THE DAILY ASTOMAN, TIIIUMDAY MOKNINU, NOVEMBER 4, J8J7. NOTH'lO OV rlAI.11, Hllli' "(H,WN , MOIIAO." TIm hull, annlnar, chain, uvmrlnR tackle, n limy lay, lognlhnr wllli (lit stautii imiiiiii Mini Imllnr In iolllon, at this ship will do .ld by amnion on MiMuWy, Ilia Kill f Novoinlmr, I"U7, Al, ill 'il' running nn1 "inn tlmidlng rtHKitijr, Willi oilier apparal of the ship, at OiMn Park on llm sain date. V, !. 0111111111 it fur Owner. NoTH'K. Vnrttl fiinthar indie 1 ikK pcrn. ally, r wilt my half Interrwt In aiiti. r O. K., t riill4a for ny 1itt or wages of miy nature oroilnuMad y A. K, flnlts, for ItoMiinr O, K, !.. M. DAVIrJ. Aalorla, Or., Odider 17, IW7. TKAniKlt'H EXAMINATION. lingular ijuarlwly nxanituatlian for car tllWlo In tnai'ti In tlin county will ha hnltl lit High Mmnl building, Aalorln, hrglnnlns; at 1 o'i'liM'k p. ni., Wrdne. day, Novnntwr 10, l7. to oonllnii r"l of Ilia week; a-pllc&tite to ba procnt at Walnnltia and remain through. KaamliBwlInn for atata or llfo diploma will I mi held Hnturday, Nvrn!r Wh. at mmo place. It. (t. I.YMAN. School flupnrtatrndant, Clnta, Co. Thrrn are ovar laland under th" fliur uf Jntmii. and In U.rlu liny, the north il mi li in of Itk Huron, whom wn find vry fww UIaikIm on Out mn. thnra are In reality several thmiaand 11. andn, inol uf thrtn. of rmiri', anioll. quite 3 M. TlilrawtNid. of ilionlirrk. Tr., aaya that whon ha tmi a pill of IikII Vaatlon and fela bad aul luialoh, ha lakua lo of lVltr l.lillo Krly Itlaxrn nt (light, nnd ha la ull r l lit. l." n t m"riilnir. Many thouaaiMla of olirr do 1h anma thlnit Do you? f'hn. Itoarra. Whr Will nhWly wonim 'lin fnla front hair and Uynra of rouanT Until ar pallNkbty artllli'UI, ami dorelva no ona Into tha belief thar thay am tlui ral nalotvrliifa of a dlartait youth. flmall pill, aafn pill, lat pill. tVWltl'a IJHIa V'jirly Itlaara rura blllouanaaa, con. atlpalloii, alrk hrailurha riinrla Ito ra. A man ahould b raraful how ba aaka woman In hav wlmi whan ba hai only apolllniula monay. Thi-y anmrlltnr ac cept bl proK4tiat and than ba ha a hard tlma cattlnT out of It. XVnmln -Tarwaia ho aultar from much and roldt ahould haa1 tha warn tn of daner and aava tla-maalva uf fartna and fatal raatilta by tialnaT Ona Mlnuta I'oticti Cura. It la an Infiillll I ramnly for couirh. rold. rroup and all throat ml un Irouttaa. Dial Iloaara. To ba hurl lo tha hnart by ona wo Intra rniint far nrnni than all Itw allfhta and Indlariilllr lha world ran offer. Editor J. I. Monlromery, of Mnmhall. (Ill V lrttvrrw!, alntrn Ihnt for mniiy year lie aurTeml imt"l. njrtmh-a fr.un TyaHila. At lt ha beffnn to tnke Ayer' B(irnitrllln, an1 ly tha tlma b tiled !i liottlra, ba wna a Wall a ever. Cure other, will rura you. C'irlliiim card dint rume lul.i fah. Ion In KM. There 1 no nee, of IIMh, i-MUIrni I. rt tnrinented by aratd head, ntrtiwi, and "kin fruplton. ItrWItt' Wlti-h llaael Pulva lve Inatnnt relief and rurm parmanontly. rharle Itofer. Aarli'itltura In Italy employ jnwinfti women, Th. threo.yaar.old liy of J. A. John, aon. of Lynn Centar, III., I mibjoct to a tacka of croup. Mr. Johnaon ay ha l aat tailed thait tha timely tie of Cham berlain' Coutrh Itemedy, 1tirlnar a awere atta k. aaved hi lllthn btty'm life. Ho t In tha dmar linea, a memler of the firm of Johnaon Uroa., of llirut kwe: and they bnndla a irreM ninny pntent medi cine for throat and Iuiik dlaenar. Ho bnl all tlietw to nhooao from, and aklllcd phynlHrum ready to rratainil lo hi cnll, but oeleted till remedy for linn In hi own fnmlly at a tlma when hi nhlld'a Ufa wna In dnnirer. ternu ho knew It to hn merlor to any other, and fnmou tho country over for II ounn of rroup. Mr. Johnaon ny thl la Die beat adllna eonprb mcllelne the- handle, nn.l Ihnt It irlvo aplnndld an t1af nal lint In nil enne. Bold by rVtea.Conn Irti(t Oompnny. Why l It v,. nil fri-I ao crona on M.n il.iy niorrlnc. "The worm eold I ever Imd In my life wiui imiiviI ly (linjnlnTlnln'a CoukIi It' m edy," wrllcM W. II. Norton, of Hotter Crok, "TWa cold left mo with a co'i(rh nnd I wna cxpoctotullntt nil Ihe lime. Tim Tlnicdy cunNl me, and I want nil my frliMda when trouhled with n coutrh or cold to una H, for It will do them Rood." Bold by Katoa-Conn PriiK Company. IPurpla volvot mlnitlcd wllli anblo tnnke oharmlno; wlnlnr combination. Endorsed by All. Did you ever hear of a physician recommending fat pork as a diet ? of an epicure who enjoyed lard -soaked food ? of a chef who used lard in his most dainty dishes? is endorsed by physicians, epicures and oooking authorities for Its healthfulness, delicacy and efficiency. The gennine Cottolene i sold everywhere ia one to ten pound yellow tinn, with our trade-mark "Coltoltne" iand sleer'i had in cotton-plant wreath on every tin. f Not guaranteed if told in any other way. Mail a only by TUB H. K. FAIIIBANK COMPACT, Chicago. St. Louit, TO Ctmw A COLD IN ONW DAT Tk faxsatlv. Ilromo Qultilns Tahlnts. All drtirlt refund th. mony If It fall to aura; toe. For aalo by Charles Ilnisrs, Muiiy a wmnn wli'i owns a wliawl tins learned, to ti lv".u-l' mirriw, that Imauly l only kln dncp. rilafliturwinmit fr Ufa ly burn or cld mny Im avoided If ualntf ! Witt's Witch Ilniol fcilvs, Km sreat ranwdy for plla anil for all kinds of aoraa and akin trouhl). Charles Itosnr. Tim allowance of tli band innyor of r.oml up lo Dm mnyomlty of Hlr Hid nay Walnrlow In 175, wn Ifi.OKi annually: lull It wna Innriwanl In thar year U tWJM, at which amn II Iwua vr aim remained. Tha iMird latiRilly turna amy flrt, anil linnld I colored In oorroajKnul with tha color of tha hair of rha had, Ilurkln hnm'a Pya oolora a natural brown or lila'k. Coimlilrralila Indiana lion. It la aald, l lx-li aruw1 Ui t)w limit In illnlrlirtu of Ilia KiikIUIi Mlitliiml eiitil., rm!Ully ivin n ncrli'iitliirlnln. In rnno(iinfira of Din linirlallon of foin .rl In (lorniany. TO rtWurAi3'TN"oNB DAY Tako l-aiailva Ilromo Qulnlna To Matt All driiKilala rafund tha monay If It falla to curr; IV. Tor aala by Charlna It ffra Aidllwin, M", la fumoiia for In illk mnrahi. which for many yiam hnv" IxMat a aouri'a of liirvrnin to ll niaiiy ppopln. Tha mllmntixt rroi of hay ylfld, ri by Uinan Iniwl t hi a aroaon la 4VI tonn You rari't rura nnaiitnptln but you ran avoid It and nire avary olliar form i of throat or lunar trouMa by tha un of ! Ona kflnula fouah Cura. Oiartra Ilor'ra I , The haMaaf trial on rarth la to lv to aaauma gayaly whan lha Iwart la wall ! nltflt rawly to brmk. Ynu ran't affoM lo ii"k your Ufa by allowing a nM lit itnvi-li.p Into pnaunimila or rnaumitfon. Inalnnl rvllaf and a oartaln rura ar affonlcl by Ona Mlnuto Couih Cur. Charla Itogara Thra I no ratar mlalnka In tha w.ii 1. 1 for a woman than to M a mnn ra how miK-h ha Invaa blm. to rritrc a ooiji in onk day Tak !-tlra Ilromo Qulnlna Tablata. All drurtrlat refund lha monay If it fall to cur' Ko. FVr aala by Charla Ilof ora. Ilitw miii'h mora we nMi at market If wo -o. Juat Iwforo dlmwr than Juat after It? j Vbn coin it Eavit tratrolon tha North j rn Pacllo ltllwy. yuU k tlma And tba J only Una nmnlng dlnlnc rar TraJn (ravaa Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. I j TMK OIUKCTION NOT OOOD. i Thera are people who hava objatlont , tit alvirtanar matt-r In tha olumn of In m-wapaper. The around of objection ila that they do not want to ad I viwilMTiient. Now this objection I n il i pmm. fur ofteptiini-a th"-ja ndvartUa j nietiti cmvey valuible lnf"riiatlon. I 'or Inatance. how auta would tha tmv. ; rtinir piiblic b-arn "f lha exee.-nt din Jlnir car a-rvloo of the Wloinnln Can j tml line between 8t. Paul and Chicago lor tha traiteral comfort of traveling over IhU xipular Una. For particular call im llm nrarvat tlrkt fcjj.-nt or addriiaj J. C. Pond. (I. P. A.. Milwaukee. Wto. or (leo. H Hatty, Oon-ral Afnt. 2l Slark atrert. Poiilnjid. or. NOTICK. Notre of cmnpliMlon and aifeptnnc of tho lmprovenn: of I'ond atreel, from the went aide of Ninth atroi-t to the went Una of niork 10 ami 17 In the City of Aatorln. n Inld out nnd recorded by John Mr1upe. Notice I hereby (ftven Hint B. Normlle, contractor r Hha Improvement of Itond artreat from the wct aide of Ninth atreot to tha wnet line of block M ind 17 In the City of Aatorln, a laid out and re. corded by John MoClure. under tha pro. vlelona of Ordlnnnca No, on the lat ! day of Novemlier, W7, filed In tha office of tha Audltcr nnd Police Judara of the Ctly of Atorhv, tha ocptlfivnte of the 1 City Purveyor nnd Bunerlntendent of Btreot. api'cnwl by tho CommlMoa on ftlreet nnd Public Way, on the com pletlnn of the nbove nnmcl Improvemnt. After tho expiration nf the time here In.'ifler atecl(Ved, If no objectlotia to lha n.reptnncc of "itch work be filed nnd the Commou Council nhnll d.-cm auch Iniprnv cmctit proHrly completed, nc cordlns to tho contract and plan and pcelflcn!lon therefor, the mine mny he nccciiteil. OhJ.vtlona to the ncceptnnce of anld Improvement or nny pnrt thereof mny be fllM In the office of iho Auditor and Police Jndire on or beforo FrhUy, No. v cm her . 1!W7. TT. K. NFTilON. Auditor nnd Police Judea. Aalorla. Orrpon, Nm-ember !, 1S97. Th.t imunl odda laid bv an accident company are 1.C00 to 4 thnt yon do not dlo from an accident In a year. New York. Montreal. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mai on application. NiTHIiKISTKNTIliNTOlMI,IU)VKaTII ANIiN II HTItKKTM AMI NIAUAKA AV K.M'K KIIOM OIlANHgAVKM KTOIlAV AVKNt'K. Notice I hereby nlenihat tha Common Council of tha ,rlty of Aalorla.fir., did on lh pit h day oiyM lolKT, f,, by n-aolullon, order and direct lha AudlUir) ainl.l'olliw Judifnor aid i lly Hi puhllh In lb latlly Aalorlan of Aatorln, for nollec'.of aald Coiimioii Couurll Intention I" liuike the lollowlng Iniproveiiiriil, Pi-wit: That mil alrea-t, from (irand Avenue Into Maaara Avenue, tlieiiea MaKara Avenue Iroin jMiinei tlon with pmpuaed Improve main of auld nth atrect, loinJ IntoTUi iuw'1, llieiiif "th.alreul froin a roiinnclloii with Ihe proiHl liiiprovi'meut of Niagara Avenue, to north lluy Avenue, lie lmprtvel by Kradlna aald xirtloua of aald atreeU and avn mica loOheceul twelve (uiul oiie-lmlf feet on mi li.alde of Ike miter Hun thereof to the rtiil,ll.lii'd grndt'Ctliert-uf; and by pluuklni Ihe Mime with plaiiktthrM liiclina hy .twelve liirhia fur lli (- of Ixli-en feci wide on the i rialiiii and on Ihe oilier portioua of Ih Improvement laclve.fevt.wlde, alt f,-t wide on i-u. h li1ci,f the enter line; Alu by coll-trui-lu alilealk; on oun aide of aald (uidid purimufour feet able. Haul plauli Inn and lumber to Im new. found fir. Ka I it Improvement lo be .made luaccord-' anifMllh the nineial unlliiaima aoveriili( Improveiuenu oi airet'ia, auti nun me an'ini pluua and k ii1iIIiiii .r" wrt l lor thla Im proveiiii iit by the city aiirvcyor. Thla Iniprovi uieut ahall Im- Known and ile- alunalil.aa Yoiiiik a lluy liiiprovement No. L (he dlatrlcl of lauda and preiiilaea to tie Im iii HIiiI. and which will be beiu-nted by the uImjvc linproveiiieiil. and uh whlrh aieclal awuiiient ahall be levied lo defray the coat and ciprnaii of will Improvement, la aa follow a. llialnuluk' at the north coal corner of lot lol blm k Mof Mi-1'lure Aalorla, a eilendil by Cynia nlm y; theace aoulh along theotilir line of block M and W to lha- uortlwiuil cor ner of lot ,r),iiM'k 111; tlienrr eaat aloim nurtli line of block III Ui Ihe iiorllwwt corner there of: Iheiira aoulh along tha raal line of block III and )) lo nriliial corucrjof blink l'B; llianee eaat along the north hue of blork IJ to north-uval corner u.eri-or, tlo nre aoulh aliuig eaat line of Work Ml.ltl, l'4) lo nurtb- eaat corner ol blia k A, of aulxll vlalim bliark No. 5 of olln y a addition to Aalorla, a laid out and recorded by lluatlcr and Aiken, exe- rulorai Ihenc raal along north line of aald block Mo Ihe north enjil corner Iherwif. Ihenc aouth along tha etui line of blia k V a, 17, 3D and t lo Ihe aouthal corner ol aald blia k Si In aalil iblltloii; thence weaterly along aoulh houudury of blorka No. :., 31. XI. m. ST, and M lo aouth-weat corner of bl-k St; Ihcnre north along the wrat lino of blm aaSI, y,, St. II, II and J lo norweat corner of aald block I henrr eaat along the north line of blia-ka lud lo a point where the noil Hue of dill atrert If extended would liitcraot'l Ihe north Hue ol anld blia k .1; lliriuv north along the vniil llueof lilia'ka I'i7, ltd and 1:3 of Mr Clure a Aalorla. a extended hy Cyril olnc). lo the north weal corner ol wild blia k UI, thoneerallong Ihe north line of block i:a to norlh-w'eat corner of bha'k 11; Iheuit north nlong weal line of blot-A UI and 1 10 u, norlh wi-t corner of bliak I lo. I In'. ire titat along north Hue ol anld block llo to uorth rul corner of lot 1 lu'anld blo-k 110; Ihence nortli along Ihe center line of block '.I and to norlh i-ni corner nf ot, block ?; thence iwl along the north Hue of block T ami a Ui Ihe place of beginning. All lit the cliy ol Aalorla. Now. therefore, unlca a rtmonalrunce Igniit by.lho realdenla of the city of Aalorla owulugltiiore than onchnlf of Ihe proierty In tho atiove di-acrll-d dlatrlit ahall be Died uh iiii.iiiidiraliriiel br the time of the next regulur meeting of the r limn council of anld ellv (via: Mir. . wni. auer anm ien diiva' piiblicitllon of Ihla notice, the anld com moll council will proceed lo make aald Im provement; but III cuho am-li remoiialrnuce ahall lie o filed, then aald linproveiiieiil call only be authorltcd by a two-thlrda vole of all th member of the aald council. Aalorla, Or., net. JU, IfWT. II. K NKUHOS, Auditor and Police, Judge of Iho City ol Antorln. TIIANKBrtlVINO PINNER IN 15L PllKrlnuV Banquet lo Indian Chief Wna Fit to Sot Ticfore a King. "Tho alnte dinner of tho occiialon the real TWik vlvlnff dinner took place on Siiturdity. the lt day of llm celebra tion," wrllc Clifford Howard of "The Klr-il Tli inksplvlHK IHnncr lit America," In tho Novemlier I.adlca' Homo Journal. "Nolwlthatandlmr that tho kitchens of th.Ho wllderncaa himien woro audly wunt. Inir In nmny of tho moRt common e.on HiiIh of cookery, there wna no lack of good thliiK nor of appetizing: dlhea,at thla great fount. The enrlh, tho nir and thn water had yielded of their bountiful aruppltca, and the good dame hail done honor 'to their skill and Imxenutty by sotting- boforo their hungry guests And com. panlona a repast na sumptuous and tempting oa It wna varied nnd dellghtwtiL Forvmowt of all there was roast turkey, dreaaed with beectvnuta; thcn oajna rare venison pasties, savory meat stews with dumplings of barley flour, delicious oy sters (the gift of tho I nil I arm, and tha first tho whlla mnn ever tasted), great howls of clam chowder with sea biscuits floating on the steaming broth, roasts of all klndei, broiled fish, nnlnds, cakes and plum porridge; while the center of each of the long tnbles wna adorned with a large bosket overflowing with wild grape and plums nnd nuts of every variety. "It was Iho tlmo of Indian summer. The soft, mellow sunlight shonn warmly through the drnwicy hnso. Illumining tbe sombre woodbind with a rich golden light, whllo tho gentlo winds of the south Inden with the sweet perfume of the forest, miw as a lingering dream of summer to add to tho joy and brightness of this Thanksgiving feast. T'pon the bnlmy air arooo the hum of many voice and tha merry music of lnughrcr, as the niKTlms with their Indian gueata pnr toook of the feast that tho Provider of all things had given them." the Best... i THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon te doubled. It Is distinctly the test property cn ihe market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by 'many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine investment? niK ONLY D1NIN0-CAR ROCTK fROal PORFLANU T0T1IK EAST. THE 0XLY KOt'TB TO IUK YKLXOVt STONE NATIONAL PARK. LKAV I PDKTIANU AKRIVX. Mail (or Kaiama, Chelialia, I roll alia. So. J. Hiutb Hel d, klouteaaauJ No. L AtH-rdeen. Ta- "uia, nruiuc, , i iori.. Port Towilaelld, Kllelia- t'Unf, Hi "kane. lUanland 11. C; Trail. B.C.; Nel- aon, H. C hallo. Mia- laoula, Uulie. Ahaconda. 11: A. at. Helena, M. Paul, Mn- i: 00 P. M iiieapepa, Kin l'ily lOnialia, Council hlulT., !M. L-njl-..:iiicj(o.Wh jlngUin, New York, I'hll- ii. iprila.Hintoii, ana all poini cut ana outn ieaiU S DAYS o Umneapolia. Omaha. Kio to City and Bt Paul. IH DAYS to Milwaukee and ChloaxO, 4 DAYS to Waahlnton. Philadelphia, New York aval Boatan, and other Eastern poinla. Bgitac;c checked thr"ug-h to deaUiuUoo of ticket. For leeplns-car reservation, ticket, map and full Information, call on or wrtta A. D. CHARLTON Aaa'l Oan'l faaa. Agent. Portland, Or IBS Murrlaon St., Cor. Third. C W. 8T0NE. Atoruv GO EAST . ..VIA.. Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Heals I Rock Ballast No Dist Dining Tha aJl-rall route to Kootenai mining district, via Seattle and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Line TU St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Library Observa tion Cars. Dally Trains ...Past Time tSSKVICB AND SCBNKKY UNKAQUKLED For tickets and full Information call on agent O. It A N. Co. or address A. B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. ft T. A Portland. Or. R. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A., Seattle. A. &C. R. R. R. TIME CARD t In Effect Oct. 25, 1897. Leave Seaside for Astoria via Flavel at 7:30 a. m. and t p. m. dally. Leave Astoria for Seaside via Flavel at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m dally. All the Above Trairs Are Dully. A Handsome Complexion I one of the greatest charms a woman can poueae. PuaaoMi' CourutxloM Pvwoaa give it. Kopp's 4Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABSOLUELY PURE The North I'acifio Brewery, of which Mr.Jobn Kopp i proprietor, tsakoa beer for domeatio and expfirt trajle. Bottled turf for family nae, or keg beer (applied at any time, delivery io the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY m Oi0tZH-,:-'3Xa-! SOUTH are LEAVE. f OKTUSD, A.UEIVK. 0VKRLAN.I EX-PUKb-S, for ralein, Roat-bunr. Aahland. :00 P. M haemmento, Ofdrn, t:WA-lt nn rrauctaeo, aio javr, low AuKC-lea, KJ i'aao. Hem Or leaua aud tbe Kaat. . Roaeburf pasienger 1:F. at Via Woodbura, for Mount Ansel, at). Daily vrrton, S-'io, except Brnwnmll e, Hpnng- Suuday. field and Natron . Corvallls paasenger. 'tJ0 P. H Dailr eieept buuday. 17 JO A M. U SO P M. McMllinTille paaa'CT lt:2A.M. Oally. t liaily except Huudy. Connect tna; at Ban Francisco with Oc cidental A Oriental. Padflo Mail, and Oceanic steamship lines for JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA. AND HAWAIL LOW FARES, EVERT DAT- PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO COO, Second Class; J10.0O, First Class; Including berth. Similar reductions to Los Angeles, Fresno and other California poiats. Baggage checked to destination. a KOEHLER. C. II. MARKHAK Manager. O. F. and P. A ARE TOU GOINQ EAST? ARE TOU GOING EASTT ARE YOU GOING EASTT Be sure and sea that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINK THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE "HF. NORTH WBTERN LINE IHE NOPTH-W" STERN LINE The CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND ... C OMAHA RAILWAYS This la th GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH. SAINT PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Veatl buled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of puasengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel ovr thla famoua line. All agents have tickets. F. C. SAVAGE. T. F. and P. A. W. H. MEAD. General Agent, 148 Washington St., Portland, Or. GOINO EAST T GOING EAST T GOINO EAST T GOING EAST t GOING EAST ? GOINO EASTT GOING EASTT GOING EAST T GOING EASTT GOING EAST T If you are, do not forget THREE IMPORTANT POINTS THREE IMPORTANT POINTS THREE IMPORTANT POINTS First Go via th. St Paul because) th. lines to that point will afford you the very best service. Second See that the coupon beyond St Paul reads ria the Wisconsin Cen tral because that Una makes close con nections with all th. transcontinental ltnea entering the Union Depot there, and Its service Is first-class In .very particular. Third For information, call on yeut neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address JAS. C. POND. General Pasaenger Agant Milwaukee, Wisconsin. GEO. S. BATTY, General Agent Portland. Oregon, Marshall & Co.'s... tHHHftffttttrtmts Twine ww Fresh -FOR 1898 EVERY BALL GUARANTEED REPORT IMPERFECTIONS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 4 EVERY MUST BE MARSHALL & CO. SHREWSBURY MILLS idHtifitititif MANUFACTURED FROM Flax See That Every Ball Bears the "Marshall" Label 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13 and U Ply-40's 12. 13, U, 15 and 1 Ply 50 s 7. 8. 9 and 10 Ply 30 s Elmore, Sanborn &Co AGENTS -v5 From the Mills Fishing. BALL MARKED Selected Specially For Columbia River Fishing elite 482 Bond St. I