THE DAILY ASTOMAN, THIU.SDAY MORNINO, OCTOBER 2, 1817. i ' j; I i !! x v V; i . 4 jf J. V. MARIBN CO Groceries, Meat and . . . . . . General Merchandise 1602 F-RAINKL.IN AVENUE We meet all prices. Call JUST NOW A Large Yariety of Children's School Shoes, the Best on Earth Call and See Oar Natfcy Hlgn Scnool Walking Boot At the Oil Reliable Stand- John Hahn & Co. 1 479 Commercial St. An Wl A. V. ALLEN. 11 Groceries, Feed, Fruits, Vegetables, crockery, Logger's Supplies. Cor.Tenth and Commercial street. CHAS- KAN & CO , " 367 Commercial St Dealer In Chinese and Japanese Curios, Fine Decorated China Ware, Silk Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of Ladies' and Children's Underwear Gent's Shirts Made to Order. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather . Umbrellas LOCK, KKYS AMI SKwlMi MACHINES.- Also .11 lisht Machinery. C. H. Orkwitz 443 DIANE. Repaired Pi Ices cut In two. AROUNDJTOWN. THTRSDAT. Don't let the du gather on your en thusiasms. An enthusiastic desire is in Itself a kind of fulfillment. Dora Bead Ooodale. Try Schilling'! Best tea and baking powdar. Everyone is talking home Industry. Wear Dunbar's 50 cent corset and be happy. The W. C. T. U. will rnet this after noon at 2 p. m. C. BJornsgaard, Skamokawa, spent yes terday in the city. Bicycle and repair chop at 185 Ninth street Charges reasonable. D. Cptoo and Frank SmaJIey, of Crooked creek, were In the city yeeter daty. J Stoves, air tight and ooal stoves, new j fend second hand, at Scully's 431 Bond street Weather Observer Johnson made a mistake yesterday and made beauti ful weather. Seal, calfskin and crack-proof calf winter shoes for ludies. Co lumbia Shoe Co. No stranger should leave the city with out visiting the exposition of Claitsop county products. Can't be done! Try to make some baking powder yourself. Buy the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the right proportions. Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer at such a price that he can make a profit too. Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar tar, see what it costs, and see if you can make pure good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound. It can't be done. Schillings BestzX your grocer's is the best of the right-price baking powders. mt Suits to order, from $12.50 P PailtS to order. from $3.00 "P ..FLYNN, the Tailor.. and see us and fce convinced. Try Our , Honey Molasses The Kisses Plaid hosiery at Dunbar's. Flo Mbbag h kraut at Ron. HlaT ;!n A Co.' W. J. Hexkard. of the Lewis and Clarke was In yaeterday. Steel shoJ shoes (or hoys. Co. lumhia Shoe Co. Limit. Flagler and party left up for Portland last night. Our prices ars th. owet Id tha olty. Call and see us. Paclfle Grocery Ca It Is estimated that there were fV people at tha exposition last ni(fht. Umbrella covered and repaired by a practical work mail, at 1SS Ninth at rest. New, at Columbia Shoe Co., Laird, Schober it Co.'s ladies' fine shoes. B. N. Soon and family, of Eagle CIi(T. 'pent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wheeler's. P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor. 137 Tenth 9t The highest price paid for fur skins. Pry fir slab wood for sale. Astoria Land & Investment Co., Commercial and Eighth streets. Telephone 99. Mrs. Judge McBrtde and Mks Mc Brlde haw arrived in As:oria. and will remain here during the winter. Jack Reed and James Christy will Jo the work for the health department until an official boatman Is apponted. E. L. Powell. G. F. Powell, Boston: J. W. Bunn. Portland: E. Granstrom, War rondale, Oregon; are at the Parker house. Furnished room to rent, with (food tahle board, at reasonable rates, at Mrs. E. C. Holden's, corner of Duane and Ninth streets. Arthur Tee, the gentrd night eWk of the Occident, who has been seriously ill with sciatica, since Sunday, is slowly Improving. President Curtis and Engineer Jamie- eon, of the Northwest Construction Co., returned yesterday from a trip over th' Ime of road. Remember the Eatock Oyster Parlors AB we ask Is atrial. Oysters Z, cents a pint. Apmss from Astorlan office. Open tin 2 a. m. Mrs. Dr. George J. Hf!l and daughter Vera, of North Taklma. and Miss Ina Wood-worth, of Illinois. ar In the city vlslttng with Ool. and Mrs. Dr. Owena- Adalr. The pack of fall fish on the river this season has been very light. The ITan thorn, Cook and Pillar Rook oinnerU-s are sun putting up a few fish. Whiter steel head fishing opens In about two weeks. The A. F. C. ladies' monthly bowling tournament was bowled Tuesday. Miss Gilbert wag first, with a fore of 140, In cluding handicap of 4 ptns on each alley. Mrs. Ingalls second, with a score, of US, honied from scratch. Mrs. A. J. Meg. ler made the third score of 137, Includ ing handicap of 19 pins on eaoh alky. Three or four of the club- l-.n bowlers were a1ertt from the city and did not participate In the contest For sir tight stoves go to Scully's. Jock Heed, of John ly. wo In town yesterday. Fleisher's knitting worMed nt Dunbar's, Mr. C. Henry, of Pillar Rook, Is visit. In n th. dty. Groceries. M th. lowest prior, at th. Pa cine Grocery Co. Children's school umbrellas, 5o cents, at Dunbar's. K. Alh'n, of New Xstorln, colli! on his Asforta frtemts yerterdny. Ask for sample of Chase S.vihorn'i famous teas, at Rosa, lllirr.n A Oo-'s. The . xiwiihMi roms of tlve A. V. C. A. will W open this evening from r ' t 10 olock. Ashland pe.ich"t orteap a-id gcnxl; sNo a large supply of other fin fruit. t Ross, lllgglns A Ca A l.irw number of g:tlh'r.l m the hx-k last evening to wltn.'ns Ne exivptSwinlly benutiful sunset. C. O. Palmberg, the leading contractor n.l builder. Is pre(ared to do ail kinds of Jobbing and building work; 473 Duane street. Workmen ar busy at Smith's litnt ship yards gating the jy In she for nrtot.wr wssel. presumably the light ship No. 5 , The rallronl cxuitraotors are -taking every advantage of the fine weather and an pushing the track and. gmdv along at a lively pace. i 1 1 The gentlemen's monthly handicap bowltrsr tournament at th A. F. C. al leys, wrfll begin today. Forty.two en. tries have been made. When you want a real life-like and artistic phvto, don't fall to call on Pnod grass. The work he li turning; out now Is ahead of anything ever mad. In As toria before. W. J. ngnllw wrttes to A. J. Nregler from fhodwwil that on the 3th. while engwed In work ahom th place, he n.Mriy cut his rkrht foot off and Is Uhl up for reparrs. A man was brought awbore from Borth. wt'k's scow tyirm at Fwker's d'-k and taken to St. Mary's hospital. TTe was suffering from a bad wound tn the left foot the result of an ase hilling on It. The btg tmck-laying machine Is mak. Irsr rapid headway above Blind Slough eind soon the rails wW be Into Clatska nle. where th hrWge gang Is at work on Ithe third steel draw.bridg enst of the dty. State Treasurer Phil Metschnn and wir. of Salem, arrived In t!w city this morn, tng. Mr. Morschan Is here as a wttne. tn the trfal of ex-Trvnstirvr Warl. Mrs. schnn l the of Mrs. P. W. Knowles at Seaside. Contractor George Itrurf.Tnl has pom pleted the contnict for the ronstmcion of the lighthouse at N.irth Tf"n.I. Cnw Disappointment. In addition to his con tract he will mak- other nv-snry tm- proverneiim around the butdlng. Mr. Wm. Rhea, foreman of the ttollr shops of the Columbia Iron Works. m with a palniil acckknt T'H-s.lay. small bit of steel plnte lorigM In his Tft eye. and t wns nwiry to call Dr. Eves to remove' K. Today he ? almost as good as new. Cyrus Notk Old Bourl.m Whiskey Is the only Amerirtin Whiskey of Interna tional reputation. It Is bot:-! only after It has been six years In rwsks. Its flavor ore developed by porfoct storage In heated w.rehousos, and this ! what makes It deMctous In cocktails. One of the moot Interesting studies recently presented In Astoria Is th chart of the late erulne of the cuttr-r Perry In Bhring sea. When h Is cnoeld.-red that there were five cutters In the fWf l Is safe to any that there Is not an Inoh of the ground but whns was petroled. Mr. A. B. Hammond, In response to an tnvltatlonsfrom th Astoria Progress, fve Association to attend the openins last night, wired from Portland that previous engagements prevented him from accepting the Invitation, but ex presjsed himself as heartily In ncord with the objnets of the Association and wished them siioce. A proposition In on foot ro erect a large export saw mill at Toncue Point, on a site to he ehosnrr on the Tongue Point syndicate land adjoining ih railroad right of way. Negorlatons, good author ity says, are In proeruss for the neces. eary subsidy with every prospect of suc cess. Those who heard of the matter yesterday wr much pleased and be lieve that big thlngw are In store for Asttorta. between now and spring. Tn the Ward trial yewrordny, after It became evident that at least todny, and poselbly tomorrow would be consumed 1n closing the tetstimony and h'-nrtng the arguments In the case, Julwe Mo Bride announced that It did not seem practicable to prepare for the trial of VT. G. Howll at this term. No date In the criming February term has yet been cet for the trial but the court stated that he would net It for a certain date before adjournment. Yesterday afternoon fin engineer who was carrying In his hand a heavy cast. Ing, signalled the driver of a Comrnor 'ial street car to stop. The driver pro ceeded to slow down but did no stop, and the engineer w" naM foot on the step could not swing himself on, as ihe dead wight of the casting overbalanced him. After a succession of efforts he finally got on the car, but In doing so accidentally hit th motorman with the casting a terrific blow on the ribs, knocJt. Ing him to the other side of the plat form. After an exchange of grins they I .-issed on. CVpUiln Jvlin Brown as on the siok list Th, lt Hellef was lKiwn down y ester, day mid will undergo tame miuor repairs. Go to the 1'arlor. auccssor. to C. It. Smith, for pure, crsum and frt'sh creamery bulter and bultermllk .very day, Thomas Kearney, who has wn erl. ously ill the ptl two weeks with hem. vttIxikv of tlu lungs, slightly Im proved yratrrvln)-. Final arrangt'itionts have been made with Miss Uludys Jones. Hie contniltvi singer of lVrtlHiul, for her H4pe;mini-e In the "Itallad tvH-iTt" to be given In ihe matter of trw inweHNiiieoi l county lax on whlnh n inetilng was to have Iwn hUI tt-rlay by tin' nmiily court, was postponed (III W o'clock Siilurdiiy morning. I Th,, Unly of lVn i"rwly, who w is j drowned frm Ihe steamer Shaver shout , two weeks ag, has Iw-i'M Hltl There were ninrkn IhiI th left eye ami tent. pie which showvd (Imt he had received ; sime ident tlows, i Win. M.-Urt.le, Porlland, Me ; Thc-mti. ' W. Jenkins .VUlls Oall igtier Frank King. Jiiliun Lew. Portland; Oea. A ' lVvden N, V.: i'htv T. Hick. rhl.nm: ; Phil Miischnn an.l wife. Salem, are rev- ttersl nt The tXvldenl. Captain llawes and naiie. of the Fvort. and Pilot Coolmer. an' li I' at tending the trial of the cue- of Ihe schwvM-r Orion, which collided wl:h the Peru In tow of the tug. at the mouth of the ColumUa a abort time ago, J . -' Corge Kalwth ceus-M ll.hing on h seining groumbt yiwtcrday. Ilanthorn k Qulnn's elnlog gnuind alwvo Qulnn'n londlne' 1 U In oHraton, but owing to the presence of u lurg ntimlr of MitiKM but "'tie nb Is being caught. Two girls. ugd respectively H and U. who tvwntly esi-apetl from the Open Door of lrtliind. have been f:id I" one of the dtvee on the llowery. The girls haw been tn th,. city f.r nearly a week. They will be held till an officer arrlvvs from Portland. Tuesday. Mr. 11. B. Borthwlck. the Gble contr-.kctor. arrive! down from Ka huna with a, Isirge load of M bna of Roslyn csil r the Chirm steamer Hrae. mar. which was discharged nt the Kla. ve dc-k. This will ls followed by an other ro0 tons In a day or two. In the circuit court yestenlay the fol lowing bininess ianie up before Julge Mi-Bride; . Iowengart -s. M. J. Kin. ney. demurrer overrulcl by consent an I allowed two ,iv. to nnssvr. Fred Nrl. son, a native of Sweden. Jacob Jackn. nussla- and Andrew J. Smith. a native of Gr.'at Britain, were granted full cltlionshlp piP'rs. I The flr-t annual council of the three J branches of the Woman's Auxiliary to th honnl of missions (Gra Iiureh. I Holy Innocents ami St. Thomas-by.the. i Sea will Iw held In Gra church Thurs- j day. ri.-tol.-r at ; p. m. A short , service will h. held with an address Ic I the Rev. G. B. Van Waters of Portland, j after which a meeMntf will t" i held In tho Sunday school room at which refreshments v u sersl. Kvcrvone - lnt'r'stcl tn mlsitlons Is clnim. i Evangelist IJndsny has preached nt the i Baptist church to Inrge and nttwtlve I siutlHu'M ich itfc-hl fMa week Onfte ' a deep Interest Is being manifesto.!. Last nlg-hr several stoxl on their feet Ihue publicly expressing their appreciation of the love of God. This afternoon t S p. m. there will lie a meeting for prayer and conference 1n tho audience room of the church. Rvery Christian and every j one desiring to become a Christian Is earnestly requested 'to be present. To night, beginning at 7: Mr. Lindsay will conduct evangelistic services. These may be the lout, therefore lie sure to come. Pree! Prec! THE. Stormer Bicycle... Given Free With American's Bcwt Teas Coffees Spices AT THE GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY'S 071 ' Street A.-toriii Free W'lieelr to Ijov.u, girls, gen tlemen ami ladies. Wheels real ei.yto get w ith our Teas '20c, 2-, '.'):, Mr., 10c, h), per pound; (.'olli-c, l.'c, 20c, 2.1c, .'50c, '.j'x:, 10c n r jKiimd; Sjiieef, 10c, 1;, 20c, 2c er can. Wheels Free as good Whecld as money can buy. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. M.nn application. THE SUCCESS OF ALL SUCCESSES Oiunimi of t lie A. I'. L". A. l!Hibltlo Attcnilol l T hmi sun tls. siKrKisi: 10 i hi: commimi y Vhat CUliiip Cas t I'rudiKc Is Nut X.'ori h r rodscii I'rsis lor t.e Mstd Vorktil Conniitctv The crush of eotlo that filled t Its rooms of the Astoria riMgntauv Com. merctul Asiarion at the oi-ilng of It. extssvitlon of liotus )iducl lust nigh: wn iuigHing evidence H at pulJW sen. tlment Is with t!ve new movement. Men. wimn n and children gol nn luredly crowdtsl ihrvugh the, ami a the first lime bud an ocular dem onstratlo'i of what Ihelr own rtOirly Is rnisilUe of prodtning. EnthusUistl.- rol"c r Ihe work of the assix-kitlon and ad mln.tlon for ('l.itsi county saw loisllv rxsressi on all sfcWs. Vnils stifsl In I the street up to i litt.- hour awjltlnu their turn for admission, siille the C.. umbki M.irlivc ,l-,iur-o-l lively mu'c In harmony th tho fiellnitti of those present. IT.s.lef( Albert Dunlmr anil his corps of aUe astnfitK bad cause hist night to feel s.itlsil.-,! with the work so fir .a s-onipl'nbnl, tied Ihe Isiirty approii.itlon of tin. public cannot fall to spur them on to l.irgvr and greater deeds. "I'.vtronlie Iioitv industry" Is the w nt.iliwxrd now st r!ie ntmi of the As toria l'rH--r.-pwl,, t' Assin-ia. Hon. Tho rxhitHts thrown oM-n to the public last tfcgts fornusl in , imtion of no mean prns.rti.Mi -uhI Ih i.(ih-. l.i Ihv nne i lu rmaneiii f ilr Kor eeki tli. energetic members of "this ussoela. Hoi haw. work..) day un.l nUht l.k. to kt( tioiliT an exhibit of the j product, of this county at. I th.. lower Columbia rlv. r as an obje -t of what tlu-e Is l-re f..r a foundation for i in are growwi arm pn rtty The re ' stilts hav.. ,.vcp..ll fit l.l.-l,,... .. - s-tnt..ns of r!w tn.t enlhuslasttc. Th public nin Judge wliwli.r the une-hal of the natural pnluct tl manufac tut shown wen known to exist In th county. From this U-gitioIng t ho,., 0 n cirt.ate a spirit of devx-hiimtent of horns Industries and thv !ulming of Idi u on puldlo wirks. public r-iilrem.nits f. tho hurUir, Interior d.-velopmivrl i nsuis, tarming, lumbering and mining tho building of tnilllc for tlw rallnad oriental steamers, Kdlkg shlis of the ""...i. iuvi inaiiuimnuriss. .No one ran wI:t.-so the riches of the comity with out a hnlro to s.-e tlH1He riches dlstrlb to tin. a,ur rornerts of the earth That tho aasrsimtlon aill ootitlnue It good work will not b. doubtisl; that It will have to undivided HiHirt of the wimmiitviry in a foregone conclusion Muny grav,, rjuestlona an? to !. d-vUlcl and miwiy rn.sisur.-s udo-tl for n'-e.led ImprVni-m.-nts b-f.e the city of Astoria can at'taln th oommenial linrtanc: tlsilt rlgiitly Is hk-rs. mo railroad aJorn. will not secure all that Li neocsaary to mult u llv. oity iK-rij. inntsl InlHllgorit w.rk work mwnlng, noon and night u tho only iig.-n.-y that will enable Astoria to null the banner "Kureka" on, its lilghust hill Tlo rooms of th0 aswlatlon have been "' o.-..irui-i, anu will be, oio.i 'billy to tho public. Among ilk- more prominent exhibits are: Goorgn & Barker, salmon. Klmoro, Hanliorn K Co., salmon. J. I). Manlhorn, HiiVmon, I'.ulllu Hh.s4l-Mitiil Works, tin cans. Gun Gninn. II, Nehnl.-rn ho. I'. KWirncy, eisperiige. Isaac Bergman, Gray's rlv.T fruits and vegot aides. C. H. Dow, Prolixin Park rye. Aiitonir- Kllnt, Gcay's rver walnuts. It. M. Wooden, N.-halim ho ami flax. W. II. N-wis, N.-hai.nn wheat and flour. I. N. Ixt, Cathlamet flax. P. Bvenw-n, friids mid .Mm McMullcn, frulis and vegetables. Theo. fnirlstLai.s, fruits and vegetables. f'lirlstenwin & CO., lard, I'. J. MoGownn, salmon. I the Best... THE CENTER.0F DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled, It Is distinctly the best property on the market. .Fine large level lots, surrounded ty many Improvements,, at very low prices. Is it not a fine Investment? J. It. Brock, vegetublm, Jolui twirk, itter!s'is. JulliiM Hanson. Oithlaniol. v.wefiililcs. J. C. lti4rrrwHI, fruits uu.l Mget.ll.les ilrtls'vli. Hinlth, niilstlc fouiilnlu and pllllul4lu(. J. N., lap ul liarke frulis an.! vcgvtnl4r Astoria lOsiito Supply IV, .-l.ssilc ds'vhva. N'cIni Trover, xitent gu nglnn for Ihmis Ast.Hki Iron Works, imxlol ship yai.l. Miniature liUt.-h. ry Als ik.-n lacking INi , s.i Im.Hi n.lumtSa l'3strH. Ucp.ilr t'o , runnttig bicycle. , , W. J Cook, tents nisi awning. K. II. II.IWVS, hiHUB made stovrs. AsiorKi Uox Co.. riiiv lutnis-r. W. F. Sclsibe, clglnr. IuU liillgn, buttled gou.1s C. U. I'almlwrg. onrvlng, Chutsop isiiMity clay, bricks nl tiling A Sicken tV. (iats.ii county pnsliK'ts. Ss-a IUsii'Ii ItickliiK t'o. .Urns Chas. iiis, r.:li-r. t'o-isjierallve iNinm-ry. .ilni.'n. l' M. Cuibirtli. roof isiIuIm. OSunili.i Iron Works. Klondike tor Krcl K.U. Kloiidikn sn.kllrs. M J.-IIS.-U. iVsh m-t knitting machine A. Booth, salmon. B. F. AlK'ti, jMlnt ami diHunttlona iw Versohm-ren. is.Ihih uitd dn-ors. thrns. A. II Pulton, ptMlir.iptis. flitting Packing ., mIiimii. tlitnisdt Lumls-r Kurnituie t'o . fais y slilnglei. ninl furniture. (iias. Ibw.s-s, dnurs un.l sundries 1. W. Holt, o..l ues.U.i. k. which came tilio Mliti'u, p prior to Iw'.. W. I!. I "in. in, Kiiiriutli clositiuiis At he iMiwlIng abeys y.siter.lay M M I'Uken :j. Km. Hay made It) tint It. Iligglns IS. from s.-ral.-li The public Isiwitng alleys on fOminrr. rial str.s.( .-re ueai last ewtilug ami --il patponUisl. iNmirnctor Palm. !-rg Justlv proud of t.U w..rk lie built the ullns native Iii rx.ll.l l.mgths. Instead ..f in . .in,! wl n nn for leveling m n r shoul I tho building ai any tlnu- settle Ti- alleys nr.- 'rfoi in en rv ret I n-al cisit l-KI laws Usui 'the rendy made nlleys It Is oiilnilalol, also, that tlu.y will wear longer nnd oniialn itni.-r than the ihers Mr. PiiAnlN.rg l.ifr-v.s In ini-r.rti'xlng iHirnn Industry. IXI HPIIIITH I117IT'HN ? Th.-y Will lln al Fisher's iiT-a IIuiiih iSundiiy Night Next. Dr. Loyd Oooke, whose remarkable nuaufranaiksns of spirit iwer hv iim.Io blm f anions Uiroiighoist l.ih isHitliieuts will glvs a si-aruiB ,a F'isih.r'a oi.. hous,. 1 Mnl m ,hB dmrtmel. nivtston of sit on Hinnluy evisjug, ih.t..l.r 31, at which "mr supplies, mnrke.1 "Oommlttes. on he wBl perform a irteiy f u,,, f-ntt "'amp Devices." n.swct fully, tlial will fully demons!! rato tha tn.sho.U ; PF.nitY H HRATIl. mpkysl by ProfiwisorH Taylor, lllshop First Asst. Postmaster General. Ir. ArnoLI iui.I other mediums, whoa,. n-bloviunisits In tho imsuiU scb-iic. have NOTICK TO THIC BTOCKIIOIJIKrW OF;y Istnpsl solentlflo xplanatlon. THF, FI8HKKMENB TACKINO CO. Ir. Cooks luin lieen iui enienslvs trnv. I eler, and In Ihe inunw of his ixTlnrlna- Notlr Is hereby given to tha atsck tlons linai iM'isunil laifore the myajiy of holders of ths Fishermen's Packing Co. Kngliural, Ihe leading ollb lain Mf tha Bus-, lhat a regular manual meeting will b sian govenimint, and Imnsi subjected lo held at their office at Astoria, Oregon, llss severest tests by the soJcntlflo'wvrM. ,,ie "'n day of Oclnlr, IW, at 9 o'clock In tho program nuLMjiis out for Hunday ! a. m.. for ths purpose of electing a board ovenlng, Ilr. (skn will glm bis open f directors nnd transacting othnr busb soaiu-e, In which tabl- s ana elevated to nrn h"t may come before ths meeting. midair, flow, rs jsiasisl by u seon hniuta aisl mtsisages between tlm niarlta and th.- ' siHs-liut.ri exchniigid. In all his work j Dr. Cooke ooiirls the closest liivsilga. Hons. Ioubir priisss. tn KBWA ltD, Tho iindei-Hlg'n.vl will iy t:f,(iO reward for tlwi riMWory of t)io Isnly of K. F. Bradford, who was drowned Onbilsfr V. MTtfl. BRADFORD. NOTICK. 1'iottl further notice I will not person ally, tsar will my half Interest In steam. er O. K., 1st ri-sisiutdble for any di-bls j rr wages of any nature ronlnuied by A. E. Unite, for steamer O, K. I L. M. DAVIS. I Astoria, Or., October 27, 1W. I TnKASirrtKIl'H NOTir-K. Notice Is hereby given that there !s funds In lliii city treasury to pay nil warrants drawn on the general fund, and Indorsed prior to April 12, 1W. InlircHt will cense nfter thli date. J. W. CONN, City Treasurer. Astoria, October 11, W.fl. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that nil qunr- erly licenses lire now due and paynbb- o the Chief of Police at his office, and If not paid within ten days from dnle of this notice, a penally of 2G per cent ddttlonal Will lie charged. H. B. NELSON Auditor and Folic, Jud ;e. ' Astoria, Or., October t, 1897. f TIIK NICWH IN HKAilI'AV, Iat1er Klom Illllold HI. ikes te,.vvel Yoirdiy. Mr. Frank Ittok.w ysiSonUy recled i Idler from bis biulhor Harold, dated Mkugiiny, (hiolier II. which anya In part; "I lutvs iivadn the Dtp oyer both the White, unit pusses, i'bcee Is only throe, fourths of a mile on the ly.a 'troll of h.sivy liliublng. and there Is now a derrick tlieni lo pull you lip t mi a pull live Hkuguny trull la only fit for H-utlcnl imn In tbs winter when It la f rosea solid. "I met Itarry trtl4i and WII Bovay at Like Heiiii.xt lloth wens hearty slid ll Wn all Uol dinner together "My return owr the yo trail was hurt trt. W stni.'k a Ulrnnug anew ptvrm and proarera sua dlfMcult In th rrinsn, -Tlw weather In Hkuguay la aNiiit ths amn as II 1 In Antorla. Ws have not ywt had 1o nwiks a Ht si the rn'. Hkaguay la very psaivalda pbu-e. Ihe marshal baying bnd no aeraskm, so far. to mnkn an arrest. The deratatory reKirl concerning Hkagunv have 1wii atartcl by other towns tiers whloh are Jealous of n. Titers are now hwre V and rrt MtsV. ths most of wtioni will winter here Ttie Hksgimy trail la miles long but t a grsdtiftl slope, wbn tti Pyea trail Is U miles long, but atee I 'Ths Canadian government ha tried lo Mind pmvUlona Into the Interior by wnv of Wrangel and ths mi.-keen river nmle. and also by way of Kkngusy. Ths former route w tiim altogether lm prs. ll.-abk". and hs Hkaguay route only feasible In Ihe winter. Packers over the trails ar now petting nents per pound, on account of Ihe abort days and tha Increased dangers of the Journey " 13 KI'WAUIV A n-want of Twenty-five vinr (IS.) will !w iwld for the recovery of tha body of K F. Bradford, drowned iaitnlr M HKLIKF 1MMITTK.K. AsMrta le1ge No W, A. 1. f. W, pi HTM A BK I NO HTAMIK tin H.i.tetnl-r lit, lvi?. n .mimltte was npwlnteil by tho iMmtmnster gwernl for the purisc of evainlnlng n.-w delgna ..r linprovemetits tti can.--ltlng a'amps. sal,! cotiilultte 1o reKirl the result of Ibelr Investlgntlons wl'h such rsnmitim. dslbsns ns It mnv .Wm pnt-r to make, This oimnlttee l' re, li e for Iiismm-- lbn. up to Jnniwiry I. ivi, working mod. "f n"'' Invention d.irne1 to loke lbs nce of the hnnd stnin now In nss. at the various ss.fofhvi Persons wlio sulsult fieiicea are a.1 lr.l that simplicity. ilurnMWly and cost are the rtn.iui elemrstts to is. .-onatd-erel. iwid that tho present movement is Intended, primarily, to secure, nn lm. proven lent m the cUias of swtmarklng st.impa now auppllr.1 o the smaller post, omorw. A working mixl.t. accomnn.nle1 by a full deeiilrn of auch deice, should be JOHN PETKnSUiM. Presldenl. Al'O. MOBKBO, Becrotsry. Astoria. Or., Sept. 39, 1WT. FISHER'S - OPERA - HOUSE "... I K. HF.I.KI, l.e.ceuiiil Malinger 17."' .' ' Sunday Night. Oct. 31st Kb it Ai.. aruuee In tho city of the world's famous Indescribable pliciiiiiiicnoi) I Dr. iLoyd I Cooke... A rSU'miMII.ICAL K.NKiMA A mysterious Iniiig who has iii.vhi Iflcd the world by Ills Hiiiierliiiiiuin thcoiies, di'inoiifclratliig Spiritual Power in the Light 1'rodncod with all the weird and Impressive urroundlnga. Not In darknes., but In open liKni. POPULAIl PiUCKH.