TII K DAILY ArtTOltlAN, SUNHAy MOKNINii. hKITKMBEU 12. 18!)7. A SHORTER ROUTE IK Why of Sltkii Mil Miles Cm lie Snvcil to Klnnillhc. NA.II.KOA) MM! IS ASHL'HM) lalilc TtsMfea) Over Uilkiiut I'aa Will Sous lie fUiakftl .M-ikiiiy Wisicf Ouatlcr li Jasiaii. Hiilu, Hi'iciiilMr ll.Tii at.aiu.r City uf Tvpeka arrived from Almkii ul I o'clock I IiId morning ami ItrliiM tha (o. lowing letter lu ll.u Aaaoctafed I'naai Jolicuu. H-ptimlier II. Anions III r cent unlwiia ut Hun kI am llw atcaiuna It.... ill... Muyflower, I v I rot l, Willamette unit Topcku, ntiil I hp railing off uf Ills vulumu ut trawl I very iiutleeabl. It l now t nil iiliiliil that llio majority ot nvweumn miii .top ui juimuu, whore llii) will remain until aprlng, being ihua In poallloti lu g into lite Vuk.ui at the powalhla moment, ahould they still fvluln their doalro lu liuUo tlig trip. Iliiaincaa la good In Jo.no.iu aiij tho iituitli lorn ektrelunly laigo m. (Dili Ilia aiiuth, ami also forwarding rrum tin north, thla Ulng Ilia distributing point (r a great uuuiy Alaakaii plauea. The arrival of tin, steamer I'uriluiiil ul multli. Willi Inn a mull iKiruun of lilt much talk ml l(f cargo iH gold Uuat ill. I hot UuhiIii people here. In f.ict, II la ufion rumukeil by traveling mm ilial the further north lltcy got the Ira n- iitin. nl appear about Ilia dtacoterkesi ut l.ial year. Al Hkaguuy no (irugri-M uvur th (rail uppMra, eai-eptlng th lininui hih ii.i in Ilia way uf rough allot ka taking Ilia piuc of ...i,,,. i.r (In. triii. ..ukIi lumber ia 4UulvU at Uu lu H4 wf luui fevt. An effort will ho nuuto neat yar to turn I ho tide uf travel try way uf Mllkl. going lliero tu Yakulat a 11 J lHaio,iiu Inoiu buy ojiiI 1111 Hi White tlvr, the tllalalirs Ih.ii g unl) aUiut iSt ill 1 1. .a lr,,iil Hilku to iHiwaon, ua ugalnat ',oa mllaa from J on. mi uvor Ua preaeiil trull. Tlitia far In tha etiuaon th Wrath- inlii hi y ...rt al ihn mould nf llm Cnliim I. hi Unit will In. Hit c iiiIit uf liuiia.' .ii tlmmlitl rulliiitid hiialucaa Mini Orluliliil traffic, whirl! ulily In Ha Infamy; If 11 lull lot ahown Ihnl ti cirficehtriilloll Nl Aalnilii of such a Irurllo will Indue tnn liiv.miiiuni here In large iiiiinurii''iurlMg cuici-pi'lac of KiiMcin riiiiliil wh'oh will uian-unim immense auma nf mom y thniliiiliniil Ilia suite, employ thuuaumU uf workmen ninl ilvvi'lup iln. lulont rn sources nf llm aliito ami furnlah l.irtrx riiiiiimiiiu tramu to lli rallroudi not i.lhi.rwlaii o Ik miiilriii1; when It la I'linily il.iiKinairnli.il Ihkt th conlrai ma hy Aaiorlu, rorllnnil kiiiI dig wholo aliiic uguliiat Hit. Bmim), ami nut nnv or nvaliy Im-iwitii Aalnrtn ami INirllaml Ihrii Iht tmilii.r lH(ijtnra a alnlf iimallon of atiirnim Imiiurliinir unit 1'iirlliiiiil will J .In li.ioila wllh Aal.tilu nml auy to llm II. 4 N, anil ijllifr r.illrnaila: "'In iilmail, .lo your aliliilug ut Aaiorlu. Ug Hill rurnlali Ihn i-.r-.1..l tin. I h.li iiiah. iMvgiin for Ortnon ami 1'i.rihin.l rr th liok auiii, . ua ili'Vi.nM nur araal loiiioiimiilih for the lH.11.ni uf all unu ni.ikr It 1 hi. irl. uf Hh. on 1 ion ami h,,. mir.i.'iivo aint for Kiialrrn ('uHI,illi nml Kuaiarn lulmnra. IMimir lull l.rla. - mlia nr.. what wa wunl nml f.. run ra I.. iiiiii.lniii. our ouiiul of wliiiit. lirlng lilt- wr.illh of III. llllrlH uml Ihr gohl of Alnakn hvnt. 1.1 tln buay wntwla nf tha f.ii.li.rii.a turn nut wralih for ua ami Imllil ii lioim a for llm akllli.it iiii'i'lixnl. a nml wotkuirii " Mliml,..)umir.1, Mr. Ilummoml hai g i r, ol. mi in.k l.i-f..ii. hi 111 unit mm Ik.. yon. I rvi.n hia al.lllima Inai.a.l uf rrll. t-ttiar It la ..iln thai r-rry Aaturlnn IimiiM i,,k.. off Ma 10 u mut go in work: " K" ll nlamt Iln- luwn Iota hi- hia l.-ii h...luii for y..nr ul lilah ,ri. 1 for Inioiu thai m.iy nuir roim-; foiK.-i Himi lln-n. frr ril.l.nl B)iy .HIT. rroi,-. .. IWri'ii llirtnu-llea or IhMwi-ii Aaturl.1 11 tii rortliiiiit. and anlrr Iho Halt Willi ilmn moll.t lu I hi- Iwllln lo ink. II... F....I . auri . aa on tin- lir.inil llm-a of npi il n. 1 HI lo all Hm-h oiill.-.l hi , ,, , rforl woiil.l a. on a. .In tlw frl. n.hli ..ml .,.,.,. Til .111 of I'.Mlliillil ami Ihn r..l. 1. w-oiihl In. iimi.-ll. i in l..,. Tn. r.. la l.lnity of .n.nt in u.. a arK ...i,,.,,, for all llilcr. (x. I.ol It mol In nral h.mn thai tlir j.r. nil-.-, urv nnri i-t nml lhai Aat.iilnin ami ihn m-w rullroml urn n aolhl front wurklty on right llnna. T'm l.vi.nt rullr.Ki.t Inl.-.llln.ni-.. ia tha' n. w ummlxra of llm (1. J. & . ,,,r, Hr ola. lu Ihn MhoM l.li.r um! f, ,) N.irth.-rn IfU runila. Thla l.. li,g irilo. II W..UI.J follow I hut tin. J Plwiiont Mr K.u.Viiml.rhili-J. J um .umhi,,,, will hair aolnnthllig to My n,lj, ,(, ., ,, rnolgiililfcitlon of ,n f,n Iii.-in,-. which THE LATEST NEWS Sikicsi uf the Visit In Ireland of the Duke of York. i'a.uim: now a (.ijiiaimv Once a latcteittil In Kli.odi.e fnuttr Vmii IHiioilril ftiirae Soli) .New I'lai a aod .New .Mailt. l.mlon, H. .t. iiiImt II. C' pyr chltil ftmiit, tha futiiro liolda In gtor pro- tnio tud run nml good prollia fur the play, TIm mullvg uf tha pluy la th glorlflcg Hon uf tha Ilrltlah, Mdlnr. The hrro'a pnrt Imlungg t William Terrlga, who n Ina on Ihu ancmt gt-rvlcr, wlilln .ilhar lmn,rluiit purl a ara Imrng try Watty Nlrhola, Kvlyn Ulllwiird nnd Mwrlon Ti-rry. Tim llvraforil muahwl f.atlvnl, whloh iM-ifii's Unnirruw, will l notuworthy rinian uf the firm rendition of moral new Work" hy Kngllh ompoarra. Among Ihom will ! r"iulm l.y I'rnf. B'nn fi td, wrlttrn In mmnory of I'rrald -nt l ifdirh k U-lifhlon. Ihn luln iirnahlont of t. rtoyul Amdmny. Cora l'r..ilnirt I'ottnr nnd Kyrl" (ti-1-lw have rrtunmd to I-ondon after a (Inbg in olullng tour of thrrr ymra, whl h In rluded u pitrtli'Ulurly am-oraaful annaon In Aiialnillu, Tim report hna been put In circulation (hut f)'tyy Carta in negotiating for the i rvli in f I.llllun ttuaal to appear ag I.', hy ihr Aaoui'luied I'reaaj-Tlnj tour th eiur In a rrvlval of -The Omni of llm luki! H ml I)uchia or Vork, whhdi liui heaa," and It h grnt a chill through a loulluui'.l today ut tilnagow, Hroi. Iin.ln tlmutrli'ttl drclca. Iiiml, whi'tu tlmy mi.l with an rulliuahiailr i ' mniniuii, toiiiia in.- aulijei'l of ih heart- ' The limloiiera of thn profwalon hat corigraliil.iiioua In many wir. p.ir- tl. ulurly lu Ireliiml, w here th peoi:i'. IH.lHI. lime mid utiirrw mlmll It hua done u gixnl dent for IrlNh Ini.ln. The. durtinar, lor lllatam n, a. 11.11 . 1 11 llulwuv IIbIm r i I.Nik from Mother iMohy. Tho rlnak H.ia mode ul it fn'-lory whl.h Kullmr Ihiolry atarled In (l.ilwuy und ulnajy oi.n hundred of thean ilouka have Ixll oi.l. r. , I. li In r In w hile or i rlmaon. The jitT eolor la iurrert. Anoth.-r reaiilt of Um v-lalt of the duke uml d.ii linaa to Ireland la that u loyal r. l.l. ni r will, In nil protmhlllty. I, t. Inl.ll.ln-) in ih.n ruuntry, and In i.. hill. on the wrly uhroKiitlon f the vlceruyulty l i.-i) wh. rn av epled ua a fait. The dm lo an won nil hrurla nnd the duke Win nlnmal Kipiilur. tlmuiih he did not earnpe rnlli'lam. or lax-imilng e.inal'leriihly aliirmel at tha Atm-rleVn Invnalon, whl'h l Inking bread from their mouth, and am Indignant iigHliiat Mr. Curie, Imfuum- thla will 1 a aeiiid offrnav. If the rumor prove to he rorrnet. An Amerleim writer nnd playwright, who hua a.-ur.. a foothold In Ix.ri.lon la Wwyn A. Jlurnm, formerly drnmntlc erltle of the Chleugo Tlmi a-l.-ru.l. Jfr. Ihirroii hua formed a partnnrahlp with WIIb.ui llarn t for playwrlghting und la engiiKid with him In the eonatrurtlon or a dninii, for Mr. Itnrretfa neit aeuoon. He hna ri.tlr.-d temiiorurlly. at any n:r. from newmB-r work. Two plnya of Mr. Ilurron'a nuihorahlp have laen gub-niltt.-.l t Ki,KiK, ,,n,l Am-rlMii tnmn g. r for .-.mBideniiion. Ilia flrat Import nnt wiwk lo ! alnged wna the dmnutlxa llon of Itomol.i." whl. h Julh. M,.ri. Weigh aa Wegglal ' L ta e " CHKK OF POLICE 8 A I.E. Chollr Oiiiffmnd it I I've dwfjrm myatick. Hello, there'g Weginaldl lln Not he a herol.y gtvn that by virtue of a warrant limned", and didlvered to me hy the Auditor and police Judge of the t'lly of Aatorla, In Clatanp county. Ore if in. rf date of the th day of 3 ptemWir A. D. IW, commanding me to fotthwltn levy upon the following deacrlbed property: Meginnlng at a point 01 feet north. 4 de greea Vt mlnutea went fr,m the northeit corner of lot . hl'xlt 131, flhlveley'i As toru; theri'e north I degree y mlnutea wet, IW fert; trw-nee smith St degrees mlnutea weal, Ui feet; thenoe south 4 de greea 2t minutes east, W feet; thence on a line parallel wfth tlie north line of s ii Id lot, Ui feet, to the place of begin ning. And to sell the same In the manner pro vldel by law, to satlefy an naaeaement against sold real property, amounting to tlC what was assessed against said property as benefits for the extension of Commercial street In sal4 city from Sev enteenth street to Twenty-third street. nnd which said re-il property is ssaessed as the property of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, I did, on the loth day of Beotember. V(fl dulv tew ) i all the afore-dtscrlbed property, and on the lltb dy of October, VO', at 7 o'clwk p. m. of said day, at and In front of the court house door at Astoria, Clat rop county. Oregon. T win proceed to sell. and Navigation Company, I did, on tli loth day of September, 1WT duly levy upon all tha afore-descrlbed property, and on the 11th day of October, ISO. t J o'clock p. m. of said day, at and In front of the court house door at Astorln, Clat sop county, Oregon, I will proceed to sell. at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, all the rt!it, title, Interest and estate of the said Oregon Railway and Navigation Company In and t' ald real property to satisfy snld assessment and the coats and expense of sale.' E. HAIXOCK, Chief of Police. Doted Astoria, Oregon. Sept, 10. 1UT. "Offly pleawd. wuully, don'lcboi kno" IIL - i A. roBs ili rejoicing, however, full the - " wmmg lamina. The "".-ri lum r piuyed luet winter. I 'ally Nation, affl-'r grtting a letter from ei! ry paetur nf n purlab In rural Ireland, any: Himo bluik '47 the Irian laborer has never fined u wlnt.v morn full ,.t ..ri... Hon." The harvnat ia ua Iwd as can lu- In ihn wi-at of Irelnnd, and It la preity sure thut thnro will ln not only a fowl, hut u fuel famine. Not only nre potaloe. rotting In thn ground wtih the gmln crcp. "lie rt.ll milage f ,Jlkn(f A).,.r 1 K(r. uiBirllL, (.. purify . 1,1,,, ,ha, y(u " rir.ge u,Kjn your hours I.I . a i...-.r nor ueny youmelf any food iinr.-ea witn yu. )n Knr,y c-iuim I.. in Binrre or loaf. II. Th.Be ure I'oualilt-rliig. of thut you nre not while Inking recvmmendatlons worth !.... place ,nrly n.t month, and that ltrn down by ruin ami not worth nap- ha. Ihvii all lhat ooul 1 plainly be da I I'"1"" Paelflr ayatnm will probably'1" '"X ' turf cut will not alro.1 wllh the eierptkm of 4 f.-w iluys rn.riitly, when s savor wind prevailed. f .-our bo thnro 1 a grmCl amount of rain, hut every. Mir eipe.-t that In thu touniry. The hull. ling of n rallDa.l from Ju neau lo l-ike Tn.ln la how 411 laaurri) fai't Thorough alaitUuiltlon by Iho In let.. I... I pntllr hua dn.;,., Mlelll tu Ilim- iiivn. r work at the earliest p ..i.tf mo 11u.nl next year. This ruad will go ty of T.iku cur to (he Ink.-, whore tho trairlrr will go by wa'.-r lu hi placo of doalluullon. No doubt hia will 1 tho first railroad eituhllahed, hut It will . rolwl.l) In, quh kly follow... I.y ..Hi. r.. two prtM.nfivo roada m ...irll ulir hav- ... . .... ounio mrminua aa tiu jun, .. ..Lin exiemii.i 10 llunilnglon. wllh the 11. t Ai N. reiniilulng an not. i. n., nt family i-olltinellim, Inrmli,,,! ii,,,, fr all "l. an ,.oiul tmsls to all. Phogld this he Um eiiBe. It I. ,r. lit , . A.,nr, road get III Ihn BMlm 1111. 1 e.tilhlt.h , I eoiin.-tloiiB nml truflir iirniiigeim niB ..11 I a pr Ittal.lr footing wllh H. l',,rfln, j r..,i.. .iit. ,.rly tlm ). U K N. II ,an dry. fn- ! Thn tendency In autumn fabrics Is to ward rich qtilt effects. To hi-.il Ihe broken un.l illaenand llaauin leaa there la exceptional Weather within the m-xt fnw days, a famine I. talnty. , "'" '' Irrlmt.d smf.u-es. to n. ! """,,ly r, lltv' " l-rroanently cure l the mlBBlon i.f n.Mtr wit.-h ILmel mine. cnurliB Rogers. .n...., nur Buya ine gu.en la quite liil. rvBI. I In the rush lu tho Klondike nglon and hi., asked ninny queatlon. r-ginllng the protection afforded there to her suhjiTta. Hnr majesty knows a CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is herelry given that by virtue of a warrant Issued, and delivered to me by the Auditor and Ponce Judge of the City of Astoria, In Clatsop county, Ore- ron, of date of the Hh day of September A. D. vol, commanding me to forthwith levy upon Ihe following described prop erty: Uer'rinlng at u northeast comer of lot 1. block 122. ghlveley s Aatorla. thence north 4 degrees y mlnutea west, 180 feet; thence south degrees 32 minutes west, feet; thence south 4 degrees 3 mlnutea east, ISO foot; thence north 51 degrees J2 minutes eart, and along nonh line of aid lot 60 feet to place of beginning:. And to sell the same In the manner pro. vlded by law, to satisfy an assessment at public auction, to the highest bdder '. against said real property, amounting to therefor, all the right, title, Interest and estate of the said Oregon Itallway nnd Navlir.it Ion Company In and to said real property to satisfy said assessmen' and the coats and expense of sale. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 1?, 1W7. Kcrplosh! Bang! Ho hod picked up the hot.' pipe by mistake, and jot t!:t 11 ine man turned tho water on. Chips. Aoxloa to pie ..i.: l- u.v..iii.., by hard, luielllg.-ut k'm' deal about .lirltlah Oaumlxa, where H .Ml, H.,.l ... ..... . . .... I ...r , aUpprl r m A,,. I n viibi ratim. wna purhuised for the These mornings are I U I for bicycle riding. ri.niB Tin-Be nr.. t.ii.ta which Hint, rl.illy . ffe. l elery i ltla.-li of Aatorta .111,1 l-h.l. ' .ii-Miiu ih carelull) (011- i-ld. red ami quickly nci.-d upon. WKIll'i )i it. r...i i,,i,llt ii ttta. Yuk-m mr try i T 1 1 K Ci ) X I ) ! VTl )f th. While l.,. rapid, and uny other' v.". I ' I I I U J I daiigemus plai o will I avi dod. A. their will ln .llllal.lo ImmiIb i, on I .nk,. TcbIiii ami (ha II 1 n ..im river the trip will be ,.i, f plcnaurr rather I linn otherwiae. The new a tlmi thnro will l a new I, lie of al siiiH-r running l.nlween l'ug.-i soiin.i uml Alaakaii imm-Ib la hnllvt with i delight by th.. men hinia and miners uf ! thla coiinlry. as that will dlmui .enauii ill.. fnlnht uml pusamigcr rntea, and fie new AM) KXCIXKEK itr.s: onmmt rtm Tnr; Ttrmmic nm. K'Ull witriK u Ntu iMiruiio. wharf which will siv.n ori.0;, at Juneau will reduce the whmf.ig,. an that g-.l,. may l. aold u( much lower priois than at pr. sent. Ila..l progreas la Iwlng made ,iu the fiihl.. tramway now- lio.ug conaliui'lr 1 at Oillkont paaa, and wh'.-n finished every thing can. go over chnipcr and quicker nml lu much belter shni thin l.n.eti. for. j Everyone la now mapping out their nr- 1 riingnmcNiia ror winter quart -ra, as It will Bixin le out nf the question to enter the Klondike country before February i.r March. lairat'ujtliig ihr Cmurrr V .luri Muir nics r. sad in the Knioi otlicra Thuayht to lie loat liciiM-r, 8eemlr II A special to the News from Newcastle says: r'ntuk llurbunk, the conductor, Kiigliuer OBlrunder. docenaed, of tho Col i tow 11 u few years back. Kv. r -thing In Mouieiit, i.r,. u,,,,.( If trilled im av ian.! thev ;.r.. .I......... ... . . .. ' u..ui- H-aKi.il if con. . .. . i 'leli.y In rases wh-r.. . ,n.. iv....,M, ftnn .n vtfilf ' mi . ' of l-re-M..,,, Knur,. , ., wa i.a.o. 1 . . . r",r brlS "n.n. ,11 i mi- rellif. Chnrl.B lii.g. i I wna tlmught out wllh the diplomatic) cleverness ana Instance of It are leaking out every day. " A an example ,,.. tact employ,-.!. It WnTlIPIJ IM lilll' l polni.,1 ut tluit the nch pr.sldsnl I lllVIV r.AAIILl took with him three apiuklng dolls aa pn-Bciu, to the grand duchess oba. tlm j MiAIi Pi U'VPH oldnr of the tw daughters of the exur 1 1 A. Mi II lUlil .'Bitl.ii. T.. . . .. ... . - - " 'r recent 1 ) niltil up a cvnaiiB p.r In hia own handwriting giving his name nml aurniuno, "Itomun io." hia ho, In I atutiiB us "i-xar of nil the IIubkUb." hia prof, aalon us mauler of nil Ihe land of the Russian empire." and giving us hu accessory that of "landed roprletor nml agriculturist. " Kit Ihe cxurlnu the cxar wrote ciurlni of all the Ituasliia, mlatnyis of all the lands Ulonglng to the Russian emi.lr.. ami patroness of ,le houses of em. I'lo.vment." Murr.i the VAMIKKIUITS TDflAM AUM mo LS AMJtLts rito.i 1 mi. dtoBCKx,cdC(,,(iyill ,.t(Iri CnoMrnctiog Bond s .M asd Uork to CoDimcgce ia l.sij. and, nrltuln. but the author ndds manners i.f sir I'hlllp Ctirrlc. the nidi. Midlnnd rullivay. are charged bT I at 1 ..iiHiautlno,,, 11 l.-Vi 11 ... um coroners jury wiin pcing responsible hlu publisher. Is to present t0 the piililk. Kills Ashmeu..Hrtli.it' -rhe loiille Fields of Thessaly." Ii , ,, ,.llh. rale defense of ,h., slllH1, wrr I tliut negotiations between th v.,,k.,. . ....... wouve will " '' "'"" 'leslres lo I,, fr.endly 1 r""rold y'"n and tho Los Angeles Ter- Lo, Angeles. September U.l, ,s Wate, "Have you ever been baptized, little "So, sit. I've been Tacciiiated, thouffb," New York Snndiy Journal. . .. To I'd Important Face. mlmU rullroiid for an extension of the tllbv Cost of towaci; AM) PILOTAGE 1 for tho frightful wreck which occurred j lu re u few mlniito past midnight Thurg- j 'lu.v. j Tlm Inquest was held thla morning, j The Jury divided from tho evidence that I the conductor uml engineer attempted I In arrive ut the Newcastle siding upon I the llmo iilluttetl by the order nf the roau frorn rtHh , gdn harbor havo Ih,. um and le ".-... ..onus for the building 0f this - c.n pnuilcully Sold , - .0 cose or is.; active construction ' commeniyHl. .isiiimaii.iuu-uiti; pays I'mpllmcts to Ihe uhM.tv ..,,,1 si. i'i v, nit, Sft of Ihe ccrresiai.ulcni of Ihe Associated Pros. v,o was l Arm. nil. In IMU. lui.l who illscl,.se,l the r.al fuels . .-if. !i i tl. inrrlin,. Armenian massa cres. Buying he w is the only newspaper ""w """ ' rwu insight Into tha -sek.-rs Is now rea.lv Ilillllil.. I.. a . ' ... ..... ,n M, rtiiuniia, I'OuK A KI.O'IUKK HOOK s book for gold A reader of this (( 'onllniied from First Page.) II1H11 dispatcher to the Hlu (Inindo pag j .liner west Uiuml. t'omluctor llurbunk Al the I hiin asti r siocr saics ouring the week. hlKh prices Were r ili-b.-d Sir Tall. in . !.., .1.. -. i in- in- Vol kshlre siNiitliij' l.ir..., i.,. . i.... I ncicnscd on bis own recognisance l:l.TI guineas for fourteen colls and 111- . m.n i-ii.iicisi y ateuimr for lonuing a, rt-r the verdlni was iiniiounc.-d h was mil renrrcHletl. Tho dcith of thn Hov. Alexander Hurl UM know more of Al..,,,, ... "onderful K.ond.ke dl.tr.ct than he could yearlings blooded ll"n l'V months of personal observation In foreign vessels will come to Astoria, (in. I thai tunny more vessels will lu con sequence be l.mded here than Uic now J IlmMi of Ucrsoock, m., o,u ,,0 fl,ing ot In-liig h.acleil In Portland, thus gi cully benofltUng the entire stuto of (iregou, I'lirlhuid and every other city and every men-hunt nnd business limn in them; If It enn bo shown tluit by tha attraction to tircgi!., uf such un uililltli.mil Meet of for eign vessels It will soon build up a HUMORS Iho loily of linglneer Ostrandor Inoronees llio niimlier of known dead to eleven The coroner's reseuroheg among the ruins have convinced him tbut from six to ten moro persons mot death In the awful iicchlent. This materially reduces the original estimate. Iiutant relief far skin-tortured bshlrs and Tot fur tired iiioihiirs In a warm bn'h wllh rricuiu HoAi', and a alnithi Sipllcstlnn of ( I TincnA (ointment), tha great skin cure. The only speedy and economical treatment for Itching, Im nil ui.', 1.1 eillut', scaly, and (.linply hiimor.4 of tho akin, sculp, and blood. ticiira JiMMlhroiirSwilth.wnr.tl. Tnrrrr PBenAsiiCsiM H ii. i )ii.i i)i , ri,,, s..k l'n.p.i.ir-, ll.wion. ""ll.'W ! Curt li.tiy fi.l.y I lum.tr," mallca lrt. UK ALWAYS DUK8 i i r i. of 10, Ited Vuiivs-'lleavvng! A bout wrecked you snyT And none of Its occiiMints esruiH.d?" Life-Haver (grimly) "Only the fellow who rocked It." Truth When g-olng East travel on the North- rrti I'm Itlc Raliuay, Quick time and the only line running dining car. Train leaves Portland dully at U o'clock a. in. BABY BLEMISHES Tff&H .V.b' A SOCIKTY NOTF.. "Was It a quiet wedding?" "Yes, only relatives present." "Well, my Ideu of a wedding would be Ihe restraining presence of n few out siders." Truth. The very crowni. newest bonnets have bell Ins. rnll.i hv Sillil !,.., t 1....1 - ii,, prices, one nolng for 3onu KUlin ns and nn ..ili. r being knocked down ut IlMi gulnias. A lllly by llcndoru was sold for Iti guineas. The theatrical season has fulrly blos somed and the first nlghtcrs nre ov.r wIm. lined wllh surfeit of farce-comedy and niolo-divinia. one of the unnunl feats of the lAJtiitiin thentrlciil year Is the Adelphl melodrama, to which thousands mid research p. n, . . " kiouiiu. tn com oar- with other works on the subject It Is too "Webster's Dlot.onary of Alaska " -a Perfm and peerless volume, at once ' , mo,,tfl ""J '''"Ir of rival publish..,-, lolls of the riches, a,ul most extend "lie gold fields the ,u v... x, ,, ' "s ever ".. now !hy wiere cllscover,l-FlcMs J-i unexpionxl-Tin years' --ork ''-a.ly slKht-Where La the mother lode TS.i v ."..ones oirejuiy made-The n Hons to be taken out next Tear-Hm get there-R. R, fare and other exxp,,nges irom nil pobHts-Aredlcal hlrrts-cilmat run.. ..i "'"P uovernment reports All latui juul water route. Proi.,.,,.i .,. CHIEF OF POLICE 8 AXE. Notice Is here!)- given that by virtue" of a warrant Issued, and delivered to me by the Auditor and Police Judge of the Cl'y of Astoria, In Clatsop county. Ore gon, of date of the th day of S-ptemtK-r A. D. K'iT, commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following deecrlbed prop erty: Heglnnlng at a point 0 feet north. 4 de grees minute west from the northesat corner of lot 2, block in. Shlveley's As toria: thence north 4 decrees m)ate west. 1 feet; Uv-nce south C3 degree 31 minutes west, .V feet: tm-nte south 4 de grees 28 mlnutea east, to) feet; thence cn a line parallel with the north line of said lot. SO feet, to (Tie place of begin ning, And to sell the same In the manner pro vided by law, to aatlsfy an assessment against said real property, amounting to 1100, what was assessed against said property as benefit for the extension of Commercial street In said city from Sev enteenth street to Twenty-third street and which said real property Is assessed as the property of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, I did, on the Kith day of September. tSOT duly levy upon all the afore-descrlbed property, and on the Uth day of October, 1SB7. at t o'clock p. m. of said day. at and TTTTront of the court house door at Astoria, Clat sop countr. Oregon. I will proceed to fell, at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, all the right, title. Interest nnd estate of the -sail Oregon itadway and Navigation Company In and to galJ real property to satisfy said assessment and the costs and expenses of sale. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Oregon. Sept. 11. j97. "". what was assessed against said property aa beneflta for the extension ot Commercial street in said city from Bev enteenth alreet to Twenty-third street, and which said real property la assessed aa the property of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, and or Jtmea MeCann, I did, on tha 10th doy ot September, 1S97 duly levy upon all the afore-descrlbed property, and en the 11th day of October, 1397. at t o'clock p. ro. of said day, at and in Jront of the court house door at Xstoit.i, Claf sop county, Oregon. I will proceed to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, all the right, title. Interest and estate of the said Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, and or James McCann, In and to said real property to satisfy said assejmeiit and the ooets and expenses of sale. E. HALLOCK, Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Sept to, 1597, The way a woman sees a woman. Truth. A Frightful Vengeance. enthusiastic goers ha.k forwuid as r0!lls-tlnlng laws-Customs. In brief. of the milestone of the season. The Adelphl melodrama of this season was Inaugu rated on Thurday night and Its greatly discussed play Is woven about the buttle of Waterloo, which Its author, Haddon Cluunbors and Comyns Corr, at the last moment, christened wtth the catchy title "In the Days of the Duke." It Is a ro mantic melodrama of the more refined sort. In which there are a number or Impossible but Intense situations. The heavy act, on which great anticipations hail been built, was an elaborate presenta tion of the ball In Brussels on the eve of the buttle, handed down to fame by Ryrom and Tlinckaray. No more dra matic episode of history for stage de- I plot Inn could have been conceived, and certainly none more to the taste of the ' ....... . Adelphl clientele, which demands that nil that Is known of this wonderfdl hand of fabulous wealth. It Is the only au thentic, practical book, official and en- lorsed. About 600 pages. Handsomely oounu in art cvivas. 1H, 11.50. Agents are wanted to handle this val uable work. It Is a chance of a life lime. Experience Is not necessary, as full inatructionB are sent and the whole people are clamor knsr for the book. Re ports from agents Just started ahow won derful success. Sales run aa high as 20 books an hour, nig commissions oiid valuable premiums are allowed. Credit Is given nnd freight paid. It Is an oppor tunity to gain a competence In a short time. The book Is not sold through hook stores or noweiupers. Complete canvass ing outfit will be mailed for 20 ca.vta, stamps. To places where we have no t dKfni a lull conv or in. rwtir win Its miniatures be done In broad color.. L. to 01191ornw. nr,, If the enthusiasm of the first-nighters prhp. Address, exactly. Monroe Rook may be taken as a foundation for Jud- r-,,.,,,,- t.- . j ....... , uu,.... lu.v.tb ,v, .iiicua;o. Mappio Say, Chimmie, dere'g a mug round de corner wat sei I pnts on toe many lugs, an he's all de time mokiii snoots nt me. Chimmie He do, eh I Well don't yer say nottin, JUapgie. 111 Jist skate round dure ait bite me name iu his nock- New York Journal. Striking ror a Raise. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given That by virtue of a warrant issued, and delivered to me by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, In Clatsop county, Ore gon, of date of the 9th day of September A. P. 1;C. commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following; described prop erty: Beginning at a pofnt 60 feet norD. 4 de grees S minutes west from the northeast corner of lot 1. block 131, Shlveley's As toria: thence north i degreca 28 minutes west, lot) feet: thence south i5 .legrees C minutes west, 50 feet; thence south 4 tie- grees a minutes east, 100 feet; then: en a line parallel wtR the north line of said lot. 50 feet, to the place of besln- fing And to sell the same. In the manner pro vided by law. to satisfy an assessment against said rval property, amounting to 114c, what was assessed asrainst sum property as benefits for tho extension of Commercial street In salt city from Sev enteenth Btreet to Twenty-third street, and which said reU property Is assessed as the property of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, I did, on the! 10th day f September. 18S7 duly levy upon all the afore-descrlbed property, and on the Uth day of October, 1SS7, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at and in front of the court house door at Astoria, Clat sop county. Oregon. I will proceed to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, all the rtsht. title, Interest and estate of the said Oregon Railway iuid Navigation Company in and to ald real property to satisfy said assessment and the costs and expenses of sale. E. HALLOCK, Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Sept, 10, 1897. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given tnat by virtue of a warrant issued, and delivered to me by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, In Clatsop county, Ore gon, of date of the 9th day of September A. D. 1S37. commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following- described prop erty: North S2H feet of tot S, block 132. Shlve ley's Astoria. And to sell the same, in the 'manner pro vided by law, to satisfy an assessment against sold real property, amounting- to HOO, what was assessed against snld property aa beneflta for the extension of Commercial atreet fn said city from Bev- ' enteenth street to Twenty-third street, and which said real property Is assessed as the property of Jas. McCann and or the Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., I did. on the lh day of Sept., 1897, levy on all the afore-described property, and on the 11th day of October, 1S97. at I o'clock p. m. of said day, at and in front of the court house door at Astoria, Clat sop county, Oregon. I will proceed to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, all the right, title. Intercat . and estate of the said Jas. McCann and or the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company In and to said property to sat isfy gold as segment and the costs and' expenses of sale. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria. Oregon. Sept. 10, 17. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. CHIEF OF FOLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue or a warrant Issued, and delivered to me by the Auditor und Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in Clatsop county, Ore gon, of date of the 9th day of September A. D. 1597. commanding: me to forthwith levy upon the foltowlng- deecrlbed nroo- eny: Beginning of a poTnt So feet north. 4 de grees 28 minutes west from the northeast corner -of lot 4, Mock 131. ShlveleVs As toria: thence north 4 degrees 2S minutes west, 100 feet: thence south 85 degree 32 minutes west. 50 feet: thence south 4 de grees a minutes east. Ha) feet; thence on a line parallel with the north line of said lot, 50 feet, to the place of begln-nlnt And to sell the same, in the manner pro vided by law, to satisfy an assessment against said real property, amounting to $100, what was assessed against said property as benefits for the extension of Commercial street In said city from Sev enteenth street to Twenty-third street. and which said real property Is assessed as the property of the Oregon Railway Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant Issued, and delivered to me by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in Clatsop county, Ore gon, of date of the 9th day of September A. D. 1S97, commanding me to forthwith levy upon the following described prop erty: Beginning at a point 60 feet north, 4 de grees 2 minutes west from the nonh east corner of lot 5. block 131, STUveley'g As toria: thence nonh 4 degrees 28 mlnutea west. 100 feet: thence south So degrees 33 minutes west, 50 feet: thence south 4 de grees 2S minutes east, ion f0tt; thence cn a line parallel with the north line of said lot. M feet, to the place of begin ning. And to sell the same, In the manner pro vided by law, to satisfy an assessment against said real property, amounting to 8100, what was assessed against said property as benefits for the extension of Commercial street In said city from Sev enteenth street to Twenty-third street, and which said real property Is assessed as the property of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, I did, on the loth day of September, 1897 duly levy upon all the afore-descrtbed property, . and on the 11th day of October, 1837, ut I o'clock p. m. of said day, at and In front of the court house door at Astoria. Clat sop county, Oregon. I wtll proceed to sell, at public auction, to the hlgest bidder therefor, all the right, title, Interest and estate of the said Oregon Railway and Navigation Company In and to said ' real property to satisfy said assessment and the costs and expensea of sale. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 10, 1897. NOTICE TO TAXPATER3. The board of equalisation for Clatsop county, Oregon, will meet at the court house on September 27th and daily there after until Oc:ober 3rd to publicly examine the assessment roll for the year 1197 and correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property and It shall be the duty of all person In terested to appear at that time and place for the purpose of correcting any errors that may appear In said assessment rolls. C. W. CARNAHAN. Assessor. Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 4, 1897. A Handsome Complexion la one of the greatest charms a woman can MUCH. PoXZaMl1 t'owv. L...... give it.