THE DAILY ASTOkUAN, TOESDAV MORNING... OCTOBER 5, 1897. charged with th crime of maliciously Suits .to order, , killing an juilmnl. the property of an other. They were allowed until today to plead. F. Spittle was appoint! to defend Hatfield, Hugh Growr plead nut from aiZ.3U OP guilty to the prime of piloting a vessel without a license. Michael Anton plead gulltp to petty larceny, and was sen PailtS to order. tenoed to 90 day In the county Jail, in The Lightest Store In Astorln Isc'h Customers See hnt They're Haying the rase of the City of Astoria vs. I. $3.00 Lebcck. the Jury returned a verdict In from up favor of the defendant A ul of W. H. Raymond vs. R. I., Boyle was dismissed MM Our One true Mil and on net true Mil were JUST ROW- A Large Variety of Children's School Shoes, the Best on Earth Call and See Our Nobby Hlg-n . School Walking Boot At the Old Reliable StanJ- John Hahn & Co. 1 479 Commercial St. Are Wi A. V.ALLEN. Groceries, Feed, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Logger's Supplies. Cor.Tenth and Commercial street. CHAS. KAN & CO 367 Commercial St Dealer In Chinese and Japanese Curios, Fine Decorated China Ware, Silk Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of Ladies' and Children's Underwear Gent's Shirts Made to Order. TODAY'S WEATHER, fair watbert warmer. Umbrellas LOCK.", KEYS AND SK1S MACHINEA- Also all Light Machinery. C. H. Orkwitz US SCANS. Repaired Price cat in two. AROUNDTOWN. TUESDAY. The generous heart Should scorn a pleasure which gives oth ers pain. Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder. Cucumbers, very cheap, at Rosa, Hlg glns A Co. 'a. Fine cabbage for kraut at Rosa, H!g glns tt Co.'a. Mr. A. B. Hammond left Saturday for Ban Francisco. Lemons at great Elgglna ft Co.'. reduction at Ross, At the bowling alleys yesterday, H. M. Plcien socred 52. Groceries at the lowest prices at the Pacific Grocery Co. Bicycle and repair shop at 185 Ninth street. Charges reasonable. C. G. Palmberg left last night for Portland on a business trip. Born, to the wife of Oscar Berg, Unlon- town, Sunday evening, a son. A. P. Bradbury, of Portland, called on his Astoria friends yesterday. Our prices are the lowest In the city. Call and see us. Pacific Grocery Ox Umbrellas covered and repaired by a practical workman, at 185 Ninth street. Ask for sample of Chase at Sanborn's famous teas, at Ross, Biggins & Co.'a. The Every Monday Club met yesterday Afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Prael Fresh Ice cream and Ice cream soda at the Parlor candy factory, 483 Commercial street For roofllng and skylights go to the Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co., t Ninth street. Laoe curtains laundrled by Mrs. Raa- mussen. Leave orders at Cleveland's bakery. Ashland peaches, Bartett pears, silver prunes, choice apples, etc, etc, at Ross, Hlgglns St Co.s. Sunday Mr. John Xopp gave an enjoy able excursion on the launch Hactle to all of Ms employes and their families. A trip was made to Olncy, where a good time was had. $200022 Schilling's Best tea is the best you can get for anything like the money it costs. Schilling's Best baking pow der is the best you can jft-.t at any price. A Schilling Jfc Company San 1-.-J !.;.. ..FLYNN, the Tailor.. Mrs. Kindred awl Mr. Joeph Baker imv tomorrow for Portland on a short visit Fred Johnson, of the Foard & Stokes rvimnanv his rone to San Francisco on vacation. Ashland reaches cheap and good; also m. unr supply of other fine fruits at Roes, Hlrgln Co. P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor, IJi Tenia est. mt uignesi pnc. paid lor rur sain. Take your best friend to the Parlor for Ice eream and lc cream soda. Prl- Tat. parlors for UdUa. Have you seen the announcement of J. M. Laws concerning his Astoria man ufaoturcd air-tight stoves? In the county court, yesterday, Lars E TtdslevWd. a native of Norway, wma made a cltlien of th United States. For our. country milk and rich cream, of guaranteed, patronise the Excelsior dairy, W. J. Ingans, proprie tor. Go to the Parlor, successors to C B. Smith, for pure, sweet cream and fresh creamery butter and buttermilk .very day. C G. Palmberg, the leading contractor and builder. Is prepared to do all kinds of lobbing and building work; CJ Duane street Furnished room to rent, with good table board, at reasonable rates, at Mra. E. C Holden'a, corner of Duane and 'Ninth tracts. Rular meeting of Temple Lode. No. 7, A. F. and A. M., this evening alt 7:. Wrk on Second Degree. Sojourning Masons in good standing welcomed. A carload of "Hot Blast" and "Queen heaters to arrive; latest Improvements. Do not buy before comparing quality and price. Fisher Brothers, sale agenta. Sheriff Hare yesterday returned from Portland with T. Kables and Joe. Hat field, wanted as witnesses In the Tom linson case, and to defend suit against themselves. When you want a real life-like and artistic photo, don't fall to can on Snod- grass. The work be It) turning oat now Is ahead of anything ever mad. in As toria before. The committee having the recital for the library benefit in charge have been to great expense to secure the Portland artist, who will no doubt receive an ovation on Tuesday evening next Sunday, Eengtneer Hough, of the can factory, celebrated his ISth birthday at his residence by an informal party. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Belman, Mr. and Mrs. McCormack. Mrs. Ander son, and others. Miss Clara Toung Is such a favorite among her Astoria friends that she Is sure of an enthusiastic reception on Tuesday evening next, especially as this is her first appearance since returning from her European studies. At the M. E. church, last Sunday, Rev. W. B. Holllngshead preached in the morning and evening to good congrega tions. In appearace he Is a quiet, scholar ly man, ari his simple, direct and logl. eal treatment of the subjects selected for his texts at both services made a most favorable Impression on his hear ers. He has secured the residence for merly occupied by Mr. J. T. Ross, and. with Mrs. HoMnfrshead, was engaged yes terday with preparations to go to house keeping. Until the new pastor Is Installed In Mi home. It is understood that he and Mrs. Holllngshead will remain the guests of Mrs. Samuel Elmore. The Qulncy, 111., Journal of the 21st ult. says: "Dr. Ella P&Uon and her sis ter, Mrs. Charles C. Van Etten of Chi cago, left last nlghf for that city In response to a telegram announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Van Etten's hus band. The news was a great shock to the wife, as her husband was here sev eral weeks ago visiting at Dr. Patton's with her, Mrs. Van Etten and little four-pear-old son having been here some time visiting. Ho was In apparently good health then, although for the past year he aid been ailing considerably. The telegram gave no details of his death." Mr. and Mrs. Van Etten were residents of Astoria larrt year, and highly esteemed citizens. Captain Charles D. Stuart, of the Fort Canby llfesavlng crew, spent yesterday In the pity. He reports that the new light house nt the cape will be finished by November L with the exception of the lens, ahch are now on the way. The new lffewavlng station at Gray's harbor will 1 completed November 1. Ordnance Sergeant M. R. Sutherland will leave the fort In a few days after 33 years' service, having been 11 years at Fort Canby. The sergeant was one of the most popular men at the fort, and last nifrht everybody turned out and gave him three cheers for a farewell. He Is only 30 years old, and yet goes on the retired list. He entered the service as a mere boy. In the circuit court, yesterday, a large number of orders were entered. In the case of the State vs. Kables and Hat field, the defendants were arraigned and returned by the grand Jury. A. Stllnskl was discharged. Cyrus Nobl Old Bourbon Whiskey Is th. only American Whiskey of interna tional reputation. It la bottled only after It has been tx year In casks. It. flavors are developed by perfect storm; in heated warehouses, and this Is what makes It delicious In cocktails. TO CCRE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Broroo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It falls to cure; Sc. For aalo by Charles Rogr. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISHERMEN'S PACKING CO. Notice la hereby given to th stock holders of the Fishermen's Tacking Co. that a regular atmuM meeting will be held at their office at Aswrla, Oregon, the Sth day of October. ls"!7, at 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors and transacting other busi ness that may come before the meeting. JOHN PETERSUN. President AUG. MOBERC1, Secretory. Astoria, Or., Sept. 9. 1S97. AN AFPEAL FOR CLOTHING. Help the poor and needy by sending clothing to' the parlors of th W. C. T. V. In Rescue hsll on ar.y Thursdny from 1 p. m. till S p. m. THE BISHOP OF ALASKA. The Rt. Rv. P. T. Rowe, the bishop of Alaska, will arrive In the city this morning. BIslKVp Rowe was elected bishop at the general convention of the rrotesiam Episcopal church. In 1S5, ami consecrated soon after and repaired, to his field of labor early In 1WS. making his headquar ters In Juneau. Since his residence In Alaska he has mode the visitation of Circle City and St. Michaels via Chllkoot pass. Lake Lin derman and the Yukon river, visiting all the mission stations of the Episcopal church In his wide Jurisdiction, excepting Point Hope. Bishop Rowe was rector of St. J.imes church. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, when his call came to a wider and more difficult field. His residence there, however, fitted him for his present work. On his trip down the Yukon he whipped out his own lumber and built his own boat, beating the miners by twb days who had kindly offered to help him If he would wait Astoria Is especially related to the mis sionary work In Alaska, as a former rector of Grace church, the Rev. Octnvlu Parker (whom many rememhert wn the first missionary who ever went Into the Interior of Akiska from the Episcopal church, and one of the first from nny religious body. He went In in company with the Rev. Jno. Chapman, who vlsltel Astoria some four years ago on his way bnek to Alaska from a visit In the states. That Oregon and Astoria furnished the first missionary for that country, which may some day be the richest of the United States. Is a distinction wnrthy of mention. An opportrnlty to see and hear Dlshop Rowe will be given to the citizens nf Astoria this eevnlng at a special jervlsc to be held 1n Grace church at ":3m o'clock. Everybody Is welcome. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure; 25c. For sale by Charles R jg-rs NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that all quar terly licenses are now due and payable to the Chief of Police at his office, and If not paid within ten days from date of this notice, a penalty of Zi per cent additional will be charged. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., October 3, 16S7. Then in the golden weather, the maize was husked. Longfellow. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED PROPOSALS FOR FRESH HEKK AND Fresh Mutton: Office Chief Commissary. Vancouver Bamu-ks, Wash., Oct. 5, 1897, Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here an1 at office ot Commis saries at following named posts, for fresh beef and fresh mutton to lie deliv ered at that post only until 11 o'clock m., November 5, 1W, then opened, for furnishing and delivery to Subsistence Department, U. S. Army, the fresh beef and fresh mutton nailed for by the Com missary at post to be supplied during six months, commencing January 1, IW: Boise Barracks and Fort Sherman, Idaho; Forts Canby, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Vancouver Barrarka, Wash. Fresh beef shall be good In quality an1 condition, fit for Immediate use, and from fore and hind quarter meats proportional. Ty, in cluding all heHt cms i hereof. Fresh mutton shall be good, fat and market. able quality, from wethers over one nnd under three years old. Beef and mutton to be dressed and trimmed and delivered In bulk, as prescribed In circular of In structions. Proposals Will be aim r'ceiv! stating price nt which bldi. r will deliver fresh beef or mutton, of character above stated, and to be delivered of ternperat ire not greater than 7i d"gre-s Fehrenhei-. Government reserves right to reject the whole or any part of any or nil bldy. Information furnished here, or by Com missary at the seven! posts. Knvelopev containing proposals shviufd lie marked 'Proposals for Fresh lieef (or Mutton) at . and addressed to undersigned or Commissary at post to lie supplied. Jas N. Allison, Capt. C 8. Red HAS CAUGHT ON REMKMDKU The Exhibition of Astoria and Clatsop Connty Pro duct, will optD about Oc tober 15th. RECITAL -WW- BENEFIT OF.... Astoria Public Library Tuesday Evening. Octoter 12th Fisher's Opera House a Mr. Waltsr Ked, Contralto Mlaiaitnes Wtt, Ho.irno w Min Clara Youdk, I'laultt Mlu Maud Warren, Accompanist TICKETS 50 CENTS UAttEKY t CENTS 'o extra chirje for tvierreil lesti. The gtejnwsr piano for Hi occaalon li kind ly loaud i'J Hon. Ilenjsmln Young m mm INT COLUMNS WANTED. WANTED Young girl living with pi rents, to take care of chlldrto and d. light housework. Apply at 424 Duaa atreet MEN WANTED. Railroad hands wanted for Immediate, work on track. Apply at rcxm 4, Flarcl block. A. & C. R. It. R. LOST. IjST-A silver mounted cane, marked W. S. Short, l-'j.l. Kinder please leave at 325 Sixteenth street, or at Astorlun office, and receive reward. FOR RBNT. FOR RENT Ten-room house In Upper, town, on street car line; 113 per month Inquire at this office. FOR RENT Furnished rooma, an suite or single, by the day or month. Hotel Tlghe, under .rrtlre new manage ment. Great reduction in ratea. Mrs G. V. Porter, manager. Cor. Eleven and Franklin. FOR SALE. FOR SALE The lodging house over Shanahan's dry goods store, consisting of 17 rooms, partly furnished. One of the best lodging houses In th. city. Must be sold before October IB. Call on Ki R. Cyrus, next to Wise's clothing store. PERSONALS. PERSONAL Hiirry Behanna can learn something of Interest to lilm by calling at thin office. Anyone knowing hit whereabouts ' will confer a favor by leaving the Information with the As torlan. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. C, BROWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gunderson Building. AsHorla, Oregon Letter HERMAN WISE Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER BOND and ELEVENTH STS. MlAO0 application. l. m-ua-i H. T. CROSBT. ATTORN ET-AT-LAW. Ml Commercial stivet Chester V. Dolph. Richard Nlxa DOLl'H & NIXON, ATTOBNETS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon, U. S. J and 11 Hamilton Building. All legal and no't lection busln ss promptly attend-! to Claim against th government a p italty. DR. JAY TUTTLE. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Office, rooms 5 and 6, Pythian bulldf 53m Commercial St, Residence him Telephone 9. Acting assistant surgeon U. 8. Ma rine hospital service. J. Q A. BOWLBT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlc. on Bond street Astoria, Or. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Special attention to diseases of woman and surgery Office over Dans!gers ator. Astoria. Telephone No. U. JOHN T. LIOHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Offlc, upatalrs, Astorlan Building. H. A. SMITH, DENTIST. fftfftQ Room. 1 and 2, Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's itor. DR H. L. HENDERSON, Office, Kinney Building, Astoria. Office hours, 7 to a. m.; U to 2 and ( to 7 p. m. Special attenton given to th. treatment of Diseases of the Eye Chronic Dis eases, and Surgery. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. S iiti A. M. Regular communications hsld oi th. first and third Tuesday avsnlns? of each month. Q. W. LOUNBBERRY, W. U. B. C. HOLDEN, BecrUry. ,SNAP A KODAK- at any man coming O'lf o our ators and you'll get portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant thottKhts. Huch quality In tbe liquors we have to offer are enough to pleaae any man. COMB AND THY THEM HUGHES & CO Sale WHY? Ilocause not only nrv the priooi low, hut tin tjuality of our good in high. High ijuality; low prices; wcll-iundo goods; civil tn-alnu'tit You want no inoiv. TIuho who uro wiso will cull on us soon. Thoso who aro foolish well, it mat tori not whoro thoy trmlo, Iiucrum tlu-y would not know a bargain if tluv saw one. TH the Best... THE CENTER ON THE Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled, It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? 'aa - sii!. J. iVl. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Will reopen their Boarding and Day School Meptoinber O. For rate, .to., addrtma) th. Superioress PUPILS RECEIVED IN TUB PRIMARY. ORAMMAR AND DUBUDUD cnnRHB n ft rVf . ut f I The Choicest Table Wines FOR FAMILIES Also for Medicinal . . and Cooking Purposes CARLSON'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, 103 Twelfth Street Clothier and Hatter OF DEVELOPMENT WEST SIDE INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, PAINTING AND VOICK CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Midm Count , OREGON Tbl I Just th. plac for your boy. Delightful location, large building and grounds, good mtals, plenty of healthy exercise, txnellent teacher, and csrtful trninlng this la what they all say of MT. ANGEL COLLEGE. Bond for Cat alogue and special term. School will open September I. P, F. PLACIDUS. Director. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, ( ) ro g o rt A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Itairulur Norms! Con mo of three year. tixnlor yunr wlmlly profcsilonsl. Trnlniiii ditpsrlinent of nine grsde with 2oft rhllilren, IiKtnii'tlon and tritiums In (lyimiftatict (Hwi-dluli ays. tern), and Vocsl Music for public m hisils. ' The NnrniHl diploma li rei iiKnlied by law a HTATK LIKK CKHTIFIUATK Pi teach. Light pxnenns. Tuition, IhkiIii, board and lodging (up. proximately), IHrj 00 tier yaar. Xlilili-lit. boarding tliemudves, 1 10 00 per year. Ai-iidumlc Kfadns acceited from high i liooli. 1'atalogiica cheerfully aeiil on spullcittlnh. AdilruM 1. I. CAMI'llKI.I., PiCHldent, or W. A. WANN, Heeretnry Kacully. "Private Stock" "Cream Rye" "Old Hickory" "Pride of.. ..Kentucky" ...and... "Hermitage" Repsold California Brandies