The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 23, 1897, Image 2

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Tel. phone No. M.
tkkms si lisrttiriioN.
Sent by mall. p.-r year .....JS.CW
8nt by mall, pur month to
Served by carrier, per moniti 60
Bent by mall, per year In advance... 12. Ou
PostaKe free to Buliaorllwrs.
All communications Intond.-d for puMJ. I
cation thould be directed lo the idliar.
Buslnru communlcttlona of all kluds
anil remittance, must be addressed to
Th. Aslorlaa."
Th. AlorI;m ffuarantcea to t:i suo
tcribert the largest circulation ot any
newspaper published oo th Columbia
Advertising rates oan be had oo appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Attortan, the second old.
est weekly In the tiate of Oregon, bat,
sxxt to tho Portland Ore gv tan. the
UrgMt weekly circulation In tho I'.atc.
John F. Handler Co. are our Portland
ogtnts, and copies of the Astorian can
be had every morning at their aia-nl,
C Third street
Ia tpeakkitf of his new bunking Mil,
Representative dairies N. Fowler, ef
New Jersey, eays;
The Financier, of New York, of June
1, 1S97, pointed out succinctly the pur.
peeve of the bill In the following words:
We have received the addrvss of Hon.
Churl es N. Fowler In exposition of the
financial end currency measure intro
duced by him In the house of refuvsen'a
tives, rjod recommend Its cs. refill study
to every iruuj who Is dtwlrvus of inform
ing himsalf upon the- most Important
question before the American people for
"Those who havo thoroughly investi
gated the matter ajrre. tht there are
three chief objects to te
recti red:
FlrstW must have, on uneutvoce.1 '
measure or standard of value.
"Second The demand oblUrati.ins of
the irovemmem must tie retired.
"Third A pystcm of credit currency
should be established.
"All these purposes would be accom
plished by the adoption of Mr. Fowler's
bill as he has demonstrated by a course
of reasoning and a wealth of illustra
tions that must command unlversnl as
sent. "It should be observed also that the
pkn proposed by him is euch as not to
cause the slightest shock to business) In.
terests when the change from the pres
ent conditions Is carried out.
"Basing his premises upon data furn
ished by the actuary of the trsury de
partment and covering H period nf 3T
yeirs Mi plan pros-idea fr i safety
fund to guarantee bank notes and an
Insurance fund to protect all depositors
In case of bank failures.
"It requires no argument to show that
tr ine notes are guaranteed by n fund
dcpotrd with the government and the
deporttors are prctede,! by a t.-x paid
Into th9 treasury, there could not be a i
benk piric n a curren'-v famine.
"In wnrfuding bis excellent address. ,on of Lynn Center, 111.. Is subject to at.
Mr. Fowler points out succe-sive.15- twen. j tacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he U
ty adv-nntages thnt wHild be -ouro,l hy ; gatigflej thit the timely use of Cham
the crcion of the measure propel." berIaln.s Cough Remedy, during a sever.
To thee .suctions I 1ire to aid ! ,UaCk- b!S llttIe "fe- He "
A. ! In the drug business, a member of the
that I regard the risht of note a. ; flrm Qf John90n Eros of ,hat p,ace; and
a valuable fram hise and that a fu;i con-; they handle a great many patent medl
siderotion should 1 r-sdlze. by the "- i clnes for throat and lung diseases. He
pJe of the fnlted S!;,t(-s f..r that prlvl- i
)ej.e I physicians ready to respond to his call,
i but selected this remedv for use In hit
It sho-.ld not be forgotten. h.,wover, ! own fajnlly a tIme Vhen his chil l's capital go. Into the linking bus!-. life was In danger, because he knew It
ness tipjn precisely the s.'.!ri'- l.Ti thnt. ' be superior to any other, and famous
It Into tiny olh-r kind of icsm. , ! the country over for Its cunw of cronp.
,.i-w . i ,,. ,i . '. ' Mr. Johnson says this Is the bev sr-llini
viz.: Because the owners of th.. eapit il :
i cough medicine thev handle, aid that It
believe !, will pay. And 'f. at any time. . t!??ilJtI.-m ,n
cfter m.-iking due allowanr for nil -he 'Bold by EWes-Conn Drug Compiny.
charges and risks bunking invidvfw, l-
promises to pay better than any other ! Ty -Kmpres-s K-igeni.- is ye-.r--
.... ' r-ld. She Is the dauchte' . ' :, rv.
kliul cf business. f:,pital will . -'k thi
. prlen de Monti Jo. a SpanNh
channel until the inenme re iliz- d I- on
a level with n hat of other branehes 'if
It is tmly necessary to oi rve there
fore, that every l.urd'sn In th form of
a tax laid upon our currenry will hiv?
lo be boi-ae primarily liv in? commerce of
tho country; but finally ft must be paid
by the grand army of twenty-five mil
lion i. .-'Mincers scutte.-rj all over the
Hand In every trade and every walk of
life; for money and all Its Fubtitutes In
the form of chocks and dn-fts are mere
tools of tradn and commerce, ir.doed the
only tools with which theee twntv.Mv 1
mlllon toilers -an keep In mo-.iori the I
rast and coinpllcajted nwrhinery of ourj
modern civirizauon. j
Our resent system of purrtney u guch j
tnat tne slightest aoubt thrown upon ourj
ability x dlsposltlloii to maintain It upon
a gold bns! ehakea every business to Its
very foundation; spreads devastation of
values everywhere, paralyies bn :er.
prises and trrtngw upon our pexple losses
of untold millions. In addition to this
disturbance ito business and lraeompre.
henslMo loss to the teople, the actuary
of the treasury has Informed us that
since 1879 tt. bias cost the government
1319,584,222 to maintain our paper upon a
gold basis, or Bn kvenage of Jil.&OO.'W
per annum. This shock to com.
ferce, loss to the people and cost
to the government cam be obviated by
throwing the maintenance of our stand
ard of value upon the 'banks, where the
burden belongs.
The government should retire Itf de
mand obligations and let the banks as.
sume the conduit of con-merce, taking
with It the right of note Issue upon cer-
tn.h conditions, A. a firm consideration
of tho prlvUctT they should carry the
gowrnmont debt nt a rate if lntrv"l
not to exoool 2 vr cent, th ivty saving
m the people, mom thnn flfuvn tnlllti
In Intercut annunlly. A a wvond ronstd.
rmtlon They dioiild m-UnUln tld pay.
menta by currently rctlccmlntr their notes
In (sold, which should Iv (TimtanteiM by
the payment of n sufficient sum tn;o the
tratiry of tho l'tiHl SMt' In the form
of a t. x iiHn ohvul.itlon. It addition
to such cii.ii'.'iistcc fund the trovernment
should lmvo .1 tirf! ' ii-'ii the nse!s
of the Winks ih!ch (. .-,-.K . r:(
billions v d.v'iinO for the punc of
nl. (mate redwmpti.'n In c.ise of . f.illmv.
As a thiol m;isi,1. r.i ilon. y sNmiI.I We
required lo )vy into the rnited SI U.-s
.tnViont I i uopn depesj.- :
dcivv-i:ors in lUTional Kink -
,l' ,n"'i"v
uc'.iins! l'vs 1n oa.-v of f.iCcn'. Such a
lax would not h ive cxcelcd an nvr.iRO
ivf one.tnok:'th of one ier cent x r annum
during the lvist thirty. ;hnv ycirs. which
hi sin ii.rtm:ei'nni sum v.wiiviroi mm
the jrreat ..lvanTaKe to be deriv.M there-
from, not only to the people, but. to the!
Corailnly tho ssiiti(r anniw'.Iy of more
thnn thlny-stx millions In inl(res!
I he cost
erf m;Untainiivr jrold payments
a illi an absolute Kuarunttv to the
holders and dfiweltora in our national
bonks against loss wvuid not only be an
adequate, but a rich consideration tor
the right of note, issue.
Tho hill and tho uddrv referred to
In the foretro;nr qvaifsaKnis from the
public press nave, for convenience, been
pullshed In pamphlet form ard consti
tut a booklet of 113 pues: but It will
be mailed free to any one who Is suf
ficiently Interested to the study of the
financial and currency problem to write
me at Vashinsln a-sklnir ftr It.
AHhoush a vry busy man, Dr. R. V.
Pierce, of Buffalo. N. T., has found
time In which to write a preac hoek of
over a thousand paes entitled. The Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser. In
Plain Entflish. or Medicine Slmnllfl d.
Few books printed In the Ensi.s'.i lan- I
pung-e have reached so preat .i sale at i
has this popular work, ovr SSO.OiW cop!tt J
having been sold at $1.50 eah. The pro- j
ft:s on this enormous sale havlna r iaM !
Its author for the erent amount of labor i
and money expended on Its production ,
he has now decided to frive away, nbs.i. !
lutely free, 5i0.0i coes of this valuable
book, th recipient only belnj required'
to maH to the WoriJ's Dlspenwiry Metll '
leal Association, of Buffalo. N. Y., of !
which company he is president, twenty. 1
one Ol) cne-cent stamps, to cover coet I
of mailing only, and the book will be
sent postpaid. It Is a veritable medical i
library, complete In one volume. It con. ;
tains Wi targe pages, and over SX lllut- i
t rat Ions, some of them in colors. The
Free Edition 1j precisely the tame ts
that told at $1.50. except only that the i
books are bound In strong manllla paper ;
covers, instead of cloth. It Is not often j
tha our readers have an opportunity to ,
obtain a rahiable book on such generous :
terms, and we predict that fe will miss '
availing themselves of the unusual and s
liberal offer to which we have called 1
their attention.
A hvmn for which i Kansis ritv street
muoidan with an acyorlinn has i Brit
partiality is "Do N'-t Piss Me Rv."
i Tha three-year-old boy of J. A. John.
ha1 a" thw t0 cho0!e from, and skilled
j Y'ju ean't a ford to ri?k your life hy
allowing a eold to dvelnp Into rine'jmor;:.'i
' or consumpTlon. Instant relief an I a
: certain cur are afforded by Ore Minute
j Cough Cure. Charles P.oRers.
j Of all thi kleptomania the one who
j our time Is th worst.
J-mrr nm . U
M. O
OllC of America's most fa- W
J mOOS physicians Says: "Scrof-
yfa js external consumption."
Scrofulous children art often S
J bcautitol children, DOl thty
lack nerve force, strong; bones,
stout muscles and power to w
resist disease. For delicate g
children there is no remedy
equal to
Scoffs Emulsion
I of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
jj phosphites of Lime and Soda.
It fills out the skin hy putting:
uood flesh beneath it. It makes
the cheeks red fcy making rich
I blood. It creates an appetite "i
for food and eives the body j
power enough to digest it. Be !r,,nff
sure you get SCOTT'S Emul- v' rh'
m sion
S jocuid$i.oo
all druggists.
fa di-ui i a wjw mi, uncmisu, new rorx,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmisti, New York.
That Spot...
Tinit sire of a dime; next
tire of dollar ; thru bitf as
tle lvtlin of vour lutml. Tlie
end : entire baMusss. Stop it.
Aycr's Hair Vigor
Makes Hair Grow
TIJetaUe for November. 1807
III. .11 W WK lott IIIU
A M.
Il.ln It.
r. m.
A. X.
h. m It. h.inin, b in II
Moi)il.. ....
l'iiontn ...
Wislusd' v
1 i. Sl'l. .i
u ( ; o ia
- 7 S (. ( 7 i t,
: a:V K ,M
1 IT J i
. .-.!.; I
i I !
;i T I 1 s s .1 on
; Krlilav a lo in 7 .' In X ; t 40;
1 Sauiislnv , K in .V, 7 It' 7 1 4 '
,N ,f c
: slMi.vv. 7 :i ,su
ad 6 110 4
a it .i i
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.1 1. 7 . o 0
s : :i 0 1
i ii v o .'
1 1 .'I ii i
. .".iav 'w7J litU 7U
V wliiwfylo I 7 IO-M 7 SI
Thursday.!! '.'17 7 0 l.itsu ('
irlilay . la a is 7 Hi i(V7S .7
j Nitnnliiy j.vss, t:
j srxn.v Y.ll tt((, SIT"
s II
4 4 10 el ii
MonilMV i.s lit, mu i 07 it lo.n i -t id i 1 o
TiieMlii'y .. ,s,Sm,s .orm li t' 10 llil
hhurs.lav 1 i jej T J: 7 V a i 0 r: a 0 IVc:)
: Kridav 1 SS77.V )i(i IJill il.ViSl
Mtituroav -HI (I'M : lnri(il
s : a 7 Jt : 1 1
4 01 an 4 .'! 0 I
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4 3 4 9 41 0 II
s .t4 lo.num
; -., . ' . 11 1 '
MouiIrv ... " 1 1 s s A
Tuesilav.. a.i u 07 7. Si 11 4. J
Weitnsd yii 0.S7 laa-KN
Thurilay..i, 1 4H7 7i tis
Friday ji., a.tl7 7l I NM .
Satiirdar.aT 3lS7 ai-'SS
l' X IIAV.3' 4 04 7 4' V. .1
Monday ... 4 So 7 1 4 .14 7
hoi 34 uaoos
1 uesuay
At; 5 40 7 Si & 47 4 it'l.'i' ,H I:
The Colunitta arrived in tsunday.
to stu
Tho British ship Ducva put
The Mar.KuiItu arti-cd from CVot llay
wterduA; monisjur.
The COumlilne toik IU:hthip No. C7
Ou; ywtvrduy mornliu,-.
One of the shliw ouislde is suposd to
t the I'rovimv, from Yokolwima.
The State xii,l Sunday and hoU
among hT frvt(rht u, ht of Oriental
Tne tr-:on arrivwl In SumLiy with
"Mu l"riwon,o iniiTOimm.mM, Z.
t-'ompuny. K.lwnnl P.irke. J,.hn.,ii
The Klrm-hlre drasged h.-r an.;
chon' yorduy a. rfiort distnn,-,' down ;
the tretun- j
Tw three mndted shlp ami one four
"""'od hlp were reported outside yw -
tenlBy evening.
, 4
1 17 dhys from Jnimn. arrived yesterday
i aftomoon1. She will leave up this morn,
jlng. j
The stevmshlp Mogul, flour laden for ;
China, arrived down yeatcnbiy and ;
d.ieked at Flavel, where she takes on ft
tons of coal. 1
Tho Normii was pulli"-! off the sands
c-teriliy, afler several unsuccessful
attempts, and It Is understood that the
tug bill waa $1'W,
Th British ship Muxhona nrriv.vl down
y.-st.-nlay In tow of the Ocklaitamn. and
th. Hnddnn Hull Is on the wny down In
tow ,,f he H.iyaard.
The Allinnce, from Son Frun.-ts.-.). nr
rivsl in Sunday. Among her fr-lirh: w-r-two
anchors consiim-l to K TVtir.l for
if on th- str.ifi1l ship Potrlmpos.
The "ir.imshlis Fliirl.ti and Flin'shlr.
win, jut to s-a yesti-pl.-iy. The
!":!-: Ii iroes to St. Vin'-ent. fiip.. V'-rl"
ar.d tho FllneOi're for M.irs'"i. ,
rr.iti". .
TU' f allowing vessels are bound to th
';:imtU Kiv.-r, with namo of master,
;a-..jna.:r.y, rijf, t.rtinase, where frum
;..r.d d.v.': of reportt-d rullL.g:
lij.-:.y:i, HoBg, Ur str, 2STS tona, Hong-
Wu.-lnle, Fisher, Br Bh, ITaC tons. Port
I3 Ai.i; :ra.
Malaan, Br sir, IC2( tons,
rc Stetson, Murphy,
t...s, Baltimore, August 6.
Xlnii ih f o sh Ire, Anderson,
Am eh, 17M
h, 1337
tons, A r. twerp, July 28.
Drumburton. Spurring, Br bk, 1773 tons,
Swarjwi, July 8.
An-wk-y. Kwart. Er h. WSl toru, Car
diff Mi r. I King, Hansen, Br sh, 1KB '
tois, Stiari'hal.
Dovenby Hall, Whlckham, Br Bh, 1838
tons, Liverpool
Ben Volrllch, Ahler, Gjtr sh, 1407 tons,
Santa Rosaila,
Province, Jones, Br bk, Wfi tona, Toko,
hama, Sr-ptemtier 16.
Sprlngburn, Itae, Br bk, 25O0 tons, Hl
ogo, September 29.
Durbridge, McLauchlan, Br (b, 2121
tons, Table Bay, September 17.
Poltalloch, McLeod, Br bk, 2139 tons,
Table Bay.
Ophelia, Borenson, Nor bk, 1127 tons,
Otago, Esk, 8wd bk, 970 tons, Ham.
Dunds, Jarvls, Br sh, 1S98 tona, Hlogo.
Conway Oantie, Jones, Br sh, 1201
tone, Valparaiso.
Mlltonpark, Tumllty, Br sh, 1394 tons,
Commonwealth, Anderson, Br str, 2113
tons, Taku.
Vanduara, Beavan, Br bk, 1518 tons,
Algoa Bay.
Teenha!, Long, Er irtr, 3018 tons. Hong.
Oienpark, Irish, Br Sh, 1799 tors, Wo
Janeiro, August 73.
Obmbank. Leonard, Br bk, 1359 tons,
i Calcutta.
O'tnevleve, Touge. FY bk, 987 tonr, Hal-
Ocob-r 21.
rm r',tlte Ulinn T V.l irji?
tonp, Table Bay, August 30.
Henry Vlllard, Pattett, Am sh, 1475
tens, New Tork, October 14.
Obron, Gully, Br bk, YfA tons,
Newcastle, Australia, October 8
Vrlv, Juld, Itr ah, 171S toy, Wal.
Piimnrti, FulUirton, Hr sh, 1Si tons.
Pu cdln, itotobor H.
Jaoque. Heiiitubi, p'r hk, HW tout, M.i
Jun.U, Indian I'liinl.T, Allen. Hr bk, HOT tout,
Jnnltler. KiMler, JVn sh, livl tons, Vo
koV.nina. Chelmsford, Thomson, Hr bk, St'.iJ tons.
Ulo "IVwln iVtobiT ;
nf York, Jomw, l'f ah, lh;T tna.
i Syd.iey.
j lilalilocle, Ma -k iy, Hr hK, l.'..','i I Mis,
! Iv I ((;,.( n iv, s ptenitM C 4
1 lloppo'.t, 'l'.U'k. lius rh, I' ,, toi's. I'. it
N tat. S.-ti mber a.
I MCllades, ,v:i'iT. lr sh. llcS lon, Mel.
I'olirne, (leloher la.
Mc.c.MlKan, (lutlicle. Hr sh, H'-o lot
; l'n l iette, 8 ' 111. (ll. Her s!l, ITiTi l."'S,
! Iikeiula, Hi i.lheruiit, t'r bk, W toim
I Vitsuuinlle,
! Clan ISohertsun, rill. Tlr sh, 1MU tons,
J SantA H.walla.
Hrltlsh tlenenil, Thomas, Hr sh, K1
Ions, Newcastle, Aiistnilla.
Mldaa. Mnwntcr, 1U- hk. IS'.: tci
KCrlckdalc, tteart, Itr sir, :i'-S tons;
Hci ekenff.
Yalorl, Urow-ti, lir h, HI'S tons. New.
cnatle, 'Australia.
Hornby Castle. Hrlirht, lr sh, 1JT5 ton
Iinimomlir. Johnscn. Mr t'k. ISS1 ton
Adelaide. September 50.
Ttntls, Oliver, II. bk, l?,iS bus. Na.u
ankl, Octolr U.
JonWm IUI1. Walker, Hr bk. :i7ii tons.
rrt CiUedonla, Anion, Hr bk. JtS tons,
Klntui'k. rVrtvlle, Hr str. 1 tons.
0nh, Mnnro. Hr str. tons. Yoke
j Amnrn, Kent. Hr str. l'; tons II. -ne.
I Alexander Hlnck. Dunn, Hr bk. Ifl
j tour, AntwtTP.
; Watjtw. Frttx. tier sh. Ions, lllosro.
I Ixinl Shaftsteirv-. iimilnirham. Hr sh.
i TJ tons. Silmy.
Hr'stol. Melntyre, Ur tr in tons.
R;in Frnn.'ls.'o.
1 KmlHi'. iWtmnnn, (7.
r sh. i:ts tns. To-
I.t MPKH KI.Kirr.
, .
V.ns.-!,, (m the Way nn. In Columbia
Itlvr to Iwd I.umU r.
I.iura M.iv. Il,i;i. n, , hr. :r. tons. Son
hr. Itii tuns
P:ln rn.Msco.
Iltla. Stakk.dye. sehr. ni t,.ns. Sun
Fran.-W-o. Novemllx n
I''le D. J.luins.Ti, t.ktn, J .,ns.
Tenklo Morn,
' tons. Yokohama.
Kanrko. Jit, i,), jjlk
. Tarn O Stainter. Patterson, bktn
'ns. Santa Rosiilla.
Onkkin.l Wh!tn..e I.Wm
454 tons. Sm
Ma 8hnauer. Nellson. ss-h, yZ tons.
San Francisco, November 13.
I suffered for weeks with colic and
paint In my stomach caused by bilious,
ness and had to take medicine all th.
while until I used Chambs-rlaln't Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which
cured me. I hav since recommended It
to a good many people.
Falrhaven, Conn.
Persons who are subtect to bllloim colic
cun ward off the attack by taking this
remedy ss soon as the first symptoms
appear. Sold by Estes-Oonn Drug Co.
A lart Ktil,mei.t .f Pjinlh Atn. rt m
mi-rlno sli.r-ii was made fmm Whlilnir,
Vt . to 3.nith Afrl.-.i a f. days a..
J. C. ll-rry. cno of the h t kn.m n Ht.
I liens of Sp-nr.-r, Mo., tn.tltir that he
i riir.'d hlm'lf of tho w)rt kind of
I hy uslnir a few boxes of DeWitl's Witch
' Hazel Salve. H had l,n n irnul,, , wlih
piles for over thirty years and had usd
; many dllTer-nt kinds of so-eal'.ed enre;
th.. work and lie will vrlfy this state.
hut I.eWltt's was the nnlv on 111 it did
merit If anv one wlyh-s to v. rltt. to him.
f'has. TVit'nr.
In looklnc- at h"r hu-l-.
usually nay: "I lili-ve
of wmethlnir, al'lioui-li
what It
.ir.' tuilty
lont kn'tw
Mr. N. N. Osburn. well known at
Woodstock, Mien., wai troubled with a
lame bark. Ho was persuaded to im
Chamberlain's Pain Ralm. It pave him
relief In one nli?ht. This remedy Ii also
famous for Ks oureg of rheiimatlm. For
rale by Entes-Conn Drug Company.
nnne Alien, of T-Try vlile. rr.nn.
I'1''1 ' " lhry nd four riuarts of
ripe luscious strawberries from his straf
trf'rry p-itc'i the other day.
Warning Persons who suffer from
coiiKhs and col. Is should heed the warn
ings of danger and save themselves suf
fering and fatal results by using One
Mlnut Tough Cure. It Is an Infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
throat ami lung trouhes. Chas. Rogers.
If we could only penp Inside the plain
gold rings so many women wear what m
lerwrtlng sentiments would be found
Itching icaly, blfdlntf palmi, ihftpeleM nal',
and painful tim:r tritJu. pimpln, black badt
oily, oi'itby ikiti, dry, tlnn, and lulling hair, iteu.
iDK.acaly calp( all yield quickly to warm hatha
wlib Cvruiv.Hk Hoap, arid rcritle anoirititiKa
wltb C'fJTicxHA (ointment;, the great ikln mro.
Ii told ttimarhiratthtvorlrj. PoTTaa DaroaKDCoin,
CoKf-. Holt Prop.. limUtn.
" Uw K rreduM tVifl, White Ilaoda.lrvt.
7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, qf llyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the samo
that has borne ctmt does now ..-j r on every
hear the facsimile signature of G&ffll$X4,t wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,'' which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers qf America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have alwaus bought on tho
and has the signature of C&ffi&&ux wrap
per. No one has authority from mo to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is
President, a - y
March S, 1S97. Q.Ge cK" J
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not cnthner th life of your chiM by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druist may nl'lVr you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats
Hatters and
94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR.
....The Only Exclusive
J. M.
Convent of the
...Holy Names
I ' A Y wt lliMil..
For rutiw, uto., adilriwit tho 8iiprlurp
K k ;s a .'s i; q A
n f v r" T irr vv 'ft iCf (.k
,qtt iu it M i m R'j
J.'fJiJii . is.Ji u Mi si. ul-j
(lot! ol m fatiM'iis) 1
kulHrrmvii. thr
riTPl UV.iWi Ntrfnrllinn nnt rtitrMrnki
TIih rfnmtfi mifTfrt'M ar i't mrwi lnira li ltntiin mnty pT rnl rm lmnTHvi win
proalMtltla, i'i'l'l HKNKIa tUrmy fcrmwu fm.-.W to nirv wlihoul an otx-raUon. Si hi ltlmini
. A written fpinraitit(riirin ftift monvy rffirnfi f tf (!( not dec. a pvruiWMjLlturt
UOa Imi , all I'r $".', h l mill, tsomi for KliCK rln ul if aii'l (rallmuilUUaj
AiWn-M JlAVOL flEIICXMK10.vr. O. it.l Kail lVrirt:tafO,!aL JjrMJf b
CH AH lirniKKK, ( ..n.iiixn'lil HirwrL
'I lie
9V' ""T."?!!' HI prora Its powar
fa la in n.i tha aar,,,;jV7 . ,u ln"
$(;.iveat4. and 'i 'rad-Marlca ohtainH and all Pat
Jfnt huiintondiK trd fir MoocflATC Fft.
ouOrricriOMoiTC Ur PATiNTOrnce
.iiid wetanK' ne Mtrnt m lc tunc lUaia Uiuk
Jrcm'te Unn Waihinton.
a he lid niodrl, drawin( ir photo,, with dnrr.f
Jti'in, V alviur, if (i;.triiitl,lr fir n't. Urn ol
'.tiitr(!. Our fee u due till iirnt it urt urrd.
a PAtiPMLaTT ' JI"W toOMam I'Htrntt," with
irmt i Muue in the U. a. aud torctgn ctiuntrict
jsrnt tree. Ad irfM,
Owp. patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Men's Fornlsners....
Mount Angel College
This Is Just the pine, for your hoys,
Ii'MKhtful location, la rite butldlnts and
(roundii, good mnaU, plenty of healtby
ri'-n lsv, rlr-ellrnt ! hem nnd cnrtiful
training- this Is what they all asy of
MT A.V1KI, COI.MXIK. Bend for Csu
nlogue and spools) terms.
P, F. PLACIDUS. Director.
1 hid sjrtHl VrBVtAtilC
fr'll ! vhWHaii, Will uUH-kiV t:uf Viril (if ftll tlr
1 'itfrnil, I'hii.hIii Vw itwst ,tHinltiit KtuiMlin, NerviMin lrliiuty.
I' tupi'-n, i uIIt(irM Im Marry, i-,iiiuniiiig timU, Vfimt.r a
id- n. 1 1 Btoi t I Iimhci hv lnr or li'tt'iL Vtvut uuU U
V,"t ill lmrtr, hh-ti If nulrh- WM 1mu!h In Mpflriitntiif rhti an'l
iiririkry nrrinii,! mii Unuurlli-fc
weak 'ircBna,
Monmouth, Oregon
llmfiil .r N'rrinsl Coiime nf tliree yesrs
Snnlfir vi'mt u lmllv nrafi riiial. I
TralniiiK .leiisriment of til ie Kriwles with 'AM rlilldren.
Iiiinii ilon mill train hk hi Wynnmnllo (awcnun nys
tela ami Vitra' Mimic for laiblle HelliHlls
Nnrmiii illiiloins l reeoi(iii(i'il by law s TATK
Lirr. lriiA I r. tn leacn.
i ighl i i.r-ii.e. Tuition, hooka, bnaid and IchIkihk (hp
liMxImatelvi, si:t'iiw iht taar.
M 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 Wirdlns tliemtelvea, tl In Oft per year
Ai iuleinle Kr.i.l.'n accepted mill liiah achiMils.
l'ataloi(iie ch'-erhilly aent on ailleat.ili.
I. I. f'AMI'IIKI,!, PreHldent, or
W. A. WANN. Hccrutary Kvrully
ti dattroy tl
thsdsiitra for tohaooo In any ajaa
wo,'a- lnr sa lu HI poanrta In 10 aa i
salu hi ponnna in uiaara ann uinin
i,u win ua u.t
uarauHM aot
tim Wrrt HrniwAr AtMolMtfir I'aliNoira to tha
prriffNNioii. IVrmanfnl ira In to rfaya
rr-fiind nnnr-y ir m tit not f urn, Yno ran ua trnatf-i at
horn) fur I he nam rl
tr with mo) who
and tha name auaraM
irrrrr tofrne iit-rw wa
win Pftniiavrt lo
orpajfuiMniw r
c o m I n ir ,
and hotel
Malra mn
fall to
rai iru'i
bill, and
Caarrs It
ourn. If
T'ttl havo ljaaL i"ia
u n , ioi tii pot mmh a na
Mftlm, Mumiui I'alrlina
llrapl,' 'oprr-''r-iarLriliu
it Ii thta I'rtmmry,
HUtoA ririMtM ttmt wa
,il it Win iiiotit ahlln
fhii wrll fnrmrmM
Mill liArs ,)wn and
111 tnoillh. MM1 laaua
j t-fUrnwn TuUing ttnU
-nn4mrf "r I rtlarv
! ajiiarnnti r lortin- V.t,
- unci C'hMllrtiaji
r i-ur. 'ihiH (T,
th .kill f tha Mr
htui am nuinn
nUHl khrat'-laaa.
mmlK a niMUiir ot ,11 wh U(r . jJFK and
hara a)Ao.OOl .n,il UuiM nur ui'nwlmfnal
Kuarmnto!, H rttu-f-,r t(thoc Ixmlt and haolui
raolV Addrt-M 4 MI4 ItVI aX V 4
Fi'Ut Ww-onlf 1mlr, lili wito, llllnota.
a I
nira tuem
lUl! 7l.f.VMVI
Astoria Public Library
0MMt vary dny from I 'olo'li to l;M
khd l;M to t:K p. in,
Bubsurlplluii raM tl r Mtftum.
H. W. (."or. Klnvwtth ami I)uJi4 RlrMuj.
rlSk!'M ni la a sen rewmmai
v """ftj ! ti.r lliiii.irihiaa,
jf Ml V ll". Sanrmaliirrbiaa,
J la I td,. l IVIiIim, it ii h at li r a I ilia
iumhim.i "liaia4, ur aiir Innaitmia
irww eiimM, if lit itf ii it niam.
kiIimiOmis'" flu
. UlallM. noli aalllliaaal.
- . ft i
olil by Wntaaiala,
er aaltl In alallt wrapaar.
Iir aiareaa. aiaai.l.
I in, or Mill, ti
'Iri'Ular aatti ua ram
Reading or Distance Glasses
il uo ICyo tllnssm fur 13 , or
3 00 Ky (IIosm for 11.71.
Warmnled Uuld I'Uted rraillo
Muka your ftlvrul a Iwnullful and us.
fill prnaatit. W gimraiilao a parfaol (It
by inn 1 1 providing wlwn you ordor tha
glnaaea ynil luuiwor III following guao.
tlmis: How old tlvrr uad glaasaaT
How lomT Mala or femalat
diet) MAYKIll.n Kaprrt ti'll''lan.
H Third alrtwl, Han rranelao
(iptlolnna and rhotnrplilii Hilppllaa.
1 , William's Kidney Pllli 1 '
1 Una tut final In tlliM'itM'a of thai 1
I 1 K'l.lii''.vBul I i liiiuy thuiiiiN IUvi
i vim mj:l''t,'l J11' lvliliirys? llsvo '
' vim iivrrworkt'il vmir lii'rvtnia y- I
, li.-m mill 'nu'i (imil'lo tvltli yuiir ,
. Kl.lui'Vs ninl lllinlili rf llnvn yim'
I piiina In tint lulus, alili, Im. U, L'nillia, I
. Iiiii.I IduiUU r? Iliivo v.iiiBllubby niv.
IK-urmii'f f tint fiti'o, iifcia't'lttlly '
i nii.ti-r tlin 'yra? Tihi friii'iitil"( I
(aim puns urliio ? WlllltiiM'a Klilm-y .
' l'IIUvlllluiurtm'wllfil.itliiMlU'(
I 'oiiM'tl nrifnim, I. inn up tlm ayali-in. I
tun.) iimliii n ih'W limit ( ymi. Hy
I mini Ml rt'iila a r . I
I I Wll.UAMa Mn I n , IVmo.. HevnlaiulC
ir aalo by lrtea tVnni I'rua- tV.
Via Spokane and St. Paal
Via Ogdeo, Denver aod ,
Omaha op Kansas City.
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers
Free Reclining-Chair Ci-:
Astoria to San Franoisao.
Htalo of Callf.Tim. WnliiMdiiy, Oo
tuber St.
('..Illtiibla, Motulay, OSolvr
rttnla of t'allfortila, rUlurlay, Ootobai
ColumbU, Thursday, November I
Htata of Cnllforiila, Tuoailay, Novere (.
r'idiiiiilaa, Hiinday. N'ovrnnlxr IL
Hiiita of C-Bllf.rtil. Friday. Novembat
Cidumlila, Wclnianlay, NovimtT M.
fttnln of Culif.iruln. Monday. Novam
bef a.
Tor raiaa anil ganarai tnrormatlon aai
oo ar addraaa
O W T.OT'NBtiltnRT.
W. II Ht'ltlJlCKT.
Oan. I'aa At., Portland, Or.
.'.VIA ,
Library Car Route
.1rnl lo
Thn all-rail route to Kootnnal mining
district, via rWattle and Hpokana
Shortest and Quickest Line
St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Duluth, Chicago
Through Palace and Tourist
81epra, Dining and Library Obawrva
tlon Cars.
Dally TroItiH
...FoHt Time
For tickets and full Information call
on afent O. It A N. Co. or addrsaa
C. P. Sl T. A., Portland, Or.
It C. BTEVENB. O. W. P. A BoattJo.
A. & C. R. R. R.
In ! fleet Oct. 2R, IH7.
Leave Seaside for Astoria via Flaral
at 7:30 a. m. aind I p. m. dally.
Leave Astoria for Seaside via Flaval
at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally.
All the Above Trulrs Are Dully.
olilio lllo