N ) T I V. ! I.Ui(,)kr,, I' mimIi.. ! ,, i'.l.i, ,.4.' is "'(.. Ait! Ho! to v r;:r.iTiu! L'Siiiiy vvitliuul tin Any One j ,;nl ('luily of :..in li Oi lei i ii, will bv; liable; loiowacut.oii. Stye if if i THE DAILY ASTORIAN It the biggest and bett paper on the Columbia Kiver THE ASTORIAN has the largest circulation of anv paper on the Columbialver KULI. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLVll. ASTORIA, OREGON, KATI ROAY MOKMXO, HKI'TKMIiEK 4, 1897. NO. 25. Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats BUFFUM PE NDLBT2N Hatters and Furnishers 94 THIrd Street, PORTLAND, OR. .Tbe Only Exclusive City Book Store Klondike Miim. Klomliki' (itiiili' I look h. I'liiU'il Siti (ioviTiiiiifiit (iiiicnil (liurt uf Alaska; cr. rwlnl up to date. l)n'l nUrt without u copy. lilank Honk iixl StatioinTV. Kinliinj,' Turk If, liniiitiiiM'kx, I'.tc, l-at4.t NnVrN, IVriiMlimls ami Mua.iius. GRIFFIN J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Will reopen tb.lr Boarding mid Dy Hcuool tmpuimb.r 0. TO PI LB HICCBIVKD IN TH PRIMARY. OUAMMAR AND ACADEMIC CIIIADBH Fur ntlM, etc., addraa. the Huporior i nuuuuuu nnwrinnn kUd " r m ' 3 E G G K K EI H Our Royal Cream Flour FOARD & Sole AHTORIA UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS OuaranUcd th Bt In th. Marktt CORNER FOURTH AND GLISAN STREETS - PORTLAND, OREtlON J. A. FASTABLCND General Contractor IIOUHK, HWIlKiR AND WIIAHI' HUILPKH n.T-j MOVING TOOLS HKNTKD Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS A8TOHIA AND BABT ASTORIA CHOICE FRESH Men's furnishers. & REED: INHTRU- MENTAL MUSIC, PAINTING AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Uiariil'ir Normal Coiirae of three yrare. haulm year wholly ini(wwtiit4. 1 rninlui department nl nine (tadra Willi JU rhIMrrn. lii.iriiril.Mi unit tram itg In l.vmim.lli-. Majo.lLh .) ' tela and Vi-' Mutlfl fur tmlillr m hiHilft. I li Normal ii.lnin I. m-ogoiird bv law TATK LICK. CK.IlllKli .MK liilpvh. I ighl riiii.. Tuition, tMM.kt, ouard suit lodk'iii( (p pn'Mmalrlr i, II V, uu par lr ilmlfiil. hoar'Uns ilicmarlvea, Ill" 111 per er. Academic grade ,-ce.'il from high tehoola. Catalogue i hrfii II jr iil on jlu-alli!i. Adlrc I'. U CAMI IIKI.!., lre.dnl. nr W. A. WANS. Secretary Faculty. Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL, Nirio. Count;, OREGON Thi l. )uit th. pine for your boy. IMIihtfut ixllon. Iart ImlMInc nd trrouniU, 0d idmUi, plenty of healthy eiinvl, rlocllrnt tMtt-hani und careful tralnliur thU la what Uwjr all aay of MT. ANORL COLLECE. Bond for Cat. alouo and aroclal trma. Hrhol will oiwn fW)trnW I. P. F, PLACIDUS. Director. NONE BETTER STOKES CO. AjsetttH OREGON AND SALT MEATS WAS PROPOSED Attclllit tu Slut rrtsillt'llf MlKilllcy Uhllc in tuliiinliiis. WAKMSli (ilVIN fiifoidnjf t'rtciutioM Ttliri to Tk lire nl the ffMidcit Tlic Appniat tntnt ol rokdcrl) the tiiioc. t'oluiiilitia, "hlo. Hipl. 3-H ipVi-lop iIuk miraordlnary precaution wr mk.-ii loiluy for the c-nrp of the pri-ahl-' l, hi . count uf ih miyor havliirf r-'lvd ii iioip. iinalKiii-i), t .-1 1 1 i it lilni to li" nn ifii.ird uKiiln.i u proj,. imaiiaaiiiii'lon of M Kml.y. l....jiii" of Ihr itppniii'iiit-iil of r,i.lrrly THK M'-'llUlD CIlUWIi. Atu-nd the l.u-t-rt M'lrl-r Trl'tl-Juduc Vlalia the I'r-mlnea. Chlc.iii, 8r'- 1 -The iiumher uf prranna atrlthiK o ' K-.nt nl :he l.uetgert murder '.n.'l tmluy wn o reit that guurda tlv on the it-ilraiya tn turn ba k .erylnx1y not In nnif w iy ,-oiinHied wun the cue. Three women nvr l.tm.ttiliV ftldenre iik'nlnai ili f. iiihiiK l.u Th. y pom- tlvrly Ideinined Ihe rlHK found In th. viit hi lielna- the property id Mra l.uet- ert. The defellillllll Tt. le .4 '! ipi rate cnVrt to hreak down Ihe evl.liin- of Ihe three women, hut they nil alu k m their alnrlea The wa.loii of Ihe inurt w.ia rut ahort In Ihe uflerniHUt u JudiJe Tulhill until he il.alreil lii Malt Ihe fa-l iry In ae fur tilniau If wh.-re the murder i aitld in hue been vommlMoil. lie lo'k nn aitor li, y fn.rn ihe defenae unj me fmm Ihe iroe-u!lon. and durlntr their vian In me fai i"ty nn ..liter p-ra n wt .illnwed around Ihe premlai-a. A TI"Ai"IIFR TlK'l.li: .m ' Say li ivernm- nt i iw I' Tt'iip of Haiirunn , ta ill rtu it. An editorial aril, le III Ihe AMotl.in of a ecu! late ..mdenintnir itovernmeni own- I rahlp 'f railway la Ma.-.l upon so un-. mind '-oii'-i ptlon Ihal n hellcMT In aiieh a ayatem eannul restrain a reHy Th.' very fact thai an. h cdltorl Ua are .ippenrliiK ahnwa the imminence of audi '.MiiTahlp, and that the neceaaiiy of fnrm- llIK public opinion .14!.il:iH It lacitllhld T-d i,r4tent. ' The aruumenl i I by the Astorhm la not new II la one of the tlrxt objections th.it w i ralaed. Hut II baa hecn com pletely unawi red. and Ihal by the ablest thinker. The standard authority on Ihe aiibj.-cl la Mellaril T. I'ly Ills book, 'flnciallain and 3ocn Reform" and ' Tre. enl Iay Problem" discus It fully. Yet Ihe patience "f those who believe Ihnt the line of ao lal pnvreas In -ludea slate own- i rahlp i f railway, to n'ply Io la equnl In Ihe perslstince of those who oblecl to I offer exldodeil oblectlnlia. The great Increase of numlicrs In tbe j civil service I no objection. The Aatorlnn admit Ihal this servce might be brought under the civil si nce rules, and if o the tumbled down and n ilobe lodging-house j'inl today demanded the resignation of railw ay employes wMtild be under no com-j has been wrecked. Every house In town 'r,li,'f "f PHce O'Rrlen. on the grounJ pulsion to vote a ci rtaln ticket for fe:ir j I'11" suffered more or less damage. Tracks ""'l he- 'e not possess the judgment or of removal. Certainly what has been done i of the Simla Fe railroad are washed out .discretion requisite to successfully man In the postolllce. customs and Interior clc- I In sewrnl place. V.ge the police dcpirtmcnt. pnrtmcnta can W done In the railway de I partment. Hut not only might It he done: It would be done. So far from using compulsion. .very party wouiil he ciimpeiie.i io acciiru perfect freedom Io all employes. The parly In power woul I n it threaten their tenure, because If successful they wou.rt have no need of making Mm.Ofti enemies. and If unsuccessful In a compalgn Ihey could not renounce them. And ivrtalnly the party out of power would not begin a campaign by making enemies of WOW voters. Indeed the first thing any political pnrty would do. would be to give complete assurance that no government employee would be removed for voting freely. In no other way i-oiiUl either the outs or Ins expect success. Fenrofofflcl.il Intimidation can, In fact, bo removed from railway employees only by government ownership of railways. Our present nllwiy corporations easily "vote" their men. nnd -an turn them out If the men ntv too Independent. The fear thnt the heads of the railway department, to whom the civil service iiilev do not .ipply, woi.ld b.. Incntnp "tent Is singularly 111 founded. Are Ihe present 15-Cent Fast Black W'v ofl'tT this week 5000 pairs Ladies' Fast T.lack lie re-rulnr 25-cent Hose. Special sale for this week, SHANAHAN BROS, IiiikIh ' uf lli-l'lirllll' lit" It V lliliutoll ;iii'ii!rl''M 7 n I ho miiiriry Willi nir r i'ni'llillliv t-M'ty .'My woulil i"'!'''-! Hii-fi who uiilir moi.l1 lh iii''ciHlili'ii of lriin,Hriii.ilon, for liiiul" nt th railway l.-.i rirriffit. Id--IIi m1 of ih' liifium nihil- 10 h. mn oihnr 1 1 1 1 n Mtllroinllnir wlil' h now n rnllroa'l m.i'iiiiti-niinl, Kv rnm.nl iriiimi.orta- Moll lll lirlllll'llt VOIlllJ . J v i I . j, mi n uu ti iia ! hut e In thf rniy or niivy or pout- j onh or anrli ulliiri.1 or din ailonnl de i p.iriiiii-iil--mn. In nhori. ah', hmi, nolh TO MAYOR H'K do hut all'iirt to l.ii-1 !,-. ,,r iliii- or r-uon for l lo m in ii. a anil btl.tfa ,.H II... r-.llu.k. -' " nu,u.iK FB now are ti mpti'd uii'l uttcmptinK t t. Arjfiiini nla ir.ili., v, ,,,.,,, ,iillny , nn- In tin- H'i if.- of iut. ah ul.ii.-. to' hllnd uikI iv.nfuai,, ,ut win, I1( -)Vl,.r l.i wltliKlHiul. This Inii rot in ahl' h ttH y , an. put forth la loo pvMi-nt to irlv them I i'Vcii I ho hi IkM of candor. H. 8 LYMAN. WILL TltV NKW MK.V. ritl.hurtr. Kepi. J.-Col. ft, n I a mln-r al Mcl'onal Ivlle, fa. a ill nd k- hnk at Ihe tenna off. r.-d hy him vi.ir.ii The t'oriimlilet uppoln'.ed io pr-a.nt hla ulilmiiium to the men today reported that in. .-tltiB. wen- hell la,. ,(,.. ., wa, ! d. ili'ed to mi i pt no rate except (Tj cent . I ' ' '" " .v. iii.K rii-e, uniena all oiher irlnera do It ,,io.t( here aay Ihey will not pay h eenu and will now go ahead with their ar-uny mienia atart the mini a with new nnTi. 0. R. & X. ELECTION' OK A PRESIDENT denre mil Indicate a yield f IJSO.DuO.'jU) to j M'.ir,'M bushela of winter wheat, turning 1 out much beyond expectation a to balance '' " much of the loaa In aprtng wheat r'or l TBt OrflCt. ieign account do not Imr.rove and unlets A. S. ricidclbiitk. ol Xta 1 ork .Made Ckair ti ol the Roard Other (lltiters V ill if Elected Next .ooth. ' New Y'ork, Sept. i Brada.treet'1 tomor ' trow will aay: " " rortlnnd. tire.. Sept. 1 (Sk,Iu io tlx I'revloua activity In all line of trade Aalnrliiii.) At tixlny'a nirellng of ' maintained. Some wholesale meichants the i. It. & S. Company: aim kholdi-'a. ! "I western center report th; largest A L. Mohl.r wna unanimously el.-cie.: v"'"m'' of AuBuf,t trB,lP on rMr.l. i reai..-ni. A. 8 H. ldelta., h v.... v..,i. ' t'" ,,aclnc coa,t hM export have ' waa el.'. led chairman of the hoard. I .".e n. -ting then ndourticd till ni xxt wc. k ,.,....,,.,. , " ""i "i ine omi-era will 1h i l vte. jii nd Ihe ijuestlon of decliiring a dlvbl -d I " I will he conal.lere.1 THK KLDKIl WILL STAY Portland. Sept. J.-Cnptnln Cood ill. ot : c , 7 , i San I ranclseo. Sept. l-Wheat the Paclllc Coast Steamship Compa-y. 1 tv;. who Is In the city, said tonight that he' Portland. Sept. 3 Wheat, valley S". was glad tp s. such earnest support given ' VVa"'' Walla S3 b. ihe steamer Elder, and Intlm .ted th'4t NW' Yrk- S""- 1-n '1--,. ., San Francisco. Sept. S.Hops. new the company would put another s,,mer I Pfp flrm , mi the line from thl city. If the present standard California Ss 6d. pini,-,.! inntliiui'd. ! Captain tioodnll also said th it th.' Elder RASERALL SCORES i will Ih kept or. Ihe Alaska run all wmtor CUH liUCRST AT NEEI'LES. Ne.Hllcs, Cab, Sept. S.-A cloiulhurst has , converted the streets of Ncdles Into verl- ' table rivers. The water Ik fully three feet dei.p In the business strevts. Monohnn &- Murphy's cellar Is tilled with water mid' goml to the amount of I3.w,i have N-en ' destroy I. Phnlen's meat market has VEST MAKERS STRIKE. New York. Sept. S.Flvo thousand vest makers struck lod iy for higher wnste. I lair of the striker are wonii'ii. The rte- I Turkey, with ihe m.'mlie:' of the Amer mand la for an ndva-ice of 50 to 15 per , U l,n legation, was granted an audience by cut In the wage scale. HOYT RENOMINATED. IVnvcr, Sept. J. The republican state convention, to nominate a candidate for Judge of the supreme court, met In thl city today. The attendance was small, not much Interest being taken In the campaign this year. Hon. Charles P. Hoyt, Justice of Ihe supreme court, was re-nomlnnted by acclamation. He Is a silver rep ibllcan alternate. The other negro nominee, Run iitnl wh In nttend.iiice toilay at the silver !dy. is now under examination nt the acad republlcan convention ut tSlcnwood eniy. Springs, seeking a renomtnntlpii. NINE ltODIES RECOVERED. lilcnwood Sprlngx, S'pt. 3. An explos ion occurred this evening at the Sunshine coalmine. Nine bodies have already been recovered. The 'I I'niluris Arc Less in Xiimlitr and Amount of Liabilities. ACTIVITY WELL MAINTAINED Trcmesdoi locreitc it ttporti of Vhcit America! Wacit Will Not fill roreiijn Dcmiiad -t iport j Lanjcst oi Ktcotd. New York. BtpL 1 It. O. Dun U Com puny'a weekly review of trade will aay tomorrow: The fallurea durlna; Auguat w.?re aof lily 17 i r cent, lea than In Auicuat, lKaS, hut In amount of llahUltlea aer. "nt ",ri,lll,r- Ju'y anl Aug-uat ahow a larger avernge of lUMIItlea per failure than ha l.v,.r u.e knWn ,n uny year yf ey(n n . . . ,. . .juarter of the a yeir R. O. Dun Cx have kept rjuartcrly recorfl. Wheat continued Ha reaction unlil It haa to fallen 4 cent mor4-, but then it roae J i cent with the first revival of foreign buy j lug. W.tern receipt are very large. though not quit aa large aa a year ago, but the Atlantic expirta reached !.U,; buahela for the week, agalnut tl.fi laat year. Katlmale which commanJ iionfl- I niurn more ueceDine man tuuai tne demand for American wheat will be far In ex.iaa of the quantity which car. be apared. HRADSTREETS REPORT. Wen slackened by the lnibllltv to recure , l-rett flir V..4J.lu l,,K.ntll.. - .11. d.. . juuiv euiieviiuuji hi ltm.Iv lnnitml in i exports are tne largest on ' r,'oor''' wiIn ,wo exception. he secoini l....i . a . 1 " w"": a tne tourth week of August. 1S1. THK MARKETS. Halllmore. Sept. S HaJtlmore Si. lands 1. New York. Sept. 3. New York 1. Cincin nati 11; second game. New York 13. Cin cinnati 3. Rwton. Sept. 3 Roston 6. Chicago 3: second game. Roston 9. Chicago 1. CHIEF OF POLICE F1RE ! Denver. I't. 3 The lire and police ANGELT RECEIVED. Constantinople. Sept. 3. -Dr. Jas. B. An gelt. the new I'nitcd State minister to jlhe sultan today and pre.entel his credon i tlals. LOST HIS CHANCE. Washington, Sept. 3. One of the two ne groes nominated for cadelNhlp-4 at Annap olis has lost his chance of appointment. This Is J. Smith, of Chicago. Smith failed Io appear for examination lnu Wednes day and the nnvy department called his MCRDERER ARRESTED Hcppner. tre., Sept. 1 Sheriff E. L. Mattlock, of this county, yesterday ar rested a man calling himself H. A. ltrown. He Is supposed to be C.u Wanting, who ' murdered a ficrman nnmd J. D Ledrlck Hose, IIcnns.hrf dye: 15 cents n pair, at Only Store that Sells Cheap .ii.il l.i.ru 1 Ma hoily In i manure l ilt l.c !ai") I.Ik l.iirn ri'-.ir HilUixu . Or"Kin, In Hb ,'iiihw r ihi- d-a, -iotio;i In i'Vry piiril nl.tr anil t ll illff'Teit tor!- n wlitr hi? Iiu lived. Th -hi rIT of W'asih- lliiKloii county I expo.:' r-1 In thj morning ll will take the prlnonir lo Hlllnhoro, If l i- provfra to I th m n nnl d fiOLD IS NKW MKXICO. Denver. Hcpt. 3. A pclal to the Re-puhllr-un from Hanta F ays; From '.'ochlto cornea the newa toduy of an 1m liortutit free iroliJ atrlke In the I'uzzl" mine own'-d by T. Renaon. The Pay alreak la 12 Inch' wide and l full of free Kold. It la estimated that tho value la l!.tn pr to.i. The camp la celehratlna; the diaj-ovcry. AN ORECJOMAV DEAD Albany, Ore., Sept. J.-N. H. Allen, a prominent citizen of thl city Jied to-lay of neuralgia of the heart. He -wa the founder and plincipU owner of the electric light ayaiem. and lnteratc-J In many j !"tal Induvirle. HI age waa about li ! year. MINE EXPLOSION. ! j Cripple Creek, Colo., 3. pt. 1-An eplo- alon In the PorMind mine tonight dtairoy :e! a aectlon of the FIo.-ni.-e and Cripple Creek railroad trick and Infurel aeveral l people. PRIXCE LUIGI AND HIS MONOLOGUE the KESiiT oe Titir To stJt.iiT or ST. ELIAS INTERESTING. i Greatest Dilficalty That of Transporting roed rtotographs Takei aid Will h J Devaloped Liter - Gagii Eithasiastic. New York. Sept. 3. The Herald ays: Prince Luigl of Savoy, duke of Abruzzla, and nephew of the king of Italy, is at the Waldorf, having reached thl city after accomplishing the feat of climbing to the summit of Mount St. Ellas. Concerning his achievement Prince Luigl I very mod est. He has avoided conversing about the character of the work he and his party had to isrform before they arrived at the summit or the scientific facts he has add ed to the former knowledge of the moun tain. When he returms to Italy he will preixtre a monologue concerning his ex periences which will be. It Is said, of great value to that division of the Scien tific world Interested in the study of phenomena of great altitudes. This monologue will be accompanied by photographs which were taken by the party of various stages of the journey. Some of these, most notably those which were obtained at elevations of more than l.ia.ai feet, have no equals. It is said, in the world. The negatives are In the personal possession of the prince, who prizes them as the most valuable of his trophies of Mount St. Ellas. They will be developed In Italy and until then Prince Luigl de clines even to converse about them. Chevalier Cagnl was the prince's spokes man. He was enthusiastic over the ex pedition. When asked how his party had been received by the citizens of Seattle, he smiled as though the recollection was humorous. "Why," he said, "they received us with the utmost courtesy, but none of them believed we would succeed. So many had attempted the ascent, and abandoned it, you know. We were told of all kinds of dangers which we would certainly en counter, but we went ahead and suc ceeded. " ' Did you encounter any great dil!icul tlesr' "Frankly, no: the greatest was the ques tion of transportation of food. It was nec essary we Bhould take sufficient with us to assure our safety. It was essential to climbers that we should not be overbur dened. Yet every pound added to our equipment increased our danger. We were at last able to solve the difficulty and by good fortune did not suffer from hunger." ROILEK EXPLODES. Toronto, K insas, Sept. J. A boiler on the place of A. C. Cox, a prominent farmer, 7 miles north of here, explode! this after noon, killing two children of Mr. Cox and II. V. Carlisle, an engintv. and fatally injuring Mr. Cox. HIKES EXEMPT. Oakland. Sept. 3. Judg? i.ii Wrth has ruled that a bicycle Is personal property and exempt from execution If used by the owner In his dally businem EVANGELIM THE STAR BOARDER Receives .More Attention and More Callers Than Other 1'rlsoncrs. CAN WOVE IJERRIS' GUILT Mis Ccfvictioa, Certaii Bef.rc i Fair Coirl Says She Could Coiviice Geaerit Weyler If She Coald Obtala Aadieice. Near York, September 1 A a pedal to th. World from Havana aay.: A World correapondant went to Evangellna Cl.nero. In hor prison. Tues days, Thursdays and Saturday are irtalt Ing days tu the womana' Jail and the anteroom on these day la full of people from 12 to t p. ra., who have eome to eon dole with and bring good tiding to their relative and friend. When the World's correspondent asked to ae. Mia. Coado he waa allowed to pass through the out aide iron gate Into a .mall room with a stone floor, on one of the walls of which w at painted in large letter: "8alla de Jus- ' tic la." Evangellna waa aent for upstair) and while waiting the correspondent hud the opportunity to notice aome of the other women who were receiving visit. One was a weil-dresaed woman who had murdered her husband. Sitting next to her wan a good-looking woman who had been caught selling ammunition! and sup plies to the Inaurgenu. She waa a politi cal prisoner. Next to her wa a woman who kept a lodging house In Havana and bad rented a room to two men whom she did not know. While their baggage waa being moved Into the room the police seized two of their trunks and found arms and ammunition. The men escaped but the landlady was arrested. She knew nothing of the case, but was held respons ible, and is now waiting the result of the full and long lnvestlgatoln. A few minutes-after the arrival of the correi4nuH Evangelic cftiBtripplng . down the stairs and walked gracefully across the end of the courtyard and nut through the gate Into the reception room. She 1 beyond question pretty. She Is petite of figure and graceful tn all Her movements. Her manners are perfect ana her self-possession wonderfuL She said she could not make any statement on paper because her friends had told her not to. but she talked quite freely of ber hopes and fears and answered question seemingly without reserve. She did not receive her meals from the outside, she said, because she was afraid of treachery and preferred to be content with the rations of the Jail. There are eight or ten other women in this same big room. All looked clean and respectable and all were white women. One of them was a distinguished looking h.dy of about 50, wth Tiandsome gray hair. Some alleged political offense is the cause of herimprisonment. Evangellna is the most animated of all. She is the star Ixiardtr and recevea more attention ana has more visitors. She said that the let ters she received from Olonel Cerrls on the Island of Pines and which contain evi dence of his guilty Intention toward her were all sent by her friends to Austria and from there direct o Spain to the queen reuent. She says If they could be pro duced before a fair court his conviction would be certain. The colonel says thut he wrote her but one letter and that granted the permit to her futhere to trav el as a peddler. She would not describe the events of the night of July 26, 1S!5, further than to say that she knew Colonel Bern was com ing to her house that night, because his secretary had told her so. She opened the door wh?n he knockea. As tohow she was seized or by whom she would not say. She escaped from the house and was arrested the following morning and brought to Havana. She says that the greatest favor any one can do for her would be to secure for her an interview with General Weyler. She says: "I could convince him Tf he would only hear me." In government circles nothing has been heard from Madrid In connection with transferring her to a convent. Opinions differ as to whether such a change would le of beneilt. If her case Is let alone for a while she will be released and per haps ordered to leave the Island. Royal nukes tn food para, wholesome and dallcloo. FQVDER Absolutely Pure ' aoVM. amua. aooca eo.. saw vow. ml: