THE MILY A8T0IUAN. TUESDAY MOMI'nU OCTOBER 19, J B97. GOLD AND SILVER OF THE WORLD RITOKT Of TMr, DlhTiTOIt W TNT, HINT run rnr. riscAL mn, utiiliutci (lie Dctllm ot Silver in l In Incrtm In 1'iuilm.tloa Plgmta Sir Yolimc. VmIiIiii(iii, (iriou.r b. - 'I'lui iii Bi-i-ir at tlm mint luui auliiulllcl In llu ai'iroiiu v if i lit trttutory hut i mix ii i tint no.l ywr oovertng tlm optimumi. of ilw mini and nuy tilth., itff iliiT -lil .mm. tic of rumliiii ciiuiilrlo iwlallv. u pro duollun, noliuigM tuul imiiKitu condition. Tliu Xulua of llwi pin tloua iiirluU iii ployed III tlw liMltMU'lttl ru III llin l lllli il Stale, ttorlii) lh oumiitttrotul year milling 1KWI mu, 11.4.1, III.M..W4, llvcf, II". t"U '1'imi XiH'k of inil-1 ami llv.-r Ui tlm fnltrd Hiu July t. l7. la mil. (o luva twin (hild K.i.'.d.iC, nil. v.T. iji)U,;wi, total, ll.uu.iM.Uu. Tim toial (ikuJii u k mill titicuvrvi p.i.rr uf lln w.mM iii(iii. fitiin dm luiiwi ir. i..ii, U allnmlvl tu Imvv Lkwii uii Jan uary I. Imi?. iM Ii,imi. Tli world'a lnili l tit gold ml.i r (or ilia ml- ,ilur cr Is-oi vn, ifcold. ; U';w,, a<ur (.tiiuiifr.'lal wihi.i. imi. M,i, .. Vrr tiHlltluaia tullll'l, t-'IS,.i., iiAl. Tim il,. rn.-Uir uf tint mini tvviowa tliu il,siiim ut Uiif ini l.i n. I mil. Inn. Hi.' ik. i:lliw lo tlm gttl tieruati In jn Jul IN Mll.l.lM. I'l.Ali. H.ui Kru'Kiiacu, (iuH-r tL-Jlui Kr.l tn. prutiilnviil cliu.n ut Dili liy, ! iloaJ, u t mull uf u iiituktf ( luiulyaia vh .4i ! iialuintal I Vl t.i ' wi lling, kIiII KUViiily In tlo Ll uX liwtllli lln nii.i u( ilia fuiiiKlini uf tliu Tlvull lliaalcr, .iii lia u ikiniuvlatl uuUI Uir i..J4 UU, WII.U I'UiiMH Tin WINTblL Koiiiih'. iK'iotwr. im, tju, .t,v,mr Alkl k .I iuiillii fur HkiM,-uu'. Wu . anlcj i. i.i...miin wlm win iiium Um Whit ml il.ilk uiir, uiuiuj Uie.r uutni .. ir.ii1niM uvur III Into. III MAUIOMiKri VAl.lU Vuik, tK't. !. v tllalHlli'll lu til ..iM Uaiiii Na the Bi'iiatu lui I ho UII ilwuu-luv itmi.tUtliullii it i .i I ill, ami f iiii.tiiia f,ir n iniiiir dr u. Ii niarr urn . It i I'.' .'.i'!;. i,in tll. li)uull'r ul lll. A tr wok nu tho lltor m tnkeu nil u tory navtir oola thai ouet him l' I . in a ni' ml inm. iMlilu coiiilit.uu. It vtiii uiiiliiuUivtlly bad oa of la crt(ip iii.'I ir. "(iitinitf a iluiinorow ho took tiunr-liii it tc tu bring about oy rin.-. I i i ho mlvsrllMiiiont of Cliam-Ik-iI.iIu'ii Cuuxh lL'inody ami tl outoy ..'..! iir.iiiinioiulntltin ImJuiloil thrln. k. . mi. lu. I. J tu miik a lint trial of tho in. ..i. ii. r, Ti nay It wan nllr.iclory In li i vault I putting It vry mildly, li. ln.i. It uiird ik mnclo and th re turn i. i mid iHirinaiifitt our. Wo lin iiu hmliaty In rwwmmvndiuw thir tk.rllt'i.t Cough KanuMly to anyon arlluip.1 wlili a ouugh or cold In aay fuiin.-'llir Uannor of Liberty, Liberty Iiihii, ,M..i The Ii and 6u cant alia for Halo by tho Katp-Ctmn Dru Co. Oiiu of tlio Mow trlinmlliifi on g..wna of liotli and heavy wool gumU xiuMata uf b aa bitnda of ll uf u coulrnatlng t'uliir. Thra are cut Willi rvon rilg.ta, mid I he i Itching omiio vnry near Ik dge. It.. .I Imiihwi arc bandK.Miie tin a gr.iy gown, and tiirquoutn an brown. Human llfn la held too cheaply when thn ludlvldiiiit who ncda a tonlo for Ida aynteiii, iicka oo wver lila want a by purelinaliig eveiy now nilxliir.- that la I ret'oiniiifiiiled to him. Renumber that Ayer'a Hhikiiiuii Ilia hna a well cnriul ri'puliitlnn uf flfly yonr tntidlnir. Tlm old tin elm In brncclot l enjoying II fiinlilun iblii lei lull fiii I I' tji !i -KI.V riTRKil. Mountain Olen, Ark. Our ohlldren were .ufTeirlng with croup when we received a bottle of Chamborlnln'i Cough Remedy. It afforded nlmiMt Inatatit relief. F. A. Thornton. Thla oolebrated remotly la for ale by Eatea-Conn Dm' Co. 1 1 lit n atym to b the particular aubjee of (MiivoriuilliMi mnong tho wuiiien of th (.innniunliy. Town hniiao alg-n of life. arn ben-lnnlng to how In all II.t world tln'i" l n """"r treatment o pure, mi wi'il,a.i nafii,oapeeily, for pre. aervliii:,i' irihii.i:,i'.il bnantlfvlmt tha akin, aealp, and luir, and cruUcnting "very hu mor, a vr,n Latin wlih ITTict'na Hoar, and Vrntln inmimii'.-T't with CuncniU (olul nientl, the R-rcal fmil euro. Btlcura aaaa It tol'l Ihni'ii'linilt flia world. FoTTL i)lin CM, Mr I'nir. gay" All About Ui e"! 'ii.ami Ualr. naa. EVERY nvmilw?s5$8l2!' IAIN'S SMIEvI NNIWNM(tttlH(NIHNMMMMNNNMHI Marion Harland says: "I.arJ unaJulltraltd it list wHolttomt than vegelabli oils, and abwlutily ptrniclout to moit stomachs." Cottnlene con tn I n Jiint the proportion of Wf suet, combined with tht purmt TcKctublo oil, to miiko a perfect shortening. limn Is Best for eithrf hortoiilfiK or frying. I'urc, healthful, Tti gemulrt I xilft rrwhr In on l imn pnttnA ytlrm tlni, Willi nur tfl-Mrlit"rtM'4ti " i ftw' rWni. in uttn tnut u-tfttiH -on Ua lui gmiiiuit U If ukl lu Mi tr mm jHa only njr THI N. N. PAIRtMNK COMPANY. Cfckwgo, Iwii Kuliurn ynkw urn worn, Irut nr ixiiiinwliiilt iinnii-l'l liy yiiki'x uf Ilk tiMiiln hi nnlrrl 1iik. Muny fniilnrl Ikit tnilimiln In lM iibiiiiiit. ofii.n ilmm a In tlm -fmhir1 tit. wltlumt uny iillmr fululi' In munn Iikihikwii vl. vrt rttilxMi, Inro, antrn, r tiiffiii rtMion m nttilMl. Wnrnlng - rnHi who tiffT frnm r-iiiiKb nml mid uliould tirM Iho wnrn lng of Dnngnr and cnvti llit-lnitrlvp uf ring and filial multi by tialnf 0f MliniM Cough fun. Jt la an Infalllbl rfiiindy fir rntiirha, rnlda, rroup and all tbrnat in id lung troubi. fha. Itogora Among tbn until i-burmlng uf lh thin .1ri4y tolliti nr lbm of rrrit dn rhlnt" nvi I Uii Milk. wiIht Willi" nr llntt d Thorn rn nri In blitrk nlid In whin., iind tn any dmlrml. Thla iiffordit 4 grcwi in, my f.nwgr In tin- I u. of I n r Ttior. ttrt grrniidluiM 1n rlirrry wltk'li urn atilitucl by bin. k nt ..r tl-aur. Hum II pill, nfn pl, N-i.1 pill. prWIU'a l.llile Knrly Itinera rnr bllluiiKiir-a. ron allpntlon. alrk In-iulai hr. Churli-a Hug r. Ntttw tintt tlnaum nrn moat niffii! wrll in drrtwy, mid rniiiot4 nn old Milk or aniln ml nt iri'torlly. Tlut miwil flowing' and crii.i-ful nklrla of I. no and Ilk tiro tiM'Itt up a.i,imlil-, and onr irom tiwr the oihpr, th.- oulrr on of lactt. not or rbiffon, tM'Ing mitdt timip. lint fuller limn tlm allk or undi iklrt Many .af llin iritltt or laallrt-a of tbt-x- guwna arn nm.lo with a low-tusk lining Vmi can't afford to rlk your llfn by allowing a cold to dovi-lup Into pnrtimonla or iinaunitf1on. Inalitnt relief and it certain cur ra afforded by One Minute fough Cure. C'hnrlr Itngem. The womnn who la truly natural la amorally cinaldcre.1 tha moat affected ao unuanl are we to genuliirmaa In tht world. J M Tliltawond. of (Iroehci k. T .. any Hint when he hna apell uf Irntl. rmttlnn and fee bad ail alugglah. be take Iwo of IVW'llt'a Utile Knrly Itlnt-rn ul tilghl, mid be la nil right, the iu-n m-rnliig Mnny of olheta do Iho annie Ihlng Io you! 'bna, Itogrra. KiKillmll fever la ibe lule. IMg blia ant undoiibtntly th fiiahloti. t epidemic, oliixt more When golnjf Knjtt traval on the North. tu lie Hallway. Qui. k tlm and tha .mly line running dining car Train leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. Northern ParlDc mllroad tralna lenva f'orr.iind dally at 11 o'clock a. m. f r Taionia. S,xkant. and tb K'aat. CluM . iiiitiecil tn tiiiulc at Hi'oKiuie for Itoaa Intid, NelaiTi. Saiulow and Hrltlah ("o lumbla inliilng cami For map nl Information call on or addrta C. W. STONE. Aatorla, Or, TO CURE A COIJ IN ONE DAT Tak IiMlye Ilromo Qulnln Tablet. All druirglai refund tha money If it falla to cure; 25c. For aalo by Charle Roger. NOTICE TO THE FTOCKHOLDERB OF THE FISHERMEN'S PACKINQ CO. Nolloe la hereby riven to the tyk bolder of the Fluhcrmen' racking Co. Mint a regular Miinml meeting will be held at their office at Aatorln, Oregon, 'lie lh .liiy of tVtotter, 1RS7, at 9 O'clock ii, m., for the purpoee of elecllng a board of director and triuianctlng other bual neaa that may come before the meeting. JOHN PETERSON. Prealdont. At'O. MOfllCRO, Socrouiry. Aatorln. Or., Sept. 19. 1S97. NOTICE. Not Ice la beieby plvon that nil quar terly llcvnae are now duo and payable to the Chief of Police at hi office, and If not paid within ten day from dale of tbla notice, a penalty of H per cent additional will be charged. 11. E. NELRON. Auditor and Police JuiIkc Aatorla, Or., October S, 1897. TREAHURER'B NOTICE. Notice la hereby given thnt there I fund In tha otty tronaury 1o pay all wnrrantf drawn on the genernl fund, and Indonod Irlor to April 12, 1S97, Intereat will ceoae after thla dato. 3. W. CONN. City Treaaurcr. AN ArrEAL FOn CLOTHING. Help the poor and needy by gendtng clothing- to th parlor of the W. C. T. tl. In Rescue hall on amy Thuradny from 2 p. m. till t p. m. An exqtilitltn frvtck la of Iyer-gray Swt-ta, dotted III whtto and made over a Hllp of gray lace taffota. Olnlle and col l.vrnlle are of ccrl and gray chance. iiblo loulrfnei rtlbon, wtth a whlto gauae iMlgd. Some bona mnde of ribbon are vying with tho fur concolta for preference. Orecn aeema to lie tho favorite tint In upholstery thla Benson. ft Lou 1 1, Mm York Monlntl. It lan'l aurli a Imrd tblng to grt u;i vry lovrly tiioiingrum fun wln-n Ii la ilia, ovttn-d (Imt tho nuinugriiina can In ItoiigM In abrct at tlm landing atatlonnra Aifiiln wo pim-iiI. do not tnlk nf ,rlvui. bualnraa ovrf tha 'ibi.n. Tlirm may l oilirra on thn w1r who lwir vry wnrl ymi ara auylng. The light and aJry tyim of novel la no longer imlr. llie girl of today gotMi Jn for heavy reading. A KJ.CNIUKi: Rook. Th Chicago Record' boog for fold aarkera la now ready. A reader of thl book will know more of Aloaka an1 the wonderful Kliaullk dlalricl than he could learn by month of peraonal ohaervatlon and remwrch on l! grountl. In com par Inoii with other work on the auhject It la t!m "W't-lattrr' IHcl.onary of Aloaka," -a perfejt and perrle volume, at once the model and deaHtlr of rival puMlahei It tell of the rlrhewt and moat exten- alve gold nrld the world hag ever knowM Iluw they wt dlcovereJ -Field yet unexplornd Tun year' work al In atglit-Whrro la th mother loijo? Tho forturana alreaily made The mll llona to be taken out next year How to get there It. It, fare and other exiptnact from all itl tta-Sfedl.-a! Unta-Cltmate lineal mnpe Oovernment report AU land iuuI water roiue Projected raJI-Miuln- Mining lawa Cuitom. In brief, nil that la known of thl worn) erf ill lacd of fabuluua wealth. It I the only au thentic, practical book, official and en dorsed. About (UO paea. Handaomely 'uound In art ca-ivaa (loe, fl.CO. Aienl are wanted to handle thl val uable work. It la a chance of a Uf Ume. Experience) la not naneaaary, aa full .natrucUorai are aent and the whole puupl ar clamoring for the book. Re Oor:a from pjtmta Jut atarted ahow wor. lerful auccen. Ralea run aa high a 3) book an hour. Pig commlantnna and vnlualde premium are allowed. Credit la given and freight paid. It ta an oppor lunliy to gain a competence In a ihort time. The book la not aold through book tore or nrwjtuprr. Complete canvaa lug ouiflt w.ll be mailed for to cetAa, a'.ampa. To place where we havo no agent a full ropy of the book will be eiil to co;omcra, prepaid, on recelp' of prl -e. exactly, Monroe Rook Corapaiiy, do)iartmcnt K, 219, Chlcngo. Astoria Electric Sppply Co. KEEPS CasEnglne I I " WIRING & REPAIRING. iMOCommtrclsl Hteeet. How Are Your Kidneys? DR. HOBBS SPARAGUS KIDNEY , PILLS -V.-- niTicriiBTiiotuiiDtior jfiJi'uHoiiBii.ii n. w i Avnwa Tbvrmniiiy hIln)r lh Kttlnvjra anil lrtfyin hr Itluml frtun rlr Aclvl ttit oiltnr liii(ut itlt'. In, IMithoic, lriay. ttlMtlrirr Troublra remnto VrnkeM, cl, I hvn heretofore thought that no mat. tcr how much 1 wn hcliml by any med icine. I would not nitike known the re sult to any but my clow-at frlembt. Hut tho gootl I havo derlvetl from using your 8uraKi Kidney 1111a lninda mo to cast my resolution aside and let you hear my i.xH.rlcnce, so thn.t If you wish you may publish It for the benefit of the man who niy be suffering a I did. To give the opportunity la a duty I owe to my fellow men. I wo affllctex! with kidney trouble, ac companied by severe pnln In the small of my hack. Irregular urination, aome. rime frequent and scanty, and at time too full and dark colored. My Bleep waa disturbed, and durlnai tho day I felt doMlltnted and drowsy, with oeoaalonal headache and dliitnea. The slightest cold would Increase my difficulties. I heard of your pills from a friend who Informed ma he had been cured by them. I was encouraged to try their effect on myelf althotign I had tried many rom edlea and followed tho advice of a phy sician. After the first few doses my hnokoche waa less severe, and by the Mmo I used one box It disappeared. I have not yet completely used the second box, nnd am entirely mired. Thanking you for iho good your great remedy has dono for me. 9. C. MII.LIOAN, (Former City Attorney, Toeomo, Wash.) t Montfroniery block, Ban Franolsco.Cal. HOBBS Scraps Kiilnoif Pills. "".i:;:: rt1 f.'Sl O.. rr.rt-!!.s:.-a. t'r:c.rc II .bin I'.lh l'..r Sni.. i-i lM'iie. ii:k ' 'i l,i.l.S r.....l.i.:.. v.l- K' ...din j. The Point of View The holder of a matured Endowment Polloy In th Equitable Hot lety aya "Twenty year ago, when I took out my raidownvnt Polliy, th premium looked to m like thl: $47.68 While tha Endowment, looked at from a dlalance of 20 yarn, appeared tike thla $1,000 Now, my policy ha matured, and com lug Juat when I m.d nvmey, the result of my policy look a Ilk thl' $1,467.25 While looking back, and renlltlng that they are amount that would have been aaved In no other way, thla i tha ap pearance) th premium have: $47.68 The Equitable Life AMuranc Society, L. Barauol, manager, Portland, Or. to Vt.f 3t s. TiTADa MARKS f' OOfVIIIOHTt AO. Anron anMIng aketeh and deaortptWia may aili'-mr aarorliiin, fro, wlietlirr an Invantiuo i pniluililjr lnlaf,la. ConiRiiinlnafl'iiia atrletlf eiitin.laiitiai. til.leM aratier fiiraerurtn patauia lu Aojerlra. W hava Waaliltiat.iu oaioa. I'aianta taken tiiruugb at una A tu. feodra apacia. uolioft la Ui SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, keaotlt ilie Ulortitivl. lire eat circulation cf aiit te.. mi i fie 1. .mii t.Mklr, lerffn. 9w a yf fl.jDiifc tiintitri m. i 't-fti euptr-a and uAair Huua oa lurcaT'i .wu tra. AOUraas MUMN & CO., 311 ZUoadnny, Keer xork. Signature Is printed la BLUE diagonally acroai the OUTSIDE wrapper o( every bottle of (the Original and Genuine) Worceatcrahlre SAUCE AJ a further protection mgalnst aii imitation. Afeota lor the United 5uta, JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. N. Y - siSTAR!! Cash Grocery Crackers SOPA CRACKKRS .,5c 15c 1 pound cartoons.. SOPA CRACKERS 3 pound cartoons Wafers GRAHAM WAFERS 10c 10c 20c 1 pound enrtoous . . SALTED WAFERS 1 pound cartoons.. crrin WAFERS 1 pound cartoons... WWW 576 COMMERCIAL ST. Telephone 32. Shauhin Building For Delicacy, 1 for purity, and for improvement of the cora- QJoxlciuithhurjflUjilaPo ( NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCES OF , DRAIN IN M'CLURE'9 ASTORIA,. Notice la hereby given that S. Normtle, contractor for tha construction of drain in McClure's Astoria, under the provision b of ordinance on the nth day of October, 1S9T, 'filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the certificate of the City Surveyor and Superintendent of Street, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Way, on the com pletion of the "McClure Drain." After the expiration of the time here inafter specified. If no objectona to the acceptance of ouch work be filed and the Common Council ahaJl deem auch Improvement properly completed, ac cording to the contract and plans and apeelfleatlons therefor, the eame may ba accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said drain or any part thereof may be filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Friday, October 15. 1HI7. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria. Oregon, October IS, 1897. A Handsome Complexion ' la one of the grenteat charm a woman can poMeaa. Pozzoxi'a CouruixioN 1'owoun give it. m h mm mi t w a. J lit It You need do longer say "My bicycle Is as food as a Colombia; M "My bicycle IS a Columtla." At the new prices every one can be a Columbia rider. 18Q7 COLUMBIA Standard oftheWorli jf i8fX Columbia 1896 Hartforda Hartford, Pattern 2, woman Hartford, Pattern l, toeo THE fiAME "OLD RELIABLE "COLUMRIA THAT HAS BOLD FOR THE PAST TWENTT TEARS THE WORLD OVER FOR THE HIGH EST PRICE ANT BICTCLE WOULD BRINO. THE SAME COLUMBIA MATERIAL, FINISH AND WOUKMANHHIP ALWAYS UNAP PROACHABLE BETTER THAN EVER, AT fTl TOU WON'T PAT MORE FOR ANT OTHER. ONE PRICE TO ALL ALIKE. SECOND-HAND WHEELS CHEAPER THAN EVER POPE AIANUFACTURING CO., H. CORDES. Afent for Astoria Paints, Oils, THE INDIANA Painting anl Only skilled workmen employed. All work guaranteed to the standard of excellence. The best work m Astoria has been done by this house : C. H. CUTHBIRTH, Proprietor. MANHOOD RESTORED pit nut red to cure all nerrona diaeues, soeh a Wemk Memory LoaatJ' Btaia Roarer, Headache, Waaelulneaa, Lo Manhood, Nightly Bnua- u unuiu, toaa m power in vieaeiattTc orgaa of eitber atl. caused by oer-ezertKn, youthful error, exoraiiTe car of tobacco, optnra or Mimnlant. which lead to Infirmity. Coaanmntioo or i-!.'7vC",be"Tied ' ! per boils kxtiy mail r.-etiai.f CU Free. Sold by .lldruggiat. Ask forlt; take oother. ftUnuiMtured by the Peaa Medicine Co . Pan. France. I-aue-PaT irugU;.,diUil,uUnf agent. Ttuid wi VamliiU Su., forUaod. J. W. CCNTf, Agent Aatorla. f j -r - - SIGNATURE 3 Is now printed in BLUE, diagonally 9 across the OUTSIDE wrapper of every bottle of 9 9 The OriHnal and Oenulne WnDCPSTPQHIDP. a a furthor nrn. ? tectlon against I Agenta tor the United St.te. JOHN A Matter of Health IT costs more to make Royal Baking Powder than any other, because its ingredients are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspondingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater money value to the consumer. The difference in cost of Royal over the best of the others does not equal the difference in leavening strength, nor make good the inferior work of the cheaper powders, nor remove the impurities which such powders leave in the food. Where the finest food is required, the Royal Baking Powder only can be used. Where the question of health is considered, no baking powder but the safety. Others are shown by official analyses tr" -1 contain time, ammonia or aium. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. a BICYCLES QQ Standard of the World $60.00 50.00 $45.00 $40.00 132-4 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON wallpaper PAINT SHOP Papernanging BT "l"f Dr. reiMa'e fellow er,e pllla. all imitations. ? DUNCAN'5 SONS , N. Y. Royal can be used witly luiluyiiU) ) r A. & C. R. R. R. "TIME CARD In Effect Sept. 8, 1807. Leave Aatorla for Flavel at : a. aa, 11 m I p. m., I p. m. and JO p. m. Leave Aatorla (or Seaalde via Flavel al a. m. and I p. m. I-eave Flavel for Aatorla at l: a. ax. 10:16 a. m.. 1: p. m., I:M p. m. and l p. m. Leave Seaalde for Astoria via Flavel at 7 JO a. m. and t p. m. All the Ahovts Train Are Dally, EAST m SOUTH LKAVK. PORTLAND. ARRIVX. OVERLAND EX PKKnH, for nWm, RHwburg. Alhuuid, tiacnunento, Orlen, fiao FraJiclwo, Mo lave, Lna Aogalea, Al raao, w Or leaa and Uie Cast. Boaeburg paasenger Via Woodburo, for Mount Angel, "li ver ton, Weal Sclo, Brownsville, Hprlng SeUl aud alron... Corrallia paaseoger. M t, M laoA-U 8M0.A.M. 1:30 P. at. Dally except Sunday. Itaily except Suuday. 17 M A. M. t5:M P.M. I t4: P M.I MeVumTille paas'trr I'aily. tllly except Sunday. Connect at Baa Frandac wtth Oo- cldeotai OrleotaL Paotde MaU, aad Oceanic teamatalp lloea for JAP AH, CHINA. AUSTRALIA, AND HAWAII. LOW FARES. EVERT DAT PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO IS.0O, Second Claae; tltM, First Claas; tacludirar berth. Similar reduction, to Lo Aiarelea, Freaoo and other California poenU. Baggage checked to deatloattan. B, KOEHLER, C H. MARirHau, Manager. O. F. and P. A, fHB 0SLT DIXWG-CAB B0CTK FROM F0RFLAN D TO THK EAST. THE 0M.T ROUTS TO IRE TEUL0WSTONK NATIONAL PARK. LEAVE PORTLAND ARKIVE. Mail lor KaJaiua, Chenal'S. Centralis. No. 1 Womb Bei.d, Montessaiiol No. L AOerueen. oiynipia, i eoma. Seattle, Vi'-torU, Fort Townnend, Elleiia- burg, Stv kaiie. R.jUml B.C.: TraiL B.C.; Nel son. B. C. Kaslo. Mis soula, Butie, Anaconda, Helena, ht. Paul, Min 1U A.M. V00P.M neapolis, Kuny a i.itr, Omaha, Council Bluff. St. L. ui,Cnicago,Waib- iukioii. je i urx, rnu- . .1 u 1 1. Kl n.,a.nn - r. .11 pofuu Kaat aud nouth- eaai. I DATS to Minneapolis. Omaha, Kao- aaa City and SL Paul. IH DATS to Milwaukee and Chicago. 4tt DATS to Washington, Philadelphia. New York and Boaton. and other Eastern pointa. BagKae checked through to destitution of ticket For ereeptng-car reaervatloaa, ticket, mapa and full Information, call on or a rite A. D. CHARLTON Aaa't Oen'l Pa. Arent, Portland. Or 55 M urriaon St., Cor. Third. C W. STONE. Aatorla. GOINO EAST T GOING EAST T GOINO EAST T GOING EAST T GOING EAST T GOING EAST T GOING EAST t GOING EAST T GOING EAST T GOING EAST T If you are, do not forget THREE THREE THREE IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT POINTS POINTS POINTS First Go via the St Paul because the lines to that point will afford you the very beat service. Second See that the coupon beyond St Paul read via the Wisconsin Cen tral because that Une make, oloae con nections wtth all the transcontinental lines entering the Union Depot there, and Its service is first-class In every particular. Third For Information, call on yeur neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wisconsin Central lines, or addreaa JAS. C POND, General Passenger Agent. Milwaukee, WUcooaia. GEO. S. BATTY, General Agent. Portland, Oregon. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Sound NaT.. Igatlon Co. STEAMER "TELEPHONE." Leavea Astoria dally except Sunday. 7 p. m. Leavea Portland dally except Sunday, 7 am. STEAMER "BAILEY GATZERT." Leavea Astoria dally except Sunday and Monday it I a m.; Sunday night, at 1 o'clock. Leavea Portland dally except Sunday at I p. m. Leave Saturday night at 10 o'clock. U. B. BCOTT, Preeldeat E. A. Seeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. 8tone, Agent. Astoria. 4t Telephone No. lL ) iprt exvr -n O (XBmsmastaI-JI