TI1K DAILY ASTOKIAN, WKIttiKSIUY MORNINU, XOVKMttKIl 21, 18J7. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. W. tkiims m i:uii'riN. DAILY. Sent by malt, per year $. gent by mall, per month ttf Served by carrier, per monife ) WEEKLY. aait by malt, pel' year In advance. Postage froe to subacrlbcr. .n.w All communication Intended for publi cation should be directed to the idlier. Business communications o( all kinds Jul remit tnjtcea must be addressed to "Tli Astorlao." The AstorUn ruaruiU1 to it a auo- trribiMrs the litrgvwt circulation of any ewspaper published oo the Columbia river. , Advertising rates can be had oo appli cation to the business maaafvr. The Weekly Aslorlan, the second eld. est weekly In the state of Oregon, baa. text to the Portland Orerotlao. the larteet weekly circulation In the state. John F. Mandley Co. are our Portland events, and copies of toe Astorlan can he had every mornlnj at their i;a-wl, Ki Third street Gt-nenU Baui Itn.la tint Weylop lm rluvJ Ouh to a wrotchei remnant. The SjhuiIsIi army on the Isbunl is but a ehadow of the host sent to Weylr. Iwiihw are ttrnouvtuM rus nnnrchlsts, and tho sawn niiil on.i.ms on w ill, h 1 fcml the c'.olrtrtitl.n of vloty Into hlirhrr ami lowvr mm nro npiillc.t nvlih ever. InriMKlng seventy." Till", of course, t the nrtnK of it lil.irln-rsklto. N one over flixusl labor oivls.ttlo!U with criminal ciinspliMi'b''. Na tv cvor calbxl suoh labor .ii.br .is SarKnit, Ar thur nl llnmii 'm itvlils;s. IVIw ami Sovwlitn aiv .ui. troll Is . imb's :) illc. tinmiry definition of t 10 word itn.iivhll H astr.iy. llawlly t ti lvbs. ami Sov ercljsn wlor of men are far In the minor. Ity among: tho Inbor UviiVrs. FASCINATING CALVE. The Greatest Singer of the Day Acknowledges Her Indebtedness to Paine's Celery Compound. In loYotnir ttoneril Mister Workman eVwenKn ihe Knlirbts of liilwr idwnt the country's plautO:. Sovnvlun was tnit the Utthtivn .inl chonvt dvtmi. Kouo ho w.ts over tlirus; Into it nsl- tion of prominence In the I'liltiM S:iul. j The, wonder 1 that he was aliened to j hoM hi rmsriion sso lenK. Purlng the jxisi two or t!n yir tvlstK-o. uml n. the! Interest. of Ms omler. iitwnred to the public to have lnvn tit principle con- j cern. tuxl the politics which he advocated i wtea boul the mont recklcs and extrnv. aant which the country has hvul during j this perKxl. In conuxirison wk:h 9ovr- e4rn, Stmpsvn arM "O'done" I"als were I statesmen of conservatism and Uilance. ' The Knltrhto wvnrij have headed off a rood del of rVHculo for their order If , thy trad ntHtxh.xl Soverelitn irlir. It l plain that trinj.Vi's visltlnit s.at . ! nwn are wvl plci.oed wi'.h the re.-;tlon , Iven to thnt ly the admitustr.itlon at Vashlnc-in. A I r-'irt s nt.'.u. of foreign cxumtri.w who conic hciV n any i fri tally mfcwion ir i'.iKk;y placed la a! km mm m t 1 - Ciir-j6W will find no reason to regret Its. recent turlrt wtk. when It comes to-j'tW l-'iM Ahbu S.rth.T In IV.-ombw. Th treckoury re-! ln 1i- !0 ""' ciK8 under the now law have now j NMm.lury settlement nu lied such a fiS'ir,; that r. Is ierfivUy j tradition, was ch-irm jlurent that the measure I going to ( h, rceiv-d frvnn be . success ns & revenue produce r. The j ,ar' "f Sl-,:'- ""d s-ttd .i nil ncn of the nresont month are run-!,ht bort rime lie p.t.- nln at Ue average rate of a million JoU i "- nV the hJI'li-' l r-l- of his l.u-3 fur each business day. and when the ton. who heU nnh.atern ;riity of ex- ; the lritmnl j , then Seore :" er.iirl thnt I in V.ihim::or) the itt.l . -1 ly 'IWt.T, RrronTfR "That politlcita wouldat talk to me. !! refuted to open In mouth." City Kuitor ."Why diiln'i you offer him a chew o( riper HeMiteck f Th4t would open it." m v ' -.." r. . If ' 1 . oflKsil life. "Your reiul!k-ati xe u:lve." Ihnmi lUve has att lii'.e.l a sueeess i:.e .'f the jiipM i-ts "T the h.sititi. ui.l r-lei!te.l in tht ni'iials f .:ne art mokliiK Mi.itltilic f r i'i" c lerv 1 1 reptilt the ftory of her ttiuuipli tniMtinl is the r.ipld In. !.im' !n wiltht Is m-lli-s. Her superh voice, her fasol- at..l the iihr as. d ru ldineis of hi "d ih.it ef foreign wool, suk&t, and manufactures j Jro presenttM to President Jackson ,)ltt,rnI half-oriental .lancw. her c ir. , invariably follows fs ise. It clears the n.w ill th country hive been consumed. In th oorty V. ' Is th- llixst trentleman ewins B'siun'!. h-r Mack ey. s. -kin. inakis l lie i-xcretor. par;f:nt Is rwUixed. the revenue will be amnle I ever aiw." Tncle Sam kitow how to lrrusttll. 1 t 5 Tipcr Ikidsieck Plug Tobacco is the chew for every one who wants the beat. Ask for the Large New rive-Cent Piece of PIPER HEIDSIECK I PLUG TOBACCO CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) i I I Increase whtoh will come after the stocks j tlxfm'l an Ene'.-.sh la.ly of disttmtion to merit the running expenses and restore some of the kwsee sustained under the WUeon law. The Imports Of linen joods from Eng land were only 2,S.'l.fttr ytards In Septem ber. Its., against b.OST.000 yards In Sep tember. 1SV; the Importation of Jute piece goods In September, IW. -as 6. SllfiO against S.l.4tfl In September. isa5-, that of silk broad stuffs 4,202 yards agains-t 9.Si3 ln September of last yeir; that of woolen tissue 22.!J yards agulnst CSO.OtiO. that of worsted tissues ill.) agwlnst 1.431,000, and that of woolen car pets .SO0 yards agislnst 4T.X in the cor responding month of last year. Xo won der our Englisto friends do not .ike the tariff of the Dlngley law. and no wonder thejt the law Is popular with our mar u- facturers and their employees. The change In public sentlmit regwrd Ing Cuba end the CuUm question dur- muke the stnuigr within his gates fHl at home. MARINE NEWS. TiJe table for November. 1897 l Hll.H "WAT KK LOWWATKk" DATE A M. V. Ji. M. P. M. h.in , ft. h.m ft. h.tn'ft. h.m ft Montlav.... I ti. ii ' 7 l U i .i n 'I ueselitV ... 7 I'M 6 t 7 tr i ill'! I l 47 3 2 Weillld' V :t r t s ititi d 2 07! I 7 - l ti 7 Thunwlav. 4 J27l. s- j S.VJJJ Krulay 5 io lu 7 j lu M 7 v 4 t!7i .' I 4 l i Saturday . 6 lO.ViTy It 4u7 l 4 l 2 -I ;ei sl'MiAV. 7U:t4i; I St-t 2 6MOI Mi. inlay ... u -M 7 t l.' 8 -i ti i i 6 l u I I'uexUiy ... I 0", 7 3, 12 2 7 i a - 7 2Je5 WvtliiMl'vlO 142 7-ii 10-si 7H :tti 7 0 0 Thunvday.il. 2 17 7 0i - 1 34 su l3 7 :40l Friday . . 12 2 41 7 0i 2 o'' 7 k s 27 4 0 s -' 0 .' fsitiirdav ..I 3 A'' 2 : 7 ii 9UI44 Sf.'4t)4 SIX1IAV.H 4)ijj SI7 7 2 9 44 41 100107 Monday... 1A. 4 4Hg iinHf 10 H 4 :; 10 Is 1 0 Tueday...l 5:n Sw4 II 12 10 II 4 1 i Wediml 17 63470 6261 il2:a 3S Thurnday lsi 7 X) 7 2: 7 V 6 Friday ID s 27 7 9 On 6 . Saliirtlav 'It 9 i T irt I A u SL'MIAV.-'I 10 13- I 11 13 7 2 .MiMlilav .22 II li Tuesday.. i'. 0 07 7 II 12 9 2 Welnd 24 U 7 6 12 2 9 .1 ,Thurdav..J.ii I 4. 7 7 I l tt -"i Krlilav 2 3-.' 7 7' 1 :s 9 ing the past few months is very strongly , -situnlav .7 I- 7 2 ij s 9 M NKtY.2 4.4; ( marked. A short time ago. the man who: Monday, v-e 4 7 4' 4.ti 7 6 ttl , , . , , ! Tn. vlnv ., :a .', ) 7 3 5 l7'l-'lJi' expressed a doubt cbout the propriety of! - tntfer:nce on the part of the I'nr.ed i States in Cuban matters was loudly rte-j not.ncfd by members of all parties. To-; day auch a level-headed conservative 1 man is CkmgM-stnan Hopkins, of I.liii' is, I ailvl-'s neotralicy. and is cordially com-1 f"r TI .aim I livhth'eise. mirth th.v.'. tind IndeacrlUiWo sorruitlung more, the indesrltwhlo something men'. iqi 'the ilazsilng personation !y which tho nrtist has made her iwime f.moiis In every piirt of the wopH. ihT marvelous artist temi-rament lias made her a grtit actpw. but this brlnus Its own price, and ns gnut hearts know great griefs, great temperaments rnn-t kn w great amvus strain, consequently there are perllsi of nervous protr-t-tlen ami wifltltnbsl emragements when Imputient ftiidlences are apt to forcW these extenuating iHn-irmstan.-es. ".ilve')i atxute rella''i in P.ilr.e's celery mmnminil nf all smh llme of 1'.w nervous energy npeors In 'the following bntert Iloston. Mass.. March. 1!C. , I am convlrieel thai Palne's celery comprtund Is the gTeeytpst neire strengih- ener trmt can be otrtlnetl. I can vouch j for Its wondprftd health-giving power. EMMA fAI.VE. 1 ETery great chnngi for the wnre In I hen'Jth Is tn most cases at once t trnyed j by a loss of weight ami .1 pin.-h'-d thin-: 1 'i0 2 9 W 2 1 S -.7 1 1 4 il 0 .1 M2 0 4 7'it'iJ nm,f of " ,h, ""'er hand, a r m..t U 42 2 0 1 V 2 4 2 7 4 0i 2H .".1W 2 9 I s) 3 0 1 t7 3S 213.' siKI I gni.- in weigyt. up to n crt.iln point, jjj Snoii bnnd 1n bond with an lmprov-.ne.it ' 4 lu a 0 in all other esse-Mi.i's if he ilth. and nr.- 4 II. DOS ;1j,jy Jn impno-iTTii-nt l:i Ho ,.r md nmounC of the 1oo th' fun.-tleiis. rfirni"l hy the bnwei. make kidneys anl skin, regular an. I li'irouah. makej The ImprON moiit In looks f.iin t.iktn this gnat r-tiH.iti- Is ml a mere ini. ter of lute mnlty. but the slun of he.il n. i-r vro-'sa.-s all ove the body. Many a p.irent, wif ind hu-l'atid h.ixe w.,'!'1!!-.! with growing sur,i--e nii'l Joy s itie list-l-ss, while. til .e 1, f,..,e r, ln'.ve ;.ilii. Ing, UIldiT the help of I' line's celerv c iii'uml. lb h, (ol r ind wholes. mi", n" of mtnd and l l'. Not only '.s ilier- ,, ."l.. s,iin in tr:e general heaph fioin lh- in.- of I'.ilne- r-'ltn irnijeir.l hut s-i. h dNrde.-s as sl. k Iwiidacii. s. rheum iH int. nnir I'gla. kl'liny di"is" anl nervous b-hliiiy In. v..riilly yl.M to the vigorous building up nf the he ilth that thl great nm-dy never rails tn bri.nr uUnit. Irtrrxi-sel app-tltc. ready capi-lty to dlgert food and the flmil cure nf stomach disorder, howe! dllTlciiltUs and nep ous deningem -nt foll'mr th' Pf Pj'ne c1Ty nmii'jti.I. As u rudi'.t man Insiiies his housf utalnwt a contingency of (Ire, however so peri. ins feeling "run d"Wn" MARINE NOTJC3. and tlr.l :ihoiild lake prc-Minl ms agilu-t ilius hr-uking down in Iw ilih hv blllldit.g UI ,e."ri'lv .hi- stpoill! ,in. vU.r .f the -ntlre sy:irn l.y in- irs nf 1'. line's eelry '"init.iun 1. Sole Agents for Knox and Wanburton Hats BUFFUM DLET?N Hatters and Ftirnishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. .Tne Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers. PUPILS RECEIVED IN THE PKIMAKY. GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC OUADE8 J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. II tF. uPK.NFI' TH Kilt IIO.MlliINd A Nil Ii.W K'lliMll.. For rntes, etc.. address th. 8uperloress INSTRU MENTAL) ML'BIO, I'AINTINO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Th OlumU.T'. will r Oriy's har's-. The Maiiz:.ni-i, 'A ii! k rK'k to by the Sending papers of the ln his expressions on this sub- raenJed " "' I The Kinros-shir.. w. js-t, when he says: "My opinion alsiut tn,. i,,w,r n irH,r --,! Cuba is that, un".es we are ,ibs-,l;i-ely to going to s.-a. coni.eJKs to interiere from motive of' humanit-, it were better for us to main tain an attitude of ti-utrality. ' 1 A four m.-'Kteil ship . mii.ste.1 ship and a Htrk ; tbi nvwh of the riv-r. today t t.!iy iipi'li'-s In the "Wn to 1 rt'orv three '1 off Soereign, In his last will and tesna-j ment to the Knights of Labor who de-1 posed him. said "labor orgrmlzi tions are c'.a.s.-l with -ri.ninai conspiracies, labor Tne lumlrf-r t-hxner fiw-ipl P;irkf, Ctn-ti-iin Janson, from San Fnn-isfO, In li".ist arrived in V'-stplty. T'.e f.r)li-i -!.ip II 1 I I'rtthard, jvirh tl.'2" 1 '.eillJ'-d ll.t iio;t ye'.-r'hiv. Th.- '-irk-,r !.. I.--Frr.n'-l-K. :m i'.i!'. i.-t. t.i V ,ifi-T!i s.n at,d wl'l K:t:'l.;c.,n mill. 1 H ' ip'-iin w?i' n t SprmglMirn. R.ie, Hr hk. 1.' Town, Sejt'-m1-r 2'. Durhridge. MoInuchlan, V,r sh. Z'.'il tor.s. Table Bay, Septemlr 17. Poltalloch, Mclx-od, Br hk. ;'9 tons. Table Day. Ophf-iia, Sorenson, Nor bk, 11 tot s, Panama. Otago, Etk. Swd hk. j;o t .n. H..m-b-;rg. Ij-and--?, Jarvls, l:r sh, l'S tor.s, Hlogo. Co-.way Caft.e, Jones, I:r 131 tons, Valparaiso. ! Mdtor.park, Tumilty, Br sh, 14 tons, Acapulco. i Commonwealth, And'-ron. i:r --'r. tons, Taku. Vanduara, F!avan, Br IV, tor.s, A'iroa Ray. T-er,k..i. Long. I'.r str, ;'; ,,,, il .t:,-. kons. lir sh 21:7 tons.! Ipr I." tons. tons. l'..rt I Mel.! tons. tons, I"'''' "J. Br hit. I'.io 11 ,i- Jtr 'I1!. V J 't Yoko h Ml k, !7r Arn sh, 1175 ip MoK'll. flo M'f-i' is out iky. I., k-l 117 n. el p. for VI Th" VE.'SKIS BOUND TO ASTORIA. Fifty Years Ago. This it the way It was bound to look When grandfather had his "pictpr took." These were the shadows cast before The coming of Conjurer Uagucrre And his art; like a girl in a piirifore Some day to bloom to a goddess lair. Men certainly were not as black, we know As they pictured them, 50 years ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla began to malie rjew men, just as tho new pictured of men began to be made. Thousands of people fronted tho camera wi:h tskins made clean from blotch and blemish, bectuyn they had purified tho Llood with Ayer's S'lrsnparilla. It is as powerful now aa then. li record proves it. Othr imitate tho remedy ; they can't imitate the record : CO Vear9 of Cures. The f lowing vesstls are bourpl o the I Columbia River, with natne of m iKt'-r, j ratlonall'y, rig, tonnage, wiiert from and da." of report-l rallk gt I Hyson, Hogg, Br str, 271) tor,.-, Hong-, ' kor.g. I V.'aMlale. Fishtr, Br sh, 17 tonn, Port I I Ange'es. Iml!-sl, f.Vison, l:r str. !'".'- ton., ', ' Yokohama. j (jeorge Stetson, Murphy, Am h, 17W i tori.s, Baltimore, August C. ' Ifditl gowshire, And-rson, lir "h, 1K7 I tons, Antwerp, July 24. j 1'riinih'jrtoi', Spurring, Br l.k, 1773 tons, I Sai,.'..a, iW.y 8. Aux-r '. y, I. wart, I:r sh, I .V I 011', C'ar 1 diff. May 0. j r, rr.hr an Kin.-, H n, Br h, ICS ' to- s. Kliari-hal. I T'ov .v I'n'l, t'bl''Kl""n, I'.r h, !' I tons, Liverpool ! I'en Volr'ich, Ahr, ' r yh. j 7 tons, Santa Hosada. Province, Jon s, 1'r 1k, 1''. tor .-, Yoko- liama, B'pt ember 11. i Or.p'irk, Iri.-t: Janeiro, Ang'ist v., f,- r.bar.k. fy ".. "..'-it'a. ri-r.'.'l'V, Toug phor.g. Or 'ol.-r 21. lalforrn i Mih ,-, t or.rs, -fable Bay, Aug-;st .'A H'-rrv Vi'l.-.rd. Pt.tfr-tt, t. ti. N'e-.v York. Or tot 11, oiw, ;:;:.-, Br i.k. N'r K-t-S'le, A': -''I 1! . V'-rb 1:-, Jr .1.1, B.- n roo. Oi.marj, Fullartor-, Br 13! tons, J) ' rlin. O' to'o. .- 11. J.-triiicr, Beri.ti'la. Fr !,k, Wft tot.s, Ma Jrinda. Indfiri Krr;pir.-. Af.'r.. Br nk. 1"K, r,pr, Viilrwrril.Tj. Jupi'h-r. Fonder. lien 'h. 1""1 tons, y.,. Kohama. l"Td fi rolK-r f. .St.. I71:j tors, ton ' Wa r-h.-lni-rrin!. Thomson, Br l.k "..p.- Town, ik'i.ii.r ii. City of York. Jones. Br ih, Syd.vty. Blalrlr.gie, M.ickny, Br Ik. I lai;-..i I! iv, S pt-nther f lloppo't, Tork. Km eh, 1X1 tons, N 1 'a!. September 'I. M,. Maries, Ayllrg. Br sh, 1 1:2 ton' nourn't. October 15. Ma. Mllian, riuthrie, Br sh, H.Vi Yokohama. Hm rl-tte, S. -nian, t). r sh, Ki.", Shanch il. Lakemba, Bi trlherlng, Br bk, 1 tons, Frwmantle. Clan Robertson, P!l, Er sh, 1M0 tons, Santa Rrm!1c. MrltNh ''ienerat, Thoinns, Br sh, Vtt ton. N-weimrl", Australia. 1 Mldi.s. Me-s-ng.-r. Br bk, 1H b.n. i Nagasaki. ! Mrr'r l.oh', Htewntt, Br ir. JKs tons, Ih t'kor.g. Yalorl. :rr,n. Br ll'i .'. N'.-.v.' ;-"l", A'"-'r:.'i:i. JI .rn' '.' .,--.,.. Brli-hi, Br : h, 1.175 tor's, ' A I' l.i Id-. ' ' Untf rr.l'r, Jnl.' S. n. I'r l.k. l-.'.l (r,n-, A l' .-.(de, ml.- r I'l. I !, 'illver. B. hk, !., t..n, Nn-.i. .-ikl. O-1. I,, r 11. ! J.. 1. Ion M l). U'.'!ker, Br l,k. 21 70 p.-..,! M-ll. nir.'i . i B'.rt c.1e,(ri!. An 'on. Br l.k. stji t ,n ,' Nat" -akl. Ktr.tn k, I', rr. il-. Br Mr. - . Yr.kr h.irn 1. fnnba, Mni.ro, Br sir. IVii ton., Yoko hama. Amara, Knl. Br T. FW ,. n.,n... koi.g. Alexander Itla"k, Imnn. Br l.k, H'M AntwrT'. id 1 a n u u a E II K a H H re u Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL M.non Count'. OREGON Ihls Is tuat tbs place for your hoys. I'HIghtful location, large building and grounds, good nieuls, plenty of healthy exnri le, excellent teachers and careful training- this Is what they, all say of MT. ANOF.L FOLLIXIK. Bend for Cat alogue and special terms. P. F. PLACIDUS. Director. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MonitlOHlli, Orogon A TRA1MIMC SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Ksk .1 r Virwal i)iire of three years "-oiilr.r w r wholly pr.,. nn .nh'. TriliiiHK depar ment of nl e Krmb'S wllh '.im ehllilreu. l.'Miiiietloii hioI iriitn UK 111 f lyniiiiitticii (MwuiIInIi sys Iron,, anil Voeai IVInsle for rilhllc si'IhniIS 1 Ii- Norinul I ) 1 in n Is reior.in . by law an a "TAT1 I. IKK CkKllHI AIK to lesel, I lhl eX'l.o. I 1 1 1 lr.lt. hooks, llilllllt and IimIkImx (Hp proxiniRieii ;, S1..1.011 i-er vosr. isiinlent. isiiir'lliii tlieiiielve, $1 Pi Oil per yesr Ac.nleitile grade nrcei.t'd Irani high scluiols. t'aiaioxuer. ( hrerfnlly tm.i on plli itll .n. Adrlriss P. L. flWI'MKM,, President, or W. A, WANN. Meiretiiry Knully Astoria Public Library iikauino nooni rnisn to auu 0kmi vsrjr day from 'elek to IH iid I.W lo t.K p. m. Bulistirlplloti ralsa 1 psr annum. B, W. for. ICIovanlh atul Iltuuis DlrsataV f III l ! f - IlkMlftklUwl 11 1 ily !l ) .1 lof.'t"r? I II " lllSMl Is II u m ant nr.n pi.io.nima renieilr fur J I rh.M. Hlmi, Rpatmainrrhirsa, Iiiim, m 11 11 a I ii r si ill .'liarans. er aiiv hillsmma. lien, trrluiliui ur uliwra. 'M,nNI Mirtil. lull lif 10 IIP II US klni iiuiltNOiiHcti Pn. s'sbisi. Nun aaiiiiiul. kaiaaiaaali.0 r iaU4a, lir nil in aiaia wrapper. J., WiTTwmm. lilppBlll. ur i on. or Mi . n ts. illrewUr rn risai Mr William.' Indian Plla i iltitineiil will cum Hllnd, iiiiMHiins ami luiiiinf lea. Ii alisortwihtilmimts. ins ii iiiim at mice, acta imullli'o, tilvn Inntaiil r Vllllnuia' Indian I'llrtilnt- leiiareil (or I'llraaml llfh- tug of I tin private tria. Krry lio la wasratlteil. Ilv ilriiuriuia. liv mall nil v. selpt nf prlee M renia and Sl.lKI. WIUIIM! MslnilsCTUniNO CO., l-r. 'lilai..bW TVr sals by rlcs Conn Iinux O Reading: or Distance Glasses IS 00 Ky (Basses for U K, or 1100 Eya (llaam for 11.7V Warranted Gold Dated Kramss. alaks your frlaiul a beautiful and utt. fill prnwnt W cuarmnto a psrfsol fit by mall providing whan you ordsr lh lassoa you ajvawor tho following quaa. lions: How old Kver usnit (laassaf I low long. Mais or fomalsT Old). MAYICIU.K, Ripert OjiUclsJI. tt Third atrvvl, flan Pranrdao OptiHana" and I'hotitarraphlo fluppllsa. HOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS HHt Th uaifttmw WkHMt, K ' JV ' umalHa,ti.'t Vlgaf 1 ' attttl liatMUh ' l'tH n alsHlltoaV J " " 1Uf, " m "v ifltla! itMastiltHl, aiKliiig U ft Wll trli.timrnl i( .irtftta) ImkIv hm ,v 'i: tli'W 4 ..!..( tSrtt lU bo Ir nlo l.y IXrH'min I ru OO. oivkh cuoicjb or -2- Transcontinental ROUTKS. Via Spokso and St. Pio! Via Ogdeo, Oiovif and Omaha or Kansas City. aaaaavwaaaa Pollman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Ct.; MSMBS-aaa " Astoria to Sao Fraotlsao, Ulals of California. Wcslnnsday, Oo. tolaar M. Columbia, Mondavy, CKolirr K. Hlats of CUtfumla. Bt unlay, Ootobot M. Columbia, Thursday, Novmnlisr i Htta of Ollfornla, Tuatay, Novatav bef I. fuliimbla. Bunday, Nnvambsir It Rtata of California, Friday. Novsmhi 11. rolumbla, Wnlnnsday, Novstnbsr Si Btals of rallfornln, Monday, Novsm ber a. For rafss and sans mi torormatloa sal on sr addraaa p. W. LOUNmiRRHT. lMl w. n. nt.Tni.nuRT. Osn. Pas. At., Portland, Or. GO EAST . ..VIA . . Library Car Route AMKUICA'H HCKNIC LINE. .leal In llnlfli - MSB Muck Hallasl No Dust msw H u u i , Utn:' 1 Waijen, Fritz. fir sh, JiiTfi tri: I Ixird Kh.'iftsb-iry, funi.lnirli.im 2273 tons, Hy.lney. I liris'ol, Melntyre, rtr Sun Frnnelseo. I-.mille, iillm.inri. r k'.hnmn. Iflr.ri lir rh r. in r sh. ITT t..r,, Yi-i- T.' Mltcrt KI.KKT. I.'.t Whether iteloir fril-terl. iijierii. . r.r fir;rrifup,ll-,..rh.-r 1'llI.If Sj.r-e'iiiy i nr.- ,v u.iri: H'i.11', trel. ie ;i;,.,;'i:;:i -Ii.ei.t , ... ,i ,,, of ' rTt'-r : i I'.i:-'. i.-. ; puri'ier-r a! .y-d ii.', hlee onir. sealy, n, V '.'-'tier Hlllr'.le, ;. . .'I'.tll lllhuii'V tri .I'e, 1.:i!Im with ( rrp I iia ;;li rrp'i ha r.n.1 e.;re, m,.l rriihl l'-s si r, greatest of I. !.,.,. J r.n Itlv f..., 1 i til In (, f.onr.r r. 'Iniiil.i ir. It'll tm.u, s:.n d lniii;'ir enres. r I.'. V hr, Mm MANHOOD RESTORED;, M llnrinf a fanwuia ln.nit til.oalel.f. a.111 n.,i.bl... CUPIDENf tlnn of famittia Fri-nrb V'tna or dim'-" of th neiiiirtiv onrisiii, (.octi mh tiyaU'lkri, will qulcklr our voii BIllTasLlVS (iri'Mllal. Hill 'It Mat iM VlWJIftttr.tl.fi rtrrl or mi lit-r- J'lUltlll. IlllfllnaWal Ut MftrrV. ftlhaUiaUliar llrntiiav VsrkMla at. .A CortAtlimtlon. ItiUipt all Immrn hvdnjr or tilifhi. f'rftvmiu out at a DETORC ain Arrra U Uivliorromif'lniiMiUurr. lPIIr,wr olf)aioi LUvuTttf. Un - ..a - " n n i.trwiisuinim anu rvsuiravamaJi waa oraaiia. Tim relation sufferers arc not oorart by Ixielnrs la bacauaa nlnsty par mnl ars tronblarl wila lroamiliia. rtJPI HKNK la the. only known ramM lo corn wlihoiil an operation. HiniMtlmmil ais. A written rnnranta aivan and mnnay ratumisl If alt hniaa do4 not sllsct a poriuaneiii sura. ilXflalsi.slf.ir.vu,tymaJL Hand for rasa draular and traUnionlala, Adiltena IAVOI. WDIC'IJB,P.O. BolJTBanlfriiclaco,tat brMKaty CHA8 HOOKHH, tilt Commercial fltrtoL Wflli iMairill s lip bit. 11! 4 it.' ;it s, iinrl 'i Isr,M ri.,.;y,r,tf lh W'.rl-i P lTTlR DXVQ 1 ! U CPKM. T " u Jrt fc,-jr ntr-1 ilum'it,"lrrt. FACE HUMORS iab. ,umi tij. triwiM sp. r. ii- 1 1.: "'Kl-'od. IV'.-, . bid,), -IU lo,r-, I'll iS' lu.'i iii-r, N'llsrin, Keh, 21' K.in Fr.iticlvo, Novimlxir 13. Marks r.liininrd and all Pat- i J"'1 -I'lMiie. ie.,. 1. 1, ted lor moocsatc rt. 1 0-jn orricc in Opsositi; U, . parcNTOrnot r.e.il He I Oi -r . l.itilitlll kaStUUS IhaO UwSC I ., ,.: ,.,. V,., -.1, :,...,. , t i.'l i. '.ri'l, it-.eA.ii tit photo., 11111 dVvrlp-j : '-.. V i , it p.-iieniiii.ie or fi'it, Irec olj I l..ue. tlur I. i. .1 t.,e till i,i(tent I srrured. t A PUMi'MltT. " I1""1 lo llliiain I'atenti," wi'SJ m I r. I, A.I.I Ions. ;C.A.srjow&co. Om. Tcr-T Orrtce, WMiHGro. 0. C firm KrmrHy A btwlatfilr in known to th prof vm. 'f rmmnrnl mrm in !i ui an amy: Wn rrrinl iiifinf y If wn tin not rnrn. yni rtD bt trnadsMl at tiorne for t tit tunic prlra tfrai ih Innna who win ronuawTi ki mm Corn 1 n tr , nil liuU'l Mkn wn fall to tuu liarn Ua n mt-r. ktill tiarn wlwn mini in moti tli, Norn 'I hitnjt, 4 MiMita, I tt-frm tni an Krrbmwa fulllria uui, t"n1rr 'r 'Ifrllnry CiirHNt tiirmii Wa alfraaraarui challmm funwot eurr, 'Una tjl th aklll mt tba iwmit v or many yearn wn itav 0 at ami inn aamn pi a ran Tpfnr to roirin lifin wa litiin or pay tiiprnui of railroad bllli, and Caari-o, If ourn, If Mr, It.ili.lit nntaabanil Mini. Miii-oua I'alfhra llaiplra,i tppfr-( 'olur ai t of t lit If l j , II air or if In till I'rlmary, Mtot rnn (hit 't'il' IL t liM IiionL ubatllits the world foraraac wn mi liat aiwavR hmv4 Mlnen phrtlaaa. in . la V VratRWnha.0 ahafahafflllltl a HIMclatllV t,t trt-aUiiif thi ftlM-aro wJiu our VrillLKK and wn nava an.vu.ootr rapllal Im-HI'mI nur uii'-ondltlonal iruaranlan. Wrltoiuf-T loO-puff hintt and ahavluUl prwafW. Addrta MM ltF1l- l O.. A'ifl Mauinlf 'I rntplr, 4 Ii4-hk. Illtnola. Tho all-rail route to Kootenai mining dlatrlct. via Hattle and Bpokant Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth. Chicago AND ALL I'OINTB CAST Through Palace and Tourist Bleepars, Dining and Library Obaarrav tlon Cars. Dolly Trains ...Fast Time l HKItVK'K AND HCKNKHY UNEAQUKLC0 For tlolcsta and full Information oall on aenl O. H. N. Co, or axVlraas A. B. C. DENNI8TON. C. P. A T. A., Portland, Or. R. C. BTKVENB. Q, W. P. A., BtUs. A. & C. R. R. R. TfME CARD In I-lTcct Oct. 2.S, IH!I7. Ieavs 6Hslle fir Astoria via Flarsl at 7:30 a. no, amd t p. m. dally. Leave Astoria for Boaslde via Flaval at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally. All the Above Truli-H Arc Dully.