THE DAILY ASTORIAN, SUNDAY MORN I NO, OCTOBER 17, 18.7. atltj gtotovlmt JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tel. prion No. 6. TKKMft OF HCUSCRIPriOM. DAILY. Swt by maJL pr jrr K Bent by mall, per month Served by carrier, per mon(4 WEEKLT. Bent by mail, por year In advaao. . .12. Postaff fre to aubacrliicra. All commuolcattona Intended for publi cation should bo directed to the tdltar. Buslnea communication ot all kinds and remittance must be addressed to "The Astorian." Th Astorian guaraiitoea to auo cribers the largest circulation ot any newspaper published on the Columbia cove ot one ?4 the slough ot the main CVlumMa and surrounded by fine or. chnrvls, farming aid dairy land. Here Mr. John 11 Ion Is a power, and In charge of oil th railroad work on tWa division. The train of boarding cars on the siding, constitute a small cliy In Itself. Sixty men. Mh oftUvrs and servant, make up the Utile vlll.ige. There are men of all iiatl n.ill!le and all sorts of char.uner. Whrn the pay master oolites iiNim-l a lively scene Is presented, as each one In his own way responds to hi name, and with varous rwnarks, rtvelve his monthly stipend. The dinner bell rings and won the din. :ng car .ir0 filled. The flrt car In the train Is the private reside no of Time keeper CI. M. Carry and his wife. Tar. lor, library. rvoept:on room, bedroom and telotrraph ortloe are all In one, occupying the space of a good-sitod dry goods box. RltMs and (loner, with all manner of deooretJona Indicate the presence ot a liver. Advertising ratea can be bad on appU- j woman's hand even In a rough railroad cation to the business managvr. The Weekly Astorian, the second old. eat weekly In the taU ot Oregon, f as, next to the Portland Orsgosian, the largest weekly circulation In the atat. John F. Handley Co, are our Portland agents, and copies ot the Astorian can be had every morning at their s:av.d. 12t Third street It win begin to dawn upon this coon. camp. Five miles beyond Knappa Is the "front," on the Kinks of Blind siouglt. A temporary bridge has been buili a-ro?s this stream and the wk trains are running over It. The new steel bridge Is all upon the ground and la rapidly be. mg put In place, and will be a modern draw bridge, like the one at John Day's. Through what w-as once a swamp. Its bottom being black spongy earth and 1 vegetable matter twenty feet deen. Ku try after a while that serious mistake . . ' .been built a modern railroad embank- made when Senator Wolcott and hi co-corn raise Um-s were sent on that wild-goose chase to Europe. At thet time of their appointment It did not appear possible that any particular barm could result from it. Hardly any sane man expected any success from their so-called "mission," but it seemed s good way to pacify the more reasonable of the free stiver element, and at the same time convince them of the utter futility of trying" Induce the progressive na tions of the earth to take a retrograde step In a financial system which Is the evolution of centuries of experience. But it is now evident that Wolcott has misrepresented the true state of feeling in this country. The appointment of the j commission appears to have been con- ' s trued as a manifestation ot our anxiety j to abandon the gold standard; and that a'gnlflcance is being attached by foreign financial circles to Woicott's negotia tions far In excess of thet felt here and of their real Importance, Is dearly shown by the concern of leading financiers In England and throughout the colonies as to the Influence being exerted over the I home government, as well as by the sus- i plclon with which the financial sound, ness of this country Is still regarded In Europe notwithstanding the general improvement in our financial condition. It Is time to call a halt on Senator Wol oott. and the quicker he receives a per. smptory order to cease the farce he Is now playing and return to his own coun try, the better It will be abroad for i American securities and the sooner we wtll realise the benefit of a complete j restoration of confidence and prosperity ' at home. I OUR NEW RAILROAD. ment. Much trouble ha been found In making the banks stay up As weight sinking Into the mushy soil below, and thet bank itself shrinking as fast as the water dries out of It. The engineers are confident, however, that they will con quer In a short time, and this magnificent October weather greatly favors their plans. The hig truck laying machine is at work ard has a capacity of about four miles per day. The grade is now partially completed to the Cl.iikanlne, where the material for the other strsl drawbridge Is already on the ground. Only a few gaps remain to be cloed by Honrymtin, Fvliurt & Co., whe.i tracklaylng can brgin at the tiobi enj of the road. The big steam shovel will this week commence the wont of wid enlng the cuts between Astoria and Blind slough. What does all this stcry mean? Only this, that the best railroad ever built In the west will soon be in operation be tween Astoria and Portland, Its depot and a large part of Its terminal facii lies owing already constructed; that It I is to be the terminal line to tidewater I iu vreaon iwr ine great fcaatern rail' road combinations now being cons urn mated, and that Astortans who have not apparently realized the near approach of the great day In their history may well take the time to consider not only how they will celebrate the opening of the railroad, but how they can best co-np- ! erate with it In securing at the outset the full use of its rails In the handling j of trascomlnental and Orient; ! trafflr, as well as the export of Oregon's wneat, The solution of the problem Is not mere child's play, anJ calls for great wtolom Pillosophy. Of making many pills thero 1 no cud. Every pill-maker ssyt: "Try my pill," as if he were oDcring you bou bona! The wise man timta good pill and stick to it. A.lso, the vise man who lias once tried them never forsakes Jysr's Caiiiartic Fills., i MARINE NEWS. t.TK KHduy soliirdiiw, sl'Mi.V, Moiultiv ... I'ueMlav ,. cdiiMi'y, Tlmntdnv., iiilu Nituntti v nitiii w vrsu A M. I". M. I HW WVl'MI A . M. " r. N, I- , Ii.iii n. Ii.niift. Ii.m rt 1 UK.' t.w si a . an in m.u i ! .v. ,t : I v J II 10 41 .1 t . s i ht r o .v i;l l o I II 0 . IS , I , n t o: 7 1 i. to ii. r i ioi i ? i 7 lit r T ii 11 lis 7 1 M 1 :i: 7 S 1 1 V 7 " 1.' 10 I i 4i : ii i o tij ii I a t: :t .I.M II I i'.'t'.'A I r. os . io 1 7 i i ii i ...i 1 1 k ok 1 1 it c u r il I.' I .1 7 110 4 7 lit J n J t o .1 7 li. .' : s 1" a t h I.' '.' '.i s 0 Mi i :i ii il 7 si ol .15 .. u U ii ii i : iiioi t ot fabulous wealth. It Is the omy au ihentlc, practical lok, ortVlnl and en dorsed. About ftl page. bound In art canvas rl-. 11.50. Agents a. wanted to handle this vnl uahle work. It Is a chance of a lit time. Experience 1 not necessary, a full .nstructlota are sent and the whole people are clamoring for the book. He por.s frnt agents Just started show won. lerful success. Sales run as high as 50 books an hour. Big commllons aud valuable premium are allowed. Credit la given and freight paal. It Is an ippor lunlty to gain a competence In a short time. The book Is not sold through book stores or newspapers. Complete canvass ing outfit w.ll be mailed tor 10 ce.As, stamps. To places where we have uo agent a full copy of the book will b sent to customers, prepaid, on recelp' of prl-e. Address, exactly, Monroe Book Company, department K. US, Chicago. IM.V 10 0 U7 VI v:-! M.Hiilii.v 1 l.i 7 ii 1 1 ; ii i l ue.ilay .l.' I V 7 .1 I 0 I edim.l y i:i -J '.i7o "J tki 7 i Tliurila..U iiiwtlii t. 7 I Krlla l.i .1 " il S S i. T I I SaiurdHV t ikh I u 7 1 MMi.n' i; .iii.'in t in.; inn ii ila.ii j MiMidnv.. i sj ; k ; 14 .V 'i I il.-.ita ... Ill t:iniii 7l. il0 v -i A I .i 4 eillld .M .tin J ! 1 ': I .'ai l ' HiUiilsomely Hiiirilav .v ; l hm. ; 4 n -1 ttt'j; i-rititiv .-; ioox , 4 io .v. ; i s -i ; 4 u i Niiurdav 4.tiVM) ll.'i 7 7 4 s:. 1 7 Aim'1 M'NI'.vY 4t il.ia .n.'VI7 ..ol Miiiulav.. i.i o II 7 ii I-.' In vi it li In Hi.' OS Tueiluv 3i; I i s IJ "l 4 ii V 4 1 !'' w,Hlid y.-.7 t 477 I SMI 7 HI, 4 4 14 l Thursday i Ml 4 .' i 4 SI: 4 s ,.'i,-'o' Krldav...'. Jli a 4.1 7 0 4 OHO s . .1 I f -I o A snlui-dax , ai 4lcs .i 41 4 o '' .1 lo.'nioi mi sii.vVu ai.' i. 4407; ilo.'iir ii i.' o; Some boas made of ribbon are vying with the far conceits for preference. Oreen seems to lie the favorite tint in upholstery this season. For many years science has studied VESSELS ON TIIK WAY TO THE COLUMBIA RIVKIl KliOM Mt Inns. Vesxl. Ton Halo 1 Henry Vlllunl, Am nh 14-M :Uilt... MAt rmotix. tieonte SlelMin, Am sli 1710 MU... i7 I'HU n uriiu. Tarout. Am ill liiTS.. XiH .. ACArcu-o. Iuuvre. brsh - 'AH lil . race 'Mrsili, Hr stu i...Iiai... 4S llsdilou llall.Urba l.ifj. .. ! .. I Mlltouir, r til. .... ..t V4 H'I .. - ANTwsar. iVlitertyre. Hr bk i-W . IiVaI.,.II Luillthgowslilre, U7 .10 Al .. 7.1 Calcutta, tdeiibaiik.Urbk II tW.M... - cri rows. illemiiva, llrth. - tAKPirr. Aunei!e, Bnh 1WI HXut ..IV tiling, li.i liquors. Result, the whole world uses o,,,,,, Bf ,n i w ..loOAl .. - whiskey.. It has proven the best stlmu-j rKtiaui, ai s. lam and does not Injure nerves and tls-; Anamba, Hr lk UA . liul... i" sues like cocoa wines and other drugged) iiuh.o compounds. And HARPER Whiskey Is ; Foyledale, llr li the iiVal whiskey. Sold by Foard A ii,. Anm ilr l,k Stokes Co., Astoria, Or. .!; n.i .. ivj inni . .14.14 ..luu tl ; ' Sierra Nevada, Hr h I laguewlln, Hr bk ! IIOXUItLI. i. V. PrliiKer.iier bk Ll lKIMiL it Isn t such a hard thing to ret tip a very lovely monogram fan when It Is discovered that the monogram can In- bought In sheets at the leading tatkner Duvenby Hall, Hr li .... Meltmiirmv. Warning Persix-.s who suffer from Kuinw l.rr. Hr h cough and colds should heed the warn, j aoaai. Ing of danger and save themselves ,uf. 1 P'i'l"clr. Hr .h .... V"Ul"llllll. I'l M IK Zl .Ulll.. l'.l. lOHAt... .'ICl. I'OAI... 4n .. 177A ...i 4i. ..!... Utl... ;il l'Ht. . I I liovl... is and finesse. i A tew week ago the editor was taken lne ui raiis ,n me tracg ot tne wtn . very severe cold that caused him Astoria & Columbia River Railroad along i to be in a most miserable condition. It the city water front look very much like iwa undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe business, and have been a source of sur prise to every visitor in the city for months past, "Why," they say, "you are building a regulation railroad for handl ing heavy traffic. Astoria must mean business." That Is Just what Astoria does mean, and that Is Just what the A. & C. R. R. Is preparing for. If any one doubts this statement let him board an engine and ride to the front, about twenty east of the city. On the trip he win find many things of interest and many surprises. The Astoria Columbia River Railroad will be the scenic route of Western Ore gon. Leaving the Astoria depot going east the train passes the big canni-ri-s and recognising It a dangerous he took mmedlat steps to bring about a speed r cure. From the advertisement of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations Included therein, we concluded to mak a first trial of the medicine. To say it was satisfactory In Its results 1 putting- It very mildly. Indeed. It acted like magic and th re sult was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy In recommending tnis excellent Cough Remedy to anyons afflicted with a cough or cold In any form.-The Banner of Liberty, Liberty, town, Maryland. The 25 and 60 cent site for sale by the Estes-Oonn Drug- Co. a k:.ciikf: book. The Chicago Record's boon for gold ssekers Is now tmAv a ta a tki. along the water front and the passenrer v-i, ,, ., , . A. I took will know more of Alaska an! the gets a glimpse of Astoria's greatest In. dustry, also the sawmills, ironworks and ouher Industries, while lit picturesque quietude the chy spread out upon Its seven hills makes an interesting back ground to the industrial picture. With tije blue hills of Washington eight mil-? across the Columbia, defining the coure of that mighty river, as seen In the light of this rarely perfect October weather, the trip on the rail eastward Is not only Instructive but most charming. Passing Alderbrook and rounding the curve to Tongue point, through the cut and on to the shores of Cathlamet bey, the traveler Is suddenly confronted with a charming view and is easily convinced of the possibilities of the future yachting course of Astoria. Here the broad Col. rnnbia has widened Into a veritable lake protected by the high headlands from the rough winds and forming an Idea) addi tion to a dty park or pleasure ground. From hers the traUn lags along over ejsy curves and on a perefctly level roadbed, np to the John Day's, where was built the first railroad camp east of Astoria. Across this river on the new-patterned steel drawbridge Into tunnel Nc. 1 and on to Svensen's, a short distance beyond, the first town on the new road meets the vleiw. Here quite extensive yards have already been built and an air of up-to-dateness has taken possession of the once quiet fishing village. A few mll further and Knappa Is reach", the division headquarter of the construction company. This is a well-located and Tery pretty river town, situated In a wonderful Klondike district than he could learn by months of personal observation and research oo the ground. In compar ison with other works on the subject It Is the "Webster's Dlct.onary of Alaska," a perfect and peerless volume, at once the model and despair of rival publishers. It tells of the richest and most exten sive goia fields the world has ever knowr.-How they were discovered Fields yet unexplored Ton years' work al ready ln sight Where Is the mother lode? The fortunes already made The mil lions to be taken out next year How to get there-R. R. fare and other exxpenses from all polrtts-Medlcal hirrts-Olmate Ofllcal maps Government reports AH land and water routes Projected rail roads-Mining laws-Customs. In brief, all that Is known of this wonderfdl land SI Ekin on f re with torturing, disfiguring. Itching, bnrnlng, bleeding, scaly, nd pimply humors, insta-jtly relieved by a warm bath withCmci BA SoAr, a single application of CcTictBA (ointment), the gTcat skin cure, and a full dose of CtnccEA Kksolvet. to told UiroofW tlw wrid roTTS D. C. Cosr, o4 hook, ikMloa. Uaw toCm Tottarinf U " b, BABY'8 SKIN IZ!?,?- fertng and fatal results by using One l urra-Uie. Hr rh Utnnt rh c.r It i .n mr.tHM. ' Weu Msnaiel. Ir sb ! .Ml remedy for coughs, cold.-", croup and al . ' , . , . , , . . ' Province, Br b ..lio u ... 4- throat and lung troubes. Chan. Rogers. uinu, Br bkl - .li.'-4 ' .. - riMi. Again we repeat, do not talk of private! I'rlnilpalliy. Br bk.. ....I.Vrt m.U .. 24 UI Delia, ;v,r u Illi . A.I ai... aio i jamis.i. jtiieupark.brsh :w...Ua1... W SHASUMAI. I Elginshire. Br sn aw ..IIUaI.. . Heeou Kock, Br uti- . I7. ..USUI ... 31 I'umbriHU Mug. hmb I'.S) . loul... ....1711.. 1UUAI... 34 business over the 'phone. Ther may to others on the wire who heir every word you are saying. J. M. Thlrswend. of Grosbeck. Tex says that when he has a spell of Inll-1 Falls ol tiyiie. br sh gestion and feels bad and sluggish, he Kdeubaiiyniore.Ur h IW4 pwl.. o . ., . ' Bardowis.brth il...luul... i.- takes two of DeWltt's Little Early Risers hwaIiia at night, and he is all right, the next j prumbu-ton, Br id 17T5 ..hoa... W morning. Many thousands of others do taiu.i bay. the same thing. Do you? Chas. Roeer. I (iilgorra I attls.llr sb T'7...U0A1... 44 I Poltallwh, Hrsh il.vluol... .. I liurbriuge, Hr h .iiJ...luul... 4s A hea-y gold chain with opals set In i taltal. the links Is the Joy of the theatrt-going i Adolf, Ger h Iwl . IooaI- .V) woman, who wears It to hold her dainty j Tientsin. fan. Florida. Nor str .- - aM...UwAI... - Valparalao. llan.. , Verbena, Hr b.. Tou can't afford to risk your life by Dacca, Br bk allowing a cold to develop Into pneumonia or consumnrlon. Instant relief and n , - i ... . YOaollAS. certain cure are afforded by One M!n:te . . , . , , ITenkiu .Mam.Jasbk Cough Cure. Charles Rogers. Fliuuniiv. Hi ir . hleuerielil. Mr sir , , ' srUirasi.ire, br bra The millinery k--note U spiMi-entlyi to crowd as much trimming as 1Me on one Hat. ....'ai.'AaI iri-j ...iuiai.. .. :w ... 447ii...lllAl.. ....-Jlii ..ImAl . HJ. ..HOAI IV. I f f 7I- T- 1 1' mm mmm Pi? 1 Iff Bk mm MiJIslfMa1?fas 1 t ' T T . ' - I IX N..VJ ti . a r mm i m Vi riavvtt Money In Your Pocket m to to to to to to to to to to to to to THE OLD IIVCCtNT PltCE The price of i PDPEH EIOSIECK 1 to to i to PLIG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) has been reduced forty per cent. These cuts show exact increase in size in the five-cent piece. Quality always the best unchanged. Ask for THE NEW FIVE-CENT PIECE to to to to to to to to r to iss psai mm ill AHB TOU (rOINO AIITT ARB YOU OOI NO RAiTt ARB YOU QOINO ICAiT? II ur and tlutt your llokst reads yU TUB NOIITII.WICMTICIIN I.1NI TIIK NOIITII.WICMTICIIN LINK 1IIK NO HTM Win TIC UN LINK 1111 NOI'TII.WftBTKHN I.INB -The CII1CAUO, BT. I'AUU MINNlOAI'OUa AND CM All A HAILWATI This Is th OHICAT HIIOUT I.1NW lliHwrsn I'fl.UTII. HAINT I'AUU CHICAGO And all I'olul Kut and Heutli. Tlwrtr M4ininip.n Track, I 'cor Isaa VU buM iMiui and Bleeping Car Trulna and Motto; "Al.WAYU ON TIMIC" llovo glvoii llils road a iialluiinl rputa Hon. All classF of pass-tuisr carrlesl on the vralibulod train without itra clmrge, Hhlp your rrslghl and Iravsl owr this famous Him, All ugents hat llckots, V. C. HA V AUK, T. K, and P. A. V. II. MKAH, Oenrral Agnl. 4 Washington Ht rorUajtd, Or. GO EAST . . VIA . . Library Car Route AMtClUCA'R BCKNlf LINK. GREAT, SEASIDE SAWIWILIi A complets stork of lumber on band In the roufh or dressed. Floorlm. rua tic. celltnf and all kind of finish; mold Infs and shlnfle. Term raonbU and price at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. iffle and yard at mill. H T L. LOO AN. Feaalde, Oreffon. Proprietor. LUBKICATINO OILS A SPECIALTY Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... He Ulalan Car a Is Carl Rock nallail l)st CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Hsi. BfUl tea ttr The Unht and airy type of nov-l no longer popular. The girl ot today goes In for heavy reading. tU IMd Not Look It. WW "Alas, 1 shall never litarn to piny The profwscr c;iyg I haven't anj ear." La Caricature. A Mplouiatlc Crawl. I rW ?C3 1 0m mm li Ti 3.1 ' Mr. JobDSflu Arn yo' de Jlistah J:;''!:- son dat'i been giLhin out dat Ik'! John son wami' wunu ttiuftxj trail lii.s wjlt '.v in (In duht? Mr. JafksoD Ata yo' dut rke John son, sail? Mr. Johnson I U, ah. Mr. Jackson Qlarl toe mcityo'. ah. I'ze not de Mistah Jackson! Now ycrk Journal. MARINE NOTS. Tlie lllawutha is on the way down frm Portland. The State of California will arrive thl morning from San Framlsco. The men Ballymor and Lady Went worth will IVave up river toiliiy. The revenue cutter Perry has become one of the fixed ornaments of the harlxr. The British ship Oruwendale Is on the way down the river with a cargo of wheat. The Bramar, the "rat snip of the O. R. & X. new Oriental line, Is eTiKWted to arrive here tommorrow. Astoria Iron Works j Front Btrset, foot of Fourth. Astoria, j GENERAL MACHINISTS AND II01LER MAKERS i Land and Marine Kosjirx. Holler Work, I Steamboat and Canosry Work a spe. i clalty. Cs!lJi-s of all descriptions made to order on short no Ice. John Fox.. President and Superintendent , A. L Pnx Vloa Piwaldsot 0. B. Pral Secretary Astoria Bavtr.-a Hank Treasurer i Shli Chiimllcrx Hurdaarc Irun nml Steel Conl (iriKcrii'sanit I'rov iltiaH I'liiur and Mill I'cc.l I'nlnts. Oils and Vornbhcs l.iMKltrs' Supplies I'alrluinh's Sales Doors nml Windows Aurii tilt unit Implements 'iions nml Vchkles. The all-rail route lu Kootenai nilnlntT district, via Heatll and Hpokans Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. Chicago AND ALL It I NTH KAST Through Palace and Tourist Bleepars, Ilnln and Library Ol asrra tlon Car. Dally TrnltiM M.PnHt TImo HEHVICK A MU Ht lCNKttV I'Mt AQt ri JCD For ticket and full Information etUI oo atrsnt 0. It. A N. Co. or adtlrsss A. D. C. rENNlBTON, C. P. T. A.. Portland. Or. R. C. STEVENS. O, W. P. A.. BetvtU. UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS Oaarantssd lee Beat Is tb Market COKNEK FOURTH AND OLISAN STREETS - - PORTLAND, OREOON MANHOOD RESTORED nS3a Euaraalredtocarcall nerruaa dimses, tush as Wek Mrmory LutJl raia rawer, lleadacht, Wskelulaess, UmM Maobuud, Mghily Kmia sioiis. Nervousurss, all drains, loss of puwer la GeoeratKS Orfsas of either srz, caused by over exertion, youthful errors, eicralss ut of tnhacro, opium or stimulsnts, which lead to Infirmity, Connimptloo or Inmnlir. Can bt carried In eest pocket, ti so per hrn, for K by mall prepaid Clrrular Free, iold be all drurtlsls A.k for It. Ukeno other. Miuurrttirrl by th Peau MrHlclne tr . p.ri. Kr.nre lue imtis Uruij Co., ilistrlbuUm tfcata, Tlilrd sod Vambill m., 1'ixtUnJ, or. J. W. CONN, Aat. AaUrU. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Itlvcr and I'usot Hound Nsr-It-altoQ Co. HTEAMKIt "TELEPHONE." Lsavo Astoria daily Sunday, ' p. m. leaves Portland dally incept Sunday, I a. m. BT SAM Kit "UAILKY OATZEHT." lxiavss Astoria dally . ot Huliday and Monday al I a. m ; Hunday nl lit at o'clock. UaVM 1'ortland dally sxcept Humby at I p. n. Lsavss Katurday nllt at 10 o'clock. V. D. SCOTT. President. B. A. Rsslsy, Afsnt, Portland. C. W. Btona, Afsnt, Astoria. Telsphoo No. 11. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Room JI7-JI8 Portland Saving Bank Bid. Portland, Oregon. BEFORE YOU BUY Property look at our list and see tuhat cue have in the may of bargains Awtorio 7r,xlM FEET ON THIRTY-THIRD AND Franklin; four houses; pnylng Rood In come; 540. Easy terms. 75x75 FEET ON BTRLET CAR LINE, opposite White Swan saloon. Bargain. Vet Side : LOTS IN BLOCK 1, WARRI'.NTON. C'lu-ap. LOT 7, BLOCK 38, M'CLUKE'B. BAK galn. FOUR LOTS IN BLOCK JR, M CLURE B. Very cheap and easy terms. A GREAT BAROAIN IN BLOCK , Hustler 4 Aiken' H-ROOM HOUSE AND SOxlOO-FOOT LOT ln McClure's; 12200. Part cash, balanc easy term. WxlOO FEET NEAR NEW RAILROAD depot at a (rest bargain. PROPERTY IN ALDERBROOK, TAT lor's, Case', McClure's and Shlveley'i. IF YOU DESIKE BAR gains in business, reeiMence or acrenge projierty, he sure and see our list. LOTS 13 AND 20. BLOCK I, WKST Wurrenlon. Cheap. GOOD BUSINESS LOT IN HEART of Warenton; I1M. Cheap. TWO GOOD LOTS IN BLOCK 4, SKIP anon; f L2S each. CORNER IN BLOCK 12, WARRENT0N; $250. 4 GOOD LOTS IN O'HARA'B ADDI tlon. Exceedingly chssp, 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEW.IN EAST WAR renton. Small cash payment, balance easy term. North Beach TEN-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, AT North Beach; for sale cheap. Close to beach and railroad. Form Lands H7 ACRES GRAZING LAND, NORTH Necamle; 100-acrs farm on Upper Ne halem; 154 acres on Elk Creek beach and 200 acres near Olney. Hench Property HICAHiniC TWO LOTS NEAR M'OUIltK'S HOTEL; 11 00 earh. 7-ROOM COTTAGE, NEW; 1760. PART cosh, easy paymunts. Clowe to besch. TWO HOUSES AND TWO IXDT8 NEAR ly oppoelts M'GuIrs' holol. Very cheap. LOTS IN GRIMES' GROVE, HERMOSA Park and Hill' addition. All are bar gain. LOTS AT SILVER POINT, SEAL ROCK ' and Elk Creek . For Rent -ROOM HOUSE, FRANKLIN AVENUE and Thirty-third street; H per month. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOU8K ktMping, over Astoria Land A Invest ment Co,' ofTlos; fit per month. A 20-ROOM LODGING HOUSE, BA loon, dining room and kttohen; Ul. SALOON AND LODGING HOUSE ON ' A a tor atreet SEASIDE COTTAGE, 7 ROOMS, S2S PER month. Cottage II rooms and one cot tnge I rooms. Apply for term. t ASTORIA IiAjlD & IflVESTJuEJlT CO., 355 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon.