THK DAILY AST01UAN, FRIDAY MOttNINU, XOVKHNER 2, 11W7. . "V'i 1 V JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Teb-phon. No. 6. TKItH O' MlMrtritlt'l'ION. DAILY. Bent by mall, pT year 16.00 fltnl by mall, per month k Served by carrier, per monife to WEEKLY. Bunt by mall, P r year In adtanc..Tu.A I'OHUMf frva to aubaerllwra. All communication. Intond.-d for rubtt. cation should be dtrrctod to the idliar. Hustings communication, of all kind and remittance muat be addressed to "Th. A.torlaa." The, Aatorlnn vuaranua to I'l sub scriber, the birgwt circulation of any B.rsp.per published on the Columbia river. f Advertising rates oaa be had on appli cation to the busbies, manager. Tlw Weekly Aatorlan, the second aid. eit weekly In the naU of Otvgoo. has, next to the Portland Oragoalan, the largest weekly circulation In th siats. John F. Haodley Co. are our Portland agents, and copies of tho Aatorlan can be had every morning at their .:a,id, 12 Third street Mr. Bryan Is one man who doea not believe there Is too much politics in this country. Two years ago Coxy received 5175 votes) for governor, wbita this year his vote wns but 5K1. Mr. Coxey should or ganixe a new party. propose to submit to the legislatures, of the various stt.s this ' Inter. Ami tlie moft extraordinary provHon of the monsure Is that which would allow any crack-brained theorist or irlMti'tlo sil ver howU-r to register, leowre and draw poy therefor from the tuition fees of tlw students. Here Is that nvtlon of the bill; S.vtl.vt 1. That In the "IHo of the decrees of Voelu lir of s.-ler-o. ma.. 1 r of s'ien-e. uid do. lor i.ailoionhy In roinviiiio, poiUVii ;iiul o. -m-i, n -r fhiill n. 1 i;r.i:io.l by l--stiv.:;!o; s of l-M-iiii.f: eivt tin's.. hi n in the ".u-i ii.-v.t ,ir w rnv.t'.iv! to .li'eid thr el i-sojtj of uoh tirti;wio:it ins;nio:or may i iter for the work ,m'!,,1 f,,,. In die J nttainniont of i ho .iNvo.!.m.l d.-c:v.'s. ! mid who shall 1- ixvmifod lo tlw j courses in Ihe ui'on an or.Ml i (Vvtlnc Willi ilio Ii.i.'Iion enioloyt .1 hv j the Inww : the Institutions. hoivr. ; to he In naa;r- NMird to piv iiv h i txiohers only th-' pnjvi tio:i of the tut-j lion tVv due to oaoh 001110 , c!-on. j The students shall revive a orlit rounl I to that trfveii for like work under aj Miober employed hy the trustees. Ttie sehiie is an al-Mird one. hut that majies no difference to any man who lias such a laok of knoxrtedgv .is to h.Keve thtit any law decreeing; a ratio hween the prices of two products can tv made effective. The plan of flxlne prices by law. a w-oll as that of flxlns the com-i pnntttve value of legn ton.Vr coins, has been tried time and apain In the history of the -orld. and never could lv msde effective. To conii the tenchimr of swh delusions would be a crime atnilnst imollipcnce ami a sin .isuinst civfiiia. tion. We do not think any state legis lature will pass any such bill: hut the fact that a proposition Is actually made to do It s a shame to the ahole Amer ican people. Centuries ego. pecvl used to fenr what I they cnlled tlw pestilence. "Iki.-k Death" was the most tenihle thini; In ! the wr-jKd to thfm. They f.ximl It as of September of last yer simply aug- P1 nnw foar the cholera nnd yeilow ' fever. And yet there Is a thl-g th t The Increase In the post il rrceiprs of the country for this Svtmbcr over those Do YouJJse It? It's the K'st thing for the hair under all circiitustaiu-es. Just as no wan by taking thought can suUl an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be ilone is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Aycr's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. MARINE NEWS. TUe tatle for November. 1897 I intaTwATKa low wathk 1.TE A . f. M. A. M. menu the evidence piling up on all banc's to show a condition of In.-rvasei business. b.iulft. It. in ft.'ft. Ii.iii ft Monday.... 1 I, at ti iHV7 0 1-' .' .1 i ii..tiiv ? m ? k i in' i ' I i7 a ' cvmsos more misery unci nnre init.s Wistnsil v :i K.4ui'.i, SMtlil 1 07 1 7 .' ( than any of the? nine-tenths of 1 world Is iraceohie It is svi common that V"'- i ;-'! '"; Last year Kansas gave Bryan a plu rality of 13,i. The vote this year shows a republican guin of somlthing like 33, A On this year"s te every conpTrS siouiU district In the state went rvpab- Itcan. In SI counties tvpufclicans elected the entire tickets and a majority of the officers elected in 7S counties are repub licans. The republicans elected 7 county officers in the state while the pop. u lists elected 17 and the democrats six. Evidently the voters have had a taaie of prosperity. A good report may be ex pected from thai scale in the state and congressional elections next year. j Wtthout any disposition to underrate her efforts, or to detract hi the slightest degree from the praise o which Mrs. Lord is Justly entitled. It may be truth fully said that the credtt of the intro duction of the fiax growing Industry Into Oregon, If it is suocfully accomplish ed, may be fairly divided with some of Cfctfscp county's people. The As:or!an took this subject up at the in:an..e of Mrs. Dr. Adair, long before the Oregon ian thought about it. and it is lankly Kndiiv A lo in 7 .i in .urn i 117: J I 1 i. 1 nine-tenths of nil the sicknew in thv Saturday 6 in V 7 .11 11 i 7 1 4 , '.' I i,f It is merely ! J,1 -N A. 7 U S II , l0i ,t j 7 3 0 : .; 1. 7 ' 11 1' a: s:i"t 4 u s 0 : 1 .'i t 1 i Mill 117 The little help needed Is fumis'.iett by .Monday. ...l' Itt.rts 4 1' 6 10 'I ' 10 i I o Dr. Pier'. Past Peilets One Pil, 2?J. J .Ji'S J ' ' " Is a frentip taxatire and two a miM ci-1 Thunnluy 1 T T 2 7 . i c 4.' J u I ; . MIMIUIII ... V I .1, I." IP J .- ! that im;(e. oiMnmn thin? oon.tip.ton, I Tuw.jiv ... 9 ti 7 ;i( s $ ' t It makes people listless, cwuses diMlns. Jyy.o ; -J, hcnilaches. loss of appetite, loss of sleep, i Friday .. i J is 7 ; foul btvnth and distress 'atlng. 1 ) ' VertvM, Jidd, lip all, 1711" tons, Wl. aroo. tvnutru, rull.u-ton, ilr h, im tona IVi cdln, tV-toler U. Jacqura, llertiada, Fr bk, HOfl tons, Ma- junda. Indian Ihntdi-e, Alien, Hr bk, IMS tons, Valviralsv JiiplMer, Kimder, Dnn sh, b'M tons, Yo koliama, I'lioltustorvl. Thomson, lir bk, Il!7 totis, t'apo "1Smi, Ktolr J. thty (if Yii k, Jones, Pr sh, 1 tttT tons, Sd.iey. j Itliililorle, Maekny, l'r hk, l.v.Ti tons, ! IVai;,a li.iv, Mitembei' 4. ! Iloppott, Trk. Kus eh. t."'V tons. Tort Natal. September 3. j Miliirtdcs. Aylltig. Ur sh, HM ton, Mel. j roiirne, October 15. I Uuthrle. Vr s!i, ll.''i tons Yokotut ma. ! lloiteite. So-iiiaii, c!,r sh, ; ions. ' SiwtiKhal. UikeniKi, Itrndherlng, Ur bk. tons, Krocmnntle, Clan llobertson, PHI, Itr sh, 1M0 tons, Santa Homilla. ltrllNh tleneml, Thomas, Ur sh, Itai tons. NVwwisth-, Australia. Midas. Mi-ssvtmer, Hr Ik, l.V.;' t-n, NaKitMikl. llctrlekdale. Stewart. Ur sir, 7KS tons; YaJorl, trvwn, Ur sn, IBS tons. New.' owstle, Australia. Hornby Oasile. Ilrlitht. Ur sh, 1JTS tons, AAkUde. Dninurnlg, Johnson. Pr bk, ISM ton Adcailde, September W. Ttiotls. Oliver. 11. bk, UTW tons, Naga. iwkl. Ot-tolsrr 11. J.vnV.111 Hill. Walker, Pr bk. H7 tons. MelburiA rrt Oaledonln, Anton. Pr bk. S13C ti. N'nrnsakl. Ktntin-k. lVrrelle, Pr sir. ISS1 tivns Yokohama. titulw, Munrv. Pr str. 1?"8 tons, Yoko. but ma. Amarn, Kent, Pr s'r. tons. II'tfiK kotig. Alexander Plack. Putin. Pr bk. 13M totu. Ant"erp Watjeti. rrlts. tier sh, "079 tons, ltlog. Inl Slinftsleirv-, Cumilneluim, Pr sh. tons, Sydrwy. llrlstol. Molntyre, Pr str. 1771 tons. San Francls.o, Kmllle, Oltmann, Oer sh, 173S tons. Yo- kohnma. Look ! Havt you aeen It ? Tb b.w FlvtvCaot Plecs) of LPMPKR FI.KKT. t PIPER HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO (CMAMPAQNB FLAVOR) Increijed 40 per rent, in lite and Improved lo quality. Ask your tobacconist to show you one of the NEW plcte. the biggest bargain for the money you ever saw. Try it and b convinced. t tharttc. Once usol. nlwnys In favor i Friday Is s r, 7 V ." 1 1 V ! Sal unlay .11 V 11 7 si 10 1." 6 l I I'A 1 10 1.1 S I Ml la 7 ; .noiulay 11 mis If you are careless enough to let an nn scrupuWius druprlst seH you something T'uuv-j; "0 'UKti on which he mnkos more money, it Is Vediud' -.'4' U .' 7 i 1J i'. a .S your own fault if you do not get well. I"".-? ZU .1 it- 1 .';! Be sure and get Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Saturdav.:'?: s lj. 7 S 2 4J iviw. f-L'Xli.Y.i 4m 7 4! 3 3,-, s:t Monday ...i)' 4 V. 7 4l 4 M 7 ii Send H cents in one-cent stamps to ' Tuesday 40 7 3 5 47 s l: Hi 3 1 World's Dispensary Vertical Association. v- -r ., r,. r, MARINE NOTE 100S page "Common Sette Medical Ad viser." profusely fllusnraited. 4 m i 4 -i a 1 iu : s . u 0 4 IV.iO jo tt.;l 1 4 :c 3 i 7 la 1 .1 7 it 3 - s w I 1 S 11 3 &.V4 1 t 9 14 3 .1 S II IK .is 3 4 ID ) U U II 01 3 4 11 Ml) IS The Rrttish fU Wasdale ana l"ro vtnee left up for PorthtrKl yestenlay. ! Path robes are not reneraTtv crnsld- ered things of beauty, but ther con be American bark Ouklnnd. 38 days mule so if you are to Judge by one in , fram aul Pedro- "" ln -"rHy Hack and whiM. a perfrt Imitation of ermine lined throughout with pale hlue i 1 h Hntisn bnrk Hadihn Hail, wh at yjl laden for Europe, put to sai yestenLiy. OABTOniA. ; The British ship VVMU.un ' laden, arrived down from Portland y. s- tefluy. V-se! on the Way .nil ln Columbia HIvt to Load I.umlwr. I.nira May. llan'ii, s-hr. 131 tons. San Francisco, November 12. Letltia. Stakkobye, whr. 731 tons, Sun Pnitu-lsi-o. Novombej. 11 Tenklo Maru. Kaneko, Jap bk, 1H. tons. Yokohama. Tarn O'Slmntor. Patterton, bktn, Wi tons. Santa Rosalia. bin Schnauer, N'elison, seh, 13 tons. San Francisco. November IX ; Ttio i-rman shl) INru arid J I" off when ynur Pfiu'ger. whit laden, arrii'-iil down (mni C.OI.P KIKLPts OF ALASKA. The Ahiska Tniivisrtiitlon :md Develop, ment Co.. of CmVago. III., Capita. Five MP.Bon IVill:. Tills comixmy Is the lnrft, sironiret and lewt rqiiiiped tmnsMrtatlon and nwrv!umdL-i:ig itamKuiy in the A 1 .1 s lc tr-dd field. Three iurv and iwniulloiis stini shlrw wtll l-fte S.tittle Juno I. and reg ularly th.n 1 ft-r. carrying trnth fn-fs-trt and pas.ruTrs. T!ie. at.itiwr nre . Lilly fiit-l fi-j tin. I'.inv.-ni.-iwe ,f iitr.-r an, I are Sole Agents for Knox and Wauburton Hats BBBM.BBBBHSBlBBBBBBBslgSBM.BBBBBBBMM BUFFUM PEN DUET9N Hatters and Furnishers 94 Third Strcct PORTLAND, OR. ....The Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers.... To have a train mov foot has just touched the platform Is I'ortl.'itnl ywtteplny. due to tiie influence of 'this lady, and the ' infinitely p'.ermantr than to have It per. valiuiMe al-.n(- .vf r-,.i i f"rm In that way when you have a foot Th- st.-amers H.irrison ;ir Klmori on the station platform. Stokrtf, of this city, that the old world's ! attention was first attrncW to the mat- j HOW TO CCRE BILIOUS COLIC lm oirt for Tllkiirniok this mornlnic. weather i-nnlttlng. ter through the Stuarts, of Unburn. Ire. i mnu, nu 1 or a year p,tst na.iv o-n enr jyhig or. egrvneive experiments in urn-. Ing ana preparing flux in this county. The Oregon, for San Francisco, finistie.t ! I suffered for weeks with colic id adding freight nt tlv O. ii. S. .in k j pains ln my stomach caused by bllioun. and put to s -n at J o'clock ymPT.lhy. ! ness and had to take medicine all the I while until I -ised Chamberlain's Colic, Th Norwegian Kirk Ot.liflla. fr nn Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which f i'.amn. Sit-mW lit. arrive in yestr. The facr that the Porthand Ch;imler j cured me. I have since recommended It day afp-nuion an.1 1ll h aw up f..r of Commerce has uk-n ud the matie ' t( S0011 "any people. Poland tr.lny. of securing the e.tal)lishmi-nt of a fresh- I water naval station at the mouth of the ' MRS. F. BUTLER, Falrhaven. Conn. A two-masted schooii'T arrival In Liu Persons who are stibleet to bilious colic y -'-rduy evwdng but her name could Columtna, will be huiied with much sal- j ean ward off the attack by taking 'his not 1 b-anied. She is suitiS'-l to have isfaction by tlv- people of all sfvtiwis j remedy as soon as the first symptims Kori': to the Knuppton mill, of th- state who understand the advan. I "PP08'- SoM Pr? Co. tage and imporunoe of that proje-t. Th timr.ks of Aoria, esriecial' y. will (ro out : ANOTHER CRANK IDKA. Nollilng so strongly Illustrates the lack of exuet knowljdge among the de votees of the silvvr craze than the prop osition deliberately made by some of tlvm to force the teaching of their the ories In colleges and oth'-T limtitutlons of ndvanced learning. .They have drawn up a bill for that purpo-e which they OABTOniA. Til (Ur liBllt Sgsi "Th-re is no delay in pay days n'-w; th-re is no scrip payment to m"n for bitior, but oasn, and that cah is ea pool as gfId." Snator Hanrn, at Cin-clnnf-tl, O., O.. . 1HS7. Som? of the jitiid tif" worn with d irk cloth gowns look as though every f lor to Mr. C. H. Drstd and Captain Iie I In the raiabow had been utillzwl in their for their strong prei-nta:ion of th" 1 composition. question at laJJt V-lneslay-s c n''-rence between their organization and Messrs. Tor.guo anl EIHs. As Mr. Uodd says, this Is one of 'the mot important sub jects claiming the consideration of Ore gon's rpritatjvef at Washington, tnd the Astorian has repeatedly sought o secure their attention 10 It: hut so little heel is paid by th-fe. stated-men ito apiesijs (manatlng fpum Astoria or 10 the inllueuce of her citizens, exrfpt in things pertaining to 11k- distribution of offices, or the manipulation of deals involving tlie delivery ami roceiw of wtes in aid of political comMnuitions, thai lit haa heretofona been fourtd impos eR'le to miike the slightest Impression upon 'them. PerliJips 1th the aid of so powerful a factor as the Portland Cham ber of Commerce, the Oregon "delega tion" will now see the matter in a little Hffermt light; and if the right sort of pressure from both Portland and As toria la exerted after the adjournment of their fmal eletinga from the Portland bote! to Washington, some feeble effort may be made to induce an investigation on Ithe part of the navy department or the proper oommtttoes in congress which vlU reault in public apprecloltion the national importance of the subject c.-ipnM.. of currying m nu'h, our M..-niar ,ui.l fr-lirb! service on th.- Yukon r! .er will the l.t. Th-h:iiM:iiu- f m chants' fn-mht mad., a t--il :"y. We are tb.. company that irir.r.irit.--s prompt d-llv.-ry at Imwsh-i r-itv. We K'larin'. yo'i .1" suppW of fi ti TI. t tl Ife il'l.l ,..y ,irrV'l. "Hi.. -.1.1 s tll.Te. V'i'i ."Mini it;:v a mii'-h '-hanee as ,niv -r.n. 1 o y..u want to U- mo of our first? If so, write at urn c, securing passu-,. berth. fi'ip -j..., 1 ,) traiwitatl..ri off' r I the I,.-! r:,.A- u-r..r the public. S-11.I for free ,,, f The ,v(a ..w, and f..r our i;i off. r. In.-id'-a- teinsiK.r'.itlon in the Klondike mil fo for ..r,,. year f.T lx h'iri.'.l .!.',r TJiis wili interest e,,, if .i,1 p,,.n, ,,. Iiiir: If not. our -'o. k off.-r -bould Inf. r. " '"' y "lion d fa ni- .-me of eijr .fit kV,',l.-. t j A I'.inl'.l .''mount of iroek bus bn. The following vessels are bound to the.luen ns-'irn"! to the we.oeni ;ewv for' Columbia River, with name of master, 1 sal PUPILS RECEIVED IN THE PRIMARY. I GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC ORADES THE SISTtRS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. II V K 1 il'I'.N Kl I IKIlt Ilii.MtHIMl A.S'lJ j PAV xlbsil.. I For rates, etc.. address the 8uprlore. I 1NMTHU- MENTAI. MU8IC. PAINTING AND VOICK CULTURE roRM A 81'RCIAL DEPARTMENT Astoria Public Library RKAD1N0 nOOM mil TO 0M-n vry day rrom I o'clock lo t.M and 6,10 lo 1:10 p. m. Bubsorlpllon rain. M .r annum. H, W, Cor. Kim an 1 h and iguana Ktreeta. Hiii uiii nun r'i"ti"ii rmmlr fur llnii"ttla, I'IihiI, H i r 111 1 ur 1 hir , M lill,m, 11 1 11 m 1 a I till. Hiim, er ttiir ililUnilu. lien, lirluil'iii er tilmi. Hull lf III II I' it II lllnlu. IHlLftmOMIU Oll Do. '" NM airlnvul, i .(,.1111 rf M k IH-n.aUU. er iil In UIll wrowr. II III, el i IhiIIIi. ti ill. I'lri'iiUr wui iiu rvuaai. Reading or Distance Glasses I 00 ICy tllaiMsn. for u , or 13 00 Hyw (IIojuho for 11.71 Warranted Hold I'latcd Krsinea. Mako your friend a Iwaullful nd uaa. fill irtcnt. Wo guarantee a psrfeol lit br mail providing wlwn you onto lh (liminHi you answer the following qutsv lions: How old ICvcr umhI glaaMaT Mow lon.r Mnl. or fomobiT (li:i) MAYKIU.K, Kuwrt tiptlclan, V Third .treol. flan Knnolao. (Vpti'liin and Photographic fluppll. f llltoMHI'M m. m im miMi( Lfci 1' MiNtuI 1 , WimiinaV. Jdney Plht'' 1 Has iu fiiual lu dlM'nx's of tlioi I 1 ICIilui'VH I. i liiiu v tii omn. Uuvo l.voit noglovti'iJ your KUIticysif llnvn' ' viu ovorwoiUnl ymir iicrvoua ays-i gy tciii mni cauiHMi 11-iiiiiiiu n un j-uiir J fKi'iucvi nun iiiiKiiicii- navo ynuw pallia In the lulim, side, lim k, grolin A mnl bludilcr? Ilnvo you a llabby r- H'iiruiic of tlm fuiv, pHHunlly under tlm even? Tim f rcnni'iit tl M . I. ..-l'.... 1 tl'llll l.'l.l..HM f'oio n. in 1111' .1 iiuniii n i 1011. -j fills will iiiiiuirl n.-wllfo 1.1 tlio,ll rii'- il urgnns, Itiuo up tlio nynteltl A m mnl tiiaUo 11 now mnu of you. !y loilll .Ml ....liffrf luife AW J vYii.uau Mm. Til., Pmi. (loveland. U M Kor sal. by lies-t'oiiii Drug (V. lyjoiAic 1 1 I ' ' ' "oikr I t., U. M. . : ti. -i . . m '-j Mi: x; 1: fr u r a VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. t ,v 35 it t-- if fl i-r ffvrir-'. A nrrm wm;in Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEl' Mr:i Count OREGON This Is Just th. plars for your boya h-IIKlnful o: Ion, Inrgn biilldln.s ami round, irood meals, plenty of healthy nend.. Hrellonl tearhers and c- iruliilni;- this Is what lliey all say of MT. ANflKI. COM.KaK. Bond for CaU sli'Kiie and sieelal term. . P. F.-.PLACIDUS. Director. ra-.lonailty, rig, tonnage, wlmre from of -iii-.:i n 1 has ih. -am .iK,rnin:f-. and da.e of reported rallk.g: as a rl"h i-rn. If vou .mud en u t Hyson, Hogg, Br str, 279 tons, Honu-: Anck.-i nothing -ilioiild pr.-i rit yon lu-lngi Caison, Br str, ICS tons a profit. iV. Hliarebolibr. fi'ir rorn,any Is rorrioel rf m.-n o' frl.f bu.sifies reputations, some of whom kong.,rd, Yok'jfiama. Uorge Stetson, Murphy, Am eh, 17M .urn tin: following: tons, Baltimore, August t. H0.1. W. v.. Matom, I Linlithgowshire. Anderson. Br sh. 1357 , Tillriols H. S. n itor from Mr. N. N. Osburn, well known at ; Woodstock, Mich., was troubled with lame baok. He was persuaded to use j Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It gave him ! relief tn one night This remedy Is also famous for H. cures of rheumatism. For , rale by Eetes-Conn Drug Company. The sound of running water in vrfoun tulm is ae good as an alarm clock to the woman 1n a hotel who has left her watch at home. ITCHING SKIM fiPtSDT Ccr. Tsr atbbvt for tortarlnpr. ll"fl(f Clnt?. Hrliinif. Itt;rnlriir, And m:y t ktn n1 rlp diekv4 Willi Iom or Uair. Warm baths witM.c Tict'B txAr, iffiitie Hipiiratlofi of (JL'tici'ma ointmef. nt lull doa-t of Cuticcia Kfhni, Tsmt, gretueal m b'.ooa purlLera au'i humor curei ffltlcura t. anlil lbrKi7hmil lh world. PoTTIS j-HCii V"m .it'-v. mr " Jew b Curt luhinr Hkio DiMMtifrt. RED ROUGH HANDrtl--..4 tons, Antwerp, July 28. Drumburton, Spurring, Er bk, 1773 tons, Sanfcfea, July 8. Annlcy, Ewart, Br .h, IK1 tons, Car diff, May 8. Cambrian King, Hansen, Br sh, 1G38 tons, Shanghai. Dovenby Hall, Whlckhim, Br ah, 183! tons, Liverpool Ben Voirilch, Abler, Or h, Uffl tons. I Santa Rosalia, j Springburn, Rae, Br bk, 2&ti tons, Cape I Town, Septomber 29. I Durbrldge. McLauchlao, Br sh, 2121 tor, Table Bay, September 17. Poltalloch, McLeod, Br bk, 2139 tons. Table Eay. Otago, Eek, Swd bk, 970 ton., Ham burg. Dund-e, .Tarvls, Br ah, IS98 tona, Hlogo. Conway Castle, Jones, Br sh, 1281 tona, Valparaiso. Mlltonpaxk, Tumllty, Br sh, 1394 tona, Acapvlco. Commonwealth, Anderson, Br Btr, 2183 ton., Taku. Vaxiduara, BeavaJi, Br bk, 1318 tons, Algoa Bay. Te nkal, Ing, Br utr, 3016 tons, Hong konir. Onpark, Irish, Br h, 1799 tor.s, Hlo Janeiro, August 79. Ob-nhank, Inard, Br bk, 1359 tons, -lletltta. rierevleve, Toiiee, Fr bk, 987 tons, Hai phong, Octobr 21. Oal?r,rm r"asfl, Mihon, Br bk, 17)7 w. Tibie Bay, AiJIT'ist 30. Henry Vlllard. Paffett, Am rh, 1475 ' ts. New York. October If OWon, Gully, Br bk, lnf4 tons, Newcastle, Australia, October 8. All-rt r. nut iin-'Ment V ii Blaiz Brewing Kimimiiy. MllH-.-nike... W. ('. ItinearHori. ireni-al pieriprr ng'-nt ('. N. O. A T. P. I?. R., Clnr Jnnnil. P, W. "Irilflrh. prel.enr cino Natlomil Bank. Vbkuburv. Mins. J. Ti. T-(rnnrd, capit.-, nt, I.eirrifird building, (lil'-ago. Frank If. Hwhf, of Cruirlo. Kacntner Sr Co.. f'blcago. D. O. Kdward', nnmeriger traffic, mana. g-r. C. 11. A T. R. R Om-lnnntl. fn.iLrVs 11. Rockwefl, traffic mnxiag'-r, C. I. & T,. r. R. fMonon Rwite), Chicago. T. 11. Vmtiir, FoOTla nnd Vicksburg, MIhs. J. M. WWp. hler First NalJowil Bank, Vi'ksburg, Miss. For InfoTmatl'm nddrcxs nfid make all money payable to W. T DTJDIET, grn ertil flgent, Haller building, Seattle, Wash. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monm oH 10 nan A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS HeiPii ir Nnrmiil t'oncMr of Him. yrsw. n'ir I'm wholly prut, ss uiisl. . 'I r.inmiK ii'mninru4 of ni e Kisdes with Jnn i'ti'.ilriii. Iiiiir'u tloti mid u.ilu 11 k 111 liyiium.llrii (swnllili Kin , tn.l Vim s' M"tV hr public M'k"id 1 1"' Normal dlilaiit In reroxnKuJ by Inw as TATI l.ll OKIUIFII A U to tench. 1 islil I'liM-nts. tuil toll. Iiuokt, tMMid Slid IwltflliK (Hp proj. lnit-l y 1. Il.t'iiu iir tnr. Hiiuli at. Iiinir'l w tbeniM'lvi'ii, lllu IK) pnr )er Arsiltwiilc Kriidi iis'c'ti'il from blsh hcIiimiIs. t itain(iiH i beornilly uriil on Kvpllmtluii. AJtlfUM I'. L. CA.MWIH.1,1,,, or W. A. WANN, Hccretiiry Kicully. oiveh ciioicb or -2- Transcontinental KOUTI-5. Via Spokane and St. Paal Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha op Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Ci.: Astoria to San Franalsso. HUto of CNkllforiixi, WnluoaJay, Oo- tolwf St. (-"lunil.U. Mmuiay, tKauber . HLats of OUtfornln. HatuMsy, tjulutiw M. fVilumhl. Thurlny. November I Hints of (itlfnrnla. TiiMklay, Novm lxr I. t'olumliln. 8un4y. November 14 Hist of Ollfornl.. Friday, Nnvnmlwt i. Columbia.' Wndimvlay. Noromlr M Btnto of f?iltfornlii, M'Midsy, NovMn ber 8. For rat, antf (.n.rat ramnaatliM m,' on ar addrea. O W. I-OtTNHIIERRT. AfMl W. II. H rjlU.Hl'RT. Osn. P... At., Portland. Or. GO BAST . .'VIA ... UDrary CaT Ttmtt AilF.IUCA'K fk.-K.VK: LINE. Meals I. I)inini It'K-k lljlltlt Duil I'cuucrmts grow more mjrate ss gowns more sombr. an worn. UDICAL 111 mruT liuni m Oil TB To Any Reliable Man. M arret our Np'lUnc and one m'nlh' rem(Hlif O' rr p .wi-r wn tm wt n linn, vul "tit m,j olmnrc piymuf. ty Um f.rfimmi uipnjr m u)W Wr.rt In tl t.;-iO "t,; ut rii-fi ttr',K;j, di. &,urmi-4 from trT:t of ei (, w-rrr, utt. W"rK, A'r. l);i;.pjr nmrrl w HMuri0. rum lrt tva. X'trmuiTi tff rii.vff,p-rj'-ri. of nil r-'tU't riii(iMifinii, in I una ot tut! f,if.:r n limlf-ij. fit r, o it. -rhr-fnM; ni dm ttr ii-n. A'' '! CDic MFntnii rn 64 Niagara sr.. blllb t!t.;f L'tli. bUi, iUI . At -"ALU, N.Y. MAUHOOD RESTOREDSS a UanalalammMrrancli pbraii-tan. sslu qulcklyrauayminf sltiirr. . . r'v "L.'iiiiii'.iriH'ni'i innpr IiiMMiiiiia.i'aliislnUallw.Hmiihwl KmUslnna. Msrvmis jMrfiUlt Puupis, VnOlriMi to Msrry, Ku.niiii.( UrstM, VrliMl anft Luiutiniitlrin. II slurp ail luwi by rtsy or nl.M. Prnvsiils oiik k OMsul itlacliarxn, wlilch If nulaharWwl 1 m1 11 tn9lnrnilorrWf nil BCFORC ABB A FTTH . hirronf laipoMnof. Cf I nra r, iHsms. U ttsr, Ui. kkliwrsand thsurinsryorssnsiilaUiinDaitttaa,,.,. iuulmw Tli irruM sulTsrvra sr sotrounn by iMirtnr la Imw nkwtr twr OTfit ar. trmMad wtik PraaiBtlils. CflFMiKNEIi tliofiir niwn rmdy toourwlihootjiormU(in. KiwiMiilmnnt 1 A wrltlojriirani. tvB s4 niuriny rnnmrt If sii Imm dors nol stfacl a par wadui't aura Waboi,sHtV,r.MB,brmIL moil for raaaclmiUrarKl llttoDhus. Addnas0AVOInBDICUIBCOnI,OlBoxarrkMrrauakcaM ibrMstf CHA8 JIOOER8, AM Commarclal BtrMt 'c'avran, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat J'-ni buiinTMcorilie-td ff MODKRSVC Fee. OusOrncci.Osso.iTC U.S. Patint Orricf .mil dcuniri hi e pmrnt ia icu timo tliaa lhue 'remoti! irnin wainiiivion. 0 Send rmxlrl, drawinK or photo., with drirrip innn. We S'Ivim;, if iialrritaMe or not, free ot i liarjfc. Our fte net Hue till iialent it terurrd, f A Psmphlct, " li"W to OI1U111 i'utenla," with .est el Mine in the U. S. and foreign coualrici Jrnt bee. Aililrru, , C.A.SNOW&CO. hrw HtN'grt limed f AlMolMtftly UnhMwa to th profMrMr"!). lriajn-ut OmrM In 16 to U rly. We rvfunil nionny if wo ! n"t fiirw. You rn b trrtatMl at Home tor i hmm prira MM WIIQ lOOrk m will on tract to eu com In g, nr hot") Mah bo w fall to 70a ItftVil UkM wt-r-. mi nave tv'iifs and In rri'iiKh, MnmThrfHii, Id Mnota. I'Jfwraonaiiv .ytbrnmm fniUng out, Hmoiitlnrr or '1 rrtJurj gumrunl' lortir We trtacnnrl cliullrnci fMHItUl I'Hrtl. 'iliut 111" ine aklll or tb mm mi I and ttia aune fiiarai' prefer to come liei e we iiitn or paX eiiwnM of rai iroan Bs k 1 D,l," U BHtJoura. ff urr. liMlidniMitnelk-ind pnlm, Muraui latcht I'lmplf-ai'upprM'elor irtof theotKlv ,lalrr It l thli Frlmatrr, tno4 I'otsHiti UiAt wa -oiifltthn ftiont obelln tht iriirld ftr rac it a rwiHi liait alwmyMbaalr4 niaiir virN weliavtA aV.a)aMiiiiiiln a niM-cIaltv of trratintf thi ilinaaa wiib our VrlllLFNK and wa nlieit phrelt'lajia. liava a)50U.noo ranlfal thlnd our uiK-ondlllonal ITuarmnUw. WrfUius t.,r 1 AO.pHKi btntk and boll pnotk. Addrnee 4HH MFIKIfV t it., ft't JHMaonlo IVmplft, 4'hl'uai Illlnnla. Tht all-mil rout to KootnnM mlolnc dlaUrlct, vU Seattle and 8pkarj Shortest and Quickest Itine it). St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS BAST Through Palace and Tourist Blitspert, and LJhary Obtmrtr- Hon Cart. Dally TroltiH ...Fast Time 1 8KKVIC& AND HI.'KNKKY UNEAQUELRD For ticket, and full Information nail on agoal O. R. A N. Co. or axVlraM A. B. C. DENNI8TON. C. P. & T. A.. Portland. Or. R. C. BTEVEN8. O. W. P. A., Seattle A. & C. R. R. R. TIME CARD In KITcd Oct. 25, 1N17. Laav. Seaside for Astoria via Flam at 7:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. dally. Leave Astoria for Seaside via Flay at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally. All the Above Trail Arc Daily.