THE DAILY ASTOUIAN, WEDNESDAY MOUN'lNti, SKlTKMItlllt 2., UW7. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tebphon No. 61 or dl ns iuition. DAILT. Bent by moll, per year $.00 Sent by mall, per month 10 Served by carrier, per month ) WEEKLY. Bout by nuill, fnr year tn advance... 12. ftt rostae Ire to uUcrlixrt. AH communications Intended for pubU. cation ihould bo directed to the tdltar. J!usliu' communication o( all klndi iind remittance mut b addressed to "Tii AstorluA." The Astorl.m (intrant, e to I's suo scrlbers the largest circulation of any newspaper published a th Columbia river. Advertising rate can be, bad on appli cation to the business manager. ' The Weekly Attorlan, the second oij. est weekly In the iat of Oreron, baa, next to th Portland Oregct.lan, the largest weekly circulation In th state. John F. Handler Co. are our Portland agents, and cop! of th Attorlan can be had every morning at their :aad. Third atret Th probable compromise between th dtmooratlo faction In New Tork show bow HtUe democrat nowaday care ror what they trill fondly call their princi ple. ay th Standard-Vnton. The main thing la to regain th cities of New Tork and Brooklyn and re-eerabllsch election frauds, police ckrmil. tMrty street and aU th rest. Therefore th gold dera- ocrats If the platform Is grecsed so as to hav no knots on It will vot for m one who voted for Bryan. That would curl up the corners of Bryan's mown and do a great deal of good. The communication from Salem pub lished In this morning's Astorim sounds a note of warnlrg well worthy of ear nest consideration by every true repub lican In Oregon. The observations of the writer, a man of unusual Intelligence, sr entitled to especial weight and sig nificance from the fact that be occu pies a private position affording him abundant opportunity to become one of the best Informed authorities In the state on the real political situation. He Is moreover, not an office-seeker, and his view are absolutely uncolored by the prejudice of any clique or faction of the republican party. The opinions of such a man ought to be of peculiar interest to the quiet, voting element among the republicans of Cliatsop county, and - we commend hi statements to the aotentiert every man who is Interested hi the welfare of the state and his own com munity. While other people are cheerful, Alt geld is still plunged in gloom Not even ' dollar wheat can cheer him. Things are going- all wrong. People may think they are happy, but they are not. They may suppose themselves to be prosperous and free, but they are. If they but knew It, ground down In poverty and oppres sion under a crushing despotism, from which it Is AltgeM's mission to rescue fhem. Of course It Is the "corporations" -that are doing all tthis michlef. The people must abolish the corporations and carry on all their business for thm etves. If they can't do this all at once, they can begin In the cities, by the municipal control, for example, of the manufacture of gas. The representatives chosen by the people, in congress, legis latures and councils, being so weak that they are corrupted by the corporations, Mr. Altgekl would glv them the entire control of the business of the community as a means of securing economy and efficiency of administration. Especially would he hav the railroads managed by the state, end he points to Germany as the model not only In railroad admlnis tratlon, but In popular liberty and pros perity generally. It is really a pity that Mr. Altgeld left Germany, if he really thinks the German methods better adapted to popular progress. There seem to be a good many of his countrymen who are not of his mind, and there cer tainly are a great many Americans who prefer the American system and have very little time for Altgeld's railing accusation against the whole structure of American society. SPEAKER REED ON PROSPERITY. Speaker Reed say It Is safer to proph ecy what will happen in a hundred or a thousand years, than as to what is coming' to pass tomorrow; but a to prosperity, all the symptoms are here, and It looks Ilk 1879, when the coun try rose up, because specie payments fav the people confidence that all u right. 'He says: ! J "Another encouraging symptom Is than the financial medicine men are now ex plaining: In a low tone of voice why what they sahl in such loud tone last year was not so. This is th prelude to the tttter silence which will fall upon them in due time, a silence which will be the slfrnal that the world has settled one other financial problem In the only way It can be settled, and that Is, In the minds of the people. "A rood many questions have been set tled these last few years. In all the debutes In the house last session there was but one man who even mentioned the 'consumer,' and he was from Ken' tucky. In other year, If you could b llrve our debates, w had no population except 'consumer': producers did not exist." Th0 money for the crops of cereals put the Nation to work. ami Reed adds: "Rvcry historic period of revival has been like this. Some event at the ripe moiiKnt happens, like the resumption of specie payments, the sotting of money In motion by reduction of the Interest on part of the national debt, th passage of a tariff bill, which, rightly or wrongly, the people Nlievod in. Hu man nature and human affairs, made ready for the change, have always don the rest." THE SPARTAN VIRTUE OF FORTI TUDE. Must be possessed In no ordinary degree by those who bear the pangs of rheu matism without complaint. We hav never heard of such an Individual. Rut why not, r the life-long martyrdom begins, extinguish the germ of this atro cious malady with Hostetter't Stomach Bitter, the efficacy of which as a pre ventive of the disease, as well as a means of relieving It, Is well established ar.d amply attested, during the last forty-five years, over professional signatures? It expurgate from the Mood those acrid principles which beget the pal" and In flammation chra-teristlc of this com plant, which. It should b recollected, Is always liable to terminate life sudden ly when It attacks a vital part. The Bitters also expel the virus of mslarla from the system, remedie dyspepsia, kid ney complaint, constipation and bilious ness, quiets the nerves, and Invigorates the whole physcal organism. Why Is it that Monday Is always such depressing dayT Chamberlain's Ccllc. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy always affords prompt re lief. For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. Grape scissors are being used for eu chre prizes at this season. In thes day of culture and progress, do not wear a jrtrsly beard or musta he, when they can be colored a natural brown or black at home with Buckingham's Dye. Blessings in disguise generally have a hard time in proving their Identity. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the Irritated surfaces. 10 In stantly relieve and fo permanently cure Is the mission of DeWItf Witch Hazel Salve. CharKs Rogers. The surest sign of approaching age In a woman la to consider a good dinner preferable to a new gown. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac complish much In this world while suffer ing from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. Charles Rogers. The joy of owning a new desk makes a woman attend assiduously to hereto fore neglected correspondence. Harper Whiskey is rapidly becoming tne national beverage. It's the one thing I all parties agree upon. Republicans I democrats, populists. Even the "know- nothing" party knows one thing: the mer its of Harpir whiskey. Sold by Foard I & Stokes Co., Astoria, Or. j Hot bread may be very bad for one's .digestion, but it is certainly a great temptation on a cool morning. Running sores. Indolent ulcers and slra ilar troubles, even though of many year' standing, may be cured by using Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes, strength ens and heals It is the great pile cure. Charles Rogers. It Is the very worst possible form to allow one's mail to grow to an extraordi nary length, yet there are many men not only guilty, hut proud of this di gression Into vular.ty. Moments are useless If trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted If con sumed by delay in cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring Immedi ate relief. Charles Rogers. It is all very well to prat" aboit np pearances pot crntlng in this world, but just the same, th man In a good suit of ilothes wi g-t a position more quickly tnan his brother In the shabby one. "Kor year," says Capt. C. Mueller, "I have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than anything else In the medicine chest, 10 regulate my bowel and those of my snip's crew. These pills are not severe In their action, but do their work thoroughly." A pea:h cocktail sounils very Innocent, but it s not the gentle libation lis name implies, as peach brandy figures in Its conccctlcn, and a Tery serious headache after It if due precaution is not taken regar.'i.ig its consumption. If you have ever seen a little child In a paroxysm of whooping cough, or If you have been annoyed by a constant tickling In the throat, you can appreciate .the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Charles Rogers. Denying a fault doubles It. Cmall precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small In size, but are most ef fective in preventing the most serious forms of stomach and liver troubles. They cure constipation and headache and regulate the bowels. Charles Rogers. Don't put tuberoses on the dinner taWe unless the menu Is limited and the small appetltle of your guests desirable. The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" Is a fa miliar name for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also in stantly relieve and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never falls. Charles Rogers. Fifty Years Ago. This l the cradle In which there rew That thought of philanthropic braisi A rcmcUy that would nuke life new Hor the multitude that were rackes with pstn. Twh araprilla. m tnsde, you know j A) cr, torn JO year o. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Wis in its infancy luilf a con tury &to. To-day it doth "be sUute the narrow world like a colossus." What is the secret of its power? Its cures! The cumber of them I The wonder of them I Imitators have fol lowed it from the beginning of its success. They are still be hind it. Wearies the only medal granted to sarcaparilla In the World's Fair of 1893, it point proudly to its record. Others imitate the remedy: they cant imitate the record: So Years of Cures. What a lot of heartache an outgoing steamer can carry with It. Aycr's Sarsaparilla Is not a secret prep aration. Any physician may have th formula on application. The secret of it success Ilea in Its ertr.iocdlnary power to ckanse the blood of Impurities and cure the most deep seated cases of blood- disease. It osts so much more to avenge a wrong than to suffer It. A CURE FOR BI1JOCS COLIC. Resource, 8creven Co., Ga I have been subject to attacks of bilious colic for several years. Chamberlain' Colic, Choi- era, and Diarrhoea Remedy Is th only : sure relief. It acts like a charm. One dose of It gives relief when all other remedies all.-3. D. Sharp. For sale by El-tefB-Conn Drug Co. ; The tailor gown is d.i!ni especla!l pleasing duty thlj weather. Certainly yon don't want to suffer wlta dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow (kan and loss of appetite. Tou have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulator. Charles Rogers. It is not wise to Jump to conclusions I becaus thoy are not apt to b as cor- rect as when you walk up to them. r "My boy came home from school one day with his hand budly larerat- d I and bUrecing, and suffering great pain," says Mr. E. J. Shall, with Meyer Eros." Drug Co., St. Loui3, Mo. "I dressed the wound, and applied Chamberlain's P;. In Balm freely. All pain ceased, and In a remarkably short time It healed with out leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, wellirg3 and rheumatism I know of no medicine or prescription equal to It. I con sider It a household necessity." The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale ty Eates-Conn Drug Co. Don't put Into your diary any remarks that you would not care to have seen by eyes other than our own. The dyspeptic carries a dreadful load on his back. It seems as If he were really made up of two men. One of them ambi tious, brainy and energetic, the other lck llstlefs, peevish and without force. The weak man weigh the other one down. The dyspeptic may be able to do protty good work one day, and the next day, because of some little Indiscretion In eating, he may be able to At nothing at all. Most cases ef dys;.epsli ftar with constipation. Constipation Is the cau? of nlnc-tfin'.hs cf all heman sick n-ss. Some of Its symptoms are sick and Dlllous neadache, dlzzines", your stomach, loss of appetite, foul t.reath windy bf-lchlngs, heni-lbum, pain and dls tre.3 after eating. All these ar? In llca- flve of derangements of the liver, stom ach and bowels, and all are caused by constipation. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pur gative Pf lists nri the quickest, ei.itiest and most certain cure for this condition. They are not violent In action. Send 21 cents In one-cerrt stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Addition, Buffalo, New Tork, and receive Dr. Pierce's lOflS-poge Common Bonse M';dlcal Adviser, illustrated. Plaids In fabrics, hosiery and ribbons are holding forth in the gayest of gay colon. IT SAVES THE CROUPT CHILDREN. Beaview; VI. We have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from far and Bear speak of It in the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given. Kellan A Ourren. The 25 and U cent size for sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. A woman will always forgive her hus band for coming home late unless he doe It so quietly that she Is not awakene-d and therefejr not able to argue on tho question of the hour of his arrival. ..onhern Pacific railroad trains lene Portland daily at 11 o'cloe.-k a. in. t r Taeorr.a, P,x!ane, and the l"at. CI .-'! connection made at Spokane for 1 toss land, Nelson, Kandow and British Co lumbia mining camp. For tnaps and Inr .rtr.atjeir. call on 'it address C. W. .STONE, Astoria, Or. MAR I M: NEWS. I IIIHII WATIK LOW NVAtMt A. M. i I'. X. I'ATK I'. M. Ii.m IV Ii.m n. Ii.mift. Ii.mli T .t n : :l 'W I I !' Ill I It 10 lr 1 .' I '.'i n : t ;v s .' I mi 4 .' 1 1 ; ii .1 : AH ! A II mi IW i 2 S T Tliiiivlny., 1 rnlnv sntunlav . i r .n a i ii -V : : i n ai n . ltV A 2 MMi.i,, vi.u ;iim 'jo1 m nil. Moinlm .... ii hint : mi: T T S JO 0 i a 1 1 Tnevlnv ... T til ..' iiusMil f.M-ii-' l l' St WinIiimI' Ml U : I 1 1 hi I I A I J I A II . T 1 llllWlllN . !" IJ ill ' : K .! I Ii I I .' i niiiuv . ...l ' nn; i.o i1: s.iuiriliiv ,11 o . I I 1: .' ' T o I' I " .'.' ' i I MM'YH' I'-T. I i I 1 1 o s"..'ri l.i ti" r . ; .' I:i ' 111 I I tn" Tiii'ni.n .. 1 1 : t :n ' : 1 : i ..m' W ,'ii niil ' x 1 1 :! ii :i ; S in r " :T " '' riiuiiluyii' 1 I'llitllV 1- Niii'iilm .1 MMWV l:i i M ' il u l-.'-Ti' IHi'-i 1: 11 : i.'Ml: ii.' .1 I I I .0 Miiiiiliix . .n i l'it,'il:l- .'I l W l"l!liV .-.' ill TIiiiiiI;i . . 1 ; KlUl.n .'...I II ; 11 0 ;n ii : 11. I.' .. : ii 11 11 T I: 1 Ii h - ti 1 vi : 1 'i 1 11 'i Hi .1 !' n "i ; S:lHll iln ; . V? I M'Mi.W n.i. mi M.m li . .7 to 1 Tuoi.l.iy . -, 0 Wi-iIiikiI' i .' C'T .i Thuritv mi A : 11 1 VKJtfhli ON 1 II K Y Ti I UK rt'l t'.MMA RIVER FUOM St'l VOBK. Vl'v.oi. Henry Vil.ard, Am h ... I'iiim K;t,' 1 1 Uvl ..Will... SAUiUl'HK. Georve Stetson, Am li IT10 ...'Sill... V 1 iiila m i-iiu. T..evmi, Am h : lii;.'....!!! .. Ac.vrru'o, Ihiunvrii. Hr .h aw ..UVAl .. m Oil r h, Hr h. l'" ..UHiAl ... Milioiiparic, m u.. ! .' .luiil ., Astwrsr. Ocht-rtvre. Hr hk 1-V.t . IhiaI... i LiulllbiCviWidiire, tlr ill ..U;...V Al .. Calcutta. tilciibsiik.Itrtik CArs TOWM. iprintbuni. Br h tilemi iva, Ur sit..... CAitDirr. AuuosVy, Br b . U 9 llU.VI i;wi...mii - ...l.Vl...ldUAl...lU AnnmhA. Hr I'k HM ..lH'.l ... VI II k.'.l.w. l'eru, tier h AW -HXUI . II h:ihio l'l iiU-'k! tier h !v..1i1 .. J? Ijiilv emwnr li Hr ,li Koti't. Kicknu-r. .er li H.iwiu m II . Hr 1I1 Iteu Avon. Hr b HuN'.Ki'Nt.. Wiikoiniiieii. net -h lutgnex-ilit, Hr ' ..Muirir. J. t". I'tluurr.tirr bk I tVEKImil. Doveuby H.1I1, It. li... Mf '.bourne.. K:iir.' slilrc, Hr h II ,'.M' 10 ,.U'Al... - l'At.. . .td .l".HI... N AAAKt. I'linil.iiieif.. Hi nil l" . Viut... oriMu-iri'iilitre. i.r h i1 .1 iii. . 11 1 1 ,i;r..iUi. H th i -.'...1li. j .l-'l t. A 1 Siillierliinliliirc, Hr h 1 ! h'ovl . s 1 I'riMuio, Hr -Ii li V... iOxl ... 1 Ot'eri'ii, lr Ut.... w.niu I tism, jcphe is, Nor bk HIT . . - R!i l'l. JlMIKn. liltn;rk,Ilrli i:y. .i vl . .M JHANi.lUl. Eiglnhlre, Pr". .ne.. lnul... - Ueacuti Koiik, Bru. .. Iuuai ,. 1 h!u Hr h- - Iw ..liil. FslWoli'lytir. Ursh 1711. Inl... - E leDiMillyinore.lir l-.u ...i".'l... WAKAA. CrumburtOii, Br th ..177i ..KOaI... TS TARLC BAY. j Gslitorm 't!.Hr h , L'nri'ria'. Hr til .V:...liVAI .. . .. :1 SilJil .. B J121 ..llA'.l. .- Ajolf, ier s'l Ducts. Brtk ... Verbena, Br ih ... lilil 1UUA1-. S Vitljmmi-o. ..tin.. W.liiriH. roKOIIAXA. ; T-uio Var:i .J.m hk , "J "!r G't'iu'ricni, Hr MARINE NOTES The British ship Phliomene left up the river yesterday. The steamer Elder sailed yestcrduy for Dyeu and Skaguay. The barkemtlne N'orthw,t down the river yesterday. .' The State will arrive down the river this morning and sail for San Francisco. The British ship Marechal Burhit, which arrived M,onday from Newcastle, has a cargo of 2.4W tons of coal. The German ship Flottbek, ISM tens, Captain Shoemaker, arrived yesterday from Kobe, Japan. She 1 In bailout. ! The schooner Eel ward Parke arrived Jown the river yesterday. She has I 00 feet of lumber for 8. II. Bebb & Co., j San Francisco. 1 i The harbor Is beginning to look like j Its old self. Nearly a dozen vessels I were lying at anchor trlay and pre- ! sented a beautiful appearance from the i heights. A RICH TREAT IS PROMISED. The Oregon State Fair for lSt'7-Septrm-bcr 30 to October 3. Railroad rates reduced. The Southern Pacific will sell tick' tn at one fare rates for round trip from all points on their lines In Oregon. Tou will be entertained from morning until night. No time to rest. Liberal prizes offered for all kinds of sports, such as bas-.-ball, tug-of-war, chopping con tests, foot races, hammer throw, shot put, and various other sport In charge of a competent committee. Don't ove-r-lexik the date and the cheap railroad rate of on fare for the round trip. Prpular admission of Z, cents. . THE OBJECTION NOT GOOD. " Thr- r people Who have objection to advertising matter la the columns of a newspaper. The ground of objection la that they do not-want-to read ad vertisements. Now this objection Is not good, for oftentimes Owe e advertise ments convey valuable information. For instance, bow else would the trav eling pubrtc learn of the excellent din ing car service of the Wisconsin Cen tral lines between St. Paul and Chicago, or the general comfort of traveling over this popular line. For particulars call on the nearest ticket agent or addn-ss J. C. Pond. O. P. A., Milwaukee?, Wis., or Geo. S Batty, General Agent, 244 Stark street, Portland, Or. When going East travel on the North ern Facile Railway. Quick time an J the only iine running dining cars. Train leaves Portland dally at 11 ei'e-iock a. m. The brown chlffen veil will continue to hold Its own throughout the autumn. xj N vl w Kl'fl Nt "Don't yer try to buuco mc with some thing 'just asgooU'as PijHir Heidsieck Plug. Gimme one of the big new rive-cent pieces." pi HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO with its delicious champagne flavor, never yet (ailed to please the most fastidious tobacco chewcr. Once tried, it is not forgotten. Once used, there is no satisfactory substitute. Hitherto the only objection to it has been its cost but that is now reduced. A five-cent piece is more than one-third larger new size, with the old flavor. MANHOOD RESTORED f t IIUUIUUblVitAiiwu.!!. J a M Ihmol Iiuhiui I nstirti tiiiysUt iai. will quu-Al iur y uanf nil ttrr A " T Vint! or dlv - JI iiininw. 1 win miuiinviiiii'w rmiviiiii,. ,,r,Tinn viiiii. VsfiSl fitiipm, IhiBUKM b Mwrr, .lhiUnt pntlix, Vmwlt i 4 V - (uniiiiwiliiii. Ii sum's All tir iir nr filil runim vk- . MM.if diB-lurt. whkb irnuirhn-l.l Win Ul rslIlttliirrbtaiHl BCrORC an His hnrnmiit kHnTtAint lhnrtiiarr arssnsul suunlHirlU, CrPIOB!l trnrthBnilr.Uirnll nrrnk . , , Ti f.Mua uffr sr nicurot bs l-trini Ii brii Btnety pt eenl r ItwiNm sm Slslllll. t ri'll'H.? Kls llool? mown rmir wi ciir wniKnii mm h-'v ..,,ri. n,,,,. w . A WHIM fll'UM X "I Wlltlml II MI tmlfw ll'ir BUS iICl MC BUUMLt HI JuO tHil.i'l l ll'H.b mail. IW-ml tir rassctmlUf auil IraUuionktls, CHA.S ROtlERS, 461 Commerolsi Btrt MANHOOD RESTORED I'lsrsotretliocuresll ism luwtr. licwiKhe, Wakemlar-s, M Msanuud, Nighi! Kmit iou. hrmuuiH, all drains, Ium ul puwer la Uorati 4Misa uf uhrr srx. cauwd hr over eiertkm, Tnuthful errors, eirrwte use ol lub.-ro, upturn or stimulants, which lead In Infirmity. ConmniPtluaor lnaanuv. Can berirrieil In et pocket, tl so per rn, 6 lor ,, by mail vrtpaiil Cttvalar Free. Sold by all tru((IMa Ak for It.ukrn.withrr. MaiitiUrtiirr. b the Prau Wftirtn in , r.n fraru lane-tM! I'tuf Cu., lii(rtbuliu(S(cBU. TbuU uj Yimlilll bU , 1'mtlsuJ, ur. J W CONN. Assist. Astoria. The Choicest Table Wines FOR FAMILIES Also foCMedicinal . . and Cooking Purposes CARLSON'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, 103 Twelfth Street ! Ml r- " -X- aar ni.avHr III hiimIMhOU"' ' i i .1. ! PUPILS RECEIVED IN THE PRIMARY. GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON, Will reopen their Boarding and Day School Heptembar 6. For rates, etc., address the Superioress j s Z Cavtatt,and Traile-Msrks obtained and all yu- Jent buwnesa conducted Ier moossatc Fee. Sous Orrioc isOpeosur, U.S. PATcwTOrriec tuud ecau ' are patent in Itrt tuoo Ul0 llioae 4 .... ( u.' .. i.. ., .. - I Send model, drawmit or photo., with deacrlp lion. We slvi, ii patnial.l or not, Ires of Jeharire. Uur lee not clue till pmeni is aerureu. 5 ttianim " How to (jUmn FatenU, with .jt oi ujuc in tin V. S. snd lorein couDtrrei! nt free. Addreu, IC.A.SNOW&CO. I OPP. PATCNT Orricr. WAtMIMOTOH. D. than it used to be. Try the "CUPIOCNf ul Ut gurrU nrjrut, h m I-o! HftDhoiM ImiMMw-r. (TPIPMRriMiiMllwllTM.II By RrPenn'. lellotr Sr fill. This wvnOrfiul rmff,ty nervous diwin. sveh wrk Mrmorv l.nm.,t "Private Stock" "Cream Rye" Old Hickory" "Pride of.. ..Kentucky' ...and... "Hermitage" Repsold California Brandies The Louvre" ASTOKivs cimr.rots ENTERTAINMENT HALL 8 FMMHtN rili Mu.lo. liiica of Kltiila. Two Miignlflriiit l!r. cveimmsr. rinsT-cuss Good Order and Everybody's Rights STRICTLY II II ft Kit V Kit. M. MSi INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, PAINTINO AND VOICE C CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Haw illl ttrmtif Abaolatlr tnltaown to 111 profi-Mlem. frpmaannt tMraa In lllo ciara. Wa tut iinrt money it we do unt nirn, Yeill fan Imi lr..atH -t Btm for i n Mine price and I lie aama uapaa lirefcr toemnelittra wa tliem or nay ainenaa of lm win u"m wiiu will oon tract tn cure oomlnir, - -a a. I ranrvaei hllla. and II "1 IWWI Umk mo fall to Okara, If you liave Ukt-ii tu ourn. ii ur, i.H.nii. pninhand till hmre mttium inmoutb,Hr Tki Maua rat.'feal 'ttrtDli B.4.ui.,.r ..ina- fd MiMitt l lrt moll iitor I1ii.lir llalror It la Hi l l'rliHrr, Hrpkllla that i -"Me lt li t. mei( nhalln lh world foeneaaf. we liai, alwnrn haflled eailnanl al.t.l.laa. VI'lIll.f SK ' wa arowa rlllHs out. Suaeantrf toeing. Vtt teHeafeiwl challllt, raaaerf eurti. 't in in. I ha ahlll of the mit riiiny T-ai letiUvi trrallijir inl-e fll-eaua hIiu um DT cal'lial r.ninel orr m.. nl..l irnararuce;. Wrllu for Iii.up t.. o.: nml al,,uUi SOT SlMannlff Trmple. 4 lilei,u.. Ulln' EAST I XI Sill'1" Q OQCTNAWAHTA SOU I.KAVK. l'tllTUNl, jAUHIVIt. tiVKItl.ANu KX- rid -, i"f ii'iiii 1. 1. ft.lihni.t. turn I', M haiiimi'nlii t'iil'-ii, tl IWA'M hmi r f miviM'Wf nm jnw l Aliil"'i, Vl l'a.i, IW nr Icaiia ami I In' Kant. s ai.A. M. Pally eiPojil mimlity. 17 .W A. M 4 Ml IV M Itnaidiuru I'Sawlltfi't M IW IV H. Via W.kkII'iimi, tor Mount AiiKi'l. "II- ' (.mini. ftit Krln, xaiu-i't lirowii'Vll'. Hrrliiu- hiuiiUy. (l.'IJ nml N ill roil t'urvallla iaulignr. in M I'. M. Mi''IiiiiIII" Vr Its iw A. ; Miilv7 K'siiy i'i'"i't rtuii'lsy. Connecting at Pan FrneUo with Oo. cldoulaJ A I'rlasiUl, I'nolrlo Mall, at4 OueaUilo itamshlii lUm for JAPAN, CHINA. AUHTUALIA. AND HAWAII. J.OV FAHR8, KVICUT DAT rOUTIJaNII T BAN KUANCIHCO WlX. Second Class; 110 W, First Clkssi tnrlittllng brth. rtlinllar rediitltia to l AnglM, rrwio and o'har California points. Intf rtiaek-M lo ilnitliitlon. tl. C. II. M ATtKIIAM. Miutagor. O K. sltel P. A. rilK OSI.V tUSINii-l'Alt Km TK r"KiM lOKrUMI TOTIIK KAal. TIIKHM.Y ItOI TK TH I UK VKI.IHW.SItlM NtrinN a i. r it k. LKAVK II i It I.. AM AUHIVk. iel Mrill I"' Ka aill.l t)lirlul . etittallA, No. J. Hnuili Hoi ii, liiiitraain Kit. I. AtertOr'H. "Ulnl'la, la I'Ollia, IVMllle. I- lilll.l, I'urt Tnia niti.l. H'rii luiiit. hi kan. HiMtaiid II lr Trill II .. Nl i.ill. l C knl. Ml Wilis, lluiir. A naiMiiiilA. II: A. M. Il. l.l... M l aul, Mnt-i t OB f. M ilaxi. k iraaa f lly. llltiialia, I iitti-ll lllnSi, I I. bud-,1'l'le JW'VW ll IliiiltMi. New V 'la, I'lell ti. it u, ami all fx'lllla Kl atnl nuilttl ..I. I DAYS to Mlnncuin.ln. tunaha, Ko ana (11 r ium! HI I'anl. J'i DAY8 to Mil srii iikr and Clil so. in DAYS to VahlnrtMi. l lillieMl'Ma. Kew Tork a "0 IUmioi, ' savl olhvr Kaairrn l-oliita. tUrsaga ohat-krd ilir ugh to lUn4tlon of tk-knta for leilntt.-ar rfrrvtl'i, ll-'ket. maps and full Information, .-all on or rll A. D. CHARLTON Aaa'l tlan'l I'aaa. A(nl, t'ortlanit. Or 9S Mnrrlaem I iir Thlr.t. C. W. HT'ONK. Astoria. Holds lli world's rword for lonw-distaiu'e fast running. A Hap of the United States I Tin- in w wall mi Is-ain-.l ly the inn I'listi n Knuto la Hirer, fent four ir.tto a M, by four foot lonir; Is prlnta". In tit lolora, . mounti'l on roll ers; show a every alalu, county, lniiirtnnt town, n.l rajlroml In th Vnlon, nl Is a very dlrb iinil iixofiil mljiinrt to any hotiarholil irr huaincaa tiilillahment, I'unliail In lot or (no) Iho miin rewt tltr lur- Huston Itoiilo nearly 39 (xmiIs uio. o, but on re-ci-lt of 15 rii t a n aumpa r roiti tho utn.a-rslKno.1 will bn plensnl ot snml you one. Write Iniiiimlliilnly, a tho iiiily is llniltnl. A. C. 8IIK1.KON, Ocncrsl Airi'tit, I'ortlnnil, Oron. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Hlvtr nml 1'iiui't Hotiml Nav- iKntlon Co. BTEAMEIl "TII.KI'IIONK." Leave Astoria dully esKeut Sunday, 7 p. m. Leave Portland dally exeejit Bund ay. 7 am. STEAMER "BAILEY OATZERT." Leave Astoria dully escuft Buruluy anl Monday at 7 a m.; Hunduy nlKlits at 7 o'clock. Leaves Portland dully exenpt SuinlAy at I P . m. Leave Baturdny nlKht at 10 o'clock. U. B. BCOTT. rr..l(lwkt B. A. Blsy, Afent, Portland. C. W. Bton Atent, Atorla. Telephone No. 11. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ai.t. Open .very day from 8 o'clock to l;W and 8:10 to 1:30 p. m. Subscription rata 3 per annum. B. W. Cor. Elovsnth nnd Duan. Btre.ta. Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. biH Commercial Sf mpt Next to Matlisou Cigar rJtaiif;