. ,j,iiiii l i -wt- " "r n urn h iMI I, mim ,rllll a r x mil miim'ij ? iw THE DAILY ASTOlUAN, WEDNESDAY MOKN1NU OCTOUKK 1H. 1W7. JUST NOW A Large Variety of Children's School Shoes, the Best on Earth Call and See Our Nofcty High School Walkln? Boot At the Old Reliable Stand- S- John Hahn & Co. WmM 479 Commercial St. A. V. ALLEN. Groceries, Feed, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Logger's Supplies. Cor.Tenth and Commercial .treeC CHAS. KAN & CO 367 Commercial St Dealer In Chinese and Japanese Curios, Fine Decorated China Ware, Silk Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of Ladies' and Children's Underwear Gent's Shirts Made to Order. TODAY'S WEATHER. RaJn; moderate galea on the coast. Umbrellas LOCKS, KEYS SD SKwl.Nti ACHI.Nts Also an Light Machinery. Repaired C. H.Orkwitt MS DCANK. Prices cut In two. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Jfext to an active sinner, Satan loves a passive saint Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder. Mr. Fred Colbert, of Ilwaco, is in the olty Fkae cabbage for kraut at Ross, Hlg- gins A Co. 'a Groceries at the lowest prices at the Pacific Grocery Co- Bicycle and repair shop at 185 Ninth street. Charges reasonable. -. Ask for sample of Chose ft Sanborn's famous teas, at Ross, HIggins A Co.'i. We carry the best line of school shoes in the city. Columbia Shoe Co. Fresh Ice cream and Ice cream Vxla at the Parlor candy factory, 483 Commercial treet The new tracklaying machine left As toria for the front at 10 o'oock yester day morning. Mr. Robert Flnlayson, bookkeeper of J. O. Megler's Brookfleld cannery, Is In the city on a visit to his parents. C. G. Palmberg, the leading contractor and builder, Is prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing and building work; 473 Duane street A carload of "Hot Blast" and "Queen" heaters to arrive; latest Improvements. Do not buy before comparing quality and price. Fisher Brothers, sale agents The west wind yesterday was almost a hurricane. Several showers of rain during the day succeeded In keeping down tha dust There are now 1200 signers to the pe tltloti for the brldpe across Young's bay. Only about 1400 names are required to put the measure through. Tom Keegan. who was up river yes terday, reports that one of the traps Just this side of Othlamett took in four tons of fish yesterday. The seiners are doing very little business. In the demse fog TueJay night, on her way up the river, the steamer Potter met with a slight accident between bea cons No. 1 and 2, going on the sands and being obliged to remain there until the tide helped her off. Quick! The sooner you begin to use Schilling's Best tea and baking powder, the better your opportunity to get some of that $2000.00. f And die more yoi w il en joy your cake uu;I cu. hg. Suits to order, from $12.50 P Pants to order, from $3.00 "P ..FLYNN, the Tailor.. Mr. J. B. Arndt, of Grant. Pass, Is vis iting In the city. At tha bowling alleys yesterday Mrs. 9in scored and Mr. Boaorth 59. Umbrella covered and repaired by a practical workman, at IS Ninth street Our price, are the lowest to the city. Call and see Pacific Grocery Co. The funeral of the late Mrs. Gusttifson occurred yesterday, the intermont being made at Seal river Ashland reachee cheap and good; also a largo supply of other floe fruit st Ross, Htgglns Co. A Mrs. Anderson died at the hospital Monday night, of cancer. She leave, a li-year-old daughter. P. J. Meany. the leading merchant tailor. 1J7 Tenth St. The big-hest price oald for fur skins. R. L. Jeffrey will leave today for Sea. side and will bring his family back wltn him for the season. Take your best friend to the Parlor for Ice cream and Ice cream soda. Prl Tata parlors for ladles. New, at Columbia Shoe Co., Laird, Schobcr it Co.'s ladies' fine shoes, The steamer Telephone brought down fifty workmen for Contractors Honey. man, DeHart 4 Co. on the railroad line. tin tn the Parlor. o. measure to C B Smith, for nure. sweet cream and fresh creamery butter and buttermilk every day. Furnished room to rent, with good table board, at reasonable rates, at Mrs. E. C Holden's, corner of Duane and Ninth at recta, Seal, calfskin and crack-proof calf winter shoes for ladies. Co- lumbia Shoe Co. The regular quarterly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Grace church will meet In the church on Thursday after. noon at 3:30 o'clock. The Astorian has about a ton of old newspapers for sale, which can be bough In quantities to suit the purchasers by applying at the office. When you want a real life-like and artlsUc photo, don't fall to call on Snod grass. The work he I turning out now Is ahead of anything ever made In As toria before. The repairs on the United States en. gineers' rug Geo. H. Mendell are wH under way at R. M. Leathers' boat slip. The overhauling of the engines will soon be completed and It will not take long to finish the work. The Foard A Stokes Co. have found It necesfery to Increase their warehouse room In their store, and have secured the story above their main floor. Work, men were busy all day yesterday putting in a stairway amd elevator from the basement to the third floor. Mr. A. M. Wheeler, cashier of the O. R. & N. Co.. yesterday returned from his fishing and hunting trip up the Clat skanlne. He reports having had good sport and brought batk with him ducks, quail and pheasant, only regretting that he could not find any Illinois blak squir rel No amount of age or storing will make bad whiskey good. It must be good when made and must be stored In wood and not In metal Cyrus Noble Old Bourbon Whiskfy Is stored In onk wood barrels. This develops Its flavors ani tonic propfrtlfs. These flavors make It delicious In cocktails. It Is the only American Whiskey of International rep. utatlon. Early yesteplay morning Harry Ham blptt's place and Joe Terp's restaurant were robbed of HO and respectively. There is no clue to the thief, who e1. cVmtly made his entrance by climbing down to the roof of the lower buildings from th Kinnney block and walking Into the back windows, which were open. Nothing ibutJ money was taken from either place. The Tnitd States Hp-ht house trnd-r Columbine, Captain Chas. Richardson left up the rivsr for Portland last even. bg. Commanlir John P. M'aren re turns! to his Portland headquarters on the Columbine. On this trip the annual supplies will be latidr-d for all post licht stations along the Columbia and WillanvrttK rivers, an1 buoys will tie chang'-d and replaced between Walker's Island and Portland. City Entrlneer Bell yesterday made his official acceptance of Contractor Nor mlle's work on the new McClure drain age system. The reports show that while the original engineer's estimate called for an expenditure of f.&i, the con tractors only expended ZA."L. Tho-ie who remonstrated agaln?t tho Improve, ment and afterwards withdrew their re. monstrances, under the provision- that the cost per lot should not exceed I22.SA. will now have no further occasion to object, as the expense per lot will not exceed $24. Captain Nell Gilmore's little by Is seriously III with pneumonia. At o'cock, Saturday morning. De- cwroher 1 there will be held by the civil sen-Ice commlsison. a competitive exam- naUon for the grade of clerk and carrier In the postofnc service at Astoria None hut United States clrttens can be ex- amlned antl the age llmltaton are for clerks, IS years or over, curriers be tween 21 and 40. Applications must be filed with Secretary E C. Lewis not later than 8aturaiy, November IX So quietly and expeditiously has boon done the work on the Astoria railroad that not oive Astorlan out of ten realties that three or four more weeks will finish the work and that beyond the question of a doubt the cvmtractvrs will be out of the wwy and the road ready to oiemtc by January 1. Contractor H. B. Uorth. wick, who was In the city yesterday tate1 to an Astorian reporter that he had finished delivering the ties for the entire line. The material for the steel bridge at Owtskanlo was delivered yes terday. This is the third steel bridge on the line east of Astoria, and Is sit uated some miles east of Blind slough. The temporary bridge across Iflind slough has enabled the rail g?ng to lay quite a stretch of trck east of thut p4nt. The H;UTfc rail-laying mncbine will commence wrk Inlay. Uets wtrv nai'le yvterlar ttvil 'the eonfractors wvuld not be nbe to finish the rook work by January 1. As a matter of ftict, how over, the nvk wvrk Is all but com Dieted, and ton days more will see even cut ready for the track. FOR THR l.ll'RARY. The Musical Recital Nlk-ht a Great Success. Since the puWio llbrory of this city -as foundM many entertanments have been given under Its auspices and tvr Its b'neflt. all of thorn proving In the highest degree successful; but none of thorn equalled that given last evening at Fisher's ojot1i hoi IiK before the hour onnoiincl Ar the opening the building was almoet filled with lo-ers of music, every one of whom eagerly swatt ed the opening number on the program, which was vf unusual excellence. The entertainment opened with the rendition of "IJetl Signor" by Miss Agnes Watt, who followed with "Synnovfs Song." "Cbuntwl to Nlnn." ana "Oiod.rtye." Miss Watt was reworded by itenerous and deserved aaplause. Mrs. Walter Reed then sang "Without Thee," "Du hi? wie eine blum," "When You Are Here Love." and "When love Is Kind," and TCas npplauded to the e-ho. her rich and sympathetic eontmlto voice at once winning Its way to all hearts. Miss Clara Young's appearance upon the stage was the signal for an ovatton such as has never been accorded to any As tor! an. and after the applause had subsided the talented young artist ren dered "Ronilo Ctiprtccioso" In such a manner as to entitle her to a place In the front runk of musicians. "Yalnka's Song." "PeeerteO," "Twick enham Ferry." and 'Tarantelle N.ipo letana" were next sung by Miss Watt and warmly applauded. Mrs. Renl follnaed with "I Knew Not If M'Xnltht." "In the Woods." "Chan tei. Rleg. Pormex" and "Ben Bolt." and received a second ovation. "The Brlikil Prrv-es!on." by Miss Young, was next on the program, tI was receiwl with hearty and deserved applause. The entertainment closed with the singing of "The Swallow Gaily Singing'1 end "Merry. Merry Are We," by Mis. Watt and Mrs. Re!. FAIR WARNING ! Take advantnpe of Herman Wise's Red Letter Sale before it is oyer; you'll be Forry if you don't ! Good poods sold way down ! lie who hesitates will lose monev. The Eatock oyster parlors n(,t night proved to be very popular. Eastern oys ters on the half shell, -and Bhonlwater Bays In any style. Parlors, opposite As torlan office, open till 2 a. m. GIvb them a trial. Twenty-five cents a pint Free delivery. Free! Free! THE..X Stormer Bicycle Given Free With American Best Teas Coffees Spices AT THE GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY'S o71 Commercial Street Astoria Free Wheels to hoys, girls, gi-n-tlemeri and ladies. Wheels real fay to get with our Teas, 20c, 2-jc, :J0c, .'ioc, 40c, 50c rer pound; CoHi, 1 )?., 20c, 25c, 30c, .'35c, 40c per pound; Spices, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c per can. Wheels Free as good Wheels as money can buy. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Ma on application. Wo want a ho ie and lot In Warron ton. Must be a bargain. We have t" cash. It U Hoyle A iV FA 1U W AKNING Take advantage of Herman Wise's Hod Letter Sale before it is over; you'll lo sorry if you don't! tood goods sol.l way down! He who hesitates will lose monev. WHEAT. On June wheat sold at 3c. H "as since sold at II.K3S. Plfferen.-e, 3V. or on 10.AW bushels. $K0 would havo made this amount by our system of Join! Investment accounts since June W'hy not try this system and Increase your Income? Amounts of 3 and upwards Kcelvtd. Our Infornatlon Is of such a character and from such source as to make II en-tln-ly reliable. Write for particulars J. O. Knowlton Co.. grain brokers, M California street, S.in Vninds.-o. CROVr QVICKI.Y Cl'RF.P. Mountain Qlen. Art-Our children were suffering with croup when we received a botUe of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It afforded almost Instant relief. F. A Thornton. This oelebrated remedy Is for sale by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Northern Pacific railroad tralnsi leav. Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. f r Tacoma. Spokane, and the East. CIos. coimeotlon made at Spokane for Ross land. Nelson. Sandow and IMtUh Ci- lumbia mining camps For maps and Information call on or ad J res. C. W. STONE Astoria. Or. When going East travel on the North ern Pacl'lc Railway. Qultk time anj th. only line running dining cars. Tra'a leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that all quar- I terly licenses are now due and payable j to the Chief of Police at his office, and If not paid within ten days from date ! of this notice, a penalty of 20 per cent additional will be charged. H. E. NELSON'. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., October S, 1S37. TO CURE A COLP IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure- 23c. For sale, by Charles Rog jrs. AN APPEAL FOR CLOTHING. Help the poor and needy by sending clothing to the parlors of the W. C. T. IT. In Rescue hall on ainy Thursday from 1 p. m. till 8 p. m. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISHERMEN'8 PACKING CO. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of tho Fishermen's Packing Co that a regular annual meeting will be held at their office at Astoria, Oregon, the 25th day of October. 1W, nt 9 o'clock s. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors and transacting other bust, ness that may come before the meeting. JOHN PETERSON. Prtoident. AI'G. MOBERO. Secretary. Astoria. Or., 8ept. 29, 1SD7. A KLONDIKE BOOK. The Chicago Record's book for gold ssetars Is now ready. A reader of this hook will know more of Alaska and the wonderful Klondike district than he could learn by months of personal observation and research on the ground. In compar ison with other works on the subject It is the "Webster's Dintonary of Alaska," a perfect and peerless volume, at once Ute model and despair of rival publlsheis. It tells of the richest and moat exten sive gold fields the world has ever known How they were discovered Fields yet unoxplorod Ton years' wyk al ready In sight Where Is the mother lode,? The fortunes already made The mil lions to be token out next year How to get there R. R. fare and other ex xpenses from nil polrfts Medical hint: Climate Offic.al maps Government reports All land and water routes-Projected rail roads Mining laws-Customs. In brief, all that Is known of ibis wonderfdl land of fabulous wealth. It Is the only au thentic, practical book, official and en dorsed. About MO pages. Handsomely bound In art ca,-.vas rlce, II. W. Agents are wanted to handle this val uable work. It la a chance of a life time. Experience Is not nefjessary, as full jtstruc.tiot.il are sent and the whole poople arc clamoring for the book. Re ports from agents Just started show won- lerful success. Salts run as high as 20 books an hour. Big commissions nid valuable premiums are nllowed. Credit Is given and freight fr.a!d. It is an oppor tunity to gain a crmpetence In a short lime. The book Is not sold through book s'ops or newspapers. Complete canvass ing outfit w.ll be mailed for 20 cetits, s'nmps To places where we havo no agent a full copy of the book will be sent to customers, prepaid, on recelp' of prbe. Address, exactly, Monroe Book Company, department K, 219, Chicago. the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled, It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is it not a fine investment? THE ASTORIAH WANT COLUMNS WANTKIV WAXTKP-Reliable Kill for gonrral housework: first .class wages to flr. Class cook. Koforoncs required. Ap ply at Aatorhut office. MMN WANTED. Railroad hands wanted fur lmine-ait. work on track. Apply at room 4. Flal bl k. A. A C. H. . H U8T. I .OST Yesterday, on iVtnmorclal street. red satin ribbon sash, render will rvcolve llU-ml reward by leaving at Aatorlnn kiKc. I.OST-MHk account lHk. Please leave at Astorlan office. W. J. IiiksIIs. FUR RKNT. F"R KENT Furnished rom., .i suite or single, by the day or month Hotel Tlshtf, und. r entire n.w manage, nient. (irx-at rwluctioo In rate.. M" O. V. IVrter. manager. Ci. Elevwitk and Franklin. PROFESSIONAL; CARDS C. C. PUOWER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gumtorson Bull J inc. Asii.tis, Oregou. H. T. CROSBY. j ATTORNET-AT-LAW. i 441 Commercial stieet j Chester V. Polph. Richard Nixes l'ttl.PII ft NIXON. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Portland. Oregon. 14. Si. and r Hamilton Building. All legal and eel lection busln s. promptly attendod t Claim against th government a k- Halty. PR JAY TUTTLE. PHYSICIAN AND 81'HGEON Office, rooms i and t, Pythian builds. MIS Commercial St, ResJdene .ame Telephone 9. Acting assistant surgeon V. 8. Ma rine hospital service. J. Q A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND CO UN HE Lop. - AT LAW. Office on Bond street. Astoria. Or PR. O. n E8TE8. PHYBICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention to diseases of worn" snd surgery. omc aver Dansigef store. Aslnrls Telephone No. U. . . DR. H. U HENDERSON. Office, Klnmy Building, Astoria Offlc hours, i to 9 a. m.; 12 to I and I to J p. ra Special attenton given to th. treatment of Disease of the Ey Chronic Dis eases, and Surgery. H. A. SMITH. iPli DENTIBT. fpy Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's store. JOHN T. LIGHTER. ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W. Office, upstairs, Astorlan Building. BOCIETY MEETINOB. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. F. an A. M. Regular communication beld on th first and third Tuesday evening of such moi th. O. W. LOUNBBERRY, W. M E. C, HOLDEN, Becreury NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC. CEITANf'K OF DRAIN I.N" MCLCRE'S ASTORIA. Notice Is hereby given that B. Normlle, oontraotor for tho construction of u drain In McClure's Astoria, under the provisions of ordinance 220u, on the 12th iluy of Oclols-r, 1W, Hied In thi olllce of tho Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, tho certificate of the (ity Siu-veyiT and Hus-rlnt-nd-nt of Stnols, approved by tho C'ommllteo on Streets iuid Public Ways, on ttw com plotlon of tho "McC'luro. Tmiln." Aftor tho expiration of tho tlmo here Inafler specified, If no objection to the n:ci:ptanco of such work bo flll and tho Common Council shall ulei-m such Improvement proiKTly compl'-led, ac cording lo the contract and plana and speelllcallons therefor, tho Minn may Iki accepted. fbJc-c-l.lons to tho acceptance of sal.I drain or ny part thereof may be flbvl In the, office of the Auditor and Police .ItidKO on or before Friday, OcIoImt 15. 1W. It. E. NEIiHON, Auditor and Pollre Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Ootoler 13, ISfT. mm mm i, vJ J lhes8tinyCapuloaresi peri;'rl 4 ip uai&din ol Lopa. ua, s tii9 same i.tr.:zn v.i'r:- J o cur lcovrP!"'', It m f I'lllKF UF I t'I.K'IC 8AI.K. Notice Is heteby given that by virtu, of a warrant Issued, and delivered lo me by the Auditor and Police Judge of tin City of Astoria, In Clatsop county. Or. gi.n, (.f dale of the lh 'lay of rVplember A. P. ixr, commanding m. to forthwith levy upon the following described prop erty: Beginning nt n poft't W fee' north, i de Ktves .H mluutos went from the northeast corner of lot 4, W.nk 131. BMolr' As toria; thoine north 4 d.gtcrs inlaules west, 100 feet; thence south K& .losrecs 3S mluulrs west, W fort, thence south i do gr.es JN tninuies rasi, rv iwi, mwn on a line parallel with the north lute of said lot, W feel, to the place of lwtn nlni And to sell the same. In the manner pro vlded by law, to satisfy an ssemit against said real property, smountlng lo $100, what was assessed against said property as Iwnrnt for tho extension of Commercial street In said olty fnw H.v nnteeiith .treot to Twenty-third street, and which sold real properly Is asswaed iv the property of The Oregon Railroad i and Navigation Company, I did. on lbs loth day of Hepiemtwr. 1W7 duly levy Uwn all the aoro-d.-eortbed Property, and on the lth day of October. Ikw;. at I o'clock p. m. of said day, at and In front of the court house door at Astoria, Clal o county, tiregt ii, I will proceed lo sell, at public auction, t" the blithest bidder ! iherrfor. all the right, title, Intrrest snd eslats of the S4ldTtierKmlUllro.d i end Navigation Company In and l .aid real property pi satisfy sold astessmsnt i und the ooets and exa'itsea of sale. I 11, ll.Vl.U't'K, Chief of Police. I I'ated Astoria. Oregon. S'id. I'), l;. i hii:f if pomck hake ! N..tee Is hereby given that by virtu , of a warrant Issued, and ditlvered In me . by the Ainlltor end Police Judge of the City of Aetorli. In Ottts.p eounly. Or ' gut. of date of the ith lay of Hepleinker ! A. D. IRrT, commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following described Pro- rty: Beginning nt a point UJ fret north, i dc j grees 2S minutes west from tho northeet corner of lot . Mm k HI. Bhlvetey'g A j ti.rla. tlieivn n.it t Ii I degrees . minutes west, ion feet; tbeine smith 5S itrgrves C minutes west, U) fci t; thence south 4 de grees 2S minutes east, h feet; thenc ; on a line parallel with the north lino of s said lot, M feet, to the place of Ijegln. Iilng. "', I i ' And lo sell the same In tho manner pro- vldl by law, lo satlnfy an assessment I against sold rl property, amounting lo IMS, what was ssseasod against said ' property as benefit for the extension of, Commercial slrret In said city from 8ev 1 entsenth street to Twenty-third Street, i und which said rrnl property Is nesod Jas the pri'prrtv of The Oregon LaSrul ' and Navigation Company, I did, en lh j 10th day of SeptemtxT. 1JOT duly levy upon ' all tho afore-descrllied property, and 1 on tho lth day of October, 1W7. at I ' o'clock p, m of sabl day, r.t and In front ' of th. court house door nt Astoria, Clat I sop county, Oregon. I will proceed to sell. I si public auction, to th highest bidder therefor, all the right, title. Interest 'and estate of the saldTheOregonRallroad j and Navigation Company In and lo said real property to satisfy said assessment j and the cost and cx nse of sale. ' E. HAI.IH'K, Chief of Police. Dated Astorln. Oregon, Sept, i", JSJ97. j CHIEF OF POLICE BALE. ' Notice Is hereby given that by virtue I of a warrant Issued, and delivered to mo by tho Auditor nnd Police Juilito of the City of Astorln, In ClatS'pp county, Ore gon, of date of tho !)th day of September A. D. 1K9T, commanding me to forthwith levy upon tho following described prop erty: Beginning nl n point CO feet north, 4 de grees 28 minutes west from the northent coiner of lot 3, block 131, Shlvele' A t'rln: thetica north 4 degrees 2 minute, west, 100 feet; thence south A5 degrees 22 minutes west, U) feet; thenc- south 4 de grees 28 minutes east, too feet; thence on a line parallel with the north line of raid lot, M feet, to the place of begin ning, p. And to soil tha same In the manner pro vided by law, to satisfy an assessment against sold real property, amounting to f 100, what was assessed against said property a benefit for the extension of Commercial street In said city from B.r- fenteenth street to Twenty-third street nnd which said real property Is assessed as the property of The Oregon Railroad end Navigation Company, I did, on th. 10th day of Beptemlwtr, 1H!)7 duly levy upon all tho aforo-descrlhed property, nnd on tho ISth day of October, 1MJ7, ut i o'clock p, m. of said day, at nnd In front of tho court house door at Astoria, Clat sop county, firegon, I will proceed to soil at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, all the right, title, Interest and estate of the suldTheOregon Railroad and Navigation Company In and to sulci real property to satisfy said assessment and the coats and expenses of sale. E, IIALLOCK, Chief of Polio. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Sept. iO, 18W. BREHNER & HOLMES Blacksmiths Telophon No. 02. Special Attention Paid to Steamboat Re pairing. First claaa Horseshoeing, Etc. Logging Camp Work a Speciality. TTT OJoMo Ulo OIVEH CIIOICB or ' -2- Transcontinental rouths; . Via Spokane and St. Paal Via Ogdan, Denver and Omaha op Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Franotsco. Columbia, Sunday, Hoptaitiher $ State of California, Friday, Heptamher Ml Columbia, Wednesday, Heptamlter 1$ State of California, Monday, Seplent ber 10. ColumbLi, Haturday, Heptambsr Id. Hlata of California. Thursday, Kwlnv ber SO. C'i'lumbia, Tuexdny, O'tnlwr &, Hlate of Csllfurnla, Hunday, Oiiulxir 1 Tar rata, and (snsrmi tnrurmatloa salt, on st address Q. W. LOUNCHKItRY, AgeaL W. IL HURLHURT. Uen. Pas. Agt., Portland. Or THIS RAILWAY COMPANY Operates Its tra.ns on Uw famous block) system. Lights Its trains by sloctrlclty through, out; 1' the celebrated drotiiv berth read ing tamp; Runs splendidly equipped panger train every day and night ltr St. Paul and Chicago; th. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE a MT. PAUL Also operates t.m-lie;e.l vei'.lbulod train, corrylnsl the latwl privsts ram lurtmpot car. Lbrary buffet siokLig car, and palae drawing room rr. Parlor cars, free reclining chair car. aad the wry tat dining car service. l',.r lowest rate. In any point In Utar t'n.tnl Hiatus or Canada, apply to ticket agent, or addre. C. J. EDDY. General Afvt, J. W. ("ABEV, T. P. A Portland. Or -ARK YOU OOINO EA8TT--A R K YOU OOINO EABTT--AllK YOU GOING KA8TV Ii sure aial seo I tint yolit tlckot r-l tli. THE NORTII-WEBTERN LINE THE NORTH -W EXTERN LINK Mil-. NORTH rTERN LINK) 1 HE NOPTII-WCUTEnN LINE The CHICAK). BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAYS This U th. GREAT HIK'HT LINE Between DULUTH, SAINT PAUL. CHICAGO And all I'olnl East and South. Tlietr Magnincnnt Track, Pverlae. Vestt-buW-d IMnjig and Sleeping Car Train, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME Have given this road a national ropuuk-. lion. All (iusee of ius-ngrs aanrl4 on the vesllbuled train, without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agants hav tickets. F. C. SAVAGE. T. F. and P. A. W. II. MEAD, General Agent, 248 Washing too St., PortLuid, On GO EAST . . VIA . . Library Car Route AMERICA'S BCENIC LINE. Metis la Dining Car I. Carte (lock lloll.nt No Hunt Tb. all-rail route to Kootenai mining dl.trlct, via Buattl. and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Line -.TOV St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth. Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper., Dining and Library Observa tion Car. Dally Trains ..Fast Time BHKKVICK AND HCKNKItY (JNKAQdKLED For ticket, and full Information call on agent O, R. & N. Co. or address A. n. C. DKNNIBTON. C P A T A rn.l-.a - . a. . , , w 1 i. I R. C. BTEVEN8. O. W. r A., Seattle. I. Ladles Who Valuo A refioedcoinpl"-:l'jn niuit tjee Poir'tnl's Pow- der. Rpri,duoRsgucftrr.d!Kaulll':Ukln. I IMuWAUHin I i.