Books, Pcr,oa.:vT:--r Tha ( - t n 1 ' ' k ' 1 I 1 V ' 1 r rn nc W 1 ' ' .v.,,. Any ' , , I . ' THE DAILY ASTORIA N It ttif blffest iod best piper on the Columbia River THE ASTORIA! Ms the largest circulation of inv caer on the Columbia River ASHOCIATICP PHKSS KIIPORT. VOL. XLVII. AST0H1A, OKEGOX, WEDNESDAY 3JOHNING, 0( TO 15 EH 20, 18!7. NO. Ci. ik w ml A:'- Jw 1 A 91 "t'fin School Books AND . School Supplies. a Wr lull I lin lirtt mill rlicape.l line of n (ml I'tnrll Tallinn In Ihielly. GRIFFIN & REED THE MOST COMPLETE LIME OF Air-Tight Heaters... IN AsTUMIA A.ANUFACTUFED E. Atf it Tor "Siperlor" Minn nil Rnayes. Sole Agents for Knox BUFFUMPEINDLET?N Hatters and Furnishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR, ....The Only Exclusive Our Royal Cream Flour FOARD & Solo AHTORIA J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON, IIAVK OI'KNKD TIIKIR IIOAKMM4 AND IAY HIIIOOL. Fur rates, etc., auldrtwa th. BuprioreM PUPILS HECKIVED IN TUB PRIMARY. ORAMMAR AND ACADKMIO OR A DEM r 1 ' l. u u u u ei u u y g n n gs u u u u E m UuuUuuUm " IWI fit l UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS Ouarantead the Brit la th. Market CORNER FOURTH AND OLISAN STREETS Tablets Slates Pencils Sponges Composition Books Pens Blotters Inks J. N. I. AWN Manager AMD FOR SALE AT R. Hawes' Store and Waoborton Hats Men's Fornlsbers.... NONE BETTER STOKES CO. Assents OREOOIN INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC. PAINTINO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Marion Counts OREGON Thl I. juat th. place for your boy. Delightful location, large building! and grounds, good meals, plenty of healthy exercise, excitant teacher and careful trninlnir thla la what they all aay of MT. A NOEL COLLEGE. Send for CaU alogu. and special terms, P. F. PLACIDUS. Director. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS It Millar Normal Con run nf three year. Kenlnr year wluillv prefcimonal. Trtiililiilf department of nliui armies with I!o0 children. Instruction and trulii'im In liyninaatioa (Swedish yn ti'ni), ami Vocal Mimic for nubile school The Normal diploma la rrpogmsed by law aa a STATU 1JKK CKKTIKIUATK to teach. I.lllit eiPKnue. Tuition, hoots, board and Miring (ap pwnlinnlem, IfUS uu per year. ritmlmiti uoanllni tlivinn'lvna. lll l.Oi) per yeir AcHilemlo Krinlifi airpt''il twin hlith chiil, t'ataloitut'a chi rrnillv mint on appUcatt'iu. AdilroM '. L, CAMI'IIELI., Prvaldent, or W. A. WANN, Secn tiirj-Kaculty. PORTLAND, ORGQO.V PLUSH CAPES . . . . . . POLITICS HOT IX NEW YORK Sith Low Mimcy L)lmj Around Loose In the Streets. van wvck in Tin: u:.u Tamtuiy C'oalidtat Tkat It Candidate kill Via till Betting la to to Oae ii Its river. NVw York, (viulirr "('liilm It; tlulm nvm-ylhliK."' na till" rmrtlu al'.itnl by itm old maa'cr tlllliMiine of Ne' V'irk. fur th ruiiii,tii. Tlio nmM awo-i'ln i' la alitrl by M- r. Hlu .-liiin an I riki-r. mirfM-ntltia tl Tammany or rwnllin. which hu the priu'Ucnl In durwmniii of tli U-Mlnir men urounJ tnn, m'hi have all af.oi( nvn otTirliiK il. on Van Wyi k ni cl.Um. bow. vi.r. Him the Tamiminy ticket will re 'i of the t:n. vifI. rvtrlaicml In lii.iiVr N.,w y.,rk l arourrd by (lie liv ixtrty Va.lera. NVat to T.immany th k real cut dl:iiy of nmfl.lriu'a l art tl r1inbllran hcad Hiartrra, wrier tbnre irrini to tv a fen uln Mhf that iSwiorul Twy wi.l win. Hili !w'a manuira pnfrM to Ik- con. tfiit. and lit.wn of (ieurKn To be nltlvd. Whatever m.iy be '.lie artu.d bilef of the :eacb-r. Ihrmi l no illiMl!l"il tu let the Uiltle s.i by default. Thei- are In pr..tre. ii Khl.y from Jim to W Mica) i ni.-.'ilni;. Thla ln.-;tid.. ure, m or II ,i !hriiu a 111 ward room. : U oial- ed tin.: for the- rein.lilllillt fort n W A n. the implan the Tr.icy leaders have nr. rtmit.-l for nn avenuv of ;n ineetlnas lr tilk-ht. nt each of which there will a f -.a; I complement of iajM-iikers. It' har.l Crok.r eke h.Uf an hour ut Tammany liall today. H.s v)va were ke. mi the siibjevt of dleclpllnlliff oef tnlti nil deiiKh-ruJIc Uudera In Klnss county who threatened to cut Van Wyck. t'rokrr adrtai-d antlon. Spenklna' t some of ihe Tiimmunyltcs who hud iroiie over to the (T.liens union, he snlj; It In a pec uilnr fact that men who are km" ked out of Tammany, uK lie- come reformers, lie thought It was a mistake to brine speakers from outside of New York to tell vutrrs whiil they should do In a municipal campaign. Henry lleorice was adjoin In a reml. nlm'cnt mood today. It grew out of the ipuvttUin of , veracity which hiw arisen ln-tween him und ex. Controller IrWn oivr the. mnynr.iliy canii:(;n of 1SS6. and re lated to the part taken In Ihut ninv.ui by Rev. IT. Kdwunl MclTynn. which resulted 1n Pr. MKKynn's rrontn from the prlesthooil. Mr. OeorRe wild h0 went to Archbishop Corrlnan to plead for Ir. McUiynn. "The orx-hlilshop wus wry Impatient," ho said, "and woirtd not ls!en lo any explanation which 1 tried to make cl.xir, but was not in ny way itntiitnmlstlr to iho Oithntiira or The Ciitholrc church. Tammany ran Die nrch- cplnciiml cofletre at that time." Co). Henry I. Swords, serpen nt.nt-nrms to tho ropiibllcun n;itloiud convention. visited Wall street today and offered to lHt any ivirt of yz.M at t-vw money thnt Oenerul Tracy will poll more votes than Soth Low. Ho suooeled Jn placing about amonic members of tho Stock ex- hunno and half as much more with the brokers on tho "curb." "This la only a small part of tho Tracy money lying around looms' said the coConol. "The ony trouble Is we cannot Und any Low money to put It up oealnat." Van WjVk still bads In 1he MtliiK on tho stock exchange, otlda na pood two to ono that ho wl.l win being offered. Pit. DA Hit IN TO H1C.MAIN. A Hush of Business Onuses Him to Poet. pone leaving Nov. 1, ns Advertised. Dr. Darrln, the eminent physician and specialist, at the tviiuest of mnny friends and the great Interest shown by the suf fering and afflicted, hna consented to atay with ua until further notice. The truly wonderful cures h haa aooompllxh. ed are belnK testified to by a host of af- flloted sufferer who can be aeen and consulted on the mlraculoua cure on their behalf. It Is safe to ay that no rwolBUst haa attained the promtnonoe of Rem ember Three Days Only It. Imrrlii !n t!il country ond be rwnnvt help but nvet with (rand .ween. Thone who arn dlaponed to doubt Ir ' Dariin' rme w-III have thrtr dubt ihak-i i an on readltia the following card from juIo ' i . uaaon or I'oruand, a man well and favorably known to all out reader. Ilia caa. will go far to eatab. lah lha aklll of Tr, Darrln. JfliR MABON'H OPINION. It. Iarrtn-Ienr Blr:-your electrical IrKilrneiH la nvait undoubl.-.lly a won. i derful aucceaa. I have been for a num. Ii -r of yeara gradually l-omlri, deaf, particularly eo In my left ear. For the liua; fw 1 have feared that I! would be compelled to irlv. up my law I prattle entirely. a, at time i roul I not near wnii enouam to undenr.und what j wttneeaea leetlrted fo, unlmni they apokej In a hla-h tone of voir. A abort time nao I rmrnene, treatlna' w'.th you. and ! now can hear aa wHl aa I could 20 year; aaro. In fact I find no difficulty at all! In heartHf anyone apeak In an ordlr.aryi tittles tt a.'f-klta f aa m . L. a .a ' aaVJI. II 011 IQ njT mil In my ca your treatment has ttn a uorwt. I am only orry that I did not apply to you aoom-r. Refer any on. to ma. O. P. MASON. Second and Taylor Street, Por.lond, Or. Dr. rarrln can be ronaulted free at hla office In the Occident hotel, AatoHa. The numerous calla for hla erv1v would not permit him to leave NovemWr 1st u avertlad. The doctor haa reduced hla feea to only CM per we-k. or In that proportion of time aa the caee may require, to all raaea commencing treatment soon. rr. Durrln nuik- a ipeclalty of all dlaemaea of the eye. ear, noae, throat, catarrh, dcafneea. bronchltla. la cripie. consumption. dyspepsia. constipation, heart, liver, and kidney dmeuses. Ho ermanenily cures all disease 0f the aTenlto-urlnary orr,.ina In either aex. All peculiar femalo troublea are confl- """"J" treated, aa well aa all acute. chronic, private and nervoua diseases of whatever nature, if curable No outs taken If not. Most caaea can be treated at home after one visit to the doctor's office. All uusiura iciaiiorii wim IT. utirTin are trlcUy confidential YELLOW FEVER IN NEW ORLEANS co.NTrurir to norc. IS STIU OX Trie IXCKTASC. Mae Mildred Cast. So Far Reported, of Which Ion rrovtd tatal-So New Caes Testerdav. New Orleans, (K-toler 19 There was nelrher hojo nor eiuxurogoment In the locul slttmitlon today. Tho deaths did not run up to an unusual murk, but there were enough new ciu'S and fatalities to disappoint thoso who bvlleved that the fovor wia on the wane. Tho bourd of hemUh tonight rciwrts thrt'o deaths and Jii new nases. Oii.aB are being rcHrliil from till sec tions of tho city. Thore have been In this city up to tlio present time nearly W caseo, and of threw more than one hundred hnvo died. ANOTHER IIOXINO PATAU TY. New Orivans. tVtotHr 19.-T!u outcome of tho first boxing match ut tho new nrenn. tho tinfortunato death of one of he pnrtlopants, 1ms put a quietus on "boxing matches" In this city or state. Doth tha mayor and tha president of the clnft received notlco front A. r. Slm-tions. Attorney-Oeneinil Cunninghnm'g cleTk. who said Hint tho stato would not permit iMixlng contests bwked for last night. Mr. Simmons received word from the club that Cegnl measures would not be iiccpMsnry to prevent the contest, as It would not hike pluoe. The postpone ment Is cause,! by Jack Everhardt's Ill ness with malarial fever. Everhardt says he will be ready In a few days, but tho club will not permit him to fight. Kid MrPurSand at llrst wanted to clnim tho forfeit, but finally consented to for another opponent and telegrams have been sent to Matthews. Jack Daly. Zelg. Vr and other pugilists with a view of gritting one of them here by Monday. In the meixntmp- McPartlund will go to Covngton, acrqM the htko. which kj wMe open to refugees and has no fear 05 fever. Wo j.liic; on Serial Sale for TJmrwluy, Friijay niil .Saturday tlic finot line of Silk ritili Cai.cs, 20 inches. hK, 110 indie i-Hicp, collar trimmed with Thibet Fur; a very iiftiwlsouio garment; well worth $10, for Special Sale only t l.M. ROYALISTS FOR REVENUE ONLY Senator Morgan So Deviates the Followers of Liliuokalani. J'LEAStD WITH ALL HE SAW 1 ' Maaaii l Certaialy Coiig to tt State The Islaidi Are ladispcisaMe t. the Catted State. Ban Francsclo, Octoler 1J. Senator Morgan waa among the paasengera from Honolulu on the Bolglo today. Senator Morgan c xpixuwd hlmaetf aa weB pleased with what he s.iw and 4 he manner In which he waa entertained on the Inlands. He Is more than ever enthusiastic on the subject of annexation and Intimate that HawoJl will become a part of thla coun. try before the clowe of the coming year. Ha said: "Hawaii la certainly going i be a state, but whether It will be at the time of Its annexation or later remains to be seen. Should it be annexed aa a terri tory the Hawaiian commissioners will suny recommend that tho Islands be admit td to statehood, and a special act of congress will undoubtedly follow. In my opinion Hawaii Is abbeiutely Indls pensaUe to the United States, and we must have thorn Islands, The ooly op position I found waa a few Liliuokalani royalists w rro have no weight over there and are for the most part royalists for revenue only." Charles Buoy Smith is the head of an organliiUon In New York which la about to bid for the entire work of construction of the rapid transit subway at figures much below the engineers' estimates. A NEW IDEA IN GOVERNMENT nONDlRAS SIRRESDtRS HER TISCAl AITA1RS TO A SYNDICATE. New York .Millioaaires lidertike the Task ut Liiqidatiig the lidebttdgess ol tie Conntrv. New York. October 19 News has reached Wall street that a Honduras syndicate composed of the Vanderbllts. Astors and other New York million aires has resumed control of the customs house and banking Institutions of the republic and has commenced the task of liquidating th Indebtedness of the coun try. The congress of Honduras has au thorlxed ttve issue of J7.50O,(XiO to the syn dicate. They are to run for !5 years and are to be applied to tho settlement of tho foreign debt of the nation. This experiment of government by a syndi. cate Is the latest and most fin de Steele outgrowth 0 the tendency to trust con trol that has developed In tho United States or anywhere on earth. Back In the sixties the financial troubles of Honduras had their beginning. Revolu tions and Internal dissersions has utterly demoralized them, the richest In natural resources of all the Central American countries. tn the effort to liquidate the Indebted, npss the government Issued bonds but speculators got -control of them and the nation only realized about 11.000,000. This Involved hec hopelessly In debt, but she has been struggling under the burden. RECEIVER ASKED FOR. Affairs of American Grocery Company to be Wound Up. New York, October 19 Counsel on be half of a number of stockholders In the American Grocery Co. ha made aptU catlon to Chancellor McGIU at Jersey City for a receiver for the company. The bill sets forth that the company was organized in June. 1S94, and made moiey for two years. During the third year Thomas Marsalttus made changes In th. business methods which proved de'rl mental. Orders were not filled to the satisfaction of customer and aleuen were allowed to leave and take their trade with them. Several article whlcb bad proved profitable were dropped from the stock. The btU alleged that Mar aalllua sought to bring about a dissolu tion. In answer Mr. MaraaIKu made affidavit that at the time of the transfer from the old to th. new company there were outstandnlg 11. ). of preferred and ll.irt,i0 of common stock. An aa. aessment of S) per cent waa levied upon the preferred and W per cent on the common stock of th. Thurber-WhyUnd Company, predecessors of the Amotion Grocery Co. In return they were to re ceive a much stock, common and r re ferred, aa they held In th. old company, arid In ad-ttcton thereto, first preferred stock of the new company equal to the assessment pail .n. On this agree sent tZli.UA waa paid In and Mriu.lius and certain frtooda paid In $100, additional. When he took charge of the company It owed tZOJM which debt h. reduced in thre years to $70,W. Chancellor MoOfU baa reaerved hi de als to:.. GEORGE M. PULLMAN DEAD. A Great Manufacturer World. Lost to the Chicago, October 19. -(Special to the Astorixn.) George M. Pullman, prealdent of the Pullman Palxce Car company, died of heart disease thla morning a: his res- i t-lenc In thl dty. SUIT FOR DAMAGES. German Ship Peru and Tug Relief Sued by Owner ol the Schooner Onon. Portand, Oregon, October 19. The ownera of the American schooner Orion, which waa sunk 4n eorHakm with the German ship Peru October 4. off the mouth of ten. Columbia, today brought suit In the United States court againat the Peru and the tug Relief for iftxjO damages. POCKET GOES OFF WITH A BANG BOY'S MARBLES. T0l KMfE AND DTSA SITE ARE THE CAl'SC. Little rillsw May Lose His Life aid Mis Teacher Narrowly Escaped fopils Stampede. Springfield, Mo., October 19 Raymond, the 12-year-old son of A. D. Allen, went to school this morning carrying a por tion of a stick of dynamite. The explo sive, which the boy found In a stone quarry, was in his pocket with a knife, top. marbles and a quantity of other things common to boys' pockets. In getting Into his seat the boy banged hla dangerous collection of old Junk against the deek, causing an explosion which will probably cost him his life, and which was heard for several blocks. The child's right hand wus blown off and In his right groin a terrible wound was Inflicted from which the surgeons say he cannot recover. The teacher, Miss Mack, was ciose by and had her dress torn to shreds but she was not hurt. The expOoston caused a panic among the other olutdren, and sev eral of them were hurt tn trying to get out of the building. THH WELBURN CASE. San Francisco. October 19,-The federal grand Jury' has taken "up the Welburn matter. Ignoring the United States attor ney and the specal revenue agents, it has directed tho 1-suanoe of subpoenas and today will begin an Investigation on Its own account. One of tho subpoenas Is for Weiburn himself, the theory betng that since he did not commit the embez zlements complained of, as the trial Jury has said, someone eCse must have done so, and he may be able to tell the Jury who did. Immediately after the return of the verdict acquitting Welburn the latter told Special Agent Thrasher that he could tell him who the guilty man was. Thrasher declined to discuss the matter with him at the time. Shanahan Bros. THS ONLT 8TORB THAT BELLA CHEAT. IT IS OFF WITH THE SAUSAGE MAN Jury Still Out aid Unable to Agree . on Verdict. CHANCES AGAINST LUETCERT Jidge Tatkill Aliened tkc Weary Jsrnrs t. Sleep Last Sigkt aid Try t Agree oi i Verdict Teday. Chlcagw. October U. Another night of suspense la ahead of the defendant la the Luetgert case. At 9 o'clock the Jury had gone to bed on cots la the court room and It was announced by Judge Tuu hlE that even though by on. chance In a million the jurors should wake up and agree on a verdict, there would be no announcement and the court room would under no circumstances be opened until 19 o'clock tomorrow morning. A few minute before S o'clock Judgt TutUll gave positive Instruction that no body should be admitted to th. building under any circumstances. He was told by ihe bailiffs In charge of the court that several of the Jurymen were al most exhausted by the ordeal to which they had been subjected during the last 24 hours and if they were not allowed some rest It would certainly resul: In some of them becoming 111. The Jury atso seat word that there waa no Imme diate prospect of on agreement, and un der the circumstances the Judge ordered that tbey be permitted to drop the case and go to sleep. Cots were doxgged Into the courtroom and within a few minutes every Juror was stretched at fuli length and all consideration of the case was oft until they should wake in the morn ing. "Tbey have not agreed aa yet," said the Judge, when he left the court house, "and when I became convinced that there was lirte prospect of their doing so, and saw how weary some of them were, I told them to go to aleep and try to agree In the morning. There wou.d be no iue In keeping them up all night, because In the first place two or three of them would In a short time be utterly lnca.paci-.ated by fatigue, and no agreement could ever be obtained from men nervous from loss of sleep and ex haustion." There were rumors of alt kinds an Jut during the evening, all! being to the ef fect that the friends of Luetgert on the Jury were weakening. It was known during the day that the vote stood g to 4, and tonight the rumors were that it was 10 for the death penauty and i for acqulttaC. Later, the story la that It stood 11 for hanging and 1 for acquittal. Juror Harley Is admitted to be a stout friend of Luetgert. WILL VISIT OHIO. The President Will Return to tha Buck eye State for Election. Washington. October 19. The presi dent, accompanied by Mrs. JIcKlnley and Secretary Porter, will leave Washington the afternoon of (he 29th over the Penn sylvania road. At Cincinnati he wIM be the guest of Mr. Smld Tappa, a long time Intimate personal friend. On Saturday there will be an Informal reception at the Chamber of ComsWrce. The guest will not speak then, but -will deliver a short address at the banquet given him by the Cin cinnati commercial dub, Saturday even ing. Earty Monday morning the presi dent win Beave Cincinnati for Canton, remaining there until after election, and will receive the election returns In Can- I ton Tuesday evening. He will return to Washington November 4. WOA MJN "00 MMM Mlf WAOI cund lainioiqv UlflAlOd ItHffl W7 i ' vswpiiap pas Maeaoq jad peei ) saswa pbCag 1 -M