THE DAILY AdTOKlAN, Till) US WAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9. I8!7. THE COLD FIELDS Vot roliiinit Inn Of The Kqiott As The Sairtltv Of Tood. To .ou and i.ois or it Hut Ntitficlcnt iuuullt 1 annul Hf l'i ibeil lo Ccrtl I be Minrn Now Os The I. found Ktirk4. Hi-'i'iiilT s.Th iirw liy llm al.'nnu-r National Cliy from Hi. Mli lini'l rnrrnlHiriilnn nil Uuil him Ihx'H a ill i.f th proHiHM-m of uli.iri malmi in tin. kI.1 itlimlnu' of the iiiiiit rlvrr llu liitnr, Tim Dianiiu'r, wlilrh ii.iiii.mMoiI with llm river tniir llt-nly svi month of tlm i her. Iiroushl (liroo paaai'iiger. Oli at tin. I 4. A KiiUiiiii, of Hun rrmn ln.-o. Ho ay lhr In g.ilil anil lull of II In ill" KI.MxIlko. l.ul l KriiKrully till In the ground II I Im-IIi-vwI that llm i i,iim nuw .n uImI will turn oul fin I of koIiI till, m Itiii'r If Hi m an lly of fooil ill.) Hut iMovnil full ajnralliii. II", IVx a rmiifh iiiru Hint Hid Klnllcllko I m (.mil f,,r Ifai.iaai.iaaj iH-forn lrrlni( oul. I Hi i tliiiiiaaiul turn In tlio niliM itlmul Imwb.mi t'lly la tlio eatlluulr of, I wlin inni (town on the Natlunnl OIt ; villi I' K Iriuiri1, of Nntinlnio. mid II. II I .ami., or I'nrilan.l Tli npi'ly of I til llm eaaurlna (if llfl li ford tlli'e nti-ll. ) lie u. I totnlly liiiifTl. l. nt. In f.nt. ' lit iniinmiM nun urn irV win in. i- i'"""' "" ",n 'ur i '" ". -hi.ii Hi" f.imlii will l. on in mrn-al. .-. ..JIy tlm nnml-r of in. n In Ih t-uiihiiy lll l armlly aiiitniniLi.l 1'V lata urrlvnl iver the ittr There I whl.kv. Ixer and nil klndii uf IWU'T In 'r..ful.nt he it-. hut their .la.-. tould hav Urn letter IHIr.o nil the ntatltner wllh fhrnr ll la in. I ihiil Hi nmn tu Ih rotimrv h" O't the (IMXley i buy lll.llr but the aliia k of IIia m..te are llln.l. mile IIaUI'.ii n) thut our uf the i-latltiB mi I the .r.'.tl) of Jmni Hull. ..r MUie.url ll will turn mil nl et II iimmi n.ilm No. JI on Kldorndu l Mty n. Ii ll U no line. . nun. .ii thiiiK to Like out two iun- ... . i... nil frm nny p.irt of the rlnlm, wiiu i weuiUi l i.tnlii on by llm airuiuer K.elli.r iniiliol Ih rNllninleil. ..... 1 riime ill ill imnaetiaer u in" lieuiy Who .nine t.i Hi. Mll'tiueln were -nty ret- Irenl u their nl.lle of dual. Wllh the .li.M'll'ai of nn.l hla 1111111.11111. na all the pu. nu. r on the M.-nlv l.iok paan'iae on th r.B .'IHI... That e.arl left Ht M llnel the htKht i.f Aimiiat wllh . Mienaer noe H. Iiil,. I iiilmlitaku for i .ml. and I'.iplalll Aulia.ii ..f llm Null.. hill t liy l OI th M.m.Uv :1 im .la7 7 l. I li .... ..- ...e i-:.,e..,..r . rm.;::f-;$;.:s!j;r' In Sin l.abiy , Thurtdny i' .1 i. '. . .1 I" a ; .i.:j When lh Nntl.iiml I'lly left Ht Ml rlumla 111.' I'levebllld tana ink'.ni; blllbml mid i h . lid in n.ill .n AoKual " Many .f llie piia. lliii I a, n h.l luld ll- k'-la lor lhe 'leVel.llld. look pnaHdfc'e oil the I.X l 1 IBI..I from lui Hi.- way ib.wn the river lOiWaxll t'lty, Wttl'-tl ibu-e the ll.-nlv b (l Annual II, tlm aleunmr Weiire wa f.. ulul hunl an. I fnat mi a Utr Hhe wi.a pnaaed on 111" I'llll belnK then Ilia. Ill mllen fr.un tlm in-nith of the river The' Nun had lieeit nil 111" ir for iia and the Mealy laid HlonK-lde. f.k off h. T p.ia.ehKera nn.l ..ine of the fri'ldhl. find then .nceedeil on the wuy. lea v I nit lb uiif.n -tiinnte Im.iH hard iinU faal iiKnuiiid. with am. ill rlmni-i a of KeliliiR "fT before the river . biaed K. I.iaiiinrd any tllnt tlm We. ire lliul on bniird I fa I puMa-llier lliul llbolll f, j lu ii-iaure. Thin wna tr.iiiaferre.l to the, llenly iiiiil .taken to Hi Mb hiu la. A con- ' aiileriible nniount of Ihla will urrhe 111: 8. Ill I'l.llli lai n on tin- i:. When link. il by he ri lurneil. Leonard ;ld "I found I bud to net out or atoive j IIk iv ,ii e uIkiiii 4. nu n In I 'ii w ".01 and ; not mole I ti ji 11 a third of I luiu lime ..ik If you liuve inn u Hto.'k of uruh , i nn i n n't Met work at any irl e. I had , ii.. i enoiiKli lo work my own rlnlm until aiiriiiK. ao I Nobl my alm'k at a k.hvI IIkiiiv, .Hid w ill w all until nprliiK. Jim TiuHHiniilr, Ihi. lib rnih lilllu. i. . i ;. worth of piovlHloun or b rcd for Home inontha, lint ban not been n'de lo ..liiiiln innpc thiin n llflh of It, even wllh tin i a Oi put up lu iiiIv.iiht." I Tbiae rolllllIK Mil, however, did lint brim: nil of their cleanup with them. ' Loonnrd n-i'ltcH nuuierouN Inalntu'en of men who hud clenned up from f."J'.iai to jon,ii, but had taken nwny barely a. thliil of Ihnl, The men uy they mndo 1 luuhliu.' IheniNelven eicei.t ua wane nt lir, for u month or do. Mr. Limb, of I'ot'tliiml, l authority for the atal-ment that over W mn hnv ulrcmdy died of neurvy this nummer. In niriml to illacoverlea on Slcwnrt 'river, ItiUaton aaya that there were mnny runvora of rich atrlkua, but up to the PIB9FLY FtS law rimplra, blotches, blackhaaiia, red, rouiih, oily, m.ilhy akin, llchlng. arnljr acolp, dry, thin, and falling hair, and lut.y lilemlalics provenu-d hf Ciitici iu BoAr, Hi inot viTi-cllve akla purify. Ing and iHiaullfylng aoap la Ui aorld. sa wall as pureat and swavU'al for toilet, bath, slid nuraery, (pciira BL00O HUMORS ctM'i.ail.ia. Uiik ho l-ft iHiwmui tiollilnir ili'flnll'' IlKll Ik'" II rnvvlVail, Tlm NiiIIoiiiiI lily iiiikIh ln lilii In II iluy from HI, Milium!, wlmri' Dim left ili iiiiht nil amkrra, It In very iloiilit fill wlii'lhor any of Ilia piiaaeiigrT who wi'iit ii on llm Niiiliiinil niy will net through Ihli) your. Tim smiill hunt whlrh Nlllllr of llm pliam imi rn llllll tllMI'll llpllll Hi" ill" k of lliu HUutii"r Inn) proved ili,iiiiiiiiiii'iil. Il. r iiiim hliii'iy Im" Hon" wi'uiiK mi'l nlii' ilriiwn I'm mil' h wider, Thi'ii. In "iioiimIi (irovlnlutiN In llm mriy, Iimwimt, to w lntr It i. ut uihIi iiriM'rml ii. Hi" river whi'ii irliiit oiii'ini. Th lA,.,.r lrf Hi, MIiIiiiMn 12 huurN l. fun. Hi" NiiIIoiiiiI Tliy. ( iililiiln Anih'faiiii ri.iorlN Hint on Au- uii'l 'is hii pu-il Ilio Nli'inmr lluiil"id( hut ilid not h h.r, iind llm I h In .ill pi nrtlvr.l ut Hi. M Ii Imvla the i.iIIi.mIiiii liny. ANi'iticic 1 1 r: A It I KIIOM. ( iirrl.r Duron lirlima Nolp to an I i 1 1 tinl Man, Nnnhvlll", IIIn, H"iN"mlr -Wh.ti I'n.f, An.lrre lfl In arch of tin. norlh iih II waa not mii'l puhllo thut iirr.uiK"' ! hail hrrll md rf Wllllnm l.orim, a hiilnr man of Coiilirrivlllv, i III , whi ri'liy h" wonlil bn kit InronncU Iiin r llm whi-rrahout of llm i.ilorr t.y ilKi"na. Onn of th lilr.l rnl with j Aiwli.-" dim fi'lurimd lo tlila (tlac", almoin !lwn inoiith ovrdu. Tim Mrd rnr rli-il ii in. i" bIhiui i nock wrttmn on rxira heavy not pnpr, but wrther h ohlll- ruled Hi wiitllif 10 It ennnut told Khelhrr llm "1Ulitl I ll lu.r" or a fullurc. Tim only woril of tlii not hot ioiii.leli'ly ruhlxrd out I "InHtude." Tlw l.lae.iii haa a tllvvr 4ul atln.-hrd to l' left wlnn; wllh "Andric Jl" atatnor.l on II. 1'lm m it bird la dim In a fow duya. liKSI'KttAlH y,H CAITL IlliL. (iwriixtxiro. Ky . H.'i' H.-Mt'utt and Ketition Oary, brolliem and noted da- ,.r,)l)r, htKXt l-en oiurH at lliird ,rB tlr,i (l)r n, mur.l. r .f j j ,, ,t,ltl,rn , M..r, h. V4. lloruVn . ,,, rourJcrr,i lM u ,, ,Mlh. rt, ,J l.r.ilnl mnnnor. Thr lry broth- em hav bn fumtlve from Juml.-e fur year. MARINE NOWS. I'ATK li . ii i n. ; Weilll.d' y I I Hi'. ) , Thnputny . J 4 :t 1 ' Krlilny Amt rntiirilav . t ? i .'. h.iu fl. h lii in. mil V hi I Id 17 III vl t! II 'JiO A II HII il Jo 7 T 7 41 ? h hi 1 1 ii ti o .'. 0 4 J OS i ti 4i ; .. r: -a i . u .' lil 7 M Uf 1UX I 4 n .r a ii T 17 tM 3 2 I ' I 7 J ja J I mil Ml J7 l : 1 1 :a i 7. Co 7 Nik.0 7 n 4 o 9 i 0 M'NIiaY. k " V. MumUr. ... b lout i i till ., .. . ,. , f, . , IUIK,., Wednid'y n ll hi ; t 'n in I1 I iuirin)'.. v u in T 'J Hiiirdnr II 'Kl'M'Al l ii I i i: k-r I I I! j Mttllilny is ju: : i ; : ium '"J . '""!: uiv. I I I Thundny .10 4 u Ml S I" 7 II M i ! Ill 14 I 4 rriuiiy 17. rvi t j 4 1 1 : i' " II t 1 4 liirdv .In mi :. ! .I 17 ii 71 II I.' MI M'AT l 7 . JO 1 U l.....l-t. . k K - M ... 4. 411 . I 4 .1 I- I 4 .. U A ll I i ,1 H ?' I h Wellld )alll.l7 I0IH7I. H.MU tMi! , i mirtuay ii oi ; t t" ... . i khu a i.. a Krldnv .'I II. ;t , 11 7 71 ..; n I a M I ii Hiiurilay V) 114 1 IS 0 UrMiAY-S'. 0 u I." Ui 4 .H'MT 7 H 0 3 a .C. - 4 (llo I0U.I I VK-Sflj US t II K Y TH I IIKt nl. I MHI. ItlVKH FlliiM ' 1 I I Veaatil. Iim it la h, Hr ti.. Tutu Itnle !'" iil , . Jl"i l'IU. T-' . P" ll , 15'.' HJI Iia . Illlllil re. Hr ah Man i hnl nili'lie. I.f b'i Ull ollinrt, el all AMwrar. Orht rtyre Hr l.k Ijtvi Ijl.lllhlloWalllrr. II' h U7 aitiamir. (ieof.e Kielaiiii. Alii -ll ITI( in Tow N. "Ptliillburii. Mr h . . 'A'aai. PUI lu l . :li 1 1 1 . lOOil Hlll ll'l.. iUl bai.l An,.y, r , , i i icklh a TI a, Al a. I Anauib. Hr hk (IA I lllouo lll Heller Hleklller-. 'iT all I I adv Ueiitwnrh Hf fli iv.j H tibek, er ab a ..Hiil Kol.t. Nli-kmera, l,(ir h . :I7I :in II How man II. ban , hi li HUNi.KONU, Moninouilidilre, III ah t llkoiiiuieii, in ' li . M .btiAl,. a71... mm... IUV....H'l ... IIONol t l.l'. llrciilillda, Hrah a i.l nor UN i: K llMaa ile, Hr i . N...Wkl I'll'iiblllellll, III all Mu. l'Ut, A ' hllnllielle, Hr ll UM'. I'll 1 1 ll I ...'.'Ilia MIA I - i;;.") ..1HU1... - j ..lia'Al .. I., Hr -h lisal...hMAl Milherliin.Miiie, Hr ah I .'.'. dm I i . 1' A h 1 ' . ,. Oil I lly ol IVitli, Hr -.h nN..lll. hMi... - , :,iinlilre, Mr a . -.IMS. ..llUll.. . it ;.'.. .haul.. . u' ..liainl.. . 211-0.. UHAl.. neacoii iiim-k, hi an ( iiiiibrnii h Inn hr li fiinthiir) le, Hi rui an A. I A. I I 'ru in I hi III ah.. ...i;;:i ..iiniAi... ...-.'l ;''...iik).iI .. .,i.l...hi'Al. ..lUl.ll .. .. ... ..lU'Al.. 1111 K II A V. Cult illiii h. Hrah. 1'im rulm . Hi ah VokollAM. 'era, ah lonkleiriia, Mr ah Airiuiin, Hr h Tho bis' "tcnuicr City of l'trth, lo.idcit "h rallron.l ilea. Tn on tho wuy down I Lie river. The soliooner I.olltlu yostonhiy urrlvert lu ballast from San Frunolico and will load lumber in rorthind, Tlio burkentlne Northwest arrived In biUliist yvaicrduy from San Fninrlaco und will loiul lunilaT In I'ortlimd. Tin. Cralirernc, whloh left down at 2 o'clock Tuosduy, Is expeotod here some time today. She Is dolna; tldo work. Lightship No. 07 mndo another trial run on the bay yesterday and ut 6 o'clock tikis moiiilnir will g-n out to luke the place of No. SO. The British steamer Monmouthshire ar rived yesterday from Yokohama, which port she left August 25th. She had n nulrk paaiiHRe nnd hrlnfrs a very valua ble cliriro cf silk nnd toas. Tho stonm-r Fnnnle yostrrdiy toa'?d up the river In on tow the hdrkentlne Northwest 'ind schooners Letltlu. and Liinni May. The sIrIu was a fine one. an they maruhed up tho rlvor, one behind the othT. the Nortliwoat In tho load ami the May bringing; up the roar. . W AtM IXJW WAtun AM. I'. M. AM. I' U. h ill ft THE r.OVEKNMENT TO INVESTKiATE win. tut to iir.ur.vr. rne klochadc at Tnr. MoiTri (ir Tnr. tiKox. liiiiain A r. Ko((rn and Jamci Kvaot, Ike t'..mmlilii(nr, ttolltd ua the litllli rrum Si rraaclaco Ttmirday. 44.ui PraiiolNi'i), Hi.ilmlr .--Among the rtieniier who aalled for tho north loduy. on hour.) th itemiH-r I'lirullbt from thl port, Wer Captain A. K. Ibnera mid JuiiieN IJnui, dommlimlonera an Kilnl"d by the mule department lo In veniiaute mid report th mi hihiii of lellevlfii thn bio. kadi, nt th mouih of ili.j Yukon mid rveiitlh; the threninue.l famine In llm Klondike rrKlou. THK EKFWT. KJvv-r Ueiini-a and Manufaoturva In ereaN In MexliMI. I'lly of Jfr-ileo, B.-ptnili -r 8 New York en-hiing-a I at 11 S) premium. Ite markiibl aetlvlty I ahown In tlm orv.iul iittkm for miinufui-turlnc and for iruduu Thl him l-en lully uolb.en.blu alui llm nhnrji .V .'llnr In ullver. Jow Ventre, llm Krrm-h anurelilnt, who rennily arrived her from Hpaln, will Iw ei-ell-d from lh wuntry hi a pernleloiia foreljiner unib-r the federal conniltutlon. II w deported from iarcWun.i m.rely a a im t. OlIIU (loI.I'ITEH. I'oluinl.un. .. Kepiemlier H.Th "ld d moi nule alale committee hu rorelveff u b-tt.-r from John (J. Carlllc eubfrig I he tiuld ib iu'e-mlli' movement In Ohio and prenentliiK f..nlbe riMmni why It nhiiiihl be puh-1 and reirrettl.iir thnl he inniiot all. in) iiw tut convention. The libit form tll .I'l liire It iiHiatlon to liver, and, the lender pnl ll, "other i.l.noxiini, f.atur. of the ChlrafO plat form of y.." hla view belli)? lliit the ire liver movement 1n not o dead nn many of the reptiiilh-iimi are Iri.-lKto-I to be lieve. ff'Nin CTVin KIIJ.HD. Trim. Uil, .Col.. Hiptrmlaar S.I'. O. Mar tin, a conductor on the Denver aV Oulf nmd, wna blatantly killed yeat.rdny by the breaking of a cable um-il In operating it nUaam alajxel. Martin wna emtuKed In awlichlnir omi cam neur by when the cala luaike. atriklmr hla head with ter rlilu force, brenkln- hla neck an3 kllllnit him. ULMI8T CXiNDrCTuR DEAD. MoUarly, MJ. Heii:eml"-r . It. T. Kckert the i l.fc nt conductor on the V. b.iah railroad u dead from Injurb-a re cejieil by falllnir from hla tr.iln. He wan ou r ') yeurn obi. DEBILITY To thuHi.' who siilTer puin tho joy of relief la iiulfRcrilwhlo. IKliility or IHTViiu.H prostration ciiuwa nil the in conveniences of pain, though not iu nhnrpiu'Mi. It in n later stnic of iliscuse. 1'aitiH mill ilctiility are M-mptoms of a ilernniv'eil cuiiilitlon of the kidneys. h will iliuipi-ciir when the kiilneyg arc nmilo to net right, not before. Dis vaneU or Inactive kitlneVR enn lie CURED 1 am .onatraimd to return my hearty thiinkn to you for the ureal benefit I have received from urilm? Dr. llobb' SparuKtia Kidney l'lll to cure mo of neu nilKla iiiul teneriil debility. Vnill 1 uned your nirdlclno I had aufforcd, for woeki with neurulKlo jmiIiis and was so weak and emaciated there win no Joy in life to me. I n recommended to use your' pills and bouiiht a box ut thn more of I' M. Sale A) Sou. ilrumtlaM. Tlm result ' th-lr use has been I nm now iiatuiitl lu health and ntrcmrth'. I wth . ' i i.e . ho In Miffcrtng hh I did rould ki.on ',,,.i; virtue there In In llobbs' Sp.iriiKiin Kidney 1'llla U. E. prRilR. . : .Mid Mreet, Lo Aimelo, Cfil. HO BBS Kidney Pills. UOllllb KKMt.U CO., I'lioi-aiiToiui, CuicAaa , Ib'l.l. fill- l . r sub. m vi'i i" iKK., v t'HAltbKS ltiHii;i:s, Drui.'i!l.t, tVUl l'l llow'a The nlk-bt of a man In his shirt sleeves Isn't n bit horlfyliiR, providing his linen Ih lminaculute. A in Purls writes us thut Amorloiiiis nre about tho only iht- Hiuis who oannot H-uk fluently not only French but several other laiiguiiKes a woll. OASTOniA, ntfs. Hall It 41 lfUISfS U 80 few men know how t onhr a really well-lml'need meal 'that It seems a pity Unit more mothers do not regard the teaching of epicurean selection us a part of their sons' education, Small precautions often prevent great mlschlofa. DeWltt's Little Early Risers am wry small in sice, but are moat ef fective in preventing the most serious forms of stomach and liver troubles. They cure constipation and headache and regulate the bowels. Charlos Rogers. No matter how carefully a person may inillto nn anonymous letter there Is gen erally something about It that gives a clue to the identity of the writer too cowardly to sltrn his or her name. O-A-OTOnX-A.. At ha il mill Ii ei Upturn tf Digestion's Friend Packlng-hotiHc lar.l, with all r( iu IropuritiLH r A ciiTenslve (jualititu, hait lx-cn Hujij.lantcil in the kitchens of thousr.uds of iririiniiiatin houncwivc by COTTOLKNJi, the use of which means Ixrttcr food, Letter health. la jmrc vci(ctnMe oil, comljlncl with wholesome, iliKeatiMe Le.ef met. It ii ewWac'l Tit ihyticiant a henltiiful and recommend nl by cwikiux eiert in tirefcrntile to ull nniiiml Ma for shortening an-1 fryliiK purjionra. Tti iali rvittniena la aol4 anrywlvr In on to ttt pnund ralli.w III., wllh "or tratf1.Riarka titOAr" and iler' Aa4 I etitumttifU vrwi .m vary tu.. guana u4 lauld lo any utlierway. Mal only Ijr THE . K. FAIUflASK COMPAXV, MOKK C'l'ItKH I'KltKOKMKIi IlY DIt. DA.ItlllN. A reporter called at lha room at Dr. Darrln and waa atonuiliid to "ee th crowd that dully vlalt him for trratmont, mid that they do not seek In vain we give the natnea of a number who tH-ra.iri.illy li-(lfy to hla ni'iglc aklll In his new meth od by elect rlclty. Alderman W. A. KookkIii, T1 Alder atreet. Port land -Cured of tatarrh and deafness. Henry Von Helms, Bandy. Oreron, real estate broker Cured of cant er and chron ic catarrh of the noa. Joseph t'nderwood, Balem. Oregon Cured of moth-P'ila, akin disease, liver and kidney ootnplalnt. I.ula Holland, Portland, rrnnulnted and Inflamed eyen Perfectly cured. ' Mrs. V. Heck. Aurora, Oregon-Beverc pain In the bark and head; restored to health. I Mr. J. J. Young. Third street. Tort- i I land -I'yaiH pala. eouiftljiatbin, liver com j plaint and severe pain In the stomach cur-d. Homer Trulllnger, MollalK Orecon. I'nln In his stomach nine years; cured In five weeks. William Itohr. New York Hotel. Port land Nasal nnd throat catarrh; restored. lister M. Iceland, Oregon City. Oregon Catarrh all years; cured. Mrs. Mary P. Bax, 3 Second street. Portlnnd-Rhematlsm. llier and kidney trouble; cured. Lewis Blump. Kalnma. Wash. Acute rheumntlam; rentore.1. A. Case, Tacoma. Wash. Ringing noises In the tars and deafness; cured. Mr. M. A. Johnson 171 Front atreet, Portland; splnul complaint and neuralgia; cured. Mrs. J. Smith. Prlnevllle. Oregon Womb, kidney, stomach and head trou bles to that extent that she waa almost Insane; perrnanen'ly cured. Drs. Diirrln can be consulted dally until rVptcmticr 15th at the Occident Hotel, Astoria, from If a. m. to 5 p. m. : evenings from 7 to 8. All chronic diseases, blood taints, loss of vital power and early Indiscretions permanently cured, though no references are ever made In th.i press to such cases, owlrg to the delicacy of the patients. Examinations free lo all. nnd circulars will be sent to nny ad dress. Charge, for treatment Begirding lo patient's ability to The poor treated free of charge from 9 to in. except medb-lnes. Ah private diseases confiden tially t relied and cures guaranteed. Pa tients at a dintnnco can be cured by home treatment. Medicines nnd letters sent without the doctors" name np.earlng. vigor ra Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored Weakness, KeTTOuaneaa, Debility, aaa all ua trata at satis (ram jIj rror or ItMr IOMM4 ; U t-MUlU of wwork, ickoe. wor ry, ota. Full trDft&, dTtopmol and Iom fin to rry or ; and portion of ih bodj. SuddI. Burl mothodsv Imsnxiat4 .mproTtuont Mon. FaUlor itnpoMihlo 10U0 rfrncM Hook. iplaottioD aod proof Mil! lM!! ) tre. FR F MFrilrtn. Pfl "NIAGARA ST. aaia iikwivnt. vui BUFFALO, N. V. The wviman who run woar horrowcil lini'ry und fool comfortaMo In" it Is I11K In Homo of tlio liner iiuiitlitlos on iially Biios.d to lo alllo.l to sup:1or fomltiliilty. Owing to over-crowding and bad ventilation the air of the schoolroom is oflen closo bjuI Impure, nnd teachers and pupils frequently suffer from lung and throat troubles. To all such we would My. try Chamberlains' Cough Remedy. For coughs, colds, weak lungs anil bron chial troubles no other remedy can com pare with it Says A. C Freed, superin tendent of schools. Prairie l"eit, O., "Having some knowledge of the efficacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I have no hesitation In recommedlng It to all who suffer from coughs, lung troubles, etc." For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. It duos not follow that a woman is either very religious or In any great sor row because she wears a cross. It Is the lln-de-sleclo fuvorite of fashion and has crowded the Trilby heart and other sim ilar trifles out of the raoe. THE OBJECTION NOT GOOD. There are people who have objections to advertising matter in the columns of a newspaper. The ground of objeotion Is that they do not want to read ad vertisements. Now thla objection Is not good, for oftentimes these advertise ments convey valuable Information. For instance, how else would the trav eling public learn of the excellent din ing oar service of the Wisconsin Cen tral linesi between St. Paul and Chicago, or the general comfort of traveling over this popular line. For particulars call on the nearest ticket agent or address J. C. Pond. G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis., or Geo. S Datty. General Agent, Stark street, Portland, Or. WHEN WE DEMORALIZE THE BTOMACH Hy ext esses or Imprudence In eating, w. lan.iot hope to e"ape the consequences for any great le.igth of tlm. The most robust digestion must succumb to abuses if that Important function. But suppos ing that we have lam foolish enough to (iifeeble the stomach, la the damage Ir reparable? By no metna. The dyspeptic has only to do two things to insure hi ultimate recovery. First, he should adopt an easily digestible diet. Becond, h should me with regularity and persistence, Hor. U.tter'a Btomach Bitters, he leading gas tric Invtgorator of the age. The multi form symptoms of dyspepsia, and the al most Invariable attendant disorders, bil iousness and constipation, will assuredly ' ase to persecute the sufferer If the above advice la attended to. Who that haa suf fered the torments that chronic Indiges tion Inflicts will neglect to take advan tage of a remedy which. If the roost posi tive evidence of the medical profession und the public Is to be received wllh due credence. Is an absolute specific for the complaint. j The sick man knocking at the door of hoalth gets In If he knocks the right way, i and, stays out If he doesn't There are , thousands of waya of getting sick but only one way to get well. Do whatever you will, t If you do not put your digestion '.n good ;erder,and make your blood rich and pure, you will not get well. Rich, pure blood Is the only thing that can bring perfect ! health. Constipation Is a disease of the j blood. A large part of all diseases are , traceable directly to Impurities In the blood and can be cured by eliminating them with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery'. The first thing It does la to put the whole digestive system into per fect order. It stimulates the appetite, ex cites copious secretion of the digestive j : fluids and promotes assimilation. It 1 searches out disease germs wherever they I may be. kills them and forces them out of the system. The "Golden Medical Dla- j covery has be used with unvarying sue- ; cess for over thirty years. I Astoria Ironworks Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS Land and Marine Eogrtn. s, Eoller Work, Steamboat and Caaaery Work a ape. clalty. Castings of all descriptions made to order on short co:loe. John Fox.. President aad Superintendent A. L. Fox Vloe President O. B. Prael Secretary Astoria Bank Treasurer Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods! ..WING LEE.. 543 Commercial Street Next to MHilisnn's Cigar Stami J. B. WYATT, Phone No. 68 Astoria, Ortfos Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions. PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplying Shlpa. Reading or Distance Glasses JO. 00 Eye Glasses for 13.25, or 13.00 Eye Glasses for $1.75. ' Warranted Gold Plated Frames. Make your friend a beautiful and use. ful present We guarantee a perfect fit , by mall providing when you order the glasses you answer the following ques tions: How old Ever used glasses? How longT Male or female? GEO. MATERLE, Expert Optician. 28 Third atreet. San Francisco Opticians' and Photographic Supplies. firm Swvrt UrmrJy Aklatst7 l akaon to th f...liin Wmuiil Care in U to ai daai. W refund money If du pot cum. Yon caa ba ttYtd at koiua lor lb am pnr and th aama aw' tfl wiin UHMNF mil contract to prater to cow bare ar tbeui or pay aiptna or hmsh railroad li fl bltla, nd 0 I V 1 ( bare. f vasSMOirB. If ,'ur), itKllUt- potaahand ailna. Mucin. Pair eomlnf. and boMl Jl Mk Mil w. (all to k too hare laju'ii illll baa tone and In mouth, Aar Tbrvat, rl Bta, l'lrial on any rrbrewa faillas fteraadary or TertlMry aaarn.lrc to cure. We lAMifi and ekMlln,. HMpliaCopM'r-t'!! parlof tiie biily Hair uc t Is tbi.i Prlraarr, Srpklll that wiuil oiw. Ike world forarnvwa nuil rum. Tliia di. I .t I raae baa always baBli cat lb aklll aftke aaeat I k'lraliral pkrOrlaak or m.nir yin. weharv Sjassaainale a aiaviaay of trvaunir Ihla illaeaae wlltt our t VPIIlLESE nnd w bare e&uO,Mo capltaJ behind our unoondlllonal tfuaranuw. Write ua for 1AO.pare book auO aolate axiwriu Adilrew ((KIM KIIDIIY III.' SOT ytaaonle Tempi. I klcaia, Illluola. A Handsome Complexion is one of the greatest charms a woman can posses . PoxzoNi'a Comflkxion Powoaa gives it. mm Maav WILLJAM GADSBY The Housefurnisher Washington' and First Streets, ..Bargains in Furniture.. FOR THREE WEEKS Ah Chamber Suita, full size $ - -.0 00 Hotel Suits, 3 pitcea $ 8 50 Bedstead wood, c ach i 25 Bedsteads, iron, any size : 4 50 4 ft 6 in, 4 ft 3 ft 6 in or 3 ft Bedsprngg, woven wire 1 60 Mattress, wool top 2 50 Bed lHinges 6 00 WRITE FOR A Carpets Cheaper Ev rything to furnish throughout at prices You need no longer say " My bicycle is as good as a Colombia. tut "My ticycle IS a Colombia." At the new prices every one can be a Colombia rider. COLUMBIA $75.00 Stuliri of tie Wjrll 1896 Columbias 1896 Hartfords Hartford, pattern 2, woman's Hartford, pattern 1, men's THE SAME "OLD RELIABLE' COLUMDIA THAT HAS SOLD FOR THE PAST TWENTY YEARS THE WORLD OVER FOR THE HIGH EST PRICE ANY BICYCLE WOULD BRING. THE SAME COLCMBIA MATERIAL, FINISH AND WORKMANSHIP ALWAYS UNAPPROACHABLE-BETTER THAN EVER, AT 175. YOU WON'T PAY MORE FOR ANY OTHER. ONE PRICE TO ALL ALIKE. SECOND-HAND WHEELS CHEAPER THAN EVER. POPE MANUFACTURING CO., H. C0RDES, Agent for Astoria ' aan.iii.i, i illaaini. Jtmmattmtbmfi la iiLawiiaaWsa Portland, Oregon CATALOGUE. Than Ever Before which paralyzejcompetition BICYCLES Standard of the World $60.00 $50.00 $45 OO $40.00 132-4 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRI1SK and ABS0LUELY PURE The NotJh Paoifio Brewery, of wbiob Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, makea beer for domestic and export trade. Bottled beer for family ose, or kef beer supplied at any time, delivery in tbe city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY