Tllti DULY ASTOKIAN, Tt'ESPAY MOKX1XH, XOVKMKER , 18:17. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tel-phon No. M. TKUU Of SI llnflUITIO.N. DAILY. Sent by niiUl, p. r jrctir N.OO Bunl mall, per month I 8rvcd by curilur, per moult t WEEKLY, bent uy mall, pir your In advance, rogtajre rro to subscribers. All communications Intend.! for publi cation should be dlrocul to tho Uier. HubIiiibj communications of all kinds nd remittance mut b addressed to Th Astorlaa." Ths Astorian niaranU- to its (UD- icrlber the lugwl Ion of any newspaper published oa the Columbia river. k Advertising rate can be had oa applL cation to the business nMuiafer. Tbe Weekly Astorian, the secood old. est weekly In the elate of Oregon, has. tawf. t n thai Pnrttisml .TlfawftK.laUi- t ha. ' largest weekly circulation In the stats. John F. Handley Co. are our Portland agents, and copies of tho Astorian can be had every morning at their :a..d, Ui Third street important newa comee from Honolulu of the acceptance by Japan of the rbl- . t ration proposed fcy be Hawaiian gee. trnment of the quesUons at Issue between the two countries. Thcae are; -Tie' qiT: stlona of tbe bona fide possession 0.' j JjO by eui;h of the rejooted free , and the applicability of the treaty of 1S71 , to Japan's subjecu otbxT than the mer- j chant class." Instead of accepting- the : tans of he Belgians as arMtrator the j Havalian government suggests that lie arbitration should be by three eminent Jurists, each government and thoor two uniting on a third. It svua mat japan is jiKely to agree to t'a . Japan's seeming acquiescence to the pro. nnulu of th D.1 rm,,,m.. i. -on arise from th- belief of Its statesmen that the annexation negotiations will fail, and in that reat the internet of the mikado would quickly become paramount In the; little republic of the Pacific- But tre annexation to the United States is not likely to tell Accounts received at the office of the secretary of agriculture convey intelil- geoce of tbe withdrawal by tbe Swiss Sunday, and that they snend on an av federal council, at the rv quest of the erage of ti each on the sport. United States government, of eertiin j charges which have been calculated to. greatly prejudice consumers ) American meats. These chargs w-re published early in the summer by one of the leading Swiss economic Journal.. T.V council lug Just communicated to that Journal the prM st made by the mi-ed Elates minister, logeth r with th? r;p;:' to the charges prepared by tbe ch! f of the bureau of animal Industry In the agricultural i pirtment, nnd the io-.m-tl has published the communication in fur. In addition, the council has Issued a re quest, wWch for all practical purposes may be regarded as a command, that an Swiss papers that havn "isrjre .1 the matter will follow the example of tie Journal in question. It 13 aiso learned from the United Stat s minister at Rome that the dlseriminat nsr exaction impo?e1 on meats coming- frcm tbe United Stat- s In accordance with which all txTilflfic 'ts of lnsp ctlon requlr; the vi.- 0! a:; consuls in the United States, will s.iort:y be removed. It seems likely at fir-t, as had been suggest1 d by the afitude t .-ilren by the Italian government at the time of the enactment of the tar. ft bill, that It Intended to ur this exaction as a rmans of leverage In securing tariff con cessions, but the representations of the American minist-r have seemingly 1 availed to hrlnir about the removal of th ' exaction without InvolMng any euch con. cessions as It was thought the government intended to demand. Rom UNCLE SAM'S COSTLY EXPERIMENT. The agitation for the restoration a! th-.-1 silver doliar to free coinage sprang up very shortly after the vaiue of the bul- lion in that coin became less than a dul. lur. The primary agitation was started fcy those Interested In silver mining. The greenback doctrine, that "the stamp i of the government" gives value, irre.-pec- J tlve of the value of the thine .tamr.ed I had found many deluded fo:ioers , among the America people end these indivadual. readily awaJlowed the falla. de of the irilver mine owners and eave cie 01 uie miver mine owners, ana gave, tho silver movement a large following. The. Uutde between a atable standard al a delatm.. and fliu-tuatm on. 1 (hould have been fought out then and there. But a policy of .temporizing and , of compromise was adopted. Th? Pkind act wa passed by congress over the veto o, rrestoent aye. who deserve mor. credit than haa yet been given him for hi sturdy opposition to tne uneoun 1 ( money scheme. From February 28, 1S8, when th gov. ernment of the United State, fcgan to . nd consumption. We purchase silver bullion und.r the op.r,.;make ftatcrncnt jtaaat the tion f the Bland acu to November L experience of twenty-five years has IK'J, when the Sherman silver law o' it. i. - It J. f 1SS0 ceased to be effective, tbe national treasury bought 459.210.2C2 fine ounce of silver, and paid for It In gold, ur it s equivalent, $4M,21fl,M2. That silver tHln la worth on tlio miirkot JCST.TM.HI. Titi sine 1STS the A morion n pe.p' have l-wt t;W,T,SlSthe e..t of the statesmanship of ItlanJ, Weaver, Warner, Mill. ,lonc!, Teller and their Ml,i I n.l. tvrs l national finance, Tho Bit irnmetit of t:ie t'nl'.ed Stat has thus lest the enormous sum of $;, 117, MS by Its pnl:erl;iK with unsound fi nance. It will not Jo to aiy that every si.M r .IiMlnr passes as tho cq :lw. nt 'l ! a d .'..i.t. Th.t: nu re'.y ,1, t . t Hniit. The dollar carries Its value ! I with .". la th tt.mli of the 1 uiliot' con;. ill Tho st.ver ,l.'!!ar net In J fact, li cornea a :'r.cvn or ce.i .of hi. Ill n value, .ml t!,e rmiinn? ! of ft c-. i:a i a li.iMUty ,f the govern. I i men'., ust as much as tho rlemptlon i f . cnvnWk dollar Is a liability. S mo Jay I'ncio sura will bo called upjn to mako It svovl, and ho must do I: when the Umo oomv. --- The excoisoive use of stimulants cause the hair to turn gray. Shun the cup, and restore the natural color of the hair with Kail's Hair Rencwor. The whole Yukon roirlon Is afflicted by clouds of blood-thirsty mosquitoes, ac compunkd by a vindictive ally in the shape of a poisonous Kuck fly. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid It and cure every other form of throat or lunir trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Charles Rofrers, A number of Roman grains have re cently been laid bar ut Cologne. The place has been secured from sfwllatlon by sn (ItNl A SYNDICATE TO PURCHASE KLCN. , DYKE CLAIMS. Late advice from London confirm ru mors that have heretofore reached this side of the Atantlc that a f.nan ial:y powerful syndicate is In process of for. mation In England, France and Germany to buy aK the paying claims of miners In tho K7ondyke region. Of course this lead to a vast amount of speeu.atlve valuation, b'-'t there Is a claim In the ' Klondyke. as elsewhere, which it Is :m- i rk.tiMA t. nn.l.iv.rlmiifA n fhal tm I the c7alm 0? Hostetter's Stomach r.i". ' tors to th foremost place among Amer. lean remel!,s for ".lver comp'.alnt. The 1 ! bl'lous and consripate-l derive prompt ' m h!s alterative, which remedies nausea, yellowness of the skin and eyehaZls. fur upon the tongue, and unpleasant odor of the breath t!u char- actenie bCiousness. It also remedies and prevents malarial and rheumatic ailments, kidney trouble, lack of stam- ' Ina. dyspepsia and nervousness. Like 317 standard remedies that have estab lished themselves In popular favor, It deserves a fair and persistent trial. It Is stlm-ited that mor? thin 73.0 ! fishermen go out of New York every Tou can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Coueh Cur. Charles Roeer. I Tea and cviff e arv very ha 1 fir t'-.e health in Ala-'lcj. and vhl.kv Is slowly deadly. The 0n;y .lr:nk -hlch can taken with lmpunl-.y I.. watr. Dlsflpurement for life bv burns or sald .... . may be avoided by us;r.g PeWltfs Witch H.izel Plve. th rreat r'-mf-dy fr.r i'l n-d fr nil kinds of ores ard skin troi:hle. Phtries Hncers. Of the whole import trade of Areentlra. nr.e-half. or alut M?.'vvi worth an-) ruaty Is from Great Britain. Germany holds second phfe. J. r. P'--rry. one of the hst k-wn H'-iie'-s Pr-er.-r, i'o.. f'iT'-o that he cured hir.-lf of the wor kir.-l of nlks by uslne a few boxs of D'-v".tt's Witch Hazel Salve. 11,. had been troub'd with piKs for over !-!rry years onl l- 'l u.-e.l many dif'-r-r.t kiv.'N of jio-o'-ed mirf: tVe ti-n-lt and f. -wl'l verify this -ta'e. but PeWii- .v. ;s "he only on,- that did me-t if any or. wi-h-s to rlir, to l.lm. C'V'-s. no?er. Franc's '.V. Pr-s?o!. c -nular agent of the Colt 1 States at Dover. England, rc '.".-ives SI 25 a yrir . Small pill, vafe pin. 't-n pill. DeWlt'.'s Little Early JUT "nr t.!i!jsres. cn. tipation. sick head-ache. Charles Rog. ers. , Tlw North Carolina Quakers ere to es : tabliFh a newspaper at Orensboro. What is Scott's Emulsion? It IS a Strengthening' food and l !- .-f..t-(. ! 'J.. f..t f :. t""c. miiArtuioK, m in iitsji-iunu- ,'n? properties. It Contains Cod- Uvtt Oil emulsified Of partially J; i-J t! J At. it if OIKesiW Winmaca Willi lux. wcu- a- -r , . KHOWn and highly prized rtypo- Phosphites of Lime and Soda, SO that thtif potency U materially increased. VJhatVJill It Do? It will arrest loss of flesh and & the !. t-,t!M 4 tU. .4,.U T j tiiaa-aai iuv waataw n-aiv iui wat wUIenrich the 1 0f tat anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and luncs. and 1 proven it 111 iciia ui iiiuu&aiiua vi I CaSeS Bt lure ou frt SCOTT'S Emulsion. yx. ana fi.oo, nil aiugisu. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChtmisU, New virli ; It W ill g0..e TUcutle for November. 1897. Right to the spot i j -MsarGEHK. fi "- t i ' i1 . ... , V ill. in it. li.m II. Ii.inll. Ii.m it Ayer's ITatr ijjor will go - ,....,..,. , ,.iV,v u.;oj-v .( V risht to that baU spot ami ''" :,l,l - 7n .... , i . I t: ss , , . , ... . i' ; o.iumi ;( .. i . : ,, Ixjjin to In int; tins Hair lact. i un--t.t. 4 ..", i ii! ; t ! -j 1 3 I, .11 I' 1 hla .... .. lo . . In I , e I a,. , I ll'li 11 ' s-"r hl .Hie.".,. ' lit'." I I ' . .. . .'. ' It MakCS " tiil-i .1,.... I ( j M, hi. 1, n . e 1 , i 1 -1- ,, . , 11 , 11 1 V i I lia.N.taj...l : l; . 0 1 .,t.i oi;,i.'l 'SS-'''S''V'NNVVN'VS,", ' M. .1 IX ,l( ,1 e 1, J , -I ) I ' I l' I 1 -I I' S 1 , I , , ,. 1 . 1 . 1 . t 11" 1 i.hmI ... .t . 1 t , vi I .: .. la .1 i ; a i 1 ,1 City, Id. . ho, w to i:, e Into !'.s . t m. .ike t 0 housvs warm water of 170 v!e."r er.ituro from a siihterraiuan .-t beneath th surfaiv. HvVhl nhiskey P. ticr livkln.r : heth. ,!.. a:i many tor n.l ton!''. e'.ori. lotto r.'l- BO er-il M key and tati!ic than all n' -dicin. s family use. nothing eiual iHAUrKU WhW-key ts pro-etnltienily the i familv whlskev. S.l,l by Kivird ,vi Stokes. Co., Astorl.v Orocon. J In ton years th- s,'hvl atteu.lanco In Buffalo has mors than doubled, althouch the population has not lnctvaed In any such iro portion. OASTOnXA. ti r irf 5tci I The vulue of the jiCmon taken from the Alaekan wawrs now amounts to twk he sum paid to Russia for the territory. 'The worst cold I ever bad In my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy." writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a co'ig-h and I was expeotomtln all the j time. Th Remedy cured me, and T want all my friends when troubled with .1 j cough or cold to use H. for It will do 1 them good." Sold by Esteo-Conn Prug I Company. I .. A relic hunter stole th cKilr on whb-h President McKlnley sat while revlewlnp the Grand Army parade in Buffalo re cently. Mr. N. N. Osburn. well known at Woodstock. Mich., was troubled with lame back. He was persuaded to is Chamberlain's Fain Balm. It gave him relief in one nleht. This remedy Is als 1 famous for Hs cures of rheumatism. For sale by Eistes.Conn Prug Company. The valu- of tho churches and It lanJ on h,ch ,he' r erected In this ""tn' up to July I. 1S-T. I estimated a: J. M. Thirswend. of Grosbeck. Tex., or-ys that when he has a spell of Indi gestion and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of PeWltfs Little Early Risers at r.Ight, and he is all right, the next morning. Many thousands of others i!o the same thing. Do you? Chas. Rogers. The fashionable photographer pos-ess s such an assortment of laoes. neck J w. e,s and Unc head Kir that he woman anlo Posed artistically has a wlJe r""1 of choice In the matter of h. r adornment. CASTOniA. I'S', It n Tho Taylir street Mteho-hst church of Portland. Or., has s t aldf a i)-v.- 1 . .,m.. . . . racially frr tr. ue of wrom-r-li trnel. r The only permanent cure f ,r chronic catarrh Is to thoroughly exp-l the polsin from the system by the fiithf d nn1 persistent use of -Ay-r's Sarip.irli;a This wonderful reme.y proves sKve'-fui when all other treatment hao fallel to relifve the sufferer. A Chlrnco company has b-n formed to manufacture an nb-lurely fireproof namel. Inventw) by a woman. WrTrlrir. Per--r.s v.h'i .-m". r fr m ci!ih and cold h.-ii'd tier ! the worr.-!nr-s of dar.irer and ive 'b-m"--r.s nif-f'-r'-c nnd fa'al r:c'i!'s by rir. ?r'nu-.. rough Curv. It is. an Infallil !e Tv-p-edy f r coughs, olp. 'rrri :ir 1 all brent nr 1-inp Iroubes. Chas. p-rr BUY WINE. Railway Age, As I myself havo always Jeen a con-rift-nt support r of the prohibition cause In national and loca: politic.. i n with some distaste ft) at I give the following story to the print-rs for repuliII"atlon. It comes; from the Argonaut: The permanent d p harbor committ created by the Denver convention paid a visit to the Lone fitar with the purpose of examining the various rival ports. The commute, which was com posed of representative of ill of the states west of -he Mississippi to the numtx-r of about sixty, b c:,m- the guests tit the people. AB the door of all the rai.way trains and hotf-to were open to them, the fre- ltw of tha tele, graph lines was tendered, carriage drives excursions on the. water, banquets and j oyntr-bakes filled in the time for two or three -weeks. The emenoe of loum-rn ' hospitality, however, was voioed In a 'telegram which the pr sld-nt of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railroad, who, 'happened to be in New York at the t me. ,sent to the chief counselor of th com. pany Gnera, Houston: understand dp water mn In Texas. Corral 'em. Buy wine. O.v "em my car. Buy wine. Take 'em to Rockport and give '-ma fish dinner. Buy wine. Take 'em onrt -to the j-Uy. Buy wine. Take 'em to 8m Antonio and give 'cm a carriage drive and banquet. Buy win-. "(Signed) URIAH ITT, Prld.r.t. "P. S Buy wine." Th instructions were execi.-tid wl'h fidelity. The party drank wine ou; of tin cups. T It pnTlbV: that on with such a spiritual name as Lott T'rlah ver have sent such a '-irnal rne sa.-e as this? T trut that Mr. Stilman will take immf-lat steps to counteract the injury to th- reputation of hi road which such 3 story is calculated to do. THE AUDITOR. ' MARIM; NI-WS. -I Mv. V..1..U . 1 .. w . i- -.1 1 li.i:.-il.i t IihI.ii , i s.i!inun .i si M ill I ll I.' 1 1 ",tl 1 oi Hi Moil lav I in m1.i , W .'.IhmV ; I ..III v.Ul. Kriitay '. in.i 11nl.1v M -NHW iomlav . I'll. Oav J'.' linn .-. i' 11, ; a : , ; :T S i : lei: II I.' 1.' : 1 1 1 ' l-i 1 1 oi 11 s i I 1 11 1' 1. 11 .1 . 1 I" .e 11 a t .m: 1 hi : k" : s ,v i7 1 ; it ul Ml 1 1 .v e VESSKU ON TH K WAY TO THK COLlMltIA K1V 1-711 I-UOM Mill VoliK, Vt'SM'l. Hour) ihard. Am nil SAiimoiiK. tieow Stetson, Am li i Ac ah 1 co. Mil:uiii4rt, hr li..... Tons Hate ih ll.vl ...Ull. Jll Kill ..Wll. Ml ...I Sti . ... - AMWKHr. , Liulitaiiovliire, rir h uj ! I'aleulUi. 1 tiieubauk, llr lk u .10 Al . ..tiu.M.. I MI'TN. i tilenelova. Itrti ...J-'W. (i l. 4.' ; i rlufluirn, Hi U H, .M CAHDtrr. ; Auueiiey, Brill IjUI...Iiwa1...IhI 1 iHllli'illll. (.iam.,rii, Ursh l. Hi.Vl ... It) H IO..O li)leillo. llr h UAiltMAI.. Jl lluiiiikoiig. Sierra Nevada, llr li III teu.VI .. t ha. .lure. Hr lr Jlh' .UOvl Mogul. Hr Mr I ltVliIV.,l. ' iH.veuUT Hah, llr li Maiuiiita. Jiuiiue-, Kr bit Melbourne, M.itbile.. llr ih Napier. llruvi !-, I!i tk - ;.!?i...Iwai.. . lU'Al... - 1HO lU'Al ... - H i . 'Aal .. 11 tH...AAl.. ,li.l-ll(, A i'ruv luce, l!r ill ..liO vl . ulK-ioti, ur om ..i.'( iiv'ai r.x.m, rriiu'l.mlliv. llr I V.. VV ,!ii.t . W'lu'.la, -Nor hk Hi: A.l.VI.. I'm I NnU.. HoppeC liuvn ,h . ! i. lnnl . Kin d J ah Ink t.letipark, llr sli Al. K.xiusMre, Hr si- 1 iiiubnuii iini, llr ti lUnluiifie, ilr n SW A N.k A. liruiutiuitou, br ill TAULS bay. ttalgtmn Cast'.. llr o I'"ii..l.u h, nr :i Liufnrni(e, Hi th Wi.lli.roo. Verlieu. llr h YoKOIIAXA. T ukio Marn, Jai Lk . rv.i. .iuui... 6.- ...V.H.. IKi.vl... . I.. Ii.,l... - ...AW.. llJl... .11 ..177J isA...lll i.'; 111 ...l U.lHlll .. U...lUUAl. 4 i:w ,.ihiai. - .;iv tileurrleltt. br nil . .i16 .-Mikirksuir. ur lr IiaiAI . MARINE NOTEo. The Duguvgclln and Och'.ertyr for Portland yealenduy. t: up The State of Callfurnl.1 Francisco this ni 'Mili.K eave for S-ia Tha Queen Margaret, l.iJ. n for Kuratic. arrived -1'iwr. r..r'!'in.l - st.-nlay. T..c i:;K.-:isnir. . tupt..;n il : Octol-rr 2. arrtv d day evening. The barkentine Turn O'Shantw. sea ye.-;erday. Oiw-Kii iir.d lumlwr lad n. :io.iri-r put t'l Trie Oriental Him r lira, mar l iyi'iti at Ki i--l and wil'. put to a a.1 soon a I th wiatlier mixI'-rat'M ! The ir.tmp stMtn-r Signal arr:-. I In Sunday and Is discharging cal at 1 h O. R. Ar N. co il liunk' rs. Th- st.-ariii.hip l-'lln'.-hlre. 'r-'m V d:o. ' Ixima. arriv 1 in Sunday anil left up t'T Portland yT:-rday afternoin. I- Th... Rrtlsh Captain J'inis S pti'm-r 17. 'iiii I'r:ni-I'a.i'.y. !.' fr m Panama. In arriv(-l In Sunday. ... 'ens. hall 1st. Th.- r;-. ,ri-.. arrived in at anl lift up f.) W. Fl'l'-r fr im ,lafc 1'i o'f'o k S inl iv "'-' ' P.'Ttland at 11 "r-rn. The Pritish ship Rand nelra. Captain Falck, for Que nstown, with I'fi.rj bushels of wheat, val1j.1l at fl'M, cP-ar-'t at the custom house y.t. rday. CASTOniA. Ttt tit- J It vt '7 The government, ixpeeis to save !.'!.". 0 0 yearly by running Its own h.-atlng and lighting plant in th- NVw York p mi.lll TO CURE A COLD IV ONE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets All druggist refund the money If it fails to cure; 25c. For sale, by Charles Rogers Sales of land along tbv Northern Pa. ciflc aji'l Great Northern railways ar reported larger than In many yeirn. fvwiT Td'iTMKVT fnr tortrjr(n(f. t1f. Orlntf. iu Jui. f. h-ifin w,ly t:ln kfxt rttft Alf.itM t,i uir. - arrfi Uullm wjtli L'- Tiers rny. n -,i - :i nlr.ntUn,n of Cl'Tiri'H Olt.,iij'fi,. ft'.'f i I .I..- 1,1 t t iirvH Hu-nL- mm fa f.'fl thmttrrimit tlia world. Puma mr " Ho to Car f tthinff Mkin biMuti , " ft , RED ROUGH HANDS SJTSJ- in ih,m ITCHING SKIN DISEASES rati AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE APSrUTlXil IN TIIR COURTS Ol'R Rlf.UT TO TtIK rxai-sivi: rsi? tuk wnun "castoiua," ami -PITCIIEU'S CASTORIA," as oi'K trai mark. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the same that has borne and decs now tf an every bear the facsimile s'incJuro of C&W7l6Ztl imtpiw This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA, " which has been used tho hemes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and fee Ihd it is the hind mm have ahemis bought yJ", " " m and has the signature of Ctfasix &Ct: wrap Tr. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11 Fletcher is March S, 1S97. Q,0t- Do Hot Be Deceived. Do not endanger tin; life of your ch!Kl by ncn jitinjj a cheap substitute which somti druggist may oiler you (because he nukes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. The Choicest Table Wines FOR FAMILIES Also for Medicinal . . and Cooking: Purposes CARLSON'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, 103 Twelftli Hlrcct iwiiiM-' Ross, Higgins & .Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS ! F-lotirl 'HOICK l'RSII W. F. SCHHiBE, A futl llr .! .. AS'j . . ' .si) IIOL'SI'., Ml!,Ci-: AND V'MAUK MUII-IICU . mmsic tlnri of (inoiia BCFORe ana AFTER rnpllp .l...lh..nd minutiniill i tin rcsAon aufTcrer. are riot cnre.1 hy lifictnra la becna nlnaty per eant r trotihleil arltk Froalalllla. (MIIMUKNKIa the only known remedy to cure wlihoul an neratliiii. lyxitrallmoul ala. A written (rnarantp glyen and mnney returned If al hoi.- .Iih nol aifocl a periiiuiujM sure (140 a lt , ali (vui, by iniul. Hrml fur rw circular and teaUiiiuulala, Addreaa II A Vol. nCUICISB CO PX. llox tm, Baa Francisco, CaJ, 1jr HOt 6y UHA8 llOllERS. 4Gt Commercial Htrset- 187J 1897 LUBRICATINO OILS A SPECIALTY Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... Ship Cluinillery Hnnluarc Iron anil Steel toiil (iroi'trits iiml I'rovlsinns I'loiiriinil .Mill I'l-crt I 'iiints, Oils iiml Varnishes l.(ii(trs' Supplies I'airlmnk's Scales Doors ami Windows Agricultural Implements Kaijons and Vehicles. of llyannis, Massachusetts, "Private Stock" "Cream Rye" Old Hickory" "Pride of.. ..Kentucky" ...and... "Hermitage" Repsold California Brandies "The Louvre" astokivs ;uKt;rois ENTKRTAINMnNT MALL 3 M.OOK lilt tlait.ea of All Too liars. CYEItYTHIMi IKST-tlASS Cood Order and Everybody's Rights HTItlfTI.V OHHKIlVr.ll. Street ANDSAIT MKATS .M.intift.ctMrcr ntiit le.ilcr In i'E CIGARS! I Contrtrictor Mtjvi.NCi tooi.h kkntkh Wm RESTORED "CUPIDENC" I'tilN vreut ViuL<l VlUilltT.tli'n'rl.. French pliyiilcUii, win quickly cure you of nil i.rr- votis or uui'iins or llm generative urKiuia. aiiclt ni lml Mitnhrifid, Irt-uimiilA. I'lUtmln tli tiu'K,Hi!inltisl j-aiiiwiloiiii, Nervima Ix-nillt)'. -1 11 1 1 !, iliilluimi to Marry, KiiiaimUnx lirnlna, VailciK-cli. t, C11n1.IIJ11.tlen. It itM'S all Iimnih. hyrlKV rir rillflit. frevema quick nr w. of ilinclisn(e, which If nutchec tcl lciuta toHperinntiirrtMi'i. and all Hi linrrrimol Imrxiuncy. IH'I l, H K cleauaui UuiUrvr, UK k itinera anil the urinary orrans of all lliiuurlliea weak 1, rirana. SEASIDE SAWMILL A complete stock of lumber on band In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus Ho, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All order promptly attended to. Offlre and yard at mill. H F L. LOO AN, HesHldo, Oregon. Proprietor. Awtoria I rog Works Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACIIINISTfl AND nOILKR MAKERS Land nnd Marine Knglnes, Poller Work, Steamboat and Cannery Work a spe. clalty. Cnsllngs of nil descriptions made to order on short no: Ice. John Fox. .President and Superintendent A. L. Fox..' Vloe President O. B. Prael Secret ary Aitotia eavlasr Rank Treasurer WHITE COLLAR LINE C.iliiiiililn Itlvrr nnd l'unt Nuiin.l Navlga. Hull I n, Hlriiliicr "lliilli'V IlitUorl" Icnvea Aalurla 1I11II1 , 'pi Minilnv, T p. 111. l envi-a I'm,. Il.llil lll.ll.V,.'k.'pl MUllllltV, 7 11, III "Hull. v (Initial'' llck.'la hiiihI .ill almtlllwr "TIlHIIIpailll. I', II. Scull, I'r.-alillMll,' V.. A Hi.'ley, Aucnl, I'l.illniiil, I1, V, Ntniin Au.'iil, Anuria, lei. pliiuie N.i, II MOP IM; CO. CLO TIIIlNa, Merchant Tailors. I n l. ri'i, ililic; iu, In l.ia .1, r Null, anil Immar inn. In a prili'i i 111. lur. onli r 1'i in lu ally mi lane Kiiariiiiicvl. Chrnprr Hun An v til tier I'lmr In 1 he l.lly W.lcli llln.'k, ItnH t'l.miurrtilal HI. Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. .Mil (Vitiiini'roiiil Slri'id Ni'Xt to Miiiluiiti'a Cluar Slum Reading: or Distance Glasses Ktno l o (Una.- f.r M M, ur IIOU I'.yt tllaaam for 11.71 ut ruiit.'il tlul.l I'Uinl li'iainea. Make your frlmnl a lullfnl and us, fill prrawnL We imrwnte a perfnt'1 fit by mull pmvl.llna- rhrn you order the stnaai' you tuiawrr tils fnlliiwInK quaW llnna: How old Kver sluaaeaf How limit T Malo or fi mnl.t ( I i:o MAYCItl.i; i:irt 1 I'll. -Ian, IH Third troi, Han Frain'lMa Optloiana' and riioliajcraplilij Hupplles. Astoria Public Library ukaiuno iuxM riticn TO (H4t evrry day from o'cl h lo I.H ami i ) to 3D ( m. BulnH-rli-lloi, rim p r annum. M, W. Vor, !:! vnth i I"un fltiv'a ItrsMtl. AhMlfjis-lr 1 ( lu IM VM ran tw ttMtlMl ! M'ttjft Mm- i)m rt. rr Hll lit.. tlt Ul rtitit-i it rti( tu ll NHM MrMt, .tr(r lo n.mai ln.t mm lit in ur ly iwn ui m ttt. 11 fall l( NIK vM ur If y.U itf. t M r villi ht mini n mtlt. iwi I brv ! naHv I I r r k it ltrhr felll wtH, gfMvwalr t'tru p raMr m rWllrt rurr. "tut ill. Ih kHI mi III LIU tlli UtKwMl'alrk i W- tit4.f iil-ilr llalruv t U Ihlt rlMrr ,4 VmUmm Hi. I tti M'll- ll lt iii.mI tMIwi ika wlai iW m m mm iMu......k,i4 tm I aval rl"rUaai ltrmU,t ir. is -lisi liu -ui 4 1 11111.1 'HK ) Y V r titi ( il run! tHir u. oin m mr urolt sftMrnt. n illaiiM ( -f IIHt-Msi Ht mmm SNAP A KODAK. at aiir man imiiiIii. mi' ..' imr atora anil ynu'li K' portrait a limn t r I tn in I im uer altli .irni l ttio vhia. .luallly lu the lliur tan liafr toultt r. . umuti lo I'leaaa any man COMK AND THY TI I KM MUOMHS & CO Astoria Electric Supply Co. KEEPS tlectrk C..wT: -spiles Gas hnglne WIRING & REPAIRING. MOComiticrclrtl Hired. rff, OOPVRIOHTS An, Anfrmn fn1lnv " xkitf '-h urn) il'-rl,rtnn niay ti, kir tlriin. d.-i., wlifiiit r an Invniilhtii la trfni.-ti.iy t,f i 1 1 -(! 1 'iiiftiitiiiiiiii'iitfl airltitf i'itiii-lKiif mi, tii.'i ai 'mr fr iiriiin iaioD(j In Aii rl.', Wittirtxt naltti k t ofth. r.iii-:ii iikfii ThrouKU Mui.u A Cu. roclr (hm-'Imi in tt 1 ihi in 1 im SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 1' ill lll'i-tir-ili-!, lnriMt (Hffutnltun mi 11 "iiiir ) .11 hi 1 wi-i'fc v. h-rnut .t tii a yi'ari (..'" i'i'iiiHi, n.i h.,m. i,,.h-s ntiil (ani iv.ini fc.-.ii rrvo. AMn:f Mum rl CO., f;;""',,' ,,,r "'' ttf In I ic ua VI A hila. I) fi . . I t i t . IMIH' lrrl'.atiii i.: r-tn- iiill '1 t,l4li.ii tlxfl (,f ID M (M at III.JH II I ilNrl (lit t li mil iNi.ti- i ( i-iKi -ui fmr -Mir. .1 rt"J o'l by lmijicUU. . . , . . .S at r pi hi III hi. Ill aininwr ly i-tnrrmi. ih.-iij.IiI. r,, l in. ,,r 1 IkiIII... ? :, viia-' el 1 in uUr Mini mi riMjiiiMi. ..I'll I - ... 1 ! . . . Mill. 1 I fun 110 cniitl in (IIhciihos of tlici 1 1 1 Kiiliiryn 11i.1l 1 'I'liiury Oi'lTHtiH. lluvu ,you iiiilcctoil your Kliliiryh? lluvc' ' ymi ovitrworki'fl v'ir mtrvoim nyiV I Mi'in ami onimril (nmlilu with your , ..'l.l . til.. .11 n II . I I . ivHiiii'yn una iiiiMiurrr iiiivu yo.i I palim la tho IoIiih, hidi', lmoli, k'niitmA . 1 iiml lilitililiT? llnvo yoimlliildiy ni- pcarailc-o of tho fuco, fNiM-tMiilly I iimliT tho oyrsV Too frequent tin-A . lnlro piiKHiirlim? WIIIIiiiu'n, Kidney I'll Ih will impitrt newlifo to tlioilln-r 1 caiH'il orffiniH, toni) up tlio Kyntetni I iiml muUi) a ne w nmn of you. J'yT muil so !nts per box. " w 1? mint, ,.u., I'rnp., CirvolArju, fj. aa-avaii. IE i .'uveal., anil Tr:.ili'-Mrl olitninril and all Pat ('iit liiiiinr'.iciiiiiliii t d fur mooctc frrs. 1 iou. Office i Opposite U.S. paTtNTOrrici V. 1: 1 Ul M'. Ml Ill 1U lta Illlia .nail tli'iK- I.. 1 11' .. I... n I i Sind tm nl I, ilianuiK or rilintn,, with rlrvrlp-j 'i n. Wo uiivi.c, il ii.H'-iiii.I'la ur n"t, frra ul lurL-r. I ur (i-ii nut Hue till IHltrnt 1. Irrurrd. 1 r A PAMPMLCT, " "''w tnl'f'lain I'lilnil.," with i, i ... .-.iiiiu in'tlic U. H, and lurcin tuuntriuf y.rnt free. AiWrr.s !C.A.SNOW&CO. OP. PTtKT Or'ICt, WMINOrON. D. C. ta3 V' '' . V'J - at