--r a. THE DAILY ASTORIAN li the blgecit and best paper on the Columbia River THE ASTORIAN has the largest circulation of anv caw on the Columbia River KULL ASSOCIATE! PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLVII. ASTORIA, OKKOON, NAT. IM)AV MOUMNO, (H,TOIiER 2:,, 1H!7. School Books AND . Tablets Slates Pencils Sponges Composition Books Pens Blotters Inks School Supplies liatv III" liant Ullil rill lino nf I' on llii) 'l.blnta III lliorlljr. GRIFFIN & REF.D THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF J. N. I, A 'K )luiiitpr Air-Tight Heaters... in Arowu. Tor Saperlot" imci 4 Itaaijta, ftlANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE AT E. R. Hawes Store Cowboy A liw lot arrived toduy and they nrr beiiutl'H. Wo have them In nil r m. with p'.nld biui'la mill l:t'hi-r trlrrmil.-m. Wo nm B"lllng II. o ariinaj fr 95 Cents ..Each.. Shanahan Bros. THE ONLY STORE THAT BELLA CHEAT. Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Uats BUFFUM PENDLET9N Hatters and Furnishers OA Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. ....The Only Exclusive Men's Fornlsbers....- Our Royal Cream Flour NONE BETTER FOARD & STOKES CO. Sole ARCrttH ABTOIIA ORKCiOIN PUPIlJi RECEIVED IN TIIK PRIMARY. I'OUAMMAH AND AUADKMIC ORADE8 J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. HAVE PKNi:i THKlll llHAKl'INil AND HAV nun mi,. For rutoa. etc., tvlilrtvia the Superioress INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC. PAINTING AND VOICE CULTCRE FORM A 8PECIAL DEPARTMENT it E2 Q IS Efl E3 U IS C E E IS U S B . iTi;j h n u u u u u m Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Manor, Count., OREGON Till li Jiiat th. place for your boy.. Delightful location, large building and grounds, good meal, plenty of healthy pii'IYImc, rxoellent te,oher nnd careful training- thl I. what they ail My of MT. ANOEL COLLEGE. 8ond for CoU alogue ant special term.. P. F. PLACIDUS. Director. 1 la . C 1 rT! i It J OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MonmoHth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Kewul.ir N'uniiKl Con mi' nt throe yours. Senior yenr whollv iirndtcionnl. Training ili'mrlmiMit nl nine mil. let with '."itf i lill lri'ii Iiml ruction iiml training In (iyimitutii'k (Swedish sys ti iui, mul Vocal MiiiUi for imbUo school Tho Nnriniil illilonin la rccoit.nacd liy law aa "T.VTl 1.1 KK CKIUiKICA I K to leach. Light exiienm. Tuition, hooka, bimid aud lo.lKitiK (ap proximately), Si:lVoo per your. Stmli'iita iMiiirillnf tlieinnelvoa, tilii.oo per year. Academic if rades accept d (rum hlrh schools. 1'als.loituta cheerfully ncllt oil rt plli-Hlt Hi. Adilri'M P. L. OAMI'IIKI.I., Pn-iilrnt, or W. A. WANN, Hwri'liiry Farulty. UNION MEAT COMPANY Shi nrand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard "INDS OF CANNED MEATS luar.ntMd th. Bert In th. Marlwt OUSAN STREETS - PORTLAND, OREGON OBECOS'S IMPORT AM) EXPORT TRADE 'hnt l Ncicsrv tu Tut It In the I'ront Kunk. Vl'AK AM INK STATION M :i"Ii;i Dry Dink Unmet Next, mi Aloria I'unland Mt Fill Toucihcr Coal HooiCfi WDtf d "TIhtii ii rv rnnlm. k lK)ih In I'orM 'i'dj and Anturla." Tin-.' '-rn 1)1 oMlj Mr. Krunk Wnlpy, iiK'Jit of th. vw llrn- f rl-iitiil !niirr Ui th t.'l 'inliift Jum i-IhI41)m l.y th i. It. A N. Co. 1in Uilktnu- t an Aatortun r.-portr yrwlmlay. "Hon ,..y, liotli I ". .r l I.iikI und A'lor a lll aukr U to II nil that thry nra mill nr In tlii nrtiK of the wimiry f 'him-lB-win.' Ttxrv art. Ilv.. turn In l""tti rii.. I nm Kkul tu ay. but thiy art lint In Uir nuijoit'.y. It la rit nr.. to Icirn of th.. rltn In A'lorU of auoh an uriruiliiitlon a your ti'i' tnlillah.il Aatorl.i I"riK!r.-ailv Comnirr. .-I, it a.o.-i. i hn, nnd 1 pnOlct llu-y w-lll ii.v omt.liah (rr.t thlnpa for A'.. r-n. )l n rlin whtib- fVluml'l.i rlrr Tlirp nro afv.ral rryinit ii-vuiitlTi ahlrh one of Mm nirniln ra t.Cla ni- Will In- taken u. ut oni-o with vlifor. Tlw . It. A N. . tin dor- . h for tb tli of 'r on. and 1:1 r It l i-nt itforoua nutiiiiKnirnt U lolni; r rc than ov.r U'lViro to l.iil.d u' o-r n..i i trl. roiiiiii.Tic and .iKii.iU 1 nrr. Tlir ro.nl la la-lni: roliullt In i:ir-.. ur. ti:i la-en l r.lltrllti'lwd out lind KM'toa Hilui-..!. Tlw irrt tliruuish liiu via tli I'nlon 1'iu'lfli" lint U .-n ri ''n-!id. l-ul nnu-t Itniavtuni of 11II. .1 tlmt i-'.aKu, mfl i rn att.iniahli !liit Willi tlio orient ha l-.li ratal)hvd. Th llrxt tfnni.r, tlie Pria-nmr, I fxrv-ot, will urrlv rwr In th tnornliiK. ll. r la I )a oxirtuiilly of As toria and Porfimd to roina-t with Sun Pati.-lnt'O on tho wouth, and th Caiuullan Pm-lfii- ut Vutn-otiviT. and thf Northern I'urlllo ut T.ifoiiM, on tlw north. If miiirtvd, o nro h. rv Ho may. Tin ntiht la your, ixm't lx- Imokwurd lut conilnir forward. We nd imr work aa wl oa moral Mipt..rt. Work for tin lino, nit tin- 80111U0 ft'l.ow.a lo for llioir (mJ,itn. Tlirrt ur no nnuv.luicka tlwr.. Hvo tin your Rid will ruid nal! tOKi'tlivr, iHilh Aatorln and I'ortl ind, and Wi nil) win. "There l otif mattaT of rlnu Imp Tt. nni. nerdi'd IniiiHHliuItvy nit Astoria. 11JI1I that la 11 irovernm. nt qunrnntlnr !. Hon. Wo do not want ito brlnit jmnH pox hero, nor do wo exptvt to. but th lawn nro atrlct and If, reh iiUM", 'tlirre uliould Ik- liny mishap, what doe U nu'iiii? t'ur tniuta would havp to t;o to Pint TVwnseanl and at.iy there In qunr. unllno lb limit of tjm, ihua proat.y liakiylna; tho dliaohnrtte of cargo nnd tho himiMJnjf of IniKlnpaa. Tlio Chaimlier of Comtiiorod of I'ortlaiM h.m tha matter up with cwnsroa of tho estal'llshmetit of 11 iiunriiMlne ftatlom ut tho mouth of (he CohimMa river, and I understand your 01iamlor of Ootnniereo ban l.ikvii similar iictloii. Ir. J. A. Fultnn. your licallh otllcor horo, and Dr. Porry, marliu BiirKOim at Portland, aro Inith lieartlly In favor of tho station u.nd hive done all they ouuld for It. No result have yot Itoen achlovod. Atorla iuiO Portland must Join hands wnd vigorously push tlie miilkr with tho dcit&rtnicnt and with eoncress. Nevor let up. It la of Him. mount Importune-. Our ilnovxf boat will 10 hero refttilnrty, and other nhlpa from forelKii iKirtM an- arriving atl the time. and many mote will come In 'the. finuro. I utideratand a bill ha. i,t.-s J the houso nnd Mono to the somite. Some one should eanip InWiishliiRton d watch this m.it- t. r and hixi that It Is not alaiwwl to get slilelrarked. It could eanj' 1 don, una enerKV do It. Your new a.snoclaton I Mlove wld have a hiuid In it. nr. 1 Fulton or Dr. Perry can tell you the ! exaet mania of tho matter today. Hut work t what In wanteil, and hard work, i We cannot afford to sit down, like Ml- i im'.l run wlui! tiny waul, and mut Imvc "W'biit rt'i you xiv t to do f..r vtt. biiiik"r fur oonllny tb's.. bljf o mh rt-nm-rf Tb- l not a itu- In yoiir Iwarlior today whera1 1. alaianvr can ! properly roalnl, and yt the flmt temer will I twre fm-rrow, W wunt to co.J liar, but aa thliiaT are at priwrit It run only I dona, at Krmat rxjM-nw and Va of tlnif. Tliai -ile- on trw Columbia want alilpa to fitrai Imtc, Ihm niitxirently do nolhlnit to k.aj lli-m rwrat afta-r they pti-t t h-m. I am paklritT now for oth I'ortlntul uiul A'torla I am a Portlander Inyaelf. "What would we do If a largo llnrr lrjk down or nclfd bf lauttom m rapl whlta- In Hi" folunibU? Thero In not u dry "bai k on thai (.'CMJUibfa or Willamette rl-ara tluit foubl aawvimnioalH'U. a small war . ii of our ateitm.-m or even an ordinary s.illlna veaisvl. s wond.-r liuallia on ".lie Bound in InieaalliK, Ihtp they have ail Iheae tlilnira. "Vhi, tlw-re la lota for ua to do. I am roidy to taka my ooat off with the rt hut l- t iia kk to work and puah push PtHII." Wh.n ixked wluit wnuid le the ixdlcy of 1I1 at fi if biinlnean afta-r Astoria's railroad aa finished nl whnthnr th tam-r would ! dlix'harve.l ha-re. Mr. WoiHey aaid the (pia-ir.lon w.ia a very cmKl. rate-l ine. "Vou are irolnK to have a i...Tnll.f r:i4r.id, aji4 all no doubt ret lain .the !na-tlt from It that ha lae-n antlrlimtaM." UNITED STATES CAN BETTER WAIT fJKimctallism Thau', Can England With Her Troubles. (iREAT nKITAI.VS FI LL REPLY Will tit Soon rablishtd-Vay Left Opel Tor farther .Icijotiatiors Entoys V ill Ce 10 ftris. WIRKS DOWN. List nlrlit tho wire of both th toWraph cmn(ilea went down In the atorm. coiiseijiia-nt'.y nothing but the af terrtoon tWeirraph rp.irt bi publlBh. d. Tlw break on the W awtern I'nlon line ' 'il of their new up-to-date line be tween the rtty and Tonrue P"lnt IDSITIVETSHE W.S NOT LOADED BIT THI-: MLM.K tlf.KlS HI T NtV 1 VHItK VITtl Alt MS roit tlDX. B r Aitot Sj lbc l Not a Filihusterer, and I'almu S.ittt .No Expcditioa Left Nch York. Now York. October 22. Tho Herald nys; Tho H.-rald has made lnvotlsratlon Into the aUt'aTod dolKifture of tho tillbusterliiK exiMllHon from New Y'ork on the BchoomT Silver Ueas la."t Siitunlny. Aa to tho surtplcioua eJrcunutances attendiiiK the datatrture of the vossel, 11. P. ltrown. her aat.'nt. muld: "There Is nothing aus lilelouH ulaiut tho Kalllni; of the Sliver lloe)i. She tk nothlntt which could be retfanlcd aa eontralxuid sood.s. She saileAl for Norfolk and Charleston In search of 11 cluirtor. Am hit iikxtm I should cor talnly have known If she had taken any cnruro from this iiort." ( Destlto the emihatlc denial of llrown, tho Hcrnld Ooarna fixim otlUM- sourves that tho Silver Hoots did leave New Y'ork Saturday nl,rht bvidod with amis and mmmunttlon, and tint who went itttwt to sin. At some poln: on tho hhrh sixis she Ls expected to transftr Iter rartro to another craft which would have turmoil men on boonl, whoso detitt nallon Is Culm. Thumati ljtrada 1'aliiUL, the OuUin representative, said: "I 11m positive that no exoihlltkin loft this port for Cuba." New Y'ork, October 22 A dlapatch to tt.e Trllmne from Indi.r says: Tlie reply of the Brituih government ,0 the monetary pT.fiHa of th t'nlted State, and France haa been prepared by tlie chainvr.or of the exchequer and will prolaaialy tje puUlshasi hi the laondon pmaia t?fore the end of the week. It may be Rummurlxi aa a courteous refusal to entertain the pTjpueitiorui submitted by the two governments and an equally polite Invitation to cwntlnue the nego:la tlons. Tlie refuaai s unequivocal In u". llnta and the Invitation to go on with the monetary diplomacy la a trunsvirent compromise to save the feelings of the iron, minority of the bimetaUtsta In the cabinet. The ministry, acting upon the Invi tation of the financial expert of the Indian governmem, alectinos to reopen the mints to .ilver. This was the chief concesulon whloh waa aaked by the two governments and It haa been refused, under various peas of expediency and necesalty butsal upon the txbMing condi tion of Indian finance. The chancellor of the exolietjur also j discusses tho other coneeuelons mhlcn ! were considered In the various confer- ences with the Amerkui and French I anilxuasadors and the .three enwya and ! virtually refuses to act favoraUy upon ! any of the projiosjils. At tlie s.ime time he txprvasaju the wUllngnees of the gov. ernmerrt to proKng confeivnces and con. slder any protwstUs which, may b. pre. sentcd. He suKarts no alternative pJun dlan finance. InduatrW! depression In Itncanahlro and disordered condition of Eastern exchange. BRYAN PARTY IS THREATENED DR. DAKRIN VVIUa REMAIN In AatorU Until Further Notice, Owing to th Many PaUemt Coming for Treatmant Dr. Darrln haa now ben practicing hi. profession In Astoria for three months with bri.llaot uooeaa anal during .that time hundreds availing themselves of bis peculiar pr&ctlce have been abaoiutely cured of diseases that had bifT.ed the skill of aii the old school practitioners. Caae. that had been given up, and pa tients who bad been advised to spend no more time or money In the fruitless at tempt of trying to cure an Incurable dis ease, had been teat from the doctor's office, frequently after a few treatments, with new lease, of Hfe, rejoicing, pain tea, and weil, and crutcbea have been thrown aca-ay to be taka-n up no more. In fact, the doctor ha worked wonders and brought Joy, health and happiness to hundred, of households. li s rooms are never without patient, during office hours, and few. Indeed, are the cases he treats that do not receive permanent benefit, as the tof.owlng card will show: PAIN IX HEART TWENTY" rEAfUj. Mr. Editor This is to certify that I have had a pain In my heart and breast twenty yean, and tried many physic ians, without success. After four months' bom. treatment by Dr. Darrln I am re stored to health and giadly give my tes timony In hi behalf. I reside ax Sliver ton, Oregon, where I can be addressed or referred to. C. W. BARKHL'RST. Dr Darrin will remain at the; Occident Hotel, Astoria, until further notice, and will Ln future treat cum with -efflrw Bryan force, in Illinois would baa aplli or home treatment at the rate of ft a ; ln twain unles Harrison recousfrWeal week, or in that proportion of time, as nl Intention. "As a Bryan demoo'at t case, may require. The poor treated free, except medicines, from I to 10 t. m. daily. Patient able to pay, from 10 a. m. to S p. m. Evenings 7 to S. Examina tions free to ail. All curable chronic, acute and private diseases, treated with electricity, and medicines hen required. Carter Harrison I'roposcs to Co to Tammany's Assistance. CHICAGO PLATFORM IN PERIL Bryaiite. Declare Tkat Mayor Harris. Will Not Dart to Disripe h Tarty. New York, Oct 11-Th Press Mys: Carter Harrison's Intention to invmd. this city with hi cabinet atid the Cook r county inarching club and speak her. for Judge Van Wyck on October JSth 1 likely to disrupt the Bryan forces In th. west, according to the statement mad by mend of Henry George. Th George movement ln Greater New York ha been receiving substantial and moral recog. nit Ion from western democrats. Th. an nouncement, that the mayor of Chicago who was .elected by the Bryan force ln Oook county, ha been Induced t? con. to New York ha aroused the Utu-r re sentment of the local (Kort men lawyer and president of th. allied liryan lawyer and president of rt-e aHd Bryan Over clubs, la in town working rn' Hen ry George' Interest. He was 90 exe'ted over the report that Mayor, HrHaon wa. going to Tammany's assistance that' he was offering to wager tl.bW ihut rn. SUICIDES IN ALASKA. ChlcfliTO. Oct. S2.-A letter by C J. who worked hard for success last f"'l ln Illnols." iie said. "I denounce M."Jor Harrison and declare that he will ln j. sense represent .the democratic sentiment of his own city and state If he take Tammatirs aide ln tnis conteat. We recognize Henry Georse as the only can didate who stands on the Chicago plat, form and represents the true principles of democracy. I know that Chairman Orr of the democratic state committee of of his own. but leaves the two govern- j Gregory, formerly of Chicago, who left , Ulnois. and Secretary Bent.ey. of the menra free to act upo their ows respon. I elWlity, rf they ohoose to open their own mint, to silver or take any other meas. uros In , the Interest 0 bimetal. ism. Those bohind the scones say the minis. tens expeoted very different reports from tho Indian experts from what they have exposure- It costs II to get a letter Georse says: 1 here for Alaska In August, la a clear same committee, agree with me In this portrayal of the hardship of the WTiite same statement. I stlB believe that Paas: Harrison will not imperil his party In "There have been six suicides." he ! the west. w we'I as ln the east, by In. writes, "three l.angings and eleven kifl- j terfering ln this contest in New York." Ings, besides a number of deaths from In an Interview In the Wjikl, Henry UTES ON HUNTING1 TRIP. Vernal. Utah. Ootoln-r 22. The Utes are I Rolnir to Colorado In great numbers for their annual hunt. Settlers suy there are tnoro Indiana crossing thai lino than over hefoiv. They nre sujlcn and 'lusts: that tho deer llonir to them and they Viro golnn to kl.l aill irhey want. Colorado people are determined that tlie law shall be enforced and trou-bto Is feared, as the Utm soom determined to have what they ivsrard as their rbrhts. HOOK MAKERS laOSE. Cincinnati. October 22. The lOnqu'ror's IxmlsvlrV upeolaJ says: On account of a manipulated stake race nt T,ntvinln. yesterday the lociiil poUrooma ouwher, to see whnt will turn up. As- cashed tickets, really void Just mfter the orla, belrg the harbor at the mouth race won run. The Turf Exchange and of tho river, should take the lead, rather Newmarket were hard hit, the former loefng J2700 and the fritter J3000. The poolroorrt people think the wire was tapped. than merely abet the action of IVartliuid. turt both together with a long. Htronir reoelvevl. They were prepared last sum mer to order tlw resumption of silver coinage If the Franco-American pro gramme was adopL-u, and they contl- dentty believed that the experts of the Indian government would t." united on the exied:ency of this course. When the reply came from tlie experts. Mr. Eal.o'ir, Mr. Chaplin and other convinced bimet allism in the cabinet were disconcerted and even monometallism itKc Sir Michael Hldcs-Boiioh and Mr. Gjschen, were greatly sunriod. Tho necessity of act ing upon tho advice was amvirent to neutral, like Mr. Chamberlain and tho Puke of Devonshire, who had an open mind on Wris question, and Sir Michael llicks-Keai'h was Instructed to prepare a c.ueswricail reply to the prosiwts which bad been submitted, doellning to accept them, but leaving the door wide open for a ooratlnuacu of the negotiations. This last lilt of politeness w-as meant to conciliate tho ilisa.poiiued blmcta'.lists In -the cabinet. A conference has been arranged which wtl bo attended by the three envoys aud rcprctscnuitiYvS of the two eiuUusiea. A reply having been received, the only question remaining for consideration :s the proiH-r course to be followed by the American onvoys. They will naturally bo to Paris and discuss tho matter with tho M1lite government. The question will then arise whether the two govern ments can undertake to go on with their monetary program without the reopening of the Indian mints and tho moral sup port of the British government. The French ministry may not care to persevere In a blmotaHHo policy undi r thca conditions and the McKin'.ey ad. ministration may consider it prudent to break off negotiations temporarily. Cr. tulnly the United Slates with tlie pro-pax-t of heavy gold Imports, an Increas ing? Income and a revival of prosperity, la In the better position for awaiting the eventa o he near future than Eng land with ita haraeslng problem of In- 1 through to Skagimy and 10 cents to get j "Let Carter Harrison and his friends it mailed. Prices hore are very high, come here. I; won't ".ose me a vote: It Flour at Lake Bennett brings f'fl per ' wHl simply be the efforts of a corrupt sack: bacon 11 per pound; beans $1 per machine to get another corrupt machine pound. Horseshoe nails bring 50 cents out of a bole. If they are so thort of a piece. A pair of shoes will bring any cam-mien speakers, why don't they get price you want to ask; overalls. Van Wyck to make a speech?" Always Works Right The superiority of the Royal Bak ing Powder over and above all other kinds is never so manifest as when tried in comparison. It has greater strength, and all the powder in the can is of the same strength, and will do the same perfect work. It is the only powder that will hold its strength for a long time, or that will keep fresh during sea voyages, or in damp climates. It always makes the finest biscuit, cake, doughnuts, rolls and muffins, and no cook in kitchen or camp can afford to be without it. ROYAL Baking Powder ROYAL BAKING) POWDER CO., NEW YORK.