I THE DAILY AflXQRUN, WEDNESDAY M0JIN1K0, KQVEMBEK IP, 1897. PIM. Ylio rtpulfliuiiu voiur of Ills city of -Aatorln, r liurolry iititlfled Hint the prl iimi iiiK ror Ilia t'lmtk n of illiul id tho oily convention will 1 held on in litlh ilny of Niivi'IhIht, IVi7, hclviern lnr hour nl 13 m, viiil 8 o'otmk n, tit. Tim olty convention will lio composed uf thlrty-aavcn ' (37) ilclmatow, trptl tnrird to Km lliro ward nn follow; Kim! wnril, in ilnlnitulm; H'm1 wnril, 11 del egati; Till i.l ward, 7 iM'n.ln. Tlil Mug min (riMiK fr i-vTy thirty ') Vote or fraction thereof ciinl ut the Uai oil y election. Polling pln.ce ninl Judgi: l'Nrt wir.1, liy ImM-ll. 11. Knrguon, A. n. Cyru. Martin Johnson. Aecnnd wr1, Welch Work -John Welo'l, Aii. Nton, Ludwlg Litrwn. Third wur1, nM m'hool houe. A. Ilrlx, Opo, Nclmn, T. H. Coritcllii. The republican oily convention I hr by coiled (a mot t th ally luUI rn ffcturday, tti th day of November, at tb hour of 1 o'clock t. nv, fr th (mrpo. of nominating1 caaiilldnte for tho vttioim rtlv office to m voted for and ftleotod at lb oily elrollon which I to tftkn plnra on tho lilt day of Pooambor. 1OT. lly order of the City fV'itrtil Com tee. Hlpneil. J, A. Fl.'I.TrtN, Chairman and Hocretnry pro tm. Tr.Aciint'fi kxamination. Itetitnr quarterly ejtnttimntlon for ccr. tlflcat to tench In Hi" riiiinly will li held In High Hohonl holldln-, Aitorls, Winning at 1 o'clock p. m, Wdne. day. Novetnher I. 17. to continue mat of the week: applicant to I prent at ljlnnlrt and remain through, RvnmltKUIon for alata or life diploma will I held Hntttrday, Novrmlr I3i h. at ettma place. If H. T.YMAN. flchool Huperlntrndont, Clt-p Co. to rciiK a rni.n in nvt: pay Tk- yitlv liromo Qiilnln Tablna call ron ninrunucAN tMAIUMH. All drwga-lala rnfund tha moi ay If 1 falla!''"" nr'n of I'lill i.K- to t'urm- fck. KSt "ale by Chnrln TCar ti. H..nion lrlN, . 1 1 M m-h:mu nr t'o lalcat raiirlcn In Krwnoh Itn.arl". Tit threvs. year .old boy of J. A. Joh:i. on. of I.ynn rntr. 111., la anbjart to at tarka of croup. Mr, Johnann aaya h 1 Mtlaflml tht tha ttmrly uaa of Cham twrlaln'a Cough ltmn1y, during a aavar. atu.k. aaved hla llllla buy'a Ufa. II fa In tha drug biiatiwa., a mcmhrr of the Urtn of Johnaon llm,., of tht pVaro; and thoy band! a great many patent medi cine for throat and lung dlcaji, He fc. all h to rhoo from, and kllled phyl4on ready to rmpond to hla enll, trtit axlet-ted tlila rme1y for uaa In hla, cling public learn of th cicdlnnt din wn family at a tlm when hi child' mg car wrvlr of tho Wlnoinaln Ton Ufa waa In danger. hcmw ha knew It tr.l line bctwean Ht. Paul and Chicago, to b, upeTtor to any other, and famoti',,,. ,n(1 funeral comfort of traveling over th country over for It rttrea of cro-tp. j ,hu ,H,,ulllf nn. Kor rlculra call Mr. J..hnon .ay thl to tfia hey elllng!tm nr-lv,, ,,ckM agent or add rcaa mugh tne.1l,Hn they handla. and that lt!j c ,,,,, n r A jjllwauk". Wta., trtvM .plendld aaM.faatlon In all ca.ea. ' ,,r ,',, ,uy cmcml Agent, poiii ty FOTea.rnnn lrug company. A man muni be In nv with hi lnn.l. j lady wh.ti h willingly eala cold buck, j wheat enkca, I A K5.CNIMKR .HOOK The Chicago ttccord'a book for gold I k Tl U now rea.ly. A render Of thl Tho wholiTvTikon rritl.m la iifllli-l.d by look will know more of A tank a an 1 tha 'cloiuU of hlood-lhlmly mowiulloe. nc . 111, Irrlul Kl.nullko Jl.trlot than h coiiM rl,mlKinl ,y vlinlli-llvc ally III tho li'arn by monlh of peraonal ohaervallon ahnpe of a ixtlmmou l.u-k fly. vihI rceean h tlx groiiml. In compar- j t.nit arl'.li other work" on th uhect l! niitnlvcr of Itoman itrav hnva r . 1:1.. "Wi-lrtitcr' Mi'l.onary of Alaska," , ,-cntly N-cn luld barn t Cologne. Th --a perfect and perrlo volttnie. at one ' pbu-c ban Ix-cn nccurcl from eii;liitlon 'he iiiii l.'l 1111. 1 ilopnlr of rlul piibtUhei 1. by an cxlctialw rin)aiire. It t -t lo of the rlcheat and moat exten. rive gold field th world ha. vr The fiiahloimbln photographiT jHiaire. Vnow.i-How thy wvr dlocovered-Fk'lda auch an neworijnont of buy, neck Jew. yet untiiorn -Ti yeara' work al 1 and fancy head wear that the woman ready In ulirlit -Where I the mother lodT nnaloua to bo po.il urllnllcally ha a - The fortuikca nlreotly mndeTh mil-' wldo runtte of choice In the. mailer of lu r llona to lm taken out next year How to ' adornment. lt there--K. H, far and other e 111. nm i tmtn all poldMe1li-l bliitCllui.t 'nii'.al mupa-Ooveniment riporl All 1 liinil .irul wnirr roud --ProJectiM rail-1 Toa.i.-Mining law-Culoma. In brief, all that la known of thl womlerMI IojxI of filMil.iiin w colt h. It la the only an! tin ii'li', iT.u'tU iU book, ollli'lal and i n- mi!. About f.o page. Ilamliionii'ly I -lotind In art rii'ivan fr)ce, 1150. 1 Aiii'iita a,-u wanted to hnndlc thl va-) i.nl.lr nmk. II I a dinner of a lift' line, lt"riiice In not ui enry, aa j full .natrui-MoHia or aent nml tha whole pimple are clamoring for the book. T'- 1 i.fa frun iienu Junt Rtnrted ahow won.) terful in'r'". 8u le run n IiIkIi im SO t.uok" 1111 hour. Illg cominlnilnna n:id viilunl'l" premium nr nllowed. Credit ' la given and frelKht paid. It I an i-pior I tunliy to gain n. comiiolonce In a hort lltnc. Tin: book H not sold through hook' mores or tiowMers. Complete ennvn Ing on 1 (1 1 w.ll lie mailed for M eeiit. viuiipa To place whore wo hnvo 110. (iKout 11 full copy of tho liook will be went to cimioinors, prepaid, on rocelp' of ptl 'c. Adilri . exa -lly, Monroe Hook Company, doiwrlmeitt K, 2)9, Chicago, TO CfliK A COI.D IN ONP; l'A Take Liixntlv promo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money If It fall to cure; 25 For le by Chariot Rogers H I estimated that tho value of Frntvor's 1R1HI vlnlitKo Is tibont :a"i.nn.000. i3C3C3fIJCC!C!C Think of frjcx The Difference between the nature of the cotton-plant and the habits of hog;, and you have tbe difference between Cottolene and litrd. Cottolen. is all that', pure and wholesome ; lard ho few redeeming features. jf. mmmm m 1 "v M fw- wa aa makes yonr food light, crisp, digestible. Rightly used it greatly improve the food and the heultb of those who cut it. Th genuine Cnttnlcn l sold evorrwhf re In en to ten pound y. low Uru.wllh onr tra.li. niarka WMeM" anil iimt'i luad in riuion- plant tvrxilA on avery tin. Vmleonlyby TH K N. Chicago. Ht. Loula. We Will Give $1000.00 to Ilia prion wlio will qiiiI tt tha litrK Mt iininlHr of aulMtcrlptloti io tha f.mll' lliunn Journal Iwlwrt'ii now and April IT., IKtM. Tlila la In ad'llilon to a, liberal num. iiiIIii puld for pvitry nlicrlli'r oured. Wn alMll dlvldn ! I.tvw mnn W ftii who do Iha bvat work for u Ix twaau now nird April IS. lOD. Mir I'im'IIIii foiwl MiiiiMtfrr will br ptraitad to am lha dalHiiK to nka up tho work. Addri, W. II. ANinL.H. Occident lloltl, Aatorla, Oregon, Novtmlxr lj-i. 107. THU CIKTIS rt liUSMNG CO., rnuiiir.irnu, HTKAilKIl AHIIoaiC. Victoria, Nov. . Tl aKwinnr (liy of NnJi.iltno, riinnlita txtwi-on Vb lorla und Nniwlnio, ta of lint In KhIkkh Niirrow danvroua hiIM nlmiit tv- mlla l-low llliirk IMurimnil City Mlm tnnl wild an lU-rldMit wltllo hripliur tho Aburiciin can n-y tm. r Kiok uff 11 putnt In tha Narrow. Tlu Karluk mk hnr way liack to N11 nalmo. TWO J-KIZICKItlllTH M.iii I'luii.lniii. .N'iiv. D,Tli National j At Mr 1 1.1 Cluti will 011 Wa-liHtay rilxnt inrioa on iwii KfM,o iii(nuria i niKi'i. arl iwvllluii. '111.' ntwl 1ll In lie- lw n 'Hi-ttl.ly Hill" gulnn. of new j Votk. who found! ta-n JH-roiiixl ilr.m. I wtrti Wabull nml I'niok I'ur.wli uf Rilt ,'"h" Tl" ''' nKl,t ',n pltln, ) will In.x Hi niiin'lji. When going ICaat tmfil on th North. rn I'aclnc Hallway. Oub k tlm. and tb only linn running dining rara. Train leave Cortland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. THE OHJKCTION NOT 0VD. Tbr ara people who have objection to a4vTtllua- milr In tb oolumna of a n-wpaiHr. Th ground of objection la that thpy do not want to raad ad-venliwmi-nin. Now thl. nbjeotlon I n.t ITikkI. for oftontlmoa thf advarUac itic'iU ontivey valuable Information. Pitr lnatanro, how le would th trav- iHtark tirl, Portland. r. TO Cl'ItE A COI.D IN ONK DAT I ' Take tjiiailv Uromo Qulnln Tablrt. j All drugglala refund tha mon.y If It fall ! to cure; Be. For alo by Chaxle Itogor. 1'-' ' J u w" I h5- tmv i.MDkUli t are iiperior tj Biivnn of Cooailn, - CiibcNor InjectionStnoYiffiau CURE IN 48 H0URSpi tho n.imo diiciiSci w.'lli - Tfl out In.'onvenionrn I 1H7J 1807 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... t.UHRICATINO Oll-S A 5IM CIAI.TV Ship Cliiiiiilliry H 11 nhui re Iron nml Steel Cuiil Uroccrlcs unil I'rnvislons fluiiriind Mill IVcd I'tiints, Oils unil Varnishes l.i)i(crs' Supplies l'lilrluinh's Scales Doors anil Kimlows Agricultural Implements Wn()ons nml Vehicles. Notgnarnt.tHl tr anlit In any nther way. i K. PAI If B A XK COMPANY, CI Htm York. IJontreal. jjj en 1 Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mann on application. SEASIDE SflWpiIiL A ooinplat. atock of lumbar on hn. In tha rough or draaiad. floorlnc. rua tie, ctllnv and .11 kind, of flnlih; mold Int. and ahlncla. Term rasaonablt nd price, it bedrock. All ordr. promptly attendod to. Offlaa and yard at mill. H r U U)QAH, Katald. Ofton. Proprlotor. Antorla Ironworks Front Btrtet, foot of Fourth, Aatorta. CENEIUL MACHINISTS AND UOILKR MAKERS ImI and Marin Koflnca, Holler Work. Btaainboat and Cannarr Work a gp. olalty. Caaitnga of all dcrlpUon mad to order on ihort noiloa. John Fog..Praaldant and Buprtntandnt A. L. F Vlo. PrUdot 0. B. Pra. Swrvtair Aftotia Barlfitr flank Traaurr OIVKfl choick or Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha of Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Ca Astoria to San Fraoelseo. Hlalo of California, Wednesday, Oc- lobar . Columbia, Mumbiy, Outobcr 21 Btnta of California, Bn,t urOay, Octobai Jt. Columbia, Thuraday, Novomlwr 4. 8lt of OUlfomla, Tuoaday, Novea ber f. Columbia, Sunday, Novnmber 14. mat of California, Friday, Novnb 1. Columbia, Wednesday, Novernlm H. BtAt of California, Monday, Noven. bet B. For rat and general inrornatlon on r addrwa O. W. IXirNSBRTtHT. Agent W. H. HURtBCRT. 0n. Paa. Agt, Portbxod. ftr FOB TIUJIMOOK. NEUIALEM AND TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST rOINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINT8 Steamer) H. P. ELMORE, M. 1. EbM('Ra R. P. ELMORE, j W. IL HARRISON W. H. HARRISON W. H. HARRISON AND AUGUSTA AND AUGUSTA AND AUGUSTA ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Balling date to and from Tillamook and N.halera depend upon th. weather. For freight and passenger rate, apply to ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Aetata, O. R. A N. Co, Agents, Portland. THIS RAILWAY COMPANY Operate It trains on th famous block system. Light Its trains by electricity through out; Uses the celebrated elootrlo berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between SU Paul and Chicago; tins CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft ST. PAUB im Jo) am Milwaukee I s 1 Also operate, atecm-heaited vestlbuled train, carrying the latewt private com' portment ears, library bufTet smoking cars, and palace drawing- room alec per. Parlor cars, free reclining; chair cars and the very beat dining car service. For lowest rates to any point In the United States or Canada, apply to ticket ngent, or aildroa. C. J. EDDY, General Ag-ent, J. W. CASEY. T. P. A. Portland, Oragoa. the Best... THE CENTER ON THE Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon fce doubled, It Is distinctly the best property on the market. IFIne large' level lots, surrounded; tymany improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine investment? rilK ONLY DlJilKO-CAR ROUTE FROM POKFI.A NDTOTHK EAST. THK ONLY BOt'TE TO 1IIE YE1XOW6TO.NE KATIOXALPAKK. Lit AV B FOKTLASD ARRIVE. '! Mali for Kaiara. Cheluil't. O.ilralla. INo. x, iHouth H it, MouleaMiio No. L Ab-rdeen. rtlTnipia, T- ,oia, caiiio, . i-iuiia. Port Towniid. KUcn hunr, Pnokane, H.lnil I... V.. .., W, 4.-- ion. It. C. Kailo. Ml- Iwiuia. Hutle. Anaconda. 11: A.M. Ueleua, M. Paul, Mm- 00 P. M ineapoba, Knaa lly, lOmaha, Council Rlufls, !M. L.Hii.CUl('KO,W atl button. New York. VliU-l ladelpbla.BiMton, ana all ipotuu tw auo aouin leant. I DAYS 40 Minneapolis. Omaha, Kan- a City and St Paul. 14 DAYS to Milwaukee and Chicago. iM DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New Tork and Boston, aad other Eastern point. Baggage checked through to destitution of ticket. For sloeptng-car rOTPrvatlons, tickets, map and full Information, call 00 or write A. D. CHARLTON Aaa't Un'l Pau. Agent. Portland, Or SS3 Morrln Ht., Cor. Third. C. W. 8TONE, Astoria. GO EAST . . VIA . . Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Meals la Dialog Car la Carte The all-rail route to Kootenai mining district, via Seattle and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Line TOV St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Library Observa tion Car. Dally Trains ...Fast Time a8KKVICR AND BCKNKRY PKEAQUKLED For ticket, and full information call on agent O. R. ft N. Co. or address A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. ft T. A., Portland, Or. R. C. STEVENS, a. W. P. A., Semttla. riarMe and Qranlte IflHOFF & MINAR, !1 E. SlorrUon 8 Portland, ;Or mALI. KIND80F CEMETERY WORK-, Emil Schacht RHGHITECT GJfBH SSL HgSStf Rooms 317-318 Portland Savings Dank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. OF DEVELOPMENT WEST SIDE Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABS0LUELY PURE Tbe North Pacifio Brewer, of wbicb BIr. John Kopp j. proprietor, make beer for domes' ic and export trade. Bottled brer for family tue, or keg beer .applied at any time, delivery in tbe city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY SOUTH LEAVE. fORTLASD, : ARRIVE. J OVERLAND EX PKEKS, tor r-alem, RoM-bunc. Albland, Sacramento, (gdrn, Han Francisco, Mo iare, L Au.elcm, ri Paao, New Or leani and tbe Eac Roteburg paiwnger Via Woodburn, lor Mount Anxel, "II vertoo, Weil Sclo, browiiMfllie, Spring field and Katrua CorraUis pancnger, McMlnnvllle pau'gr :0 P. M. S MA-M SJ0.A.M. Dally except atuiday. 17 JO A. at. t4 80 P. M, 4.WP. at. Iatly neupt cuuduy. t8J0 P. M !f:itA. M. Daily , tDally except Huuday. Connecting at Baa Franclso) wtth Oc cidental ft Oriental, Pactfle Mail, aad Oceanic steamship line for JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. AND A HAWAII. LOW FARES. EVERT DAT PORTLAND TO BAN FRANCISCO tS.00. Second Class; $10.00, First Class, Including; berth. Similar reductions to Los Angeles, Fresno and other California points. Baggage checked to destination. R. KOEHLER, C, II. MABKHAU, atannger. O. F. and P. A,' ARE TOU GOING EAST? ARE TOU GOING EAST? ARE TOU GOING EAST? Be sure and see that your ticket resvds via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINES ' THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE THE NORTH iVR.TERN LINE 1HE NOPTJI-WF STERN LINE The CHICAGO, ST. PAUU MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAT3 This Is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH. SAINT PAUL, CHICAGO And all Point. East and South. Their Mofc-niftcMt Track, Peerless Vest! buk-d Dining and 81eeplng Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" . Have: given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passenger, carried on the vestlbuled train, without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. F. C. SAVAGE. T. F. and P. A. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, US Washington St., Portland, Or. GOING EAST? GOING EAST? GOING EAST? GOING EAST ? GOING EAST? GOING EAST ? GOING EAST? GOING EAST T GOING EAST? GOING EAST? , If you are, do not forget -THREE IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT POINTS POINTS POINTS THREE THREE First Go via the St Paul because taa line to that point will afford you the very best service. Second See that the coupon beyond St Paul reads Via the Wisconsin Cen tral because that Una makes close con nections with all the transcontinental lines entering the Union Depot there. and Its service is flrst-closs In every particular. Third For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wisconsin Central tinea, or address JAS. C. POND, General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. GEO. 8 BATTY, General Agsnt, Portland. Orsgon. O onr4SiASTAJ Marshall Co.'s... lrittmH.ttllfftttHf Twine -wa Fresh FOR- 1898 trw EVERY BALL GUARANTEED REPORT IMPERFECTIONS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS idtititirkifif EVERY BALL MUST BE MARKED ,3B MAESHALL & CO. SHREWSBURY MILLS MANUFACTURED FROM Flax See That Every Ball Bears the "Marshall" Label 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. 13 and U Ply-40s 12, 13, U. 15 and 18 Ply-50's 7, 8. 9 and 10 Ply 30 s Elmore Sanborn AGENTS ntt f From the Mills Fishing TOmani j.'agj aingmy; sj sq- y 1 it Selected Specially For Columbia Riyer Fishing i Co 482 Bond St. 9