"V- THE DAILY ASTOKIAN, THUrtSlUY MOKNING. OOTOnKR 2, ltti7. I t Sally glstortau. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tel' phou No. tkkmi or siiiscKirrioN. '' DAILT. 8nt by mall, fxr year Bnt by mall, per monm ev Served bv carrier. Dcr mont... ) W&KK-T. boot by maHprr year In advaacs...el.W ! rosUa (tva to suUscrllwra i AU commutdeations li.tondi-d for I'ubJt- ' nation aliouid bo dlrrctod to the idltar. ; n.,. nmullllLlu .11 kind. nd remittance muM b add! to "Tlit Astoria " The Astorlan g-uarante to lis suo scribfrs the La-post circulation of any newspaper published oo the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had oo appll. cation to the business rnaagr. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old. est weekly In the etate of Oregon, has, axzt to the Portland Oragoslan. the largest weekly circulation In the state. Julia t'. Haodley Co." are our rortlaud- agtnta, and copies of the Astorian can be bad every morning at their 124 Tbinl street " " If the Nehalem peopto really want their roads Improa-ed, why don't they end m a petition to the county court? Lokta a the splendid exhibit of bops, fruit, vea.blea, grain and flax raised In Ctetsop county to it any won. der that the farmers and townspeople want good roads? I Is whispered In the hotel corridors ht the ohy counoH at its next meet. tag wlU do something towards the Com. merdal street extension, or at least that the ducks will all be kMed by that time. The motto of the Progressive Associa tion, "Patronise Home lndutry," mltrlu well be exemplified by some enterprising merchant buUdine a public landing dock In front of his wharf out of Clatsop him- ber and by Clatsop labor. ' When the O. R. A X. Oriental steamer Brae mar comes down the river on ber return voyage to China and stops at FVavet for the first supply of coal ever taken here by a regular Hner, It would ten to the foremost place among Amer not "be out of place for a delegation to lean remedies for liver complaint. The visit h Flavei dock and oal upon the bllIou and constipated derive prompt . . . t relief from this genial alterative, which captain of the ship. Here fei a chance , . ' remedies nausea, yellowness of the skin for the Progressive Association. I anil bis, fur upon the tongue, and 7i unpleasant odor of the breath that char- Now that the labor of gathering to- acterl,' biliousness. It also remedies , . , . and prevents malarial and rheumatic gesner the magniflcent exhibit of Cat- ... .... ailments, kidney trouble, lack of stam. sop county products and putting them lna anJ nervousnesa Like up in creditable eliow form has almost aB standard remedies that have estab- been completed by .the Astoria Pro greys- iihed themselves in popular favor. It ivs Commercial Association ar.d an im. dwn"M a falr an5 I"1""" tri"'- petus thereby given to the movement for Takp a rt h gnbur n the development of Astoria, the issocl. atlon will give Ha more serious attention to the great questions of the hour which ' must be settled before any rvai growth cun take place In this port. The two principle matters which lie near at hand A . . ! . . and demand quick action are the eeLab- lisbment of a government quarantine ata- Uon in the harbor and the building of a dry dock. Portland has signified her willingness to co-operate and the two cities pulling together can certainly In- - - . . . .... ' aoarf of Ruaaian sable coata 1175 It l duce congress (to take up and complete not hard to gueM why there are so Its unfinished work for fhe dry dock, many confirmed bachelors. Another session of congress will soon : . .. , . , .. 'In many cases the first work of Ayre's open and the matter should be vigorous- Sarsaparllla Is to expel the effects of the Ky pushed at the capital, not only by other medlclr,es that have been tried In memorials, but by personal repreeenta- vain. It would be a saving of time and tion from the two cities. All know the money If experimenters took Ayer"s Sar Importance of a dry dock, and that same ,apartl rt flnt ""ttad of at energy which brought to so succesful an opening the exposition of last nUrht will not tire until there is a dry dock here capable of taking care of the baittlfhip Oregon. Another important Question which the associatl.in should push with vim Is the bringing about of , such relaittons between Astoria and Port. land merchants, working logvther for the acoompliflhmerit of the greatest sood to ttK) wlio.e commonwealth of Oregon, as a ill make an easy solution of the prob. len of wheat traffie ait Astoria by Jhe transportation lines. It Is a fight hy al) against the other ports of the Pacific coast. Many other Cesser questions, bu of eaual tonoortance hi their v main to be adjusted, and no doubt all win be handled with imeiigenoe to a sue- cesfu! issue. Th- Pro, ai. .! Won Is here Ho stay. THE TREATMENT OP JURORS. Within comparaittvely recent years a marked change an the treatment of Jur ors has been brought about. Not so many years ago it was customary to send jury Into retirement to deliberate upon a verdict without paying tsie slight- does, but they fail to perform it. est attention to the physical wants and j The ptire Norwegian Cod-liver Oil the personal comfort of the men. They I made into a delightful Cream, skill were given nothing to eat and the limit ! blended with the HypophoS- ol physical endurance soon brought a ' verdict or a disagreement. i Nowadays jurors are treated with mors consideration. As a rule they have i .1 1, fair meals and passable hotel accommo dations during the trial, and their grea est fwivarion is enforced 1 , ulnn n,i,b- the case is given Into their hands, how. . ever. In the event of a difference of opinion, as to the Lue,gert trial, a ee- . vers physical strata sometimes is placed , upon tlvwi. A Jury In a deadlock de. sorves better treatment than one wliIWi It harmonious. 1( l a mistake to i 'tempt to starve wrdlot out of Jury. I or by Wk of Jwp to fnv m arc. ' mrnt a the only escape from lh phy. l leal dWvmfort of the Jury-room. WhfnrvtT Juror 1st oalM to lt in Ju.lKTni-m upon a:i lntrtM nwrn- "hie mind should lv c'.iir ami Mil his f.icu all,rti OLlii'rwifo an ln.lu;Ue Is Hkly to result, ll (miMwible to ii lal sunwwfuli'y to a nun') rvjuotilnic fnoulti-s when hp i worn out with fa tltjue ami half as'rtvp. "It l tnumil!r to ootm-rt A nvaloltr.w.t Juror ahrn he th blf siok mid oiurht to lv under physician's euro. toll iu.'.i.i. irvl InM ! ft"1 w' lr.Hltm.-n furnish the l-t rfminly for iV.s.ntr.Hwntu In the Jury ' room. A mirror could not lio tf I; i ned to. The Rlnas haa nothlnir to piln ly flat, tory. If th ro of rMlth and plump, nous of bonuty utv leaving your fa.v. your mirror will tU jvn v Health la the (rr.wtct Nutirtr In ttv world. When a wvmnn m-os th lmlk-;tlwis of Ill-health In the fiioe. h may with al moet alwolute certainty rook for the reuve In one or both of two condition constipation, and demnsoment of the or (rana dlatlnotly feminine. Dr. Tierce1 r rn,,u""" " ' ' ' I n'nt,y Pothvly any av-oallel "fe. ! malo complaint." Pr. Piero-V rha.ant VeHcta win cere constipation. There la no reofon In Xhe world why a woman should tiot be perfectly healthy. She j will train In hearth, atrenrth and flesh, : Hollow and anple will (rive place to full n ees and jrraoe. She will he the no- ' bleat and moot beautiful of all creation ; , man j ftrd II cents In ore-ceit atamp to ' WorM'e rpenary Medlen! AMatMn. ' Bfr10- T- lv' n'rrt'a i lina-paire "txmmon wn muutu ah. vtotr." prof;-ly lllutmtM. ; Tt Is very lovely to feel that you are ' ro,n nM-" ,mnn mw fri k- h" nt J0U Ulok ,ike a ratr baa" when von come ft'rth frm t(Ukr rooJlil,(, ifter A mHng. ; A SYNDICATE TO Pl'RCHASE KI.ON. DYKE CI!MS Late adriccs from London confirm ru- mors that have heretofore reached this side of the Atlantic that a ttnanrlal.y Powerful syndicate la tn process of for. mation ,n Fran nd O'rmany to buy aK th paying claims of miners In the Klondyke region. Of course this lead to a vaat amount of speculative valuation, but there la a claim In the Klondyke. as elsewhere, which It Is Im possible to underestimate, and that Is : the oCaim of Hostetter's Stomach Fit. lfy enr Stimlay afternoon If you wish to see itmiuI.t. parental Joy as ex,-mplliel 'ouns fa,her w'4th hb off-print out for an airing. We know whereof we affirm when we 3tat ,hat Ayr" Pills, taken promptly at the first symptoms of colds and fers, arrest further progress of these dlsor- a tvrtARy Mlm the ,tomacn river and bowels, to their normal and regular action. . v , r illrsnVMJ tVtflt a tlnv nalr And now we are dubh "'h- nninlK sex." Mary. Queen of Sitt. who-fe hair turned gray throueh fright. mlrht have restored Its color, hart fnme preparation like Hall's Hair Rnew-r known then. . Furs looked a yesterday. General Debility and Loss of Flesh 9? Emalsjon h$ been the standard remedy for nearly a 9t of a century. Physicians readily admit that thev obtain rr. I suits from it that they cannot t t it tt . ' , t - . 1 ruin any otocr iiesa-iormingf tood. inert are many otner prepara tions on the market that pretend to do what SCOTT'S EMULSION wl no .wa WulCn are such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an ideal one and checks the wasting tendency, and the fiatient almost immediate y commences to pot on flesh and g-ain a strength which surprises them. Be rt SCOTT'S Emulsion. S that tha r.ti ind fish are on the wrapper, ,nd ,,., , ini SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemiiti, N,w Ywk. t 1 11 n 1 jl ip eeeVyyvywnnr Pousse PUL. i ; And why not a ri"-P"r ! as well a a co0co-r.ush.er f It'i far more necessary. Do you l ! suOer with dyaprpsi t Aycr'i j 1 1 Cathartic Pills will cure you. " ' Take ; PILL AFTER PIE. ji Ami now thot Is the footlMl! fuv, the tobacco face, and the smelling ' iximtoivince. It ,vin. :i thonirh al- , . .i . .k and that's no Joke. tails S It sttuiiue You may think you ar not In vain, j but you can't help thrilling .tu-i a 111 tie ', bit when ttve moillste who tukes your moasure declares yur figure to ho nil that K should be. .1 M Thlrw.u..l n -:,,,lw..k T.. - mm wnro ne nns a -.pen or unif g-tlon and feels bad ami slugulsh, he lakes two of PeWItt' IJttle Karly Ulsors at night, and he Is all right, the ne,, morning. Many thousands of other do th same thirst Po you? Chaa. Rogers. Triou-rhHeaneM coats the love of hu- -,i sii . ,,r ,0 1 1 , . I" . J i , 1 v 3 . t small pin, sore pill, nest pill. ievitt s IJttle Karly Risers cur biliousness, con. stlpatton. sick headache. Charles Rog. sra. The colored silk punie with aroKl mounting has supplanted the silver one on Hip chain that the girl of fashion w-eu-s around her neck. tt"jtrsn1n Tspwib who suff..r from cough and colds should heed the warn- Ings of danger and save themselves suf- ferlng and fatal results by using One Vlnnt. ruiK rs,r ii ( ir..nii,i. ISftmwlv f .1 r MA,,-lia i,M ,.r.,,,n n -. I all ' throat and lung tmuhes. Chas. Rmrers. A fiense of humor miiv Iws Aafrminr,! ajramst forty, but It Is also the deith knell to sentiment when M crops out a: the wrong time OABTOHZA. As to nal. It It Cgu' love for hi wife brlnga In rhe plnnts at night and trot them out again In the morning. Ing tormented by scald head, enema, and skin eruptions. DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. Charles Rogers. The too hrflUant woman tlret one her conrtminl eonvernttonnl nlcs. pvrrech. Tnu can't cure rr numptlon hut you can avoid It and cure every ortx r form of throat or lung trouble hy thi use of One Minute Cough Cure. Charlen Hner. Strange as It m,iy m tl tailor mad gown has added tn the popnl.irlry of the fancy bodice. Disfigurement for life by burns or scald may be avoided by using DeWltt's Witch ' Haxel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. Charles Rogers. 1 , The surest way to win popularity with the opposite sex is never to dUipar- ; age your own. j OASTOIXIA. ru fu ll i,i pi Gold and enamel toilet sets are re. placing those of silver on my lady'j dressing table. Tou can't afford to rink your life by allowing a cold to develop Into pneumonia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. Charles Rogers. The very newest Idea In furs In In fichu form with no standing rollar. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to V Incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Giisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has to say on the subject, viz. : "I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I ound a remedy that effected a cure and that was cnamneriain-s ;ouc, (jnoiera and Dlarr- hoea Remedy." This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera mor- bus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It Is pleasant to take and never falls to effect ! a cure. ZS and 60 cent sizes for sals by Estea-Conn Drug Co, ; The best wary to make a cosy corner ; Is to put a pretty girl Into It. . A pain In the chest la nature's warning that pneumonia Is threatened Dampen I a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind over the seat of the pain- and another on the back between , the shoulders, and prompt relief will fol- I i low. Bold by EstesTonn Drug Co. It was a Philadelphia girl of great cu. I ture who could mot bring hersCf to fa- i mlllarly saying microbes, but antoninh-d ! her friends artd saUsflftd herself by dub. I btng them MIchaiSI.ro bes. J. C. Berry, one of the best known cit izens of Spencer. Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of pile , by using a few boxes of DeWltt's Witch j Hazel Salve. Hft had been troubled with i piles for over thirty years and had ue.l ; many different kinds of so-called curei: the work and he will verify this state, but DeWltt's was the only one. that did ment If any one wiphes to write to him. , Chas. Rogers. OA FIT O XT T JV. MARINE NEWS. lllull WATKH LOW W AIICH A. M. ! I'. M. KATK A M. : I', v. ;ii,iii;n.Mi.ui!fi. h.mirt. ' ii.m n Krlday, . ..V 1 4 A' ii J VM I II i i H ill t. tf '. Sutiii-iliiY.. . A v t li?,l iul i :l !srNI.V. .1 .vv?' TT O.V I'l l 1 1 Monday ... I s ;'. Ail 7 :i 7 1 I sn -0 T .' iW 1 1 I'uoMliiy ., A i ii.. ;ui.' T I .'.v.' u 8 3vM:. j iIiimV.v. ii 1 h. ; I liM I ? I ,i u I .'I .' Tliui'vilay.. T lo : ; n ;. i i . ii ,i in I ; l i l.liiy .,. Ml .;; T N : A . . 0 A .l I I aliir.lav., i 1.' t,i I . ( ljii;.'o, . r M t iii u i.,:. t : (.' .' it i. i a ! : n ii i Monday .11 I ; 7 u I 1 J . Hi o i 1 'I n :i ! I'iii'iIiiv ,t v 7 1 i' s 1 7 l .'. Im I I c.lliv.l :l '."."i 7 i J ik, ; i si.' '.".i . .1.1.', I'lltllMitiy.ll .1.4'lill .1 t .V il ; I'vi.iui . .. I., oil .is :tu. :i u.i 17 . illur,mi..li. IImmi .III, I '.III I.' Ill k. I I M M A 17 . 1 . As I U .. 7 II iO I i : M.ut.ln I.- :i ' I.'" I.'.'.' I.i 7 I.' ,i 0 II hi -, . I ' I I s .t, .. . i .41 -t ; ; ,s i " ii' i. : : .1 i ii : . : !! i l'lm. l . .1 v .. : 1 i lli.ta;. .. loosTl i l i t , ;l i s -NiitiiM.lv in .' o j ; ' : iiu . M'M'.U .'I II .4. Mi ., 17 A ,' I 'MoMihii. '.' imi.'h l.'l,,.i ni,. 1 ! el. nr. rui's,l:i ,. 1 1. s, ; .; ,..' i ii.i ' r,tiis,r.v..' 1 It, 7 7 1,'s.M.l 7SI i i siii,. j Tlnirs,lu . ii 7 ; os ;i ' ,s 1 ;s is Kri.l.i .' .V :t ; ii 'J cuu ,s t : , . 1 iiiihi,ii .. .11 ti'.. Mlsi i. J .1. to .Vii I NlMiVV.il Al.'. ii 1 10 7 7 I lli: H7 II Vl'7 VEfsStUJ ON TIIK WAY Tv T1IK COLlMUIA K1VKU KKO.M MM VuHK. ,. . I l l'!I.S,.l l'ou Kale lil j Henry Viltunl, Am h Usi ,'i.iiil , SAi.rim.m lieorne -teliii. Am li .1710 . Vill . ' AlArl'LlO, ; ,dou Hall. Kr lik l.t!...Aal I Milioun. r h I.W ..UIHI I Mir. 1 ZiZlZJ, . "; l..! lU'Al . I'.'l U7 ..III Al... M' faliinia. Gleiibauk.lirt.k. uy . liwAI . - Ar tow.N. ' lileuclova. Mr . i'Ml UtHI... SI ..u imii . ii ....litil . lltlAl ...hf i !i rlurthurn, Hr h. lAKPtrr. I Asnesirv, Br h-... Imne.lui. ! iiamaru, Hr sh 1W...UVAI 1 rsKiiiiANTi t, i . ' Auatnlia. Hr l.k Us lnui , HIlHiO. I f?;,UltM" ?, l:i'AI. im . iiti il . ! Ilviiitkong : sierra Xeva.U. Hr sli , ,'-H. 10 HVAl Us'.. .Bill . J. 1". I'lluger, lier bk 4.1 . lUDAl . - puveiiuv ll.ili, Hr sh Mr',lK.uriie ; Kiatv shirv.Hr.h ., ' 1,1 o'e. "r (h s'.. lU'Al .. il . ,hi.. 11. ,.ui A 1AKI. lUii.luiieint. Hr li 1 arr.i.U,e. IU h ::s . lm.u... l,.s.'...lW.ll... l'.ii i-l 1 1, A l'niitK'e, Hrnh . ItiW . liO-ll. . M I'Ull . FIMU, , ' rriui'H.al!iy. Hr l.L. ivy, H'.M . Uptariia, Ni.rbk U17 . Aa.il... 1'orl Li., Angel, s. Ni.ruu, Hr sli Ix .,Ui . 1 lliu ,le jau iro. Uluipark, Hr sli Y,f. .10U1I . (HAM. MAI. t.Kiustiire, Hr o jiio. . mul... .sa ruint.r:un hinir. Hr u is WaI... - Hanlowt,llru WII...IW.I... :'J UAMttA. Iirutn bui tun, Br ih 1773 IuuaI.. U t Attl.E BIV. tielgiirm t'aslle.Ur sb i.'C...lilOA... (U I'olullorb. Hr 1i....a... ;l iv...iiul .. liuriirldgv. Hr h .Mil ..IuaI. 37 lirnt'lu. Kli.riila, Nor tr . .. iAi.' .HWAl... V'i """' Uai-ea. Brbk y ..'.ui . 7 M'tUarou. Verlwna. Hr sh 71'J ..luuAI... - VIIKl.MAIIA. t'rmartbire. Br b t..l"i!... it'llklu .irii,J.t : IVs is. 1 llutmitr,.'. hi Mr iiJi. . 1ijai . -- i.li-iirru li,. lir sti 1,uAi. -. .-rlkir.s.ute, or in t . l.i'Al MARINE NOTEo. A ship was tvporu-U outMiii- t laf.u ywnenliy afteniuuu. Th.. State of Ciiliorriiu, f.,r I', arrived in ywtenlay mornli.g. The lierman ship Klortbek, wheat l.i.len for yu.rwt.)n, irvsvil out ytnterday mornfa.g. The Org Tonqtrln will tow the scow Klondike to S1le:i today. h. ie It will be Ufed In hauling fish to Yagulna The sohoon-r Ijiura May, Captain Hansen, from San Francisco, Oistober 22, to Ixillas arrived In yesterday afternoon. The steamer Harrison cro"s..d out yea. tenlay afternoon with a cargo of lox elxxik" or Weill's canm-ry at Nha;m. 8he will trlng bark load of salmon from ehe Welst and Kinney ranneiies as usual. K-puty I'nlted States Marshal .Htuart n!l(( p,,,.,.,! ,h,. te Tonquln. rrntly ,if, ,i)f d si the sum of )u j,y ,he Olas. Kw Cf)ll, am, f.ki rs.mpany for the ,w r,f a ,,.ir(. Ul when he vent 1o th rnrut t th mr r.riiiph Vl'c Consul P. I,. Ch.-rrv has rec"4vel n l.-tter from the (sij.taln of the Tlrirlsh bark lilnlrlngle, ,a;,. r"l.'igna P,ay, S-ptembcr stating he waa about to Hill to Atorla f'.r orl.-r" and de-dp-d o iw.'lv,. th-m off the mo. rh of the "liiml.la river. It u aV.ut ninety days pa.ae - from Tx-lairoo P.-.y. Ti following i-lm-.g!- have len made In the buoyacrc of the Thlrti-nth llwht- house dlstrl'-t wril-h Mni,ra. e the i,.,rth Paxlflc roast: The Aliwa river ran l.uoy wlth black and whfte perpendlenlar strip' - . Is report. -d ndrlft from Its pol tlon; fi. W. by W. W. from the en- - trance to Alsea river about one mile out Hide the bar. It will lie replarer! as soon as prncUcable. Columbia river main channel, from Astoria to Tongue Point- BllvJa de Orace rock No. 0- This was a "econd dans spar buoy and was dlscon. October 23. Willamette river, channel to Portland. Mouth of Wlllam. i11 No- Th' ft fln" c,a,w "P"r TUV aTl wns discontinued October 23. 1 i The rVivortt,. whiskey of famous nvn In ITARPKTl. Rcauw. of Its smwTi, ex I"11'8 favor: because of Its matchle writy; bw-ause rrf Im rwlKw are. No wn'lpf Its the favorite. Every drop HARPER WHISKEY. Sold by ! Fonrd StokMi Co., Asorla, Oregon. ETjiilflteiy Jw.ImI button ore worn on fur coats. ?!: ' I ' KIT CT-RED. Mountain Glen, Ark. Our children were suffering with croup when we received s bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Jt afforded almost Instant relief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy Is for sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. AM'Uclalilo 1-tcpaMlion Tor As -.simila t H the KhxI mul KoO uU ItiiiJ itic Sluuiiiths (iml Howls d lomolcs HiiiostioiiClk-crful iictvs mul l.-sl Contains ndttkt Djmun.Moniliiiw' f Muicr-J-Not N ah c otic. Ma SmJ wwfc.u Jinn tnmmt - tii-t f Apfrfwt Ri-mc-Jy forfonlt(vv lion. Sour SUitv.ch.Piairhoca Wonns .Convulsions. Kowrish ucss ainl Loss or Sue ei. Tac Simile Siimluf of NEW VOHK. ixact copy or wrappcb. L, The Choicest a .- WSMHMHWaMHBBMMsSa-M Table Wines FOR FAMILIES Also for Medicinal . . and Cooking Purposes CARLSON'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, KK1 Twelfth Mtrcot f -r i Gsn "Bwi.; 4mm Ross, H logins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS Bond Street CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull line ol Pipes. Tobacco, and 5moken' Article. t,7 Commercial Ht. J. A. FASTAUEND. IIOL'HK, HRIIXiK AND WIIAKK BUILDKU I IOUSK MANHOOD tl-.n ol 'mi.iii t II BEFORE i.nirrrs all Hie hornimol ImnoMnrr. 'll"IIr.lsrrlei)osUieUfer, UK 1 Ln kiitiiereand thanrtnarronransof ailUoDuriUea flT Pln.VP riHMlhin, anH ... aml I The reuun aurrereni are not cured by portnrs I herein ninety per eenl are tmaMed wtlk lrs-lllle. (,'Uri HKNK Is theoniy known remrdr toeiirewlihotilenorwreUiin. mi l-ulm.ml. sla. A wrtltro ruiirsntee given arid money returned If sis boiee does no eoecls periuaiveuleura UOetKH.aJi f.irl'i'O. br mail. Mend tor raaa circular end teeUmonlala AlVlreas DA VOL KUICINB CO-F. a Box XSu rnuxM,CaJ. tbrBoUbt CHA8 ROGERS, 4EI Commercial Street SEASIDE SfltflHIIiL A complete stock of lumber on band In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold Ings and shingles. Terms reasonable nd prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yarf! at mill. H F L. LOOAN. Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. Antoria Ironworks Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS iMvi and Marine Englrvs, Holler Work, Steamboat and Cannery Work a spe. clalty. Castings of all descriptions ' made to order on short notice. I John Fox. .President and Superintendent A. L. Fox vioe Prsaldant O. B. Prel Becretary j Astoria Savings Bank Treasurer i SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLK OP OaMnrla It pt tp la ots-ili bottles mly. Il Il anl sold la bulk. Don't ailo anjmis U sell ya aaylblrg ! on tlis fl or proailie that It U "Just gol" sail "ill iniw.r ssrr er pus. ' - IWe that jot ( 0 A 8-T O R I i. Tiilu- ' " "Private Stock" "Cream Rye" Old Hickory" "Pride of.. ..Kentucky ...and... "Hermitage" Repsold California Brandies uThe Louvre" ASTORIA'S COKLFOIS ENTERTAINMUNT MALL S ri.OOKH rins Muale. Oaniei of All Klmli. Tw Magnificent Har. CVtRTTBIXC IBST-flASS Good Order and Everybody's Rights HTKICTI.T OHMKKVgll. Manufacturer and IJoalar In FINE CIGARS! General Contractor MOVINtl TOOLS KUNTKI) RESTORED "CUPI0ENE- Thl.ereiit V,..i.l,l Vliuur.tiieer,errli- rench ihy'n, will quickly nure vkii ( all nrr Vi.tis or UUV'M I OI uie senerauve iirsBi.a, m xmt Menhia1, Inw. mnla, I'alnsln UielUrH.Hemlrml KnilMlnna, Mi.m.ue lirlilllly, i'lmiilr, Uiinwem to Marry, Kil,uUn Dr.l.ia, Verimreie i CViimtlimtl'in. 1 1 stops all lumrsa t.r day or lilslit I'revecita qui, k. tiraMf.f dinrlienn. wlilrh If nolrherke.1 lerna Ui Hnrmal'irrhffk end ak nMrBflk. 187J 1807 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY SELL Ship Chandlery Hardware Iron and Steel Coal Groceries and Provisions Hour and Mill feed Taints, Oils and Varnishes Loffers' Supplies Pairhank's Scales Doors and Windows Afjricultnral Implements Wagons and Vehicles. Holds the world's reoord for loug-dlslance fast running. A flap of the United States Tike nvw wall map Is sued by the llmllngU lUiuls Is three fsot fiur Inch wldj by (uur fsst lung; la primal In sis olum, ta mounlid sn roll ers; shows every slate, county, Imp.. nam Iowa, and railroad In the Union, and Is a vary deal ratals niul uieful adjunct lit any household or business as iKlillaliiiteiil. furvnassd In lots ef Itxw His rim pa oust ins Uur- liiifton Itouts nearly M osais aiisc, but on rs csl4 of U ostits In stamps or 00 al the lamterslgnsa will be pleased ot send you ena Write Immediately, as the suputy Is limited. A f. Hll l.l.l H in. ilnieral Agrni, roriluu.l, Oirgon. rou . TII.t-AMOOK, NKIIAt.KM AND TILLAMOOK, NICIIAl.KM ANt TILLAMOOK. NKIIALKU AND TILLAMOOK, NICIIAIJCM AND TILlMOOK. NKIIAIJCM AND OTilKK COAST I'OINTC OTIIKU COAHT 1'OINTH OTIIICH CMAHT l'OINT OTI1KH COA8T 1'OINTB OTIIKH COAST I'OINTi -tea nxrs It. I. ELMOKIC, (. IV E Mi ll II. P. ELMOIIK. W. II. IIAHU1HON W. II. IIAHHIHON W. II. IIAHHIHON AND Al'OUBTA AND AlKH'BTA AND Al'OUBTA ALL Ol'KN roll MPRCIAL CIIAHTKH tUIIIng dates to and frm Tillamook and Nei.alom d-paiid upon ths walW, Kor fmlglil and passecvgr rat's apply to KLMOHK. BANHORN CO., A la O. II 1 N.Cn, Aganta. I'orlUnd. tiOP LHi: CO. CLOTHING, Merchant Tailors. ('nlrrrliTihlni(mft'1ft lnnntif Hutu -tM tfitti-r nitlr Mrci Ot. I'very itftli r iuiictu 1I)T mi Hint fttt'ftie.loi. iUfftlr'tt tht-(Kf That JUy Other Dave 1 the iUy WmWh Hlurh. nN Cniimir m HI. Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. .M.'l Ciimini'rciiil Mti'i'l Nell to MailiMin' Tik'sr Slntn' Reading or Distance Glasses I OU Kyn (IIbhkss for U K. or UN Kyi (lla-wss for ll.n. Warraiitcd Uulil l'Utrd Ktainra, Make your ItliiiU a bcsaullful and use ful present. We guarantee a perfect fit by mall providing when you order the (louci you answer the fullowliia- qurs. (Inns: How olJ Kvrr urd glaaMsf How longT Male or frmaleT (IKO. MAYKHLIC, Ksprrt (ill(-lan. B Third strml, Hnn Krun, leco Opticians' and I'holngraphlc Huppllrs. Astoria Public Library READING ROOK FRRR TO AU Opr every day from I o'clock lo IM and l.n lo 1:10 p. m. Subscription rates U per annum. B. W. Cor. Klnvamh and Duane Btreeta nw Seen! MMMse Abeelelelr l ehea In the ftn.f.li. Iermeenl I'erwa In II lo a ilAfa. We refund miiny If 4.. n' rur y,ni rea he tmelMl e Imm fur t h mm ir !a a ru i ina aama anm. I. I mm om mil mnti-fttrt u rr-r In fSim lir ti tu or p7 l-naa of com 1 ng, -nrl buM UU tu railroad bllla, and Vkmrtr if our. If f U hv L 11 rr. l...llU-la.haiul alna, Mmom I'alrkM In tnrnilh, for 1 tlPOMl, r4 (tnttta, I rrmtiMiv rWwadarr r 'I crllar j arNtr liiriirn W al- rr) aiul bllra raantsl rmn. 'Ilila dh Ilia ..III of th. HMl l'laaplra.rapMir-4 alar titi.r ihft.Hxlj HaJrir Il la this I'rlaaarr, HlmMl I'alaaa that mill ll iiMrtl al4la. th warld titrmrm mm naMt liaa alwar baa1r4 ml Maul par.lrUaa. r r many yrr- w ha trraliiiLr thl 'llaraaa wi'li our I'll II,: K an-1 liava .aital imMtul our uinoiulltlnnal truaninu.0. vmuaf..r ino.p.Vf litMih and haHU prwotk. AddrtHM 4MH lirVlf-.IIV 4 .. (,' Mnaonlr 1itlf, 4'hlrttvo, llllnol. SNAP A KODAK. at any man eoinlng nut 1 our store and you'll gal portrait o( a man brliiiiiiliift oynr wit ti plaaniitil tliouulita. Much quality In the llijuon we hare to odor are enough to plnaie any man. COMff AND THY THEM HUQHES & CO 1 11 rm.l- .. il.... - la iteeeariV Whltaa, a a oelure.1 ill f l)aanal -l.ar, ut eur Intliimni ' aat Hihun. tlian. IrpltAlli.H l.u. lle ne. ire. ' 7 ! "'," ' " " mfm I'MttVAStUliHirii Rn. i"'11"' Nun -utrlusant a , . . I1, H.UIa, l..n ... ........ CIri.O IT! lei fcjr lrs 0. . a, A 1 "nt ,,ln 4' 1'irruler sen on wrtnnir. 'Pal'l, fur i. av 7a Ull rrnnet. Emil Schacht flRGHITECT Rooms 317.318 v Portland Saving Bank Blilu. Portland, Oregon. 4