The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 16, 1897, Image 4

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When you go to Warrenton
Don't fail to vinlt
.The bent of Wltien,
An Elegant Line
of the famous
Edwin Clapp Fine Shoes
A complete assortment of Ladies'
Shoes of the very best makes.
Durable heavy Boots ami Shoes
for laborers.
John Hahn & Co.
479 Commercial St.
18- Fall and Winter -97
See what we are showing in the
new styles. Our new samples j
are coming in every day. I
Agent Butterick Fattems
Continued fair weather with fresh
northwest winds.
Heaven is bountiful: and sutlers none
Mr. W. G. Goeslln and wife are visiting
In Portland.
Cucumbers, very cheap, at Ross,
gins & Co.'..
Fine cabbage for kraut at Rosa, HIg-
gins 4 Co.'. J
At the bowling alleys, yesterday, C. H. .
Cooper scored 66, i
L. B. Seeley, of Portland, spent yester-1
day at Flavel. I
A . " ,
. !
Lemons at grea: reluctlon at Ross, 1
Higgins & Co.'..
Grocerles at the lowest prices at the
Pacific Grocery Co. j
Bicycle and repair shop at l&j Ninth
street. Charges reasonable.
Court Reporter C. E. Runyon returned
from California yesterday.
Born, to the wife of James L. Hull,
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, a son.
Our prices are the lowest to the city.
Call and see u- Pacific Grocery Co.
Umbrellas covered and repaired by a
practical workman, at 1SS Ninth street.
Ask for sample of Chase ft Sanborn's
famous teas, at Ross, Hig-.ns ft Co.'s.
Judge Thomas A. McBrlde will or-n
the circuit court next Monday morning.
For roofllng and skylights go to th.
Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.. M Ninth
Laoe curtains laundried by Mrs. Ras-j
mussen. Leave orders at Cleveland's
t I i.' ' iTiii. ,v
Fresh Ice cream and Ice cream soda it
the Parlor candy faclory, 483 Commercial
The steamer Telephone took out five
carloads of salmon last nipht for the
Half a dozen cars of .lalmon were
shipred East yesterday by the steamer
Mr. Thomas Ryrle and wife are at the
beach visiting at Mrs. C. H. Cooper's
The county clerk yesterday Issued a
marriage license to M. Sverdrup and Hel
en Drlscoll.
to make you say to yoi:r n"kh"r v"-'r""y. s5.-ptenib 12, at
J I FiKh'r's r"a house; only rK
grocer: 1
r; n mrl'iw ni' T M"r'h;in,,!' an'' Mechanics' Fair,
UlVe Hie a package 01 which will open In Portland on the 22d,
Schillings Best tea, if you!."' a,rP!"ly an r;"!"ir"1 nd wui
r- 1 I " ' ''''''' events of the year.
can reauy. anora 10
my money when I don't like
A Sdollint ft Cmpuy
I f n
Suits to order,
from $12.50 UP
Pants to order.
from $3.00 F
FLYNN, the Tailor..
Llquorn rind Clgnrs.
Astor House
Rated, $1 nthl fl.'.'-i a Uv;
M'!, "i") CN.
Pilcher & Taylor, Proprietors
J 67 Commercial St
IXaler In
! Chinese and Japanese Curios, Fine
1'eeorateii Cluna an Silk
Fancy lioods.
Manufacturers of Ladies' ami
Children's I'liderwear
Gent's Shirts Made to Order.
Groceries, Feed, Fruits,
Vegetables, Crockery,
Logger's Supplies.
Cor.Tenth and Commercial street.
Mr. E. W. Tallant is taking an out ng
at the beach and Is domiciled at Crow's
Nest cottage.
Take your best friend to the Tarlor
for Ice cream and Ice cream soila. Pri
vate parlors for ladles.
Ashland peaches cheap and good: alio
a large supply of other fine fruit. t
Ross, HIgglns Co.
!'. J Many. the
tailor. 1?T Tenth Pt.
!pM for fur skirs.
!eai".s; merchant
The highest price
I Miss Alice Munsell. resident optician,
'offlce In Ehanahan building. Hour.. 9
to 12 and 1 to 1
Ashland peaclvs. Bart'ett pean, silver
I)nlnf'' choice apple, etc., etc.. at Ross.
'S?'n f -o. s.
m 1 I0Tn "e art tea to he held at
Mrs - F- s- Houston's this afternoon, 3CT
Commercial street
The A-''tori;l Progressive Commercial
Association will undoulrtedly find the so-
lutlon 10 the Astoria ppiblem.
Receiver F. I. Dunbar yesterday sold to
the Foard Stokes Company the balance
of the Howell & Ward stock.
The maynr yesterday signed the ordi
nance authorizing the payment of KM to
Columbia Engine Company No. 3.
E. A. 8"J. y at-r nt of the White Colbir
line, was down from Portland yester
day, rurnin(f on the evening boat.
The first boat In the Astoria fleet of
vessels trailing wrih Alaska will sail
sometime In the sweet by and by.
For pure country milk and rich cream,
of guaranteed p.-anllnes, patronize the
Excelflor dairy. W. J. Ingalls, proprie
tor. ' 10 tho Parlor, successors to C. B.
Smith, for pure, cre-.m an.l frosh
rnaiwry buter and buttermilk every
A stock of new style. In fall millinery
sacrificed at the Great Sale of Cohen's
sti-k. 451 Eond street corner of Eleventh
. -
Nothing ha? been hi-ard recently In t-
, gard to the a.-ii.m of the cham'ier of
' commere.. r.,r a '1'iarantlne station at
S:'m' lslan'l-
i sW!a' Bale of fine fruits today at
R. "iifcl:.s 4- Co.'s. Ashland peaches.
Bartb.ft jmrf. s.lver prun-. choice ap-
, I'1' s' e:c i Wc-
J. W. Runn. M. Anderson, Portland:
Mrs. J. I.lo'l an.! children, Seasid-: M b.i
M. Moore, IIarrl?,ur, were at the Par
ker nous'- yesterday.
L'lft e-hanee to buv dry ;?oo'y rjt l.e
than half price, at the Great Sacrifice
Sale of Cohen's stock, 451 Bond street,
corner of Eleventh street
Married, at Fisher's opera houRe, Wed
nesday evening, September 22, Fabrioe.
Duke dr Parthnny, to the charming
Madame Blanche de Cambric. Come and
see It.
O. G, lY.lmhurg, the leading contractor
o! Astoria, I prepared to do nil kind
o jobbing ami building work. Dunn.
Mi-eel, Is'tvvoen Tenth and Klitvrmh.
ivi not forget th. tea to l given at
the rvs.ilenoe of Mr. C. U Houston by
the laullcs' Guild of Oi. e church. Tlmm-
d.y .ifiortiHn, frm 5 until S. All are
cordially Invited.
Tho Astoria (Or I Aslorian In vroi'itcd
with the largest circulation accorded to
ar.y Sun, lay mior In tho state outside
of tho city of IVrtand -Printers' Ink of
August IS, 157.
When you wait ,i : II'. -::i,o .m,
artistic photo, don't full too!! on Smxt
ass. The work he i. turning out n 'w
is ahead of anything ever made !:i A.
torln before
Th young Indies' sowing sodey of the
Swedish Lutheran church will have mi
auction iin.l social. In tho tiom.-nt of
tho ohuivh. next Saturday, September
1, nt S o'clock p. m. Everybody Invitisl
Silk waists. .Ilk dressing gowns, silk
wr.piers and silk skirts at price, to otoo
regardless of v.u for the next W days.
at the Great SuorlrU-o Sale of Cohen's
stock, 4."1 Bon,! street, corner of Eleventh
street. ;
Tho nnme of tho president or ih., .....
nt.ment regatta reorganisation ha. not vet
been annouoed. but It I. presumed that
tho information Is withhold for poltilral
tvasons only.
looonllni: to report. William Ttioker
l the craek llaherman of the season. It
Is Mi,l that with hook ami line he has
taken " trout out of Yount-s nver In
Ave Ashing trips.
Marriftl. WiMnrmlay afternoon. Soptem-
tyr IS, at the home of Mr. J. O. John-
son. Knnppton. by the Rev. Wm. Sey.
mour Short. Mis, K.tith Hormos to Mr
Charlos II. Forl. v.
Frank Galther, a 12-year-old lad of II-
waoo. who fell from a tree at Smith's
Point Tuesday, fracturing his right nrm.
Ls iMns as well in . uM be exio.-tid
under the circumstances
The Nvird of assessors yesterday tiled
with the city auditor the assessment
amUnst proierty-owners for the Thirty-
third street Improvement. The report will
lie acted upon at the ncit session of the
Max Magor. Hugh McGinn, Walfr B.
Preston. Mrs. E. C. Stuart and daughter.
Mrs. R. E. Jones. Portland; II. It. Cat
ton, Sacramento: H. W. Nelson. B. Staf
ford. Jos. Schwartxs San Francisco, were
guests of the Occident yesterday.
The Informal party given Tuesday eve-
lng by Miss Pearl Holden was pronoun
ced one of the pleasnntew affairs of the
season. The floral decorations were
handsome, the refreshments delicate and
the amusements most entertaining
The French man of war Skamokawa
will arrive -In port, bringing a. detach
ment of the French army, commanded
by Oaptaln de Monteland, a daring, dash
ing officer, and Professor Frimmisse, late
tutor to the young Puke de Parthnay,
who will rendezvous at Fisher's opera
house Wednesday nlsht. September VI.
The Astoria lroprefe4vo
Association met I ist nkht. and after read
ing and adnptntg a constitution and by
laws, proceeded to ele-1 permanent o'!l
cers as follows: Alliert DunNir. presi
dent: H, M.imblett, vice-president: II. O.
Van Dus'n, treasurer; E. J. Smith, sec
retary: directors, II. Hambb-tt, Walter
A. Robb, Herman Wise. F. A. Henry and
F. W. Newell. Thursday night was adopt
ed as the regular weekly meeting nlithi,
and tonlnht the first regular meeting
will be held.
Mr. J. H. Neal, brother of Mrs. Gear
hart, Is visiting In the ety Mr Neal Is
a large cattle and sheep raneher of Har
ney county, and Is located about 173
miles from Huntington. He reiorts that
wool, whleh last year only brought five
cents a pound, Is now worth ten cnts,
and that everything is all rtuht since Me. '
Klnley entered the White House. The
farmers 1n Eastern Oregon are making
a good thing off their wheat and other
grains, as well as wool. Mortgages are
being paid and country merchants are
doing a good business. i
Considerable Interest has been mani
fested around town ir. he question as to
how many large lumber rafts have been
Gold Watch
Boys, Girls and
...Young Ladies
...Pure Food Stores...
Every watch is a perfect timepiece;
l"-year guaranteed case. Real gems.
Don't miss this opportunity to secure
o.e. of these pretty watch., frsr Call
snd ask about It at the Great American
Importing Tea Company's Pure Food
Store, r."l Commercial street., Astoria,
Call and see the handsome witches.
Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts Highest quality, Lowest Prices.
Warrenton Is the Best...
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mj"fton application.
A lull lint .1 I' r- I t
ltd Mih k,ci. Anl. h.
4T-4 lomiiu'i tlnl e.
built In I ho t
'' '
'luml'T.i aii'l uhli'povl oil!
iiiwIfrnto-Hl that ulvut u
! "u,u,,"" dollars lias l. o.i m ny various
j ,inl,'!' " ""' l"'"l,y,l,,"- '"" I'oMIhk
thai thrvo pif;i nv nl to ma aiut
ollior. that Tour haw l on built nil. I
join out. Tho Mi tho A.toil.m
slu'W I ha I tho flrM rati u KhlmHtl Oc
totvr II. lsst. th,. nil ouo .Vumiat X,
IMti,; tho thlnl. AiiRimt :. IS; aiul thiv
fourth. In AuituM. Tho hnt raft
wan tho ono whl. h rnt to ploori at ra.
but It loft out tho Columbia rlvor
1,11 rlKht-
A. G. Itarkrr. tho railroad man. te-
turned to Portland last nlglil lie s ute.l ,
to an Astorlan repn s. nlatlv i that t'luj
:mproi'ineiil being made by tho i 15. !
& N. Co. eut of Portland would le of
itiout tvnetit to the entire stale. A large
force of men Is at work straightening
out ugly curves, redieing grades.
strengthening bridges and laying heavy
rails. It Is oMileiiHy tlie Intention of j
the new management of tie It N I
to put the line in the very let of physical j
condition. l:ulnis is rapidly Increas
ing, and th,, i). It ,: N. lon g the te--minus
of sever. il tninsiNititliiental roads.
Is determined to .1 1 to liamlle .ill .
tho business that comes to It In the very j
host Missble manner. !
President J. J. Mill, of the Great N irth- !
ern railroad, paid .1 flying lst to Port-I
land Tuesday Although telling pleasant
things to the newspaper resirt,rs, asi
usual he had very little to say regarding
facts Mr. Hill has a happy knack ir
talking but telling little. He denied the '
report of the consolidation of the iint
Northern and Northern Pacific I'.very- j
twdy knows th it the two roads have not 1
been eotisoidateil. Inn that th, :r manage
ment IS SO CoSey ,te, tht! d'.i!
amounts almo-M to 1 onsolid it..n. Wait!
people are Imking or s tie outcome if I
the Union P.i' -lib- sal,- next month. Will I
that line bo bought up In the lot, rest of!
tho;i im' , end'
If so. what will l. Its Marions with the i
Shio- Line an. I 1 1. It N ? '
Do not fornt to ! present at the -nnd !
concert given at 1'mrd Stokes hall
on the 27th of this month by llerr Artie
K. Jansen None hut artists w II pftrtlei- i
pate in the program. The flowing names
speak for themselves; II. -rr Arne IC. Jan
son, violinist: Mrs. Th. (ilsen. pianist;
Mrs. Ir. J.irwin. ven-nllst. and Mr John
Jurgens. vocalist Those who have never
heurd Mr Jurgens sing siwiuld not lose
the opportunity of hearing this wiMider'nl
tonor. iWthoiit a doubt this protnlses
to le, ntif of the finest inncer's ever
given In this city, and ft Is to ! hoped
that the Atorlans will show their appre
ciation and love for music suflVlenlly
to turn out In a Uidy on this evening.
The admission wdll only is- fWe and 7V
for reserved seats thur. islng witliin the
reach f everyone who cares to s.oetid an
enjoyable evening.
n,. of the most enloynble iffirs of
the season was a irar b n parly given
yesterday afternoon by the Mines 'cve
In honor of the Ml"e Itlm ir . w ho h ave
for Washington, . (V, Friday evwilmr.
Tennis, croouet and other outdoor snorts
made the afternoon very delightful, j).,.
liclous refreshments wen served ,,n the
iM-autlful lawn and In th,. rnntic urbnis.
The Mlsse, Flavel were a.-s std In re
ceiving by Miss lt.,ger. Miss Kltnore and
.miss riorei ia a Mmore The guests
were the Misses Warren. Howlby, Gar
ner, 'White, K'p.s... ltd, s. firnv, fonn, T.-I-kint.
H.-irrlet Tallant. Klnn'-y, Iteefl.
Helll.irn, il.idoll. t, Sliennan, Walter Pow
ell, MnUI Pow.dl, Ge:,r. Ininnlrig,
M'-Kenn, Ilattee. f'rnng, Uulh Garnr,
and Messrs. Asthury. liennett, Oarnith
ers. R. (',. Wilson, Wilson. Finch, itad-d-b-t.
De I, In, M'-Kimfi, Pattc, Heilborn,
.Sherman, Garror and others.
A number of old sailors, yesterday af
ternoon, gathered in a popular corridor
find talked ov.-r i.ld-ilrne yacht races In
New York back In the 7'i's. As one cap
tain, who was at that time a snllor on
one of the yacht", was describing a par
ticularly hot race 1,1 tweet, a Hrlih-h and
an American yacht, the bystanders Im
agined that t,y could se the wo iiOatS
starting at the sound of the gun, wnllc.
twenty tii,iiu:.iM p,,,. n ,.w Vnrk
nartrf.r followed the races In all kinds
of crofts. Before reaching the turning
stake, a storm suddenly spra.fg up,
aH Ih often the ease r, the least, making
things very lively for ,0th racers. The
narrator hecarne so Interested In Ms de
scription that the little Astoria audience
could hear th,. rattle of the lines 11:1 sails
were lowered to me. the sfiiall, and the
snapping sheets f,,r,. th,. roaring winds
Was plainly discernible. The same cup'aln
thinks that crnc day he will take part
In an equally exciting race In Astoria
T'i U.Uh A tul.l) OMi l) iV
Take Laxative promo Oulnlne Tablet..
All drugglstH refund the money if It falls
to cure- 2.V:. I'.,r sale by Charles Rogers.
Everybody Knows that Warrenton values will soon
doubled, It Is distinctly the best property
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements,
at very low prices.
Is it not a fine Investment?
MntHitiKliiror .tit, I
lcnlc r In
I "Tiik ij:(ii;nik."
llerr Artie Krog Jiwison us 10 un
Iioiiner that HI his concert glrn heir oil
the 27th of this month, he will play (he
famous "ltonde." by Wlcnlowskl. Tin
Is 1111 hHibtcslly one of the greatest of
majiterplivi ever written for the v'lilin,
and by a muster of montcr.. Wienie kl
rrniKs as tho gmitest composer on tiie
violin that ever lived, and III hi. d y
lrdmby also the ervntest (rtuoo W .0
nlowskl Is ,iiik sliur d.iul, but so lung as
the violin continue, to te played the
"I .egwiile'' win stand us u crowning mot)
unietit over the memory of this gruit
m ister. There one has ample opportun
ity Id glvo the Imagination free r"in. Al
low yours. If to be curried away .n (h.
wing, of phantasy, lle In the music, for
get yourself and your surrounding., an I
then only will you realise the mignltu.le
of this masterpiece Hut allow me to
cite a em written by the Norwegian
pool, Krlstofer Jaiisou, the violin sts
fattier, which will vividly deplet the dif
ferent phases of the music. The follow'.
1 1 nt Is the pxet's I11tvrprrtall.u1 of the
The Russian forests murmur and wall
They have a secret to tell;
A loving couple Were riding there
In the night's enchanting spell.
Through the shivering foliage lhe mo n-
rays played.
The pmks Ms,, slern and gray;
The son of the step. sang nut his love
In a weird and walling lay.
Tlon stumbled the hnrie-a precipice
Imwn they went-lhey shilekrd and
Th,. wind howled scornfully um 'nf th.
And from the ravine it moaned.
But out of the moans the broke
As i tender dying farewell;
Then nil srew calm-hut the for. it's w. 1
They now have n secret to tell
Do not ride In the Itus-lan f. rests
When the stars are twinkling .ilmve;
They will sprinkle on you their walling
Th, sa.ln. s of dying love.
Py virtue of nn execution and order
of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court
of the Suite of Or -gun for the C nintv
of riat.iop. on the l.'.tti cLiy of July, A. D
IW, upon a Judgment and decrre ren
dered therein on the third day of July.
1'57. In fsvor of C. E. P.ayles and C. G
PalmlK-rg. plaintiffs, and agulutt the
Flavel Hotel Company, and In favor of
defendants. Hand Manufacturing Co., J
P. Itasmussen. A. 8. Gllllsple, Or goti
Pine Lumber Company, G. I). Hale, and
o. F. Marstoo, and njr-lnst .aid I'lavrl
Hotel Company for 'he sum 'ota! of
JW.Slg.9T.. Interest thereon from third
day of July, 1TO7, at the rate of per
r.ont per annum, together with the roii
oiid dlsbursemmts. taxed at flRO.XI, find
the costs of and upon this wrl" com
manding and requiring me to make sale
of lhe following dc.frllied real proper
ty, to-w.l:
All of block No. 10, in the town of
Flavel, as laid out and recorded by the
Flavel I.ajid A Development Company,
together with the Flavel Hotel.
thereon,, and together Tvlth the lenr menl
hereditaments ajid appurtenances tliereti
belonging or In anywise appertaining, .11
In the County of Clatsop. State of Ore
gon. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on
Monday, th 20th day of September, l.W,
at the hour of 10 o'clock In the. fo:ei.oon
of said day. In front of and at the court
house door. In the City of Astoria, In
said county and state, sell at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder, lor cavli, th.'
atKve dejsor.bed real property, or so
much thereof as may be necessary to said Judgment, Interest, costs and
nil accruing costs.
Sheriff of Co., Or.
Dated Astoria, Or., August rn, urrJ,
1 1
r-t 1 1
I7.WB e WU'tJ.-'.V.jV
,vJTnesetinytapi'ie,-,re s (
A M l.i K-i't.ini n? .
I the f ?T)i; ''i'.v $ ,;'!i-'
"Ke4 Oil' liT. jllvr.';;e'KC.
A complete .tock of lumber on hand
la the rough or dresed. Flooring, ru
tic, celling and all kind, of finish; mold
Ing. and shingles. Term, reasouabis
and price, at bedrock. All order,
promptly attended to. Ofne and y.ed
at mill. H r L. LOGAN.
Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor
Fisher's Opera Mouse.
Wednesday, Sept. 22
lhe Comic Oper
Little Duke
In tlnee t,
hi t listle. I 04 is
For (be uf
ft) 4 la) eut 111 1 '
Rosalia Southern Hepburn
, tin- I it. ir iMtkc
Mr. Frank K. Hepburn
plr. tot
Adult. . ..
hl'ilreii in tbr if illeri
Kr.rrv r.t .t .
III stirs 1 1 el.e si
lirliiin He I
h'mm fur lb i'tv
.11 11. MM,
1. MM, .
villi !
ill ttniisgt rurm
t ,!sm.i4
11 . 11 u. 4
II... .nd
J ir
an! Iuill
Umkm mm
(All tO
ct tir Lao
S. I , Im.,4. mm .IS!
-oe. f... ..i.kJ
"'Iilr.'" 'ile3
.1 u Ha. p.ixatr.i
till t4 4fc.-. M
In mouth, -W- 1 Ik
M "Mia. I Iron .1
W.jtrm rwillMtf Ml,
r4il liii-ut H
4 tfsBM fHl f
th. ftilll mt Ik m I
t uf Miiif tr m m ha
sr..'1'. -
leu ih. .iMia.
11b. w.rU far.
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lrt4ttff (Ml tlarM ltU
s. 1 VrniUM: .d
bftr AUO,HrO I't'.ftl
rliltal (Sit Unr... .'.I'.-ft.!
vmii. j, r , luu . , 1 . s..ii.
SOT ISitMinlr lm.e. t lll.Mt1.. ' Iki.lfc
VIGOR of nui
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Reitored
Weakness, KervouaiiMa, Debility,
u.tll iMtrai. M tUt
tfm nit rt of Utoe
M.M. ; til. raaulU W
nvmrot. .i.k... wm
. ry. l rail tt.tisitk.
ks.lo,ui tm4 to.
u n ansa
lsj4 po.u.i .1 ta !.!. a. aalaral a.UM4o
Inaiadlala latsfalaat
mmn. allapalmMMallia
aoua ra(M.aM Ibsk.
.Iaaau aa4 pnutm
allMl laaalatf , baa.
1M7J lHg7
Shii L'hiinillcry
Iron anil Steel
(i rot cries uml I'nuMons
riour nnil .Mill I'ccd
I'iiints, Oils uml Varnishes
l.oiitrs' Siiiplles
I'iiirluink's Sfiiles
Doors iiml Winilows
Airitiiltiiriil lniiltmcnts
Kaijims ii ml Vehicles.
Astorifj Iron WorlcB
Front Hires-t, foot of Fourth, Astoria.
Land and Marine ICogltwa, Holler Work,
Steamboat and Cannery Work a -clalty.
(j, silngs of .11 description,
made to order on short nolle
John Fox. .President and
A. L. Fox vioe President
O. B. Prae Secretary
Astoria Savl .gs Rank Traour.r
Emil Schacht
Kooma J17-31H
Horlland Saving Bank BldfC.
Portland, Oregon.
..Tho I "tint ICTMtich..
la oien to special charter for excursion
parties or river freighting.
Dock at Ross, Higgins A Co.'. .lip.
Letv. orders at 214 Bond street
M tv r
WANTKI -Young girl living with p..
rents, o ink. enr. of pt'l' ami d.
light housework. Apply .1 til I'll...
mi:n wantkm. IhiiiiU wojiII for lininedlat
work mi liaok. Apply ( riil 4. Fl.T.I
block. A. ft C It. It. II,
'1 i
I, l 'Ml'
Uniioli of keys, lud with rid rib.
lnv. at A.lorlan oftlco.
run nbnt.
I'i'lt IIKN T 'Irll-looiu Iiiiiim til t'pp.r.
town, imi .trwl ear line; i: per iiuiiuh,
liujulra at this union.
K'H l( I'l.N'T Kiirnl.lirit psinui. Sf
sulln or single, by (ho day r 111. 01 lb
lintel Tig he, under .nllr. n.w 111041041.
Iilotil Uleiit rpdurdotl III rote.. Uro.
tl. V. Porter, malinger t',-r I'tlnvmik
and Franklin
.H HA1.K
Ft ill HAI.K -A li-ruoin cottage, lot log
UU, with water, etc, wlllilti four block,
of Commercial slnwl. In th. enter uf
Ih. clly A rare chanc. Prlc. 1 1, WO.
Addrro. C, A.torlnn orflo.
.'nil HAI.i: I'heaii. an Pol. liisJ lady'.
'oluiiilila bleyelc. In perfo.'t condllloa.
Apply at th A.lorlan ofllo..
, e. imnWKit.
(iumlorwou Hail ling.
Atirt., (Irvgun.
11 t citonur.
Arri'KNKt AT I.A'.V
Ml ("onnn.nlal .tiwt.
Cri..t.r V. ivdpk. Itb-haM Nli.o.
Portland. Or. gun. ti. Ji. M t4 tl,
Hamilton Building Alt Irg.l and eul
Iwtloa bu.ln m promptly aliMtdM la
Clolm. against th. . sps
tOaJly. j. q a.,
AT law.
Ofllc on Hand strwl. Astoria. Or
dr. o. n. ebtkx.
- . .
fHMciai aii.niinn 10 aiiwn ai wnrois
.nd luntri.
Offlo. over Dansigsr. .tor.. Astoria.
Telephone No il
tlt JAY Tl'TTLK.
imoe. rvsuns I and (, Pythian bulldg
ill1-! t'oinnierclol Ht. ile.idenr. asm.
Telephone 1st.
Acting a.ltant .urgein V H. Ma
rin, hoapilal service
1 i.;--
and 3. I'ythlan Pulldlng,
Itooni. 1
ovi C. II. CiHiper'i atur.
lime, Klnnty liulldlng, Astoria.
(irrle. hours,
to I s. m ; U to I and I to I p m.
Hpoclal atunton glv.n to Ih. traattnsot
of Dlanuae. of th. Iy. Chronic Dio.
and Burgnry.
A. M Regular communications h.ld on
th. first and third Tu.sdoy .v.nlng ol
E. C. HOLDEN, Brr.try
A. & C. R. R. R.
In I.HccI Sept. H. IN1I7.
Leave Astoria for Flavel at :S0 ..
12 m., ! p. m , t p. m. and H 30 p. m.
Leave Astoria for Seaside via Flavel at
9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m.
Iavo Flavel fur Astoria at :25 .. m
10:16 a. tn , 1:30 p. m., S:U p. m. and
5:30 p. m.
Leave Seaside for Astoria via Flavel
at 7:30 n. m. and 2 p. m.
All t lie Above Trains Arc Dully.
Reading or Distance; Glasses
t00 Ey. Olaaae. for S3 2R, or
tl.00 Eye aioJMoa for 11.75.
Warranted Gold Plated Frame..
Make your friend a beautiful and us..
fill present We guarantee a perfect fit
by mall providing when you order the
glasses you answer the following que..
Hons: How old Ever used glasses?
How long? Mule or fomal.T
OEO. MAYERLE, Expert Optician.
28 Third street, San Frannlso
Opticians' and Photographic. Supplier
at any limn 00 ruing out o
our stor. and you'll gel
portrait of s man brimming
ver with pieass ill thought,
"ell ifidltv In the liquors
we hxre to offer are euntuthte
lili'ss say nun