The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 06, 1897, Image 2

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"S f"
1 v
aihj glotostau.
Tel-phon No, M.
Boot by mall. M T 8 M
Bent by mail, per month....... K
fierved by carrier, per month .W
Bent by mall, prr yew In advance... U-00
Postage. fre to ubscrtbrs.
All communication Intended for pubU.
cation should bo directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kind
and remittance rnuit be addressed to
"The Astoria. M
The Astorian guarantee to a:s ur-
acrlbert the largest circulation of any
newspaper published oa the Columbia
Advertlflnj rate can be had oa appll.
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorian, the second old.
eit weekly In the eiate of Oregon, has.
ezt to the Portland Orssor-lan, the
largest weekly circulation to th state.
John F. Haadley Co, are our Portland
agents, and copies of the Astorlan can
be had every morning at their staid.
121 Third street
The, consul of the Vnitod State at
Liverpool reports that the AemtsA at that
port for American bread stuffs during
the coming yenr will amount to 3Q,V or
0.000 quarters, and that for tome months
the Impart will reach TV.WD quarters or
more, weekly. He alto :ats that the
demand for maize U Urge and Increas
ing, the lmporuuions during the pas;
year surpassing- ail previous records
This Is pleasing- Information for our ag
rtcultural and shipping Interests, espe
cially the atatemett that American com
1 growing- In favor In England and that
thero is an increasing demand for that
important product. It Is a demand tha
the Interests of the farmer and shipper
alike require should be carefully fosterel.
and any suggestion In regard to It de
serves attention. Consul Boyle's report
Is not wholly favorable. He finds that
there is complaint among the Liverpool
Importers of the manner of shipping
from the Cnlied States ports and the
condition of grain when received. These
complaints are made particularly of the
southerly ports. It is claimed that there
are often heavy shortages In the con'
sign meats, due to the practice of weigh
ing the grain only at the terminal sta
tion) tand not directly into the ships. A
more serious complaint is that of care
lessness In the manner of handling the
(ram, such a shipping during rain with
out shelter, (sufficient ventilation aboard
shin, etc- all of which tend to injure
the grain during voyage and lessen both
the value of the shipment and the con
fidence of the Englishmen in the Amer
ican shippers.
4 .
Eugene V. Debs, who has been one
of the mom potent of strike leaders for
several years past, delivered an address
In ChrfUgo a few days ago in which he
told some sober truths about the cost
of strikes to world ngmen. He has stud
led the subject well and be speaks the
ruth Just when It is greatly needed.
Mr. Det not only states that "strikes
doo't pay," but he declares that "all
singes are lost." He presents a new
phase of the problem by the declaration
that, as a rule, strikes are caused by
the employing classes. There is doubt
less much truth in his statement. He
points to the fact that when capitalists
need a strike to lessen production, they
provoke It, "knowing vt-U that th?ir
cause is woo before the conflict is b?
gun." Any intelligent observer 5T th
labor troubles of the last few years can
not resist the conviction that many of
the strikes are precipitated In the Interest
of employers.
A most important and impressive fa?:
stated by Mr. Debs should be soberly
considered by those who contemplate ap
pealing to the strike as the arbiter of
labor difficulties. He refers to the fact
that In the late miners' strike public
sympathy was entirely on the side of the
strikers, and In statement he is
quite correct; but when an appeal was
made to aid the striking miners when
scores of thousands of them were out of
employment and without bread, the con
tributions received from labor organiza
tions and from ail sources did not ex
ceed seven cents per head for each strik
ing miner. In other words, the striker
bat) the sympathy of both the publlo
and the labor organization, but bad
practically no response from the pocket
f either.
It la true that the coal miners reached
the end of the strike by Increased wage,
but the Increase received would not In
a year's time pay the loss of wages alone
to the miners who stopped work when It
was offered, -while the employers have
certainly profited by it, as the Increase
In the price of coal abundantly testifies.
There are occasions when strikes may
be a necessity to attain Justice for em
ployes, but In a large majority of the
labor strikes the worklragmen bear the
brunt of the loss, while the employers
often are fully repaid for the los they
sustained by the interruption of business.
In connection with this fact it will be
remembered thru nearly every labor strike
that comes Is precipitated, ot by the
workmen themselves, butunder the di
rection and often recklessappeals of labor
organisation who are MM by
the organised workmvn of ih country
ostensibly to protect tholr Interests.
Thus, In addition to the which
IrtlKir suffers by reason of strikes. It
contrtbuti largely to th labor oitlMtls
who are often wholly, rcsponstMo for the
enforced Indlonosa of workingnuMi. Uiltor
strlkow are a necessity umltr 'Wtrvm.
condition, but while any other -vlhM'-
ment of the dispute ts possible, the striu-i
1 the most costly method .hat coul I t j
adopted to enforce juxttce to worlns--
Health and strength carry us through
dangers and make u ssf In the pres
ence of peril A perfectly strong man
with rich purs blood, has nothing to
fear from germs. Ho may breaths in the
baocllli of consumption with Impunity.
If there I a weak spot where the germs
may find an entrance to the tissues, then
the trouble begins. Disease germs pro
PAgabs with lightnlng-'.tke rapidity. Once
In the blood, the only way to ge rid of
them Is to' kill them. This Is what Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is for.
It purifies the blood. That means that It
kill the germs, but that Is only a part
of what It does. It assists dlgvstlon by
stimulating the secretion of digestive
fluids, so promoting- assimilation and nu
trition; purifies and enriches the blood
and so supplies the tissues with the food
they need. It builds up strong, healthy
flesh and puts tha whole body Into
disease-resisting state.
Send 21 one-cent stamps to oover cost
of mailing only, and get hi groat book.
The People's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, absolutely free. Address, World's
Dispensary Medical Association, No. CSS
Main Street. Buffalo. N. T.
There are times when we couM slay
the very ones whom we love beet.
There is a rumor afloat In official cir
cles that. If true. Is most Important.
This is nothing less than that this gov
ernment Is about to make overture to
Spain for the purchase of Cuba. How
ever thi may be. It has long, been known
to the world at large that the value of
Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitter as a remedy
for eontslpation. malaria, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, kidney ocmplalt t and ner
vousness I beyond all price. A wine-
glassful before meals lmrarts a hearty
relish for the food, and a corresponding
dose before ertirir.g contributes to sound
repose. No medicfcul stimulant on the
market ever reeclved such strong pro
fessional endorsements- the) Bitters
It ts a most genial tonic, affording
strength to all who use IL Not
in this cou-rtry, but In many foreign
lands. It Is an admitted specific and pre
ventive. As a safeguard against ail dis
ease of a malarial type It is particularly
The large dotted veils are not worn
by women of the most refined taste.
The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a fa
miliar name for DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve, always ready for emergences.
While a specific for plies, it also in
stantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises.
salt rheum, eczema and all affections of
the skin. It never fails. Charles Rogers.
If you wish to be popular never con-
radlct people, even when you know you
are right.
Mountain Glen, Ark. Our children were
suffering with croup -when we received
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It afforded almost Instant relief. F. A.
Thornton. This celebrated remedy Is for
sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
A cheap combination of cake and ice
cream Is to b found In froien char
lotte, costing only eight cents.
If your child is puny, fretful, troubled
with glandular swellings, Inflamed eyes.
or sores on the bead, face or body, a
course of Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is needed to
expel the scrofulous humors from the
blood. The sooner you begin to give this
medicine the better.
The newspaper woman who works in
an office learns one thing at least, arid
that Is to get over the fear of mice
and cockroaches.
Certainly you don't want to suffer with
dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache.
sallow akin and Icfs of appetite. Toil
have never tried DeWltt's Little Early
Risers for these complaints or you would
have been cured. Tliey are small pills
but great regulators. Charles Rogers.
A wldoT may have words of praise
fo- her late huslmnd, hut few sleepy
wives can be made to r.-gard him In
other than a cor.drmna'.ory light.
Moments are useless If trifled away;
and they are dangerously wasted If con-
umed by delay in case where One
Minute Cough Cure would bring Immedi
ate relief. Charles Rogers.
The haMt of writing,' rather than say
ing, disagreeable things Is a very Wad
one, the black and white ugliness last
ing over so much longer than the ver
bal unpleasantness.
A pain in the chest Is nature's warning
that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen
piece of flannel with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and bind over the seat of the
pain- and another on the back between
tho shoulders, land prompt relief will fol
low. Sold by Eetes-Conn Drug Co.
Unbleached cotton flannel makes the
best dish-cloths.
The dangers of civilization are over
work, worry and germs. We need a vi
talizing power to sustain us. Learned
men and experience point to pure whis
key. Primitive men did not need whis
key. We do. Changed conditions bring
fresh needs. Ard THE whiskey Is
HARPER. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co.,
Mtorla, Oregon.
Deapite the fact that nearly all the
new ha-ta roll back from fluffy pompa
dours, there are still some very smart
tlp-tllted affairs which will be worn by
Ayer's 5rsaparllta It
for nil diseases that have their
origin In Impure blood. It U
than other sarsapurillas, bet
tor made, of bfttcr inprodiontu
and by better nu-thods. Its
rcortl of cures proclaims it tho
women who (lad that my!i
"For several months, I was troubled
with a persistent humor on my head
which gave me considerable annoyance
until It occurred to me to v Ayer's
Hair Vigor. Before using one bottle, the
humor wa healed." T. T. .Vkms, gen
eral merhcant, Turbeville, Va.
We learn wisdom by misfortune.
If you have ever seen a little child In
a paroxysm of whooping cough, or If you
have been annoyed by a constant ilckll-g
In the throat, you can appreciate the
value of One Minute Cough Cure, whloh
given quick relief. Charles Rogers.
Fretting ts a potent cause of wrinkles.
A few week ago the editor was taken
with a very severe cold that caused him
to be in a most miserable condition. It
wsj undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe
and recognizing It aa dangerous he took
Immediate ateps to bring about a speedy
cure. From the advertisement of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and the many
good recommendations Included therein.
we concluded to mak a first trial of the
medicine. To say It was satisfactory
iu ii mum is puiunsr 11 vvrj muuiy,
Indeed. It acted like magic and the re
sult was a speedy and permanent cure.
We have no heeltaiKy In recommending
this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone
afflicted with a cough or cold In any
form. The Banner of Liberty, Liberty-
town, Maryland. The 3 and 50 cent slses
for sale by the Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Ammonia and water Is 11 n 1 xoelU nt
antidote for mosquito bites.
Baldness can be averted, and many "' " -.
. , . . , . MiWir;iir. ur I t
times heads that are already bald can
be made to grow fine, healthy hair, of
a natural hue, by Hall's Hair Bemwer.
Washing the hands In Iran water will
whiten and soften the skin. I
Small precautions often prevent great
mischiefs. DeWltf Little Early Risers
are very small In size, but are most ef
fective in preventing the most serious
forms of stomach and liver troubles.
They cure constipation and hcadach; and
regulate the bowels. Charles Rogers.
Flannel should be Ironed as little m
possible, and with a moderately hot Iron.
Those who believe chronlo diarrhoea
to be Incurable should read what Mr. P.
E. Grlsham, of Gears Mills, La., has to
say on the subject, viz.: "I have been
a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever
since the war and have tried all kinds
of medicines for It At last I ound a
remedy that effected a cure and that was
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarr-
hoea Remedy." This medicine can always
be depended upon for colic, cholera mor-
bus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It Is
pleasant to take and never falls to effect
a cure. 25 and so cent sizes for sale
by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Veg-et&Me soups are nourlshintr and
not as heating as those made from meat
To heal the broken and diseased tissues.
to soothe the Irritated surfaces, to In-
afflnflv relieve and fo nermanenllv rnrA
is the mUslon of DeWltt's WItcfi Hazel
Salve. Charles Rogers.
Plantain leaves applied to bee stings
or mosquito bites will remove the In
flammation. Running sores, indolent ulcers and sim
ilar troubles, even though of many years'
standing, may be cured by using Dewltt's
Witch Hazel Salve, ft soothes, strength
ens and heals It Is the great pile cur.
Charles Rogers.
Nothing will Improve the complexion
nd give grace to movement better than
No man or woman can enjoy life or ac-
compllsh much in this world while suffer-
ing from a torpid liver. DeWltt's L1(!le
Earlv Risers, the Dills that cleans, tha.
organ, quickly. Ckarles Rogers.
Why on earth do so many bicyclist
consider it a disgrace to iret off their
wheels at crowHe.1 corners? It ts so10 ",r"-"or' to et an abundance of
much more dignified than to fall off, goo1' h,'l'''ome fo'l and ue the tablets
as so many of tfw-m are obliged to do.
The Oregon State Fair for 1S97 Septem- '
ber to October t.
Railroad rates reduced.
The Southern Pacific will sell tickets
al one fare rate for round trip from all
points on their lines in Oregon.
Tou will be entertained from morning
until night. No time to rest. Liberal
prizes offered for all kinds of sports, such I
as bas-.-baJI, tug-of-war, chopping con-
tests, foot races, hammer throw, shot
put, and various other sports In charge
of a competent committee. Don't over-
look the date and the cheap railroad rate
Ol one rare ror me rouna inp. stomacn win rie given, to some extent,
Popular admission of 2S cents. a much-needed rest. Your druggist will
- tell you that of the many remedies adver-
Northern Pacific railroad train leave Used to cure dyspepsia none of them has
Portland dally a,t 11 o'clock a. m. for fflvn " complete ai.d general satlnfac
Tacoma, Spokane, and the East. tlon aa Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets, an 1
connection made at Spokane for Rosa- nt lf-at In Importance in these hard
tand. Nelson, Sandow and British Co- tlmt ' th fat thitt 1tKV M a1"" "'
lumbla mining campa For maps and chwipest and glvejthe rrKjst gol for the
information call on or address ltaHt mOT"-y-
C. W. STONE lii'tle i'Mik on caue and cure of
Astoria Or stomach troubles w-nl free by iidilrsing
' ' Btuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
When going- East travel on the North
ern Paclflc Railway. Quick time an 1 the A menu for each meal made out week
only line running dining cars. Train ly, will save mu-h anxiety as to each
leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
Ml YolSK.
Veel. Tom Kute IHi
Henry iiiimt, ,m n ii
tieotve Stotwn, Am nh i;io .
Villi AOS l I'll I A.
T .pom, Am h
llt!!M.. ir h
t'.ii.e r i ll, ir .li
Mll Mltil:K, im a...
amm Kr.
VIt lit re Hr lk
l.-.hlillm., Hr ii
vtlenbank, Urbk
r tow s,
t,U'.Hi,v. It r !i
Aaurtlev, Hr sli .
I'Ullt ittll.
Omn iru, Hr h
FKlll HANfl X, Af,
Aaamtta, Hr bk KVvV
la,lv Wenitmrth l!r!i i.-J
Ktt. Htokinen., t;r ti
lieu Avon, Ur lk
Sierra Nevsd. r h
limueollii, Hr bfc
nosm lif.
J. C. lilutif. tier bk
Dovvuby Hall. Hr h !
Klunws shirv.Rr h .iS.V..iOVI... ,W
andsnelra. Hr sli.... ir...liAl... .'1
lrtuirt)liir. Hr h mi..ltAl... i,
tarrntisie. ur n i-.s.'...iiaI...
Pntviiiee, Hrh ...liSd ..HO vl... I.
OlK'rou, Hr t'tl .lu...ltVAl
I'rlaolpallty, Brbk ....VS 1(VAI
Opheiis, Xor l Hi:.. AA Al
Rio !F JtMllo,
Ctlvnrk,rlrh 1W. .AU1
Kiinltlr. Br i-.... .vv ..ltl
Herou Ktn-k, Hr h IT.v ..lotUI,
t'mnbrinn knur. Brk livm . HuaI,
Kil ol t Ijdr. ur h ITII. Imui.
E'leutiUyiuore.Ur ii ItHJ ..ttl.
DmmharUm . Rr lh ' ,-, .,.,
TAUIK sav.
(ialcotm rulIe.Hr lh
I t'oltiliot'h. Hr sh
l.s...U'vl .
liurtiritlut'. br h ;ul
TAL t U .
I Adolf, tier h
! Florida. Xor tr .
; Br tk....
lini.VI ... -
'AI . a;
, r,ln, 1!r n
i:i: ..IiAl... -
Tenkio Vlsrn, J.ip bk
Hial.nire. Hr ir
: 1 1
-': lu'vi . ItO.Vl.
...Hi.' IH'.VI .
t.dottt-ra'tti. Itr n
The Andreta iut 10 ,-.-inl ty.
The sttunier Culumbln
Mlltxl for J:.n
j r 'U"L'" ""u,u"-
The first Orientul iirjmir In the t.
R. & X. new line will arrive nti-uit tl.e
The Oerman ship IVru. which nrrtv-1
In Monday, stilled from lUko-lute. J i;, m.
September ll'th.
The Elder will return from Al 1 -k 1
ubout the kth, ami it is eipf t.n that
she will carry another Urge t-,ir '-a. k
to Alaska.
The German ship Wllkotnen. Ciipiain
Frees, sailed from Japan August an I
: arrived here Moi.thiy, In ez..fp'.lo:iall
guod time,
The Manzanlta steamed up to ttv cui
bunkers yeienluy on her maid. 11 trip
and coaled up. She will ict-t ready f- r
the trial trip In a few days.
A Posltlvo Cure fir Losppsla.
This muy read as though we were put-
ting It a little strong bcaiuse It is gen-
itr'llly h""f't ' the majority of po-
(W t.. it ,;(,. ;..l.i in lis chronic form
Is Incurable, or practkully so. But we
haV" lon 8l"ce "hown tht "Wl
" cile- nor 11 h a "
matter as It first appears.
! The trouble with dysiM-ptlcs Is that
! thrfr ire rxtitlnuiUly dieting, starving
themselves, or going to oriposlte t-x-itrtmes
or else deluging the already
, over burdrnl stomach with "bittern"
I "after dinner pills," etc., which Invar
jiably Increase the difficulty even If In
some cases they do give a slight tern
t wary relief. Such tn-aiment of the
stomach simply makes matters worse.
What the stomach wants is a r-s(. .ow
how can the stomach become rested, re
cuperated and at the some time the body
j nourtMhi 1 and sustained.
; irils M the great secret un.l mu i
also the "ecr,-t "' uniform success of
;,u!'rt 8 W'l-na Tablets. Tills Is ,
comparatively new remedy. .,!t fts sue
""""'amy leaves no .I011M as to
iL m-rlt,,
The tablets will digest the food any
a' TKA n"""" or condition of Hiom.i-h.
! 'r'"n iysp..,ia according
oeiore ano: after each meal iind the re
sun win ije tnat the food will be di
gested no matter how bad your dyspepsia.
mjty oe, because as Wore stated th
tablet will digest the food even If the
stomach is wholly inactive. To lllus
trate our meaning plainly, If you take
-m rralns of eat, egg or ordinary food
and Pla: It In a temperature of 58 de
srees, and put with it one of Stuart
Dyspepsia Tablets, It will digest the meat
r c', almost as perfectly as If the
encloses within the stomach,
Tn omach may be ever so weak yet
th tablet will perform the work of
ftlon and the body and brain wll
properly nourished and at the same
'"e a radical, lasting cure of dyspepsia
wl" made, because the much-abutted
day's maals.
j lVf(l
X ,fl viS
J TOBAlt 0 J
I. II... - f -.""" ' " 1 A
ML ml
:... tOlU I ... - IjW'i I ..A.
m 17 ssajir w
r.ll.' I m. it lit. ,1 sa
" I ire Henderson Is hark from Klondike with a barrel of moMy.
He must have struck rich mine."
" No, he didn't do any milling at all. Ho took a supply of Piper
Heidsieck i'lug along and sol Jit to the miner."
The Plug U Larger Everywhere mone tobacco
chewers the recent enl4rb'ement of the I'iper lleidsicck
Tlug is a matter of common talk, and univenal congratu
lation. More than one-third bigger than before, and
better than ever, the tobacco with that delicious cham
pagne flavor promises to be the most popular "chew"
in the whole wide world. Try the New five-Cent Size
Piper Heidsieck
Plug Tobacco
luiuot a lAtuutM
tius or
mmmm m ... As-rrsk n Insnorrnrsta
rrriDStJIII trnlhBsatlrlrinillwsontts,
tin auirrmr. sra not racwl br Iwtois is brua nlaety pr esnt ts trrmtila nt
riUUIHU. ft'l'IIIICN K IsUMOnir knavn rBn1r InnmalltHMll in urlkin. W IMllnvnik
alt A wriiiMrotn"!!!' an-1 utir ftomtl If Ma hnir lm nut edaut a aruuuwt.tu
luOaboi.aia lor mail. ManU tor rssactrmUrand IraUmonlaia,
AddrwAYOI.IiKDICIllBCr.aVasTtelMaCal Js-AiMs
CHA3 ROUERd. til Commercial Street.
hta.o rutnr. llniUch,
siona. Nrrtuuaona, all
vunrr ss. eauani r
pt-naiui .irruiarrr.
Matiillactiirv.1 h lh
"".'A- 'hit -UK SaitatMy
Ross, Higgins iS: Company
Bond Street
There Is no occasion to worry over the
progressive tendency of the bicycle crnxe
when we read that a woman's wheel will
le exchanged for a baby coach.
In answer to the question, "Will you
love me nlwuya?'' a woman replies, "Al
ways." A man hedging Utile Is not
quite so oertaln, and says, "I think I
Reading: or Distance Glasses
16 00 Eye Classes for 13 25, or
13.00 Eye Glasses for ILT5.
Warranted Gold Plated Frames.
Makel your friend a beautiful and use.
ful present We guarantee a 'perfect fit
by mall providing when you order th
glasses you answer the following ques.
tlons: How old Ever used glasses?
How long? Male or female?
OEO. MATERLE, Expert Optician.
28 Third street, San Frandsoo
Opticians and Photographic Supplies.
IV V 1 1 heia tiny Capiule ar mpeno
l M '0 Ba'sam of Copaibi,.
..L.I I ! . r .
vuueui or in ocuons anofuinv
the tame diseases with--
out Inconvenience.
SdiI nil drrllt.
Haw Scant Rair Akaalatelf laka.wa to th
profmalon. Ieraftacat Carea In IS to days. Wa
noma f or t be aunt orlra
I And thm Mm si.i
ta with tboa who
rmw to rom bvrm r
. Ucm or pftj' eitwiiM of
win contract w
an4 bote!
Make aa
1911 Char "
liapJUour. If
wa fall to
yon tiBsT tvt-ii .
ttjll hitva ftchni nd
In mouth, ore Throat,
I Dfitai I'lrfraonan
.frhrvw faliln out,
HtvnAmrr or Tertiary
Vuarafilec U, '.
tefassMnrid cbmtlrngt
raaaot curr TfiU di
tha -LIII of tha moH
I'Unn. Munm Pat"
rlapaV,t:vppfr4 a
part tli.Hlj H.t
t U till. Prla.r.
at r a. I III- tliatf.
-t.'-i1 ' in'Mt altli
tht anrld forara mm ,
t-as-e haut alniiVH ! !
wlNat DhfIHa thin fJlNM witu our VPHILKSk and wa
b-a 5i'0'r pii.ii t-hlnf f tir dnwndliional
gum n nun-. Wntaiufor toii.u. h.w.L ...h k.aj.ia
I 1
Till rl VmisI,I
t'rvtieb puyaii-tati, will qu,.-hl)rt-ur ytmof ail itrr
01 ui (urrtuts attiu. auitt u Mai Mui
Jiai,niiiia,runain ui na.-s.iwuMiKi s.iuusii,,Hi imuiiia
'uu.i, I'nlluisai to Marry, Kiituuun Imins Vrimrai 4
t,'tnilltiUnn. llsUt SJI liMrs bf tiny nr ItlCltL PntvtnU Uh k-
smul dia-ltart,nirQif nulrtit-ire.i in.T tartsrtiiiiirriitMk ana
inistMDr7. iinvi-RKn
UMUtW, ila)
all Unpuriu.
Br aelar Dr. '
lallaw Hers fllla.
This wuoila-rlul rtsiail
BtntialdimarL luah ki WmV ll.mim, I
Wakelttloeaa, Lual Msoboud, Mahily Kmia.
drama, loa u( puwrr In Ucasralive Vitaa of 1
or rsaniun, aiitilhlul srrora, riitiiln uar of I
tubacra, opium or stimnlsnta. which lfd la Inftrniif, Conaampliuaor
lnaaoiir. Can bsrarriad Inimncckri li aoprr bos, 6 It , b mail
sold rv all tlrurtlsta Aak for II. Ukioodhtr.
Pnu UMiriiia in t'.,.- w,.MM t .... t.-...
vmi v.w., uiauiBBus(a(tau. 1 bum b4 YamolU bis., IVxUanJ, ur.
J W mNN. ABt Astsrla.
uThe Louvre"
AbTORU S (iOltl.COlS
Fin Moalr. Hams of All Kinds. Two I
Magnlflreol liar.
cveiittiinc rmsT-russ
Good Order and Everybody's Rlghti
Merchant Tailors.
Cnderrlolliliutmailo loonier. Hulls ami trtr
made a psrli'd fit. Krcry order punctu
ally on tune. HathfHctlmi guaranteed.
Cheaper Than Any Other I'lace In the City.
Welch lll.ick, 058 Commercial HI.
Oriental Novelties
Japanese Goods
543 Commercial Street
Next to Madison's Cigar Htaui'
Astoria Public Library
Open every day from 1 o'olock to l:M
and MO to 1:10 p. m.
Subscription rates tt per annum.
8. W. Oor. Eleventh and Duans BtreoUs,
Emil Schacht
Room 317-318
Portland Saving. Bank Bldz.
Portland, Oregon.
1,, at "i nui aon-aotannnn
J ranMlr for Uonnrrhwa.
la Ik, 41.;. Hliltna, on natural ,lia
Oaaraawd H "harara. or ana h.n.n.n...
Bat la auuiara. tlon. lpHlil,.n ... ..
Il-nnata auuvoa. tl.,0 of iimicoui m,ni.
'HEEvaN CHtmoii Or branaa. Mon-astrin(i,ttt,
k OiMCiNMari.O X I "ol" f DrassUta.
0. a k. j,. r"' "nt In plain wrappar.
or aiprwa Dn-paiil. for
tl.OI. ur bottlM, 075.
Circular sent un ransast
A.&C. R. R. R.
In'cct Scpl. N, Ih!i7.
Leave Astoria for Flavsl at t 'A . SB.,
It mi., I p. m. 1 1 p, in. and I H p. 111,
Leave Astoria Mr Beaalda via Flavsl at
: a, in. and t p. m.
Lsav's Flavsl for Astoria at I N a, m.,
10:4ft a. m., 1;W p. m I U p. m, an
I N p. m.
Leave Heasld for Astoria via Fljral
al 7.10 a. m. and I p. in.
All llttf Above Trails Arc Dully.
Mil 1 11
I'ltKHH, ,.r Ipiii,
KiH'bii,s. A.lilitii.l,
luetamvaio, Or'""
Hau Fraiifltru, klt
lte, Ahrf'lf",
kl I'smi, New nr
lrsli slid III Kiut
"0 P. M.
J A & . Hawbtirg rlir N P, M.
VI WuH)arn, fur
Mount AhS'i, "H
Vertntl, Wetl Htin,
r)rtiiili, rln
Held slid MulMii . .
! :)
I rluuilajr.
lit w I. M.
1 JO A. U t'urvallli ptriier.
II W f l.
" M'.iH .
JUrViiii. villi' pssi'sr
H'slly tri Hulld),
ConneolUif al Ban Franci- wtlh Oo.
vidental A (iriantal. I'aoino Mall, ae4
Oceanic sisamehlp Una fur
ixjw rAiiEU, dat-
P,M, Bocotid Class; 110 00, First CUssi
Includltis; borth.
Hlmllar rrduollona to Ix Anreles,
Fresno and oiher Callf"mla poiota.
lias-fas- cherknt lu dttsll Jitlm.
Unn(tr. O F. an.1 P. A,
fill! ONLY DlrflNO-CAK Hot TK I'KOJI
lURflMI lUlllaaArll.
N.t floN A L I'AHK.
a. I Mall ful haialna
t'llrhalla. I'fMiUaila.
So.. iM.,i llei d, Muiilruano o .
Aiirrorcii. oiyuihla. la
roma, (Wall I.-. Vli'lnrls,
I'nrt TiiWIiaeliil, Klletia
ibiirs, stKtkane. Hiilani
ill 0 . Trail. II r Nel
aon, II I hMl". Mia
ami . Itiitlr. Aliaruttda.
II: A.M. Ilrlnm, f 1., M'ii-i 1 10 P. M
lieaMMta, Ksllttaa Illy,
Oinulia, I imui'll hlurt..
M. Uiu.,l'hli aii,h
Inuloti. ,SV Yurk. rial
sirlilils,Hiatiiii, ami all
poinia aim .miuui
I DA VS to XlinniMipolls. Omaha. Kao-
s& City sutd Ht Paul.
i DAVB (o Mllwaukae and Chicago.
IH DATS to Wanhkmrton, I'hlladflphla,
New Tork and Hosloi, atvl
other Easiem points.
Pg(T chrkid thrnigli to doaWlnUasi
of rickets.
Tor rmiTiUimi, tlrksts,
map and full Information, oall 00 nr
Ais't Osa'l I'sas., Portland. Or
tan Morrison Ht., I or Third.
C W. BTONE, Atorlv
If you are, do not forgot
Flrst-Oo via th fit. pul because tae
lln to that point will altord you the
very brat rvoe.
Socond Reu thnt th coupon lieyond
fit. Paul rnl via th Wlsoonaln Cen
tral because thnt line miik clos con
nections wlih nil tli trunsoonllnontal
lln' entering the Union Di-pot thers,
and It -irsrvlce I nrst-clnss In very
Third For Information, oall on your
neighbor and frVtl th nearest ticket
agent-nd ask for a ticket reading via
th Wisconsin Central tines, or addraaa
Ocneral rassongsr Agont, '
Milwaukee, Wliooaaln.
Oenaral Agent,
PortUod, Oregon.
Columbia River and Pugat Bound Nav
Igatloo Co.
Leave Astoria dally except Sunday,
" P. m.
Leave Portland dally eicopt Bunday,
7 a. m.
Leav Astoria dully except Bunday and
Monday at 7 a. m.; Bunday night at 7
Leave Portland dally exoopt BundAV at
I p. m.
Leave Saturday night at 10 o'clock.
U. B. SCOTT, PrasldsBt,
E. A. Beeley, Agent, Portland. 1
C. W. Btona, Agent, Astoria, 1 '
Telephone No. It , j
IQ aeoT' vt J
ItrtV-iJuit Ql