THE DAILY A8T0IMAN, Fill DAY MOftNINO, OCTOBER H. 181J7. RETURNING IN MUCH DISGUST cm it i tun or w ruitM.m o m. run ANor.itsov truMDicii "I Hit Hchcmc An I'risusri rirrt nt Mrantti rKCIrd from Alaska. Port To""""!"!, iNiinlmr 7 Tim ailiumi. r iiulliir ly arrlvod afternoon from t. Mli'lm., having li'fl llicr Hilctii. W IV, Tho Knllor luy lriiKlii nlm HUMMiii(rr rniiu Hi. Mlclmnla. who t-unw amitli to iri't I ho wintnr rilr tlmii llillirn tlia hnritlil nt HI. Mlduiela. Among ill iiosantignr wlui arrived mi Ilia Hallur Hoy l John Ijnlll' )' lluriiiiin. of Murray, Malm, llm mini mm "f th M (mani-narra nil III alnaimr lillaii An.l.rxi, which w fon-wl In put lulu Dutch llarUir In dlUpldutial condition, wlitr iiow lie, of th lrii from Ptitili llurtair ( Hi. M l liiii'lH. Huiiiiiin ): '"tint, liumlml and avvvn m-oiIii uiii-Ii-thn 1 1 l(i nil Ilia lit Ha xtiiHitii r HarriiulT oil wtilrh that Wiia not roiufurttllilr standing rxiti, la aay luxlilnu of al.-i.ilt, afciimtuintnf l"tta. Althuiiuil lllf itialulur fnnii I hi hli lltirlr In Hi Ml. Im la la lnt i,'d lullna, I ill iliiya -ri' coliailttinl i making: (lis Irlp, owing In I ho alron- Wllrl Willi h irnl' ll Wliull MP Hi l.i II hill III mllra (if HI. Mlihrl mil whirl, blew lit an far mil I hut w n rmiht c. c tin Hllxirlutt coual TIim arllonlicr atiljijirtl Mittor mini tvi-r)'ttiliig ul r i-rylni ) wiia amiknl nn.l It look four mul it hnlf lua In Ri't Ixu lt In Mt Mlillliala OwlliU to Ilia rriitoil t-nli'tlllutl of thi' acliiMiticr tlicto ua ai'lunl auffi-ilng ilniitt.l, anil OI1 reaching Ht. Mh'llAi'U nvrt ) liiiily Hun worn mil, ami thr sight niAt thru, oiily aiMnl to our .!tjut. Tim riilt will that aovrrnt of ua tiak thr flrat ! -pili:Hty to gi-t out " Tin: i.i:aiii;iih i-uihu.nkiim. Honttln, ihitilH-r -A riiat.lini lliitoiu t i ! lal from 1'iirt T'iWliai-ii'1 aa)a tin paaafitirra wlto rotuirml on thn arlinonrr Huilor Id iy frum Hi. Mlchnrla L.ilay rr. Mirt thai Mayor Wood, of Hi-nltl. man. uiii-r f Hi" 1 1 ii in I' I oii-llthii. in. I l K ll ioanl. lin hn.l I'lintito of thr I Pin AiiiU'rm iwrly. ftte .rn. H. nlly 1rlaiiinr In lh lunula of tlirlr Irutc im. aonifi'r. only thr itaanii- of Urn t'nil ril Hiatoa trMiia. utiilnr !liul .lol. Itan. lall. la rHM'tr. to i.l auftoila trmlhlr AI.AHKA KI.KKT IlKTl'IIXIMI. H.u Kriiiii-i, ihIoIht 7 -Within thn lunt fortnlitlit qultn a flcvt of atmumr" la oiorli. from Aluaka. Tin- lltiin. i:.iior. Ilrrthn. 1 '..i 1 1. n. mil l im rrraniin tutlrr orln will iiiohnhly l.ul amilli nlmMt (ho autiii' num. Tim la thr fn'lial '-'"I "''' M"' I) to litllm moat of thr rotlirnlnif Itilnrra ntnl thr hulk of tlmlr trtauro. HI'iiK ASH I'AHTV, tiiiolior 7 A trty of tw .iil.ri-ki-r lll Irovn tioro lotiiiirmw to try thr ovrrluiM roiito to Khunlikr. Tlmy li.n (ha fliuuii'litl Ihu ktnc of pyiutli'ntr tmnilnt ly J J. Hrowiio Tim 1'irty ". lata of Arthur Jorliin unit l. C A'hilr. juhlra: titty lirown. tlm wrl.knon eyi lo ruror: Imu foolln unil flmrh-a Hluw. ttmkar. Tlmy will ovor III Ciniii'llni I'm-irli' In Aalmroft. Krotn Aahrmft limy will oroi-ml ovor Urn rovortiiimiit wiiot IMnit S' tnlloa to yiioatmllr. Tlmro thn ulil lolrKmph Iritll will K. lukrit to Ti alln Ukn. iH.wn tlm luko tin y lll to. ro.l 1 mlha liy Iritll to (lie Yukon. FKVKU HITfATInN. Now Orrna, OcitmH-r 7. -Tim fovor ill. uatton wa i-onalilrra.lly lnur)vo.l tolay. An ft nuU'lvr of fart the alluullon hprr la tin iraii limn tluin It lm l"-on fur onto tlmo iiml rm-llonmnl Ima nliaolulnly dlajtiouroil. Now llml the illaraao Ima ahowtt no yniilonia of tin opliloinlc form, mialimaanmn makltiK iirrunitr. nmnU lo lrlti tlmlr fitmlllra lnuk to th city. At t o'clock 32 now cuaca rmfl lucii roxirtol wnl two iIpuiIm. MAY C(.MK TO AHTiUUA. IVtulloton, (vlolaT 7 -Thr Iivnt mill loaa wit oiljiiatoil 1ilny. iiftor a Ioiik nn.l nriiriilBmcnt. Tin- full lo f IIS.iHiil on llm ImiII.IIiik iiml l:i'i. m the mucliltifry wim nllnwi'il hy the liiauriiiuo ooiiiMiiilH. Tim mill l "alii lo Imvocoal four llnica Ihla nmouiit. Hycra lina not yol ilix'Mi'il on III" future plana, lie may remove, from Ponillriiii, u" ofTera are nuule by Aalofla, Taeomit mul other laeel. IiKHKUTIdNS FUOM Tim 'tlK( X "N. Ban KranclHco, fntiilnr 7 Within a week Ion nwm Iwive denurrtat from the littlnMhliOr(on, nvw In thla port. There U no complaint aifnlniit the oltlcera ami tlio ialltMH ar In'lleveil to have left the veaael merely to enjoy mort. lllwrly on . ill ore. (HIAWPS Ilehlnu, aonly, blredln palma, ahapalaai Bll, and iialtiful Mtior alula, plm.ilri, lilaclilifada, oily, inoihr aklp, dry, thin, and lalllug hair, Iwh'aly aralia, all ylalil quickly lo warm hatha with CtiTiriiiu Boar, and grntlt anolnlltiKa with Outioura (olutuioul), Ox raat akin our. CMieiira .... -a. .. ... Pah Dana xma CllUa If your food Is of.jfy, grcaty, iiidietlbl fettolene ThcN.K.ralrbaak Company, Ht l.iiiil,l'lilcao, aloiitraal, Han Krnimlae", l'orilanil,lriin. A HAD DAV FOR THE SAUSAGE MAN r.M) or Trie Lt tTt.ritT tnul is nr- IDIT AITKllAltllMi. ftidraic nl Hit Tan Chief Vltnctaca aIbioM Ditlrovfd- Atiiimet Vill Take Week. Chl.uK.i. rtctoUr 7 -Jitin iiHim day of ovl'li'lli' a ill llm fltiUll of III tllliinrt Irlul will Im. In alttht. Tim ai.ila an. nouncril nl.iy that It hint lull fe tvlt. Iinaa-a anil thai It would (''I tlltotlAh lth Ihom wltlipiil ttim h itoluy tomorrow. A'ljiiutiutmiii Hill Ihnn do token until Motnhiy. Hhi'ii (lie ill foliao Will uffur am. ill nm. nun of iii.iolnir:al ti-allliloli)-, nml tin ii (he Hii Hill In . l.iirfoi iii" arauuii'iita of n 1 : i ii in . hi. h mil Ink ' nix. lit a Wark. It nil a ha't ! for (lie ilrnfriiar. The o'licr of Ilia IHo chief tvltlmawoa Hua ulmoat (Ii atrnyo.1 Mary HlmiiH-rfna mul Wllllum riuirli a. lillant a hualimaa oarl. in r. Hen- tlm aulTi rcra. Wltiiraa jifter HltlKM CUIIKI cu Hi atiuiJ iuitl 'i nhin M iry Hlmtiu rltiK ha.l ilrnl. 1 (hut aim hivt u.lmlttiil litirii.i.r r Ulloti llh ltitiii rl ahv lunt not tohl Ilia truth They ihl nho hud ii.lm'.ti-.l it aii.l :n III moal ul'.Ulv.H ul . Moat of .lleaa Hlluraai a Hrio mrmliora of llm Krjiu I lurv Hhirh had Iniliclnl luitfi-rt. an I Ihrlr Pyhlrnir Hiia .riinhlMa . Tlmy lul I .. llm aiimo atory ami dm moa( ,!n. tK-rali. rfforl of dm ilofmiao coul I iml ahuka any uf tlmm. IT IH TAKIMI HIIAI-i: Now York, ivtolirr T -It a p i"rti-l tinlay that tlm I'lilnn Pitrlflr roor-niilta. (ton comitiltleo him i-omtilniril the pur. cha frim dm t'ollnlrral Nolo Truat (. of Wi ah.uoa of Oregon Hlmrl IJiio aliM-k ami of I'm-ine Kxpn-a atork. a rt of the roltatoriil undrr llm truat. Ini-liiitil In the puri'haae are all die morn lmir(an( alia ka of am h branch llnra m Hill cniitriliiiie valuable Irafflc lo dm mull) Him- IH) LAM i l'l Hi-IIA8IC l.i.a Atuiolra. fill. iotol-r 7.-W. A. Clark, dm .Montana ntlllloiiulre tialay purchiiaeil dm linmrna,. Itlxby proM'rly w-r( of (ho city for fl'.ii caah. Tim protH-iiy la known n "Curtla ranch." ami comprlao .) a. rx-a Clark will errrt a large auifiir factory on ih,. proiTiy. KKNNi;rINKP IW. Ill llm circuit court at laM nlght'a ai-a. aton. iM'fot die argument were ' nunle In thi Itowr caae. by aitriM-ment of at tonmya, thn cuae of J.J. Kenney wa aulMmltoil nn atlpulalloit, ami dm courl, after reprimanding the dcfetnlant. Im. puatal a fine of p. TO CI KK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Ilrorao Quinine Tabloti. All drugglata refuna the money If It fftlla to euro- lie. For tale by Charlea Rofr. TKMMUAPHIC HUKVITIKS. Jlmmlo Michael, at the Willow Clrove. riillauVlphln. track, InwrnM the mile paccil bicycle rtaxil aH)iula, making the illatance In 1 :SC. In a quarrol over a colt, Tat CVrrlgun allot tho face off Aanioml Htraiute, a Utrmcr, near l'ort TuwiMeiid, Waah. I'rtnciaa Kalulanl will leave Knglanil tomorrow and will aall frum San Fran, ciaro on tho Aualrulla, for her home In Honolulu on November 1. I'rof. Alixaiulor, who lma urrlvil lit Victoria, 11. C, on tho I'll I led State IIkIi txmmlaMou aleaiuer Allnttroaa, n-porta (hat (ho Al.iaka aiilmon pack I" over. eatlmalcil at,tju cimea. Bintlatlca of the (Southern Tacltlc Co. til Wan I'runclHcu ahow the rumarkahle Incrrune of loaded freight car eaat. bouinl over went bound hUMlntuw In Si p. IciiiIht, while the went-liounil btiHltma hua been gtvater than ever before. tlward kTdamr"lir"Nw" York'," re algncd (he cluUrmujinhlp of the board of tllroctor of tho Northern Tuclllc railroad. As ptoilloled by the Aaxoclatvd 1'reaH dlspatchva from IjoiiUoii, Ureal Hrltaln'a answer to the lilmotiUllo proimaala will lie delayed. An tnforniu conference will be hold between Sir Mluluiel Hlcka-tlt-ach and the United Bttitea moneuirj' conuiux. alon and Col. Hay. W. S. Flekllng, minlater of flnkuice of Caniulit, la In Iiomton negotiating a loan of i:2i)n,i)uO,UuO at high Interval, to take up Canada' otrialiuulliuj debt. The Lord Mayor of Indon announces the total auliacrlpllona for the Indian famine to be iW.Oiio. The IiexliiKtoti, Ky., Triuiaylvanlu stake trottlnir rucoa, participated In by ten cnu'ka, are atlll unfinished. Six thoroughbred horaca on the Tioga bicycle track, Philadelphia, won (he five, mile ruce from four wheelmen In 9:52. The government authorities at 'Wash ington are very anxious to place the navy on an emergency footing. Carl Falier, cashier of Oclrlche & Co., Now York, ng-ents for tit North Herman Lloyd Steamship Co., now returning from Kuropo, Is ii defaulter to the tune of IIU.IHH, and will be uccorded a warm re ception on his arrival. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Moomi3i7-jift. Portland Savings Hank Bid-. Portland, Oregon. heto liny cpuii.i gr iuif:'jf ojiwm oi topai... . itbi o' Inleciitiiu xrifvirfA RE IN 48 H0UR8VVJ'I tfta iirni Hitiiitf U!ffi-" 4 vaiiiiv w i v w " i 1 1 out Inconvenience. UK la a aon-e'ti'ant funiMir fur (innnrrliiaa, iiIimii, avrma I nr r bir a, Whiiaa. uanalaral ill tliarar. or am InOamui Itun, IrrtlalliiN or ukra Una of in u c o a iai. a'Mtl4lClia"l''A biaaa. K .' . if" or aat la glala wraanur, VawJ hr him i'ri'i. i.i I'Wrf-a II l. nl InlllM. 3 7S. l.'iicular aaui va ravuaai Maw Marl HaaMr Afclalilr I akaawa W lli an.l.l,. ParaaatiBl ara IB I w a o.ft. tvraiMl amitry li T'HIi-aa 1 liaaladat, kania fur iaiin urir Ivral vlia tio aail th Hill IMIM. 4fi. lo i..a lipra a ' am cmiuan in ttlu or bat of auuln. a nit bol4 raiiroaa' Mli, aa4 l-kva,ll earn. If Maka a va fall lo ton aa uii J ri, 1.1 la- la.baiid Hd. llMrii. 1'olrkaf tun aav a. U anana. ara Y hraal, t4 mU I UrrauU.iir Itiwpl. irr.4 loi laHul tl.ol-'lx.llKlriir ii la II. ii 1'rla.arr, : rkllla .i 11 It. n.ol mkmllm- ! Ia ort biarwi mm . f.iraarwwB fallta HI, I .ry or I .ruarr gaaraalaa li.nii Wa aia .ana ai4 kIU rawawi i in- u k .kill of' Ik. m I Ic l.ailaaBI nk.lrlaa kof o.u.r i.iri ni. I CmCQ,, r . ,f..i..(T of i ll-allna ll.i. .ll- liu no f t I'llll.r.SK anJ i,u ii. a.iire li.t. eaou.iuMi a I ItliiJ iiir uii'-uii.llilunal glial .Ma . W rlta ui f.- IIHi.a-a ai ii .Kiwlwut mrmmb- iH' KHiH llrHt.tlV ..r I 9U7 XfMnl Tvaiola. hlrnaii. iiiiMiiia. CIIIKF OF 1'OLICK BALE. Notice la hereby given that by virtue of a warrant laaued, and delivered to me by Hie Auditor and Police Judge of the city of Aatorla, In Clatsop county, Ore gon, of din of the th day of September A. D. 1W7. commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following described prop erty: Iirglnntiif at a point to feet north, 4 de groaa a minutes weal from th northeast corner of lut 1. block Ul, Slilveley's As toria; thence north 4 dog-ret a minute weat, I'M free thence aoulh it Jegrees S minute w-ost, 60 feet; thence south t ! grroa a minutes east, I'M feet; then? on a line parallel wtlfi tho north line of 0 v d 10 . J gMWUta(4 Ii !- rt)-alM tlagllal. May'atiaat FEEE SU6AE Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder, and Extracts Over nml above our regular presents, oousistiug of Cliiua, Crockery, Gliiaswaro, Tinware and Nov elties. Our 50-eent Tea equals nuy 7"-cent Tea gold. Teas at 20c, 25c, 30c, 35o, 40o, and 50o per pound. Our Moehu aud Java Bleud uitikes a cup of Coffee to perfection. Coffees at 15e, 20c, 25c, 30o, and 35o per pound. Spices at 10c, lie, 20c. 25c, 3lV, 35o, aud 40o per can. Iruportiug for and operating 100 Btores enables us to undersell all others and save you all middlemen 'a profits. Why not buy from first Lands? Get the best aud save money. 571... Commercial Street Astoria aald lot, W feet, to th pUc of Ugln nlng And to Kill lh lame, In the manner pro- vldwl by law, to gatlafy an asument agnlnat aald real property, amounting to tit?, what wag aaaeaMd agalnat aald property benefit for the extftnalon of Conimarclnl glreet In iald city from Buv nteenlh gtreet to Twenly-thlrd gtreet, and which aald reil property la aeed an 'ha property of The frfgon nallf! and Navigation Company, I did, on tha loth day rt Hoptember, Vt1 duly Invy upon all tho afore-deacrlbed property, and on the lth day of October, 1W, at 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, at and In front of tha court house door at Aalorla, Clat aop county, Oregon, I will proceed to Mil, at public auction, to the hlgheat blddVr therefor, all the right, title, Interest m,d eiaU of the galdTheOregunHullroad and Navigation Company In and to eald real property to aaDafy laid aaaeeameat and the coata and ex4enie of ale. E. HALIX;K, Chief of Police. Ivited Aatorla, Oregon, Sept. 10. ltS7. CHIEF OF POLICE BALE. Notice la hereby riven that by virtu of a warrant Isaued, and delivered to me by the Auditor and Polka Judge of the Cpy of Astoria, In Clateop county, Ore gon, of date of the th day of Kntembcr A. D. 1W, commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following- described prop erty: lii glnnlng at s point 60 feet north, 4 de grees 91 minutes weat from the northeast corner of lot t. block 131. Bhlviley's As toria; thence north 4 decree Z mMiute weat, 104 feet; thence aouth 5 degree 22 minute west, V feet; thence outh 4 de gree 2i mlnult'S east, W feet; ihmce en a line parallel with the north line of aid lot, Mi feet, to (Tie place of begin ning, And to Mil the same In the manner pro vided by law, to satisfy an aaacment agalnt said real propertA amounting to 1100. what was aaaesstl against (aid properly as benefits for th extension of Commercial street In said cl'y from Sev enteenth street to Twenty-third treet, and which ald real property Is awesscd aa the property of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company. I did. on th loth day of September. JW7 duly levy upon all tho afore-descrlbed property, and on the lSlh day of October, 1W. at 2 o'clock p. m. of sajd day. at and In frTint of the court house door at Astoria, Clat aop county. Oregon, I will proceed to sell, at public auction, to th highest bidder therefor, all the right, title, Interest and estate of the saldTlieOregonlUllroaJ and Navigation Company In and to sail real proiorty to satisfy sold assessment and the coats and expenses of sale. E. HALLOCK, Chief of Police. Dated Astoria. Oregon. Sept 10, 1S97. CUT LOAF SUGAR GIVEN AWAY TO EACH PURCHASER OF OUR CELEBRATED The Great American Importing Tea Company T Ilallrosd hands wanted for Immediate work on track. Apply at room 4, Flars' block. A. C. R. R, R won KBirr. FOR KENT Furnished roolu suite or single, by the day or m'n:fc Hotel Tlghe, under antlrs new manage merit. Great reduction in rate. Mrs O. V. Portr, manager. Cor. Elevsnt and Franklin. PKOFEBHIONAL CARDS c. c. broweh, ATTORNEY AT I-AW. Gunderson Building. Astoria, Oregon. H. T. CBOBBT, ATTORN E T-AT-LA W. 4l Commercial street Chasur V. Dolph. Richard Nix a IH'LPH & NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24. 21, 2 and 2i Hamilton Building. All legal and eol lectloo busln promptly atiended ta Claims agalnat the government a sp rlalty. - DR. JAY TUTTLE. PHIBICIAN AND BURGEON Office, rooms t and 6, Pythlaa bulldi Commercial St, Residence aam Telephone . Acting annuitant surfeon U. 8. Ma rine hospital service. J. Q A. BOWLBT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Bond street, Astoria, Or. DR. O. B. EBTEfl. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Special attention to diseases i womat and surgery. Office over Danxigefs store. Astoria Telephone No. U. JOHN T. LIGHTER ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. Office, upstairs, Astorlaa Bolldlug. DR H. L. HENDERSON. Office, Kinney Building, Astoria. Office hours, 7 to I a. m.: 12 to 2 and I to 1 p. m. 8 pedal atunton given to the treatment of Disease of the Eye Chronic Dis ease, and Surfery. THE AS i i ! I i i i i I rr-r-r-r--- I i j III Largest Tea and Coffee Dealers on the Pacific Coast Leaders of Low Prioes. One Hundred Stores in Successful Operation H. A. SMITH. O DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building orer C. II. Cooper's store. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODOE NO. T, A. F. as A. M. Regular communications bald oi th first and third Tuday evsnlngT aaca mootA. O. W. LOTJNBBERRY, W. M. E. C. HOLDK.V. Uecratory 187J 1897 Fisher Brothers LLBRICATINO OILS A SPECIALTV ASTORIA are i r Ship Chandlery Hardware Iron and Steel Coal Groceries and Provisions Ploor and Mill Peed faints, Oils and Varnishes Loggers' Supplies Fairhank's Scales Doors and Windows Agricultural Implements Wagons and Vehicles. SEASIDE SAWMILL A complete stock of lumber on band in the rough or dressed. Flooring, ru tic, celling; and all kinds of finish; mold lug and shingle. Terms reasonable and price at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. OfBea and yard at mill. H F ta LOGAN. Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. Astoria Ironworks Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS Laod and Marine Engines, Boiler Work, Steamboat and Canaery Work a spe cialty. Castings of all descriptions made to order on short no lo. John Fox.. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. B. PracI Secretary Astoria Savtcrs Bank Treasurer J. B. WYATT, PbNo.S Astatia, Oregea Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS end OILS. Spatial Attratlea Pali te Sasolytag Skip. ,SNAP A KODAK. at any man osmlng out o oar eter and you'U get portrait ct a man brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Bucft quality In the liquor we bare t" offer are enouxh t pleas any man. COME AND TRY THEat HUGHES &. CO Holds tha world's record for I00& -distance fast running;. A Hap of the United States The new wall map la aued by the Burllngtcn Route Is three feet four Inche. wide by four feet lone: la printeJ In six colors, is mounted on roll ers; shows every state. county, Important town. and railroad In the Union. and Is a very desirable and useful adjunct to any household or business es tablishment Purchased In lots ot E000 the maps cost the Bur lington Rout nearly X) oents apiece, but on re ceipt ot IS cents in stamps or coal the undkml-ned will be pleased ot send you one. Write Immediately, aa the supply is limited. A. C. SHELDON. Agent. Portland, Oregon. General TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK. NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND TILLAMOOK, NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS OTHER COAST POINTS Steamers R P. ELMORE, v. R. P. KlaUOBJa, , R P. ELMORE. W. H. HARRISON W. H. HARRISON W. H. HARRISON AND AUGUSTA AND AUGUSTA AND AUGUSTA ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing- dates to and from Tillamook and Neiialem depend upon th weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to ELMORE, SANBORN CO., Agenta, O. R A N. Co, Axeots, Portland, liVlo GIVES CHOICE Or Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St Paal Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha op Kansas City. Pnnman and Tourist Sleepers , , Free Reclining Clair Cars Astoria to Saa Franelseo. Columbia, 8unday, September 8. Stat of California, Frlday,8ptmber 10. Columbia, Wednesday, September lt 8 tat of California, Monday, Septem ber . Columbia, Saturday, September K. Bute of California, Thursday, Septem ber as. Columbia, Tuesday, October S. Bute of California, Sunday, October UL For rate and sTeneral mronaatloa eaQ on er address Q. W. LOUN8BERRT. Aaeat W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. THIS RAILWAY COMPANY Operates lis trains on th famous block system. Lights Its trains by electricity through- out; Use the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago; th CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ST. PAUfa Also operates stecjn-heated vestlbuled trains, carrying! the latest private com partment cars. Lbrary buffet smoking; cars, and palac drawing- room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining; chair cars and the very beet dining car service. For lowest rates to any point In tha United States or Canada, apply ta ticket agent, or address C J. EDDY, General AsTt, J. W.' CASEY. T. P. A. Portland. Oregon. ARE YOU GOING EAST? ARE YOU GOING EAST? ARE YOU GOING EAST? Be sure and see that your ticket reads Yla THE NORTH-WESTERN LINK THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 'HE NORTH ire a TERN LINE 1HK NOPT71-W STERN LINE The CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAYS; This U the GREAT SHORT LINE , Between DULUTH, SAINT PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnlficeat Track, Peerless Vest buted Duuur and Sleeping- Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vesUbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. F. C. SAVAGE, T. F. and P. A. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 248 Washington St.. Portland, Or. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF AND Freeh Mutton: Office Chiief Commissary. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Oct. 6. 1S97, Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here and at offices of Commis saries at following named poms, ' for fresh beef and fresh mutton; to be deliv ered at that Post only until 11 o'clock a. m., November 6, 1S97, then opened, for furnishing and delivery to Subsistence, Department, U. S. Army, the fresh beef and fresh mutton called for by the Com missary at post to be supplied during six months, commencing- January 1. 1898: Boise Barracks and Fort Sherman, Idaho; Forts Canby, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Fresh beef shall be good In quality and condition, ttt for Immediate use, and from fore and bind quarter meats proportionately. In cluding all best cuts thereof. Fresh mutton shall be good, fat and market able quality, from wethers over one and under three years old. Beef andwmutton to be dressed and trimmed and delivered in bulk, as prescribed in circular of In structions. Proposals will be also received stating- price at which bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton, of oharacter above stated, and to be delivered of temperature not greater than 8J de(rre Fehrenhett. Government reserves right to reject the whole or any part of any or all Mils. Information furnished here, or by Com missary at the several posts. Envelopes containing proposals abouM. be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef (or Mjtton) at ," and addressed to undersigned or Commissary at post to be supplied. Jos. N. Allison, dpt. C. S. T For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the 00m- lelon nothing ealaPosaowVaPom-pFB. Milwaukee!