I'HE iAILY ASTOMAN. S.VITRIUY MOKNINU. SK1TEMKKU in, mi When you go to Warrenton Don't fail to visit ..The bent of Wlnen, JUST NOW- High School Alisses Nobby Walking Boots Children's School Shoes Autumn Stock.... John Hahn & Co. Are WinuM 479 Commercial St. 18- Fall and Winter -97 DRESS GOODS See what we are showing in the new styles. Our new samples are coming in every day. ALBERT DUNBAR Agent Butterick Patterns f i TODAt'S WfeAf HEfL Fair weather; wurmer; light northeast winds. AROUNDJTOWN. 8ATVRDAY. -IK" If It were done, when 'tis done, then 'tis well That It were done quickly. Shakespeare. Cucumbers, very cheap, at Ross, Hlg flns & Co. 'a. Ftoe cabbage for kraut at Ross, H!g glns & Co.'. Lemon, at great reduction at Ross, Hlggins & Coa. Groceries at the lowest prices at the Pacific Grocery Co. j Bicycle and repair shop at 183 Ninth street. Charges reasonable. Our prices are the lowest In the city. Call and see us- Pacific Grocery Co. Umbrellas covered and repaired by a practical workman, at 1S3 Ninth street. Ask for sample of Chose & Sanborn's famous teas, at Ross, Hlgg.ns Co.'s. Laoe curtains launaried by Mrs. Ras- mussen. Leave orders at Cleveland's bakery. Fresh Ice cream and Ice cream soda at the Parlor candy factory, 483 Commercial atreet For rootling and skylights go to the Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co., S Ninth street. Chas. McDonald and H. Thing returned yesterday from a week's trip in the Ne halem. Mr. Louie N. Duchalne, of the "' raid, Lakefleld, Minn., was in the city yes terday. Mr. Schoene will next week send the re maining sailor of the Potrimpo. home to Germany. Just re:eivel, some of Kobe Crawford's fine butter in 60-pound kegs at Ross, Hig gins & Co.'s. Ashland peaches, Bart'ett pears, silver prunes, choice apples, etc., etc., at Ross, Hlggins & Co.'M. Miss Alice Munsell, resident optician, office In Shanahan building. Hour.. 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. Ashland peaches cheap and good; also a large supply of other fine fruits at Ross, Hlggins & Co. Money back if you don't like Schillings Best Tea and money at your grocers. A Schilling & Co Saa Francisco Suits to order, from $12.50 Pants to order, from $3.00 up up .FLYNN, the Tailor.. KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS Llquorn nnd Clsnrs. TiE AstoF House CLEAN AND AIRY KOOfflS Rates, 31 am! 11.25 day ; Meals, '23 eta. Pitcher & Taylor, Proprietors CHAS. KAN & CO 367 Commercial St Dealer In Chinese ami Japanese Curios, Fine Decorated China Ware, Silk Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of lilies' and Children's Underwear Gent's Shirts Made to Order. A. V. ALLEN. Groceries, Feed, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Logger's Supplies, Cor.Tenth and Commercial street. P. J. Meany. the ieadlng merchant tailor, 137 Tenth St The highest price paid for fur skins. t The price of shaving at the Occident barber shop has been reduced to 15c. All modern conveniences. Take your best friend to the Parlor for ice cream and Ice cream soda. Frl rate parlors for ladles. The original Nashville Students will give you "a taste of the old time" In their concert September IS-29. Miss Elmore and Miss Floretta A. El more left last evening for Mount Vernon seminary, Washington, D. C. The Rev. Henry Marcotte and Mr. An gus Gorr returned yesterday from their hunting trip in the Nehalem valley. At the bowling alleys yesterday Mrs. Dtllinger scored m and a number of la dles scored 50. H. Wise rolled up 57. Trout fishing is now good, and many fine salmon trout are being taken off the sands opposite the city water front. Come and see it. What? Why, the comic opera, "Utile Duke," at Fisher's opera house, Wednesday, September Zi. For pure country milk and rich cream, of guaranteed cleanliness, patronixe the Excelsior dairy. W. J. Ingalls, proprie tor. Go to the Parlor, successors to C. B. Smith, for pure, sweet cream and fresh creamery butter and buttermilk every day. Paul Corno, Rrookfleld; James C. Will iams, Ilwaco; E. H. Thomas, Artisa, Cal., were guests of the Parker house yester day. The new compound engines recently placed In the Wenona at the Columbia Iron Works are doing very satisfactory work. In the police court yesterday the case Against the Bergs, accused of running a laundry without a license, was dis missed. A stock of new styles In fall millinery sacrificed at the Great Sale of Cohen's stock, 491 Bond street corner of Eleventh street. WANTED Woman of business ability to take charge of branch for San Fian Cisco house. Address A, Astorian office. Martin Oleson the auctioneer, deputy for Strahl, can be found at his stand on Commercial street by all needing his services. Do not fall to hear the humpback song and the duets, etc., in the opera of "LItll Duke," next Wednesday night, at Fisher' opera house. Special saie of tine fruits today at Ross. Hijririns & Co.'s. Ashland peaches. Rartlett pear, sliver prune, choice ap ples, etc., etc. J. H. Peterson's ni w longing road br low Rainier Is handling a large number of lops and will soon be able to take care of l',Aj feet per flay. A. W. Withnell, A. D. Charlton, II. C. bowers, IV. H. Mead, a. P. Whitehead, Henry Long, L. I'.urke and wife, W. M. Martin, Portland; J. W. Jacobs, U. S. army; Miss G. L. Betterldge, Albany, N. Y.; 8. L. Jones, 8an Francisco were at the Occident yesterday. The ball to 1 given this evening t the tVlumbla cannery, I'ppertown, by Mrs, P.. A. Seaborn promises to be one of tin1 events of the season. The nmiunl solo of the Every Monday Club of the Presbyterian church will 1 held Tuesday, November V.'alch for further announcements. The person w-Ih a few days ago took the case of apple off the Olncy boat U known nnd the owner says he til that It doe not occur again. Last chance to buy dry goods nt lo than half price, at the Groat Sacrifice Sale of Cohen's stock. 41 Bond street, comer of Eleventh street. All are cordially Invited to attend the service to W held at the Congregational church on Sunday, nt S v m., wherein Rev.- J. II. Nicolol will officiate. Contractor Lebeok. who came down the river yesterday, say that Cooke's can nery is running day and night and can't pack all the salmon being caught. C. O. Pslmburg. the leading contractor of Astoria. Is prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing and building work. Dunne Mreet, between Tenth and Eleventh. Swodjsh Lutheran church-Swedish ser vices at l".3a a. in., Sunday school nt 12.15. English preaching at 7.4J p. m. Text. Acts. l:13-l. Topic. "Opened Hearts." When you want a real life-like and artistic photo, don't fall to call on Snod grass. The work he la turning out now Is ahead of anything ever made In As toria before. The Astoria (Or Astorian Is credited 1th the largest circulation accorded to any Sunday paper In the state out.ide of the city of Purtand.-Prlnters' Ink of August IS. us?;. Portland will soon have her annual x- position and Astorlans will probably show their appreciation of Portland's attitude towurds Astoria's regatta by visiting the metropolis In goodly numbers. j Three Of the "big 4," Messrs. A. D. j Charlton. H. C. Bowers and W. H. Mead, spent yesterday In the city and at Flavtl. Councilman Mead says they have to h.Wc an occasional breath of salt air. I j The reserved seat sale will commence ' next Monday morning for the comic ohmu of "Little Duke." Come and see It; It Only costs 5oo. At Fishers' opera house, j Wednesday, September . i i ine voung muies pc-wuifc w o. j v. , Swedish Lutheran church will have an , auction and social. In the basement of the church, next Saturday, September 13. at t o'clock p. m. Everybody Invited. Silk waists, silk dressing gowns, silk wrappers and silk skirts at price to close tardkss of value, for the next 10 days, at the. Great Sacrifice Sale of Cohan's stock, 431 Bond street, corner of Eleventh street. I It was rumored yesterday that Mr. Fred Johnson, who will pay a visit next week to Gruy's river and from there make an extended tour of California, will take Mrs. Johnson with him to the lind of flowers and sunshine. Everyone ought to come to the opera, "Little Luke." and help Mr. Helcher. Remember he is an Astoria boy and has heljied In all the different events which , have taken place in Astoria. Wednesday, i September 2, at Flfher's. . Sunday nt the iJnptbt church-Subject of sermons: In the morning, "Humtui Epistles"; in the evening, "Experiences in By-Path Meadow and Doubting Cas tle." Sunday school and Y. P. B. V. ns usual. You are cordially invited lo at tend. Congregational church Preaching at II a. m. and 7:30 p- m. All other services as usual. Mornii.g theme, "Visible Re. suits of Dwelling with Christ"; evening topic, "Gideon's Last Encouragement the Barley Cake." All art cordially in vited. E. 8. BolllngT pastor. M. E. church Services at 11 a. m. and 7:3ft p. m. Morning theme, "The Glorious Gospel": evening, "Bags with Holes In Them." Morning class led by the pastor meets at 10:;j0, Bundav schiol at 12:15, Ep worth League at 1:30. Come nnd worship with us; you will receive a cordial wel come. Gold Watch FREE TO Boys, Girls and ...Young Ladies ....AT.... GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY'S ...Pure Food Stores... Every watch Is a perfect timepiece; 15-year guaranteed case. Real gems. Don't mlKS this opportunity to secure o.e of these pretty watch's it.. Call and a.sk about It at the Great American Importing Tea Company's Pure Food Store, rol Commercial street., Astoria, Oregon. Call and see the handsome watches. Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts Highest quality, Lowest Prices. 110 STORES IN OPERATION, Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Ma on application. W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull line of I'lpre, T.eacto. end mokeri1 Articles. -4 7-4 Commcrvlnl tt. The greatest inimical treat of the nelson will ap-ar I" As.urla September '.N and 1 No colored troupo In America bin had such unparulU-li d success us the Nalivlllo Students. If you must in'cs anv enertalnnieiit miss nil oilier. I'Ut don't miss the Jubilee Singers. The tux Astoria formerly slaloned here. arrl-vd fom Gniy's Harbor yesterday to tow- the O. K., on which the big anchor and heavy chain were yesterday Ku,lcd. to l used 111 Moating the .iltiimonig off North Reach. The attempt will l- nuulv In a few days und It Is hoped that It will Iw successful. At a meeting of the chkHl tvard )fvr day, Mrs. Kathleen Itiws w.i l,cled to till the vacancy In the sixth grade. She will have charge of the Kxchange street school. The following assignments were aJso made to Adair's school: Room No. 1, Miss IMckenson; room No. !. Ms A- mus; room No. S, Miss liayles; ro'm No. 4 Miss Andrews. . , - ' - : ' Eng-trnvr Jamleson went up the line ye.erday on nn Innpectlon trl. Knappa, Hour creek and Svcnsen's have had a-ir Jolllfloatlon over the laying of the track J yard ui of the- I'mtMua. When thfl Inro thos. places, and It Is pfolxiMe ttuit , blat are fired the upheaval of the wilnr Rainier will hold the ncjl celebration. I nuikes a, beautiful sight. Mr. Faslabend Clatsop county on.l Astoria will do their ! Says hn ha enjoyed the summer on the shouting when the tlmt train Is run Into j 1- uiilful t'nn.iia very much. The sc. n he Portland union depot. ! ery Is Due imH tlsliinir salmon l.-lng j very plentiful and of tine nuallty. The Services at Orcechureh gimda-. Sep- saw mill l doing a g.l buslnes. nnd t.-mlr 15 as follows: Early celebration I hundreds from tlw Interior conn-d on the of the holy communion at a. m., mom- j Ing prayer. md sermon at 11 a. m., Sunday I school at 12:30. evening prayer and s.-r- ! mon at 7.3'. Holy Innocents al l.l: t Hereafter the o'clock celebratl ui will i lie on the third and fourth Sunda. and thu fifth, should there 1 (lie Sunday. In the month. 1 Pr-sbvteri.m cluir--h Morning service; at 11, evenlni; at 7:J'. Sunday school ut U:l.1. Y.P. S. C. E. ut i.yi. Theme of j morning sermon. ' What Is Meant by , Saving Jesus"; evening theme. ' Rejoice, j Young Man, In Thy Youth." A special ! Ini-lf:lfr,n lit t eriileit In .,TV VoMIt.'' man to hear this message. You are , or- ; dlally Invited to all these services, and' to make this your church home. Henry ' Man-of.e, pastor. I , Mr. l!ro. k who owns a t.l.ice on Yoiimr'a i river, near Saddle moiin;an, was In the city yesterday. He says that the farmer out his w-ay who linvo planted hops will reap a good harvest. The crop Is In ex cellent condition, hence the farmers are happy. An effort, lie says, will l! mad by the settler In hi locality to build a new road to tidewater via Young's river falls. The distance will be about two miles nearer than by Mmy, and with belter grades. i j It will afford the public griMt pb-isur-to barn that Miss Clara Young, daughter of Hon. lien Young, has kindly con sented to play at llerr Arno Janson's concert, given at Fourd & Stokes" hall on September 27. This will be Miss Young's first appearance I fore the Ast'rla public since her return frvm Germany. Miss Toutig Is cue of the few rising Mar which Astoria can be roiid of, and she certainly deserve a great deal of credit for what she. has acc-jmpllshed. The numerous friends which Miss Young has gtdncd throiich her amiable and modest manners will be only too glad of till opportunity of giving h'-r a royal welcome, and thus wish her hik --.. in tier fill lire musical career. Asrorla, has among her citizens several Inventors who are ileHtlned to more than ordinary fame. Among tills numlx-r can bo. mentioned Mr. Milton Troyor, who has to his credit several very useful In ventions. Scarcely anyone In the city but has seen the little duck boat propelled rapidly alciul the bay by a miniature gasoline engine. The engine was of Mr. Troyer's own make, and many of lis most useful parts were Improvements of that gentleman. Exis-rtfl who have exam ined the engine say that It Is superior to any other make, and have said many encouraging things to the young Inventor. As soon as lrciirntanci s will (permit, Mr. Troyer will commence the manufacture of these ma'lilnee, and the peoplpc of Astoria will undoubtedly show their ap preciation by standing back of bis enter prise and unite lit build him up a good trrole. BETTER THAN REAL ESTATE. If you buy real cHtate, you pay H per cent Interest on rill you cannot pay cash for. Eventually you have to pay the prin cipal, too. liy means of a poll' y In ihe Egnltable Life, a young man can buy for his family HJ, or tlisi,in, by paying less than 3 per e'en I yearly. He thus se cures a fortune for his family at once, If he dies, or for himself if he lives for 2'i years. Many good companies, but only one liefct the Equitable Life. Itn latest policy is Ihe most desirable life Insurance contract Issued. L. Simuel, Manager, Oregonlan building, Portland, Or. the Best tee THE CENTER ON THE Everybody Knows that -Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? Munulncliirer ami I ei ! r In FINE CIGARS! guile a iiiiiiiIh r of business men tser- heard to eoninioiiii the very grneitms manner In which Mr. tlorgo Hm-I yes tenlay vUled the nieinlx-rs of the As toria ITogressivo mihiii rcl.il Association wfth a iitianeiit homo. The old cyclery nlll make an excelleui pac, for an cihtl'it of the products of the lower ColutiiMa rlwr. Frm all appearances the new a.wvl.,(loti will It of great I'.'iu (It lo As toria. If they accomplish nothing more Ih.m infii-iiiiK Into I lie veins of a large ntiiiiber of cltisens a spirit of loyalty to home lioaliullons and lo one anolh, r. No ciimmtinlly was ever known to proiM-r wlier, a majority of her clilsi-ns tire prone to took with suspicion at iuie au- iher. The memWrs of this new organi sation will allow nothing to cloud the an!,- of their enthusiasm, nnd such feeling can result In nothing but good to the whole community. Conlros-lor J. returned from A. KnstaU-nd yesterday Nestucea. In unoiher month the work for the government done by Xftrmlle and Faslabend will have been cuniplrted. Fourteen hundred yard of rock will haw been blasted out of the lH vt rlvV ' Ne'tu-", d l"W l,e.i. h. milking things lively for ail. mi iho way home the drive from Nrstucci to .Sheridan. 37 trill-, wu made In U h'wirs. Including a stop to rescue a woman who Ms driving an unruly hone ami but for tlm-ly aid would have met with soriouw iuildeiit. Fmm Slierldun the drive to Amity, ten miles. wn made In C minutes. At lhat point Ihe truln wu taken for Portland. "' THE CITY CcHWVlL. Lnslness I h.iic at l-il Night' Meeting. At rhe meeting of the i lly -niincll last night, all the members were present, except J. W. Welch. Mayor Taylor pre Sided. The iH-tltloiiH or J . I,. I arison, i nni. Walrus an. I '.. A. Uirs-n for Ihpior V. census w'-re refernil to the commute Petition of I). K. Vonam.ui for r.emptlon de-d: referred lo committee. The mayors' veto of the ordinance for payment of Thirty-third street improve ment was rend and sustained. The usual number of claim were pre sented and approved. The committee on health nnd poll, e recommnnded the appointment of Martin filsen as deputy auctioneer for Htrahl: nilopted. The special eommltee recommended the establishment of a street light at the corner of Fiftieth and Ash streets; nd'pted. The committee on public property pc 'unmended that the proposed changes In the rlty council rhumlx-r be postponed until some future time; adopted. Superintendent of Streets C. W. II lt recommended that the following streets, whic h are In an unsafe condition, lie Im proved: Second between Aslor anil Front, Third tween Commercial and Front, Fifth between Commercial and Front. Sixth la-tw-een Commercial and Front. Seventh between Amor and Com meMal, Eighth between Astor and Grand avenue, Ninth between Astor nnd i'nutl. Exchange Wween Fourteenth and Seven teenth, Commercial between Third and Tenth, Autor between First and Ninth, filed. ORDINANCES. For the Issuance of bonds In payment of the Thirty-third street Improvement; passed under suspension of tho rules. Appropriating .V) for benefit J. V. Voss; read third time and passed. Resolved, That tho auditor and police Judgo give due nnd legal notice of the aHsessmont made and filed by the board of assessors on the Improvement of Thlr-ly-third street, Harrison avenue and Thlly-flfth street .nippolntlng Wednesday, October ti, 1W7, al la o'clock a. m., ns the time when Ihe same will lie reviewed ley the committee on streets and public ways ami the board of assessors, s'ttlng ns a iKXird of equalization. The regular lllls were presented tnd referred to the proper commit! -es. On mmlion of McGregor, the mayor w.-ih requested to write the council of Columbus, O, enclosing copy of a rcsolu tlon to be drawn thanking that hotly for Its Invitation lo attend the convention of mayors and conucllmen. Council udjourned. TO CUE A C()l.l IN ONR DAY Take Iyixullve Rromo Quinine Tablet.. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure- 25c. For sale by Chnrle. Rogr.. A Handf?orrr r"-" r."?"-!or Is one of the ifrente . eier. e o-nin rsn possess. i-wiuji.t -- i-uvium gives 'i,. OF DEVELOPMENT WEST SIDE Fisher's Opera House. I.. K, fi'llu, Mtusticr. Wednesday, Sept. 22 The Comk Opera Little Duke III line, . a. I'V t'lmtle. I . For lb l-eiiellt nl ftlR. J. W. BELCHER S ecUl rlismivuisnt ol Rosalia Southern Hepburn I'rluis lonns Motitirtlls A. ilir l.lllle pake. - - Mr. Frank K. Hepburn Mreelm, Al'MIMX j Adult 'Or I hl.drru in Ihe e ill, ry i- Kearrved -! nlilioiil oil i 'lisri: at rllhu Kecd i. AJj.l.l4f I kHBB la lit 4fcMl C rr tu 1 I" Vol! hm i9im4 M bums lur 4tt tr" (ml vtik lh k ill Mxjiirvrv aM but Ull tO ( l.4trt. If urm. If fotl laaiU mi UlJ hV49 tV'ho 4ftita M-llrll th mtMi lril4. t 4Mr -(h! lialti'AfN mmmmt ran. ttoui at Ik kill mt rm u 4jt ha sI.Ml I.Uli, m.! , ! UJU 4 lrr Uii. ll.t tl wu i .1. A&Ur 4 4mik urnrnv .. VIGOR W Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored WeknfMt KinoaioMi. Db!Iity( u4 til U trl ulc (vm tit rroft r iwm4 ; tm f4Mlt 4f ft, U. kl lraU, I Am pi 4t, iri Mtb-Mltv Immtvlltii Iwittftut leuo rffa4i4M. Musk. ERIE MEDICAL CO., ai2tf e7J 897 Fisher Brothers LLBRICATINO OILS A SPECIALTY ASTORIA. SKLL Shii Chandler) Hiinlwnrc Irnn n nil Steel Cun I (iniccries uml Provisions I'lniir uml Mill I'ecil I'uints, Oils 11 ml Varnishes !.oj(ers' Siiiilics 1'uirlmnh's Sealcs Diwrs and indoKS Airlniltiirnl Implements Kiiquns and Vehhlcs. Antoria Ironworks Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria, GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS Land and Marine Engines, Poller Work, Steamboat and Cannery Work a sps clalty. Callings of all dcrtptlona made to onltr on short notloe. John Fox,. President and Supertntondmt A. L. Fox Vloe President O. B. Prad Secretary Astoria SavUg-a Rank Treasurer Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Rooms 317-318 Portland Savings Bank litdg. Portland, Oregon. ..Tho Pfmt Lnitnch,. tHERCUIsES,, I. open to special charier for excursion parlies or river freighting. Dock at Ross, I logins ft Co.'. .lip. THOS. DALGITT. Leave orders at 214 Bond .treet THE ASTORIAN Wl COLUMNS WANTKI). , - WANT I'll -Young girl living wl'.h pa rents, to inks cars of ohlii1rt and d4) light housework. Apply at 411 I'usm irovt, ... . ... i'X MKN WANTKI 1. Railroad Imuds wajtled for tinmcdlSkU work on track. Apply at rxHin 4, Fil bltK k. A. A C. 11. It R. - " 1A8T. I.OHT-lliinch ut keys, lld wllh red rib iHWt. Leave at Astorian orhoo. run hint, Foil UKNT-Ton.room house In 1'pperw town, 011 slrvel car Hue; III Kr inoiith. Inquire at Ibis office. FOR ItKNT-KuriusheJ rKjiu, m suite or single, by the day or nxvitb. Motel Tig he, under uUrw u.w tnajiac. iiiont, tlmtt reduction In rwlM. Urs. t. V. INirtsr, manager. C. Eleven and Franklin, Foil HALE. Foil HALE A six-room OolUga, lot tog iO, with water, etc, within four block, of Commercial street. In the renter of I he cliy. A rare chance. Price, 11,404. Aiblreaa C, Astorian otnoe. l ull HAI.i: Cheap, un IKil, iio lady'. Columbia bicycle, In pcrfcl condition. Apply al th Alorlai uDlos. .- - PltorEHnlONAL CAIIUS C. C. HltOWEll. ATTOIINET AT LAW. Uuttdarson Hull ling. AjstipTta, Oregon. II. T. CROHUT, ATTOHNET-ATLAW. 44f Comm.rclal strwst Chsitsr V. Polph. Itlchard Nil.. tHiLI'H av NIXON. ATTOHNETS AT LAW, Portland, Oregon. 14. tft. M and IT. Hamilton llutldlng. All legal and aot lsUlon busln m promptly adandod t. Claim, against the government a pe nalty. A. flOWLDT, ATTOIINKT AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Dtflr. on llond .treat Astoria, Or. DIt O. 11. KSTEII. I'llTBICIAN AND SUIiaBON. Special attention to dle.oses of won and surgery. omce over Danslgef. store. Aslorta Telephone No. U. Oil. JAY TL'TTLK. PHYSICIAN AND HUUUKON Offliv, riHima 5 and I, Pythian bulldf. MIS Commercial St. Itealdence hm Telephone tt. Acting assistant surgeon I'. S. Ma rine hospital service. It. A. SMITH. DENTIST. ffa... Rooms I and 2. Pythian llulldlnf. over C. H. Cooper', .lore. DIt H. L. HENDERSON. Office, Klnury liulkllng, Astoria, Office hours, 7 to I a. m.; 11 to I and I to I p. m. Special attrnton given lo the treatment of Dlscoae of the Eye Chronic Dla ctLocs, and Surgery. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. f, A. F. aa4 A. M. Regular communications held the tint and third Tuesday evening of mcb month. O. W. IXMTNSUKRIIT, W. IC E. C. HOLD EN, Secretary A. tS: C. R. R. R. TIME CARD In Filed Sept. H, IH!7. Leave Astoria for Flav.l at t:W a. m., 12 m., I p. m , I p. m. and 1:30 p. ra. Leave Astoria for Seaside via Flav.l at 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. Leave Flavel for Astoria at (:M a, m., 10:t5 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 3:U p. m. and 0:30 p. m. Iavo Seaside for Astoria via Flavsl at 7:30 a. m. and I p. m. All the Above Ti niiiM Arc Daily. Reading or DistanceljGlasses 10 00 Eye Qlasae. for 13 28, or 13.00 Eye Glasao. for tl.Tl Warranted Gold Plated Frame. Make your friend a bixiutlful and us, ful present We guarantee a perfect fit by mall providing when - you order the) glasses you gnawer the following que, tlons: Mow old Ever used glasse.t How longf Male or female? GEO. MAYERLE, Expert Optician, 28 Third street, Ban Francisco Opticians' and Photography Supplies. .SNAP A KODAK. at any man eemlug out 0 our store and you'll gel portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Huclt quality In the liquors we have to offer are enough to plene snj man. COMIT AND TRY THEM HUGHES & CO.