THE DAILY ASTOttTAN TIKSDAY MORNING, SKCTGMBER 7,1897.' " i , . When you go to Warrenton Don't toil to vleit KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS ..The bent of Wines, Liquors ond Clanr.. An Elegant Line of the famous Edwin Clapp Fine Shoes FOR MEN A complex assortment of Ladies' Shoes of the very best makes. Purable heavy Boots and Shoes for laborers. John Halm & Co. Oo r muM 479 CommcrcUl St. 18- Fall aoi Winter -97 DRESS GOODS See what we are showing in the new styles. Our new samples are coming in every day. ALBERT DUNBAR Agent Butterick Patterns Al--" oiA.TfS WEATHER. Occasional rain, frean southerly wind. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. No dreamer thou, but real all, Strong manhood crowing vigorous youth, i life made by duty epical. And rhythmic with the truth. -Whlttler. The Janus arrived safely on the Sound. Cucumbers, very cheap, at Ross, Hlg gin k. Co.'s. Born yesterday to the -wife of Albert Danlelson, a son. Fioe cabbage for kraut at Ross, H!g tlns A Ca'a. At the bowling alleys yesterday M. M. Picken scored 58. Lemons at great reduction at Ross, Uiggins A Co.'s. Groceries at the lowest prices at the Pacific Grocery Co. Col. E. C. Hughes has gone to Bole, Idaho, on a visit to his brother. There were MO men up from Ft. Stevens yesterday celebrating Labor Day. J C. J. Curtis, J. C. 8wope and Ed Steph ens went to Seattle Sunday night Ice cream and othert refreshments at the lawn party on Friday evening. Ask for sample of Chose A Sanborn's famous teas, at Ross, Hlgg:as A Co.'s. The new roof on the O. R. A N. Com pany's dock Is rapidly nearlng comple tion. For roofllng and skylights so to the Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.. 34 Ninth street. When you are looking for fresh fruits and vegetables call on the Pacific Gro cery Co. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McKee and Miss Bell McKee, of Portland, spent Sunday In Astoria. Ashland peaches, Bart'ett pears, silver prunes, choice apples, etc.,' etc., at Ross, Hlgglns A Co.'s. Miss Alice Munsell, resident optician, office in Sl'.anahan building. Hours. 9 to 12 and 1 to 1 P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor. 137 Tenth St. The highest price paid for fur skins. Ashland peaches cheap and good; alto a large supply of other fine fruit, at Ross, Hlgglns & Co. Sam Oliver, of Brookfleld; A. L. Parker and Matt Young, of John Days, were at the Parker bouse yesterday. The boy choir will have their rehearsal this evening at 7 Instead of Wednesday. A large attendance Is requested. At the challenge pljecn shoot between C. W. Loughrey and J. J. Law, for a purse $100, Loughrey won by a score of "1 to 44. Mr. R. L. Durham, the Portland banker, Bam Smith, of' Portland,, F. 8, Morris, Portland, and Jamc. H. Morris Snver, of the firm of Morris & WhltetfA bond Suits to order, from $1250 Pants to order, from $3.00 up up ..FLYNN, the Tailor- E AstoF flouse CLEAN AND A'RY ROCJIS RatM, ffl sod ft .25 iT ; Meals. i' el. Pilcher & Taylor, Proprietors A New Store CHAS. KAN & CO 367 Commercial St Manufacturers of Ladies' and Gent's Underwear Oriental Fancy Goods at the Low est Prices in the Citv. A. V. ALLEN. Groceries, Feed, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Logger's Supplies. i: Cor.Teiith and Commercial street, buyers. R. E. Moody and B. C. Partridge, Jr., Portland, and F. L. Parker, Astoria, spent Sunday at the Hotel FlaveL Fereua, the lS-yead-old daughter of C. D'Amlco, died last evening at her father's house, on Commercial street, of consump- tion. 1 Regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Guild of Grace church will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the vestry room. Dr. Bart el has moved his office and res idence to the Goodman building over H. J. Goodman's fhoe store, next to Olsen's drug store. Special sale of fine fruits today at Ross. Higgtns & Co.'s. Ashland peachrr. Bartlett pears, s.lver prunef. choice ap ples, etc.. etc. The latest oil painting by Mr. Hagerup, of a fish boat in a squall, on exhibition In Griffin & Reed's window, was purchased by Harry Hamblett. Judge A. A. Cleveland shipped on the Elder yesterday morning a restaurnnt outfit to Harry Helns, who Is going Into busine3s at Skaguay. The Bee Hive Is busy fixing up Its goods In Its handsome new quirters, which were gained by enlarging the com mercial street store. Enu-rprise tells. The row Friday, In which one man was badly hurt, reported as occurring at O'Brien's hotel happened at a houne on Exchange street, near the school houre. Jim West, the Chicago barber anl master of the tonsorlal art, has his shop opposite Kopp's N. P. B. Whan you want a good shave or hair-cut. glv. him a call. When you want a real life-like and artistic photo, don't fall to call on Snod grass. The work he Is turning out niw Is ahead of anything ever made In As tiria before. Mrs. E. A. Betts has returned from a visit with the family of Mr. H. A. Cam eron. Knappa, who arc royal entertainers. The nt-w church at Knappa Is doing well and is an ornament to the town. The constable of Columbia county, who was down at the mouth of the Klatskanle river yesterday looking for some missing boom logs, was driven off the ground with guns by the enraged farmers. A large number of people were In from the country yesterday and the crowds , the streets all day made the city lively. Few stores were closed, and many of the poys say they put in hardest in a month. M. S. Warren yesterday received from the gc-nernl land office a decisslon re cltlni? his nuporlor right to the SWy of SW',, and NW',4 of SW'4 sec. 32, and lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, nee 31, township 5 north, range 30 west. M. J. Flohr. Wallace. Idaho; B. F. Boone, Portland; L. F. Lamping and wife, Seattle. Mrs. C. H. Gorrlll. Mips F. G. Smith. Ookland, Cal., were guests of the Occident yesterday. The steamer Elder started yesterday on her third voyage to Alaska. Ehe had quite a large number of pewrurers from Portland and about a dozen loined h-r here, whose names have already been published. Mr. Hremner. who Is going into business at Skaguay, took with him tools and horse shoes. It is now so com- mon a thing for crowds to go to Alaska in search of the yellow metal that the departing steamer attract little atten tion. The usual civwd a at the wharf yesterday to hid their friend farewell. We have been Informal that In the latter part f this month Dr. Janson ex-pe-t his brother Herr Ome Krats Jan son on a short visit. Herr Janson has re cently arrival from Oerm.iny. where he completed hh studies on the violin, lie spent four year there, studying under the supervision of the greatest n.isli'rs of tht country. One year In Berlin under the gtvat HoJIamllsh violinist, lirahm Eldermg. and three years In Dres den under Kopolroeister Wolferm nn and Rapaldl. eCrmany's second Joachim. During his short stay In Astoria he will give a concert, assisted by Mrs. Pr.Jan son and Mrs. Olson. The date of the concert has not been settled yet, but full particulars will lie given later on. Ilerr Janson Is for the present In Seattle with his brother recuperating after his year of toll. On his tour out to the coast he gave several concert In the leading cltels of the middle Mates, Chicago. Minneapolis and St, Paul, reaping laurels wherever lib played and receiving the best of criticisms. In the near future Herr J.inscn Is contem plating a tour through the coast states, playing In the leading cities, thus hoping to gain the recognition which he feel that he deserves. Ills concert In Astoria promise to be one of the best ever given In this city, an opportunity which the music loving people should take advantage of. VOl STILL HAVE AS O P PO HT I" S 1 T Y. To Make Your Wife and I.lnle Ones Happy. Th. following telegram will kep me ; with you a day or so. though I yearn for the wheat fields of eastern Oregon; Chicago, Ills., Sept. C bsi:. ! Col L. V. Moore, Astoria, Oregon. f Continue sale at Astoria for next few ' duys if necessary to give everybody a chance to take advantage of our final sale there. W. W. KIMBALL Co. i Six sales is the record of our sales yesterday, and more wll! follow today. at this rate I shall soon leave you and with this sale goes your last chance to get a nrst-cla. piano or organ from the manufacturers. L. V. MOORE. SOT DEAD BUT SLEEP1SO. I was told when I came to Astoria that the town was dead and that I could not hope UJ iti ;r.;' business this trip as no ono had ft dolar, Astoria Is ftoi dead, but sleeping and the people have suddenly awakened to the ' full reallxation that we are doing what we have announced through the press, and nat you can save ROD to OJO on a piano arid J2S to KO on an organ, and that this wlH be their last chance of buying a first- class Instrument from a reilar. manu- facturer at home at manuraefurer's prices. We find money is phn' and every body is now in the deal. Six sales Is the record for Monday and we refused two spot cash . s:ues De-ause tne prices onereu ere r.m in keeDins with the auallty of the goods. Quality considered no retail dealer or agent can come within $U0 to m of the special prices we are now offering. All goods priced on a cash basis: easy payments at per cent Interest, ow pianos and organs taken In isirt payment for new ones. Our assortment Is limited, call early and make your selection, while It Is yet time. W. W. KIMBALL CO. Schlussell's old stand, W Bond street. . The last Seaside excursion boats of the season left up the river Sunday evening, Th Oce.m Wave. Prrtter. Gatgert. I.ur line Thompson were all crowded with passengers. The beaches are almost de- serted. A few who know that after these rains the finest weather of the season will follow, have remained, and they will soon be Joined by other knowing ones. Gold Watch FREE .TO. Boys, Girls and ...Young Ladies .AT. GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY'S ...Pure Food Stores... Every watch Is a perfect tlmepiec; 15-year guaranteed case. Real gems. Don't rnlxs this opportunity to secure o.e of these pretty watclrfs fre-?. Call and ask about it at the Great American ImDortlng Tea Company's Pure Food Store, 571 Commercial s'rwit., As orla, Oregon. Call and see the handsome watches. Teas, Coffees, Spices. Baking Powd'-r, Extracts Highest quality, Lowest Pr.ces. 100 STORES IS OPERATION. ..Tli a Pct LommcIi.. " HERCULES" Is open to sp-.clal charter for excursion pan !s or river freighting. Dock at Ross, Iili;g1ri & Co.'s slip. TH08. DALOITY. Leave orders at 214 Bond street Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. on application. ... W F SCHEIBE rarr:r" A lull tin. of Pipes, T. .vara, ad taoktrs' A'lLlr. -4T- Comm.Pi lot t. OUR RANGERS BEST OX EARTH 1 no ttoKsrs ix tut vokid can tout Tntm rxniimcr Report of Dr. V. I tirnttt t Partis ul Xtimsl lailotrv I o i e rot i n) Detail ol Lite oo the rijiiis. Chicago, Sept. 6 "So horses In the world except the range horse of our Wc8U'rn "uwt ,or m,""""y "1 1 think the trip Just finished by my cow boy friends here proves my assertion." t The foregoing remark wus made by Ir. The foregoing remark wus made by Ir. William A. Bruett, special commissioner 'he bureau of animal Industry of the departmnt of agriculture. He wus .it ht home In this city and with him were wo "'wart. suntuirned young men, w II- ( m an.l IWt Gabriel. i "These young men." continued Pr Tru- ; "hav JU.t demonstrated thai the broncho! Mid range of our plains ""v''" a distance of :n miles In w days and sutwlst on grass ami water the route, without grain, and. n.ore important still, fnun a military point of Mew. without 1elng shod. I can s..y with- ul fear of contradiction that no oth. r horses In the world could have made the 'fl' under the circumstances "Th.. roufp iMirlnnlnir nt flherlilan. Vyo.. - - and ending at Galena, this state, ctor..q kin.! of country, turf, sand. rock, clay '' wh"n ,h- ,nt'r,,l U" "'' ere In as good condition " every way as when they started from l.-nn-l.., TloKooo.. to V.lf,.rl.MI "'" low;., the road along thi- Mississippi Itlo r wit Jagged rm k. or throiight ib ep mud. Th" he.. and fros of the horses f.-. t were so badly bruised that, although they could have oompl-ted the dlManrr to Chicago. I telegraphed the men to let the noble little animals stop at H.ilena ll.ol the horses been shod at Sioux ("My. as I tel. graphed, knowing the over w.iich they would have to travel to r-iu-h Chi. a- to. the horses would have reached hero In first-class condition on Hat unlay. Te telegram failed to r-mh the men and they brought the hor-. s through under my orlgliail Instructions, ' As a test of the enduran.s of the wet. rn I horse. I am sure the department of agri culture will be more than satisfied with the result, as It demonstrates the animal Is all that has been claimed. As I said la fore, no other horses In the we rid could ham mftile inrh n trio under such con- j dltlons. 1 U-lleve It will change the oulnlons of foreign governments, who have felt that our range hordes were too light I for military purpose, it Is a fact not It Is ' known, as I have said before, that the range horse has In his veins the blood of 1 the thoroughbred and the standard bred j Percheron, Clydesdale, Hamhletotilan nnd j other famous strains. Stallions of these I classes have been sent to the ranches, nnd ! the result Is an Increase In the size and j quality of the horse. Range horses, as tliey are called In distinction from bron chos, range In weight from !i.7i to ll.Vi pounds. The bronchos, which arc of Span ish origin and have no Improved blood In them, weigh from ',' to VO pounds. "We believe the performance of these two horse which have Just come from Wyoming will Influence the German and English army agents and exporters for dom'-stlc purposes to try our western horsed." ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH. (Continued from First Paice.) sengers go to Join the miners camped at Skaguay In the hope of eng iging In remunerative busln,.s. No more than a dozen miners bound for the Klondike were on the Al-KI. FOItlJ CONVICTED. Seattle, Sept. 6. A special to the I'OHt Intelllgeneer from Kverelt, announces the; conviction, by -1 committee of the I'uget Hound Methodist conference, of the liev. j W. I'ord,, formerly pastor of a church In 1 this city, r,n a chargi; of adultery with his servant girl. Ford has ..en expelled! from the chuicb by a vote of 12 to 1. 7 1IIK WOW.D'S WHKAT. Herious May be Kxperlenced Wlthou nnn Management. I Londoi Spet. O.-M.irk Lane Kxprcss says thaj correspondent of KngllHh J.iisl-1 ne?s nrms state that the crop will amount The Astrla-Hungary crop Is stated to I ,f 16M) quarters.Thl nddV greatly! to the gravlty of the situation. America's crop Is reckoned by enr-ful Judges to be I the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is it not a fine Investment? FINE CIGARS1L ...' iw quarter, or tl."",i quarter Im provement to offset the decline of f.irki.tW quarter In Kussla and (rom ., O.H) to Quarter In France. All the llgurc pMnt, therefore lo a ile-lk len.-y in the world of about H.i''.''s) quarters. Should the demand le adually a large a this, the store of old wheat will lie ued up and a crisis of great seri ousness will only be prevented by general good pronpeet for the spring of IW. 1UU FI1UJ IN rilll.APKI.rill.V 1'hla.lelphla. Sept. -Klre I raging In the wholesale division on north Delaware avenue. A general alarm has been turned In and the loss will t-e heavy. LOHT At. I.. Grass Valley, Sept. d-FIre this morning lestrojred the Morgan house, the guests :ind employ, losing everything. KIKE IN TOWI.E8. . . i lwirs. ai , sept, s - irn. poattmee an i . Jones were destroyrd by fire this morning. Mrs. Ilrrkeley. of Ha. ramento, JumM from the second story window nnd ) broke her arm. ANUTIIKIl HICH BTKIKE. Vrek.i. Cal., 8ept. -Sent ha reached hen of a rich strike In the (Mioredcr mine i.ti the ll'ii foot evl, the vein aviY- nglng four feet In width and running a hundred and thirty dollars to the ton. j FROM PAKER CITV. Haker City, Or., 8cpt i-nherlff Ingston pnssed through the city today In charge of Robert Roiwrt. i hargr.l with .. . mur,,pr ... n, flammav. who was hot In a ball room In (Irani county thr.e years ago. He was unrated In I'llloti. Mont. I'anl.l Smith and old pioneer aged f years. .Iie.l this mormg. Ills estate Is val- u.-d at about ir..i.. He willed all ex-cpt $!", which goes to a second cousin, hi only living relative, to Mrs M. J. Jiintifyr who has cared for him for several years' She Is a widow lady of this city CKNSI'S lit'REAC Washington. H.-te. t.-Tt I st.Ucd 'hat H I North, of lioston. has t-en selected as superintendent of the n.xt census. and that hts appointment will be made a ,, ,hl. ,.,.,.,.. legislation can be The president 1 in fnvwr of e- tnbllshlng a permanent bureau on census. RAILWAY COlJJHIoS Forltel, Mo., Sept. -Train N'o. ( on the Wabash railroad, west bound, struck a bull a quarter of a mile wet of this place last night alxiut mldlght. Passengers In the lust cars wear thrown to the floor bv ' the shock, but none were hurl. An un- known tramp wn killed. Engineer John Kgan was faeally hurt, being Injureo Inter- naiiy and iiadiy scalded, fireman i.risa was bully scalded on the back and b gg. 1871 Fisfyer Brothers. Sell tiTvi- Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship CiiJirvI'vr Hardware1. Iron & Ste-el, foal, Groceries & Provision. Flour A Mill Fefrl, Paints, Oils, Varni&lut Loggers Supplies, Fairriank's tan. Doors & Windows, Agricultural I r:i j-N'men' Wagoi's A. Vehiclwi. HOP LEE CO. CLOTHING, Merchant T2ilors. i-ndrrelothlngmade tootder. Hults nd uoiikers ' '' tWA& -... . lrll.r n. 1- the CltV. I U'eleb llloek, (l.'.H Commercial HI. I . "l j Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL Open every day from 3 o'clock to l.K and :30 to 1:30 p. m. Subscription rate. 13 per annum. 8. W. Cor. Elev.ntn and Duan. Street. f THE ASTOBIAH WAHT COLUMNS WANTKD. V A NTK1 'Man cook at I having Htatlon. . lilt Adams l.lf WAN i'i:iv-At r'lavel , woman to do plain cooking for a family of eight. Wages, 11' n'. Apply at once to John Hays, eL P. O. VANTKl-Voun girl living wl'.h p rwnts, to tx car. of oMidrio and 4. light houwwork. Apply at tM Duaa. airwt. VASTKl--T rent lrt of furtilshed house, or J or t furnished room for housekeeping by man and wlf. No children. Adilres V. U. tills omVe. MEN WANTED. Itallmad hand wanted for ItnnWIa'. " I K "ti .iMi k Apply at n m . K!s. blovk. A, C. H. K. 11. LOUT. LOST-Iiunuh of keys. tM with red rlb. boft, Lev at Ailortaa offlo. . . . j.osiT-On ths Jsth Of al July. In Astoria. .nu parce" ootvlalnlng two bank book.. Niv X and W.i. Klniler leave at this office. roR uirf. yoi HKNT Ten. room housa In l'ppr. town, on street cor lln; 11 per month, lnqulr. at this offlo.. ' . -. FOli UJSNT-Furnlsu.d WW. suit, or lntlt. Ujr th. da ur tmsnth Hotel Tlghe. unJe itllrt n.w owniag mont. t!ret reduction In rales). Mr 0. V." Tortex. manager. C. Elevstnk and Franklin, ' " " "' run nAuc. Foil HALE A slx-room cottage, lot tc 1"Q, with water, etc. within four block. Of Commercial street. In th center of 'hs city. A rsr. rhane. ITIo. 11,40a Addrra C. Atorln offlc. r'( ll HALU-i.'lieap. un !C'. Il lady Columbia bicycle, In perfect condition Apply at the Astorlan offlc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. C. RROWER. ATTORSET AT LAW. Ounderson Uulldlnf. Astoria. Oregon JOHN T. LIGHTER. ATTORN EV-AT-LAW. Office, upstair, Aatorlsn Ilulldlng DK. O. B. E8TE8, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGICON. Hpoclai attention to dlMSMS ol wodmc i i Ouio. over usnsigers store. , Telephon. No. U. Aatoria DH. JAY T LITTLE. , PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Offlc, room. ( and (, Pythian bulldi ! 53m Commercial St, aame Telephon. ft. 1 Acting assistant surgeon U. S. Ma l rln. hospital service. Chester V. Dolph. Richard Nlx.a 1 DOLPH A NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. I Portland, Oregon, U. , 24 and ti j Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection bualn s promptly attended t. ; Claim, against th. government a .p. laity. . ' H. T. CROSBY, ATTORN ET-AT-LA W. 411 Commercial itiwet. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, . . ATTORN EJf AND COUN8IILOR , AT LAW. Offlc. on Bond street Astoria, Or. ATflMlTH. T - r: H. DENTIST. Mtijlgp Boom. 1 and 2, Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper, .tor. DR. H. L. HENDERSON. . Office, Kinney Building, Astoria Office hours, 7 to a. m.i 12 to 1 and to T p. rn. fftpcclul attenton given to th. treatment of Disease, of th. Eye Chronic Dis eases, and Surgery. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 1, A. F. su A. M. Regular communication, held 0:. th. first and third Tuesday evening 01 each month. O. W. LOIJNSBERRY. W M E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary. GO EAST 1 VIA Library Car Route AMKHICA'H HCNNIO LINK. .tU la Dinliq Car Is C art. Th. all-rail rout, lo Kouienal nilnl.if dlslriot, via Hrattl. and Hpukan Shortest and Quickest Line .Tp-fc. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. Chicago AND ALL I'OINTH KA8T Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper, liming and Uhi.ry i)liva tjon Car., Dnlly Trnl im ...Font Tltirio HKKVU'k AMU IK mrUV 1't.KAQl Klil) For Uuk( aid full InfurruaUuB oall on rnt 0. Jt. k N. Oo. or idVlre. A. a C. lKNNIBTON. C I. T. A., Portland, Or. Jt C. HTJEVKN8. 0. W. . A. PaW.. ron . TLLLAMOoK. NCHALKM AND TULI.AMOOK. NEIIAIJ5M AND TILLAMOOK, NKKAtJCM AND TIUOMOOK, NE1IALKM AND TILIJ.WOOK. NKIIAIJCM AND OTHKR COA8T POINTf OTH Kit WA8T POINT8 HTIH-lt 0)AT I'OISTt COAST PolSTi OTHER COA8T POINT AtMUTMr. R. P. ELMORK, H. P St. K1UI a r. ixuojub, W. )L UAJUUION W. )L VAJUUaON W. It. HARRISON AND AUOUiTA AND AUQCtTA AND Al'ODtTA ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER ailing data, to and from Tillamook and NV al.m dnxod upon th. w.athsw. For frlght and rng rwte apply to lCljaORE, BANHORN CO., Agsnta, O. R. N. Ca, Agwrt. rortbuid BlIKHlVra "A l.K. Ily virtue of an s'utlon onl orlr of nlr ls.oe.1 out of the Circuit Court of th 8tt of Or-gon for the Ciunlr of Cat.iot, on the 11th iley of July. A. D. IW. qpon a Judgment and dH-r.e r dersl thrreji on h third day of July. !:. In favur of C. E. Ilaylo and C. O. Palnils-tir, plaintiffs. Jid ogalntt th Flttvel Hotel Company, "Wid In for of defrmlani. Iliuid Manufacturinc Co. J. I". Itasinusmi, A. S. (illllsple. Oregon Hi I.iimlior Comimny, i. H Hate, and O. p. Mara'.im, Mid ngeln.t said I'lnvel Hotel Company for th utim otnl of In.Wi.!, lnteret thereon from third day of July, 1W7, at th rr of I per trot pe annum, together with th row. and dlsburM-mtfit. taxed at I!1 J. and the coat of and upon Ihl wri' -on,-mandlng atid nviulrlng me to make al of Iho folliiwlug de.-rll"l real piop.r ly. to-wd: All of block No, 10. In (he town of riavel, n Inld out and rr-i-wded by th. Flavel l.iuwl DevebipiiiBnl Company, together with ths Klavtl llot.-l. jltuA.aJ the res Ki. and ligethT wlih :r ter.tnunt hereslllnment sjwl appurtenance tlitieti belonging or In iuiywie piertalulng. .11 In the County of i:iatp, KUto of Ori gan. Notice la heroly given lloit I will, on Monday, the Jnth day of 8etemlM r. l.W, at the hour of 10 o'clock In th fo:rtioon of said day, In front of and at th court house door, In tl City of Astoria, In nld county njxl tale, sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, lor ch. th. above dcsor.bed reiil property, or .0 much thereof n mny lie ncesiry to snillsfy sail Judgment, Int-re!, cost, and nil a'crutng costs. jam kh w. ii.vpi:, Bhorlff of CI 1 Co., Or. Dated Aslorln, Or., August ro, l.y. NOTICE OF MHI0TINO OF STOCK HOLDERS OF UNION FISHERMAN'S CO-OPERATIVE PACKING CO. Notice 1 hereby glv.n that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of th. Union Fisherman". Oo-Operatv Pack ing Compaiiny hold at the ofllce of said company In Astoria, Clivtaop county, Oregon, at half past .even o'clock p. m., on Baturdny, tho eleventh day of Hep t.mber, 1897, for the purpose of consider ing the ndvisiilslltyof IncroaxJug the rap. Itol stock of said corporation In th. amount of 120,000.00 or any part thereof that may seem expertlemt to said stock holders and of taking such . action In regard to Increasing , said capital stock aa, to Mild st,o.'kholditr may apiiear ad v;nho. CHARLES WILSON, I'realdcnit of said Company. AtieM: BOFUS JENSEN, S'.'crelary of said Company. .snap a k;odak. at any man coming m ,, our stur unit you'l, (j.i, IKjriralt of a 111:111 lirlttmilint nr with pli'S- .tol theugtit. Hue' .j it lltv In III' Pqniir. we h' ve loolTertireciii ii,-h ! pie. any nisn. COMIT ANIl THV THRU HUGHES & CO. 1 ' t V f -A. ;