"7 4H ss-' ('' THE DAILY ASTORIAN It the blvreat ind hut rnr THE.AST0RIAN2nas the largest! clrculatlontof inv cater on thelColumtlalRlver on the Columbia River KULL ASSOCIATED PKKSS REPORT. VOL. XLV1I. ASTORIA, OJtKGOX, .SA'jTHDAY MORNING, KKITEMI5KU 25, 1897. NO. 4.1 MBL HyUMJM. 1 II l-8 f l,2afl I U L, L BJL1 U Creditor's Sale Osgood Stock win While this sale lasts the greatest bargains ever offered may be.had, and the sale will not last a great while longer as prlces'.have been put on the goods that are bound to make: them sell quickly. It Is not every day that you ca get a $15 Suit for from $5 to $8. or a $3 Hat for $1.50 or a pair of $2.25 Shoes for $1.40. and while the ocpor tunity llasts anyone needing anything In this line should take advantage of It, as A DOLLAR SAYED IS A DOLLAR MADE. If you do not wlsb to buy, come In and see toe prices, and tben tell your friends bow cbeap goods are being sold. J. D. KENNEDY .Trustee. Sole Agents for Knox and Waoburton Hats BUPFUM PEINDLET9N $S;Hatters ad Furnishers 94TH!rd Street, PORTLAND, OR. ....Tbe Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers....' City Book Store Kluiuiiko Mas. K 1 i h li ku itii!i Hook. I'nitt'il .States (iovernini'iit (iciural 'hurt rwU'tl up to ilat. Ihui't tttart without nJJJcojiy.i lilnuk MiM'kt niiil StatiomTV. Fixliinj; Turkic, IIuuiiiKM'k I'd'. Liti-ft Novel-, iVrioiliruls uiul Magazines. fi)Aliirkii ; cor GRIPPIIN & REED- OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS llMtilnr Nurmiil Conn of three fruit hunlur er wholly irfoiiil. I'mlulns dopsrlineui of nine itde llh ."no children. iii.lriii'ilnii mill Irnln ng In ) mim.tirt towrdtth t) oin. mi.l Vocal Mmlo lor uiilille wiiool.. The Normal 1lilnm I. remgnited lijr Mt a 8TATK l.i r r. rr.m i r u A l r. iu icaro. I.i.lil rii-ii.. iiililiin, iHxjki, boaid and lodging (p- I'niiinitiriTi, fi.nuuiier year. HiiiiIkuI. bo Mini theimelvei. Illll 00 per year. Arailimilo grades urcrptiHl from lilli rhools. ('midgut. cheerfully mill ou triplication. Addre I. L. CAMI'HEI.L. rrMdenl, or W. A, WANS, Heereury Faculty QUUUQUQ D u n Q BnDIIQDD Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL Marion Count , OREGON Thli la Juat the pliu for your boya. PollKhtful location, Urga bulMInga and (rounda, fjood meala, plenty of haalthy zrola, eioallfnt trchra and cartful trnJnlnr- thla la what thay all aay of MT. ANOEL. COLLEGE. Bond for CaU alogue and apeolal terma. School will open September t P. F. PLACIDUS. Director. Our Royal Cream Flour NONE BETTER FOARD & STOKES CO. Sole 'Agents ASTORIA OREGON UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS Guaranteed the Beet la the Market CORNER FOURTH AND OLISAN STREETS - - PORTLAND, OREGON School Supplies I'endl Vox iili lock and ky; contain iHinliolder, lead pencil, iluta pencil an j ruler, 10a each. Hie our Linen I'aper Ink Tablet tur Ic. Oifnpoeltliin I'.ouk of the let rul"! p-prr only Oc e.ioli. (uir ihjI'1i ii. .Iiiim are tli bent. i , Vic. Z. un4 U! ea' h. Wo acll 2 ilo n B'ap Stont BUta I'cnclU for fc. IaJ I'cnrll TaMot, good guall-y popcr, Ic, 2c, to and ec. Wo have got the blift'-iU Lead Pencil Tnl;l t for If. each. VAk botle beet fiimlHy Ifudlrige, Zc bottle. Wood tovtrd BUl; Pencll, Ic dozen. Kent lilnck Ink. If. bottK liubb.r limcrt'4 Lead Pencil, 8c dozen. Dlzon'a but Drawing Pencil, Sc each. HIAlc tijriKC, 2c each. leather Rcliool atrapt, in each. We k"p the beat School Bpencerlan Pern. School Crayon, all colore, In box, 3c bo. Gold Pena and Pen IIoMere, 10c each. Remember we are headquarter for ichool euppll'i. We can aava you money by buying your tableta, elate, ate, at Slianatiaii Bros. ELDER ARRIVES FROM ALASKA "The lluttom Has Ircd tkaa Out of Shaqtiny." ijoir smith a I'assi;.(;i:k Se There Is I'lraty of (.old I Nleadilie ad Me Will Kctf ia a loath Tlio lU in line lropi'l (imr out of Kkniiuuy." Tlicae nr the wort, of I'ur- r l.nml ri, of th u-aini r KMor. which nrrlvf-l from Alirnk nt t o"cli-k Inet rtrnlni. Thick wi-athrr ilrleyrd the .truni-r and he ha.1 to jut Into Nnn. aim.) for real, iilhcrwfkc thr iuiire wn an uiievnitful line. Wh.-n ii.aijnvi ImhiI Ihi. wmillilKii f oflnifi. at fiknu- i.ny uii'l ly-a. ( itlnin J. nurn e.ill mat iiii r.' K. ii ikui m i of nwn at Hkng. tin y. muny uf whom ouM have to wln r ili.tr or return. I.imiNrl iwlil: "The Whllo pun. tin lmen nlmont In- n-rIMi In any nnr. nml In iulte ) now. Know In f.tllmg urn arvnre riormn Imvi- a lli.l to ih ulr.mly itr.ut illin- culllr. uf that rml'. Hkanuuy l ili'.ij. A gi ! many pplr will winter thtT, ln-iiii:r thiy run dn noihlng rl.. M.iny lime gune lo Iyra an.1 over !hi Chllkoot iim. luit I h ,1 1 rout" will "Oti lr i luiicd. nlilfiiKh nil whu nit.-mitil It huve o fur not i.v.-r. It if much ih l.et route of llir two. Ni-xi rrlhg Iiyra will be the place, mil ('hllk'MJt thr rnute. A hre numl"-r of 0l?.ipiln(nl people who caulil iim n over Whit pi.ea ill wlnNtr at Juikiiu. imr Unit Irp wn. nn Intf rmlnx nil" an.) till n rxcttrm. nl. but now It I. .llfTrreti. It : an obi etory. an.l thr people urn tlcoumi!rtl l.y ihrlr failure to h t nv. r. r brouiiht Nick a numhrr who IM not cure lo wititir at Hk.iKuny or Juneau." Tlu' Kblr' ivumer.gfT Ht "m:rl.vil ili folUmHiu thlrtrrn from Hkigiuay nnl In from Junrau: RKA'irAY. F Hobi K. 8. Illnk. (I. II. Iiml r.on It. M. Ilrln. r K. M. M.iir and tonMre. M. It. Church Ml A. K. ailb-rt M. F. Cotm rnl Immediately upon their arrival h-re th..y will be married In lAke county, 1 prmume, for her horn U there. Ilecauae they have preferred to be married In thl atutw. It mtmt not lc argued that eliher Mr. Nmgiry or Prince Etrhy reg ird tho former' divorce a larking In leg.ill-.y In any other Jurlwllctlon. On the cm irry, they ore advled by I heir ollcltor In t.iilin that tlxi decren granted at l.ik.-Nirt tin freed her nbeolutvly from l..,u 1 I..iiiiry, ao that my marry hi liny pnrt of tl world. If be chwif. KHIHi ') AKHAIU OK THK FKVKIt. H.iti KruncUco, Ht 't. 22. -The Cullfornu titte iMiird of health l In dully tele graphic communication lih I'r. Oil phimt. chulrman of the lyiulcliina hoard of health, and I ket advlne.1 of the conilliloii of nffiilre In New Orlennn. The board ha decided that If the i:eii,e con-llim.-e to apreii'l. they will Innxct every iriiln coming from New Orlean. and It thiy find ia"tiger afflicted with the fever, will (Uaramlne the triln and put the impe't In the hopltnl. YELLOW FEVER SPREADING PIONKEH INJI RKD. Tacoma, B-t. 24. A Monteeano. W:ih., prclul to the Iter ay: The Itev. W. I. Coper. a the re.ult of a fall, uianiei a aeriou injury i no. nj.li.-. (imluclng parnlyl of the loner l.urt of hi body, and It I doubtful If he recover. The Rev. Mr. Coer wa a Ploiie.-r nlloiiary of the M. K. chur-h on the I'nclflc conat, having cro'-d the lxhthmu In iv:i. H. W. P.ilm.r C. K. Iblney It. T. Onrly A. II .Mauley ii. inn af2&j;. JTNKAU. ("Yew and II. il. Itlce W. A. tirown K. K. Hlnret i. M. lMjMr It. i'. Hmlth W. K wife W. II. Dryer K. A. Robn A. Cooper S. K. Johnnon Hob" Smith VOLUME OF TRADE IS INCREASING Dtsriie Tut t ti tow rrvEit vurxn- tise or the sottn. tltivv BaUacti Dae la fioai Abroad Big (create la Epr( CmU Import. the wi ll-known Portland porting man, who vii one of the Kldcr' pimxengerii, raid Hint he wn only down m a htielncK trip ami would rtiim In motiih. ' I have br. n nil ovrr that coun try, except up to uwon City, and there I nothing like It. 1 rh.ill go hack an oon nn poKKlbb. In n month. I have licori over both ChllkiKVt nn.1 White pa"" nd nil ovrr tho Inkm. White pn. or. the Pkngtiny route I not In It. It I n utily and dangtToii route. Pycn I II rlk-ht and -ople nr utill Koing over 'hllkoot, nhhoiiKh snow hnn commenced fall. There will 1 n groat ruoh there n t lip Kpting. riirre In in nty of gold up hero, and the country le all right If a man know what he Ik about and goo pro-rly prepared. The iwirty I took with me on the tlrxt trip of the Elder, AugiiKt at, wii the firm to g't over Chllkoot an. The Uiy were only thlrtivn day rmii I'yrit to IMKwn oty. nnd their record In yet the b'nt. Ve hv no use for llnr In that ountry. The other day the young man hey (Mlled Hugerty, rfireH'iitlng the iclatrd I'i-!'n and, 1 think, tho Orc- KMiilan, wn given n few hour to leave Skiiguay, becnuMe of nilsroproncntatlons made in hln (llnpntches ;ilHnt the notions noino of the people there. He left for Sheep enmp, I liellcNe. A largo num ber who could not get over will winter t Juneau. There Is one advantage In this a person hecomon Acclimated and living Is cheap there n here, but there I nothing to do hut moH, Yob, you in my Alarkii Is nil I'IkIm, but It Is time enough to go up In the spring." Tho KIder In cxoottl to sail from hero the north igain about Tuesday, and aevcral tlokots have already been sold. New York. Sept. 21. lirndntrvet'a to morrow will say: There I n check In the demand In stHple llm. noticeable throughout the South for the pa"! alx weeks. The yel Ii w fever quarantine, which extend from Toxn to Virginia, ha brought the whole sale business to a practical standstill hrmighout the greater portion of the r. kIoii affected by the gulf state. At tho center of distribution In the Central, KaKtern nnd Western states, the recent I activity In dry good, lurtn and harlwarc has fallen off, but lit the West and Pa cific const the buying by Interior mer chants and the five distribution of mcr cbniuilHe continue to be the features. The Increased volume of general trode Is HllmulntM by the continued heavy movement of cereal to tidewater, the almost unprecedented quantity ?xiir;ed each week nnd the increased number or lxtllo tiiuliiiK employment In in lu.-:ri.u Rnd cimimerclal lines, as comp.ncd with a year ago. together with the tendency of gold to come hero from abroad. Doctors Say It Is Ih-inrj Confined to Localities b the Board. SENSATION IN NEW ORLEANS rhttictai to Be frotttated lor Sot He portio'j a Cae The Nek dsts tad Deaths. I. New Orlean. Sept. zt. me docWra be lieve thut the board of health Is proiluct-tl- of goo-1 result and that the fever In not spreading, but on the contrary 1 being confined to localities. Ihus far there have been a few caaes lesa than 100 cant-, and IS death. The death rate is in the neighborhood of U p cent. One of the sensation of the day wa the announcement that the board of health h.id decided to prosecute ttr. Mon luxi for falling to report a case of su plclou f-ver. Today Dr. Monluxl re Iioned to the board of health the case of Mlf Dreyfus, who. he said, was auf fcrlng from yellw fever. It wa not long before thl report was received that the board had a report of the death of Miss Dreyfu. An Investigation proven that Miss Drvyfus had tuken sick alx days ago. and that Dr. Mjnluzl had fall-d even to report the case as upl otous. There were nine new cases today and three deaths. Of the 90 odd cases In Naw Orleans, but four have been among the negro .opulatlon. Tlte situation Is generally unchanged. Freight Is moving slowly and thire Is prnotlcslly no panger traffic The theatres are still open and amusements arc not restrained. Hut that New Or leans Is losing hundreds of thousand Of dollars by foolish quarantines Is not to lie doubted. The ordering by the Southern Pacific Company of the steumer Elnorte from Ntw York to Galveston means that all eastern freights destined for the Pacific coast will go through the Texas port until the quarantine embargo ugalnst this city Is raised. enlng both to himself and friends; curat! In two months. Owing to the wish of hundred. Dr. Dariin ha concluded to keep hi Astoria office open another month and can be found at the Occident Hotel until No vember 1. Thl will give convert to hi method of cure an opportunity to avail themselves of hi treatment by electri city. The poor treated free except mel tclne, from to 10 a. m. dally. Hour for paying patient,, from 10 a. m. to t p. m. Che.rge low and reasonable, according to circumstance and ability to pay. He give free and confidential examination to all at the office or by letter. Ha treats all disease of the eye, ear, nose, throat catarrh and deafness, as well as acute, chronic, private and nervous disease of whatever nature. If curable: no cases taken if not. Out of town pattents are treated with unfailing success through correspondence; one visit desirable. Write for symptom blank and circular. Letter of Inquiry promptly answered. AT EDWARDS. Edwards. Miss., Sept. 21. There have been twenty-three new cases of yellow fovir reported up to this hour 1:30 p. in. IN MOBILE. Mobile. Sept. 21. There have been three (leuths nnd three new case since the report sent out yesterday. The bulletin tixlay reports tl cases, 6 deaths, 10 dis charged, nnd 16 u:idr treatment. A steady effort to pot the stringency of th quarantine against Mobile modified is mooting with partial success. The river boats of the Alabama and Tomblgbce rivers left tonight on the first tr'ns for two weeks. BASEBALL SCORES. Boston Takes the Lead In the Exciting Championship Race. Baltimore, Sept. 24. Nearly U.VO peo ple saw th Boston baseball player beat the champions today and take th lead In the exciting race for this season's championship. Lrooktyn. Sept 24. Brooklyn 10, Phil adelphia t. New Tork, Sept. 24.-New York 2. Wash ington 4. LANDSLDE OS THE DYEAjTRAIL Sheep Camp Wiped Out of Eilsteace In a Twinkling. EIGHTEEN ARE NOW MISSING Jsst flex Aaiy Were Cijht Hay .lever Be Kioaa- Skayaay Tnil a Solid Mass ot Jlid. RAILROAD BOOM IN ARIZONA KEJURKABLE ETFECT Or TBE ACT Or THE UST lEGISUUKE. Over Three Thoasaad Nile of Road to tVtgia Coistractioi Right Ahav. CALIFORNIA TO BE HONORED. Mr Lnugtry and Her Prince Coming "Home'" to He Married. San Francisco, Sept, H. The nnnounce- ment that Sirs. Lnugtry will marry Prince Ksterhnxy Is confirmed. Attorney II. C. Mcltke of this city Is authority for tho announcement, which Is to be tnken In connection with statements re peatedly published since she secured her divorce In May Inst as to Mrs. Lmgtry's prospective marriage to thl distinguished ead of an ancltnt family. I have re ceived word, said Mr. MePIke, from my llent. Mrs. Lnngtry, of her Intention to return to California by the end of Novem ber. The prince will aooompany her GOLD IMPORTS. New York, Sept. 24. -R. O. Dun & Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade will say tc morrow: , O.ihl Imiiorts have begun direct from England and from France, beside the arrival of $4.000,0i0 at Son Francisco from Australia for wheat exoprted. The gold received there and started from Europe amounted to Iti.WO.OnO In four days, 'nnd tho advance of Its rates by the Rink of England to 2, per cent seems little likely to chock the movement. In view of the henvy merchandise balance due to this country and the rise In the rate of In terest here. August merchnadlse and special exports over Imports was not fur from f42.C00.000. and In September the excess will evident ly b larger, unless the shipments of gold are considerable. Tho merchandise ex ports from New York In tho thres weeks of September have been 15.3 per cent owr last year's, and Imports 1S.T per cent less, and like changes on the whole trade for the month wound result In net ex iwrts of $.i3.OOO,0O0 merchandise, besides silver. Failures for the week have been 09 In the I'nlted Slates against 215 last year and 2S in Cunnda ngalnst 39 Inst year. MYSTERIOUS POWERS. MURDERER GONE MAP. Columbus, Kan., Sept. 21 Ed 8tafn- back. one of the notorious family of mur derers In jnll here, has gone star e nind through fear of lynching nt the hinds of a mob. Stafllhock ts convicted ot murder In the first degree for tho killing of Frank Gnlbralth, one of several per sons supiMHed to have been murdered In the den of Stnffleback's nt Galena, this county. EVERY HOUSE BURNED. Muskogee. I. T Sept. 24. Every busi ness house In the town of Aftn, lo miles from here, was burnled this after noon. The loss was over IOO.OiM. A Wonderful Remedy for a Wonderful Age. Electricity Is the wonder of the ago. and the mode of treatment Is the nemo of perfection. It penetrates the secret ambush of disease and exterminates It, root and branch, forever. It removes the wretched symptoms of loathsome maladies and averts Its dreadful effects. It cures many of the most hopeless enses and relieves pain that every known rem edy ho failed in, and can be substan tiated by the evidence of hundreds who have been cured by Dr. Darrln. We give lelow a long list of cures performed In Idaho. Oregon and Washington: Mrs. F. A. Morris. New berg, Oregon Asthma and bronchitis ten years: restored two years ago. Thos. Madison, FUrmington, Oregon Scrofulous swelling under the ear. causing total deafness; cured. A. E. Miller, photographer, 227 Knot street. Alblna, Oregon Stricture many years, so life was despaired of; cured. Ex-Sheriff A. T. Schoeps' daughter, proprietor" Northwestern Hotel, corner Front and Clay streets, Portland: loss of appailte. liver complaint and rheu matic neuralgia for six months: cured. Mrs. A. Banister Meadow, Lewis coun ty, Wash. Excruciating pains In eyeballs, liver and kidney complaint, deaf nes 31 years, and a lump In her side, thought to be an ovarian tumor: cured. Wm. M. Colwell. Ilwaco, Wash. Sciatic rheumatism and liver complaint: restored to health. Also his brother, George L. Colwell. Ilwaco. was cured of numbness of the arm. Mrs. R. H. Humphrey, 432 L street, Portland: cured after nine doctors had failed, of painful menstruation and womb trouble In every conceivable way, gen eral' debility, pain through the heart and lungs. Charles Chrlsterman, Portland, Ore gonScrofulous catarrh so bad tnut de struction of his nose was threatened and had become so offensive that It was slck- Phoenix. Aria., Sept. 24. In the last two weeks notices of Intention to con struct J.000 miles of new railroad have been tiled with the territorial secretary of Arizona. There were 31 separate fil ings of almost as many separate lines ot new roads. If a quarter of them are ever constructed, Arizona will have cause to congratulate herself that her lat leg islature, not without considerable trouble with dissensions In both branches, finally passed a law to the effect that all new railway lines on which active work should be commenced within one year from the passage of the aot should be exemptej from all county, municipal and territorial taxation .for a period of 13 years. This Is known as the bill to encourage the construction of railroads in Arizona, and its passage was bitterly, but fruitlessly opposed. THE YANTIC FOR CHICAGO. To Be a Cruise Ship for the Illinois Na val Militia. Washington. Sept. 24. The navy de partment has ordered that the steam cor vette Tantlc be turned over to the Chi cago naval mllltta organization. The Yantic is now at the Boston navy yard, tjhe had only recently returned from duty In the Rio de la Plata river. Command .mt Harrison, of the Boston navy yard, has been Instructed to have the Yantic ready for sea by October 15. The vessel will proceed by way of the St. Lawrence river, Lake Ontario ami the Welland ca nal. At Erie. Pa., the Yantic will le turned over to the Chicago naval mllltla officers. She will proceed thence to Chi cago and there be housed over for the winter. In the spring she will be made ready for steam cruises on the lakes. The sum of J20.(J00 has boon expended on the Yantic In repairs. Fort Towmend, Sept. 24. (Special to th Aftortan.) Tbe steamer Pioneer ar rived here today from Bkaguay. Tbe Pioneer brings down ,t the story that landslide occurred at Sheep Camp on Chllkoot pass last Sunday morning. Eighteen men lost their Uvea, and only one body has been secured. Wm. Sprague, brother of Captain Sprague, of the tug Sea Lion, was a passenger on the Pioneer, snd be tells the following story of the destructive) slide: "I heard the news of the slide on Sun day from a man who claimed to have witnessed ft. The accident wvs caused by rain. During the first part of the week. It was cold and Ice had formed all around. On Thursday a change came and Thurs day night and Friday morning there was a warm rain, accompanied by chino3k wind, which thawed out everything. The rain came down In torrent, being the worst storm of the year for that sec tion, and continued all Friday and Sat urday forenoon. About noon Saturday the slide came, striking the Dyea trail at Sheep camp. Just what caused It could not be told, but there came a slide ot earth and rocks and water that carried all In It path. Sheep camp was in the path of the flood am! It was literally wiped out of existence. Fortunately, here were not many people there on that day. compared with the number usually at the camp. This Is where th loss of life occurred. Everybody left their outfits and baggage behind and fled for life. Some were caught in the deluge. Just how many may never be known, but orgrhteen were missing altogether. Two of them were a man and his wife, named Crockett, I believe, who were running a restaurant at Sheep camp. Four or five other missing men were Indian packers, and one of them Is reported to have had f4.000 with him, and was Just starting out for Dyea when the slide came. There Is great excitement along the trail and at Dyea and Skaguay over the report of the big slide, and It was finally re ported that fifty persons had been killed, but the facts are as I have stated them already." A TRAIL OF MUD. Seattle, Sept. 24. The latest new from Skaguay was brought here today by John Vance, a government Instructor at the Indian school at Neah bay, on the steamer Alkt. He was at Skaguay last Friday. He said: "The prospectors ami miners who have been congregated at Skaguay the last several weeks are all row well over the summit. They have had a hard tussle, but have gotten through all right. The greatest impedi ment they had to meet was themselves. The trail was almost a solid mass of mud. but it could be traversed." Mr. Vance had heard nothing of the snow and rock slide reported from Port Towiisend today, as having killed eight een men. Y"ALE FOOTBALL TEAM. New Haven, Sept. 23. The work of the Yale football team Is full of dash a:d energy. Captain Murphy, of last year's eleven, and acting Captain Benjamin, are doing the coaching. The 'verslty lines up as follows: McGurl.ind, center. Sutphln and Drummond, guards. Durston and Abbott, tackle. Conner and Shoop, ends. Ely, quarter. Hine nnd Gllmore. half backs. McBrlde. full back. Of this eleven Conner and Illne are the only men who played In the Princeton game last fall, and they both went in as substitutes. McFarland was first substitute center last year and Sutphin and Drummond were substitute guards. THE MARKETS. Portland, Sept. 21. Wheat Valley. M and S4e: Walla Walla. 50 and 81c. Liverpool, Sept. 24 Whe.t Steldy; No. 1 standard California. 39s. San Francisco, Sept. 24. Wheat. fL514 and fl.E2H. Hops 10 and 12c. New Tork, Sept. 24. HopsQuiet THE BROWN CASE AGAIN. San Francisco, Sept. 24. Rev. Charles O. Brown has at last been brought to terms by the Bay Conference. In a letter to Rev. A. J. Cruzon, dated Chicago, September 17, and Just received, he con sents to a mutual council to be held at Chicago, October 26, at which this ques tion will be arbitrated. "Was the Bay Conference Justified In suspending Rev. C. O. Brown, T. D., without trial and after the findings of the council?" Royal aukes the food para, wholesome and delicious. &4KIII0 FOWDEil Absolutely Pure aom smum rowsu co uw vomc J ..