The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 06, 1897, Image 1

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p , i . , . ' i
i t
I:., , ,
tlffeeat and best paper
on tb Columbia River
THE ASTOfUAN M the larfCst
circulation of anv titr
on the Coiumfcli River
NO. 52.
Osgood Stock
While this sale lasts the greatest bargains ever offered
may belhad, and the sale will not last a great while longer.
as prices:;havc been put on the goods that are bound to
make them sell quickly. It Is not every day that you can
get a $15 Suit for from $5 to $8. or a $3 Hat for $1.50,
or a pair of $2.25 Shoes for $1.40, and while the ocpor
tunlty ;iasts anyone needing anything In this line should
take advantage of it, as A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR
If you do not wish to buy, come In and seethe prices, and then
leu your friends bow cheap foods are feeing sold.
School Books
Composition Books
haw iIik bMl tii I ohpt Mm of I'so And P.neU
1 atiU'i. iu aiijr.
J. . I.AWH
Air-Tight Heaters...
Tur "Superior"
Ste tad KtitjM.
E. R. Hawes' Store
Sole Agents for Knox and Wauburton Hats
Hatters and
94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR.
....The Only Exclusive Men's Furnlsners....i
Our Royal
Cream Flour
Sole Agents
Cold weather
1 n.mlfitf, nrnl
Kveryoim want
7.V llii)-. h pnlr of (jirit white or tirny llln lik
en, worlli ll.dta iur.
SI, 'Hi lluy an Mini heavy jtr of white or
gray blanket worth !, .
II.'V, 1 1 u pair of cxlrn rimrlno Mutik
ii, worth Miry cent of
Urr liny a t ni ronifr"-r worth TV.
Ifjr per yard buy the best ouallty blenched
full width (heeling.
avidiy a run !. goon heavy pon,frw-r V-Buy, good eolton towel,
worth l.!f..
'tm buy, th bt Turkldi towel Vi Inehm long.
K. V l'r jam miy me urn linrmwjieu lull i.mnrl,n..uJ !.. l.l v ... oi... run .-r
wlillh htlui( loiidc toweling.
Statement of Captains of
the Peru ami Orion.
inii:knational saium; law
Both Vtiutt here ldtr Sil-Siko..Kr
htfi oi Iter Coar( ia4 Made No Ef
fort i. Atuit CuIIUtos.
V-trrOay ufti rmion th niu.tcrs of t!,
hl hikI iK hiKUivr whlih cinn Into tol-
t hut ii'dxiOy will lop rnornrrt to qu--tlon
hi. truthfuirw-M. He ha rrcHv.l
i"llf at t lie hnnl of Oit great lnt
fiictor. lr. Ijurrln, and d'llrr. to Inform
nil oftllctpd that they may liuv. the iimi
oiort unity. Mr. Weat'i ttlmonll l
given bnlow:
To the I'ubllc: I am nut In the liahlt
of iurfliig traveling doctora, but I cannot
In )')'.U: to the puWIo and Ir. Darrin
pormlt thla o(iportunlty to pnai to eiprcn
my aiiiifiu:tlon lr th. dortor'a treatment
of my ciim of deaf na and ringing sound.
In my ear,, t have ln undr hla treat.
miDt for tha ahove trouhla and And
trrut r. ll-f. JIM WKBT.
I)r. rwrrln will remain at tho Oxidant
lloii l, Antorlii, until November 1. and will
In futuro treat all canrt with office or
home irwtmiTit at the reduced rat. of
tZ it week, or In that proportion of time,
im riw rruiy require. The poor treated
rw. irx-eii nudlclny), from 9 to W
a. m. dally. I'Htlenta able to pay, from
10 a. m. to 6 p. rn. Evening., T to I
Kxumlnatlon fn to all.
General Blanco Kill Probably lie Se
lected as 'eler' SucccsMir.
folic? of Coaciliitwr ai4 Mercy Dc
teriac4 oi ii Cibji
In an ir.terly demorallK condition anil
he Bi'atileh flag waa h'iulM down.
"Our loaaej numlwred & men. All th
alck and wounded ttpanlnrd . aent
to hoe pita la and given every poailble at
tenUon. The prtaoncra were all r.ued.
If we ha1 I ww more dynamite gun
we ahtould aoon end the war. fteportf
of It dee true the work have apread all
through Cuba and have dlaheartinej the
Bpanlih aoldlera."
Ntw Vork. Oc toiler 1 A lo
the Herald from Madrid naif thu .ulvent
llrfori off th mouth of the river Mun.Uy Kan Krartiw, fx toU-r H.-Cirur jof lht ,ltwraJ Mrty t0 p,rJfvr b:it
niatit mud.. tl.Hr ottldul .!airm,i 0t Whitney, the well-known aportlnjc rlur. remarkably well received throughout t!:e
i" "'", wiiun piucej tn matter no incurreu in umpieaaure or ioch whole penlnaula
' i"ie tjinereiii iignt rrvni thul 1 :r- omaieur auin' mm year oy nm - Vr-iiiMi that
toforr rvMirtt.l. iiutirintlon of murly everything In the ..u ...
I ... . u i .vuiu a t vow wo
' upiiiiu ivter .Nel,,n of the vhooner I nature of umateur tort In the Went
Orion, whirl) run down !,;-. ,,r,i l lufiiln u vlallor Ih Ban Kr.uiila'O. He
by Hie Ovrmiin nhl;) l'eru, ay: ,U on hi way to Kiam lo hunt but iam.
'I left S.i n KruiK'lut'o Bet-mlier J4,
It ut ll,i. We were bounJ t,
llend. When trii mil. went
miuth of the Columblu river we
, inn v.rwn nave nox r.winaeo, ami ne null of ,h phlnI,Ijnel,
nuoner I i year oM mid value' nl' 'nn' the nitili-tic eiuiw or the const
It lf!l ll IJrUHTIllUll-
Huu'.h r domltuited by
of '.i 1 allnm.
Mnnulnctiirer and
Dealer In m m
A full line of Pltwt, Tobacco,
and 5mukra' Article..
474 Commercial Ht,
with the eietnian uhlp l'eru. I did nitli
Ing -Ju.t kejn on my coume by the wtii.i.
The oiptuln and the crew of the iierm.i.1
Mo n.-lst.M all hand on U-nrtl after
trw r.illlnl.iti, (in.! saved our live. ...eie
were li at ut all told. ,.,e wln.l wn
blowing atuiut ten mile an hour mil
.tip ea n medium rough. The rh:r
wa towed Into the Columblu riwr
I a"-ve onleri to the man at the w nee:,
ii.l I nbbr I wua rluht, to keep on
my coume. 1 claim 1 had the rU-in i-
Captain 1'. (ihllng, ninater of the l:'r-
man ulilp IVru. report cunceintiu -l
roiiiainn a rollowa; "At i 3u p. in , lc
tole r I. K'T, off the mouth of the Cd;iri-
bla rHcr. we collble.l with the Auieil n-i
fhumirr Orion, the 1',-ru ! Ina In tow
f the tuir Itellef, but with top Kifl-i Plid
"pirall'tnt ill iet, wind blii(( N. .
alwut i: to ll mllee In force. I kuw
he I'rlon. She in on the ulut tiOard
in k when the venael were appro u hlng
lo. to one another. Itoth the tut- ni.u-
er and pilot endeavored to avi.UI the cob
et'Oi by put Unit the IVru' hjid to lee
w.irl to m" OKtern of the Orion. T.o
nmrii uver wouM hnve b. fnKUCcraafuliy
errornn-1 in rw nilimTm more ami
ho eolllHlon nvoklnl had the miuter of
he neh.Miner aoinething to .i l.l Pi
voiding the IVru. XotvltnatandliiK that
could ee every effort wn lieliui m.'u!"
th by the tiw unl tin- alilo lab
forn the wind, he held on hi foot-
without any effort to nvo, the dlnrt.'e,
golnit on the l'eru' lwn an! brtng run
lown. The Orion' crew Were rectir.l I v
he l'eru."
The .chooner carrlel no Inaunin-e
Imtever, nnd will be nu
ffort no far haltiir been m.ulc one
the wreck. Cnplnln CordiMer. who w
pilot on the ilernrin xhlp. and Cnpti'i
Howe, who nu In coninmnd of tne tua
Itellef n( the time, are both report":!
i have atuted that the captain or inc
hooner Iwcnnie rnttletl, ami nfter having
tnrn-l ado the hnwer lietweeti ..."
ug and the hlp chaiiged hi ovnirm. .ift r
he tug had conio to and lackehTl the
hawniT o he mlcht hive ciwkoI In
The vetwel were under the Interna.
rlonal rule, which read it follow:
I(Jk of collision enn, when rtrcuni-
tancr IH-rmlt, be nucertalned by curt-
fully watching the compns and hearing
of an approaching vewiel. If the hVnrlm:
loo not appreciably change. oiicTi risk
hould b divmi'O to exist.
"When two nailing vessel are approach
ing one another, o n to Involve rbk
collision, jne of them ahull keep out
f the way of the other ns followsj imine-
: A vesacl which I running free shull
op out of the way of a vessel wh h
Is clo.i hauled, A vessel which V .-los.
hauled on the pom tack shall keep o,n
of the way of a vessel which Is clojc
hauled on the atnrbonrd tack. When Itoth
are running free, with the wind on dif
ferent sfdes, the vessel which ha the
wlivd on th. port aide ehall keup out ut
tho way of the other. When both. are
running free.wlth the wind on the nme
side, the vessel which 1 to tho windward
hall keep out of the way of the vess 1
which Is tv the leeward. A vessel which
ha tho wind aft shall keep out of .'
wuy of the other.
ivit) OEScrui'TioN dy uihtior bo t or
me sr vox)trtuD
The Half Sot Told .1 In Wealth Vork fur
all. bnt rood for rea t.rib.
Not VhUkev. Wilted.
W 1 till
Iraoe church wiia last night
to the door. The occasion
address by the Iilslwp of Alaska, the
Hev. r. T. llowc, uion the ubjc?t of
A!.iekm nilnslon. In the conrai.jn
wr men. wromcn ami children irorn fJI
the walk of life, anxlou to hear from ler.
IIMng lip of the land of wonder nnd
wealth, and none were dlapointe'l. For
more thun an hour the hlfhop held his
list, in rs spellbound. Intensely Inti-ri-st-lug,
vivid and grnjihlc ( hi dea.-np-
ar.d It wa popularly
a more aaluury rglm in
Initiated after
he removal of Weyler. It l noar under
stood that hia auccesaor will probaMy 1 1
OenenU Blanco, formerly governor-gen-
General Uli.nco
j 1 consMereJ tho i ofteal-heurted aolllcr
in Sfiain. He will be fully authvriied
I to approach the rvbt-l with a t lew to
making a mutual agreement for a, cessa
tion of hostilities.
Should he not go, a general will :n
any case be c-nt whoae modui o,uir 'J:
.11! 1... ian1 Hi f j . .n nni
termination and deliberate lnhunnnltv.
There la a good deal of latent curiosity
to ee what kind of a reception Gen-i-il
Weyler will meet with on hla return Is
the penlnaula.
"He had better'not come near Spain,"
aald a liberal yesterday.
The rumor that Germany and Austria
were minded to actively sympathize with
Siiiln In her diplomatic relations with
the I'nlteil States has been copied Into
only a very few organs of th.
pn-fls, und either attracted no att?nt' n
at all. or else was regarded as a c
nard. A erlou rtot occurred during the wv
ge of the Isle do Men-lalmo, whl:h has
Jut urrlvcd t Barcelona with troops
from the Philippines. Because a lead
soldier was going to be thrown overboarl
uncovered, while a dead priest was bur
led luxuriously, the troops rose unat I
mously, supiiorteJ by their olflcrs, u ii
a decent burial waa accorded the sol-
Washington, October J. The Rio Orande
Western railroad ha applied to th. xc
retary of the Interior for p:rmli'on V
survey a rout, across th. Llntan Inrluin
reservation.. Accompanying the appli
catkm was a statement from Indian
Agent Beck to (he effect that he had
consulted the Indians and that the7 had
offered no objection to the survey, fie:,
rotary Bliss referred the application to
the comml4on-r of Indian affair, end
It has had his approval.
It Is regarded as probable '.hit the
secretary will grwnt the request ot th.
Nomlaated by the Demoeratsl for
.Mayor of Greater New York.
reople Cater fur tbe 9iig!e-Tn Cnii
Akolist ill Tariffs and Establisk
tie Chicago risttorm.
Son Francisco, October S. During the
past week an unprecedented number of
Chinese have been arremed lata at night
all armed with murderous-looking revol
vers. The character of th. men and the
nature of th. weapon lead the poiut
to believe that hostilities between the par
ting factions are about to be resjaod.
New York, October 5. A World dispatrn
from M.idrid uy:
Sovasta has been disappointed In his
tlon of his lrli from Dyea over tho Chll- effort to Induce all prominent statesmen
koot mss and down the Yukon to St. of the liln-ral party to Join his cabinet
Michaels. Kvery lake and stream, every , In the present critical oircumstancea.
dltlloulty of country, beauty and mirvel Therefore he has hud to content himself
of nature, were so pictured that Mis hear-jwl:h a ministry composed of -iepeable.
era could almost Imuglne themselves with. but less Influential personal friends. An
iilHnstxk In hand on the Chllkoot sum- Id feud between thu riht wing and the
mfl with the whole country before them, 'democrats In the lllierul party prevented
Columns could not lo Justice to his ! Senor Gumuzo from accepting his 9ai a id
woiM-palntln.- of I'ncie Sam's greatest j his brother-in-law, Senor Maura, the
iwssesslon. He said the Chllkoot was 'author of the tlrst Cuban home rule bill.
alsei is excluded, chlelly through the In-
General Contractor
Shield Brand Hims, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
Guaranteed th Best In th. Market
Against tho Ills Flesh Is Heir To.
All our renders are by this tlm. fa
miliar with th. nam. of Dr. Dun In, and
they no uuitut read with Interest ac
count of the many remarkable cures
by electricity this celebrated physician
has performed. We suspect that some
hnve read the testimonials of grateful
putlents wlfh Rome suspicion as to their
authenticity, therefore we are gratified
to be able to present a testimonial that
must put at rest .very possible doubt.
There Is prohably not a better known
mnn In Astoria than James West. II.
lins spent a long tlm. among the people
p' this sedtlon, and hi. reputation Is such
the preferable route to either :he Ft
Michael river Journey or to any of tlii'(luence of the lileml party In Spain,
other overland route. The danger are Th,. only strong men In the cabinet are
not so great a have been plcturvl. but Senor Putgoesver. the minister of ffnance;
the dlfllcultles are vreat enough. The
riches of gold have not been hulf tol l
by tht, newp.i(eri. Miners will not tell
of the riches because there Is not now.
mil never has been since the history
of the white man In that country, sutti
clent food supplies for the populatlm.
Only recently, at St. .Michaels, miners
lined up with Winchesters und forcnl
the tnmsportntlun coniany to lotid ficl
Instead of whisky on the boats for .he
Interior. Food they want, and not spirits.
Justice I iHMUtlfully mctcd out without
law. The people are of the higher ci.i'Ses.
unil for law and order.
In another year he hoies for better
supplies of provisions. Untold hardships
liuve lHen enduriil In the ptist and wl'l
be .again optics UIiceo conditions tire
rhnnged. There s work niut gvxvl wag.
for all unemployed for years to come, but
tho warning is not to go without food.
The mission tire doing good work
with their hospitals nnkl schools, and the
natives ore bolng trained to ted:h.
The services fcisi night were partici
pated In by the Rev. Mr. Hykind. Rev.
Mr. glenoid, chaplain at Fort Canny,
nml Rector Short.
San Franclsoo. Octolier B. mo L'nlted
States circuit court of apeiils has handed
down a decision of gr?at Importance,
Inasmuch a by It the revenues of the
government will lie Increased many hc.n
dreils of thousands of dollars per an
num. The case was to determine the
disputed point ns to whether tapioca flour
should be admitted free of duty ns such
tinkler the McKlnley bill or whether It
should be required to pay a duty of two
cents per pound us starch. Thl flour Is
used almost exclusively In all the Chinese
laundries In the United States, because
of Its cheapness, as starch, and
been the moot forniklable obstacle the j Surren.Wed.
starch manufacturing Industry in the, troop a.
United State, has to oontend with. If by
the decision of tho court It musl pay
a duty, that obstacle will be removed.
Senor Uapdebon. the minister of the In
terior; und Senor Morel, the minister for
the colonies. The last-named accepted
the colonies with a view of playing th
hlef port In reversing the policy of ;! e
conservatives In regard to Cuba and the
Philippine Islands. With his knovlodge
of English, Senor Morel naturally will
e lu a position to assist the minister of
foreign affairs, Senor Uullon. who I
o well acquainted with SjKiin's foreign
relations as Is Morel.
New York. October 5. Toma Estrada
Palma, chief of the Cuban Junta, has
received a letter from Geneet Gomes.
commander-in-chief of the Cuban army.
"Wyler's successor In Cuba," writes
the general, "In order to cope with the
rebellion at Its present standing, will be
obliged to demand two humlred thous.tnd
troops and $WO.00tUoo, and even then he
will fall, us tgnomlnlously as Weyler ha:
foiled. Our men were never lmbuid with
a more hopeful trt than they nre at
present. The campaign In Ia Villa has
been an uttor failure. Th Spanish sol-
tllers avoided us at everj- possible oppor
tunity. .This seemed to encourago our
men. If Weyler be recalled, his sue
censor here, whoever he may be. will
he surprised to see the spirit of victory
which animates the brave Cubun trorps.
W cannot be subjected, and no om.
knows this better than Weyler."
With the Gomel letter was one from
General Callxtxo Garcia, who commands
th. troops In the eastern provinces. It
guve some particulars concerning the
capture of Las Limns on August 30 last.
"The ciynnmlte which was sent us.'
writes General Garcia, "played an Im
jjortant part 1n the captunre of La
Luna. Its destructive shells spreud ter
ror1 through ithe Sjwnlsh ;trooiw. W
It has .besieged It for three days, when It flnnllv
we tumiu niuny in,
terrible condition. At bust
100 men fell victims to the dynamite
shells, a good many more being badly
wounded. The rest of the 500 mel were
A large fortiei ot tbe rrck5eJMo.ey
Will Co lit. lamediate
New York, October 5. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says
Former Governor Hoadley, counsel for
the Union Pacific reorgunUaUo.i syndi
cate, will discuss the final details ot
tbe foreclosure sale of the road wi'h
Attorn?y-GentraI tomorrow. It
i probable nn arrangement will be mide
by which th. purchase money can he
paid by the them without taking much
f It out of actual circulation and locking
It up in the treasury. Under the terms
of Bale the final installment must be
paid on January 1. On the same date
the government will be called tipo'i to
ay la.bout ',0m,000 Union Pacific ra lroad
onds on which the roads have forf.' ttil.
t will be probably settled tomorrow that
$a,MUu of the purchase money shall
be placed In national bank depositor e
of the United States in place of utlns
piled into the treasury and thus rcr.iain
in circulation.
New York, October t. Henry George
accepted th. nomination for mayor of
Greater New York at Cooper Union to
night. It was In th. same hall, and he
fore many of th. same people, that he
accepted the nomination eleven years
ago. In 1SSC he received M,000 votes. To
night', meeting: wa the greatest outpour
Ign of people Men In this city during
the present campaign. The doors were
opened at 7:13 and In less than two min
utes .very .eat In the big hall ws. oc
cupied, and th. aisle, a for aa th. police
permitted, were crowded. Hundreds weis
turned away during the next flf'een
minutes, and by 8 o'clock several thou
sand, unable to gain admission, assem
bled outside and held open air me-TThg
on the plaxa. which were adrdessed by
local speakers.
Henry George' appearance before Cue
meeting wa. th. signal for an outburst
of cheering that lasted three minute.
Jerome O'Neill, of the Centraf Labor
Union, presided. The chairman mentlone 1
the Chicago platform, whereupon tBe en
tire audience rose to Its feet as on. man.
and hats, handkerchiefs, etc., were wav&i
In the air and the cheering- continued (or
several minute..
George entered the hall with Tom L.
Johnson, of Ohio. The audience again
rose wfth more fervor than before, and
a wild hurricane of cheering began.
A. B. Crutckshank, of the united demo
crats, then formally offered the nomina
tion on behalf of his organisation to Air.
George. Chas. Frederick Ames, on be
half of the democratic alliance, then of
fered to George the nomination of th;
organization which he represented.
Chas. T. Gowey. of the people's pari7.
and John H. Crosby, of the Manhattan
Single Tax Club, also notified Mr. Seorge
of his nomination by their respective or
The rising of Mr. George was the flgnal
for tanother outburst of cheering. Mr.
George said:
Fellow democrats men who voted last
year for William Jennings Bryan: I ac
cept your nomination. From now unt'l
election day doses I am yours. Aye, and
after election, too. I am a democrat
Thurtdrous aplause and cries of "Not
of the Hill stripe.") I cannot divide Into
parts the questions which I. aa a citizen,
have to do with. For the same reasons
that I oppose this monstrous tariff In ail
Its force, for the same reason that 1
would vote where I could for the utter
abolition of the tariff for that reason I
am opposed fb Interference with the In
dustrial liberty which you see here In New
York. I am a democrat in the JefTer
sonlan sense. Because the Chicago plat
form represented the hlea of giving tbe
great common people what belongs to
them, I stood for It. voted for It. and was
sorrier than ever that It was defeated."
Los Angeles. October 5. Hoggin and
Levis have virtually abandoned the rais
ing of driving- horses for the market.
H. A. Castro, who has charge of the
Arm's ranch In Kern county, has sol i
15 horses In this city. He suys;
"We have not been breeding driving
horses to any extent for three vtars.
The demand for this class of horses has
gradually diminished and the prices nave
consequently greatly fallen. This state I
of affairs Is to be attributed In my opin- Skim Franasco, October 5 Theodore
Ion to the coming of the bicycle mi purrant through his attorneys has been
to the great progress that has been served with a motion by appellee Hale,
made everywhere In the state In conse- the warden of San Quentln. to dismiss
quence of the construction of electric tne appeal on habeas corpus whlt was
lines." Menled by the circuit court; also o af
firm the order of the lower court. ThTb
Port Townsend, October S The steam
schooner Aleut, of San Francisco, ar
rived tomsRt from Kodiak. where she
has been tending the Aletka cannery dur
ing the fishing season. From word brought
down by the Aleut It Is learned that
the Information given to the officers ot
motion will be presented to the United
States supreme court on the first Monday
In November. Service of the brief, h
well as the motion to be placed Before
the supreme court, was acknowledged by
Attorney Hart, for appellant, Durrani.
Attorney-General Fitzgerald, who rep
resent the state, will endeavor to secure
s, speedy decision, which he anticipates
the reveune cutter Perry by the captain followed by the execution of the
of the English cutter Pheasant, to t Bo .prisoner.
effect that the schooner Bryant was safe
at Kodiak was a mistake. The Aleut left
Kodiak September 20. 'two days uft'e:
the Bryant was reported there, and up
to the time of her leaving the Bryant
had not arrived, nor had she teen re
ported. Captain Rasmussen thinks the
Bryant Is yet all right.
Boston, October 5. The second game In
the Temple Cup series was like the firsr.
distinguished by terrific batting by bo:h
nines, but today Baltimore came out
ahead, through their ability to get mor
hits when they were most needed, whib.
Corbett. though hit hard, held the horn
team down at critical times. The gatni
was much more Interesting and exclLui?
than yesterday and some, of the !.or..
team was In It up to the last lnnlntr.
when they fell down, though one safe ti(
would have tied the score. '
Baltimore 13, Boston 11.,
Royal Bakes the food par, '
wholesome sod .licious.
Abftaluteiy Puro