THE DAILY ASTORIAN ll tilt fclffeit and beat paper os the Columbia River THE ASTORIAN has the (arrest circulation of anv taer on the CotumblalRlver FULL, ASSOCIATKD PHESS RKPORT. TOL XLV1I. ASTOItIA, OJlKtiON. WKDNKSDAY MORNING, OVKMI5ER 10, 1807. NO. 82. School Books AND mJia Tablets Slates Pencils Sponges Composition Books Pens Blotters Inks SchoorSupplies We have the botl ml cliwl Hli of Cell and I'tiicU iahlvla In 111 cllr- GRIFFIN & REED -rniint.MiiUKTH'MiiuriCAi. . . 1 Oliximiiiun Imllril Klondike Winter. try yoik- - Air-Tight Stoves HOW ANIXAVKCI KI. lUNi rMTI KKU AT E. R. Hawes' Store J N. LAW. M ANA'iKH A, .m for Hildas A H4 h Manufacturing linnpanr Slll'.fliil Hllltna Sail Kaurl 'Sole Agents for Knox and Wautorton Hats BUFFUM PENDLET?IN Hatters and Furnishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. ....The Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers....' Our Royal Cream Flour NONE BETTER FOARD & STOKES CO. Sole AgCtltH AHTORIA OREGON popils ' (received IN TUB PRIMARY. GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. HAVE OI'KNKK THKlll IKiAltlUSO A.ND DAY HCIIlKU,. For rate, to., address the Superioress) 1N8TRU- MENTAL MUSIC. PAINTING AND VOICE CULTURE I FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT j1 PU-Jv 12 DU a ' rir.'ii i F.i Via IrVTfcd ' 1 iro l " rwJ uuti tan Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Marion Counts OREGON Thli I. Ju.t th. plac for your boys. Delightful location, large bulUllngi and ground, good meals, plenty of healthy exercise, excellent teacher, and careful training- tlila la what they all aay of MT. ANGEL COLLEGE. Bend for Cat alogue and special term.. P. F. PLACIDUS. Director. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth. Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS ItoKiiliir Normal Coume of three years. Senior your wholly profcsMoual.l TrHlHliiw department o( nine tirades with '.YJO children. Iimlriii'lloii ami training In (Jynitiaallrs (Swedish iy tem), mill Vocal Mimlo (or nubile schools Tim Normal diploma In recognised liy livw M a STATE L1KK CEKTIFICATK to leach. Light expense. Tuition, books, boaid aud lodging (ap proximately), tliLVou iior year. Htiiili'iitu boarding; themselves, fllil .00 per Tear. Academic grades accepted from IiIkIi schools. (aiaioviica cbeprnuiy sum on apiiiicauou. A nil reus K'ltfrtfliXLTl'ri'iiMoiil, oi a W. A. WANS, Secretary Faculty. NATIONAL SOUND MONEY LEAGUE Annual Meeting of the Executive Com mittee la New York, okk.on ;lts m:i:i.m aid J. Mcrlisg, .M.itoa Report That Nebraska May D llvntia by Brtaa and Mis rollocr. New York. Nov. 9 The si-mi. annual liif'llug of Ih rxccuUve oosnmittev that National Hound Money League ) lirgiin hrre loiluy. Thw. n .ri- nt l'rM'tit, tlrore K. luhtoii. ill. uula, tVir tury I.. V. HinalKy. Ji.-nry'l, J. IKnry To.M, IMwIn Hurmt 8im:ii, J. K. Ow.-n. M. K. Ingftll". J. W. Ni.rK J. V. C. Conway jnd Trr.nuror K. I'. Up Imrn. (ni-ral H.rrclury Hniil y In hl ro. of til work of the k.iK'.ie .Id tlxTts um lo.lic 1 to Hi ( r lit In the Hui;k of Clilcdg'j .( lMjnv uf V .) all exprnilltur. Tn"nnrr l' i'jrn r purled Uxtt the total amount In toe l.rtiik up 'o the ir xnt to tlv- ir-ll! t)l lM.-Ur W.ia IIO.KI. A J.jlllllo.'l oi 10 to tlu- 1 1 1 . 1 : u r. .i j i a ; I b Monrttry !. m nr.inlcJ without .11. .nit. ! m Bti rct iry HtnjLi y mi I a iom muni, iithm from M. f irs. irfi4ilnt for tirKon, who ro: that l wn with the le;iu- In all the ijreit iue--tloiia r.'l.itlnic Jo currr:n-y nti.l r"llz. l tru n'.-..iiy fur utrviv work. A t. th atate, In ninny p!a vi, :ti i iur won'. I lln.l It hn y.romUil with lln.ui- lrtiir m ri m;.l errr. on motion of Mr. Ingnlla. f Clnvir It wa luti-J to appropiliite ll.'.l to nlil Mr l,'Orir.. of ll.'iron ' J. K. ('. wen, of T'.jltlniore. " port d that thli'Kit w- r eiljf.i;toiy In lux ur. titory. J. rtti rliiiM Morton. vK-e-prt-sMi nt of tlw I .iiiiit- In Ni wrote; "Mr. un.l .lovlpi. are .u-tlvely en- ga:tM In the propagation of niJii.y f . Iin-le. They Imv unit.-. I In one -oa- Klotio-rut" m.tKa .ill the Unnil il hiitom nn.l l.llot. In thU atate for the puipoe of iiphuMIng the fpc . colt),; of l)ver At th. r.illo of li! to 1. It l very p.ilMul to ol.iMne thl mtureRrttlori m.iy ipilte powHhly take a majority of .Wi) at the coming .ki-ilon. tor the can.ll. late who repnaetit all that Is liiimk..! n.l dlaaatroua to AKrlculture, mid iu fact, 10 aouml government evtrywh ro." report an Id; "fonmnlT Ilhlnd anil Lleiilemnit I'roiKm nxagid In thr nni". p-rilo'ia ii'lvi'iituro thiil waa je-rhapa yer rliikeii. Aa on In ntlve otner, I lif to rci oiniiK-ii'l tliTn for promotion. None In thi a:aulion contliKre.) that their II v wouH Ih- Mivnl, and C'rtn. inutiil' r ICMn.l and LPrun nunt IT.hI').. had Riiulu in urratig' inent to aai-rlfi' i. tlini'IV' a In eoo the vcnn'-l wua IfOariled u thing llk'ly to h.ip'i." At tlw Ioim( of tlK. war Commander Rhlnd anrve.l for time on th' Congreaa and waa e.tnml.t'nie.l eonimodore, waa pn.i-nt of Hie Ixnu-d of lnaiectra In Wi2, uii.l on h-ioI.t V, I1!, he wai proniot d to udnilrnl and w.n retired the following lay, having reaehed tlw age limit. Mo n VT marrH-I J J lint arrivr.d, an el-ganl uaaortrretit '-f nen' overt l:tom pr!a (it C If. Cooper's. WHO CAf DOUDT. When Buch Men Testify rtennrkuld. Cur of Chas. Rlnell by Electricity. Mr. Editor Dsar Sir Tula U to or- tlfy that I have hat) a dtegreeahte dl- charge from my ear to.' years, ocrom. panled with sharp danlng pilna. Dr. Parrlu has cured me and I feel It my duly to writ, thlt card. I ean be re ferred 'n nt Roan, l!glns Co.'i stor Astoria. CHAfl. RI.VELU DR. PARRIN'8 NRW OFFICKB. Pr. Panin will occupy the offlces for. merty ti by Dr. neckman at 01 HoBfl street, after Novrmber 7lh, and will re main In Antorla until December 1st, and will In future treat all curable chronic ami private d!ee.n-s with officii or home treatment at th. reduced rat. of IS a week, or In that proportion of tlm. as rases ma7 require. The poor treated free, except medicines, from f to 10 a. tn. doily. 'Patients able to pay. from 10 a. m. io I p. m. Evenings, 7 to t. Eiamlna. Lions frt. to an. COAL MINERS IN ILLINOIS I'ut a Tence Around Star Mine Num ber Tko. BACKBONE OF STRIKE BROKEN Call .last lor Cbisoc Miser I sited' "list torktit Object -Troakle l rrobsble. tlon. It l undratool that Wednesday's ; meeting will bt of trcmwlous mtort. anc to the craft throughout the state, : un It was cl Hnwd that If Chlniimen sre allowed to go to- work her and else- where. It will only b- a mat'.er of tlm : when mine employing tht kind of l-ibflrj w-lll h able to undereell tla .mploy. J . Ing skilled hands, aod thus th. price will u again fm4 down. Th, .i-uation ! Kobleflo Makes an I IS EULOGIZED hrv ta looked upon by bualnrm men as most seirloua. The Chine, queetlon has put an entirely new phase upon It It means to Strea.tor alone, thr olnplace merit of about 2.Wi men. i Against the Conservatives. Ladles' and mtssea' night robes from S cents to 11.60 at C. H. Cooper's. AND CHICAGO, TO?. Chicago, November 9 The author of the theater hat ordinance. Alderman : j Platke, will introduce this evening a PRIVATE COUNCIL TO BE IIFLD ropslsc is a Crowdea fleeting, ' Criticize Veyler's Btlsvlor Carlistj Ap plasd Him, Chicago, says: Work la eUcht-foot ! measure to prev-nt the playing of foot-: bull wrlthln the limit of Chicago. In ; Tork, November . A dispatch No,-mrT 9. The Tribune, I ' speaking of his football ordinance, ., th. Herald from Madrid says: in board fence to be oUced around Uie Star mine No. 2 at Carbon Hill In the Iiraldwood. IH., mining OH- All th.i oomiiiiys bulWIng" are trlcl. Nnv:y art Hnmt inwi deslcns on fine linen very cheap at C. H. Cooper'". Pillows, cushions, etc., from S cents up to 1 at C. H. Ooopers. KItirND OF HENRY GEORGE. N'.i: Y.xk. Novctnliir H. -Dr. rlArd N'Wtrry. found r of r.tx'litwood. Long Inland, la deal from pneitmonfci. cn-trm-teil at the furreral of Henry Georse. H w.ia an Intimate friend of Mr. George an 1 an .'..piiat adoca;e of tlw single tax. bone of the strike was broken and that thousands of m n who have b-en Idle for half a year will return to work with. On Monday Srnor , Romero Robld4 I "Why do I Introduce It? Because It mad an Important speaks to hi adh r. i In an Inhuman gam; a came that should 'H- About 400 persons were present, ; have been stopped long ago. Somebody n1 hr spoke for two hours. After ai:ud. , gets hurt every time football l nlirni 1 lncr to the national losa sustained by the to bo movwl inside th. enclosure. Along roaojf ( rf CuMy ftixtA l0 y with the of the .tock.d- there ( tim wor,e prllcnht, ' oo,,., rt, w 8taln no camo to Chicago report, that the bort-j rmth(C a uy day tha lger exists. He directed bitter recrim. , game of fxnhaJl. it teaches school Inatlons against tbe cona-rvatlves who ; children to be brutal." 1 have goo. over to Sllvela, and severely It Is thought llkeiy the aldermen mav cen,ure1 Marshal Martln-g Campos for In ten days. The lockade may have;tilke the wJImi er0u.y 4nd p,. hU behavior sine Canovaa' death. H. the purpose of answering the company'i j W. n wouI4 consterB; euioglxed Generel WVyler and praised d mond. or It may be Ut the sujnlfl. tlon imong. loVtT, of footbttll fof Canovaa' memory for bavin kept hlra cant aim la protecting Imported Mon-; wouId put c ba, to the big g!imt next'ln offtc In Cuba through thick and thin. tikui workman), Th4 men formerly ; gaturJay to the oUwT big Jame u, aald that If the liberals fa tn turir emplovd by the. general Wilmington : jchclule,! for ThanksglMnr day twtwe. n . Program H la all up with Spain, lie de- Coal Co. at th BracevUI. mine, voted ch,,. Michigan University. cuu-ed that th. Sptuilardw recognized yesterday to return to work tomorrow.; ; General Weyler's successea and con- t . . demned the autonomist r glme. He .aid j th. liberal government has dreams every ! Bight as to wnvro General W'eyler ta ! golnfr to dtoembark, but that the govern- I Muskogee. I. T.. November 9.-"Duck k"W W"" ! Wakeman. aila. Oeor Thor. .,u. tMn1"' to " Ktd Buck, Ud to be the laat of the "- eomMl nl ,peech b' This mine is the urgwn In the Northern : Purses, shopping bags, leather tH' purt of Uie stat, and Is said to be one ail new at C. H. Cooper's, of the keys to the situation In the Braid wood district. Last night miners at tvurhborinic plant were declaring that th e resolutions to go hack to work would curry but few men. and woull end In a flule. General reports were that the pr. pa rations to bring Chinese miners from Wyoming to take the I LAST OP DALTON GANG. famous Dalton gang of outlaw., has been killed near Cheeotah, I. t., In a fight wiih Tnlr.l Rt-.tA- r , n strikers places ha I crvalcd a stampede w-.uu nenneus, th, I-aHan end non-Eng.lrt. LaW8n "d -Busa"" Wakmnr. ' speaking men. And local cool operator, ' " tner ot ,'D""to Wck" and say this break In the striker, ranks ' WM "e f ,he brok ' ai (..utnrie last j'ear with that ba approved of General W.yler. views and that he was resolved to com. to an understanding with him. Robtedo'a epech Is regarded through, out 'Madrid as a wonderful piece of ora "ory, very wary and skillful, and it baa UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield BrandlHams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS Guaranteed the Best la th Msrkst CORNER FOURTH AND QLISAN STREETS - PORTLAND, OREQON ADMIRAL RllIND DEAD. Full Sketch of the Old lleroe's Life nnJ Martial Career. New York, Nov mlwr 9 R'-ar Admiral Alexander Golden Rhlnd, U. 8. N., Is dead at his home In this city. He had bevn confined to his Iwd for flv. weeks. lAduilml Rhlnd was born In N w Yolk October 31. IM'1, hu father being a prom inent shipowner In those days, who after, wards b cam.- dlslliiKUlshed In the dip. lomatic service of his country as plenl iot(Mi(lary to Conatanlliiople in 1W7. After nvelvlng un education in that cliy tho future admiral ntere.l the nnvy us mldviitpmuU; In 1, rtnvlvlng hln ap- imlutnieiit frou Aliibulna. At the break- 'lug out of the war wmb In command of the r, of the South All intlc blockade squadron. He per.'ormod opcr. aitlotiH In Edlsto sound for which ho r. reived th. thankj of tho navy department and was In command of the Keokuk during tho tit tack on Charleston. April 7, Isi'kI. when he ran hla ship to within 5M feet of the walls of Fort Sumter, drawing; the fire of all the forts upon hvr. 81io was struck 90 times In 30 min utes iiJid in shot hit hor b low the witter line. She floated during the night, but sank early In the morning, but oil hundu were sav.d. Through the next year Com mander Rhlnd was In James river nxlst Iiik General Grant, and commanded scv. erat v.wols, nnionj; them tho I'aul Jones nn.l Waluish. It was at the attack on Fort Fisher, however, that h won the greatest renown. Asflat.d by Lutenant Preston' and a vvlunteer crew from Ills own vessel, he commanded t!;; Louisiana, which, loaded with 215 ton of gunpowder and bombs, set to explode by clockwork. was. towed close to thr fort. The officers nuV men were taken off by the- steamer Wilderness. Th powacr boat wew up as was expected, but did little Injury io the fort. This operation was suggested by Benjamin F. Bu;l r, and Admiral Porter, who detailed the officer, In bis GRAVE SITUATION . IX BRAZIL btNEfUl CAXTlrm IS M1V THE l ISTEIt Of WR. Conspiracy Dicovrrci Xgainst the Hovers tntst I'oliic Viitchimi the Newspaper New York. November ! A dispatch to the. Herald from Ructie. Ayres sJiys; The It raid's correspondent In Rio Janeiro fends word that Vice-President Victoiino did not visit President Morel s afier the attempt to assassinate the bu yer Inst Frldr.y, nor did he attend the funeral of Minister of War Betancourt. who was killed In that affair. His atti. tud.i haa caused n great di-al of com. ment. General Canturta has Iwen appointed to succeed General R tancourt ns mln ister of war. The government officials of the navy have . xpresscd to tho government their adhesion to Its policy. The sltautlon ss still regarded ns grave In Rio Janeiro. Tlw police are wnlelilng tht offices of opposition newsixiiK'rs. fear ing they will be attacked by citizens. The tr.v remain under arms ready to quell any outbreak. Imp rlallsts In particular lire preparing Io make a dem onstration at the funeral of Count Motto rala, who was physician to the late Emperor Pom Pedro, and whose death ooeurr-d ytvterdny. A nicss.MA has Iwn prvscntcil in the chnmber of doputl s ih'mandliig tlvat mar- 1lal kiw be continued In Rio Janeiro because of the existence of tt conspiracy agtilnst the government, and that n pen. slon te grnnt d to the family of General Betnncourt. Flvei mcmlKrs of the opposition Iwvc gone over to the opposition In the cham ber. It is asserted that the murder of General B ttincourt has made revelatiw. imd that the governmont now knows the plans of tho conspirators who have been ploting Its owrthrow. An oflleinl statement has reached P.lo Janeiro tliut In tlw recent- fight In Santo Splrlto. In which 40 Jacobins kllbd eight ItnJInns. the aggressors were the Italians, eaii4e,l a miuiIaii .h&M marks the beginning of the end. and ' "ooun, uymvmitv Dick" and others. HU body' ' iwmcro xwoicuo s leaaing aunerents will will be no necessity for the Im portation of the Chinos. General Manager Taylor, of the gen nas ren brought here, a reward r I iCWhad been offered for his capture. ! "" VHVAt" Cmcl1 Thl" meUn'- erul Wilmington Coat Co.. says the news from Braocvllle regarding the action ot the strlk r. Is correct and he expressed i th hoK that I', would be unnecessary to' ; PRIZE FIGHT OX A FARM1 ; It Is understood, will treat of an j bly to convene early In D-.cember ta consult as to a memorial In honor of ; Canovas, to propagate the doctrines of Romero RobVedo and to arrange a man- station In favor of Weyler. I News is at hand of Important gather I trsjs beld Monday in Sanianden On waa a crowded meeting, nominally of socialists, but the socialists pre nt claimed a very small portion of the aa- Rock Springs to In the city. With two ' of his k)il agents he called on G'neri: Manager Taylor of thi- coal company I .1 carry out the lih-a of Importing Chinese j He dd'arvd. however, that unless the ! within a week the comiKinv would lie ! T1KP PI Irs nv ctit. ..... ! opening the mines with the Chinese1 jisu uM Btl.tni miners from Rock Springs, Wyo. j OREGON AND VASMINT0N. In the Chinese quarter In Chicago elgn. . semblage. At this meeting, on motion- writt.n In Chinese were posted here and j of the celebrated socialist orator, Pablo theiw caning for Celestial workmen to J . 1 3taa. It waa unanimously resolved Uke place, tn the mines, but the answvrs j HeS"'1 V" S.rpnse to AII-C.sSidy fla, j ,0 absUUn from , to th sc advertisements were few If any.! .Marphy Domed. But Lost General Weyler's favor on hi .i.i Lu Che Chi. a Chinese contractor from .... ! ThB m.A. , m.hih -.., V . , , i - . Ql w. ...v.. " , , . t 1 . s i behavior In Cuba was very severely crlt j Icized, was packed. The populace greeted the resolution, "That we do not attend and held a long conference behind closed i "alio. Nov. 9.A prizefight for any manifestation In General Weylefa dofrs. The sam Chinese officials In-j a Purae ' took place thi morning ; favor." with tremendous applause and siccted the mints In the Braidwood ds..Bl daybreak on the farm of Mrs. pepp r. ringing shouts of "Never" Never- trlct and declared they could furnish one at Tumatum, on the state line, between i The oth-r gathering waa at a Carlist thousand .skilled miners to take the j Washington and Oregon, six mil s south ) banquet of fifty covers hetd at the Hotel Places of the miners. As to the Impor- j ot m c between a man named Css-jde Europa. During th. speech a General lat.on of the Chinese the r ports are to ' "' Francesco, and Murphy, of Weyler was flatteringly spoken of. Hi. the effect that they wera to b: brought , Sillt e. It was attended by a large' wai drunk and those preg flt In under contract to work for 67 e i tS'"owd from Walla Walia, Pendleton, and resolved to attend tlw manifestation la a ton for a period of five y rs and the ' LaGrande. Th- affair was kept very General Weyler'. honor on his return company officials say they will be pro-, "lule,t no'hlng being known about the to Santander lectcd by guards. j nKt outside of those Interested, till to- lou. j ;ew goods arriving dally and all the AGAINST COOLIE LAEOR. : The nv.n were evenly matched phyrtc. Iateet noveltJes he shown from now I ally. Cassldy wvlgbing i pounds 'and" Unt" Xmas at C. H. Cooper's. Springtleld, III., Nov. . A remon- -uur'" "rteen rounds were fought stramv swfiUnst allowing Chinese coal.;anu from the first round Cas.-i.dy seemed' miners to be Imported Into the stat- for j t0 hilv- th host of It all through, sue- London, Nov. 9.-At the second day's the purpose of mining coal at the Wilm-; J'nsr In knocking Murphy down In racing at Longfleld Park, Nove'mb r ington coul towns In tho place of the nearly every round. In the fifteenth ' meeting. J. V. Long's two-year-old colt striking min rs will be placed belore r,,unJ. w''n Cassidy had Murphy done Amherst, ridden by Sloane, the Am rl Oovornor Tanner 1n the nam? of the for- ln unsuard d moment lie gae ean, won the Cage selling nursery han- ENGLJSH RACES. Murphy an Vnlted Mlneworkers of Illinois. The gov ernor will also be asked to co-operate with the secretary of the Miners' Fed eration in keeping out coolie labor. Staie money and puree of KID0 was awarded to Secretary Ryan of the Miners' Federa. j Murphy. Murphy was badly puntshel.i Slxte. n horses run. August Bel- the ooendne. u-h..n ou ioi.. aicop. k,..i - . - monfs bay filly Souveraine won . . ..n ngm-nancl Plow on Cas. malden twwrld plate. adye ohln, knocking him out. The ga;e tlon states that If the Chinese are im ported and set to work In the northern while CassUly showed orrly a few marks. ; As soon as the mill waa flnbh.d the prin-' coal fields, bloodslved will surely result, j cipuls disappeared, and the officers,, who If Governor refuses :o Interfere. ; aro now looking for them are unable to Secretary Ryan says the matter will be 'catch tlum. referred to the president. MCCH EXCITEMENT. Streator. 111.. Nov. 9 The announce, ment tliat Chinamen would bt plac d l.i TUPPER ON AMERICANS. Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 9 The citizens of Vancouver tonight ent-.rtalned Sir Charles Tupper with a non-political btin- the mlneti of the northern Illinois fiiTd ! Quot. In replying to the toast rf has caused an Immcns- amount of ex citement here ntul a call has been issued for a full convention of the district to be j nudian government should m et thra o i "Health," he said If the Americans kepi up their policy of hostile tariffs the fa- held next Wednesday afternoon ln th's city. Every shaft will send delegatt-s and ln the meantime the various organ. Izatlons will get together and take ac- thelr own ground. Tbe Canadian gov ertiment should show the United Staiei that though they were big and powerful they could not coerce Canada. Royal anakes the food pmrt, wholesons and dallcloaa. FOVOES? Absolutely Purs KTM. MUtmO WHO 9 CO., Nfv rO i