re. W. eroded out yesterday. on examination that this propagation was form, attempting to dictate to the (rood not In Issue before the SU Louis court of '. People what shaH and w-hnt shall not be. I The Aniunbn, for Liverpool. cMired appetds. or If It Was. that that court has ' HOW ion' h Tjn1- how lon w1" "h ! jerterday with .77 banvU of flour val . mlmm ... , M. ,nvth, ! lMnpl be? 19 thT no t,Hlm ' C,ilaMT;ued at tSl.OOH She leaves out this morn. In 00 wise derided or Muted anything H(w mu!t a rilng pubMc he 'ln. contrary to it. That i" the. law. and it ! pumped fuS of reform Mens dally whose j must be so upheld and ductued; if not in .Inspiration emanate from beer and ; The George W. Elder, from Port Wran. Mldns, Missengor,1 Dr bk, IX tons, Nagnsskl. Knlrlckdale, Stewart, Hr sir, UQi tiuie, lb.kiMlg. Yalorl, ltrown, fir h. HW tons. New. oastlo, Austmlln. Hornby t'antle, llrUtht. l'r i-h, 137& Ions, AiVlalde. IVtitncinlir. Johnscn, Hr bk. 1NAI ton Adi illldc, September iU Tlik.tls, tviver. It. l-k. I'.'.'J tens, Nag.u ivikl, tVtclxr II. J onion Hill. Walker. ISr hk. I'lTti toon. Melb urn lVrt li!cKtla, Anton, Ur bk. J:;V (oin, Naitttsakl. Klntuek. lYirvll., l'f sir. iNt ton Vokehama. ' IVnlvi. Monro, ltr l'lVt toni, Y-ko-h.ima. Annua. Kent, ltr :r, l.'iV, ton U mik. koiic. .Metnnder Hlaek. Putin. Ur bk. 1W1 !.n;'. Ar.twvTtv Watl.n. IVttit. tier h. n?l ton. tlloc. lAinl ShaftKlviry, .iiimlnirbatu. ltr 'i, 7S tons. Sydney. . . Prlstol. Mctntyre, Pr "r, 17T( font Rnt Francisco, Kmdle, iM'mann, C,er nh. I7SS tons. Yokohama. I.niriKK KI.KKT. .telN on tho Way and In Columbia Rlvor to Load I.uintier. l-atira May. Hansen, schr, VH tonn. San Francisco, November 11. Ix'tltla, Stakkobys. schr, ni tons. Son Francisco. Xuvember 11 Tenklo Mam, Karnko. Jp hk, llili tons, Yokohama. . Tarn O'Shnnter. Tatterson. bktn. WS tons, Santa Rosalia... Ida Bohnauer. Nellson, s,-h. W tona 9ju Francisco, November li the Sl Louis courts, then in those of the csty of Washington. Toe official report of the correspond- race In regard to the bimetallic proposals binrken the character of those his men. of the United Stated monetary commis- an1 nioral superiors? sion to the government of Great Britain, together wtth the report of the pro.-od- cneese in tfte 'after raNn" of some 1 m4 AkuiVn nnH "drunk foundry"? How hn wSl the I at noon yveterday and Is unlondlng ?0 dear public contlrue to feed that vsrmlnt tons of coal for t he Orepon Improvement that only fatters to grow great In inso. 1 Co. at the O. R N. coal bunkers, lence and armgnnce and then seek to ! VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. "l ,jne w halt and , The following vessels are bound to the c.miy OTI c.TWK.ero.xeiy weigne., ,noe Columbia River, with name of master. tonnige, IHI.I K1KIP8 OF ALASKA. The Ahinka, Trunaporfuilon oiid Dev.-lop- mrnt Oik. of Chicago. 111., Capital. Five Mmion I.llar. This comiMny is the liryet, trottr.-t and lt equipped trntHrtaton and m.-r-huiilll:ijf tiiinpany in the Alaslct K-ld tlel.l. Three hirtr" and cotiuniMllous nt-titn-shlps will Iwive Shuttle Jnte t. and r. g uliirty thereafter, currying Uth fn-lght and ivosengers. Thew "tenni'Tt are esptvlally lltte. f.v, the ciinv .uilenee of nien(rr-i and are rapuhlw of carrying Vl meh. Our imiot-nsi-r ami freight .rvlce on the Yukon river will 1 the t t. The handling if niin-hnnic freight made a speei5:y. We are the .tJv cumpanv that gisirant.- pp. nipt d.-livery at Iuwo:i nty. We gnariritee you a yenr'n supply of fil ami 11 wfe and wly iirrlml. The gold Is there. Ton st ami f'llry as mm-h cruince as any othT pion. Io you want to be one of our first? If so, write at once, securing pas-wee and berth. Our spe.ii! transportation offer bi the bewt no hefor? the pnHlc. Setid rr free copy of The Alaska News. and also for our special o(Tr. Including transportation to the Klondike and f'wl for one year fo- 4x hntwlre.1 llar This will Interest yi if y,m Intend go ing: If not. our stork offer sihould lnt-r. est you. nnd ynu should become one of our stoi-khniders. A llmltoil amount of srork has )ut txn ns-iicneil to the western ngency for sale at II per shnre. A rrmn or woman AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. V ARIs ASSl KTlNti IN TIIK Cot'KTH (H'K KUillT TO TI1K 1-Xl'l.l'SIVK I'SK OV TIIK ViK0 "CASTOrUA," AN'I TITCIIER'S CASTOUIA," ASOl'U TRAlu: MAKK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Jlyannis, Massachusetts, was tho originator of "PITCHER'S CAST0RIA." the same that has borne ami docs now -j? yzjr1 ' ' on mrV bear the facsimile signature of wntpiwr. This is the original " PITCHER'S CAST0RIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind uou have always bouqht - on tho the si y nature of 0off&&Uif wrap- and has I i f i per. iva one lias autnonuj jrom nw w use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President, a y March S, 1S97. P Do Not Bo Deceived. Do not endanger the. life of your child 1y accepting; a cheap substitute which some druggist may nuVr you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even lie does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats BUFFUM PEN DLET?N Hatters and Ptirnishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. .Tne Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers. "'""'a X" nirimn us po. ratlOnjltV. r!. bmn.l wher. fpm . -l v.... .... toigrs at the conference of the British pre- iticully and morally. Lo. thee manr aj j... of tal,kjr. ' , . " , ' 11 UIU -e or sailK-g. as a rieh rwr4n. If v,wi erin-rna m t.. mier, THie secretary 01 me sc;e ior :no,a, . er? i.-ie jiuime n! uepn amimen wi:n the first lord' of the treasury, and the bjn," " nrI political shine. , . haitrs until, if we ever expect to re. chancellor of the exchtqtier wioi the . turned to a normal o")itkn ac.iln. a French aftassador and our comm:5sk.n- fumg!it'r pr.x-et is imi-ratively neo- ers, hs reached this country'. It fully e-fary. Have we th. moral stamin-i left. nter years 4 following aft.-r confirms the rvports cabled to Cie A.o ctatcd Prots on October 21 and 22. Tne n:ar;iii.tUns fell throturh, noti;hsUnd Irt tl:e expressed willlngTM'e of the French (government to o?en Its mints, eviiae to the rejection by the Ertish qov. ernmcnt of the iropoition to attain op-n would-be pU. to cast alrft from the pernicious in'in'w of these flnanHil lwches a.d swine acain into the current that swcfrw on to true reform? Now, on the eve of the much and Iih; txpected prospr rity, is the time to mike a fnr risrht. justice an.) ma terial advanci-mont : eut l"e frfm rK,. the Indian mints to the free coinage of lloill finanf.1;,j nA ,,,,, mrJnt, tv.V:': Bilver. None of the other propositions ft:iMih truly tf'x men '.v poi'ls of were replied to, tweause tha.t one, the trust, and when found true, trust tmd re. wrird th--m ty continue.1 nt-wir a 1 Hyson, Hobk. Iir str. 2S79 tons. Hon. Anska n.chini- should prevent yon t.elnir I a ir"tltat!e shareholder. Lombard. Ciilson, Br str, 1C5 tons, j fmr Is rompiwed of men of Yokohama. trU-d hustness r',tut-i'l"iis. some ,.f whotn Georjre Stetson. Murphy. Am eh. 1TSJ are the flowinir: tons, Baltimore, August 1 II. c. W. K. Xl:ispn, I', p S.tmlor fp.m LinlP.hfcowshlre. Anderson, Br sh, 1J37 ' Hllnots. tons. Antwerp, July 2S. j AMe-rt r. V;1l lu.itx Drumburton, Spurring, Br bk, 1773 tons, Brew-lnir omjhiny, Ml'.wnuk.-e. Swaneea, July 8. I W. f. K1near'n. k-eneni! i.-in,-i-r Amky, Kwart, Br sh, 1591 tonj. Car-1 iiirent f. N. o. & T. P. It. R.. Cincinnati. d!ff, May 6. It W. ctrimrh. pr-.l-nt Klrit N.xtlotml King, Hansen, .Br sh. KM Rank. Vl-ksbiirv. Miss. ions. Shanghai. 1 J. II. 1-cnar.l. 0.1 j.t t.-, SI-1. T,citnnrd I Dovenby Hail. Whlckhim, Br sh, 1SSS bnlMlne. cidc;i(.o. PDPILS RECEIVED IN THE PRIMARY. I ORAMMAR AND ACADEMIC I GRADES J. Me THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. IMVK ol'KNKI' TIIKIH )H .KIUN) AM lAV tsl'lliMil.. For mlos. etc., address the Huporloress INSTRU MENTAL MC8IC. PAINTINU AND voice culture FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT tons, Liverpool Ben Voirtlch, Ahler, Oer sh, 177 tons. Santa P.osalla. most lmjortant of tho concessit: re quqemed of Great Britain, cannot 1 ac- n our nl-in; l-.n.- f It p--- tri.'i" it t cenulne and not a epeop ,tion. Whom do we r-vor'. he of b- r or ttr.-,lr..? CHAS. FR.-D SI MO. tKxzy fsxst'Ts who or.Iy'-n 11 ceded to. The trovcmmeni of Or-at endullty .( newer ;n.l mrre Brit in la making htr einswer Jeftrred fields and when we tie to ",i to the wishes of the trovemment of India '" r a pror.het and r. to which ithe proposal was referr"J, ajid th rejily of the government of India, therefore jg tti most tmprirtiint commu nication in the frrcTonilenc. It is a lengthy ducument in which the advant ages pro and con to India are argU'd and a very strong case from their w.and. point is made out 'In favor of the rejee on of the proposal. The disturbance of values In India with the attendant purd ysis of trade, at least temporarily, tne fall of silver prices in India concurrently with the Increase of gold prices in Eu fxjpe und Amerioa, etc., are advanceI, but the most potent reason unred aJint the prrpos.tion is that the burden of fall, ure, If failure should come from th ex perimont, for the re-eeuibliKtimetit of U matallism by France and the United Stiiitt must Inevttiibly ftill on India. SoririP-bMrn Pr.e re I. if 9Vrfl Swi bk, 970 tons, Ham. bur?. Dunl.e, Jarvls. Br sh, 1W8 tons, Hlogo. Co-.way C.ut e, Jones, Br sh, tors, Valparaiso. M.ltor.park. Tumllty, Br sh, 14 tons, Acapulco. Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 213 tons, Takli. Vr.duara, B.van, Br bk, 1M? tons. A!iroa Bay. Teenkal, Irjr, Br str, 3010 tons, Hon. konir. Gienpirk, Irish, Br sh, 1799 tors, Wo Janeiro, August 25. Olenbank. Isjianl, l;r bk, 1359 tons, Calcutta. Genevieve, Touire. Kr bk, 9S7 tons, Hai phong, October Zl. Galorm Castle, Mihon, Br hk, 1607 tons, Table Bay, August 30. C J t? 1 t 1 .t ' nenry vinara, rattett. Am h, 147 Scot? $ Emulsion has been the , .,. Xew Tork, October jt lf4lH44 a-rviArln Iab I auuu uwiy ur utariy oheron, Oully, Br bk, KJM quarter or a century. Physicians j Newcastle, Australia, October . 1 readily admit that they obtain re-1 Verb. jLdj, Er eh, i7is tons, wa Frank it. Ilecbt. of Charles K'Mn-r Co. Chicago. T, G. Kd-.ird. ii'--,i;,.. tr.iHle min. per. c If. A- T. It. Ft . Cincinnati. -mber 29. Cb.-.r'.-s If. rt. kwei:, traffc nrinaRT. tiurbrl'l'e, McUmchlan, Br sh. 213 r- T. L. P.. R. fMonon Itontei. chleac1. mm. Tible li.-iy, September 17. T- 11. Foster. l-Vwrorl i and V!ckhurir. I Poltalloch, Molrod. Br bk. 2IJ9 tons, ' f1''- Table Bay. Oi.-iko, I-k Ll n II E 12 U S H Vi rt r rr t" trr TT Tt r:j ti tt i ii tt a m '. '- - " t 4 ' r Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Mines Count OREGON This Is Just the place for your boys. I'-llKlitful location, luof bullillngt and grounds, o-d meals, plenty of healthy exer. Is, ricellrnt teachers and careful tralnlnit- this Is what tliey all ssy of MT ANGKL COI.LKC.K. Bend for Cat. alogue and special terms. P. F. PLACIDUS. Director J. M. "hllMps. en-dlcr First Nitlonil Rank. Vl- ksburir. Miss. For Information ndorcss anil make rill money povnble to W. T. T'l'DLEV, e-n-1 The demand for Avers Hair Vlsi- I-. such wldely.s -rrtra'ed r't'lars ?. SaiUh America, Spain. Australia, and India ha kept pace with the home con-ump'lon. Which ETO'S tr hOW that these peop know a jroo thlnir vhen they try Ir. In the nirmtxT of m-jnlers I'aly Iids Jn the mmli r of sul' ides sla is aherid. General Debility and Loss of Flesh lodl ! ,r" "Tent, I V;i?h. Hal'er bulldlne, Smt'le, Ttc hns this yenr f..r the flr-t time bx-n a I'.rlt'nh pllirHmni'e t" I"iidres. It mimhersl sixty persons. Ton enn't cure consumption but you can avoid It nnd cure every o'her form of throat or lunir trouble by tho ti"n of One Mlnuts Coiurh Cure. Charles Ropers tons. TMMIGR ATIOM RraTRICTIflVS suits from it that they cannot et I TIk sentiment is rapidly Increasing that from anv other flesh-formJno' fnrA. I Oumaru there should be legislative action in the There are many other prepara oomlng sesston of congress to restrict : tions on the market that pretend Immigration. The fact has at last been ' what reUognlzed by the tabor organizations of teh country that the price of labor Is, 'III I EMULSION In Its last analysis, governed by supply en demand, as Is the price of other oommodiUes. While tariff legl-tlitlon and (Joes, but they fail to perform it. other factors render It rjossible tor the ! The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil level of wages In Amerioa to be higher ! fnak into a delightful cream, skill- 1 ..1f. vf.f Jl -'!- (. T T f than Vn ovcrcrowdl Europe, the rate """"f? WIln tne faypopnos- muat decline Inevitably If the supply of labor is constantly increased by Immi gration. The American I;ibor Held should be for the benefit of worklngmen who are Amer ican citizens, Insjte-ad of for aliens, and this view will be urged upon congress by Hon. T. V. Fowderly. the commit, loner of Immigration, In his annual re port Secretary Pearee, of the Unhid Mine Workers, Is already, on behalf of whites of Lime and Soda, which are such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an ideal one and checks the wastine tendency, and the patient almost immediate- I 1 Br eh, 1306 tons. Fullarton B-tijcdln, October 14. Jacques, Bernada, Fr bk, 1440 ton, Mi junda. Irvllan Empire, Allen, Br bk, 1515 toni, Valparaiso. Jupltler, Funder, Dan sh, 1051 tons. To kohatna. Chelmsford, Thomson, Br bk, 2187 tons. Cape Town, October t. City of York, Jonos, Br ,5 jip fan Sydney. Blalrlogte, Mackay, Br bk, 1525 tons, IVIagoa Bay, B-ytember i. Hoprtt, Tork, Rus sh, J3C5 tons. Port Natal, B-ptember Z. Mlltlades, Aylinr. Br sh, 1452 tons, Mel bourne, October 15. M.i:Mllian, Guthrie, Br sh, 1450 toni 1 Yokohama. Tlf. T(.tte Q. .m-n -. L . ly commences to put on i ,,. ""J ,on" flesh and gain a strength f T,akemba. B.adhenng, Er bk. vm tons. Which Surprises them. ' Fremantle, lie ure you frrt SCOTT'S Emulsion. See tint th ! Cian Itol)ertson, Pi;i, Br sh, 1540 tons, ...n and fish .re on the wrapper. j Srlrlta Rosalia. 50c. .nd $,.00. .11 druggists. j nr,,h oener,,!. Thomas, Br sh VIA SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemi,,,, New ypr tn v,,8lK AustraIla. ' 1 Russia's ;:.jiil.'itloti Ims incn-a.-ed iIiit 1nf the ),-it 100 years a fraction less than l,W,'s annually. J. M. Thlrswend. of Grosbeck, Ti says that when he has a spell of Indi gestion and feels had and sluggish, he takes two of DeWltt's Little Early Risers at night, and he Is all right, the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? Chas. Rogers. Bishop Taylor says fhat to b proud of learning Is 'he greatest Ignorance. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monitioulh, Orcion A THAINirG SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS I'e'il r N-ir-i',il I ure itf tfl'ei- yesrs nii;.i a-nr M !,ill U i,ia'. I r.. I rl 1 ,ir -I, --,ir llo-ot nl nine Kllldes Willi -1SI rhllilten I ' IM'II: ,tii', ti 1I11 iik In liyiiilillMtlc11 ' y- t- n, . .. I , . ,,- ,,r 1 m.iH- v heols 11, 11 11,111 .1 l rei i,)(i..pil by ihyv s HTA Tr ' ' ' . rii'iri' .1 1 r. 111 leseli. ?' e. 1'iltloii.t k, boatd sad lualtfliiK tap l'r-- . 11. h 1 1 j -1.L1 mi iter lesr. - 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . r-1 : n iin iiielve, liln uu per yen, Ac in- .,11 L'i elc- lU cci-tii! frulil hlsll si-llool,, . e hi erTiilly tent 011 i.lli'sl..ll. Ai.:e I'. I.. CAMI'IIKI.I., I'resl.lmit, nr IV. A. Wa;-N, Heeretary Kiciilty. MANHOOD RESTOREDSS t,".?.0,... r.'"""" lr,"'r I'ysa- tsn. will umcKly cur rou of all oer- f nai.1,,1 U T.rr, I.. II II T L V'K'",,i "l"'U "SllhWSt, I.i.V.V. TVi. 5. JL . V, ""iMinai r.iiilMl.iim, Nerviaus pl,ll ll t instlliiiUon. 1 1 stops I loameaj (,v ,),. , !.,,." l-ym,t. neL nawiOl niax-IISrStl. WIIICU It linlehMclr. 1 BE AUTIFUL s Boft, White HsniU with hliaj.ely Nails, I.oiB rlant Hsir with Clean, IVholesome Hc.ilp, pro duced by Cl TlcrliA SoAr, the most etTectlTe Ikin purlfyhur and lamirying soap In the world, ss well ai purest ami sweetest, for toilet, bafti. '.n'l rnirAery. 'I'lieonly preventive of iiitlaiiuiiiitloti ami oloirti iiitf of the I'ohks. Mlmm fto.r la told IhrotiKti-fut Ihr vrl4. Pottii Dioo Chk-. ;i,ur.,HA I'fpt.. llM.a, I. 8 A. V-"Hv to fnrilv n1 H-tubf Lb. Skia, ftcalp, and Hair,' nailed frrt, oho v utiunoQ ihin y, iittif t. DnOI nUtiiUflWi ifctfadli CoticuAA kuitiu k BCrORC ano AFTER C!,,1'it''r,i i?"' '""""r. 'irsir,ei0siu1 tlx rrnnmii .tnihn. ,d ri7, 1 m"3urlUM- Tiis reason sufferers srs not const by los-mrti la heemw nlnetv Iter ssnt sra trm ihltvl wltk i! A"'rUT,?J.,Tlr,".?2, m"n'T reitirnwl if .ii hoies nf nut sUscI a perw-vtual sum (laCDa boi.sli fiir-va,by tnJI. Be nil for rasa clmilar sail irsiiinoiilsls, AOHnm It A VOL n CUICIM CO, P. O. Boi tnt. Baa rrfu.clKO. fsj. tU4 bt CHAS ROGERS. 459 Commercial Btreet rJ0-T0-0AG GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT CURE Ire for bilisoro In snr Vr 1WW.I?-"-n?,0", pme Its power to nostror t,uslrs for tailiaoro In an ff.a'.s;rc,.v.7r hd Wrainwiinn 1 l..i ".. "'.? '. JUSllrr IMiM. YOU Will IH1 1. ' U-M-O If CO., urNew -vrk. IrastauiplH, aluo ruM'rUKHT.UlalNUl avawa-avaya..avavwW "V. V S ill '.avrata, and 'J rade-Marka obtained ond all Vul J --iit liijMnrsatondurtrd or Moockatc ftt. JcuOrricciOPPOiT U. B. PATiMTOrnet wc h- nr. f,tnii io kbi time luau tuuar ' ' irt'rlff (f urn Williiili"'. j Send m.dH. drawing or photo., trifh dr-tri j 'i'm. We r.-r. it paieniable or not. Irie of? . iurRfl, Our ftc nt due till patent la :urri, S A Pamphlet, to -',,in I'atenu," with 5-'rst iii h-iuc m'tlie V, ti. and iurciga countrica t rnt free. Adilreaa, 1C.A.SNOW&CO. - ......,. n r- Nrw ifrrt l.s-mHlr AbanlutHy I stkaowii to th liTtitf I I'm. I'fflti.tisinr !sa-i In IK Ijt MA il Ufa rfuni1 motif y if w n nfriir. Yoti ran tm trfwtMl at tmnu) for t hr m in Drlra tr?af with ttiomf who g rom i ii a;, Malt lia D L-J 0 i uu u r m nim titmn or pajr you liam l tf dim m, tu.m m,.A Inmntiili.HonTlinHit, WM rd NiMtl, J'ft-i.ii-riy r jfurnmm raiiina; out, NtM-otiilarr or 'I rrtlmry Cnsirtint I o cure Wo I rtumm arid challnnci caaaut fur. Iiuh (j" in .(.in or tb aMll'ls.i...t lrru"jf with uur si'lllLKNK and hara 600,00. rapital I hi ml mr umondltional Kiiamnum. Write iw for IAO-ai.ffa book arid abaalaU Br-ra. Adlr KMIH HrflKllV do., n tO .nn-wnklrnmlr, Illlnola. n'l th) aarna uamn nrefwr to roma hnr wa lliorn or par fiinrnas of rai iroin OlD)ltll.r,,ir Jl sural ur,. l..,ll,lfMll.lld I'Slna, Mueas. Patella's ltanplr.. 'o,M.r. elaM ai lor tiioh'.iij ii.irur I Is this I'rlai.'t, illnaxt Pslawn (list w IlllrlllllO IllllSt aillaSIS th.worlal firsa?se w Mlssst phrsteli Ntvrifl'J lc INTIlNTIttN 'lt IMI'IUIVU I'OM'MIIIA ANI AlaAMICDA AVICNUI'M. Nolhs Is luudiy jflvm Hint (hr Com ntiiit Cliuii'll pri piMn to liiipnive (iiim. hlit nvi'iiiin rt'ism Us Intnisnidloii with i elite,-- lino of (loud I reel lo nn Inter ns! Ion with Iho center llun i,f Aliittuxtn nveniie nnd Aliunistit svonilo from th eosl tliu, of Lincoln sliei'l In n Una ilrilV.ll flMIII I ho liiit-tllWrwl (bottler of ut 4 of hlm-K II, 'ruylm's Aslorlu, In ihn nuiliwent cuner of lot SU of him k I lit stitit Tuvloi-'s Anlorlii. H.ild ImproviMiiKiit In cousUt if driving s4les, J In eni li I.011I, with hcut lenters Ifi ft. .Usu i, tn the wlilih nf Jl ft , fisim cuiiimnliin wlih liotid inw Imprnv. nieiit, ot Its lulm-si-a-tlon tvlh roluinhu' ntl Tiiyliie nvniiuxs, to tho center of tVlniiilNi. s.vniie; tin 11, e nmihrrly nl.init Ihn cenler nf ilittitltit nveniie u the hllih WNttoi- iit-i It nnd plm-lnu Hieroon SIHim.Ms nud plniiklng thn sima. In he width .f tn fW with snuiut nr pUnk Jul Iim-Ii. tnl, I n Ineh niwrt, nnd from hlith wtitcr Hun sniillirily nli.n (lie P(,M. Ir of f'oliiml.lii ttvptuio tn Its center linn Int nwl Inn with ,-witer Hue nf AlsmnU nvetiue, nud Alnitmln nwnun IhriMirh Ihn center thereof, from the shim litis nf Lincoln M In n pot lit ()f lnterv. Ikm with n Htm itniwii the north, weaii '.itiirr nf l.i 4 nf M.m k It, Tsylnr's A l. n the laiitlliseai roriier nf lot V nf l.l..,k ? nf AS- tnrln. I.v sr.iilliitf 1 lie ainio in hn iNstnlil.slir.1 rrnilf, In the wld'h of JU fe mid plni-lmt theirnii atrltiRers nnd pknk. In an inn tho l,lt, f pt f,rl wm, (Ir plunk 3s IS liu lvrs nnd hy plnclim rull Itiirs thepnin shore nea-rsinrv Hnl.l ltiir iveiiinnt 1n ) ttmite n (da rpcliati nf Ihn Inn. la nloltlliis upain, sod Ji.idovot n, or nllirrwlsi, Imnentxt Ihisrsihy ns reapiirM ,y Hmi ehnrtrar of lh ttty of Adrls. Tim sihI rrmlara Uui wlileh thn stxa-tol nsaessmnnt shell levin) in daifrny thn -.t nf such lm priniineivi nnd Ihn dlatrlet ntnlirsced l her, In ami thr I.e. hi. ks nita pir.-el. of Innd to he nsfonoi ahull t,n known nlut d-filittiAtrd aia thn l"ntiilnlU nud All. mrln Itiipnivenipiii .ll.-H.-t Vn ;, Hnl.i dialrli-i Miilim.lnif .11I.I I... h'.i.-l.. snd irerla nf lailid In hn nrin f,,r sjld Inipr.n enirstt aliill ennala' nil die Isnds, Ints sod hlia-ka enihrnafst within Ihn f.i. Inntnir laniiid.irlen tnwlt: Ilnclnnlivf nt ttvn nnrthavisi corner of Int . nf l.l.a-k I. TavlnfS Aali.rtn. as Intd out nnd nvnnlnd hv lh, l'i-olniil liid nnd Trust CVajnpnny, thnrun we.t. erly acriais Clumhln nveuun nnd slung thn north tllm laf t.lm k S In tlm nnrlh ( enrtirr t,f let II nf su-l Id. irk S: them-n aanithna-ly ri-i ihn west linn nf al. M s tn thn snuthwnnt cvarnnr thrre. aif; til, 111 e sealrtlv atelm lllr cenler of audi hlia k S In thn nnrthwnst i-nrimr of kl M ttirrrnr Ihenee aaillthrrty lllntig thn west line nf fwJd tot V, across Al. mr.tit nvenun nikl l.ti the wmM line of tot i of l. k 14. in thn amittrw t eor. linr nf "Bid l-X 4 tlvroa-n rtistnriy nlnns north line of alley on v nnvnlng Ihrnurh hlix-ks 14 ium' 1 in tlin nithwni eomer of Int . if liha k 111: thnnnn ra4 alon nuiti linn f ant. 1 ,,( 4 to thn ..iiithnist enrnnr tlmrasif. Ihencn north slong rnal linn nf lata k tlf' nnd 1 to the northeast corner nt tl-k I: thnncn weal slons north linn nf snl.l t,ka-k 1 tn I tie north. east corner nf lot ( thnreaif: lliem-e north tn soiitli Nop of llnnd ntrrrn ; thence rst nlor.ff ttm aaalllh linn of II.mmI strnrl 10 Its lntrrm tlim with Pidnmlila svenns; theme southerly tn ilot nf tirjtinoliif rstttn.,ti-a of the riri ae of surd In- proven.rnts anal thn plana and spnclflesi llons Hiernfnr snd map of thn loralliy to ln linpri.vid wltt la. in thn otTlce f Ihn Auditor nnd 1'olli-n Judvn fur puli. He eviiiuluntlo i tiefore awtett Imprnvs. menf l ut1er:nken: tint at the tieil tneetlnij of thn (. riooi in C.nmi II after the llnnl pilhlli iittiin nf this nell.-n nf lm. pr ietnrnt. lo wl' ; fin Friday, IWrni. her 3. KT, il 1J1 ii'rl.s t p in, of anM ilnv. Ihn I tiiiii n fniini ll will ron..-r nnv ii!ij.i-t.nti to ait -h IrntiroveiiiiMit ln. lull in.Td". nnd If n rertii,iatiiini-e njtatuit SUell ImpMiVetni ll. alp tied ,y (he enad- hols of Hie elty ownlio! mure thiu ime. lolf of lheiro"TtV ti Ih- ilien"n III in ti diirlnt ns ile i in. ,1 hen in and In w hl.-li st-jil n-s 's-inieiii ,, h. leVleal ahull las filed Willi the A.lilltor llfld lolcn Jtlitifn liefnrn the !ltd fcstllsr tneetlnif laf tile ("iimUlotl Poinlell. tin such is-iark or tmpiMi "innn will laa. orer.-i1 exeepl tiv Hie tno-lhlnln vole nf till the tllelllliers of the I'lttmnotl Pounett elect. Ihite.l nl As'orln. rreirnn, t lit a J3 1 rtiy of N-'vetnle-r. Is'7 U F.. NFI.tOV. All'lltor nnd Pollen Judun. GO EAST . . VIA . . Library Car Route AMKRICA'H HCKNIC LINE. Meals. I)lnlni Cr Carte It IK.. Hitllast No Dust Ths all-rail route to Kootenai inlnln district, via Hesttle and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Iiine sTU St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago AND ALL, POINTH EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Library Obaerva- tton Cars. Daily Trains ...Fast Tltno 1 HKIlVICll AND HCKNHUV UNEAtiUKLKI) For ticket and full Information call on agent O. R. A N. Co. or address A. B. C. DENNI8TON, C. P. A T. A., Portland. Or R. C. 8TEVENS. O. W. P. A., BeatUs. Itlu J I. a nnn-ixilaenoii. ri'MK-flr fur limn.rf i,-u. J'liHit, Hparmalorrliiea. Valine, uniialural ,1,-. rh.ra-ra, er any Inllanuna tlnii. irriLalii.n . nl. -r. ler.aaol. aaauiM, n nf lu ll r n n niem- ItHlEvMlCrilMinilflr), lirate-a. Niiii Mold by lrais(laU, nr sent In plain wrapper, hy elprea. irepatlt. ,,r ai.i.i, ur a fHMIlea, f.7ft. Circular st-ut vn rt.ual. if iO 1 la-tt-VB.Vl CINCIMS4II.0